Y&R Transcript Monday 12/2/13
Episode # 10297 ~ Ashley gets results on an unexpected field trip; Jill pushes Victoria to help Billy.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Ashley: So, I did call Billy, and he made up an excuse for not seeing me, actually.
Abby: So, you're not gonna see him at all?
Ashley: No, not this time. He wants his space, so I'm gonna give it to him. You know what? Abby, my ankle isn't that bad. I don't really think I need to see... the doctor.
Stitch: What do we have here?
Abby: A Thanksgiving casualty.
Victoria: Our first Thanksgiving without Delia. [Sighs] We knew it was gonna be hard.
Billy: Yeah. We did.
Victoria: But, you know, it's good that we celebrated...or, you know, at least observed the holiday...for Johnny. It's important that we, you know, try to keep things normal.
Billy: Yeah. Normal. Normal. Dee Dee made this last year.
Victoria: That's what they said at the grief-counseling meeting.
Billy: [Sighs]
Victoria: How it's the only way forward -- doing what we always did before.
Noah: Good morning.
Victor: Noah. You seem to be in a much better mood.
Noah: Ah.
Victor: How was Thanksgiving?
Noah: Fine.
Victor: [Chuckling] What do you mean, "Fine"? Tell me about it.
Noah: I just did. I don't feel like talking about my mother or, uh, Dylan.
Victor: So you heard?
Noah: Dylan and my dad are brothers. Yeah, I... and I understand why dad was upset -- why he didn't want to do the whole family-holiday thing.
Victor: Where's Nicholas now?
Noah: Listen, Grandpa, would it be all right if -- if, while we're at work, we stick to the whole "You're the boss, I'm the employee" thing? I understand that I got in the door because I'm your grandson, but I-I really want to earn this.
Victor: All right. You have your chance.
Mason: Well, well. Yet another perk of your new job at Jabot, Hilary?
Hilary: As a matter of fact, Mason, I pay for my own gym membership.
Mason: Well, why not? You can afford it.
Hilary: Well, it looks like you're doing all right.
Mason: It's just a little something I picked up.
Hilary: Must have set you back.
Mason: I've been working extra hours, thank you very much. Look, I'm meeting somebody for sparring session, so...
Devon: Hey. Hey.
Hilary: Your sparring partner is Devon?
Devon: You have a problem with that?
Jill: All right, I was on board with installing Devon as a mole at Newman-Chancellor, but sending Kyle in there?
Jack: I thought this was all settled.
Jill: [Scoffs] But having your son at Newman-Chancellor -- it makes our whole plan utterly transparent.
Jack: That is the point. Victor already suspects the truth, and yet he still hired Kyle.
Jill: So he just plays cat and mouse while revealing nothing.
Jack: We want Victor to think that, yes. And then we use his hubris as our ace in the hole.
Jill: You really think that Kyle -- Kyle can get the kind of information we need to topple Victor Newman?
Jack: He's an Abbott, isn't he?
Victor: So, I'm interested in hearing about the marketing analysis you brought in the other day.
Noah: Oh, that's great. That's great. I-sent you the, um, written report, but, listen, what it boils down to is, basically, we need to --
Kyle: Excuse me. Am I interrupting?
Victor: No, Kyle. No, not at all. You both have ideas that I want to hear about.
Victoria: And when Mom dropped that bomb last night that Dylan McAvoy is her son -- oh, my gosh, I mean, I... [Sighs] I'm still trying to wrap my brain around it.
Billy: Yeah, it's pretty shocking.
Victoria: It's not just shocking. It's also upsetting. I mean, poor mom. She must have felt so ashamed, being taken advantage of by that cult leader.
Billy: Yeah, well, not to mention she lost all those years with her kid.
Victoria: I do understand her giving up Dylan and hiding the truth, but why would she bring it out now?
Billy: I don't know. Maybe she thought this was her only chance to know her son. Who wouldn't jump at that?
Victoria: I would. But where Mom went wrong was telling the whole family in the middle of the club dining room. And you should have seen Nick's face. Seeing Avery, fresh off of their non-marriage, with Dylan. And then he finds out the guy's his brother. And mine.
Billy: Yeah, well, how do you think Dylan's feeling? He just found out that he has your father as a stepdad. That is not good.
Victoria: Well, at least you're friends with your new brother-in-law. Maybe you can help him adjust.
Billy: No, I'm -- I'm not really wanting to get into the middle of your family drama.
Victoria: Wait. Hold on a second. This isn't just my family, Billy. This is me, okay? This affects me.
Stitch: How's that?
Ashley: Well, you're being so gentle, I can barely feel it.
Abby: You know, Dr. Rayburn, my mom was a chemistry geek, too.
Stitch: Really?
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Stitch: College professor? Engineer?
Ashley: Cosmetics, actually.
Abby: Lead chemist at Jabot.
Stitch: Wow.
Ashley: Honey, I don't really think the doctor's interested in my résumé.
Stitch: Speaking for men everywhere, I have to disagree. Perfumes, lotions, the right scent, the right woman is something you never forget.
Abby: Mom also took the reins of our family company, becoming one of the top executives in the world.
Ashley: Maybe you let the doctor just, you know, examine my ankle in peace, please?
Abby: I'm sorry. I-I think it's extraordinary. Both of you here -- top of your fields, overachievers, excellent genes. If you type that into a dating website --
Ashley: Abby!
Abby: I'm just saying.
Ashley: Well, stop saying. Oh. Ow.
Stitch: Sorry. Sorry.
Ashley: Honestly, I think I was just wincing at my daughter's not-so-subtle comments. Do you have any evil children? I mean children.
Stitch: [Chuckles] I do. A son. Yeah, those X-rays should be ready. I'll be back after I check them.
Ashley: Thank you. What are you doing?
Abby: He is totally your type.
Ashley: Married?
Jill: Look, I understand that the Abbott men love a challenge, ok? But come on. Sending Kyle in there? That's like catapulting Bambi into a lion's den.
Jack: Weren't you the one that said, "Kyle is our only choice now"?
Jill: Well, yeah. I accepted the fact that Kyle got himself hired over at Victor's, but it doesn't mean I like the idea.
Jack: I hated the idea, but Kyle jumped in despite my warnings.
Jill: Oh, my Lord. You're glad he did it.
Jack: No, I am not. But I'm damn proud of my son.
Jill: For being an idiot? For taking on two of the meanest, slimiest creatures in the known world?
Jack: For standing up for his family -- for agreeing to take his part in righting a wrong.
Jill: A wrong? Victor taking the company back that bears his name?
Jack: It also bears Adam's name -- Adam, who brought Newman back from the brink, only to get cut out of it.
Jill: So you're sacrificing your own son for the sake of Victor's son?
Jack: It won't come to that.
Jill: Why wouldn't it come to that?
Jack: Why don't you come up with a better suggestion, instead of criticizing Kyle and me, when you have done basically zilch for this plan?
Jill: "Zilch"?
Jack: Yeah, whose side are you on?
Jill: Mine, Jack. Always on mine. And meanwhile, none of this is getting me anything, okay? You and Kyle are reigniting some stupid feud with Victor that, by the way, you walked away from not very long ago for the sake of your health and your sanity. What happens if you lose it right in the middle of all this?
Jack: Well, thank you very much for your concern, but I am perfectly fit and abundantly sane. You, my dear, are the one who's losing it.
Jill: [Sighing] Oh, God. I know. I know! This happens every time I think of Victor running Newman-Chancellor. [Sighs]
Jack: That's really what this is about. That's all you want is to get back Katherine's precious company.
Jill: You're damn right I do. I want Chancellor, and it should have been mine to begin with.
Jack: Then why didn't she give it to you? Why'd she give it to Victor?
Jill: Because that stupid woman -- she did this as a test.
Jack: A test for whom?
Jill: A test for me -- to prove that I deserved it.
Jack: Can I suggest another possibility? Maybe she didn't want you to have the company.
Jill: Oh, no. Don't you dare try to double-cross me when we take that company from Vic-- no! I get Chancellor. You get Newman. That was our deal.
Jack: Don't get ahead of yourself. We got a lot of work to do before we start divvying up the spoils.
Noah: The style of the campaign is crucial, but we need to look down the road demographically. If we want to sell to the 25-to-32 in two years, we need to go out to the -- the college girls right now. We need to get them hooked on our products right now. If we want to keep our market share in the 18-to-24s, well, we need to go after the, uh -- the teens, to the preteens. That's where the market is growing. It's all about the youth, and that's where we need to spend our ad money.
Victor: Very thoughtful analysis. Kyle, let me hear yours.
Kyle: Well, uh, Noah certainly is a tough act to follow, but I do have a twist that will quadruple our market share. Let's get our product directly into the hands of the consumers.
Noah: Sure. Go ahead. How?
Kyle: Well, free samples. We can hand them out at gyms and dance clubs and road races across the country, and before you say that that's all been done before, that is just the first leg. We will actually follow the consumer directly into their homes, into their cars, their cell phones, their video games, through guerrilla advertising. We'll do coupons on phone apps, and those earworm jingles that you talked about, Noah -- let's turn those into ringtones. That's free advertising. All of this leading up to an expansion for a product that Noah will be familiar with as a former bartender -- our new vodka.
Noah: Vodka? Sorry, how -- how exactly is it that alcohol fits into lifestyle's health, beauty, and fitness umbrella?
Kyle: Well, people want to party, and they want to look good when they party. We give them the chance to do it all with Newman-Chancellor lifestyle products.
Victor: Very good idea. Run with it.
Kyle: Thank you.
Noah: Grandpa, are you serious?
Victor: Son, his pitch won out, okay? Excuse me for a moment.
Noah: Except we all know that he didn't choose your idea 'cause it was better.
Hilary: Um, I'm just surprised that you and Mason are hanging out.
Devon: Why is that?
Hilary: Well, you can't stand the sight of me, Devon. I thought you might be at least slightly perturbed with Mason for his part in my attacks on your family.
Mason: You really went there.
Hilary: Call me curious.
Devon: I call you obsessed, since you're the one that went after my dad and family, guns blazing, hell-bent on revenge. Mason here is mostly just guilty of thinking with his -- well, not his brains.
Mason: Why are you coming at me? After all that you've done, you've got this great job, and you're rolling around in serious cash. And you think I should be the one banned from the gym?
Hilary: No, of course not. [Sighs] Have a good workout.
Devon: You okay?
Mason: [Sighing] Yeah. Just gives me incentive to be a killer sparring partner.
Devon: That's right. Let's go.
Noah: It's obvious what's happening here.
Kyle: Uh, the triumph of creativity over nepotism?
Noah: My grandfather is just trying to get back at your dad.
Kyle: [Chuckles] You know what, Noah? I think you're so used to having things handed to you that you can't handle a little actual competition.
Noah: Really? You know, I feel like handing you something right now.
Kyle: Oh, yeah? What was that?
Victor: Gentlemen, this is not a hockey rink, all right?
Noah: Yeah, we were just discussing --
Victor: I know what you were doing. I've been there before. Ain't gonna happen in my office, all right?
Kyle: Yes, Sir.
Victor: Noah, you came to work for me because you wanted to learn. Consider this your first hard lesson, okay? I've been in this business for a while, so I simply consider Kyle's presentation a little better. You can complain about it...or you go home and try to figure out how to improve on the next presentation. How's that?
Noah: But it's not even a practical --
Victor: I said cool off. So, where were we, Kyle?
Kyle: I've got to ask you, Sir -- is he right? Are you using me just to take a swing at my father?
Victor: What do you think?
Jill: All right. You're sure Kyle's up to this?
Jack: Look, Kyle is not the member of my family I'm worried about right now. Billy is my concern.
Jill: I know. I haven't spoken to him in days. He refused to come to Thanksgiving.
Jack: Yeah, I know. We invited him, too.
Jill: It would have been so much better for him and for Victoria and Johnny to spend the day with family.
Jack: I agree. It sure worked for me.
Jill: I thought you and Summer were going down to Georgia to see Phyllis.
Jack: Well, that was the plan. It was Summer's idea, and I was thrilled and surprised. The thinking was we'd see Phyllis, and she'd hear our voices, and maybe we'd get to see some positive sign.
Jill: But that didn't happen.
Jack: Oh, we came back early. Had a great day with the family. It was -- it was -- it was great. But I just wish Summer had seen something to give her a little encouragement -- just any reason to come home with some hope.
Jill: Well, as disappointing as Phyllis' condition must have been for her, I'm sure that she loved spending the day with you. I wish I'd been able to spend the day with my son. I can't imagine what it was like for him.
Victoria: Hey.
Billy: Hey.
Victoria: Listen, I know that you're hurting, but you have a little boy and a wife who need you.
Billy: I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking.
Victoria: No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I pushed you. It's just that...
Billy: We all lost Delia, and there's no time limit on grief, and it's different for everyone.
Victoria: That all sounds very wise.
Billy: [Chuckles] Yeah, well, that's because it's not mine. It's from someone else. I heard it in, uh -- in a support meeting.
Victoria: I'm so glad that you decided to keep going and that it's helping you.
Billy: They are, you know? They're helping. And there's one starting soon, as a matter of fact.
Victoria: Oh. Okay, um, well, I'll call Hannah to watch Johnny, and as soon as she gets here, we can go, okay?
Billy: Vick. [Sighs] How do I say this? I, uh... I'm more comfortable talking if you're not there.
Victoria: Oh. Uh, yeah. Sure. Yeah, you go. I mean, go. I want it -- I want this to keep working for you.
[Keys jingle]
Abby: He said he had a kid, not that he's married. And he's not wearing a ring.
Ashley: Abby, he's married. I've got that radar thing. I can tell he's married.
Abby: So do I, okay? And the way that that good-looking doctor was checking you out...
Ashley: Shh!
Abby: ...Did not scream "Married."
Ashley: He's taken. I can tell.
Abby: So can I, okay? Not all men have wives...or exes...lurking...constantly.
Ashley: Abby. [Chuckles] Clearly, we're not talking about me anymore.
Abby: This is -- this is not about me, okay? This about you. You're in the hospital, and that doctor is hot.
Ashley: Abby. Abby.
Abby: Okay. Fine. Okay. I need some advice about Tyler. And I didn't want to do this when you're injured, but...
Ashley: Okay.
Abby: ...Help.
Ashley: It's about the ex?
Abby: Yes. [Sighs] Mariah -- she keeps calling constantly -- calls that Tyler says he's been ignoring.
Ashley: You don't believe him?
Abby: No, I-I believe him. I believe that he was ignoring the calls, until I told him to answer one and tell her what she's obviously not getting -- that it's over. And he did -- he did tell her that.
Ashley: Okay, so what's the problem, then?
Abby: It's just he could have blocked the number. He could have. He could have just ended it right there, but he's leaving that door open for some reason.
Ashley: You know, sometimes men are just kind of thick when it comes to that stuff.
Abby: Sometimes?
Ashley: Yeah. Maybe it just never occurred to him that he could block her calls.
Abby: Yeah. Okay, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Problem solved.
Ashley: [Sighs] That being said...
Abby: Oh, no.
Ashley: I know. I'd -- I'd love to counsel you that you can trust Tyler.
Abby: Please, yes. I-I like trust. Counsel me on that, Mom.
Ashley: Oh, Honey. I'm sorry. I just can't.
Hilary: I've been waiting for you.
Devon: I don't have anything to say to you.
Hilary: Then will you listen?
Devon: I don't think so.
Hilary: Devon, I know I'm not your favorite person, but are you that scared to talk to me?
Devon: No, I'm not scared. I'm disgusted with you.
Hilary: With good reason, granted. So, you can ignore what I have to tell you or think that I have ulterior motives, but I can't, in good conscience, let this go unsaid.
Devon: You don't have a conscience -- good or otherwise -- but you have me curious, so what do you have to say?
Noah: Hey.
Tyler: Yo.
Noah: Where's Dylan?
Tyler: Uh, he's not here. The barista's in the back, though.
Noah: Oh. Caffeine's probably not the best idea right now. Did she say when he'd be back?
Tyler: Nope. Why are you trying to find him?
Noah: Uh, maybe I'm avoiding him. [Sighs] The way my day's been going, I thought I'd run into him.
Tyler: All right, lay it down. What did Genoa City's favorite coffee-shop owner do to you?
Noah: Besides becoming my uncle?
Tyler: Okay, what, did he marry your aunt?
Noah: No. No, it's a little more complicated than that.
Tyler: All right, I got time. Let me hear it.
Noah: [Inhales deeply] All right, uh, the guy that's been hooking up with my dad's ex-fiancée is also my dad's brother.
Tyler: Wait. Since when?
Noah: Since they were born. No, I'm sorry. We just found out the day before Thanksgiving. My grandmother arranged this -- this family dinner, and it all came out.
Tyler: Well, was Abby there? She didn't say nothing to me about it. You know, she loves this kind of gossip.
Noah: No, no. She wasn't invited, either. It was just my dad and Aunt Victoria. And apparently, my grandmother had a baby when she was younger, and she explained how she was in this cult run by this wackjob, and she had to give the baby up.
Tyler: Well, and Dylan McAvoy was the kid? Okay, you know what? This is too much for me to keep track of. Let's -- let's make a list of everyone in town that you're related to.
Noah: No, I'm not doing that.
Tyler: [Chuckles] You know, you're right. It'd probably be faster and easier to make a list of everyone that you're not related to. There's probably half a dozen Newmans in here right now, drinking coffee.
Noah: Well, Dylan isn't a Newman, so at least he doesn't have that burden.
Tyler: Oh, that's one heck of a burden -- to be a member of the richest, most-powerful family in town.
Noah: You don't know what it's like. It's not what you think it is.
Victor: I want you to know that I chose your pitch on merit, Kyle. I think if we implement your plan, we'll make profit for this company. I don't care what Noah thinks or your father presumes. You did well today, okay? Just know that.
Kyle: Thank you. That's very nice to hear.
Victor: And don't let that go to your head, because if you turn out to be a one-hit wonder, you're out the door. You know that, too, don't you?
Kyle: Yes, Sir, I do, and I intend to make the most from this opportunity.
Victor: I'm glad to hear that. You demonstrated to me that I was right to hire you. You have a nice day.
Kyle: You too, Sir.
Victor: Okay.
Abby: [Groans] Mom, that's not the kind of advice I wanted.
Ashley: I know. I'm sorry. It's all I got.
Abby: So you don't trust him?
Ashley: It's not that, Honey. It's just that I do trust you. Think about the whole Tucker debacle. The whole time, you said he was a bad bet for me. I didn't believe you until I walked in on him and Devon's mother.
Abby: [Groans]
Ashley: You were right.
Stitch: I had a look at the x-ray.
Ashley: Yay. It's not broken, is it?
Stitch: It's just a bad sprain.
Ashley: I knew it.
Abby: Ugh, so that's it? Mom doesn't get admitted? We don't get to see your wonderful bedside manner?
Ashley: [Chuckles]
Stitch: [Chuckles] Maybe next time your injury will be more severe.
Ashley: [Chuckles]
Stitch: All you need for this one is some ice and a little TLC.
Ashley: Well, that's a lovely and very inexpensive prescription.
Stitch: And you should stay off that ankle for a while.
Ashley: Oh, I can't do that. I'm leaving for Tokyo later today.
Abby: Unless you think she should stay in town for a follow-up appointment.
Ashley: Honestly, I did not raise her to be this shameless. Stop.
Stitch: Baby the ankle, and have a safe journey.
Abby: Well, so you know, I plan to get my mom in town on a more permanent basis, Dr. Rayburn.
Stitch: [Chuckles] The "Dr. Rayburn" thing still kind of throws me. Friends call me "Stitch." It's a handle I picked up in the military.
Ashley: Oh, really? "Stitch" -- I like that. Well, thank you very much. And thank you for your service, and I'll see you next time I'm in Genoa City -- I mean, you know, if I damage another body part.
[Both chuckle]
Stitch: Have fun in Tokyo.
Ashley: Thank you.
Abby: Well, I guess I can drive you to the airport.
Ashley: Oh, no. Thank you. I'm gonna get a car. I have to run an errand anyway.
Abby: Are you sure?
Ashley: Yeah. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.
Abby: Here.
Ashley: Yeah. And what I was about to say to you before the doctor came back in...
Abby: Uh, that I need to dump my very handsome, sexy boyfriend who says he loves me?
Ashley: No. No, I'm not gonna say that. I am gonna say that, when it comes to Tyler, I think you should trust your very exceptional instincts.
Abby: [Sighs]
Noah: Yeah, so he's got me going head-to-head with this guy -- you know, real competition.
Tyler: Mm. Okay. So did you give the better pitch?
Noah: Uh, maybe I just want to think like I did, and he's hyping up Kyle to get under Jack's skin.
Tyler: All right, well, what if that's not the case, though?
Noah: Either way, I got to step up my game, you know? I really want to prove myself.
Tyler: I don't know, man. That's a lot of pressure -- trying to impress a guy like Victor Newman.
Noah: Yeah, and its family. It's a mixed bag.
Tyler: You're right about that. And I'm telling you, man, it's the people who are closest to you that can hurt you the most.
Jill: How's my son?
Victoria: He's good. You just missed him, but I can have him give you a call if you want.
Jill: Only if you can guarantee that he'll call me back.
Victoria: [Chuckles] Right. Can I get you something?
Jill: How was your holiday, Honey?
Victoria: It was really good, you know? It was good. We just -- you know, we just tried to keep things festive for Johnny. But, um, it's just --
Jill: But Billy's still suffering.
Victoria: It's like Delia was here five minutes ago, and it's just still so fresh -- missing her.
Jill: I know. That's -- that's why I was hoping that you would all come to Thanksgiving. You know, I thought it would be good for Billy to be around his family so it would take away some of his grief, even just for a little while.
Victoria: I'm trying, Jill. I mean, I've tried. I really have. I've tried to get him back into this life of ours. You know, it's just I know that things are never gonna be the same, but we just -- we have to get back to some semblance of our life... for -- for -- for Johnny's sake. But nothing that I say seems to help. Nothing that I do helps.
Kelly: Hey.
Billy: Hey.
Kelly: [Chuckles] Okay, I'm not gonna ask you.
Billy: Ask me what?
Kelly: "How was your Thanksgiving?"
Billy: Huh.
Kelly: I'm not gonna ask you something that I already know. Let's see. You spent the day wondering how people can "Ooh" and "Ahh" over pumpkin pie when there's an empty chair at the table.
Billy: I tried going through the motions, but it, uh...
Kelly: Feels like it's an insult to your daughter's memory.
Billy: Yeah, the whole day, it's just -- I don't know. I tried to focus on them, but I couldn't. And I know it's not fair to my family, but I couldn't...
Kelly: Billy, you don't have to explain. Did you ever think coming to these meetings would be such a relief?
Billy: Oh, yeah. Yeah, because sitting around in a room with a bunch of strangers, sharing my darkest, most personal feelings -- that's totally my thing, man.
Kelly: Oh, yeah.
Billy: Yeah. Truthfully, it is good to know that there's a place where I can just let whatever's happening to me with this grief stuff just happen.
Kelly: Come on. They have great coffee here.
Billy: Oh, coffee. I could use some coffee.
Victor: What do you mean you're on vacation? I'm paying you to find out who ran down my daughter's stepchild, all right? And where the hell are the license-plate numbers that you said you left in a folder on my desk? I can't find them. Give me an answer.
Ashley: Rough day?
Victor: It just got a whole lot better.
Devon: So, you need to warn me? About what?
Hilary: Just be careful around Mason.
Devon: "Watch my back" is your news? That's almost funny, coming from you.
Hilary: I know I did a lot of horrible things, but Mason --
Devon: Oh, come on. All you've done is publish private, intimate information from my dad's journal on an entertainment website and then try to break up my sister's marriage by staging phony photos to make it seem like you're having sex with her husband. And now you want me to...
Hilary: Listen, Devon. That's it.
Devon: Listen? You know, Hilary, you may have my dad and Jack fooled.
Hilary: I am trying to put my life back together.
Devon: It seems like you're doing a pretty good job of that. What do you want from me?
Hilary: See, all those terrible things I did?
Devon: Uh-huh.
Hilary: How did I get the information about your family? Who broke into your dad's place to get it for me? Who took the staged photos of Cane and me? Do you see what I'm saying?
Devon: Mason was your partner. That's not news to me.
Hilary: Yeah, but I was out for revenge, okay? My motive was pure. Mason -- he was just looking for a big payday.
Devon: So you think he's after my money? I'm sorry to disappoint you, but he hasn't asked me for a single thing.
Hilary: Still, just -- just be careful.
Devon: Wow. You're concerned that Mason may take advantage of me, and that's very sweet of you, but, um, why should I believe anything you say?
Hilary: No reason at all. You got it all figured out, Devon. You know, when you got all that money, I guess you inherited an ability to know what everyone's thinking all of the time. Good for you.
Mason: The training gloves -- you have that color, right? Nice. Okay. Let me get three pairs, and throw in a speed bag while you're at it. Thank you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All delivered. The name on the card is me -- Devon Hamilton.
Kyle: Well, Victor heard my pitch today, and he was all over it.
Jack: Listen, I've been having second thoughts about you going any deeper at Newman-Chancellor. I think it's a mistake.
Kyle: What are you talking about?
Jack: Offer your resignation. Come back to Jabot.
Kyle: Wait a second. Wait a second. [Scoffs] I'm just getting started over there. Victor had me pitch one-on-one with Noah today, and -- and I knocked it out of the park. He loved my ideas. He's gonna put big money behind them.
Jack: Are you forgetting why you took that job in the first place? It was to help me get information.
Ashley: It's nothing. It's just a slight sprain. And I couldn't leave town without saying hello to you.
Victor: Well, you could have, you know. You've done it before.
Ashley: [Laughs] Okay, I have, and my visits have been far less interesting. So, how are you?
Victor: Still able to read you. What's bothering you?
Ashley: Um, our daughter, maybe.
Victor: What is Abby up to now?
Ashley: Nothing. No. That whole Naked-Heiress business is behind her. She's making very good decisions. I'm proud of her, actually.
Victor: Well, so am I. So then what's the issue?
Ashley: Well, she's happy. I'd like her to stay that way. So maybe you can keep an eye on her more so than usual.
Victor: Well, that goes without saying.
Ashley: Yeah?
Victor: Yeah.
Ashley: Can you do that while staying out of her business and not dragging her into yours?
Victor: Oh. [Chuckles]
Victoria: Okay, listen. I know that Billy is hurting, but he just takes it out on me in -- in small ways. And I know he doesn't mean it, but it -- it hurts, still.
Jill: More sarcastic than usual?
Victoria: Well, it's just that he's never been mean to me like that before. He's distant -- not -- not just emotionally, but, I mean, he barely wants to touch me anymore, and that's not like Billy. And... [Sighs] Oh, my gosh, this is gonna sound so stupid.
Jill: No, what -- what is it?
Victoria: We went to a grief-counseling session together, and somehow I managed to convince him to keep going.
Jill: Well, that's a good thing, isn't it?
Victoria: It is. It's a really good thing, but now he wants to go alone. I mean, he -- he's just completely shut me out.
Jill: No, no, no, no. Don't think of it that way, okay? It's probably just a lot easier for him to be there without you. That way, he doesn't have to protect you. He can speak more freely. Oh, Victoria. Oh, Honey, he loves you so much. He's gonna come back to you. He's gonna come back to all of us. I know he is. It's just really important that we're here when he's ready.
Victoria: You know what? Hearing it that way -- you're right. Maybe we should just all be grateful that he's talking to someone right now.
Kelly: Hey, what you said about Delia and being without her for Thanksgiving -- that was great. Firsts are always hard.
Billy: Yeah. Thanks. I'm not really looking forward to Christmas or New Year’s...
Kelly: Hey. Stop thinking, okay? You're gonna get overwhelmed and completely shut off. Just take one event at a time, as it comes.
Billy: Makes sense.
Kelly: Yes.
[Keys jingle]
Billy: You know, I'm really not looking forward to going home. No.
Kelly: Yeah. How about more coffee? You want to get some coffee?
Billy: Sure. I'm not caffeinated enough. More coffee. I'll never go back to sleep.
Kelly: Come on.
Billy: All right.
Tyler: Thank you. Appreciate it. So, how's your day been?
Abby: I took my mom to the hospital.
Tyler: Oh, her ankle?
Abby: Just sprained, but she flirted with a very cute doctor.
Tyler: [Scoffs]
Abby: And we talked.
Tyler: What, about the cute doctor?
Abby: Yeah, a little. And about you. Women's intuition.
Tyler: You know, um, I've been thinking a lot about you today, too, and those calls from Mariah. I blocked her number.
Abby: You did? [Chuckles]
Tyler: Yeah.
Abby: Why?
Tyler: You know, I don't know why I didn't think of it before. I just -- I was getting tired of not answering her calls. You are the only woman that I want in my life.
Abby: Good. So good. [Chuckles] That's the best. That's the best answer I've ever heard.
Jack: [Sighs]
Kyle: Look, I've got to play the part, here.
Jack: Oh, is that what this is?
Kyle: Well, how am I supposed to gain Victor's confidence enough to get the vital information that you need unless he thinks I'm a team player and I want to contribute to the company?
Jack: And you think Victor's buying it now?
Kyle: [Sighs] I'm sure he's probably still suspicious of my motives.
Jack: Which is why you should quit...now.
Kyle: No, which is why I should do a good job, like I did today. Victor was impressed. I could hear it in his voice.
Jack: And I can hear in your voice -- you're liking it over there. Victor is working you, Son. He's pulling you in.
Ashley: I can't help but worry. I'm gonna be halfway around the world in Tokyo when this next skirmish with Jack happens.
Victor: Well, I assure you, Abby will not be dragged into that.
Ashley: Please. How could she not be? Honestly. You have your next greatest epic with Jack beginning any moment. And don't say it's not about to happen, because I can see all the signs, Victor.
Victor: Are you worried about me?
Ashley: You know what? I am.
Victor: You are?
Ashley: I am. And my brother. How many times has this happened? Neither one of you is a young man any longer. I just wonder if both of you can survive this time.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kevin: What was that for?
Chloe: For being in my life.
Adam: It's best if he lives under my roof.
Chelsea: But not me?
Adam: I want you here, too.
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