Y&R Transcript Monday 12/9/13
Episode # 10302 ~ Michael and Lauren celebrate; Christina learns about Paul's part in Nikki's secret.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Nikki: Well... no surprises.
Paul: The DNA results?
Nikki: What I've always known in my heart. Dylan is my son.
Paul: [Sighs] This could be a positive step, Nikki.
Nikki: What -- you think when he learns the news, he's gonna come racing over here, wanting to embrace me?
Paul: I said step, not the entire journey.
Nikki: Well, all he wanted was proof. Now he has that. He's free to go on with his life, which is what I'm sure he's gonna do.
Paul: Well, now that he knows the facts, he may change his mind. He might want to get to know you.
Nikki: No, Paul. I'm gonna lose my son all over again.
Dylan: You know, I've been trying to deny it. I just -- I can't believe I have no blood ties to the man and woman who raised me.
Avery: Dylan, your parents loved you. And when your mom adopted you, I'm sure --
Dylan: Ugh, I don't want to talk about it. I don't. I'm sorry. I know that's what you do -- you talk about a problem until a solution comes up, and --
Avery: Or until no one can stand the sound of my voice, and then they just do what I want to get me to shut up. I've won many a case that way.
Dylan: Right now, I just can't listen to all the... all the possible reasons why... why my mom would never tell me the truth! I...
Avery: Okay, well, I have a long list of those reasons, but I will, for now, keep it to myself.
Dylan: [Voice breaking] It just hurt so much, you know, when they died, partly because I still had so many things that I wanted to ask them, and... and now that we have proof, I just -- you know, I just have so many more questions.
Chelsea: Chloe? Did Connor's smile charm you into reading him a storybook upstairs? Chloe! Chloe!
Michael: I've arranged with the chef to have halibut put on the menu this evening.
Lauren: That's my favorite. That's very thoughtful and sweet.
Michael: And yet, still somehow unappealing.
Lauren: I'm -- I-I'm sorry, Michael. I'm -- I'm really... having a hard time getting into the spirit of this.
Michael: Okay. Well, we'll keep trying.
Lauren: I want to smile, but with our son in prison...how do we have a happy anniversary?
Kevin: Hey, Chris. Oh, uh, I meant to say thank you for getting Mikey released.
Christine: Well, it was a team effort. But the, uh, Basco murder case still hasn't been solved.
Kevin: Lot of that going around.
Christine: Hey, listen. Uh, don't count on it, but I'm hoping for a positive development by the end of the day.
Kevin: Yeah, well, that'd be great.
Christine: You don't sound real convincing.
Kevin: I just wish the department would focus on finding out who killed someone people loved and cared about.
Christine: Delia.
Kevin: Yeah, we need to concentrate on nailing that hit-and-run driver. Chloe needs to find some kind of peace.
Chelsea: [Breathing shakily] Chloe, what have you done?
Michael: Look. I know its tough enjoying anything, knowing what Fenmore's life is like right now.
Lauren: Yeah, we just -- we shouldn't have bothered coming.
Michael: No. No. Listen to me. This is a milestone for all of us. It needs to be honored.
Lauren: And I certainly... don't want this day to go unnoticed. But then I think about Fen.
Michael: There. There, you said it -- think about Fenmore. What better day to think about Fenmore? Our son's the best thing to come out of our marriage, isn't he?
Lauren: Yes.
Michael: You know, his name shouldn't be synonymous with... pain and stress and... unyielding anxiety.
Lauren: Well, after the year that he's had --
Michael: After the year we've had. Listen, Mrs. Baldwin. We almost didn't make it to this anniversary, if you recall.
Lauren: But we did. We fought our way back to each other.
Michael: Damn straight.
Lauren: [Chuckles]
Michael: We've been through a lot. And yet, somehow, you are just as beautiful as the day we took those vows. Do you remember... about a million, billion years ago, I asked you for your patience?
Lauren: Right -- that's after I said something horrible to you like you were unfeeling and shut down. Oh, it was terrible! Yeah!
Michael: Showed you a pretty good night that night, didn't I?
Lauren: [Laughing] You did! You marked the cards in the casino.
Michael: And look what I got for it.
[Both chuckle]
[Both remembering]
Lauren: You can't be serious.
Michael: I've never been more serious about anything in my life. I want you to marry me, Lauren. I want you to be my wife.
[Back to present]
Lauren: I don't think I can do this.
Michael: No. No. Listen to me. Just one hour. All you have to do is let me show you how much I love you.
Womack: [Clears throat] [Chuckles] Don't worry. It's not your fan club.
Fenmore: Womack.
Womack: That's all you got to say to me, to the guy that saved your life?
Fenmore: Saved me from some bruises, maybe. What are you doing?
Womack: Reminding my new friend Mouse... that he still owes me one. That was a serious beating you were taking back there before I stepped in. Remember -- friends... ...take care of friends.
Summer: Excuse me.
Raven: Summer.
Summer: Yeah?
Raven: I've been kind of wondering about our mutual friend.
Summer: Fen?
Raven: How's he doing, being locked up? You...heard anything?
Summer: Yeah, I've seen him.
Raven: Yeah?
Summer: Yeah, he seems to be holding up pretty well.
Raven: Good. Next time you see him, could you --
Summer: Look, Raven. I'm not passing any messages for you.
Raven: Who asked you to?
Summer: Hey, Raven? When Fen gets out... stay away from him, okay? He does not need you or your drugs anymore. [Sighs]
[Indistinct conversation]
Courtney: Oh, hey, Genoa City's next top model.
Summer: Hi. Hey.
Noah: So, I was just inviting Courtney to join us -- the family -- for, uh, the holidays.
Courtney: You're gonna be there, right, Summer?
Summer: I don't know. Uh, holidays and family are kind of confusing right now, so... why? Where are your parents gonna be?
Courtney: I don't know. St. Barts or something. They're gonna be gone.
Summer: So you don't have anybody else to do the whole tree-and-presents thing with?
Courtney: Nope!
Noah: Except for us, which works for me.
Courtney: And me. It's gonna be the best Christmas ever.
Noah: I'm gonna get us some refills. Do you want anything, Summer?
Summer: No, I'm good.
Noah: You sure?
Summer: Yeah.
Noah: Okay.
Courtney: Okay, so, something's bugging you. What's up?
Summer: I don't know why you're not gonna spend the holidays with that Zach guy that was texting you.
Courtney: Why would I spend the holidays with some guy from work?
Summer: 'Cause I checked with my Aunt Abby, and you don't work with any guy named Zach.
[Cell phone rings]
Kevin: Chelsea.
Chelsea: Do you have any idea where Chloe is?
Kevin: No. Just got a message from her about dinner, though.
Chelsea: You're meeting her? Where? When?
Kevin: Just the opposite. She canceled on me.
Chelsea: Just now?
Kevin: Half-hour ago, maybe.
Chelsea: Uh, well, how did she sound?
Kevin: In a text? How do people sound in texts?
Chelsea: Kevin.
Kevin: I don't know. I guess she was abrupt. I figured she was just busy. Is everything okay?
Chelsea: I've been trying to reach Chloe since I got home. She won't answer her phone.
Kevin: Well, that doesn't mean anything.
Chelsea: She took off with my son!
Paul: Nikki, you don't know you're going to lose your son.
Nikki: He was so angry with me, Paul.
Paul: But now that the DNA results have been confirmed, he might -- he might come around, and, uh, Dylan could want a relationship with you.
Victor: Or McAvoy could wreak havoc with our family's lives.
Paul: Why do you always think the worst about everyone?
Victor: Because of experience...bitter experience. People aren't always as honest as you expect them to be.
Nikki: Thank you for coming over.
Paul: Well, I'm sure that you and Victor have a lot to talk about. And look, Nikki. If you need a friend, you can always count on me.
Nikki: Thank you.
Paul: That goes for both of you. Thanks. See you later.
Nikki: Thank you. Okay.
[Door closes]
Victor: You all right?
Nikki: Yeah, I'm fine.
Victor: Is it your M.S.? Do you want me to call the doctor?
Nikki: No, no, no. Physically, I'm fine. But when it comes to the two of us...are we gonna be all right?
Avery: Dylan, what can I do?
Dylan: I just -- I just can't believe it. I don't want to believe it. You can tell me that this is all wrong. You can tell me that -- that Nikki arranged the whole thing.
Avery: I'm afraid she didn't.
Dylan: [Voice breaking] So the woman who did everything... for me, the woman that I called... "Mom" my whole life, was lying.
Avery: Dylan, your mother was a good person. And she couldn't have loved you more, even if you were flesh and blood.
Dylan: That's not what I'm feeling right now.
Avery: Dylan.
Dylan: I know! I know can't fight scientific proof. I'm just gonna have to deal with it.
Avery: What do you plan to do now?
Nikki: Victor, you have to try to understand the state of mind I was in when I got this information.
Victor: Katherine had just died.
Nikki: Yes. And I had gotten her letter from the grave with solid clues about my child!
Victor: And your first reaction was to not share this with your husband?
Nikki: I -- [Sighs] I-I just was overwhelmed, Victor! I didn't know what to do.
Victor: For how long?
Nikki: Well, you know, I have to say...you weren't that forthcoming about what Katherine wrote to you, either.
Victor: What does one thing have to do with the other? What does my inheriting Chancellor Industries have to do with you finding out about a long-lost child?
Nikki: I will tell you. I was afraid.
Victor: Afraid of what -- of me?
Nikki: I was afraid that you would stop me, and you know that that's what you would have done. Now you can understand why I did the things I did. I was afraid!
Victor: You keep on saying you trust me. You certainly don't act like it.
Nikki: May-- maybe I-I didn't trust you enough.
Victor: Then what the hell are we doing in this marriage?
Nikki: You answer this question. If it had been you and not Paul -- if it had been you and your investigators who learned that Dylan was my son...would you have told me the truth?
Paul: [Sighs] Hey!
Christine: Hey.
Paul: How long you been waiting in here?
Christine: Oh, long enough to snoop in my husband's business.
Paul: Oh?
Christine: You still have Carmine Basco's autopsy report front and center on your desk? [Chuckles]
Paul: Well, it's an open case.
Christine: And how many times have you been over the autopsy?
Paul: The number of times aren't important. The last time, I found something new. That's important.
Christine: Wait, something that might help solve the case?
Paul: Well, it's too early to tell -- just another piece in the ever-changing puzzle.
Christine: Ah, more pieces -- just what we need. What was it?
Paul: Uh...Howard, the regular medical examiner... didn't sign the autopsy report.
Christine: So Jimmy did the autopsy?
Paul: No, it was all done by the time he got to the office in the morning...by someone who was filling in for him.
Christine: Who?
Paul: That's what I'm trying to find out. You recognize this name?
Christine: Mm, no.
Paul: Neither did I. So I'm waiting on a call back from the coroner's office. I want some answers from that guy.
Summer: Why would you lie about that Zach guy?
Courtney: Why would you go behind my back and ask your Aunt Abby? You're supposed to be my best friend, Summer.
Summer: And you're supposed to be dating my brother.
Courtney: Noah's not --
Summer: I don't care if he's not really my brother. I don't want you cheating on him.
Courtney: I'm not. Why do you even care about Zach in the first place?
Summer: Because I could tell that something was up, and, obviously, it was.
Courtney: You don't know the full story.
Summer: Okay, then, give me the full story. [Sighs]
Courtney: Summer? Fine. Wait.
Summer: I want the full story, Courtney, because I have been getting a really weird vibe from you ever since Fen said that you were some big druggie. Were you lying about that, too?
Courtney: No. I said that I would never.
Summer: Okay, then, I'm gonna start wanting some honest answers.
Courtney: I don't work with Zach. He's not some secret boyfriend, either. He's family.
Summer: Okay, then why didn't you just say that in the beginning?
Courtney: Because he's... really messed up, and... it's embarrassing.
Summer: All right. So, family how? What -- brother, cousin, uncle? What is he, Courtney?
Courtney: Noah's coming back here any second. But, Summer, I swear on my life I'm not doing anything wrong. Please believe me.
Noah: Hey. What did I miss?
Chelsea: Did she call you?
Kevin: Not yet -- you still haven't heard from her?
Chelsea: Why isn't she calling either one of us back?
Kevin: Something must have come up.
Chelsea: Like what?! What am I supposed to do, Kevin? Maybe I should call Adam.
Kevin: No, no, no, no! The last thing we need is for Adam to get all crazed when I'm sure there's a very logical explanation for this. When was the last time you spoke to her?
Chelsea: Before I left to go to the office!
Kevin: What did she say?
Chelsea: She was warning me. She's irritated that I'm getting close to Adam again.
Kevin: So she warned you?
Chelsea: She said that I need to protect Connor from Adam. What does she think, Kevin -- that I'm being a bad mom, that she can do a better job protecting Connor after what happened?
Kevin: No. Chelsea, listen. This is Chloe we're talking about, okay? I promise you she would never, ever do anything to hurt Connor.
Chelsea: You were also worried about her state of mind. You were. You told Adam that.
Kevin: That doesn't mean I think that --
Chelsea: She is grieving, Kevin...deeply! Tell me that you are 100% certain of what Chloe is capable of right now.
Michael: [Muffled] You were so angry at me.
Lauren: [Laughing] Oh, well, if you had just come out and proposed right away, but, well... then it wouldn't be quite as memorable, and we wouldn't be talking about it all these years later, right?
Michael: More. What other memories?
Lauren: Mm. There's so many. There's so many. There -- [Clicks tongue] I got one. Just an ordinary day. I was thinking about redecorating.
Michael: I do not remember the significance, no.
Lauren: Okay. And what if I call you... dense?
[Lauren remembering]
Lauren: So, what color you want to paint it -- pink or blue?
Michael: I like green. Maybe yellow!
Lauren: Oh, my God. Sometimes, you can be so dense.
Michael: "Dense"?
Lauren: Mm-hmm.
Michael: "Dense." I'll have you know that I am considered quite astute in certain circles.
Lauren: Well, not today, Honey. Because, Michael... you're gonna be a father.
Christine: And what else has been going on with you? You just -- you don't seem, uh...
Paul: Well, um, I'm spread pretty thin these days. But there is something I want to tell you. When you were working in D.C., I was doing some investigative work.
Christine: Right, you said you were working on a case.
Paul: Right. It was for Nikki. I was helping her find a child she had given up for adoption years ago. Well, I didn't want you to think that I was being dishonest with you.
Christine: Well, I mean, yeah -- technically, you were working on a case. Y-you just led me to believe --
Paul: It was official police business? Uh, yeah. I shouldn't have done that.
Christine: So there was nothing more to it than that?
Paul: No, it was just an investigation.
Christine: Well, a-a-a deeply personal one...for you and Nikki. And you never said one word about it to me.
Victor: It's all a moot point!
Nikki: Well, yes, of course. It is moot now. I already know the answer.
Victor: In other words, you're saying that if I had been the one to find out that Dylan was your son --
Nikki: You would not have been honest with me.
Victor: Wait a minute. You're presuming!
Nikki: I only say that because that's what you do.
Victor: Well, I'm your husband!
Nikki: And I love you. I love you so much for wanting to protect me. But this was the one time that I really needed to know the truth. I needed to know all of the facts. There were some times where there were worse possibilities.
Victor: Like what?
Nikki: At one point, I thought that the child I had given birth to had died at an early age.
Victor: That's a horrible thought to contemplate.
Nikki: Yes, it was.
Victor: Yet all this time, you kept everything from me. Why?!
Nikki: I just wanted to wait until I knew more information. Victor, believe me, if I could go back and do it again, I would.
Victor: [Sighs deeply]
Nikki: But I don't regret finding Dylan. It took such a burden off of my heart. But I do regret that I've brought another burden...to our family.
Victor: You have.
Courtney: Me and Summer were just...talking about girl stuff. How friends do.
Summer: Oh, well, there's Dylan and Avery, and I've been meaning to catch up with them, so...bye.
Noah: Bye, Summer.
Courtney: [Sighs]
Noah: Is there something I should know?
Courtney: No. Just how crazy I am about you.
Avery: So, there's no change in your mom's condition?
Summer: Uh, no. She's -- she's still the same.
Avery: I'm sorry to hear that, Summer. I'm hoping to get up to see her in the next month. But, um, actually, if you want to talk about it later --
Dylan: You can actually talk about it now. I need to --
Summer: No, no. Dylan, wait. Don't -- don't leave. I wanted to talk to you, too.
Dylan: Uh, about what?
Summer: About your new family.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Chelsea: Where is she?
Kevin: Maybe her phone died, or it could be a business thing.
Chelsea: I'm sorry, Kevin. I-I-I have to call the police!
Kevin: No, no, no! Listen. Slow down, okay? I can find her. I can find her.
Chelsea: I don't know where my son is, Kevin!
Kevin: Chelsea, please, please. Do we really want her thrown in jail over a misunderstanding?
Chelsea: No. But you have to understand I-I've been through this before, and it's -- it's -- its agony.
[Both sigh]
Kevin: I know. I know. And listen. We both know how much she's struggling right now.
Chelsea: I thought that spending time with Connor after the transplant -- I thought that that was a good thing.
Kevin: It is! Some days, holding him in her arms is the only thing that makes her feel better.
Chelsea: What if today she needed more?
Kevin: Will you be okay alone if I go out looking for her?
Chelsea: Yeah, of course.
Kevin: You're not gonna call the cops or Adam?
Chelsea: No, I promise. Please, just hurry.
Kevin: I will, and I will check in in a little while, okay? Um... it's gonna be okay.
Chloe: Hi!
Chelsea: Oh, my God! Thank God!
Chloe: Hi.
Chelsea: Baby? Hi! Are you okay? Are you okay, huh? [Smooches] Huh? You okay? Hi! Hi!
Chloe: Guys, did something bad happen?
Chelsea: Chloe, where were you? Where did you take him?
Kevin: Are you okay?
Chloe: [Chuckling] Well, of course I'm okay. And he's okay, too, now.
Chelsea: What do you mean?
Chloe: Oh, he just got a little fussy, so I took him out for a drive. It's what I used to do with Delia. That always worked, and it worked for that little heartbreaker.
Chelsea: You didn't leave a note or call me or answer your phone.
Chloe: I'm so sorry. I really thought that I was gonna be home before you got back from the office, and, well, my phone died, and... wait, what are you doing here?
Chelsea: I was -- I was worried. Come here.
Chloe: Worried about what?
Chelsea: Okay. I got you.
Chloe: Wait.
Chelsea: Okay.
Chloe: Did...did you think that I wasn't coming back?
Kevin: Chloe --
Chloe: Wait. No. Wait. [Voice breaking] Chelsea, did you think that I... kidnapped Connor? What -- to replace Delia? Oh, my God. That's what you thought!
Christine: Your history with Nikki goes back even further than ours.
Paul: Chris, nothing went on between Nikki and me. It was just, uh... [Sighs] An emotional journey for both of us.
Christine: In what way?
Paul: Well, we were both involved in the New World commune. She was in much deeper than I was, and, uh, we were very close back then. And it was so long ago, really, uh, I hadn't given it much thought, and I didn't think she did, either. But recently, she told me the truth about what went on with the cult leader, Ian Ward.
Christine: I-I-if that's all it was, why didn't you just tell me?
Paul: I didn't want to keep it from you, but it wasn't my secret to tell.
[Cell phone rings]
Christine: [Sighs] Its Judge Wayne... about Fen.
Dylan: I take it you heard about my situation.
Summer: It sucks. And I hope that I never have to hear about another DNA test again in my life.
Avery: Summer, I don't know that Dylan is ready to --
Dylan: Oh, I'm right there with you on that one. It does suck.
Summer: And I know that you probably don't want to talk about it. I get it. I was the exact same way. I was ready to write people out of my life forever.
Avery: But you didn't.
Summer: Look, I know that I don't know you well enough, especially not to just lay advice on you. Um, but I just wanted to say that you... you lucked into a really great family.
Dylan: You call this lucky.
Summer: I know that it might not seem like it, but I think that I'm uniquely qualified to say that it might be a good thing. But look, you just gained yourself an amazing brother. And I know that you guys don't... see eye-to-eye on things. But he's a really good guy, and I'm just worried about how this will affect him.
Dylan: You're worried about Nick why?
Summer: Because I love him, and I know that it's really hurting him about you and Aunt Avery. All right, well, I won't... bug you guys anymore.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Summer: Um...yeah, just one more thing. Before you write her off... my grandma's a really awesome person.
Nikki: Victor, I'm so sorry that I hurt you. But I really needed to know the truth. I mean... my own mortality is what started this whole thing. I didn't want to die without knowing what had happened to my firstborn child. And they needed to know about the M.S.
Victor: And you turned to Paul Williams.
Nikki: Can I remind you of something that you said on thanksgiving?
Victor: What's that?
Nikki: You said that we have overcome so many obstacles. And that you still love me, always. Is that still true?
Victor: Yeah.
Nikki: I'm very happy to hear that.
Victor: I have some business that I... have to deal with, okay?
Nikki: Right now?
Victor: Yeah.
Nikki: Oh. It won't take long?
Victor: I'm not sure.
Michael: [Laughs]
Lauren: That was funny.
Michael: It was the best.
Lauren: Yeah. Let me just make sure everything's okay.
[Cell phone ringing]
Lauren: [Sighs] It's an unknown caller.
Michael: Go ahead.
Lauren: Hello? [Sighs]
Michael: What -- another hang-up?
Lauren: Yeah! I mean, whoever this person is trying to reach, it's clearly not me, and they're not getting the message. I should just -- I should change my cell phone number.
Michael: Yeah. That's probably a good idea. Do you remember our first anniversary?
[Michael remembering]
Michael: Do you remember what you were doing one year ago today?
Lauren: Ooh, my nails? These poor things.
Michael: Okay, fine. If that's how you're gonna play it, you're not getting your anniversary gift.
Lauren: [Gasps] Gift?
Michael: Mnh!
Lauren: Gift?!
Michael: No, too late.
Lauren: Why didn't you say that in the first place?
Michael: I am so taking it back to the store.
Lauren: No, you are not -- not if I can find it first.
Michael: No. No, stop!
[Both laughing]
Michael: Stop it! Stop it!
Lauren: [Laughing] No! I'm going to find it.
[Back to present]
Michael: So, speaking of gifts, your gift, young lady...
Lauren: There's only one gift that I want.
Michael: I promise to return that gift to you -- our family, safe...home... all of us.
[Cell phone rings]
Michael: Oh. Sorry. My turn. All right. This is Christine. And it could be bad news, and I can make her go away right now.
Lauren: No. Let's hear it now.
Michael: Hello.
Christine: Michael, I've got news.
Michael: About Fenmore?
Christine: The timetable's been moved up. He'll be released in two days.
Michael: Hold on just a minute. Wait. Fenmore is gonna be released in two days. Two days!
Lauren: Oh! That's fantastic!
Michael: [Stammering] Thank you. You must have pulled quite a few strings to make this happen.
Christine: Mnh, I just helped move things along. But Carmine's murderer hasn't been charged, so that case won't be dropped.
Michael: Yes, I understand. I understand, but...thank you. Thank you so much. [Laughing] Bye.
Lauren: [Laughing]
Michael: [Sighs] Oh, that's what I like. You're glowing.
Lauren: Let's celebrate.
Michael: All right.
Lauren: Okay? Our family...is gonna be together for the holidays.
[Glasses clink]
Lauren: I love you.
Womack: [Grunting]
Fenmore: Well, I'm not sure I'm gonna be around to return any favors. I'm being released soon.
Womack: Turns out, I'm getting out of here pretty soon myself. [Chuckles] Don't worry, Mouse. I'll find a way for you to pay me back on the outside.
Fenmore: [Sighs]
Chloe: [Voice breaking] How far gone do you think I am... that I would kidnap a baby?
Kevin: Chloe, it was not that big a deal. It's not like anybody called the cops!
Chloe: Yeah, but Chelsea --
Kevin: She was concerned! She was concerned. She came home, the house was empty...
Chloe: Okay, well, motherly concern is one thing. But to question my mental state -- I mean, yeah, I miss Delia, but I would never try to replace her with another child, especially my best friend's child.
Chelsea: I overreacted, Chloe. I am so sorry.
Chloe: You thought this, too!
Chelsea: No, don't blame Kevin. He was sticking up for you. I was the one that got him all worked up.
Chloe: Why would you think that?
Chelsea: I don't know. After what happened with Dylan, when he took Connor, my head couldn't help just going back to that same fear. But I should have known better, and I should have trusted my friend, and from now on, I will. Please forgive me.
Dylan: I know she meant well.
Avery: What Summer said didn't help?
Dylan: It helped clarify, uh, how messed up this situation really is, yeah.
Avery: Now that the truth has been confirmed, I really think you need to find out more about your biological father.
Dylan: No, I don't think so.
Avery: You said that you wanted answers from your parents. This is a chance to get answers.
Dylan: I know as much as I need to know about the guy.
Avery: Listen, Dylan. I ran from learning unpleasant things about my father, but... in the end, it actually helped me to understand my sister better. Maybe some good can come out of finding out more about Ian Ward.
Dylan: I know... what it cost you, standing with me. And it means a lot to me.
Avery: But you're ignoring my advice.
Dylan: I just don't want to think about him or Nikki or just any of this.
Avery: Tell me what you need.
Dylan: [Sighs] Just to be alone.
Avery: Is that a good idea?
Dylan: I mean, there's too many questions. I'll check in with you later.
Chloe: What I need is for people to stop treating me like I'm some sort of mental case. Excuse me. Can I please have a cup of coffee? [Sighs]
Kevin: You have to get where Chelsea was coming from. She's been through so much with Connor already. It was a gut overreaction.
Chloe: Okay, but I need people to realize that I am okay, okay? I get that all on a rational level. But I'm okay!
Kevin: I know that you are okay. I know. I know.
Summer: Hey. Where's Courtney?
Noah: Hi. She had to run some errands... which is kind of good, because now you can help me out.
Summer: With?
Noah: What do I get Courtney for Christmas?
Summer: How would I know?
Noah: You're her best friend. If you don't know, who -- who would?
Summer: Well, I don't really know everything there is to know about Courtney, and I'm guessing that you don't, either.
Raven: Good doing business with you, Courtney.
Courtney: Hey, just don't make our "Business" anybody else's business.
Christine: I'm almost finished executing these papers for Fen's release on the drug charges.
Paul: When you're done, answer a question?
Christine: Yeah.
Paul: Are you angry with me?
Christine: [Sighs] Uh, I was bothered but...not completely.
Paul: How much "Not completely"?
Christine: Well, most of my wise and reasonable self understands you were just being the man that I fell in love with.
Paul: But?
Christine: [Chuckles] What can I say? Nikki is lucky to call this man a loyal and supportive friend, but...I'm even luckier to call you my husband.
Dylan: It's Dylan. Leave a message, and I'll get back to you.
Nikki: Hi, Dylan, it's...it's Nikki. I assume that you got the message from the lab, and I-I just wanted to make sure you're okay. I don't want to press things, but...if you would like to talk to me and chat...I would like that very much. Bye-bye.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Victor: You stay away from my wife, okay?
Dylan: I intend to do just that.
Victor: Yeah. You say that now, but one day you may want something from her, reach out to her for one reason or another. Resist that temptation, okay? For her sake...and yours.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Abby: I'm glad that you understand.
Tyler: Wait, are you breaking up with me?
Lily: The MRI is -- is to look for cancer. So, you -- you think that it's back?
Jack: You're fired.
Devon: I'm fired? 'Cause I wouldn't spy on Victor for you and Jill?
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