Y&R Transcript Friday 12/6/13

Y&R Transcript Friday 12/6/13


Episode # 10301 ~ Lily gets an unexpected phone call; Nikki's relationship with Victor grows increasingly strained.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Avery: [Panting] [Sniffs]

Nick: Whoa!

Avery: Ooh! I'm so sor-- [Exhales deeply] H-hi.

Nick: Hey.

Avery: We -- we got to stop meeting like this.

Nick: Yeah, sorry. Did I, uh, step on your foot or anything?

Avery: Were you trying to?

Nick: Well, I guess if I'd actually known it was you, maybe I would have stomped on your toes a little bit.

Avery: I'm fine. What about you? And I don't mean crashing into each other. I mean, how are you, really?

Nick: How am I really really?

Avery: Well, the last time I saw you was at the club when Nikki told everyone --

Nick: Yeah, uh, let's -- you know, we can't do that.

Avery: We can't do what?

Nick: We can't pretend like its old times, Avery. I can't lean on you.

Stitch: Hey. You come from therapy?

Dylan: You checking up on me?

Stitch: Part of my job description as friend. So, did you go?

Dylan: Yeah, I went. And, uh, given how messed up I am, I'm surprised the guy didn't charge me triple.

Stitch: [Chuckles] I didn't know they charged by the neuroses. Bad session?

Dylan: Nope. Session went fine. If I seem a little tense, I got some other things happening today. [Sighs]

Stitch: Your DNA results?

Dylan: Anytime now... I'll now whether Nikki's my biological mother, or I can add my mother to the list of people who lied to me.

Cane: You okay?

Lily: Yeah.

Cane: So, when is Dr. Kershaw supposed to call to give you the rest of your test results?

Lily: Oh, I'm not worried about that. You saw how optimistic he was at my checkup.

Cane: Cancer-free.

Lily: Yes.

Cane: I love saying those words.

Lily: Me too. [Chuckles] No, I was just checking an e-mail about, um, the games that we got for the twins.

Cane: Oh, they're not backordered, are they?

Lily: No, no, no. They were shipped today, so...

Cane: That's good, 'cause you know how much I love going to toy stores on Christmas eve and doing last-minute Christmas shopping.

Lily: Yes, well, it is closer than the North Pole, so...

Cane: So, um, when do you want to take the kids to see Santa?

Lily: Um, I was thinking this weekend.

Cane: Yeah, that works.

Lily: Yeah. I have their outfits picked out and everything. One of my favorite things to do to take them to go see Santa Claus.

Cane: Hey. We have a lot to be grateful for. Okay.

Jill: Oh, Chloe. Hi, Sweetheart.

Chloe: Hi.

Jill: Oh. How are you doing? I've barely seen you at the house since Thanksgiving.

Chloe: Uh, yeah. I've just been really busy with work.

Jill: Have you been taking care of yourself? 'Cause I know how hard this year is gonna be getting through the holidays.

Chloe: I'll manage.

Jill: You know, Billy found a support group for grieving parents. Maybe you could look into --

Chloe: You know, that's Billy's thing. It's really not mine. And, Jill, I know how to take care of myself, and I don't need you or anyone else telling me how to do it. [Sighs]

Kevin: [Sighs]

Paul: Hi.

Kevin: I keep praying.

Paul: Yeah, we all are. Along with doing some very good investigative work.

Kevin: Too bad we have nothing to show for it.

Paul: I know, Kevin. I'm as frustrated as you are. But we just have to keep reviewing everything we've got. Sometimes a tiny detail that you didn't notice before or a witness that waited to show up. Sometimes that can make all the difference in the world.

Kevin: Like with Michael being released from prison, right? You and Chris found some new piece of evidence that opened the whole thing. I don't know all the details, but if you ask me, he's already paid more than he should have.

Paul: I'm just looking for the truth. Excuse me, will you?

Nikki: Hey, Paul, it's me. I-I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I know you're anxious to hear about what happened when I told my family about Dylan. Unfortunately, it didn't turn out as well as I had expected. Frankly, I don't know what I expected when you and I first started to look for my son, but this certainly wasn't it. Anyway, call me.

Nikki: Victor, I'm sorry.

Victor: You almost married Paul Williams, remember?

Nikki: Oh, that was years ago.

Victor: Uh-huh. And yet he's the man you went to to help you find a child you gave up for adoption years ago.

Nikki: I had my reasons.

Victor: You had your reasons to keep me in the dark and lean on him to help you find that child? How the hell do you think I will trust you from now on?

Connor: [Crying]

Chelsea: He's awake.

Adam: [Sighs]

Lily: I think I want to do the soup and salad.

Jill: Ah, that sounds good to me, too.

Lily: Yeah.

Cane: I'm glad you could join us for lunch.

Jill: I'm glad you invited me.

Cane: So, how are you doing?

Jill: [Sighs] It's been a tough year.

Lily: Yeah, very.

Jill: And some days are better than others, you know? The house is so empty without Katherine wandering around insulting me and Delia begging to know when we're gonna put up the Christmas tree. As painful as that is for me, it's got to be so much more painful for Chloe and Billy.

Cane: Yeah, I hear Billy's hurting.

Jill: It just breaks my heart to watch him. And I try to reach out to him, but he won't let me help him. Some things never change, huh?

Cane: Hmm.

Jill: But at least he took Victoria's advice and he found a professional support group.

Lily: If I were in his shoes, I would not be able to cope without the help of other people.

Jill: Well, I just suggested that to Chloe. You'd have thought I slapped her.

Cane: Poor Chloe.

Lily: Yeah, but, you know, she's really busy with the fashion line, you know? I think she's just trying to get herself back to normal.

Jill: I think that's a big mistake. I think these people who try to bury themselves in their work to get past the pain, I think it's very, very rarely successful.

Cane: No, you just wind up paying for it later.

Jill: Yeah. You can try to dodge grief, but sooner or later, it's gonna catch up with you.

Chloe: [Deep voice] Guess who? [Chuckles]

Kevin: What are you doing here?

Chloe: [Normal voice] I came to invite you to dinner.

Kevin: Tonight?

Chloe: Yeah. It's my treat, as a thank-you for how awesome you've been lately, showing me all the silly videos, making me laugh. I really needed it.

Kevin: Well, you don't owe me anything. I was just trying to get you to laugh, and I did. That's my reward.

Chloe: Shut up. When someone offers you a meal, you take it.

Kevin: [Chuckles] Okay. Since you put it that way, where and when?

Chloe: Well, I'm gonna have to call you. I've got to run back to the office. I'm handling a few things for Chelsea, so I'm not really sure when I'm gonna be done.

Kevin: Cool. I'm glad to hear you're working at the office instead of at Chelsea's.

Chloe: I'm fine with being around Connor. Kevin, how many times do I have to say it? God, I am so sick of everybody thinking that they know what's best for me. I wish everyone would just stop judging me and just be supportive.

Paul: Hey, Nik. Uh, I don't know how I missed your call, but, uh, listen, I'm -- I'm sorry things didn't go as well with your family as you had hoped. But why don't you give me a call back and, uh -- and we can meet, okay? I'm worried about you.

[Cell phone chimes]

Victor: You want to get that?

Nikki: It's fine.

Victor: I asked you point-blank if there were any other secrets. You said there were none. The only person who knew was Katherine.

Nikki: Victor, I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I misled you.

Victor: How long has Paul Williams known about this?

Nikki: I only told him a couple of months ago when I decided to take this journey.

Victor: We could have undertaken this journey together. I have a slew of investigators that would have helped us find what you were looking for.

Nikki: Well, you know, you're probably right. I-I-I should have told you. But I just wasn't ready to. I wanted more answers. And what would be the point of telling you something so painful if nothing was ever gonna come of it? So I went to Paul. He -- he knew the players. He was a part of the cult. He knew Ian Ward, and he had the resources to hunt down anything that might come up.

Victor: Nikki, I'm your husband!

Nikki: Exactly. Paul doesn't have any emotional attachment to this situation. He would have been able to focus on what was going on without dealing with any kind of sentiment.

Victor: You and he were involved once years ago, but he couldn't be objective!

Nikki: At first, I just thought it would involve a couple of phone calls, maybe a little internet search. I had no idea that Paul would end up coming with me on this journey.

Victor: There's this damn word "Journey" again.

Nikki: Well, yeah. So what? What?

Victor: I remember when you took that trip to Chicago ostensibly to do some charity work. What you were really doing is, you're pursuing the trail that would lead you to the child that you put up for adoption. So, the question is this -- did you go alone, or did Paul Williams come along?

Nikki: Oh, Victor.

Kevin: I'm not judging you, Chloe. I'm looking out for you, the way I always do.

Chloe: I know. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I -- [Sighs] I ran into Jill before, and she just gave me an earful of unwanted advice. Sometimes I feel like everyone is just watching me and talking about me behind my back, thinking that I'm not handling Delia's death in the right way. Not like there's such a thing.

Kevin: Look, if anybody's doing that, just ignore them. But honestly, I think the people who care about you are just trying to help.

Chloe: So, what? Now you're defending Jill?

Kevin: Delia was her granddaughter. She's mourning, too. And whatever she said to you, maybe it had more to do with how she's trying to cope. We're all trying to figure out our way through this, you know?

Chloe: I know. I guess I need to learn to be a little more patient and a little less hyper.

Kevin: If you're making a list, can you add "Not hogging the sheets at night"?

Chloe: [Inhales sharply] Now, that is asking too much. All right, I got to run, but I'll text you later about dinner.

Kevin: Okay. Good. Take me somewhere nice. [Sighs]

Avery: Look, I understand you don't feel like you can talk to me the way you used to.

Nick: Well, that's mostly due to the fact that we broke up.

Avery: Yes, I realize that. I just wish it wasn't the case, but it is.

Nick: And if that DNA test proves that Dylan is, in fact, my mother's son, it's gonna get to a whole, new level of weird. But I guess that evens things out.

Avery: What do you mean?

Nick: Well, when you and I got together, we really hurt your sister badly. And now it looks like the real love of your life may turn out to be my brother, so... you know, it's kind of payback.

 Dylan: Which is worse? Nick Newman for a brother or a cult leader for a father? Actually, that might explain a few things.

Stitch: Like what?

Dylan: [Sighs] Like my dad, Terry. He was the best man I've ever met, and I always wanted to be like him, but somehow I never quite measured up.

Stitch: You're being a little hard on yourself, don't you think?

Dylan: Am I, Stitch? We both know I have a dark side.

Stitch: You and everyone else. And I got to say, Nikki -- I've gotten to know her a little from helping treat her, and, to me, she seems like good people.

Dylan: Yeah, or she was just using you to get information on me the way she did Avery. And what's up with her dropping the news that I'm her long-lost child in the middle of a restaurant? Who the hell does that? And I know everybody's gonna tell me how great Nikki Newman is, but I definitely have some issues with the way she's been handling things.

Nikki: Yes, Paul was with me in Chicago.

Victor: So, one lie after the other.

Nikki: Oh, my God. If you're suggesting that something happened between the two of us when we were there, absolutely not!

Victor: That's not the point! That's not the point!

Nikki: Well, it might not be the point, but it's the truth!

Victor: The point is, it's appalling how many parts of your life you have kept from me!

Nikki: I --

Victor: I'm your husband, for heaven's sake. I had to find out from Jack Abbott that you had M.S.! You didn't tell me! Now I find out that you were looking for a child that you gave birth to years ago, gave up for adoption! You didn't tell me! Now I find out that Paul Williams is involved in the search! You didn't tell me!

Nikki: I didn't want to worry you. That's why I waited.

Victor: After all the years you and I have spent together, after all the obstacles, all the pain that we have overcome together, you know what hurts the most? You don't trust me, do you?

Chelsea: Oh!

Connor: [Crying]

Chelsea: Connor decided to take a shorter nap than usual. No. I got you.

Adam: Our son has an acute sense of timing.

Chelsea: I think we should talk about what just happened.

Adam: You're gonna say it was a mistake?

Chelsea: [Sighs] We've gotten past so much. We're in such a good place now. I mean, way beyond what I thought possible when I first moved in here. We've worked so hard, Adam, to be okay again. I just don't want to risk screwing that up. What if we got back together and things didn't work out? That would be terrible for Connor.

Adam: True. But what if things did work out? And more to the point, would you want them to?

Avery: You know that I'm not a believer in karmic payback.

Nick: I've heard you say that before, but I've also heard you say something completely different.

Avery: Okay, my feelings on the subject are fluid. Let's say that.

Nick: Okay.

Avery: I think if you and Dylan really are brothers, it's more of a cruel twist of fate. And yes, I have given this a lot of thought, how this could happen. I mean, was I drawn to you both because of your similar qualities? You're both good, caring men who understand the importance of family.

Nick: Sharon said something similar to that.

Avery: Oh, well, if Sharon and I agree on something, it must be true.

Nick: All right, Avery. If Dylan and I are so similar, how come we can't stand the sight of each other?

Avery: Because of the other thing you and Dylan have in common -- the effects of Nikki's secret.

Stitch: So, uh...what does Avery think?

Dylan: About Nikki? She keeps wanting to talk about it.

Stitch: You're not ready.

Dylan: I shut Avery down yesterday.

Stitch: Well, that doesn't sound good.

Dylan: She said she loved me.

Stitch: Was this before or after you shut her down?

Dylan: Well, why does that matter?

Stitch: So, you've been waiting a long time to hear that from her, after all these years, then you throw up the McAvoy wall? What is wrong with you, man?

Dylan: There's plenty of things wrong with me, but that's not one of them. She said it after I made it clear that I didn't want to talk about Nikki or the Newmans anymore.

Stitch: You think maybe she said it to provoke you or get you to talk or maybe to calm you down?

Dylan: No. She wouldn't do that. She wouldn't throw those words around like they don't mean anything. She meant it.

Stitch: Then no matter what else happens or what you hear from the lab or how this whole thing shakes out, hold onto that, Mac. It's a big deal. And that'll be what gets you through this.

Nikki: Victor, of course I trust you. I love you. I don't ever want to hurt you.

Victor: Baby, what are you afraid of? That I would reject you or turn my back on you because of M.S.? Or because of your pregnancy years ago? I wouldn't do that. When I met you, my love, you were dancing in a strip club. You told me all about your childhood, all about your abusive father -- all about that. That didn't make turn away from you, turn my back on you.

Nikki: [Crying] Oh, Victor.

Victor: Baby... when we remarried, I vowed to you I would stay with you for the rest of my life. Did you not believe me?

Nikki: Yes, I do believe you.

Victor: So?

Nikki: This is all just more about me. It's not about us.

Victor: [Sighs]

Nikki: I wa-- I was so embarrassed when I...told you that I got pregnant by that guy, and I was so guilty that I had to give my baby up. Having to look at the sins of my past were so difficult. I just didn't want to tell you, of all people... that I -- I'd given up my own child.

Victor: You thought I'd be very upset because... my mother left me at an orphanage when I was 7 years old. Is that it?

Nikki: Yes, of course! I mean, it kills me to think about you as that sad, little boy waiting for her to come home, and she doesn't come back for you. It kills me. [Sniffles]

Victor: Well, I'm no longer that little boy, Sweetheart.

Nikki: [Chuckles]

Victor: Some experience under my belt, some wisdom.

Nikki: [Sniffles]

Victor: I'll never turn my back on you, Baby. Just because you gave up a child for adoption -- I wouldn't do that. I would never do that.

Nikki: But, Baby, I was wrong not to tell you.

Victor: [Sighs]

Nikki: But how could I have asked for your forgiveness and understanding if I didn't know if I could ever forgive myself? [Sniffles]


Cane: It is good to hear you laughing again.

Jill: Oh, this is a lot more fun than what I was doing when you texted me, which was sitting home reading the newspaper from front to back.

Lily: Oh, so this "Lady of leisure" thing isn't all it's cracked to be, huh?

Jill: Oh, it's awful! Half the time, I don't know what to do with myself. Although, I was reading this blurb about the Biotech division at Newman-Chancellor. Do you remember how we estimated they'd be operating at a loss for the first year?

Cane: Right, but there will be enormous revenue around the corner.

Jill: Now, see, I think that you're overvaluing that division.

Cane: I don't think so. I think Biotech will be the engine that drives Newman-Chancellor forward. That is why I acquired small companies, like Bonaventure, before they start returning a profit.

Jill: Bonaventure? That little start-up in Minneapolis?

Cane: It might be a little start-up, but they're doing great things in medical research, okay? And unfortunately for us, Victor acquired Chancellor before it started showing revenue.

Lily: Okay, okay, okay. It's supposed to be a social visit. No business, please. Thank you.

Cane: Sorry. She's right. I apologize. Here we are laughing, having a good time. I have to ruin it by talking about business.

Jill: I just thought that your husband might have some insight, since he's the ex-C.E.O.

Lily: Insight? Into what?

Cane: I don't know, but if you ask me, I would say that Jill is looking for a chink in Victor Newman's armor. So, is that what you're doing? Are you going after him?

Chelsea: A part of me says yes, I'd like to see where this could go, but I can't forget everything that we've been through, Adam. We would have to take things super slow.

Adam: I agree. Super slow.

[Doorbell rings]

Adam: Hi, Chloe.

Chloe: Hi. I just came to see Chelsea.

Chelsea: Hi.

Chloe: Hi.

Adam: Come on in. I'm going to, uh...attend to some things, super slowly. I'll leave you two alone.

Chelsea: Okay. See you later.

Adam: Probably. I live here. [Smooches] Bye, Peanut.

[Door closes]

Chloe: Okay, what's going on? What did I just walk in on? I mean, you guys were obviously fighting again.

Chelsea: Uh, actually, um... it was just the opposite.

Chloe: Oh, my God. Chelsea, what, are you out of your mind? No, you can't do this. You cannot get back together with Adam.

Chelsea: Chloe, I love you, but this is none of your business, so please stay out of it.

Chloe: [Scoffs] Oh, my God. How can I possibly stay out of it, huh? I mean, you're my best friend. I care about you.

Chelsea: I know you care, but the last time I took your advice about Adam, I lied about my child's paternity. And we all know how that turned out. People got hurt, including my son.

Chloe: I remember that, okay, and I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna stand here and smile and keep my mouth shut. I mean, don't you remember why you left the guy in the first place?

Chelsea: Adam is done with Newman and his father.

Chloe: So he says.

Chelsea: He means it, Chloe.

Chloe: How many times has he walked away from Victor, just to go running back to him later on?

Chelsea: [Sighs] Things are different this time. Adam has changed. Chloe, I honestly believe that. Having Connor has changed him.

Chloe: I'm sorry, but I just don't buy it. All the times that you were so terrified to tell him that you were pregnant because he's a control freak, and you know that he was going to keep Connor away from you. That is who Adam is, and you knew that. I mean, everything may seem really great right now, but eventually he's just gonna revert back to type.

Chelsea: I get where you're coming from. I do. I understand --

Chloe: Would you just please listen to me? You deserve so much more, and so does Connor. You are so lucky to have that little boy. You have to do everything that you can to protect him.

Chelsea: I will. I swear. I promise to keep my eyes open, okay?

Chloe: I just really hope you mean it.

Chelsea: More importantly, what is going on with you? What makes you drop by, hmm?

Chloe: [Sighs] Um, yeah, I was talking to the people who are throwing the Milan show, and they want to see the sketches, 'cause they want to blow them up into pictures and make them a part of the show.

Chelsea: Oh. That's a great idea.

Chloe: Yeah, I think so, but I can't find them anywhere at the office.

Chelsea: I know they're there. But I couldn't begin to tell you where they are. Uh, you know what? I'll just bundle up Connor, and I'll go over to the office and I'll grab them for you, I guess.

Chloe: Why don't you just go and then I'll just hang out here with him?

Chelsea: You don't mind?

Chloe: Of course not.

Chelsea: Okay, I'll be really fast.

Chloe: Okay.

Chelsea: Okay. I love you. Thank you. I'll be quick. Promise.

Chloe: Okay.

Chelsea: All right.

Chloe: [Chuckles] Hello. Hey, looks like it's just you and me, little buddy.

[Connor squeaks]

Chloe: Aw.

Jill: This is less about taking something away from Victor than about me getting back something that's rightfully mine, okay? This merger with Newman is unacceptable, and it needs to be set right.

Cane: Okay, but this merger with Newman is legal and it's done, and if you pursue it, you'll find nothing but frustration.

Jill: You know what's frustrating? That that woman handed Victor her company on a silver platter while leaving me nothing but a stupid music box.

Lily: If you really thought it was stupid, you would have thrown it away by now.

Cane: You've already considerable time and effort trying to figure out why Katherine gave it to you, so you must believe she did it for a higher purpose. Otherwise, you wouldn't have bothered.

Victor: Sure, now that you've gone public with this, am I to assume that you've forgiven yourself?

Nikki: I'm on my way. Baby steps. I know Katherine is the one that put me on this path. And in the beginning, I was pretty resistant to it, but now... I'm starting to see the wisdom in her advice.

Victor: Well, Katherine was a very wise woman. Is she the one who put you up to asking Paul Williams to help you?

Nikki: I did a lot of wrong things. I hope that you'll find a way to forgive me.

[Doorbell rings]

Paul: Hello, Victor. I'm here to see Nikki.

Victor: It's not a good time.

Paul: With all due respect, I'd still like to see her.

Nikki: Hi, Paul.

Paul: Hi. I got your message that breaking the news didn't go well. I tried to reach you, but when I didn't hear back, I got worried.

Nikki: Victor and I were just talking about how you helped me find my son.

Paul: And that didn't go well? Victor, you should know that whenever Nikki wondered how you would react to the news, I assured her that after the initial shock wore off, that you would understand, and that you would totally support her.

Nick: My mom thinks Dylan is her son, and she wants him in her life, which is understandable. What concerns me is the guy's attitude.

Avery: He's upset, Nick. The same as you are.

Nick: I'm not real good at keeping a lid on things. Look, I'm just afraid the guy is gonna lash out and break my mother's heart, and she doesn't deserve that.

Avery: Yes, Dylan said that you made your feelings well known on the subject.

Nick: Well, then, I'm sure he also told you that he doesn't want anything to do with the Newmans. Which will be very hard for my mom to accept. But, hey, in the long run, it might be better if he does keep his distance.

Avery: I'm not surprised you'd say that.

Nick: I'm not surprised you're not surprised.

Avery: Okay, I can't help but think if this had come out years ago, things might have been so different. You know, maybe you and Dylan could have been real brothers if I hadn't been in the picture.

Dylan: But you are. So, we'll never know.

Chloe: Every time you look at me, I just see my little girl's eyes. I miss her so much. I would give anything to hold her again. If I just had one more chance to keep her safe. Mm. [Sighs]

[Tires squeal]

Jill: Higher purpose, my foot!

Cane: Oh, please. You went all the way to Switzerland to see if you could find out more.

Jill: On the wildest goose chase the old bat could dream up for me.

Cane: In Katherine's will, it said it was her most valued and prized possession.

Jill: [Laughs]

Lily: I think that once you understand why she felt that way, it'll become yours, too. So, please, do not give up on figuring it out.

Jill: Oh, you poor, deluded, naive, little babies. I've already figured it out. The only reason she left me that music box was to drive me nuts for all eternity. Well, it's not gonna work.

Cane: [Sighs]

Jill: I'm done with it.

Cane: All right.

Jill: As a matter of fact, I'm gonna go home right now and post a picture of that piece of trash online so I can sell it to the highest bidder.

Lily: No!

Cane: Jill, come on.

Jill: I am serious. I want it gone. Thank you for lunch. And I love you both.

Lily: Love you.

Cane: Love you.

Lily: Bye.

Cane: Wow, she's more upset by this than I thought.

Lily: Yeah.

[Cell phone rings]

Lily: Oh. Dr. Kershaw. Hi. Do you have my test results? Oh. Okay. Uh, I understand. Thank you. Bye.

Cane: What'd he say?

Lily: He wants to see me tomorrow.

Victor: I know you're trying to help, okay? But I really don't appreciate you coming into my house and injecting yourself in what is obviously a private matter.

Paul: Nikki is my friend.

Victor: But she's my wife, Paul.

Paul: You're right. This is none of my business. But you should know that she is suffering, and that she needs the people that love her to support her instead of making matters worse than they already are.

Victor: Paul, you're suggesting that I can't handle my own affairs. I can. Trust me.

[Cell phone rings]

Nikki: Oh, it's the genetics lab. They must have the DNA results. Hello?

Avery: Uh, maybe we should all get back to what we were doing.

Nick: Yeah, that's probably a good idea.

[Cell phone rings]

Dylan: It's the lab. Might be the paternity results. Hello? Speaking. Yeah, go ahead. Nikki was right.

Adam: Every morning when I wake up, this is the first thing that I think about. I hate myself for not checking. I hate myself for not coming forward, but who is gonna believe me if I come forward? Who's gonna believe that I didn't know I hit anything and that I wasn't running from anything, and it was just an awful, awful...accident? I am... I'm haunted by this. The people's lives that I've turned upside down. I've caused so much -- so much pain. I can't be locked away from Connor. If you're out there and you can hear me and you... I will find another way, Delia. I promise. But I just can't let my son grow up without me. Please understand. I cannot lose my family.

[Cell phone beeps]

Chelsea: Good news, Chloe. I found the sketches. Chloe?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Paul: Nothing went on between Nikki and me.

Christine: Why didn't you just tell me?

Nikki: Maybe I didn't trust you enough.

Victor: What the hell are we doing in this marriage?

Kevin: I can find her. I can find her.

Chelsea: I don't know where my son is, Kevin!

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