Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/10/13
Episode # 10303 ~ The comfort level between Billy and Kelly surprises Victoria; Jill must deal with Hilary.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Billy: Interviewing for preschool. Yes, because the way he reaches for toys says oh-so much. Not to mention it starts next fall. Not to mention, I mean, look at him! This kid is perfect. They should be so lucky to have this kid.
Victoria: Well, you'd think that the Newman name alone would guarantee him a spot.
Billy: I'm sorry. The Newman name? Hmm. Interesting, because this kid's last name happens to be Abbott. And since we're gonna be pretentious, I would like to say that the Abbott name would probably open up just as many doors, so... [Smooches] Besides, the kid's a legacy. It's the school that Delia went to, right?
Jill: Hold it! Oh. Or feel free to step off, preferably between floors. Or maybe that would be interrupting your regular schedule of trying to poison innocent people and ruin their lives.
Hilary: I'm actually on my way to see my boss. Jack Abbott? You might have heard of him.
Jill: I'll bet your favorite part of the day is sharpening pencils. So good for backstabbing.
Hilary: I use pens. They're permanent.
Devon: Jack. You wanted to see me?
Jack: Hey, Devon. Yeah. Come on in. Have a seat.
Devon: Thank you. What's going on?
Jack: Well... you're fired.
Abby: Oh, yeah. This is huge fun. Can I get back to the office now?
Tyler: You mean back into hiding?
Abby: It's work. My job. I'm not hiding.
Tyler: Well, is part of your job description avoiding me and not talking about anything that happened while we were in L.A.?
Abby: What? We went. It was warm. And now we're home, and its freezing.
Tyler: [Scoffs] Okay, well, I'm not even gonna make a joke about being an ice queen.
Abby: I'm sorry. Did you just call me --?
Tyler: That was -- that was stupid. I'm sorry. It's just -- you know, I took you on that trip to L.A. because I wanted to thank you for thanksgiving. And now it's like you're barely even talking to me. So, come on, Abby. I mean, help me out. What went wrong?
Lily: God, I hate this so much. Why can't doctors just give you the news over the phone? Why do they have to freak you out by making you wait?
Cane: Its protocol.
Lily: But my oncology check was fine. You know, we -- we were happy and -- and relieved, and now I don't feel very relieved.
[Door opens]
Dr. Kershaw: Lily, thanks for coming in. Cane.
Cane: Doctor. Thank you.
Lily: Hi. Um, sorry. I'm not trying to freak out, so if you could please just tell me why we're here.
Dr. Kershaw: Well, something came up on your tests.
Jill: And no blog entries from your office computer? Okay, Girlfriend. Wouldn't want you dragging Jabot into the gutter with you.
Hilary: I apologized for what I did, and I meant it. Clearly you don't know a thing about second chances.
Jill: Clearly I don't believe you deserve one.
Hilary: Well, Jack disagrees. He forgave my past and gave me this chance. I'm not gonna make him regret it.
[Bag thuds]
Devon: I'm fired 'cause I wouldn't spy on Victor for you and Jill? What happened to you being impressed that I wanted to work for a living and not just live off of Katherine's money?
Jack: To tell you the truth, I thought I'd be doing you a favor cutting you loose. I've gotten the distinct impression lately that you're looking for a reason to walk away from Jabot.
Devon: Where did you get that impression? 'Cause I'm on time, I do my job, I meet my deadlines.
Jack: Wow. Does that sound exciting. A man who loves his work. I am not looking for executives to punch time cards. I'm looking for engaged, excited individuals who add to the mix.
Devon: I've been that guy.
Jack: Listen to yourself -- past tense. Devon, you've gone through an awful lot lately, having all this money dumped in your lap. I think we'll agree it has not been an easy thing. Add to that the complications in your personal life and --
Devon: Yes, Roxanne broke up with me. She said the money changed me, and she left. And now you're telling me that I have to walk away from the only thing that I have left?
Hilary: I hit the call button.
Jill: Obviously the elevator knows not to trust you, either.
Hilary: Or maybe it was you jamming your steam trunk in the door.
Jill: Did you set this up? Is this some sort of scam? Did you futz with this electrical panel?
Hilary: Oh, yeah, because it's my dream to be stuck in a cramped, tiny space with you. It's not gonna be long. Let's not use up the oxygen by talking.
Jill: Or you could just hold your breath for 10 minutes.
[Music box plays]
[Music stops]
Hilary: It's -- it's beautiful.
Jill: [Scoffs] See, it just shows your lack of taste. It's a piece of junk.
Hilary: I had something like it when I was a kid. I thought it was wonderful. Ballerina twirled in front of the mirror as the music played. My parents gave it to me. I pestered them until they promised me dance lessons. Of course, it was just a promise -- never happened.
Jill: Why didn't your parents give you dance lessons?
Victoria: I know its hard talking about Delia and school, but, you know --
Billy: Don't check out, right? That's fair. I mean, that seems to be my fallback position. But, uh, hey, look...
[Johnny coughs]
Billy: I'm here. Oh, no! I'm here! That's progress, right?
Victoria: It's wonderful.
Billy: She was a weird kid, wasn't she? I mean, her whole love of school. Who -- who says on a Sunday, "I wish it was Monday so I could go back to school"? But she loved it. And if Johnny likes it half as much, then he's gonna be one happy kid, so...
Victoria: You okay going back there?
Billy: In September after he gets in?
Victoria: Yeah, for the tour, you know, and the playdates. Not that kids actually play together at this point.
Billy: Delia passed that test, too, with flying colors. The "Share the play kitchen" thing.
Victoria: [Laughing] Yeah, I remember. I mean, it's not an official part of the process, but it's pretty important.
Billy: I know. And it's not like we don't know them and they know us, but yet they're gonna make us jump through more hoops? I mean, who are these people?
Victoria: I don't know. Maybe you're right. Maybe it's not the place for Johnny. I mean, I know that the headmaster and the teachers would treat him well, but they really loved Dee Dee. Maybe it's not fair to Johnny. Maybe another school would be better. One with less memories.
Billy: [Clears throat]
Lily: What do the tests show?
Dr. Kershaw: I don't want your mind racing ahead to some dark place.
Lily: My mind was already racing ahead to a dark place when you called me. Do you have any idea what it's like to get a call like that or to be sitting here like this?
Cane: Let's listen to the doctor, okay?
Dr. Kershaw: I understand. So let's get to it. Your ca-125 blood levels are mildly elevated.
Cane: What does that mean?
Dr. Kershaw: We don't know yet.
Lily: So you called me to tell me that something was wrong, but you don't know what it is?
Dr. Kershaw: No, we need to schedule an MRI to get more answers.
Lily: The MRI is -- is to look for cancer. So you -- you think that it's back?
Tyler: I mean, I thought you said that you loved living in L.A. while you were growing up.
Abby: Yeah. L.A. is fabulous. What's not to love besides all the things that people hate?
Tyler: [Sighs] Okay, well, is that why you were in a mood the entire time? I mean, the movie opening, restaurants, museums, shopping. You had that same expression on your face the entire time, no matter how great the spot was.
Abby: Wait, I guess I'm just confused. So, you wanted me to have fun? I thought that I was just taking a trip down memory lane with all the places that you went with Mariah.
Tyler: Who said that I went there with Mariah?
Abby: Come on. Just admit it. You wanted to relive your past, and you dragged me along with you.
Hilary: You want to know about my childhood?
Jill: No. Please, don't mistake my total and complete boredom for interest in you.
Hilary: Hmm. That's a relief. I was worried.
Jill: But I'm waiting.
Hilary: Don't you have a TV in that bag or a three-piece band? Something to entertain you other than me?
Jill: Listen, little girl, you are the one who broadcast Cane and Lily and Neil's news to the world. Well, now it's your turn, okay? Why didn't your parents give you ballet lessons?
Hilary: My dad was arrested, okay? After that, no money, no lessons, no nothing.
Jill: Wow. Sounds familiar.
Waiter: Nice to see you, Mr. Hamilton.
Mason: Oh, I'm not -- I'm not sure we've met yet.
Waiter: Not officially. I rang you up my first day.
Mason: So, with all that craziness, you still managed to remember my name? [Chuckles] Well, I hope your boss knows how valuable you are to the team.
Jack: Come on. Jabot is not all you have. You got 2 billion bucks in the bank and a great family who truly gives a damn.
Devon: People win the lotto, and they come back to work.
Jack: People who are passionate about their work, yeah.
Devon: I'll admit to you I've been preoccupied, but that doesn't mean I was angling for you to fire me.
Jack: You have essentially said to me Jabot is a resting stop until you find something you love. Starting today, you can search for your passion full-time, not just after hours.
Devon: That's not what I was saying.
Jack: I'm not trying to be a jerk here. This is a turning point in your life. Neil has been concerned about you. Tell me something. Are you at all worried that Neil is gonna be disappointed?
Devon: No. Not at all.
Jack: Well, good. Then that's not an issue. Unemployment is. There are qualified people out there who need work. If your head is already out the door, why not open it for somebody else?
Devon: Jack, my head is here.
Jack: In a million places for a million different reasons. I'm not saying that's the money. It's probably typical for someone your age. But, Devon, I know what I'm talking about. I wasted years of my life trying to get out of my father's shadow, years trying to out-Abbott my father instead of finding myself. This is your time, your moment. Don't stay at Jabot because you're not ready to figure out who you are. Get out there! Start living your life!
Victoria: You know when the interviewer asked about our hopes for our child's future?
Billy: Oh, yeah. That was a moment, wasn't it? I don't want to lie. My heart skipped a beat. Everything I hoped for Delia's future, you know? And all the collages? I mean, you give a kid a glue stick, and they go nuts. Delia brought them all home and put them on the fridge. Johnny's gonna bring home collages, too. And when I see them, I'm gonna think of Delia. So... what school he goes to really isn't the issue. Whatever we choose, I'm not gonna forget. And here I go again, dragging you down. I'm sorry. I know this is Johnny's day. Whoo!
Victoria: You know what? This is the first time that we've been out with Johnny since Dee Dee died.
Billy: There's no way.
Victoria: Yes.
Billy: It can't be.
Victoria: It's true. This is the first time. So, it doesn't really matter what you say. You're not gonna bring me down. I swear to you, I want to hear every word.
Billy: Looks like we're doing pretty good, huh?
Victoria: Yeah, we are.
Billy: [Growling]
Kelly: Hey.
Billy: Hey, man!
Kelly: Hi, Guys. Veronica, I'm Kelly. Uh, it's nice to meet you officially. We didn't get a chance at group.
Victoria: Right. Um, it's actually Victoria, but it's really nice to meet you.
Kelly: Victoria. I'm an idiot. I'm sorry.
Victoria: Don't worry about it.
Kelly: And this handsome guy must be Johnny.
Billy: The man himself.
Kelly: Is he still teething?
Billy: Yes, he is. You know, we've got that frozen washcloth in the -- in the buggy here. It's saving my life. It's the only thing that works. It was a good tip, by the way.
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Speaking of frozen --
Kelly: Yes, my freezer's still dead.
Billy: You know what? You should try the guy that I use at the restaurant. You can mention my name. You might get half off. He might charge you double.
Kelly: [Chuckles]
Victoria: Wow, it seems like this group session really gives you guys a chance to chat. It's nice.
Billy: Yeah, not just that, but kind of have this habit --
Kelly: Yeah, we -- we seem to just run into each other a lot.
Victoria: [Chuckles]
Billy: Yeah. And sometimes after group, we get coffee.
Kelly: Which reminds me, I have something for you.
Tyler: Man, who cares where I went with Mariah?
Abby: You do, obviously, or why would you take me on your little nostalgia tour?
Tyler: She was my ex. What? You've never dated anyone before we met?
Abby: I was never engaged.
Tyler: She cheated on me, and I told you that.
Abby: Okay, well, maybe if she hadn't cheated on you, then you'd be married by now.
Tyler: [Sighs] You know what? I blocked her calls. I'm with you, all right? And even if she was to cross my mind, it wouldn't matter, 'cause I think about you so much. So, what's really going on?
Abby: You took me to the same places that you took Mariah.
Tyler: [Scoffs] Okay. So, what if we went to New York? What if you took me someplace? Should I just assume that you'd been there with some other guy?
Abby: New York's a big place. Are you calling me a slut?
Jill: What? You're just gonna drop that deadbeat-dad story on me and pretend it wasn't for my benefit? What are you looking for?
Hilary: Earbuds so I can pop them in and remove the need for us to talk.
Jill: [Laughs] You're not as good as you think you are, you know. Obviously you went digging into Neil's past and decided to stick a shovel into mine. And you found out that my dad was...useless.
Hilary: So what? [Scoffs] You think I want to bond with you in the bad daddy club? I just want these doors to open.
Jill: So you had no idea?
[Buttons clicking]
Hilary: Yes. Okay, yes. I read about your dad. You brought yourself up from damn near nothing. Other than a mother that loved you and a lot of guts. Just like I did.
Jill: [Laughs] No, no, no, no. We are not twinsies, okay? I did hair and painted nails and paid my dues.
Hilary: So did I! And I didn't have a string of rich husbands, either.
Jill: No, I earned all the respect I got.
Hilary: Yeah, from John Abbott. I read about that. Saw something in you -- your drive, your ambition.
Jill: Wow! You're playing me! Son of a --
Hilary: You proved, okay -- you proved that you deserved everything you had. You lied and schemed. [Scoffs] Even got me to spy on the man that you love like a son.
Jill: No, no, no. I told you about that. That was a trap I laid for you.
Hilary: You're a force, a presence. No one can take that from you. And for someone like me to see a woman that strong, that powerful...
Jill: What?
Hilary: I admire you, okay? Not that you want it or need it. But I do.
Devon: You know, Jack, I told myself that the money wouldn't change me. 'Cause I know what it's like to have a new life -- coming from nothing to being adopted into a well-respected, well-off family. And I figured if the money didn't mess with my head, then why would it mess with me now?
Jack: This is a lot of money, Devon.
Devon: Buy a nice car, some presents for the kids, do some charity work.
Jack: Make a donation to help them find Delia's killer.
Devon: And that brought people out of the woodwork. I don't even know if I'd put that in the plus column. For all I know, your brother might hate me for it.
Jack: My brother is very grateful. So am I.
Devon: You say I need to find myself. Where do you even suggest that I begin?
Jack: I think one of the hardest things a man has to do is find himself. I'm not saying it happens overnight. How do you start? You -- you choose a path. You take a first step. You're gonna find forks in the road. You're gonna find detours. But you keep putting one foot in front of the other, and eventually, you find your way.
Devon: Yeah. I thought music was my path. If I needed it that much, I'd be doing it right now.
Jack: So keep looking.
Devon: For how long, though? If I don't know what I want, how am I gonna know who I am?
Billy: "Words of wisdom."
Kelly: Take it.
Billy: Hmm.
Kelly: Inspirational quotes. And before you get jaded and cynical, give it a try. Sometimes you need a little nudge towards perspective.
Billy: I will give it a shot. Thank you.
Kelly: And, Victoria, you might like it, too. Honestly, it's more inspirational and reassuring than it is sappy. But if you don't want to...
Victoria: No, I mean, why wouldn't I?
Kelly: Well, I overstepped with Chloe, and I would hate to do that again.
Victoria: Oh, so Chloe's been to group, too?
Billy: Ohh, that would be a big, fat no. We ran into her when we were having coffee.
Victoria: One of your -- your coffee chats, yeah.
Kelly: So, did you guys just get back from a preschool interview?
Victoria: Yeah, exactly. We did.
Kelly: You okay being back at Dee's school?
Billy: Yeah, you know, we managed.
[Johnny babbling]
Billy: Yes, we did. The three of us, we went together.
Lily: If the tests are saying cancer --
Dr. Kershaw: They're saying we need an MRI to know more.
Cane: What are you looking for?
Dr. Kershaw: New lesions.
Cane: But she's had a hysterectomy.
Lily: You took everything. You took my ovaries and my fallopian tubes. And that was the point -- so the cancer couldn't come back.
Dr. Kershaw: That's the ideal, but lesions can occur, even after your type of surgery.
Cane: Okay, so we do the MRI. Then what?
Dr. Kershaw: If there are no lesions, we repeat the ca-125 in a month.
Lily: And if we do the MRI and there are lesions, then what?
Dr. Kershaw: We determine the cause, which may be unrelated to your medical history.
Lily: Or it's cancer. That's the point of the test, right? I mean, I could be clear. I may not be.
Dr. Kershaw: We have to wait and see. I can schedule you into the MRI now, or you can schedule it for late this week.
Lily: What? You -- you want it today?
Dr. Kershaw: Not because I'm overly concerned. But you're here already.
Cane: We're here. Let's do it today.
Lily: Fine. Let's get this over with.
Hilary: If you hate this so much, why do you carry it around?
Jill: It's an eternal reminder of the crone who tortured me in life and continues to torment me from the grave.
Hilary: Katherine Chancellor? You hated her?
Jill: More than you can possibly imagine. Almost as much as I loved her. That harpy's had me chasing all over this planet trying to find out what it was that she wanted me to find.
Hilary: A mystery.
Jill: Mnh. Not a mystery any longer. She was just a flat-out sadist. Maybe the new owner will find some value in that box.
Hilary: You sold it?
Jill: Yeah. On an online-auction site.
Hilary: Mrs. Chancellor left this to you in her will, and you put it up for bids?
Jill: Oh, please. Stop with the indignation, okay? I was making a point. I put it out there for a Nickel. I got one stupid offer for $10.25. Person must be demented.
Hilary: 10-25? That's weird. It's the same as the date on the box. 10-25.
Jill: Oh, spare me the spooky...
Mason: So, what are your plans for tonight?
Girl: You know that new club that's opening tonight -- Bash? I scored an invite.
Mason: Well, I just might see you there.
Girl: I like that idea a lot.
Mason: Yeah, I'd like a spot on your guest list tonight. Mason Wilder. Hello?
Jack: How about I offer you a reprieve? You keep your job, but you take a long vacation, an extended break, a sabbatical.
Devon: Come on, Jack.
Jack: No, no, I'm not kidding here. At least a month. Do something crazy. Go... go off somewhere far away. Go for a hike. Take a swim. Take a bungee jump. Do something different. Try new foods, listen to new sounds. Not long ago, Phyllis wanted to go to Istanbul. I fought her every step of the way. Of course, she won. Istanbul was magical. We did everything. We saw everything. We tasted everything. We shopped. She haggled. On the last day, it rained, and we... it was one of the great adventures of my life, and I tried to stop it from happening.
Devon: How's it going with Phyllis' recovery?
Jack: Red's a fighter. She's gonna be back with us. Don't change the subject. It's a big world out there, Devon. Go out and grab it.
[Door opens]
Jill: For god's sake, Jack, you need to fix the damn elevator.
Lily: Cane, I am fine. This is what happens when you once have had cancer, you know? You have tests and follow-ups, and usually the news is great, and sometimes you need more tests, so... uh, pumpkin ravioli. That sounds really good, right?
Cane: [Sighs] Must have been overwhelming for you, you know, being in the MRI machine with all that noise, you know, had time to think.
Lily: There is nothing to think about until the results are in. But there is Christmas, and the twins have outrageous lists this year. I don't know where we're gonna find a purple bike with rainbow flames.
Cane: You're amazing.
Lily: Well, I'm not the one assembling the bike.
Cane: [Laughs] No, but you are strong, and you are brave, and you always put the kids first, and you've done it even before they were born. But know this -- I love you, okay? It's all right to admit you're scared.
Lily: [Voice breaking] I'm scared.
Cane: Come on. Let me take you home.
Lily: No, Cane. I'm not gonna hide. I just -- I have to get past this.
Cane: It's all we have to do is get past this.
Lily: It's just there was a time that I didn't even think that I would live long enough to see the twins born. And then I got well, and I got greedy, and I just -- I want to be there for everything. I want to be there for all the firsts and all the successes and all the tears and every random, single moment. I want to be there for all of it.
Cane: You're gonna be there for all of it, Baby. You're doing everything right, okay? You've done all the tests. You've done the MRI. You always think of the twins. You're doing everything right.
Lily: Yeah, and now I'm just taking a side trip to fear and self-pity.
Cane: No, no, no. That's part of the journey, Baby. And if I'm lucky, you're gonna let me hold your hand and help you all the way through it.
Lily: I know, but, Cane, how many years have you been holding my hand? I know this is not the marriage that you expected.
Cane: I am grateful for every second of our marriage. There were so many times I could have lost you, Baby. This... this -- this is what I'm grateful for.
Lily: I know. I am, too. I am, but then all of a sudden, Delia and Katherine -- they're gone. They're gone, and so many people have had their hearts just ripped out. And I don't know. Forgive me if for once -- for once I just thought that we were finally safe.
Cane: We're safe. We are safe. We're safe.
Lily: [Sniffles] I don't know. My body might not agree, so...
Cane: Okay. All right. If that's the case, we're gonna make up for that, all right? We will make up for it. But all we have right now is this moment. We have this time. We have this time, Baby. We just focus on our family. We'll get through this.
Lily: We were supposed to be starting the adventure of a lifetime.
Cane: Oh, you didn't know, huh? We're already on the adventure of a lifetime. It's you and me, Baby. It's you and me, okay?
Lily: [Sighs]
Abby: You did. You just called me a slut.
Tyler: Look, I'm not doing this, Abby.
Abby: You just implied that I slept my way around New York.
Tyler: What? Are you looking for reasons to be mad at me? Is that it? You're trying to find reasons to be upset? Okay, fine. Blame me for the cold weather. Or I don't know. Maybe my shirt pisses you off. That would make just about as much sense as you're making right now.
Abby: You fed me the same soufflé that you fed Mariah.
Tyler: [Sighs] Okay. You know what? I told you that I blocked her calls. You heard me say that, right? 'Cause I'm pretty sure that you did.
Abby: I'm just a stand-in for the love of your life.
Tyler: Who didn't even know the name that I was born with. Yeah, that was some grand love affair.
Abby: But you gave her a ring. I don't know. Maybe -- maybe you didn't give her a ring, but you were engaged. And I'm just assuming that you got her a ring. I don't know. The ring -- it doesn't even matter.
Tyler: Okay, you know what? I was an idiot for thinking that I could take you to L.A. and that you would have a good time.
Abby: I did have a good time. [Sighs]
Tyler: When? All those times that you weren't smiling?
Abby: I was smiling. I was smiling in my head and then obsessing that you don't really like me.
Tyler: Oh, come on. I don't just like you. I lo--
Abby: Don't say it.
Tyler: What? We've said that before.
Abby: But that doesn't mean that we have to say it again.
Tyler: Are you scared?
Abby: Aren't you?
Tyler: Of losing somebody like you? Yeah, that scares the hell out of me.
Abby: There are so many things that could go wrong, things that -- that do go wrong, and those are with the people that I don't even care that much about. Not to say what could happen between us.
Tyler: So, you're just gonna bail because things might go wrong somewhere down the line?
Abby: Yes. Exactly. I'm glad that you understand.
Tyler: Wait. Are you breaking up with me?
Kelly: Well, nice to see both of you. Thanks.
Billy: Are you gonna call that freezer guy?
Kelly: Well, maybe if I had a little bit more to go on than "Hey, freezer guy."
[Both laugh]
Billy: Okay, Smartass. I'll bring you his number when I see you at group next time.
Kelly: All right. Thank you.
Billy: All right.
Kelly: And you guys take care, okay?
Victoria: Thank you.
Billy: You too.
Kelly: And you too, little guy. His hair. It's sweet. It's a lot like Sam's. Angel hair.
Billy: You okay?
Kelly: I'll see you soon.
Victoria: So, is that what it's like in group?
Billy: Uh, like what?
Victoria: Well, like everything's okay, and then the pain just comes washing back again?
Billy: Yeah, I'd say that pretty much sums it up. But, uh, she's a champ. You know, the trick is getting back out there in the world -- going to the gym, book club, that sort of thing.
Victoria: Wow. You and Kelly seem to know a lot about each other.
Abby: Am I breaking up with you? That's -- that's where your mind goes. Because I thought that we were making progress, and then you're asking if we're breaking up because maybe that's what you want?
Tyler: No, if I didn't want to be with you, come on, I'd have enough respect to tell you. I wouldn't -- I wouldn't play games.
Abby: So now I'm playing games. [Chuckles]
Tyler: Okay, you're -- you're pushing me away because you're afraid to get close. Like you did with Alex.
Abby: No, Alex and I broke up because we didn't have enough reasons to stay together. We didn't have...
Tyler: Have...?
Abby: This.
Tyler: Okay, so there you go. You and I have this. We're not gonna blow it, right?
Abby: Are we fighting?
Tyler: No, we're talking about important things.
Abby: Like grown-ups. Novel.
Tyler: [Chuckles] This -- this is good. You and me, it's good. Can you please try to remember that?
Abby: Well, I will have a much easier time remembering that if we can go someplace warm. Hell, I'd even take room temperature. It's freezing out here. I feel like my toes are gonna fall off.
Tyler: Come on. Let's get out of here.
Mason: Yes, this is Devon Hamilton's assistant. He'd like a spot on your guest list for tonight's opening. Great. Thank you very much.
Devon: I'm in a hurry, otherwise I'd take the stairs.
Hilary: You should try them sometime. Good exercise. Safer than sparring with Mason.
Devon: You think he could take me?
Hilary: He will eventually. Just not the way you think.
Devon: That's right. You think he's gonna pull a con on me. Kind of like you did on half the town. I already told you, he was just doing what he had to do to stay on your good side, and luckily he doesn't have that problem anymore.
Hilary: He has his own agenda now instead of mine. It doesn't make him your friend.
Devon: You know, you're more than happy to take second chances, just not give them.
Hilary: Well, I'd like to think that I earned mine from Jack. Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. You know, one thing's for sure. I'm -- I'm not the same girl that wanted to watch everyone suffer. But there's only so much I can do to keep that from happening.
Jill: All right. I checked every file, every account, every division from Chancellor that Victor inherited.
Jack: Which is rightfully yours.
Jill: Obviously. To see if anything that he inherited was a dud, a shady subsidiary, a tax-dodging division --
Jack: Exactly. That's what we're looking for -- a chink in the mustache's armor, some place to drive the spike in.
Jill: Exactly! Great plan, bad execution!
Jack: What does that mean?
Jill: It means if we want to find Victor's soft underbelly, we've been looking in the wrong place.
Billy: Sometimes Kelly and I, uh... we do a little debriefing after -- after group. It's so intense in there. There's your pain, there's their pain. [Sighs] And truthfully, sometimes you just get really sick of the whole thing.
Victoria: So you talk about freezers and teething toddlers.
Billy: [Laughs] Yeah, I guess so. See, the thing is... I see Kelly, and I think, "Yeah, okay, there's someone who's been in the same hellhole that I'm in right now, and she climbed out."
Victoria: Right. So it's proof that you can survive.
Billy: Yeah. I mean, does it seem as silly as it sounds?
Victoria: No. Not at all. In fact, I think it's brilliant. I am so grateful for group, and I'm grateful for everyone in it, because I think that maybe that's how you were able to go to Dee Dee's school today, and maybe that's why you're sitting with me and Johnny right now. You know, you just needed proof that you could survive. So the next time I see Kelly, I'm actually gonna thank her personally, because I think she's helped you a lot, and I'm really, really glad that you met her. I am.
Billy: Have I told you that I love you today? Hmm? Hmm. "Words of wisdom." [Chuckles]
Victoria: [Chuckles]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Leslie: The fake innocence? Yeah. It's not gonna work. Spill the beans. What's going on?
Avery: Your biological father is Ian Ward, and you must have some questions about him.
Nick: Are we back on Sharon again?
Victor: She's taking advantage of you, Son.
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