Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/5/13
Episode # 10300 ~ Billy talks to Jack; Adam's defense of Chelsea bothers Victor.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Nikki: Well, your father left for work a while ago.
Victoria: I thought I would catch him here. He wants to throw Kyle into the mix at the new lifestyles division. He wants me to try to incorporate his marketing concepts, which I don't have a problem with. It's just that, you know, I want to expand on it, and I need Dad's approval before I can move forward, and I can't --
Nikki: Honey, Honey, Honey... slow down.
Victoria: I'm so sorry. I just... ugh. Sometimes, this job makes me want to rip my hair out. [Exhales sharply]
Nikki: You sure it's just the job?
Victoria: What else would it be?
[Knock on door]
[Knocking continues]
Billy: Hold on. [Grunts] Hey. You have good news?
Tyler: [Sighs] Hey. You got my message. I, uh, wasn't sure if you'd come.
Lily: Yeah, I was curious. Why was it so important to see me alone?
Noah: It was a good idea. It was a great idea.
Abby: Okay, well, obviously, your boss didn't agree.
Noah: No, Grandpa was all over Kyle's pitch. But I still can't believe he went with giveaways and adding vodka to our line.
Abby: What's wrong with vodka?
Noah: It's the lifestyles division. It's supposed to be about healthy living. How is getting wasted supposed to promote that?
Abby: "A" -- you can drink and not get wasted. And "B" -- what part of you ever thought that working for Victor Newman would be easy?
Noah: I don't have a problem working with Grandpa, okay? It's your cousin that I got a beef with.
Abby: So, what -- Newman-Chancellor isn't big enough for the two of you?
Noah: No. I don't think it is.
Kyle: I got to tell you -- I am a rock star at Newman-Chancellor. All the guys in the office think that branding our own vodka was just pure genius. And, of course, they're all looking forward to getting a case of it for Christmas.
Jack: Kyle, this is not a frat party.
Kyle: There's no harm in enjoying what you do.
Jack: As long as you remember why you took the job in the first place.
Kyle: If I am gonna get the information that we need, I have to convince Victor that I'm a loyal employee.
Jack: Yeah, just don't forget where your real loyalties lie.
Kyle: You really think I could?
Adam: The old man has a way of getting to some people.
Kyle: Maybe. Not me.
Jack: You wouldn't be the first person to say that.
Kyle: I am an Abbott, today and always. I will let you both know what I find out.
Jack: [Sighs] Gee, its lovely having a meeting with myself.
Adam: Hmm?
Jack: Kyle barely heard a word I said. You haven't sounded a peep since you got here. What's going on with you?
Adam: You believe in redemption, Jack?
Chelsea: I'm so glad that you could meet with me. I really wanted to give you a preview of my spring line before the show in Milan, so call me if you have any questions, and I -- thank you. I really appreciate it. Okay.
Victor: You think you're gonna take my grandson out of the country?
Jack: Do I believe in redemption? Where'd that come from?
Adam: You think people who commit heinous acts deserve to have good things happen to them?
Jack: Everybody does some bad things.
Adam: I'm not just talking about running a red light or cheating on your taxes. I'm talking about... devastating people's lives.
Jack: In my book, there's nothing -- well, there are very few things that can't be forgiven.
Adam: So there are some things?
Jack: Yeah. Take Victor. If anyone doesn't deserve to be happy, it's that man. But we have a plan in motion to deal with that. This is where you jump in and say, "Great. When can we start?"
Adam: Revenge doesn't seem as appealing as it once was to me.
Jack: Wow, you have been doing some soul-searching. Does all this come of being a parent?
Adam: Connor makes me want to be somebody that I'm afraid... I -- I'm afraid I can never be.
Jack: We all want to do better for our kids, Adam. We all want to be better. Sometimes, we fall short.
Adam: You feel like you've fallen short sometimes as a father?
Jack: More times than I care to admit. But you should never feel you don't deserve your son.
Adam: This isn't just about Connor.
Jack: Chelsea? Is proximity making the heart grow fonder?
Chelsea: What I do with my son is none of your business.
Victor: He's my grandson.
Chelsea: Which means you have zero say in his life.
Victor: Ah-huh. You really want to take me on?
Chelsea: I'm not going to Milan, okay? With or without Connor.
Victor: That's a very wise decision.
Chelsea: I never intended to. That's why I'm having all of my buyer meetings here in Genoa City -- because I don't want to leave my son.
Victor: You want everyone to think that that makes you a fit mother?
Chelsea: I don't have to prove anything to you.
Victor: Mm-hmm. How is my grandson?
Chelsea: He's amazing. He's growing bigger and bigger every day, and he's -- he's so curious. He's taking in the world with those big eyes of his. It's a -- it's a beautiful thing to see.
Victor: I'm sure it is.
Chelsea: No. No, no. I'm not gonna let you do that. I'm not gonna let you get to Connor through me.
Victor: One second. You're cheating the boy out of getting to know his grandfather.
Chelsea: You did that when you rejected Adam.
Victor: Mm. Adam got what he deserves.
Chelsea: Well, he thinks this is what you deserve, and I'm gonna respect his wishes.
Victor: I don't give a damn whose wishes you respect. Neither you nor Adam are gonna keep me from seeing that boy.
Nikki: Honey, sometimes, grief just swallows you up. You find yourself pushing people away that you need.
Victoria: It's just that... the harder I try to get close to Billy... the further away he gets from me.
Nikki: Give him time.
Victoria: I know. I know, I know, I know, I know. Time and space -- I know. Dad said the same thing. It's just that I want to hold him, and I want to... I want to take away his pain, you know? No, that's -- that's not true. I want him to hold me and make me feel better. And I feel guilty saying that. I really do.
Nikki: Honey, don't feel guilty. You're hurting, too.
Victoria: I know. I've just been trying so hard to keep things together for Reed and for Johnny and for Billy. But I need my husband. I need him to tell me that everything's gonna be okay. [Crying]
Nikki: It will be okay, my baby. I promise you it will be okay.
Billy: If you didn't find my daughter's killer, then why are you here, man?
Alex: Well, I wanted to talk to you about what you've been saying online.
Billy: [Chuckling] Oh. You haven't found the killer, but you have time to spy on me?
Alex: No, we've been legally monitoring these websites for people who have lost loved ones in accidents.
Billy: It wasn't an accident. My daughter was killed.
Alex: We've been following you, Billy, on this "Justice at Last" website -- specifically, your exchanges with "Anonymous."
Billy: Oh. Anonymous. You know about anonymous? Yeah, well, anonymous is an ass.
Alex: No, no, I know exactly how you feel about him, okay? And it's understandable. I'm not denying that.
Billy: Let me -- let me stop you right there, okay? Do you know why I'm on that site? Do you have any idea? Because I need some sort of outlet for my anger. So is there a law against that? Have I done something wrong?
Alex: No, there is no law. But I warned you. I told you to stop threatening people. I don't want you getting involved on the internet.
Billy: Is that it? Is that all you got?
Alex: What are you working on?
Billy: Whoa. I'm sorry. Do you think you can walk into my house, start going through my stuff?
Alex: No, but I can get a warrant.
Billy: Then get a warrant.
Alex: Listen, if you got nothing to hide, Billy, just show me.
Billy: You want to see what's on that? Is that what you want to see? Here.
[Video playing]
Delia: I'm not heavy! I'm little!
Billy: You know, yes. I'm sorry. You're right. You are little. You're daddy's little girl, and you're always gonna be, right?
Delia: Yeah. Even when I'm big, I'm always gonna be your little girl.
Alex: I'm sorry.
Billy: Go to hell.
Alex: I didn't know that's what you were looking at.
Billy: Well, Alex, that's what I do every day. I sit here in this chair in front of this computer, and I watch videos of my little girl, because that's all I've got left.
Alex: [Sighs]
Billy: There won't be any more school plays. There won't be any more tea parties. There won't be any more birthdays. There won't be any more anything. So whoever killed her, took her life -- they took mine, too. So are you gonna stand there, and you're gonna look me in the eye...and tell me that I shouldn't wish that they lose their life, too?
Abby: This is why I refuse to work for Dad. I mean, I love the guy to death, but I can't stand just constantly being tested.
Noah: I don't mind Grandpa challenging me, okay? Its Kyle being dead-set on seeing me fail that makes me want to punch somebody -- him, actually.
Abby: Noah?
Noah: The guy's coming in there with his high-tech pitch, using words like "Guerilla advertising" and "Earworms." Who says things like that?
Abby: Noah.
Noah: I told him that Grandpa only took his pitch to piss Jack off, but no. Cocky lunkhead just refuses to believe that -- thinks he got this assignment all on his own.
Abby: Noah, you should stop talking. Yeah.
Lily: So, what did you want to talk about?
Tyler: Well, let's -- let's start with the hard stuff first so we can kind of clear the air.
Lily: [Chuckles] Well, I didn't know the air needed clearing. Okay, maybe -- maybe it needs a little bit of clearing.
Tyler: All right, look. So, you and I -- we had a decent working relationship going at one point in time. And, um...there was some other stuff going on, too. And it's -- its made things weird between us.
Lily: Well, I love my husband, Tyler. I do.
Tyler: I know, I know. And you guys have a great marriage, great kids. You know, I'm sorry that I ever tried to mess that up.
Lily: Look, you didn't. So it's fine. Let's just forget about it.
Tyler: I don't want things to be like this between us. We barely even spoke at Thanksgiving.
Lily: Well, maybe that's a good thing.
Tyler: No. It's not. 'Cause there's something that I need to tell you.
Lily: Okay, Tyler. We really don't need to do this.
Tyler: Thank you.
Lily: For what?
Tyler: Well, if it wasn't for you... I never would've been able to move on with my life.
Alex: I'm not gonna let this case go cold.
Billy: It already has, Alex. It's been almost two months, and you're no closer to solving this thing than you were the day it happened.
Alex: I'm not giving up, Billy.
Billy: Would you just give me a break? You and I both know that every day that passes makes it less likely that you're gonna catch the person who did this.
Alex: No, no, no, I don't know that. Because I told you I'm not gonna stop till I track him down, okay, and make sure they suffer when I do.
Billy: Oh, you're gonna make them suffer, right?
Alex: Yeah.
Billy: Yeah. Well, I'm sure you know this, since you've been spying on me, but your buddy "Anonymous" -- he seems to think that whoever hit Delia -- well, they're already suffering.
Alex: He may be right.
Billy: Yeah, right.
Alex: Listen to me. If that driver is any kind of decent human -- Billy, you have no idea how many cases have been solved because guilt finally forces somebody to confess.
Adam: Chelsea and I share a son... and, for now, my penthouse.
Jack: And that's all.
Adam: Well, we don't want to kill each other when we're in the same room together, so there's that.
Jack: Adam, I've been in marriages where I couldn't claim that.
Adam: Oh, hold on, now. We're not -- we're not talking about marriage here. I just... you know, when we put Connor down for a nap or put him down for the night and it's just the two of us, it feels almost...
Jack: The way it used to be.
Adam: Almost. But not really. Things can never be that way.
Jack: Why not?
Adam: Too much has happened.
Jack: I felt that way with Phyllis. We found our way back to each other. Time has a way of fixing things.
Adam: Mm-hmm. And there are some things that cannot be fixed.
Jack: Adam, I know you've done some things you regret. We all have. But I believe a person should be judged by the sum total of their actions, not by one or two mistakes they've made. We can't change the past, no matter how much we want to. But we can make a wrong we've done right by doing the right thing.
Adam: You make it sound so easy.
Jack: You asked me what I thought about redemption. Here's what I think. I think everyone deserves a second chance, including you. You find love. You build a family. You help your son be a better man than you were. That's how you find redemption. But you've got to let go of the past. Stop beating yourself up for something that you can't undo. Start looking forward. You do that... anything is possible.
Billy: Do you really think that one day, this guy is gonna wake up and say, "Gee. I'm a terrible person. I deserve to be severely and painfully punished. I'm just gonna walk down to the station and turn myself in"?
Alex: It's happened.
Billy: It's happened. Yeah, maybe it's happened. But I'm not gonna sit around and wait for this murderer to find God. Where was God when Delia was dying?
Alex: Hopefully, holding her hand.
Billy: I was holding her hand. All she had was me.
Alex: I know.
Billy: You know? Okay. [Clears throat]
Alex: Listen, Billy. Can you just... just watch what you say? Please? Don't do anything stupid.
Billy: Alex, you drive safe, okay?
Alex: Try to talk some sense into your brother, all right?
Billy: [Sighs]
Jack: He doesn't know you too well, does he?
Billy: Hey, Jack. [Clears throat] What can I do for you?
Jack: Oh, I just came by to see how you're doing.
Billy: I am great. I'm terrific. Now, uh, you can go back to your life and report back to the whole family that I am doing just fine.
Jack: I was sorry you couldn't join us for Thanksgiving.
Billy: Yeah, well, I didn't really feel like turkey and all the trimmings, and fighting over who's gonna pull the wishbone.
Jack: Ashley was in town.
Billy: I know she's in town. I talked to her. I have been a little too busy to see her, that's all.
Jack: Summer was there, too.
Billy: I'm sorry, man. I... I forgot about your trip to Georgia. I didn't even ask you about Phyllis.
Jack: Lucky for you, I understand.
Billy: Well, I'm glad you understand. 'Cause I don't understand. I don't understand... how I wake up every morning, and I don't have to make Delia breakfast or pack her a lunch or tell her not to break any hearts today. I'm starting to realize that I'm never gonna understand how I'm gonna put my life back together and be -- I don't know -- a... a good brother again... or a father or a husband. [Voice breaking] Delia left... and every piece of my life is slipping away, too.
Victoria: Honestly, I just don't know how Billy's gonna survive Christmas without Dee Dee. You know, I think we should just call the whole thing off. Johnny doesn't really know the difference, so, you know --
Nikki: Oh, yes, he does, and you will know the difference. Honey, you have to have a little joy in the midst of all this sadness.
Victoria: That's what they said at the support group meeting, yeah.
Nikki: How is that going? Is it -- is it helping?
Victoria: I don't know. I only went to one meeting with Billy. After that, he said he just wanted to go on his own. He feels more comfortable without me there.
Nikki: You know, when Jack and I lost our baby... I couldn't share my grief with him. I just... [Sighs] I wanted to protect him.
Victoria: I'm just a little afraid that if Billy shuts me out...
Nikki: What?
Victoria: They also said at the meeting that a lot of marriages don't survive tragedies like this.
Nikki: Well, Angel, you just have to believe that yours will.
Victoria: I know that. I'm doing everything that I can to make sure it does. [Sighs]
Victor: My grandson will know me.
Chelsea: Well, everyone knows the kind of man Victor Newman is. Connor will probably hear all about you before I ever tell him a word.
Victor: He'll probably also hear very soon that I built a business from nothing into an empire that's the envy of the world.
Chelsea: And maybe the fact that you walked all over anyone and everyone who got in your way, including your son. I'll make sure Connor knows that, too.
Victor: I'll make sure... that he knows you came to this town... pregnant with Billy Abbott's boy in order to ruin my daughter's marriage.
Chelsea: You hired me to do that.
Victor: And you were more than willing to use sex and the child to further your aims. But why not? Children are nothing but a pawn to you, aren't they? Hmm? You used my grandson to con Dylan McAvoy. When that didn't work out, you wormed your way back into my son's life and probably into his bed. You're a conniving tramp. You don't deserve to be a mother.
Adam: Enough. Not another word. That's the mother of my child you're talking to.
Lily: So, you're thanking me for a situation that got awkward and inappropriate?
Tyler: Okay, well, for me, there was a lot more to it than that.
Lily: Do I want to hear this, or...?
Tyler: Don't worry. Don't worry. I'm steering clear of awkward and inappropriate.
Lily: Okay.
Tyler: All right. Well, um... when I met you... I was still stinging from a breakup... with my fiancée.
Lily: Fiancée?
Tyler: Yeah.
Lily: You never mentioned that.
Tyler: It was a pretty bad breakup.
Lily: What -- did she break your heart?
Tyler: I mean, she...bruised my ego a little bit.
Lily: I'm sorry.
Tyler: Yeah, well, you don't have to be sorry, 'cause, you know, the thing is... thanks to you... you know, I thought that after Mariah, that I was done with love. But you made me see that there's still good... honest...beautiful women in the world. And I don't just mean on the outside. You know, so... because of that, when one of them bulldozed her way into my life [Chuckles] You know, I was -- I was able to open up my heart to her.
Lily: Abby?
Tyler: If you hadn't been who you are [Scoffs] I would've just been a blur in her rearview mirror. No, she wouldn't have waited for me to get it together.
Lily: Oh, no. No, no. Abby does not wait for much.
[Both chuckle]
Tyler: Yeah, well, like I said, you know, thanks to you, she didn't have to. And now we got a -- we got a really good thing going.
Lily: Yeah, so I've seen.
Tyler: Are you jealous?
Lily: Oh, what -- that two people I care about found each other? No, not at all.
Tyler: Yeah. Abby -- she, um... she makes me really, really happy. You know, I want to do the same thing for her -- which brings me to the second thing that I wanted to talk to you about.
Abby: What's new with you guys?
Noah: Oh, you know, the usual corporate intrigue. I'm sure Kyle here can tell you more about it than I can. He's...so much better at it.
Kyle: You'll catch up, Newbie.
Noah: Sooner than you think.
Kyle: Certainly hope so. You've got to do something to prove you didn't get the job just because your name is Newman.
Noah: And you got the job because you kissed my grandfather's a--
Abby: Okay. Hey. Have I talked to you guys about how much I love working with Lily? I mean, since we have teamed together, makeup sales at Jabot have gone up 17%, and we're expecting huge numbers at Christmas.
Noah: That's awesome, Abby.
Abby: Yeah. I'm just -- I'm sad that she's leaving.
Noah: Well, I'm sure that Jack is happy that you're at Jabot. It's always been a family company...like Newman.
Kyle: Are you suggesting that I go back to work for Jabot and leave Newman to you?
Noah: That's a great idea. Why didn't I think of that?
Kyle: You know, why don't you go back to work for your father? You really had that bartending thing down.
Noah: I make a point of being good at everything that I do.
Kyle: Yeah. Me too, Noah. I just set the bar a little bit higher than you.
Noah: Sure, lipstick and mascara -- that's real serious stuff.
Abby: Back to your corners. That's it. Yep. We're gonna sit right back there. Okay. If anyone knows the history between my dad and Uncle Jack, it is me. And I refuse to let this stupid, tedious feud go into the next generation. And I suggest you both do the same. Was I speaking Russian? Shake hands.
Noah: [Sighs]
Abby: There.
Adam: You want to attack somebody? Come after me. Leave Chelsea alone.
Victor: I'm not surprised you would show compassion for someone who took a child from their parent. After all, you did the same thing.
Adam: Keeping it classy, as usual.
Victor: Sharon may have forgiven you for stealing that child. But I will never forgive what you did to Faith. You're a heartless human being. You don't give a damn about anyone's feelings, not even an innocent child's.
Adam: Unlike you, I regret some of the things I've done in my life.
Victor: That's supposed to make up for it?
Adam: Doing the best I can.
Victor: And the best, as usual, Son, ain't good enough.
Adam: Is it ever good enough for you, Dad?
Chelsea: Adam, nothing this man says matters anymore.
Adam: I don't think it ever did.
Victoria: All right. So, what's the latest? Any fallout from Nick and Dylan?
Nikki: Well, no more black eyes, if that's what you mean.
Victoria: [Chuckles] Have you spoken to them?
Nikki: Dylan came by to see me.
Victoria: Is he ready to accept you as his mother?
Nikki: He wants a DNA test.
Victoria: Okay. That's good. Maybe he needs that before he can start a relationship with you, you know?
Nikki: Oh, no. He's made it very clear that he doesn't want to have anything to do with me, no matter what the DNA test says.
Victoria: [Sighs] I'm sorry, Mom.
Nikki: Well [Sighs] That was not my intention. I mean, he loved his parents. I never wanted to take that away from him. I -- I guess I just hoped that he would have enough love in his heart...for me, too. But...I guess that's not gonna happen.
Victoria: You know what? It's his loss.
Nikki: Well, Sweetie, you can't lose what you never had.
Victoria: What about Nick?
Nikki: Nicholas wants less to do with me than Dylan does. And your father is none too happy with me, either.
Victoria: I know. I spoke with him. You know, he's just upset because you didn't tell him about the baby. And I explained your reasons to him, and --
Nikki: And he understood completely, right?
Victoria: I think you should just give him some time. He'll come around. He always does.
Nikki: I hope so.
Victoria: I'm just glad that the two of you don't have any more secrets between you anymore.
Kyle: This feud between our families -- it has gone on long enough.
Noah: No arguments here.
Kyle: Maybe we can find a way to work with each other instead of against each other?
Noah: I think so.
Kyle: All right, well, first thing's first -- no more one-upping each other.
Noah: Let's, uh -- let's combine our talents.
Kyle: Yeah. Let's put something together that, uh, impresses the hell out of Victor and crushes the competition.
Noah: Just so you understand, I am not doing this cooperative thing because I'm a big fan of yours. It's mostly...because I don't want to see Abby mad.
Kyle: Me too. She scares the hell out of me when she's angry.
Noah: It's agreed, then. I'm gonna get coffee.
Kyle: I'm gonna get another cup, yeah.
Noah: It's on me.
Kyle: Uh, I was gonna offer.
Noah: After I already did.
Kyle: You're not gonna let me buy your coffee?
Noah: What -- you don't think that I can pay for my own coffee?
Lily: So, basically, you want no projects at work that spill over into the weekend for Abby.
Tyler: Yeah, this is gonna be a special weekend. You know, I was actually hoping we could take off on Friday, even.
Lily: Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem. If anything comes up, I can handle it.
Tyler: You sure you don't mind?
Lily: Of course not, especially because... pretty soon, Abby will be running things by herself.
Tyler: What -- you're leaving Jabot?
Lily: Well, Cane and I really want to work together. And once we decide on the perfect project, then I plan on resigning.
Tyler: Wow. Well, that's too bad for Neil and Jack, but... it's good for you and Cane, so...
Lily: Yeah, it is. We're really excited about what's next, even though we have no idea what that is.
Tyler: Well, I'm sure that whatever it is, it's gonna be amazing, because the two of you, you guys are -- you're kind of awesome together.
Lily: Aww. And, actually, I have you to thank for that.
Tyler: Me?
Lily: You reminded me that Cane is the only man I want to be with.
Tyler: Sounds like things worked out for both of us.
Lily: They did. I just hope that you and Abby can be as happy as Cane and I are.
Tyler: Thanks.
Lily: Come here. [Chuckles]
Tyler: [Sighs]
Abby: How many women do I have to push out of the way to get to you?
Billy: I imagine this is what dying's like -- watching pieces of your life fade away into the past.
Jack: Billy, I have some idea where you are...
Billy: [Sighs]
Jack: ...What you're feeling. You've suffered an immense loss, and all the clichés that people have come up with, the waves that keep rolling over you and the black hole you get swallowed up by -- they're all poetic, but they don't really help. But the truth is, you don't want them to. You want the pain, because the pain keeps the memory of the person you lost alive. If you stop hurting... they stop being. And that -- that's more than you can bear. So you stay right where you are, in limbo, till you're ready to return to the land of the living. But you will come back... because there are people here that love you and care about you... and want you to come back. Delia can't come back, and I am so sorry about that. But you can, and you will. There's another cliché about the healing power of love. That one -- that one's true. But there's a catch. You have to let it in.
[Door opens, closes]
Billy: [Sniffles]
Victoria: Hi. Am I --
Jack: No, no, no, no, no. Your -- your timing's perfect. Think about what I said.
Billy: Thanks. [Sniffles]
Jack: Take care of our boy.
[Notes plinking]
Chelsea: He's still sleeping.
Adam: Good.
[Note plays]
Chelsea: Thanks for... sticking up for me to Victor.
Adam: Ah, he's a bull in a china shop. He's the last person who should be accusing anybody of being a bad parent.
Chelsea: For a while there, I was scared I would be.
Adam: Well, you're not.
Chelsea: Thanks. It's true, you know, what we -- what we said the other day. It almost feels as if... we're...back to the way things were, as if nothing's changed.
Adam: But a lot has.
Chelsea: You're right. A year ago, you chose Newman over me. You thought it was gonna win you Victor's love.
Adam: I was chasing a gossamer. And I lost a lot because of it... a hell of a lot. Interesting thing is...now... it's not even an issue.
Chelsea: Funny. The thing that tore us apart... no longer exists.
Nikki: Hey, Paul. It's me. I-I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I know you're anxious to hear about what happened when I told my family about Dylan. Unfortunately, it didn't...turn out as well as I had expected. Uh...frankly, I don't -- I-I-I don't know what I expected when you and I first started to look for my son. But this certainly wasn't it. Anyway, call me.
[Footsteps approaching]
Tyler: Hey, Babe. Lily and I, we just, um --
Lily: We just ran into each other. We haven't seen each other in a while, so... [Chuckles] Well, I'm gonna get going, but, uh, it was good to see you. And I'll see you at the office, so, bye.
Abby: Bye.
Tyler: See ya.
Abby: Just...ran into each other, huh?
Tyler: Oh, come on. You don't seriously think... look, Lily is in love with her husband, and I got you.
Abby: Mm, not to mention an ex-fiancée just waiting in the wings in case that doesn't work out.
Tyler: Oh, come on. I blocked her calls, all right? And there's nothing going on between me and Lily. Are you s-- okay, what? Do you need me to tell you that you are the most important thing that's ever happened to me, hmm? That I've never loved somebody as much as I love you? And I never will?
Abby: That's exactly what I want.
Tyler: Okay, good, 'cause I didn't know. I was like...
Abby: [Laughs]
Tyler: What?
Abby: Gotcha. You think I don't know that you're crazy about me? Huh?
Tyler: Oh, I'm gonna get you. You know what?
Abby: [Laughs]
Tyler: I should take back everything that I just said. Instead, I'm just gonna do this. Mm.
Victoria: I'm gonna check on Johnny. He should be waking up from his nap. You want to come?
Billy: No, you go ahead. Hey, Honey. I love you.
Victoria: I love you.
Nikki: Victor, I-I didn't hear you come in.
Victor: So, Paul Williams knew you had another child? I thought only Katherine knew.
Nikki: Well, yes. At first, I -- uh, uh, let me explain.
Victor: That you kept something that important from me?
Chelsea: Imagine where we'd be if Victor hadn't come between us.
Adam: I've thought about that.
Chelsea: [Sighs] We were so close to having it all, and then it just... slipped through our fingers.
Adam: It all comes down to the choices we make.
Chelsea: And we've both made some really bad ones. Can't undo them.
Adam: You know... you're the second person that's told me that today.
Chelsea: Well...it's true.
Adam: I suppose so.
Chelsea: What if you could go back... change things? Would you?
Adam: In a heartbeat. But it's like you said -- we can't go back. All you have is... right now. This moment.
Chelsea: And what we make of it.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Cane: I would say that Jill is looking for a chink in Victor Newman's armor. Is that what you're doing? Are you going after him?
Chloe: What -- are you out of your mind? You cannot get back together with Adam.
Nikki: Paul was with me in Chicago.
Victor: It's appalling how many parts of your life you have kept from me!
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