Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/18/13
Episode # 10309 ~ Nick and Jack butt heads over Summer's birthday; Neil readies a surprise for Leslie.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Chelsea: Hi.
Chloe: Hi. So, all the times that we talked about doing our fashion thing in Milan, I figured a consolation prize was in order since someone isn't able to make it.
Chelsea: You got me a present?
Chloe: Well, I don't think that you're gonna fit into it, but you can try.
Chelsea: Ohh.
Chloe: [Giggles]
Chelsea: [Laughing] I love it. Thank you. Because, you know, if you came bearing dead roses and a rotten fish, no one would blame you.
Chloe: That's not really my style. Why would you say that?
Chelsea: You know why. I'm so sorry. When I came home and Connor wasn't here, I just thought that --
Chloe: You freaked out because you came home and your son was gone. I've been accused of worse. [Chuckles] Don't worry about it.
Chelsea: Really?
Chloe: Yes, Chelsea . I should have been thinking about you and you coming home and seeing that your son was missing. And I was with you the first time that happened. I am sorry. I wasn't thinking.
Chelsea: Plus I just think all parents are extra-protective these days since -- since Delia.
Chloe: But you have to remember that Delia is a part of him and always will be. I will never let anything happen to him. It would be like letting something happen to my little girl.
Billy: Hey, hey!
[Door closes]
Billy: It is me, your ever-loving husband.
Victoria: It is I, your ever-loving husband.
Billy: Ah. Well, one of us is here.
Victoria: How is the ever-loving mail?
Billy: Well, it's happy, merry. It's very bright.
Victoria: Hey, here. Let me trade you. This came by messenger today.
Billy: Oh, goodie, goodie. Maybe I'm being sued. That's always so much fun.
Victoria: What? Are you being sued?
Billy: It's a charity. Giving children the chance to achieve all they can in life. Someone... someone set this up in Delia’s honor.
Kelly: Its wonderful how focused you are, finalizing all this so quickly.
Adam: Well, we can't, uh, help any kids until we get this puppy up and running.
Kelly: Yeah. Trust me, we want that done as much as you do. Delia's parents have been notified, by the way.
Adam: Just about the foundation, right? Not about who's behind it?
Kelly: Yes. You made it very clear that you didn't want your name mentioned.
Adam: And?
Kelly: And, honestly, the issue of your privacy has been a bigger hurdle than I expected. As a parent, it's something that I'd want to know.
Adam: So, what are you saying? Did you put my name on those papers?
Cane: You look gorgeous.
Lily: Oh, thank you. I think it's the natural glow of living in limbo. It suits me. Limbo because I'm waiting for my next blood test.
Cane: I know exactly what you mean. But we're here to celebrate your clean MRI.
Lily: Yes. A clean MRI deserves a dirty martini. [Chuckles] Seriously? Oh, my God. I cannot waste any more energy going off on her.
Cane: Well, would you like someone to do it for you?
Lily: Don't you dare volunteer.
Cane: Okay. It looks like someone's gonna beat me to it, anyway.
Jack: You didn't come here to wish me a Merry Christmas. It's the day before Summer's birthday. That's what you're here about, right?
Nick: Yeah, I wanted to see if you had, uh, made any plans.
Jack: Well, we're gonna do a little surprise. Something here at the house. Very small.
Nick: Small. So, I didn't make the cut?
Jack: Well, I assumed maybe you had your own plans.
Nick: Yeah, I was gonna do a little surprise thing at the Underground, too. I guess great minds think alike.
Jack: It was never my intention to pit family against family.
Nick: Me, either. But I guess now that you say it out loud, it does sound like...
Jack: Sound like family against family.
Nick: Well, how can we fix that? How can we make this about Summer and not about us?
Man: So, I got a bottle back home.
Hilary: Oh, how nice. Why don't you crawl back into it?
Man: [Chuckles] If you came here alone, chances are you want to leave with someone.
Hilary: And you thought you'd volunteer?
Man: Ah, well, come on.
Hilary: I hate wasting good vodka. Oh! Oops.
Man: Crazy wench!
Hilary: I thought you were gonna get me a drink! Thanks for the help.
Devon: Oh, well, it, uh, looked like you were doing just fine on your own. I was ready to step in, though. But it looks like you cooled that guy off.
Hilary: Step in?
Devon: Yeah.
Hilary: You were gonna defend my honor?
Devon: What there is of it.
Hilary: You already defended me to Lily. You keep this up, people are gonna start thinking that you don't completely hate me.
Devon: [Chuckles]
Cane: Wait, wait, is he --
Lily: Smiling? Yes, he is.
Cane: Okay, 'cause I thought I was imagining that.
Lily: No. What is going on with him? And the other day when I was arguing with her, he stood up for her.
Cane: No.
Lily: I was being a little bit aggressive, and it had to do more with my health than with her. But still.
Cane: Please, whatever you said, she deserved it.
Lily: Well, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm not sure that he did.
Devon: Now, Hilary, why would I hate you? It's not like you tried to destroy my father and ruin the lives of everyone I care about. Oh, wait a minute.
Hilary: Right. Yeah. That. Eh. [Chuckles] Why don't I make it up to you? I'll buy you a drink.
Devon: You don't have to do that.
Hilary: Oh, but I do, because it is "Buy a billionaire a beverage" night.
Devon: Is it?
Hilary: Yeah.
Devon: Huh.
Hilary: And I need to get myself another one, anyway, so...
Devon: All right.
[Cell phone chimes]
Devon: Uh-oh. Did that guy get your number before he took off?
Hilary: No, um... work calls. I got to get to Jack’s. But... I still want to buy you that drink sometime.
Devon: A rain check.
Hilary: Yeah.
Jack: You're right. This is a significant birthday for Summer. The first she's having without Phyllis, the first since she found out some pretty important information about her origins.
Nick: Look, I cost you a lot of birthdays. And part of me thinks I should, uh, I should just back away. But I really want to help Summer with this. I think if she's somewhere where she knows that everyone loves her so much, it'd be good for her. Not being with her on thanksgiving --
Jack: That -- that was her idea.
Nick: I know. And she should be with Phyllis. I guess I'm just a little selfish.
Jack: We're both a little selfish. [Sighs] You know what? You have the party. Just make sure it's a party she'll never forget.
Nick: All right. Thanks, Jack. I mean that.
Jack: One other point.
Nick: You want to come?
Jack: I'd like to add a few names to the guest list. Abbotts and Newmans all wearing matching party hats.
Nick: [Chuckles] Now, that's some kind of visual.
Jack: We've had enough tragedy lately. Finally we got something to celebrate together. Summer.
Alex: Fisher. We got him. We got a lead on the guy who killed Delia.
Chloe: Gosh, well, I can really see that you have put a lot of time into decorating. It just all looks so incredible. And I'm sure that Connor’s gonna love it, seeing all of the colors and all the shiny stuff.
Chelsea: And he can -- he can see it all. That's what matters.
Chloe: Hey. No sad face. You're supposed to be happy. This is a good thing. And look around you. It's almost as if a real family lives here.
Chelsea: Feels that way, too.
Chloe: Say that again.
Chelsea: What?
Chloe: "It almost feels that way, too"?
Chelsea: Almost feels that way --
Chloe: [Gasps] You had sex.
Kelly: Your name is nowhere in the papers. I honored our agreement.
Adam: But you obviously don't agree with it.
Kelly: No, I don’t.
Adam: Well, you're a professional, so you can leave it alone now.
Kelly: Mm-hmm. What you're doing is a remarkable thing. You know, it's not an ego trip to be able to admit that. It's not like you're taking out an ad and boasting about your foundation.
Adam: Well, I've never been accused before of trying to avoid any good press.
Kelly: Then what is it? When you lose someone close to you, knowing that people care -- that matters.
Adam: I know that this is very personal for you and that, um, that you have felt great loss. And I'm -- I'm very sorry.
Kelly: Thank you.
Adam: How is Billy doing?
Kelly: I thought you two were friends.
Adam: No, we're not close. No. But, uh... you know, you never know how to react when something like this -- this personal happens. You don't know how to approach them. And personally, I don't know, uh... how he would react if he found out about this.
Kelly: You're right. Recovering from loss is very personal. But it's public, as well. People are always looking at you, taking notes, you know, being cautious and careful, or they completely avoid you because they don't know what to say to you. Having support groups really helps. It's not judgmental. There's no expectations.
Adam: Yeah, there's probably a rule about not talking about what goes in there, I guess.
Kelly: Yeah. But Billy and I, we meet outside of the meetings, and he's doing better. He has people who care about him, even if they aren't close. He has the support he needs.
Adam: Good. That's good.
Billy: This is real? A, uh, charity in Delia’s name?
Victoria: Yeah, it's legit. And look at the endowment. I mean, that's a lot of money. A lot. Think out the good that can be done. But there's no mention of anyone behind it. There's no name. Who would do something like this for Dee and not want anyone to know about it?
Nick: You've been great with Summer. No doubt. And for her to see all the people she loves in one room, I think it'll be a heck of a party. Now, for it to go well, that might be asking a little too much.
Jack: Not if you don't invite Victor.
Nick: Well, it's our gift to Summer -- everyone's -- and I will make sure everyone knows that. You're a great dad, Jack.
Jack: Thank you.
[Cell phone rings]
Jack: Oh, sorry. I'm expecting a call.
Nick: Yeah. Go ahead and get it. I'll, uh, show myself out.
Jack: Thanks. Thanks. Jack. Right. Right.
Billy: Hey. I thought that was your car. Everything, uh, cool?
Nick: Oh, yeah. Me and Jack, we're good. So, uh... I talked to your friend Kelly at the Underground after you took off the other night.
Billy: Yeah?
Nick: Nice lady.
Billy: Yeah, she is.
Nick: Special brand of person. Someone who's lost a child. It's the club that no one wants to be in.
Billy: Yeah, no argument there, man.
Nick: Billy, I've offered this before, and I'm gonna say it again. If you ever need to talk...
Billy: You want me to talk to you instead of Kelly.
Nick: I got a different perspective. You know, further down the road. I've learned a lot, some of it the hard way. Like mourning makes you do things that you might not do otherwise.
Billy: All right. Yeah.
Kevin: Him?
Alex: Fits the profile. He's got enough money to cover his tracks, and the whole God complex makes him think that he can get away with a free pass.
Kevin: Until now. No free pass. No way in hell.
Alex: Well, that's the plan.
Kevin: Hey, is this a lock? Like, is this as good as done?
Alex: Not 100% sure. We got to haul him in first.
Kevin: Do it! Now!
Chloe: You did. You got lucky. Oh, wait. Not lucky, because you had sex with Adam, didn't you?
Chelsea: How do you do that? It's like you have uncanny sex-dar. Honestly, it's a little bit creepy. I think we might need to analyze that.
Chloe: No. Oh, no, no, no. We are talking about you and Adam. Eww!
Chelsea: No, not "Eww."
Chloe: Fine. If you say so. But first things first. So, when are you due?
Chelsea: What are you talking about?
Chloe: Well, I'm assuming that you're pregnant.
Chelsea: What? No. [Chuckles]
Chloe: But it's kind of your thing. I mean, you haven't been pregnant for what? Months?
Chelsea: Chloe, stop it.
Chloe: Will you just tell me how this happened? You were drunk, weren't you? You got wasted.
Chelsea: No. No. No. We were both completely sober. This has been building for a long time.
Chloe: You moving in here was the worst idea ever. It's like you have Stockholm syndrome when it comes to that guy. You've fallen for your captor!
Chelsea: Okay, I know how you feel about Adam. I do.
Chloe: Oh, and here I thought I was hiding it so well.
Chelsea: Chloe, but look -- look at this place. Look at Connor. I mean, that's what Adam and I can create together -- this perfect, beautiful, little boy, and we can give him this great life that means something. Adam is a much better man than you give him credit for.
Chloe: Okay, I am going to let this slide because you are clearly...in your afterglow right now. But you are insane.
Chelsea: Please just be happy for me.
Chloe: [Sighs]
[Door opens]
Adam: Chloe. Hello.
Chloe: Oh. Hello.
Chelsea: Um, we were just, uh -- well, Chloe brought over a really nice gift for Connor. Isn't that nice?
Adam: Thank you.
Chloe: You're welcome. Oh, and I just want to make sure that you're not gonna hurt her or that perfect little baby upstairs.
Adam: You had me at "You're welcome."
Chloe: Okay, just making sure we're clear.
Adam: You have my word, Chloe. I will do everything within my power never to hurt anyone ever again.
[Connor cries]
Chelsea: I'll go take care of him, and then we'll finish working if you want.
Chloe: No, no, we're good. We're done. For now.
Chelsea: Well, thank you for the onesie.
Chloe: Well, I saw her give you the "Be nice" look, so I'll just make it easy on you and see myself out.
Adam: I understand you and, uh, Connor went for a little ride the other day?
Chloe: Well, he got fussy, and I was just trying to help Chelsea out. And she came home, and he wasn't here, and, well... you know what she thought, which was crazy.
Adam: Crazy is the word.
Devon: Look, we all live in the same town together, so I'm not gonna waste any more negative energy on Hilary. What's that? What's that look?
Lily: I said the same thing.
Devon: Okay. And yet here we are still talking about her.
Cane: I'm not talking about her. We're not talking about her.
Lily: Okay, moving on. Done.
Cane: Done.
Devon: Hey, is that -- is having a drink a good idea?
Cane: It's okay. Just, uh, make sure you have some food, okay?
Lily: Okay, no, no, no, no. We are not doing this, okay? We are out. We have no kids, no dog, and no hovering.
Cane: I'm not hovering.
Devon: We weren’t.
Cane: Not hovering at all. Mmm, maybe a little.
Lily: Yes. Okay. Look, it's the holiday season. The MRI was clean. So let's just have a good time, okay?
Devon: Okay.
Victoria: What's up?
Nick: A personal invitation to Summer's birthday party. It's a surprise, so get a sitter and come and celebrate your niece.
Victoria: I would love that. I would.
Nick: Unless you have other plans. Are you, uh, decorating for Christmas? I could help.
Victoria: Uh, yeah. Yeah, sure.
Nick: Unless you want to wait for Billy. You know, make it a mom-and-pop endeavor. I-I get it.
Victoria: Yeah, I really don't think that's gonna happen.
Nick: It's not getting any easier, is it?
Billy: Task -- "Teaching and saving kids." You see all those zeroes, Jack?
Jack: I sure do. Wow.
Billy: Yeah. Well, the question is... Jack, are those your zeroes?
Jack: I've made a number of donations in Delia’s name, but I wouldn't do anything of that scale without discussing it with you first. I want to know that you're emotionally ready for that. Maybe this is Jill’s doing.
Billy: No, I called her on the way over here. Victor?
Jack: An anonymous gift? How would the whole world thank him for his great generosity?
Billy: Right. No.
Jack: No, not Victor.
[Knock on door]
Jack: Oh, that's my messenger. Come in!
Billy: Nikki would tell Victoria if she did it. But who else has the capital and the inclination? Devon put up the reward, so...
Jack: Devon would talk to you first. Hilary. Little surprised to see you.
Hilary: I heard from distribution. I thought I should bring over these authorization papers myself.
Jack: Thank you for the personal touch. Uh, Billy, have you met my assistant, Hilary?
Billy: No. Hey. Nice to meet you. Make sure he pays you overtime.
Hilary: [Chuckles]
Billy: I'm gonna get out of here.
Jack: No, one -- one second.
Hilary: Oh, yeah. Excuse me. Nice to meet you.
Billy: Yeah.
Jack: Listen to me. Anyone could have been inspired by Delia. Maybe that's the message of this foundation. It doesn't necessarily have to be someone you know. Your daughter touched a lot of lives. Hold on to that. And then down the road -- not right now -- you can let go of some of this grief.
Billy: Jack... whoever did this, however well they knew Delia, I owe them. For Delia’s sake, I owe them.
Chloe: Is it true? Is it true? Where is he?! I want to see him! I want to see the bastard who took my little girl away from me! Where is he?!
Alex: I've got a uniform picking him up as we speak.
[Knock on door]
Adam: You want to get that?
Chelsea: Sure. You got it. Hello.
Chelsea: This is... Adam, did you do this?
Adam: I did.
Chelsea: [Sighs] Is there a card?
Adam: There better be.
Chelsea: Oh. Hmm. "You are the second chance I never dreamed I'd have." You're my second chance, too.
Adam: How long do you think Connor is gonna take a nap?
Chelsea: I think he'll be down for a while. Why? What were you thinking?
Adam: Well...I don't know. Maybe you want to do some last-minute touch-up on the Christmas tree or... why? What were you thinking?
Chelsea: Are you flirting with me?
Adam: I'm trying to read your mind.
Chelsea: What am I thinking?
Adam: You're happy.
Chelsea: I am. But I can't let my second-chance flowers wilt. I'll be back.
Adam: [Sighs]
Alex: We found an item during a search. We want you to try and identify it.
Chloe: Yeah, I-I can do that.
Alex: Okay.
Chloe: Okay, so, this guy.
Kevin: He's a rich surgeon. Lots of money. Used to playing God with people's lives. Gets into a car accident and has his car towed to the service station, right? And the mechanic knows that we're on the look-out for black SUVs, so he calls us, and then he found this in the back seat.
Chloe: What? What is it? Oh. [Voice breaking] Is it... that's Dee Dee’s? It's her scarf. It -- it was wrapped on her witch's scarf. Let me see it. Oh. [Sobs] [Sniffing] [Sniffs] It doesn't smell like her. He must have washed it. It doesn't smell like her. No. No.
Kevin: What? What's wrong?
Chloe: Well, this isn't it. She [Sniffles] -- I took off the tag. She specifically said that the wicked witch wouldn't have a tag on her scarf. It's not hers. Not hers.
Alex: Um... well, look, the S.U.V. matches. He had one accident. Maybe he had another. We'll -- we'll check his alibi.
Kevin: We are gonna find this guy. I promise you, okay? We're not giving up.
Billy: [Clears throat]
[Door closes]
Kelly: Hey. Oh, oh, that look. Do you need to talk? What are you -- you need to talk.
Billy: No, no, no, no. Well, yes, but just not about the usual miserable stuff. Um... this -- this thing, task, a foundation in my kid's name. And the crazy thing is, it originated out of this office. And -- and I was wondering, did you -- did you arrange this? But now I'm starting to wonder, did you, like, did you arrange it, arrange it? Did you fund this? Are you, like, a secret billionaire?
Kelly: I -- whoa, whoa, whoa. I wish I could fund for every child that was taken too early, but no, Billy. It wasn't me.
Billy: But you did arrange it, so you know who's behind this, right?
Devon: Um, how is the, uh, how's the career hunt going?
Lily: Oh, we found a new gig.
Devon: Yeah?
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Cane: Wait, wait, wait. We did?
Lily: Well, I did. Well, see, I've realized that we spend more time thinking about our next career than we would on the actual job, so our new gig is talking about possible careers.
Devon: Wow. That makes my head hurt.
Lily: [Laughs]
Cane: You know what? You are right. We talk about it so much, all that hard work. You know what we should do? I think every day, we need to come up with a new idea we can explore. Every day.
Lily: Yes. Yes. So, my idea for today is, I am gonna bat my eyelashes at you in an alluring way.
Devon: Oh, wow.
Cane: Oh, wow.
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Cane: Now, does this pay well?
Lily: Well, you tell me. I mean, I guess it does if I do it right.
Cane: Oh.
Devon: Okay. All right. Guys, if you're gonna keep doing this, I need another drink.
Cane: Excuse me.
Devon: I may need another drink.
Lily: Get me one, too.
Devon: Yeah. You have enough there.
Hilary: I will get those to them first thing in the morning, and Hanson from H.R. needs some face time before noon. And also the Moltner meeting's moved from offsite to the Jabot offices. Now I think you're officially up to speed.
Jack: Great. Thank you. Uh, make sure there's nothing after that last meeting. It is my daughter's birthday.
Hilary: Oh. Well, good for you. I thought you were chained to work.
Jack: Well, I'm not off the hook just yet. I got to find the perfect present for her.
Hilary: Oh, well, you look like you probably know your way around a gift box.
Jack: Ordinarily, yes, but this is... this is her first birthday since she found out I'm her dad. I was always around as honorary Uncle Jack, but I missed a lot of birthdays as her dad.
Hilary: You sound so calm about it. Not the present. The missing out on so much.
Jack: Oh, believe me, it took a lot of getting used to.
Hilary: For both you and your daughter. Kids and parents deserve to be together on every day that matters. For someone to cheat you out of that -- it's criminal.
Kevin: Oh, this was delivered to my place.
Chloe: I don't -- I don't want this, okay? I want an arrest.
Alex: Surgeon had an alibi. He was in surgery.
Kevin: [Sighs]
Chloe: [Sighs]
Kevin: So we keep looking.
Alex: Yeah. Till we find the right person. Chloe, I'm -- I'm sorry I dragged you down here.
Kevin: [Sighs] What is that?
Chloe: It’s... it's a tribute to Delia. [Sighs] Someone put up a lot of money in her name. It's -- it's a foundation for at-risk kids.
Kevin: Who someone?
Chloe: I don't know. It just says an anonymous donor. Someone loved her, Kevin. Someone loved her or the idea of her. Someone loved her enough to make sure that no one forgets.
Victoria: I mean, we try. Billy and I both try. But that's just it. We're just -- we're trying so hard. You know what I mean? We don't automatically connect. We say all the right things, and they sound wrong. We do all the right things, and it just feels off.
Nick: [Sighs]
Victoria: And that's not even what we're not saying, you know? I didn't tell Billy about Johnny’s allergic reaction because I didn't want him to worry about the only child that he has left. And I have no idea what he's not saying to me. I don't even want to think about what he's saying to other people.
Nick: Like to Kelly?
Victoria: How did you know about...?
Nick: They were at the Underground last night after their meeting.
Victoria: [Sighing] Oh. Yeah. Of course they were.
Nick: She seems like a real nice woman who's in a lot of pain.
Victoria: Yeah. She's nice. She's really nice, and she's considerate, and she's completely innocent. And I hate the fact that I am so jealous of her. [Sighs]
Kelly: Billy, I cannot tell you anything about the creator of this foundation.
Billy: But I've got to thank this guy or this girl, whoever it is.
Kelly: Well, I'll pass that message along.
Billy: This is the sort of thing you do face-to-face. You know what I mean? If it's about staying out of the press, I can do that. I can keep my mouth shut. Now, look, this is probably somebody that I-I know. I know half of this town. I'm probably gonna be around them, and I don't want to look like an ingrate.
Kelly: No one's gonna think that.
Billy: Come on. You know how important this is. If anybody understands, it's you. I mean, my kid is gonna help other kids because of this person, and -- and now we're connected, and I have to know who they are. I can't not know who they are.
Kelly: Listen, I understand. I understand. I swear I do, Billy. But this was a concrete stipulation. I tried to talk him out --
Billy: Him, huh?
Kelly: Billy.
Billy: This is what you were talking about at the Underground. Real-life angels. You know who Dee’s angel is.
Nick: Look, Billy and Kelly were just talking, Vicki. That's it.
Victoria: Okay. I know that. I know. But that's what kills me -- the talking. What he can say to her that he can't say to me. And what she instinctively understands that I don’t. I mean, I've cheated and I've been cheated on. And physical intimacy is one thing, but emotional intimacy -- that's another thing. And clearly that's what's happening between Billy and Kelly, okay? So, I mean, maybe on one hand, I should just be happy that he is finding some comfort during this difficult time in his life. And maybe I would be less jealous if he was confiding in a man. I don't know. [Sighs]
Nick: Look, at times like these, you know, your brain's in a weird place. Nothing makes sense.
Victoria: [ Sighs ] I know that. And I remember -- I remember what happened to you after Cassie. You fell into bed with Phyllis. [Sighs] And yeah, Billy was a playboy in the past, but that's not what this is. This is him opening up to someone else. And me -- [Laughing] I found myself telling all of this stuff to stitch, Dylan’s friend. I mean...
Nick: All right, look, I said this to Billy. I'm gonna say it to you, too. If you ever need someone to talk to, I will always listen. You want me to drop what I'm doing, it is done.
Victoria: Thanks, Nick. It was just the time and the place. I mean, it's not like I was choosing some half stranger to talk to over you.
Nick: Maybe that's all it was with Billy. You know, it was just someone at the right place at the right time to vent to.
Victoria: Billy seeks out Kelly instead of me. I want to be able to give my husband what he needs. [Sighs]
Kelly: Honestly, I know that this feels unfinished, not knowing who set up the foundation. But, Billy, if I'm gonna keep my job, then I need to respect the privacy of the people who fund.
Billy: Okay. Yes. I get it. I understand. I won't pester you or try to weasel it out of you or, you know, hope you slip up again.
Kelly: [Chuckles] Okay.
Billy: Come on. Really, who is it?
Kelly: Billy.
Billy: Come on. Clearly my daughter was very special to this person. And she's my daughter. I just want to know why.
Chelsea: So... that look I gave you about being nice to Chloe...
Adam: After she took the peanut for a ride, I'm supposed to be cool with it?
Chelsea: Cars soothe babies. People do it all the time.
Adam: Taking babies unannounced -- not very soothing. But yes, I saw your look. And no, I did not give Chloe a hard time.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Adam: Now, do I have permission to go into the kitchen and eat that gingerbread house I saw earlier?
Chelsea: If you like stale cookies and gumdrops, be my guest. It's all yours.
Adam: Then I will get a fresh gingerbread house delivered here every single day. Nothing stale for this family.
Chelsea: Is it weird that my heart thumps every time you say that? "Family."
Adam: Family.
Chelsea: There it goes again.
Adam: Our family. Wow. I think I actually felt it that time. Are you okay? What's wrong?
Chelsea: [Sighs] Do we deserve to be this happy?
Adam: You do. We do. And we will be. The mistakes... the darkness... that's in the past. And that's where it will stay.
Hilary: There's no point in hiding it. My father was arrested when I was younger, so birthdays weren't much of a priority, not with everything else going on.
Jack: Wow. Pretty rough.
Hilary: No, no. Oh, God, that sounded pitiful, and I didn't mean to. I'm just saying that... you deserved those birthdays with Summer, and she deserved them with you. I used to have a dream that my dad would make me a present for every birthday that he missed.
Jack: I'm sorry that dream didn't come true. It should have.
Hilary: Yeah.
Jack: But you know what? That's a pretty good idea for Summer.
Hilary: That would be fantastic. One for every year.
Jack: You don't think it's too much?
Hilary: No, no, no, no. Just simple, sweet. When they say it's the thought, it is. Just make it something you mean.
Jack: We got a raft of toys upstairs in the attic that the Abbott kids played with. Get her a charm for her bracelet. Um...
Hilary: Maybe there's something from her mother she might like.
Jack: That's a good idea. Let me... I have a great idea there, but I want to get it engraved. I think it's probably too late for that.
Hilary: Um... have you met your assistant? Because there is nothing she can't do.
Cane: Well, hey, this has been fun and stress-free, but now I have to go home and I have to kiss my kids good night.
Lily: Yes. Are you staying?
Devon: Yeah, I'm just gonna finish this and then take off. But you guys, please go, 'cause I've had enough of your romance for one night.
Lily: What?
Cane: Oh, thank you.
Lily: [Laughs] All right. You ready?
Cane: Let's go. Come on.
Cop: Devon Hamilton?
Devon: Yes, Officers. What can I do for you?
We got a call from the police department in Las Vegas.
Devon: Okay. What does that have to do with me?
Cop: There's a warrant there for your arrest.
Devon: What? What do you -- what do you mean there's a -- are you serious?
Cane: [Sighs]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Summer: I am just so not in the mood to have a roomful of people making me the center of attention.
Nikki: I'm a little surprised to see you at a party for Summer.
Victor: You know, your son is a very committed, hard-working fellow.
Jack: I wish he was still at Jabot.
Victor: I'm sure you do.
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