Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/19/13

Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/19/13


Episode # 10310 ~ Nikki and Sharon reach common ground; unexpected misfortune upsets Devon.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Jack: It was a great idea you had.

Hilary: It was your idea. I just provided the inspiration.

Kyle: [Chuckles] Oh, man. Are all of those for Summer?

Jack: A gift for every birthday of her life that I missed out on.

Kyle: That's excellent. How are you, Hilary?

Hilary: Good, Kyle.

Kyle: You know, it's gonna take Summer her entire surprise party to open up all of these.

Jack: Oh, no, I'm gonna send these to her. We can't have crying at her party. No tears -- meaning mine.

Kyle: It's a good idea. Try not to embarrass your kid at the party -- meaning me.

Jack: I'll try to contain myself.

Kyle: You know, I wanted to say I think it's extremely cool of you to let Nick host this thing.

Jack: Nick and I both want what's best for Summer.

Kyle: Hold that thought.

Jack: Meaning what?

Kyle: Meaning I don't doubt that you and Nick can play nice in the sandbox. The question is, can you and Victor?

Victor: You know... I'm sorry Victoria won't be with us today.

Nikki: I know. [Sighs] This party was put together so quickly. Johnny already had that doctor's appointment today, so...

Victor: I love every opportunity to be with my children, you know?

Nikki: Can you do me a favor?

Victor: What?

Nikki: Let's not have another go around at Dylan today. I'm just grateful that we have a family event that we can celebrate together.

Victor: Okay. But some people don't belong in this family.

Nick: Here we go.

Sharon: I like it.

Nick: It looks terrific.

Sharon: You always do a good job on the sign.

Nick: Well, sign-making is my specialty.

Nikki: I was talking about Dylan. I don't want to talk about Dylan today.

Victor: Dylan is not the usurper here.

Nikki: Well, what now?

Neil: If you would have called me earlier, you wouldn't have spent the night in jail. You realize that, right?

Devon: Dad, I didn't think that I'd get locked up in the first place. I thought I'd come down here and flash my I.D. and the cops would realize they arrested the wrong person.

Neil: Hold on. Wait. They think that you trashed a hotel room in Vegas?

Devon: Yes. And dodged the bill. It's ridiculous.

Leslie: You should have called me immediately, Devon. You're lucky we were able to arrange bail before they extradited you back to Nevada.

Devon: Back to Vegas? Leslie, I was never there.

Leslie: According to the evidence, you were.

Fenmore: What are we gonna do?

Michael: Ride it out.

Fenmore: When Paul asked me how my sober chip ended up in your pocket after Carmine was killed, I told him a completely different story than you did.

Lauren: He never led on that he already heard your father's version.

Fenmore: I mean, I should have thought about that. I just -- I --

Lauren: He tricked him. Paul blindsided Fen.

Michael: Paul was just doing his job. He was just doing his job, and actually he was doing it quite well.

Fenmore: Yeah, well, now he knows we were lying.

Michael: That is something he always suspected. This is no cause for panic.

Lauren: Are you kidding me? They could arrest him for killing Carmine.

Michael: Fenmore already admitted that he was under the influence that night. So, he was confused and possibly not remembering correctly what he did with his sober chip or how it got into my pocket.

Fenmore: But we know how it got there, Dad. I dropped it. You picked it up to cover for me.

Michael: Fortunately, even if you and I misspoke while being questioned by the chief of police, there is no evidence of wrongdoing.

Fenmore: [Scoffs]

Christine: [ Sighs ] You have been staring at that chip since last night. Is it telling you anything different today?

Paul: Tells me the same story -- that Carmine's blood is on the chip, and Michael obviously picked it up in the alley after Carmine was killed. But, no. It does not tell me who dropped the chip or who pulled the trigger on the fatal shot. But...I found something else that will. When Fen confessed to the shooting to cover for the real killer, or so he thought at the time, I asked Lauren to voluntarily turn over the clothing Fen was wearing the night of the murder.

Christine: And did she?

Paul: She said she couldn't, because Fen went directly back to rehab, wearing the same suit he had on during her award ceremony.

Christine: And because the case was officially closed, you couldn't get a warrant to have the clothes turned over.

Paul: Right, but now the case is wide open.

Christine: You filed a warrant for the suit?

Paul: I did, and it turns out it's still at the rehab center.

Christine: How did that happen?

Paul: I guess Fen forgot to take it with him.

Christine: Was it cleaned?

Paul: It's been zipped away in a suit bag ever since Fen took it off that night.

Christine: Which means it's been sealed from any contamination.

Paul: Exactly. So, I sent it to the lab and put a rush on it. But if there are any traces of blood splatter on it --

Christine: It places Fen at the scene. And if there's any gunshot residue...

Paul: It places the murder weapon in Fen's hand.

Fenmore: Paul won't drop this.

Michael: Yes, Son. You are right. Paul will continue to investigate...

Fenmore: And if he does --

Michael: ...Without results. And in time, the case will go cold.

Lauren: Oh, and how can you be so sure?

Michael: If I were still the district attorney, I would never even pursue a case with so little evidence.

Lauren: But you're not. Paul's wife is the D.A., and do you think that she's --

Michael: And as a defense attorney, if my client were charged on the basis of what little they've got, it would be the easiest case I ever won. Christine knows that. She knows she has no evidence. She has no case.

Fenmore: Really?

Michael: I am absolutely certain, Son.

Lauren: Okay, let's just put this aside and do something fun as a family, okay?

Fenmore: Like what?

Lauren: Decorating for Christmas.

Fenmore: [Sighs] Oh, God.

Michael: Hey, hey! That sounds great to me! Don't you think it could take your mind off this, Fenmore?

Lauren: Didn't you say something about Summer's party?

Fenmore: At the Underground.

Lauren: Yeah, why don't you go?

Fenmore: And do what, Mom? Pretend like everything is okay? I can't do that.

Michael: What else? What else can I do?

Fenmore: Dad, even if everything happens like you said and the case goes cold, it is never going to be closed.

Lauren: But you will not be in prison, and you will live a normal life.

Fenmore: The cops are gonna continue to be after me for this case. Nothing is ever gonna be normal again.

[Door opens, footsteps]

Both: Happy birthday!

Summer: Could you keep it down, please?

Courtney: Oh, come on! I'm just trying to make up for being such a crummy friend lately.

Summer: Yeah, by announcing that it's my birthday?

Noah: And by helping you celebrate.

Summer: Thank you, Noah and Court. I'm just -- I'm really wiped. I kind of want some down time.

Noah: Unacceptable.

Courtney: We made plans.

Summer: Oh, what kind of plans?

Noah: Bowling.

Summer: [Laughs] Oh, bowling? Bowling?

Noah: Yeah.

Courtney: Summer, it's gonna be fun. Come on.

Summer: You're being serious.

Both: Yeah.

Summer: Oh, and if I refuse to ever leave this spot?

Noah: Uh, we burst into song.

Both: And a-one, and a-two, and --

Summer: Please, please, please, wait. Don't sing. Please. Okay, I will -- I will go with you guys to the bowling alley.

Courtney: Mm-hmm.

Noah: Great.

Summer: If you both solemnly swear that you will not announce that it's my birthday. Really, guys, please. I am just so not in the mood to have a room full of people making me the center of attention.

Hilary: Well, enjoy the party.

Jack: Wait, wait. You know what? I've been thinking. You should come.

Hilary: Oh. I don't really know Summer, and it's mostly family.

Kyle: That's nonsense. All her friends are gonna be there.

Jack: I'd feel a whole lot less guilty after you spent all this time on working on these presents.

Kyle: Just come, have a drink, eat cake. How can you turn down free cake?

Hilary: I, uh, I can’t. Okay. I'll see you there.

Jack: Great. Thanks again.

Hilary: Anytime.

Jack: She's an attractive woman. You're a single guy.

Kyle: And I am happily playing the field.

Jack: You know what? Playing the field can be pretty lonely sometimes.

Kyle: Well, I just haven't met anyone that I like spending that much time with since, uh...

Jack: Since Summer.

Kyle: My sister. Yeah. We don't see each other that often, but when we do, it's as friends.

Jack: But seeing each other at the party today, that won't make you uncomfortable, will it?

Kyle: The only thing that might make me uncomfortable is knowing you and Victor are in the same room, and I'm working for one and spying for the other.

Abby: Hi, Daddy!

Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.

Abby: How are you?

Victor: Thank you. I'm fine.

Abby: Good to see you. You remember Tyler, right?

Tyler: Hello.

Nikki: Oh, yes. Of course. Hi. How are you? Excuse me just a minute.

Abby: Okay.

Tyler: Good to see you, Mr. Newman.

Victor: Is Neil keeping you busy over there? Because if he's not --

Abby: Oh, my gosh. Are you trying to woo Tyler over to Newman-Chancellor?

Nick: And hope that Abby follows you? Hey, Sis.

Abby: Hey.

Nick: Tyler, I'd offer you a drink, but, as usual, my bartender is late.

Abby: [Laughs]

Mason: Here! Here! Nick! I'm here.

Nick: There he is.

Victor: There he is.

Nikki: I'm a little surprised to see you at a party for Summer.

Sharon: Well, Nick thought Summer might like it if I were here. I'm working with her now. Plus Summer still thinks of Faith as her sister. But if you're going to lay into me, Nikki --

Nikki: Actually, I would like to thank you.

Sharon: Oh?

Nikki: For being a friend to my son.

Victor: So, what were you and Sharon talking about over there?

Nick: Oh, we were just, uh, remembering an old Noah birthday. It was funny.

Victor: Yeah?

Nick: Yeah.

Victor: This is Summer's day, you know.

Nick: Yes. Summer really likes Sharon, Dad. She's a guest of mine today.

Victor: Uh-huh. If you don't mind my saying so, Son, she's working her way back into her life, you know.

Nick: It's not a problem.

Victor: Well, try to prevent it from becoming a problem. Because if you don't, I shall.

Michael: Yeah, well... some things have changed. Not everything. We're still family. We still have each other. Hey, we stay strong. We stay together. We maintain your innocence. If they had solid evidence, you would have been arrested.

Fenmore: Wouldn't you be looking over your shoulder if you were me?

Lauren: Okay, Honey. You know... your dad and I have worked so hard to protect you. And now your job is to enjoy your freedom and live your life. Can't you at least try to do that?

Fenmore: Yeah. I can. I can try.

Lauren: Good.

Michael: Wow.

Lauren: [Chuckles]

Michael: That's it? Done? No argument?

Fenmore: I've got to believe this is gonna turn out okay.

Michael: You keep thinking like that, we'll get through this.

Fenmore: Maybe I will head over to Summer's party.

Lauren: That's good!

Fenmore: Yeah.

Lauren: Good!

Fenmore: I'll go there. I love you, Mom.

Lauren: I love you so much, Baby.

Fenmore: And you. [Chuckles] I love you, Dad.

Lauren: [Chuckles]

Michael: I know. Okay. Good.

Fenmore: All right. Later.

Lauren: Have a good time.

Michael: Bye.

Lauren: [Sighs] You...are not as confident as you sounded, are you?

Sharon: You are actually giving your blessing to a friendship with Nicholas?

Nikki: I was talking about my other son.

Sharon: Oh.

Nikki: Faith tells me that Dylan is your friend... and Faith’s.

Sharon: Well, I haven't yet explained to her how he is actually her uncle.

Nikki: But you've continued to let him be in her life, and I appreciate that.

Sharon: He's a nice man. And I've asked Dylan and Nick to lay down their swords, but they're both incredibly stubborn, just like --

Nikki: Brothers?

Sharon: Well, I'm not gonna take sides.

Nikki: Well, that's good. And even though it may seem like we are bonding at the moment, my opinion of you has not changed, Sharon.

Sharon: Well, back at you, Nikki.

Nick: You know, Dad, at first I was just a little annoyed, the way you keep taking swipes at the mother of my children. But I'm warning you for the last time, you got to stop.

Jack: Gentlemen! Nick, the place looks great.

Nick: Thank you, Jack, and thanks again for letting me have Summer's party here.

Victor: How decent of you, Jack. Hello, Kyle.

Kyle: Victor.

Victor: You know, your son is a very committed, hard-working fellow.

Jack: I'm well aware. I wish he was still at Jabot.

Victor: I'm sure you do.

Leslie: So, I've arranged for a fellow attorney in Nevada to appear in court on your behalf. Now, since it's a misdemeanor, you won't have to return to Las Vegas for trial.

Devon: Leslie, I can't return someplace that I've never been.

Neil: That is clear, Son, to both of us. Have you been informed of the evidence?

Devon: They said something about my credit card.

Leslie: Yeah, your card was used at a bar and at a club there.

Devon: And how could that have happened?

Neil: Well, receipts were signed with your signature, reservation was made in your name.

Devon: So, obviously, someone has stolen my identity, then.

Leslie: The hotel claims they have video of you gambling in the casino.

Devon: Well, that's great. 'Cause that'll prove that it wasn't me, and whoever's running around impersonating me won't get away with it.

Mason: What's your poison?

Hilary: I'll just have a club soda.

Mason: So, how'd you score an invite to this party?

Hilary: My employer is the birthday girl's father.

Mason: Mm. The job, obviously, is going well for you.

Hilary: Says the man wearing another expensive watch. Takes a hell of a lot of tips to afford those.

Mason: It was my last big purchase with my modeling money.

Hilary: We were together then. I've never seen that watch.

Mason: Because you were too busy destroying people's lives.

Abby: Everyone! They're coming! Hide!

Summer: You know, it's weird that you actually own a bowling ball, but why would you leave it here? I don't --

All: Surprise!

[Noisemakers trumpeting]

Summer: I'm sorry. Ignore the tears. I'm -- I'm really happy. [Laughter] Let's party. [Chuckles]

[Cheers and applause]

[Noisemaker toots]

Abby: Hey! Really surprised, huh?

Summer: Yes.

Abby: Happy birthday.

Summer: Thank you.

Tyler: Happy birthday, Supermodel!

Summer: Thank you! [Laughs] Thank you, Guys.

Nikki: We are so proud of you!

Summer: [Laughs] Thank you!

Victor: Hello, Sweetheart.

Summer: Hi!

Victor: Happy birthday to you.

Summer: Thank you. I'm so happy that you guys are both here -- and Nick and Jack. How'd you do that, Grandma?

Nikki: Nicholas did it all.

Summer: Oh. [Laughs] Wow.

Victor: Well, Sweetheart. I think they're all waiting for your presence, okay?

Nikki: Yes, they are. Party, party, party!

Summer: Thank you.

Hilary: Best spontaneous reaction ever.

Summer: [Laughs] Thank you, Hilary. Okay, do not get all sappy with me, because I will start all over again.

Jack: I'm just so glad I can say these words to my daughter. Happy birthday.

Summer: Thank you. [Sighs]

Nick: Tears of joy?

Noah: That's what she said.

Nick: How'd she seem when you picked her up?

Noah: Strange. She's in kind of a funky mood. You know how she's always asking nonstop questions about her presents? No, not today. She didn't even want to acknowledge it was her birthday.

Nick: Okay.

Nick: Excuse me, Ladies. Could I talk to the birthday girl for a minute?

Esmerelda: Come and find us after, Summer.

Summer: Yeah, no, I will.

Nick: First, happy birthday.

Summer: Thank you.

Nick: Now, can you tell me what's really going on?

Abby: Don't you just love parties? Especially when they're in the middle of a work day.

Tyler: Actually, I kind of feel like I owe you some happy after ruining our time in L.A. If you'll let me, I'd kind of like to do a do-over.

Abby: Well, what part would you want to do over?

Tyler: The whole thing. Yeah, we go back to L.A., you know? We'll discover new places, do things we've never done before. Make the place ours.

Abby: Instead of yours and Mariah’s? I would love to. And I can give you plenty of reasons to forget all about Mariah. Permanently. Mm-hmm. [Chuckles]

Tyler: How long is this party supposed to last?

Abby: Oh, we have to stay a little while longer.

Tyler: [Groans] All right, I'm gonna get us some drinks, all right?

Abby: Okay.

Victor: Sweetheart. Who's Mariah?

Abby: Tyler's ex, but don't worry. She's out of the picture, so don't send a hit squad. [Laughs]

Victor: I want my family to be happy, you know.

Abby: I know you do.

Nikki: Still a strange situation for you, isn't it?

Jack: Summer and I get closer all the time, and that's wonderful, but it's hard to accept all the lost years. I know about Dylan. Summer told me.

Nikki: Well, I would love to have a relationship with my son, but I don't know if that will ever happen.

Jack: What's in the way?

Nikki: Victor. He's refusing to allow Dylan to be a part of the family because of... [Sighs] ...Dylan's conflict with Nicholas.

Jack: Would Victor be more accepting of anyone but Dylan being your son?

Nikki: I guess I'll never know. Maybe he would feel better about it if I hadn't run to Paul for help.

Paul: Thank you very much. The report's gonna be ready soon.

Christine: I know you're hoping that nothing incriminating will turn up on Fen's suit.

Paul: With everything in me, Chris. Because then we would have no real evidence -- not on Fen or Michael or Lauren. [Sighs] You know, on the other hand, I hate being put in a position where I might have to put away someone I care about very deeply when the victim is a criminal. I mean, carmine is scum. Sometimes I wonder why I even took this job.

Christine: [Sighs] Because you believe in the system. And law enforcement is in your blood.

Paul: Yeah, well, my dad was a cop. I'm an administrator.

Christine: And an investigator. An excellent one.

Paul: That's because I'm your husband.

Christine: Mnh-mnh. It's because you stand for right over wrong, and you're determined to make a difference. And, yes. Because I believe in you.

[Telephone rings]

Paul: Williams. All right. Thank you. The forensic report on Fenmore’s clothes. It's ready.

Courtney: Fen.

Fenmore: How you doing, Courtney?

Courtney: Good. Glad to see you're out of prison.

Fenmore: Thanks.

Courtney: But, um, I don't really appreciate you telling Summer I'm some kind of drug addict.

Fenmore: So, you're saying that you never use?

Courtney: This coming from a guy who was basically caught with an entire pharmacy? I know Raven doesn't deal that much. Who'd you get to sell you all that stuff?

Noah: Hey. You okay?

Courtney: I am now.

Summer: Maybe I was a little shocked, but I'm better now. I'm having a good time. Really. It's a good birthday.

Nick: Summer, I know you. And in spite of everything, I still feel like I'm your father.

Summer: Yeah, um... a year ago, you were. And that's exactly it. With everything that's happened to me in this past year -- finding out that you're not my dad, Mom being really sick, and...

Nick: And not here.

Summer: Yeah, I was starting to accept everything. I really was. But then a birthday is like -- it's like a time stamp. It's like a gigantic marker on your life map. And here I am. You know, exactly one year ago, there I was. I was happy. And Kyle was my crush. He wasn't my brother. You and Mom were getting along, and Mom -- Mom gave me my infinity necklace.

Nick: Sweetheart, when she gave you that, it was with the wish that you'd have all good things forever. And I know the last thing she would want to know is that you were sad on your birthday.

Summer: I am... trying very hard not to be.

Nick: Well, you know, when you were little and you were sad... all I had to do was hug you, and it would go away.

Summer: [Laughs] It still works.

Nick: Yeah. Oh, Fen's over there. Go have fun with your friends.

Summer: Okay. Thanks. Hey.

Fenmore: [Laughing] Hey!

Summer: Hi.

Fenmore: Hi.

Summer: I'm so glad that someone remembered to invite you, and that you actually showed up.

Fenmore: Oh, I had to. I came to say happy birthday.

Summer: Thanks.

Fenmore: And goodbye.

Michael: You know, the discrepancies in the stories that Fenmore and I told Paul could create problems.

Lauren: I thought you said that everything was okay to Fen?

Michael: Everything I told Fenmore was true. The question is, why is Paul asking about the sobriety chip?

Lauren: But is there any way that Paul can prove that you were the one that found the chip in the alley?

Michael: He confirmed that the chip and Carmine's body were in that alley. That's not a dispute.

Lauren: But that chip does not tie Fen to the murder, right?

Michael: I don't see how it could. Yeah, I'm just gonna have to take my own advice, the advice I gave Fenmore, and just stay calm and know that I was right, and there is no real evidence.

Lauren: I am so glad that you got through to him, you know? Now he can feel secure and he can enjoy his freedom and his friends.

Michael: I hope so.

Lauren: What do you mean, you hope so?

Michael: Our son feels things very deeply. He tends to act without thinking.

Lauren: Well... we're just gonna hope that that's not gonna happen this time.

Summer: Goodbye? Fen, you promised me --

Fenmore: I didn't promise, and thinks have gotten out of control.

Summer: Is it that convict who threatened you?

Fenmore: No, it's the cops. They're starting to close in on me. I've got to get out of here.

Summer: No, Fen, you cannot go. Please, just talk to your parents.

Fenmore: You don't understand. I have to. I have to. And I need your help.

Noah: Really? You guys are both doing this to me?

Summer: Do what?

Nick: Just making conversation.

Noah: And giving my girlfriend the third degree.

Courtney: Noah, its okay. I want to get to know your parents better, anyways.

Noah: Why?

Courtney: Obviously, so they can tell me embarrassing stories about you as a child.

Noah: I don't have any embarrassing stories.

Sharon: Oh, there was this one time. It was around the holidays.

Nick: Noah got his head stuck.

Sharon: In the stairwell, in the railing and he didn't cry.

Noah: That did not happen. I have big ears.

Nick: He was singing Christmas carols.

Sharon: Yeah.

Courtney: Christmas carols?

Noah: No.

Victor: You approve of Sharon digging her claws into our son again?

Nikki: Absolutely not. Just have to hope that our son is not stupid enough to get near that woman again.

[Indistinct shouting]

Neil: Come on! Get going! No! No! You can't come in here!

Leslie: We will take legal action.

Neil: We told you, no comment. You're not allowed in here. You're not allowed in here. Hey. We have no more comments, okay?

Devon: Well, it looks like the GC Buzz is all over it.

Hilary: What's going on?

Devon: Are you enjoying this Hilary? A negative story that you didn't have to manufacture?

Hilary: What are you talking about?

Neil: This is insane. We kept the press at bay, all right?

Leslie: Yeah, we need to discuss how we're gonna proceed legally.

Neil: Come on.

Devon: All right.

Summer: What do you want me to do?

Fenmore: I --

Jack: Hey. You having a good time?

Summer: Um, yeah. Yeah. I am.

Jack: So, listen. I had something sent over to your place for you to open later.

Summer: Oh, um, you didn't have to get me anything, Jack.

Jack: No, it's all right. It meant a lot to me. I hope it means a lot to you.

Summer: Yeah, it will.

Jack: I wish I could give you the one thing you want.

Summer: Mom.

Jack: Yeah. No matter where your mother is, never forget she loves you very, very much.

Kyle: Hey.

Summer: Hi.

Kyle: Finally I get to congratulate the, uh, the birthday girl.

Summer: Yeah, you better get in before I'm swept away by my fandom.

Kyle: Listen, I hope you have a really good year, Summer. You deserve to be happy. In every way.

Summer: Thanks. So do you.

Jack: Well, what do you know? This family is starting to seem like a real family.

Kyle: Uh, yeah. And I have some family business to tend to.

Jack: What do you mean? What do you have to do?

Kyle: Well, I still don't know why Victor has Noah researching Bonaventure Industries. And I haven't been able to photograph the Bonaventure file because it's in Victor's office.

Jack: Well, I don't want you risking that.

Kyle: No, no, no, no, no. It's not a risk. Right now, no one is there. The timing is perfect.

Jack: I don't want you to get caught.

Kyle: Dad, it's not a big deal. I won't get caught. I can get in there, photograph the file, then I will leave before anyone even knows I was there. Trust me.

Jack: You, I trust.

Christine: Just give me --

Paul: Chris.

Christine: Oh, I got to go. Okay. Bye. Is that the forensics report on Fen's suit? Well?

Paul: [Sighs]

Summer: Fen, you cannot leave.

Fenmore: Look, I'm going. All right, no one will know I've left until I don't show up at home, and when they start looking, I need you to cover for me.

Summer: Lie, you mean.

Fenmore: Just misdirect my parents. All right, just tell them I told you I was going to New York.

Summer: Where are you actually going?

Fenmore: I can't tell you that, Summer. I really -- I don't want to pull you further into this.

Summer: Please, Fen, that is not fair.

Fenmore: It's the only choice. Thank you.

Summer: For covering for you, even when I know that I shouldn't be.

Fenmore: No, for being my friend, Summer. I want to be one to you, too, so here's some advice. Be careful about choosing your other friends.

Courtney: So, then I'm officially your girlfriend, huh?

Abby: Smart of you and Kyle to heed my words of wisdom.

Noah: We did what now?

Abby: Well, you're not trying to one-up each other in front of my dad.

Noah: And what makes you say that?

Abby: Because I just saw Kyle leaving. I figured he was going back to work.

Noah: The sneaky little suck-up. Hey, I can't let Kyle get the upper hand on this project we've been working on. I'll see you later?

Courtney: Okay.

Noah: Okay. Excuse me. Grandpa, um... I wanted to get a jump on the Bonaventure company at work.

Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You can do that tomorrow.

Noah: I don't think so.

Victor: Huh?

Esmerelda: The girls and I are hitting another party after this. You in?

Summer: I -- I can’t. I'm really beat, and I have another photo shoot in the morning. And, plus, my eyes are already puffy from all the crying. So... is this one of the energy pills you were telling me about?

Esmerelda: All the models use them. They're completely harmless.

Summer: [Sighs]

Michael: Well, I positively love this family.

Lauren: [Chuckles]

Michael: And I positively adore my wife.

Lauren: Aww.

Michael: [Smooches]

Lauren: And I adore you.

Michael: Yeah.

Lauren: Mm.

[Knock on door]

Michael: Okay, uh, I'll get that. I'll get that. Hold on. I'll be right there. Paul. Come on in.

Paul: Hi. Looking for Fen.

Michael: Uh, he's not here right now. Why?

Paul: I have a warrant for his arrest.


Summer: Oh, my God.

Nick: Did Noah happen to tell you when he would be back?

Abby: I think he went into work.

Nick: Well, he was supposed to pick up Faith and get the tree for the tack house.

Abby: Tyler and I can do that for you.

Nick: That worked. Yes. Hey, get a big one.

Tyler: I have never picked out a Christmas tree in my life.

Abby: Another new experience for us to share.

Tyler: [Chuckles]

Devon: Well, it's bad enough that the press have surrounded my place, and now they're following me here.

Neil: Okay, Devon. Here's what we're gonna do. When we leave here, we're gonna slip out the back. I want you to come and spend the night at my place, all right?

Devon: No, no, no. I don't need to do that. I appreciate everything you guys have done, but I don't need you to babysit me. Really. I'm fine.

Leslie: Okay.

Devon: We'll, uh, we'll talk tomorrow.

Leslie: Yeah, I'll definitely take a look at the surveillance tapes between now and then, okay?

Devon: Thank you.

Leslie: Yeah.

Devon: Thanks.

Neil: [Sighs] Oh, my boy. Sorry all this is happening. Hey. We're gonna sort it all out. I promise you. Come here.

Devon: Thanks.

Neil: I'll see you soon, okay?

Devon: Okay.

Neil: Call me if you need me.

Devon: I will.

Neil: Yeah.

Devon: [Sighs]

Hilary: I read it. But I don't believe it. Katherine Chancellor would sure be proud of her grandson.

Devon: What'd you say? Huh?

Hilary: Wait, wait, wait. You don't want to get in any more trouble, okay? Just -- get out of here, okay? Unless I'm gonna call security. Okay, move!

Devon: [Chuckles] Wow. You are scary.

Hilary: Wow. That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me.

Devon: So, what makes you believe I'm innocent?

Hilary: I was the original stalker, remember? With all that research, I learned a lot about you. And trashing a room in Vegas? Not you.

Devon: Well, the cops think it was me. And I need to figure out who's making them believe I was somewhere I wasn’t.

Mason: All right, Nick. I will see you on my regular shift.

Nick: On time, Mase?

Jack: Hey. It was a great party.

Nick: Thanks.

Summer: Yeah, it was. Thank you, both of you, for everything.

Jack: So, where are you off to next?

Summer: Um, I think I'm gonna go to a party with my friends.

Jack: [Laughs] Have fun.

Summer: Thanks.

Nick: Be careful.

Summer: I will.

Courtney: Hey, Summer. Can I get in on that?

Summer: Why? Because Noah’s gone?

Courtney: No, because we were friends first, and I think you could use a real pal right now.

Summer: Yeah. Let's go.

Jack: If I don't see you before, have a Merry Christmas.

Nikki: Thank you.

Victor: Not wishing me coal in my stocking?

Jack: I'm confident you'll get exactly what you deserve.

Victor: As well you, Jack.

Nikki: Good night.

Jack: Merry Christmas. [Sighs]

Noah: What are you doing?

Nick: Sharon, thank you so much for staying and helping me clean up. I, uh... I think I remembered everything except a cleaning crew.

Sharon: [Chuckles] It was a really wonderful party.

Nick: Yeah, it was. I wish there was more I could do for Summer. I know -- I know how much she misses Phyllis. Come on.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Kyle: Get out of my way, Noah.

Noah: Not until you tell me what you're doing here. What were you looking for in my grandfather's desk?

Jack: You seem to have gotten to know this Kelly pretty well.

Billy: It's not like I'm running around cheating on my wife.

Victor: He shouldn't be treated as we treat our other children!

Nikki: Why not?! He's my son!

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