Y&R Transcript Friday 12/20/13
Episode # 10311 ~ Billy and Victoria plan for the holiday; Stitch urges Dylan to open up to Nikki.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Jack: Hey, Kyle, it's me. I'm calling to see what you found out while Victor was still at Summer's birthday party. I thought I'd hear from you by now. If there's any kind of a problem, give me a call. Hey.
Billy: Hey.
Jack: That for Summer?
Billy: Yes, it is.
Jack: Oh, that's nice. You didn't have to do that.
Billy: I didn’t. Victoria did. Sorry we didn't make the party.
Jack: I understand. I'm sure Summer does, too.
Billy: So, you making moves against Victor, huh?
Jack: When he forced me to sell Newman back to him this time, it cost me a fortune. He's not gonna have the last laugh.
Billy: I'm all for that. I'm surprised you're using your son to do it.
Noah: Simple question, Kyle. What are you doing here?
Kyle: My job. Now, if you'll excuse me...
Noah: I don't remember you going through my grandfather's desk as being part of your job description.
Kyle: The drawer was open. I was closing it.
Noah: That's not what it looked like.
Kyle: Yeah, well, that's what it was.
Noah: You're lying.
Nikki: Oh!
Victor: Let me help you.
Nikki: Thank you, Honey.
Victor: There you go.
Nikki: A lovely party. A nice way for the Abbotts and the Newmans to celebrate Summer's birthday.
Victor: Yeah. I don't think our granddaughter would agree. Did you see her -- her expression when she saw all of us together?
Nikki: Oh, I think she was more overwhelmed than anything else.
Victor: Who wouldn't be overwhelmed if they found out that Jack Abbott was their father?
Nikki: I think her emotional outburst was simply because she missed her mother. That's all.
Victor: All the more reason that she needs to stay with Nicholas, you know.
Nikki: I think he and Jack have done a very good job in a very difficult situation. Perhaps there's something we can learn from our son.
Nick: Sharon.
Sharon: Nicholas.
Jack: Kyle taking the job at Newman-Chancellor was his idea, not mine.
Billy: Oh, so your kid's steamrolling you now. You're going soft, Jack.
Jack: I didn't like the idea, but now it seems to be working out.
Billy: You sure Victor's not playing him? He could be giving him just enough rope.
Jack: Yeah, Victor's trying, but I know all of Victor's tricks.
Billy: Does Kyle?
Jack: He's learning.
Billy: Sounds risky to me, man.
Jack: Look, I needed someone on the inside, someone I could trust -- absolutely trust.
Billy: Well, that makes sense why you didn't ask me to do it.
Jack: No, I would never ask you to choose between your two families again. Ever again.
Billy: No, that didn't work out so well last time.
Jack: You got enough on your mind right now. Did you ever find out who set up that foundation in Delia’s name?
Billy: No, I did not. Kelly seems to think it's better for me to concentrate on all the good the charity's gonna do and not who financed it.
Jack: Kelly?
Billy: Yeah, she's a friend I met at grief support group. She works at GC Cares. That's the non-profit that's handling the startup of Delia’s charity.
Jack: Funny coincidence.
Billy: Not really. She started working there after her son died. She couldn't go back to teaching, you know. Didn't want to be around kids after she lost hers.
Jack: You seem to have gotten to know this Kelly pretty well.
Billy: Yeah. She's easy to talk to. Have a lot of common.
Jack: More than you and Victoria?
Victoria: Oh. Hey.
Stitch: Hey.
Victoria: Is this your home away from home?
Stitch: [Chuckles] More like my home away from work. I'm on a break.
Victoria: Wow. They don't have any coffee at the hospital?
Stitch: Yeah. But I took an oath to do no harm, including to myself.
Victoria: Wow. It's that bad, huh?
Stitch: [Chuckles] Lethal. How's Johnny? Were you able to get him in to see an allergist?
Victoria: Yeah. You know what? You were right. He was having, um, an allergic reaction to the material in his sweater.
Stitch: I'm glad that's all it was.
Victoria: Well, actually, the doctor said it would have been a lot worse if you hadn't have started him on that antihistamine when you did.
Stitch: Ah, you would have figured it out yourself.
Victoria: Yes, I definitely would have, because I was thinking so clearly and so rationally.
Stitch: [Chuckles]
Victoria: Oh, wait. No. That was you.
Stitch: I guess, uh, those qualities come in handy in my line of work, so...
Victoria: Yeah, and your previous line of work. Well, I heard what Dylan said about you at the Veterans Day celebration, and it sounded like you were a real hero in Afghanistan.
Stitch: I was just --
Victoria: I know. You were just doing your job.
Stitch: Yeah.
Victoria: Well, you know, Dylan was really lucky to have you by his side.
Chelsea: So, what are we celebrating?
Adam: A dinner with no crying.
Chelsea: Be serious.
Adam: I love the little guy, but he has amazing timing. He knows right when we're about to eat. It's uncanny.
Chelsea: Well, you said that all of our problems are behind us. We could celebrate...that. Dylan.
Dylan: How's Connor?
Chelsea: He's --
Adam: He's fine.
Chelsea: He's completely recovered from the surgery. The doctor said his vision is perfect.
Dylan: I'm glad to hear that.
Adam: Yeah, we appreciate your concern, but it really is no concern of yours.
Chelsea: Adam.
Adam: No, Chelsea. He has no connection to our son.
Dylan: [Sighs] It turns out, uh, you weren't the only one keeping things from me.
Chelsea: What do you mean?
Dylan: Nikki Newman kept the biggest secret of all.
Chelsea: What could she possibly be keeping from you?
Dylan: That she's my mother.
Victor: You can't very well compare Nicholas' situation with Summer to yours with McAvoy. Can't do that.
Nikki: He's dealing with the reality of his new circumstances.
Victor: And I'm not?
Nikki: You're angry, understandably. I should have told you about that baby years ago. I-I waited far too long.
Victor: Do you remember when we got remarried? You said we shouldn't do it unless we were completely honest with one another?
Nikki: Yes, I know I did.
Victor: Okay.
Nikki: I really wanted to tell you.
Victor: But you didn't tell me. You told Paul Williams, didn't you? You trusted him.
Nikki: [Sighs] If I could go back and change things, I would. But I can’t. All I can do is tell you how very sorry I am and... [Sighs] I just hope for the best for everybody that I love.
Victor: Including the McAvoy guy?
Nikki: He's made it very clear he wants nothing to do with me.
Victor: Really? For how long?
Nikki: What do you mean? You think he's gonna change his mind?
Victor: Baby, think about it. Once he finds out what you have to offer, he's gonna come to you.
Nikki: If you're talking about money, he has no interest.
Victor: Sweetheart, how the hell do you know? You don't even know the guy. All we know about him is that he kidnapped our grandson and he ruined Nicholas' engagement.
Nikki: Avery is responsible for Nicholas being stood up at the altar.
Victor: Listen, Sweetheart, anyone who hurts our family will not become part of it.
Victoria: Can I get a dozen of those? Thank you. You know, Johnny loves the Christmas cookies here.
Stitch: Little known fact -- a good cookie can cure just about any ailment.
Victoria: Really?
Stitch: Mm-hmm. Best medicine there is. Chocolate chip, sugar, peanut butter, even a snickerdoodle.
Victoria: I just find that so hard to believe.
Stitch: Well, you have to believe me. I'm a doctor.
Victoria: I'm beginning to worry about that a little bit.
Stitch: Ah.
Victoria: [Chuckles] So, you were a medic in the army, and now you're a doctor.
Stitch: Oh, no. You starting to doubt my credentials because of the cookie thing?
Victoria: No, not at all. I just think that it's lucky you seem to have transitioned back into civilian life pretty easily.
Stitch: I've had my share of road blocks.
Victoria: But you're still doing what you were trained to do. You're saving lives. Must feel good every time you do that.
Stitch: It does, but it doesn't make up for the ones that were lost.
Victoria: Well... you seem to be dealing with it better than others.
Stitch: You mean Dylan.
Victoria: Wh-- I-I'm sorry. No, I-I didn't mean to --
Stitch: Use me to get insight to your brother?
Victoria: [Chuckles] No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put you on the spot. It's just that, you know, I don't really have anybody to talk to about all of that. Come on. There must be something that you can tell me about him.
Billy: I know what you're getting at, Jack.
Jack: Listen to me. I have some idea what I'm talking about here. When Cassie died, Nick's life spun out of control, too. I saw the results up close. Sharon was just as devastated by Cassie’s death. He turned to Phyllis, not --
Billy: Okay, okay. Please stop. This has nothing to do with that. Victoria is well aware of my friendship with Kelly. It's not like I'm running around cheating on my wife, Jack.
Jack: You're just shutting her out.
Billy: She understands that I need somebody that I can -- I can talk to.
Jack: Talk to about what?
Billy: About how much I love my daughter. About how my house is quiet now that she's not here. How I'm forgetting things. I'm losing memories of my own kid. I'm not gonna get them back. She understands that.
Jack: Victoria understands all that.
Billy: It's different, Jack. It's just different, man.
Jack: You don't think Victoria loved Delia any less than you did?
Billy: No, of course not. She's -- she's -- she's grieving, but in a different way, and it's good, because she's able to get past the pain, and she's there for our kid. He's got a normal life, and I'm still stuck in this...
Jack: Billy, she understands your grief, too.
Billy: I know, Jack.
Jack: So talk to her!
Billy: It's like she's trying so hard to keep this family together, and I feel like if I just unload on her, it's not smart, man. It's too much of a burden.
Jack: And yet you're perfectly comfortable spilling your guts to this woman you've just met?
Billy: Yes, I am, because it doesn't matter what I say to "This woman." I can unload all this emotional garbage on to her, and then I can walk away and go home to my wife and my son. I can be a father, I can be a husband just like they deserve.
Jack: Billy, all this sounds great. But this can't be good for your marriage.
Billy: Ironically... Kelly seems to be the thing that's holding my marriage together, Jack.
Nick: I'm -- I'm sorry.
Sharon: I -- no. There's no need to apologize.
Nick: Yeah, but I should not have, uh, done that.
Sharon: Uh... look, no, I-I...I get it. It's fine. It's just something that happened.
Nick: Yeah, I'm -- I'm glad you understand.
Sharon: Of course. Oh, yeah, it doesn't mean anything. [Chuckles] I know how you get when you take the trash out.
Nick: Yep. That always gets my engine going. [Chuckles]
Sharon: [Chuckles]
Nick: I really don't know what I was thinking, and I'm sorry.
Sharon: Uh, no! Look, there's no need for apologies. We just...we got caught up in the moment, and we kissed, and, um...it doesn't mean anything.
Nick: Yeah, 'cause we're just friends.
Sharon: Right. We're friends with no benefits. So, no weirdness.
Nick: None.
Sharon: Good.
Nick: Good. I mean, it's not like we've never kissed before.
Sharon: Yeah. Hundreds of times. I mean, that's old news.
Nick: Almost boring.
Sharon: Totally.
Nick: [Chuckles] [Sighs] I'm gonna take the trash out.
Sharon: Okay. I'm gonna put the glasses back.
Kyle: Get out of my way, Noah.
Noah: Not until you tell me what you're doing here.
Kyle: You really are threatened by me, aren't you?
Noah: What were you looking for in my grandfather's desk?
Kyle: A piece of paper. I wanted to leave him a message.
Noah: Newman-Chancellor's a billion-dollar corporation with state-of-the-art communications technology, and you were handwriting him a note?
Kyle: I like to keep things personal. Besides, I was in a hurry.
Noah: Yeah, you barely had time to wish Summer happy birthday before you cut out of her party.
Kyle: [Scoffs] Keeping tabs on me now, man?
Noah: You know, I would have thought that making this day special for Summer was more important than you rushing out and scoring points with the boss, but I guess all that "Us not competing" was just bull.
Kyle: Yeah, I guess so, because here you are spying on me, trying to prove to Victor that you're more loyal to him than I am.
Noah: I don't have anything to prove. Grandpa knows he can trust me.
Kyle: [Scoffs]
Nikki: What's this?
Victor: Insurance policy.
Nikki: Insurance policy?
Victor: Yeah.
Nikki: This is my will. And you've deleted Dylan.
Victor: He should never have been added in the first place. I had it redrafted, so just sign it, okay?
Nikki: I can't believe it. You had no right to do that!
Victor: You had no right to include that guy, okay? He shouldn't be treated as we treat our other children.
Nikki: Why not?! He's my son!
Victor: I don't give a damn whether he is your son or not.
Nikki: I know you don’t.
Victor: Now... with him removed from your will, we will never question his motives, now, will we? That should give you some reassurance.
[Door opens]
Chelsea: You're Nikki’s son? But how? Your parents are --
Dylan: Not my biological parents. I was adopted.
Chelsea: I didn't know that.
Dylan: I didn't, either. My dad didn't even know.
Adam: Wow. Mother lied to both of you?
Chelsea: Adam, please.
Adam: No, no, no, no, no. I've been there. My mother lied to me about my father. And, look, I was the interloper. I know what it's like with that family, so fasten your seat belt. It's a rough ride.
Dylan: I don't need your advice.
Adam: Well, good luck. It's a pit of vipers.
Dylan: I don't need it. I have no interest in being in the Newman family. I'll see you around.
Adam: That was enlightening.
Chelsea: [ Scoffs ] I was gonna go with "Shocking."
Adam: No, I mean the two of you. It was interesting, the exchange there.
Kyle: You really have no clue when it comes to business, Noah.
Noah: And you don't know a damn thing about my grandfather.
Kyle: I know that he's a businessman first, that he hires people he can count on, who will help his company grow. Smart, creative, talented people.
Noah: That he can trust.
Kyle: Victor knows he can trust me, otherwise I wouldn't even be here.
Noah: The only reason why you're here is your last name is Abbott.
Kyle: I think you're a little confused on how nepotism works.
Noah: And you're an idiot if you don't see that my grandpa hired you to stick it to your dad.
Kyle: Oh, the same way he hired you to stick it to yours?
[Door closes]
Victor: Assumptions are ill-advised, Boys.
Noah: [Sighs]
Victor: That's why I like to deal in facts, okay? Kyle, you are here because you're bright and ambitious and you don't mind stepping beyond your comfort zone. I appreciate that. You, Noah, are here because you are loyal to me and my company, and you're a very hard worker, and I appreciate that, okay? Now, did your last names help you get your foot in the door? You bet. You both are gonna have to work twice as hard to prove that you have reason to stay here. Starting right now, okay?
Nick: Are you taking off?
Sharon: Yeah, it looks like we're done here. Unless you need me for something else.
Nick: Uh...no, I think we're good.
Sharon: [Clears throat] Okay, I'm just -- I'm gonna get going. Abby's taking Faith to see the window displays at Fenmore's after they're done tree shopping. I want to get some presents wrapped before she comes back.
Nick: Yeah. I should do that, too.
Sharon: All right. See you later.
Nick: Sharon? It's weird, right?
Sharon: You're right. It is.
Nick: I'm really sorry. I never should have...kissed you. And, you know, you've been doing so well trying to get your life back on track. And for me to kiss you like that, it...
Sharon: Well, you've been under a lot of stress lately with everything that happened with Avery and Dylan.
Nick: Yeah, but I can't lean on you.
Sharon: How many times have I leaned on you?
Nick: Yeah, but I don't want to give you mixed signals. You know, I was the one who told you that we can't be anything more than friends.
Sharon: Friends understand when someone else makes a mistake.
Nick: So, then we're good?
Sharon: I'm your friend, and I hope you'll always be mine.
Stitch: [Laughs]
Victoria: That did not really happen.
Stitch: All true. Well, mostly true, anyway, I swear.
Victoria: Okay.
Dylan: [Chuckling] Hey. What's, uh, what's going on here?
Stitch: Victoria and I were just talking.
Dylan: Really? About what?
Victoria: Well, he was just telling me how you two met.
Dylan: Oh, that's -- really? The camel story again?
Stitch: It never gets old.
Dylan: Wow. Did he tell you that I had a lot of gear on? I, you know, kind of lost my balance? Did he say anything about that?
Stitch: Went ass over tea kettle. But I got to give him credit. He stuck the landing. Right on his chin.
Dylan: Man, you need to get some new material.
Stitch: Come on, man. It's funny.
Dylan: Yeah, funny. Almost as funny as that, uh, story about you getting stung by a scorpion. You want to talk about that one?
Victoria: Ow! That doesn't sound funny.
Stitch: Yeah, it wasn’t. And I'm sure Victoria doesn't want to hear it.
Victoria: No, I do. I want to hear it.
Dylan: Well, you should have seen our big, brave medic here running out of the tent screaming [Chuckling] Like a girl.
Victoria: You were okay, right?
Stitch: I was fine. My buddies set me up, taped the whole thing, and then posted it on Viewclick.
Victoria: Oh, so there was no scorpion. Aww, that is so mean.
Dylan: No, it's not. He deserved it. He stole Sully's last cookie out of his private stash.
Victoria: [Laughs]
Stitch: Worth every ounce of humiliation.
Victoria: What is it with you and cookies, anyway?
Stitch: I can't resist. Chocolate chip peanut butter, homemade by sully's mom?
Dylan: That's true. When Mrs. Sullivan heard about what happened, she would, uh, send Stitch a care package of his own.
Stitch: Still does every Christmas.
Victoria: Hmm. How does Sully feel about that?
Stitch: I'm sure he'd be fine with it, knowing that his mom found a way to celebrate without him.
Victoria: Oh, my gosh. I'm sorry. I didn't realize. I know the holidays can be so hard, especially Christmas.
Dylan: Yeah. I'm sorry. I know it's gonna be a-a rough one for Billy.
Victoria: Yeah, every day's rough for Billy, but you know what? He's doing better. He's still going to group. It helps having someone to talk to.
Jack: Billy, listen to me. This can only end badly.
Billy: Jack... you have no idea what I'm going through here, so just...
Jack: I have some idea where you've been, where Victoria found you -- in the gutter, literally. She helped pull you out. She helped build your strength. She helped you build a family against all odds. Do you really want to throw all that away?
Billy: Jack... I'm trying to hold on to what we have here, and I've got just a thread left, so do me a favor and back off and just give me a break.
Jack: I do have some idea what you're dealing with. Phyllis pulled me back from the edge. She was the strong one, like Victoria. If you need someone, make it your wife.
Billy: I just can’t.
Jack: Then make it me. Or Traci. Or Ashley.
Billy: Hey, Jack, back off from me, please? Look, man, I'm -- I'm sorry. I appreciate you. I appreciate everything you've done. I appreciate the family. But right now... I need somebody outside of this family.
Jack: Billy, listen. Just -- just listen to me. I know you lost a lot. I know that. And I am so sorry. Stay on this path... you could lose everything.
Billy: [Scoffs]
Victor: To be honest with you, I have some questions about some of the subsidiaries that we acquired when I merged Newman Enterprises with Chancellor Industries. I want you both to take a close look at them and tell me which ones you think are worth keeping and which ones we should jettison, all right?
Kyle: So, you want us to assess the viability of each company?
Victor: You got it. There's a prospectus on each one of these companies in that folder. If you need further information, just access the internet, okay?
Kyle: Any particular entity that you're worried about?
Victor: Yeah, Bonaventure Industries.
Kyle: The bio-tech company?
Victor: Yep.
Noah: You already asked me to work on that, Grandpa.
Victor: Well, now you'll both be working on it, all right? Kyle, you investigate the financials. And you, Noah, look at the products and services, okay?
Noah: [Sighs]
Victor: Cross-reference with each other to make sure you've covered everything, clear? Any questions?
Kyle: Not from me.
Victor: Noah?
Noah: I'm good.
Victor: All right, Boys. Let's get to work.
[Door opens]
Dylan: [Sighs] Here you go. But they're not as good as Sully's mom’s.
Stitch: Ah.
Victoria: Oh, thank you. I'm sure that Johnny’s gonna love them. Um...maybe you should come by and say hi to Billy. He'd like that.
Dylan: Yeah. Yeah. I'll try to do that.
Victoria: Okay. Thank you for everything.
Stitch: Glad I could help.
Victoria: Yeah. Well, me, too. Okay.
Dylan: Hey! What -- what was that?
Stitch: I was there when her son had an allergic reaction. I helped it get under control.
Dylan: For that, you get a hug?
Stitch: [Chuckles] One of the perks of being a doctor, man.
Dylan: Well, I thought maybe it was the camel story that made her so grateful.
Stitch: She wanted to know about her brother.
Dylan: Yeah, well, I'd rather she didn't know.
Stitch: It was one dumb story, Mac.
Dylan: Yeah, it was one too many.
Stitch: I'll leave the rest up to you.
Dylan: Yeah. Hey, were you -- were you serious when you said Sully's mom sent you cookies every year?
Stitch: Yeah, and don't steal any if they show up when I'm not there.
Dylan: Why would they be coming here? You're not going home for Christmas?
Stitch: I'm low man on the totem pole at the hospital, Dude. Pulled a double shift.
Dylan: What about Jenna and Max?
Stitch: They're gonna spend the day with her parents, so...
Dylan: Working on Christmas. That sucks.
Stitch: How come you're doing it? You're the boss.
Dylan: [Sighs] Well, lots of people don't have anybody to spend Christmas with. Need a place to go.
Stitch: Including you?
Chelsea: You think I'm conning you?
Adam: What's that?
Chelsea: What I've done my whole life. Scammed people, lied, cheated, did whatever I had to do to get what I wanted. [Sighs] It's hard to trust somebody like that. Especially with your heart.
Adam: You are one of the few people who actually believes I have one.
Chelsea: Well, it's not gonna happen. I'm not conning you.
Adam: Well, you can't predict the future. You never know what could happen. Things just happen.
Chelsea: You're right. That's what I'm saying. Look at us, Adam. Look at Connor. He can see. [Laughs] I mean, did you ever imagine that things would turn out like this? We have spent so much of our lives, the two of us, both of us, thinking that we didn't deserve to be happy. We do, Adam. You do. You deserve to be happy.
Adam: [Sighs]
Sharon: There are going to be doubters, you know, people who think that we can't just be friends or that we shouldn't be.
Nick: Well, we've never listened to them before.
Sharon: That's true. But, um, kissing is out. I mean, we know that it doesn't mean anything, but we don't want to give other people the wrong idea, like Faith.
Nick: Yeah. No more kissing. Cross my heart.
Sharon: Maybe we should leave our hearts out of this.
Nick: [Chuckles] Yeah.
[Cell phone chimes]
Nick: Uh-oh.
Sharon: What?
Nick: Abby apologies profusely, but she had to go back to work, so she's dropping Faith off.
Sharon: When? Faith, Sweetie, what are you doing here? What happened?
Faith: The Christmas trees were all sold out!
Sharon: Oh, no! You know what? I think I heard something about a shortage this year.
Nick: No Christmas tree? What are we gonna do? I mean, we may have to cancel Christmas. Where are we supposed to put all of our presents at the tack house?
Faith: We can celebrate Christmas with mommy.
Stitch: [Sighs] You know, you don't have to spend Christmas by yourself. I'm sure Avery would love to spend the day with you.
Dylan: [Scoffs] Don't you have some patients to take care of, Stitch?
Stitch: What about Victoria?
Dylan: Victoria and Billy, I-I don't think they're up for a celebration this year.
Stitch: Nikki, then.
Dylan: Nikki? Why don't you just drop it? Drop it.
Stitch: [Sighs] Why do you have to be so stubborn?
Dylan: Why are you pushing this?
Stitch: Because they're your family.
Dylan: No, they're not my family, no matter what a DNA test says. No.
Stitch: Oh, so you're one of those guys that doesn't believe in science?
Dylan: Penny McAvoy is my mom. Nikki Newman is a stranger to me.
Stitch: She doesn't have to be.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Nikki: Hi. Um... do you have a minute?
Dylan: You know what? I'm kind of busy.
Nikki: Oh, this won't take very long.
[Door opens]
Victoria: Hi.
Billy: Hey.
[Door closes]
Victoria: Um, is everything okay?
[Keys thud]
Billy: Yeah. It's, uh... [Clears throat] You know what? Close your eyes.
Victoria: Why? What? What's going on?
Billy: I've got a surprise for you. Close your eyes. When -- when people say "Close your eyes," it usually is a surprise.
Victoria: I don't know. I'm closing my eyes.
Billy: Perfect. Okay. Wait right here. Close your eyes.
Victoria: They're closed. You should hurry, because I'm not really that good at the suspense thing.
Billy: Well, all right. Keep them closed.
Victoria: They're closed.
Billy: Doing a great job. I'm very proud of you.
[Door closes]
Victoria: Thank you.
Billy: [Chuckles]
Victoria: Can I open them now?
Billy: And... [Claps hands] ...Open them.
Victoria: Wow. Um... it's, uh...
Billy: It's small. I know. And -- and it's crooked. But this close to Christmas, there aren't a lot of options. Actually, that's -- that's the option, so... look, I know it doesn't look like much. I don't even think it qualifies as a tree, but it's here, and we got a tree --
Victoria: It's perfect. I love it.
Nick: All right, Sweetheart. Now, you know I was just kidding, right, about canceling Christmas? I mean, even if we don't have a tree, we can still decorate the house.
Sharon: Yeah, you could put lights and tinsel on that big potted plant you have.
Nick: Santa might leave you a few extra presents 'cause we're so original.
Faith: It won't be the same without a tree.
Nick: Hmm. All right. Ooh! [Snaps fingers] We'll go chop one down. I'll get an axe. We'll go out on the ranch, and we'll just take one down. It'll be fun.
Faith: Why can't we have Christmas with mommy?
Nick: Um, well, because...
Sharon: Because, um... well, I-I can't really think of a reason. I mean, your daddy and I are friends, and friends do see each other for the holidays.
Nick: Well, that's true. I mean, we did spend thanksgiving together.
Sharon: Why not Christmas?
Faith: Yay!
Sharon: [Chuckles]
Nick: [Chuckles]
Dylan: What did you want to talk to me about?
Nikki: I'm not here to pressure you. I just wanted to leave this for you.
Dylan: I-I really don't want anything from you.
Nikki: Please -- please just read it.
[Folder, papers rustling]
Dylan: What is this?
Nikki: It's an addendum to my will making you one of my heirs.
Dylan: Why would you do that?
Nikki: Because you're my son. I'm going to treat you the same way I treat my other children.
[Knock on door]
Victor: Yeah? Noah! You finished with your research already?
Noah: No, uh... I wanted to talk to you about something, something I think that you should look into.
Victor: What's that?
Noah: Kyle.
Victor: What about Kyle?
Jack: Damn it, Kyle. How'd you let that happen?
Kyle: Noah can't prove anything.
Jack: Yeah, but he can raise Victor's suspicions.
Kyle: Dad, I have got this.
Jack: You know what? We got to get you out of there.
Kyle: Absolutely not!
Jack: If Victor is on to you, you can't possibly get the information we need on Bonaventure.
Kyle: That is not gonna be a problem.
Jack: How so?
Kyle: Victor asked Noah and me to research all recently acquired subsidiaries, starting with Bonaventure.
Jack: Hard to believe that's not a coincidence.
Chelsea: You have to stop.
Adam: Stop what?
Chelsea: Waiting for a karmic atom bomb to fall on you. It's not gonna happen.
Adam: And you know this how?
Chelsea: There's always fallout from that kind of explosion. And I don't think the universe would be cruel enough to punish Connor and me for your sins, real or imagined.
Adam: The last thing I want is to hurt the two of you.
Chelsea: Then focus on us being a family, being happy.
Adam: I want that.
Chelsea: But?
Adam: Guys like me, we don't get fairytale endings, not after the things I've done.
Chelsea: Nobody's perfect, Adam.
Adam: If you had any idea how not perfect I am.
Chelsea: I love you. Nothing's going to change that.
Billy: What do you think?
Victoria: I think Charlie Brown would have been proud.
Billy: [Laughs] Yeah, probably. What's next?
Victoria: Well... I think we have to rule out a tree topper.
Billy: I think you're right. How about an ornament?
Victoria: Oh, yeah. That's a really good idea.
Billy: Does that work? Um... it's a little small and glittery.
Victoria: Okay.
Billy: Doesn't really fit the whole thing. Got anything else in there?
Victoria: Um... this?
Billy: [Laughs] Maybe not. Let me see what we got. [Groans] Oh! Hey. This is perfect.
Victoria: Are you sure?
Billy: [Chuckles] I am sure. [Clears throat] Dee Dee would have loved that.
Victoria: Yeah, she would have. We're gonna get through this, Billy. You know that.
Billy: Yeah, I know, Baby.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Summer: I know that Fen's guilty.
Michael: Why would you say that?
Summer: Because he told me that he pulled the trigger.
Victor: Did you urge my wife to rip up the changes that I made to her will?
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