Y&R Transcript Monday 11/25/13

Y&R Transcript Monday 11/25/13


Episode # 10294 ~ Nikki's confession shakes the Newman family; Sharon helps Summer.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Billy: [Sighs] Hannah, I'm heading out, so if you need anything, call Victoria.

Nikki: All right, stop! Okay, enough! Enough!

Victoria: Mom, be careful!

Victor: Son, stop it.

Nikki: Stop!

Nick: Just leave it alone, Mom! This has nothing to do with you!

Nikki: It has everything to do with me! [Crying] Dylan is my son! [Crying continues]

Victor: What are you talking -- what are you saying?

Nikki: Victor, I'm just saying the truth. I know who I am, I know where I am... and I know that Dylan is my son.

Leslie: This was the season for my dad to drink, get mad, treat her wrong.

Neil: But now you are here with me, Baby. It's a whole new kind of holiday.

Leslie: Is that an invitation?

Neil: Holidays are all about family. I thought that's what we were.

Sharon: Hello!

Noah: Ah, we're closed!

Sharon: Noah?

Noah: Mom? What are you doing here?

Sharon: I'm looking for your father. What are you doing here? Don't tell me Victor drove you away from the business already, not that I would mind you quitting.

Noah: Why are you looking for Dad?

Sharon: To talk to him about Thanksgiving plans with Faith, and I notice that you dodged the question with Victor, so what did he do?

Noah: Grandpa hired Kyle at Newman-Chancellor -- you know, the guy with the Harvard M.B.A. and the experience. Yeah. But, hey, I know how to pour drinks and write music, so I'm sure we'll get equal treatment, you know?

Sharon: It's not a competition.

Noah: I'm pretty sure it is.

Sharon: It may seem like that, but that is not the way it works.

Noah: Right, because Grandpa never pits one person against the other.

Sharon: I know Victor did not go to business school, and he doesn't care about stuff like that. You're creative. You don't regurgitate nonsense from a textbook. If you believe in yourself, Victor will believe in you, too.

Victor: Sweetheart, I'm gonna call a doctor, okay?

Nikki: No, no. Don't call anybody, please. Just let me say this. I'm sorry. I-I meant to tell you this when we were alone. In fact, I debated whether to tell you at all. Obviously, it's time for everybody to know the truth.

Dylan: Mrs. Newman, I appreciate the veterans benefit, and you've always been so kind to me, but maybe it's like your husband said -- you're not quite feeling like yourself -- because this doesn't make any sense.

Nikki: Well, I know that it doesn't, but it's true.

Dylan: Yeah, but you don't know me. You don't know my parents or how I grew up, and I really don't know you.

Nikki: I would like to get to know you very much.

Dylan: I'm not your son!

Noah: What's going on here, Mom? You're not telling me that Grandpa's gonna warp my brain and exploit my soul and leave me by the side of the road.

Sharon: Oh, no. He wouldn't do that. I mean, not all at once, anyway. Do I want Victor to make you over in his image? God, no. Would I rather you find some better, more fulfilling way to explore your abilities? Yeah.

Noah: And I spoke too soon.

Sharon: Look, I can't make those choices for you, and you spent your entire childhood trying to get away from the Newman family, the Newman name -- with good reason. But now, if you want to work for Newman-Chancellor, then you should do so.

Noah: With your blessing?

Sharon: With a warning. I spent a lot of years needing validation from others. Don't hook your self-worth to Victor's opinion of you. You deserve better than that.

Noah: Me and my résumé?

Sharon: You and your heart and your loyalty and your treatment of others.

Noah: Mom.

Sharon: Really, I don't know a better man than you, Noah -- as an employee, as a son, as a person. I hope the woman you choose one day really deserves you.

Noah: You're killing me here.

Sharon: [Chuckles]

[Cell phone beeps]

Sharon: Oh, go on. Uh-huh. I see somebody's already in the mix.

[Camera shutter clicking]

Photographer: And again!

Summer: Again?

Photographer: Let's go for a little less miserable, hmm? We still have two more looks to get.

Summer: That's gonna take hours. It's freezing out here.

Photographer: Then nail this so you can go home to your footy pajamas and hot cocoa, Princess.

Kelly: Ah. You're just in time.

Billy: Lucky me.

Kelly: Mm-hmm. Your wife come to her senses and find something better to do?

Billy: She had a family thing.

Kelly: That you didn't want to go to?

Billy: Oh, you've met her family?

Kelly: You know, other people -- they can be the worst, right? They try to help, try to be nice, but... I had to take a leave of absence from my job.

Billy: What do you do?

Kelly: I teach elementary school.

Billy: Wow.

Kelly: Exactly -- me and a bunch of kids, happy, laughing. I used to love that sound.

Billy: I'm on my computer pretty much all day long, like maybe I'll enter the right search and I'll find a way to get justice for my kid. All day it's like an itch, like I used to get when I was a gambler -- scratch myself bloody.

Kelly: So, you've been to a meeting or two before?

Billy: Yeah, I've been to a few. I had to get clean to stop being a screw-up. But this -- what's the goal here? It's not like I'm gonna walk in there and I'm gonna share and then she comes back. No matter what I do, I'm never gonna see my little girl again, so what's the point here?

Nikki: It is such a shock to find out you're adopted, but I can help you.

Dylan: Look, look, I've been there -- completely out of touch with reality -- but you need to understand that I had parents. I was not adopted. You have your own kids -- they're right here -- and I'm not one of them.

Victoria: Mom, maybe you're mixed up about something. Maybe this is just a mistake.

Avery: Nikki, do you have any proof?

Nikki: Do you remember the trip I took to Chicago, supposedly, about a charity benefit? Well, that was not true, okay? I was there to find out about the baby I had had so many years ago. I was in medical offices. I-I ended up in a church in Winnetka, where I gave birth to the baby, and until that trip, I didn't even know that I had had a son. Now, look -- I think we should all just get out of here, go somewhere else, and sit down and I'll explain everything.

Victoria: Mom.

Nick: We're not going anywhere. Mom just tells us that Dylan is her first-born son, and you're worried about causing a scene? What's going on?

Nikki: It's true.

Victor: Son, Son, Son, just keep it down.

Nick: We need to get to the bottom of this, Dad.

Dylan: This is your family's issue. We should leave. Come on.

Nikki: Penelope Harrison.

Avery: That was your mother's maiden name, wasn't it?

Dylan: Yeah, it was. Let's go.

Nikki: And I contacted her sister, Pamela. Pamela told me a lot about your mother, and she also mentioned another name -- Terry McAvoy, your father.

Dylan: Yeah, that's right. That's my father.

Victoria: Your parents never mentioned adoption? You never wondered?

Dylan: I mean, I look like my dad. I have his eyes and, I'd like to think, his integrity so I know he wasn't keeping some big, dark secret from me.

Nikki: It's because he never knew. Your mother never told him, Dylan.

Dylan: Did you just call my mother a liar?

Nikki: No, I would never do that.

Victoria: What she's saying is that --

Dylan: Is an insult to the best woman I've ever known.

Dylan: My mom wouldn't lie to me -- sure as hell wouldn't lie to my father. You're the one who's lying.

Nikki: I'm not lying to you, Dylan.

Avery: Okay, now that everything is out, can we just --

Nick: What do you have to do with this, Avery?

Nikki: Oh, God. You know, this is exactly what I thought would happen. If you all would just listen to everything that I have to say, please -- the sooner you know, the better it will be.

Victoria: Yes, Mom. We'll listen. Go.

Nikki: All right. Her sister, Pamela, told me that there was a time when your mother and father broke up for a little while, and then when your mother heard about the baby, she thought that that could be a chance, that would be an opportunity, to get back with your father.

Dylan: What are you saying -- that she tricked him and she showed up with a kid and said, "Here’s your kid?" No. She wasn't like that. She didn't lie.

Nikki: No, no, no, no, and I don't judge her. I certainly understand what people do who are desperate to be loved.

Dylan: Okay, just stop. I'm done with this.

Nikki: No, don't -- don't go! D-- [Sighs]

Nick: Mom.

Nikki: [Crying] It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Victor: I'm sorry, Baby. Why don't you start at the beginning, hmm?

Nikki: It all happened a long time ago, of course... before I knew you. I told you that I joined that commune for a while.

Victor: It was a cult.

Nikki: Yeah. Yeah. It was a place -- a very evil, miserable place. But...the head guy who ran it -- he was very charming. And he took a liking to me, and I-I felt so special because he picked me. And I didn't realize that he liked all of the young girls that were there. It wasn't until I was pregnant that I realized he doesn't give a hoot about me. He is an evil, sick man and very dangerous, and I couldn't get away from him fast enough.

Victoria: What did you do?

Nikki: I hid my pregnancy as much as I could, and then I just ran. I thought, "Chicago's a good place. I can hide there. Nobody from new world will find me." But I only made it as far as Winnetka. I guess the stress and the shame -- I went into an early labor.

Victoria: All alone?

Nikki: There was this church. This nun helped me through the whole thing. And then she blessed the baby and promised me she would find a loving home, and she kept her word. And, eventually, I just found my way back to Genoa City and pretended that none of it ever happened. [Crying]

Victoria: Oh, Mom.

Nick: Why tell us now?

Nikki: You know better than anybody what a secret like this can do to your soul.

Summer: Oh, my God. Thank God you're here, even if you are checking your phone every 10 seconds.

Courtney: [Chuckles]

Summer: Is it Noah?

Courtney: Yes. All I know about tonight is candles and a dance.

Summer: Oh, candles and a dance? What are you -- like 100 years old?

Courtney: Stop. I think it's sweet.

Summer: It's sweet. I mean, at least it sounds like a real date, not just hanging out in that pit of an apartment. You should go -- now.

Courtney: But you need me here.

Summer: No, I need an electric heater.

Courtney: [Chuckles]

Summer: You should go.

Courtney: Okay. Thank you.

Summer: You're welcome. Have fun.

Courtney: Stay warm!

Summer: Thank you.

Photographer: [Whistles] Breaky-breaky's over, Darling. [Snaps fingers] Let's go.

Summer: [Sighs]

Sharon: Who is she?

Noah: Courtney Sloane.

Sharon: Summer's friend?

Noah: That's the one.

Sharon: How does Summer feel about that?

Noah: Uh, we have her blessing. They're together right now at a photo shoot. But we're gonna meet up later.

Sharon: Well, she seems like a nice young lady. To have someone to spend time with, whose texts make you smile -- that's so nice.

Noah: What about you? You still thinking about Dad?

Sharon: No, not until I just officially get myself back together, and then, you know, I'll take a coffee date with some nice new guy -- someone who I don't have a history with.

Noah: A new guy?

Sharon: All of those firsts with someone new and someone special -- it's really great. It's really worth waiting for.

Neil: So, I'm gonna be getting down and dirty in the kitchen -- right? -- Cooking, doing all the trimmings. And I was hoping I might be able to get some help from a certain sous chef I know.

Leslie: Me...

Neil: Mnh.

Leslie: ...And you in your kitchen? Yeah, last time I was there, I think I nearly burned it down.

Neil: Wait a minute, now. Last time, we both nodded off. Remember that? Now, this time, we're gonna have a toddler running around, so it's gonna be different.

Leslie: Aww. Moses is coming?

Neil: Moses is a huge fan of ice cream and pie.

Leslie: Pie?

Neil: Mm-hmm.

Leslie: Now, see, you didn't mention pie. What time should I be there?

Neil: Mm. You should be there very earl-- no, no, no. I take that back. You might need to sleep over. Got to prep the bird.

Leslie: I wasn't playing about having work, and that's, you know, your time with your son.

Neil: Honey, Moses is gonna be coming over a lot more often now that he's getting bigger. I want you there. It's a big, loud, messy life. You want to be in it with me?

Simon: I ran to pay the pizza guy. When I came back to the pool, my son was -- I told him to stay on the patio.

Billy: I told Delia to stay in the car. She didn't want to leave the dog alone, and I caved -- went in without her. If I'd have been a good dad, I'd have said, "No, you're coming inside with me."

Therapist: It's easy to say the words "It's not your fault," but it's so hard to understand. The only thing you can do is forgive yourself, forgive the universe, and then you can start to heal.

Billy: I'm sorry. Excuse me. I --

Therapist: Billy...

Billy: Really?

Kelly: Hey.

Billy: Forgive the universe? That's what we're gonna do in there? I'm not going back in there.

Kelly: Listen, we can stay out here as long as you need to, okay?

Billy: I have the video of Delia's play. She was a total star. I'm not just saying that 'cause I'm her dad. She was -- she was fantastic. And the dog -- the dog kept running offstage. She'd bring it back on. The audience would love her even more.

Kelly: Hmm.

Billy: That damn dog -- I am certain she was chasing after him when she...

Kelly: Yeah. Sam -- he wanted a basketball hoop, regulation height, adjustable, but I found a bike that was cheaper instead. If I'd paid that extra $50, he would have been practicing free throws in the driveway instead of being on that bike. Just $50.

Billy: Sorry.

Kelly: Too many people in that room understand how you feel, Billy. So, when I make fun of all these people for trying to be nice and helping but really not having a clue, it's not those people. They know.

Leslie: You think this is news about you having kids? You have "Hot Dad" written all over you.

Neil: Well, thank you. I appreciate that.

Leslie: Yeah.

Neil: But, you know, little man Moses was always at Sofia's when we first started dating. We didn't have to worry about babysitters or waking him up in the middle of the night.

Leslie: And what would we be doing that might wake him up?

Neil: Yeah.

Leslie: [Chuckles]

Neil: This week, you're gonna get a taste of what life is like with a toddler, and if it doesn't work for you, then, you know, we're gonna have to talk about it -- figure out how to deal with that.

Leslie: Oh, well, he's adorable, and so are you. And, you know, you've been very smart not to parade women in and out of your son's life.

Neil: Well, that wouldn't be fair to him, would it -- expose him to people who aren't gonna stay in his life or people who are just passing through? That's not you.

Leslie: Well, good. I was gonna say, if I'm just passing through, I'm taking my sweet old time about it.

Neil: And that's exactly why you have met my son and why I'm really happy that you both are spending the night. But that's me. Uh...how do you feel about that?

Leslie: I-I never played house as a kid -- you know, having a mom and a dad and happy little kids. I -- [Sighs] Uh, if you're asking if I ever planned on a family, honestly, no.

Neil: Oh.

Leslie: But your family, ne -- I'm honored to be a part of it. And if I haven't already said it, you've already been a part of mine.

Neil: Yeah. Baby...

Photographer: Go! You're young! Pretend you're adorable! J-- damn it! Take five.

Sharon: Hey. Here.

Summer: Hey.

Sharon: Put these in your shoes.

Summer: What?

Sharon: You'll see. It's a modeling trick.

Summer: Okay. Oh, my gosh. It feels like I'm walking on the beach, but the rest of my body still feels like I'm in Siberia. Where did you get these?

Sharon: The crew table. Look at you. Wet hair?

Summer: Yeah. The concept was that I was caught in the rain with my crush. It's really romantic and... frigid. But I don't know why Chloe didn't tell me about these when she was here with Chelsea. She's done like a million shoots.

Sharon: How long have you been like this?

Summer: The wet hair -- not that long, but freezing and half-dressed -- four hours.

Sharon: What?

Summer: It's my job.

Sharon: No. Like hell it is.

Sharon: You -- excuse me.

Photographer: We're busy here, Sweetheart.

Sharon: Yeah, you're shooting the new Jabot fashion line, featuring C.E.O. Jack Abbott's daughter Summer. Does he have any idea how much you're abusing Summer?

Summer: I, um -- it's fine. It's fine. I'm warming up now. I don't need any special treatment.

Sharon: No, this isn't special treatment. It's professional treatment, and Summer's done for the night. Come on.

Photographer: We didn't get the shot.

Sharon: Really? I'm sure Jack will be glad to know about your failure tonight. Let's go.

Nikki: So, fast-forward to Katherine's letter. She gave me the name and number of the attorney who handled the adoption.

Victor: So, wait a minute. Katherine knew? You talked to her about it, but you didn't tell me -- not when we met, not when we married, not when we had children?

Nikki: I was too ashamed. I-I just thought I could lock it away and never have to think about it again. Then I heard about the M.S., and that got me thinking about the genetic component. It makes some blood relatives more susceptible to it than other people. I mean, of course, the kids knew about it, but I knew there was a child out there who didn't have that medical information. And after everything that Katherine went through with Tucker, I-I felt I could talk to her about it.

Victor: But, Sweetheart, you didn't trust me. We could have solved this together. I would have helped you with this. You didn't trust me, did you?

Sharon: Get something hot to drink -- extra large.

Summer: Okay.

Sharon: Neil, you might want to talk to your photographer before he gets someone at Jabot sued.

Neil: Uh, excuse me?

Sharon: Yeah. Chelsea's spring line -- I know that it needs to be shot right now, but, um...maybe an indoor shoot, maybe in Bali, not Genoa City in November in Chancellor Park with Summer wearing a slip of a dress and -- wait for it -- wet hair.

Neil: What?

Sharon: Your photographer is a sadist. If I hadn't threatened to call Jack, Summer would be out there right now, pretending it's spring and turning blue.

Neil: Summer, hi. Are you okay?

Summer: Yeah. I can finally feel my fingers again.

Neil: If Lily had to go through something like that when she was modeling, I'd be furious. Do me a favor. Next time, if something goes on that isn't right, walk right off the set and call me directly. You hear me?

Summer: Yeah, I just don't want to be the newbie that throws attitude.

Sharon: Well, you know what? Then call me. I'll throw the attitude for you. Or I can just sit there on the sidelines. Sometimes that's all it takes to keep people in line.

Courtney: Look at you. [Giggles]

Noah: All my jeans were in the wash, and all I had was this suit that my girlfriend got me.

Courtney: Girlfriend?

Noah: Mm-hmm.

Courtney: Hmm.

Noah: Woman friend? Significant other?

Courtney: "Girlfriend" works. So, candles.

Noah: And, uh, a dance?

Courtney: Hmm.

Noah: Plus, you got me this suit, so, um, I got you...

Courtney: Yeah?

Noah: ...Something hanging in the office.

Courtney: So romantic and in charge.

Noah: It's a Newman curse.

Courtney: Not bad as far as curses go. I'll be right back.

Nikki: Victor, it wasn't about not trusting you. It was about not wanting to hurt you.

Victor: So, the search for your son was just about passing along medical information?

Nikki: At first, it was the M.S. and then Katherine, and, to tell you very honestly, I didn't know how much longer I'd be around.

Victoria: Mom, don't say that.

Nikki: Well, that's true. And then I just -- I couldn't let go of it. I had to know about this child, this baby that had come from me. I had to make sure he or she was okay. And then to find out he was so close, right here in this town --

Nick: Right here in this town, ruining my life, Mom. Then you found out it was Dylan, and you just had to reach out.

Nikki: Oh, Honey, watching what happened to you and Avery hurt me so much.

Nick: And he is responsible.

Nikki: I know this is very difficult right now. But you have to understand that, biologically, he is as much a part of you and your sister as he is me.

Nick: What were you hoping -- that he and I are just gonna hug it out and everything's gonna be cool? That is not gonna happen.

Nikki: Nicholas, please, please. Nicholas!

Victor: Sweetheart, no, no, no. Come on. I'll talk to him, okay? Please sit down. I'll talk to him.

Nikki: Oh, God.

Victoria: You tried to tell me, didn't you? The night of the play, you came by the house, and you asked what we would tell Johnny about his biological mom.

Nikki: I'm so grateful that you love Johnny the way you do, 'cause I was really afraid that maybe Dylan's parents hadn't.

Victoria: You don't have to be afraid anymore.

Nikki: You're being so sweet to me. And I don't deserve it. I mean, you all should have known about this long ago. [Sighs] Finding out like this -- I don't know that I'll ever be able to fix the damage I've done.

Avery: Dylan! Please, will you slow down? Come on. Let's just go back to my place. It's freezing out here.

Dylan: Did you hear her saying that my mom lied?

Avery: She didn't mean it like that.

Dylan: What -- what do you mean? Was she drinking? Because she told me she was an alcoholic.

Avery: I don't know what that has to do with anything.

Dylan: What are you talking about? She was -- she was talking crazy, making stuff up, Avery.

Avery: Look, I know it sounds impossible, and when Nikki told me, I couldn't --

Dylan: Wait. She told you? You knew?

Avery: Yes. Nikki came to me as a client. I've been bound by attorney-client privilege, and it has been killing me, knowing this information.

Dylan: You're telling me that you knew?

Avery: Yes.

Dylan: Is it true?

Avery: Dylan...

Dylan: Just don't. Don't.

Neil: Okay, let me guess -- this is the cornbread-versus-the- sourdough-stuffing debate.

Leslie: Well, I'm thinking about what Sharon said -- having an advocate on set. You honestly could have had a lawsuit on your hands tonight. I mean, now, Jack's daughter -- she's not gonna sue, but with someone else -- yeah, maybe having an advocate on set is good protection.

Neil: Okay. Please tell me this is free legal advice, because we both know that Jabot no longer has you on retainer.

Leslie: Oh, well, how 'bout I give you the family rate?

Neil: Oh, yeah! I'll take it!

Leslie: [Chuckles] Oh, and cornbread all the way.

Neil: Oh, that's fine. Baby, this is gonna be our first big holiday together. It's gonna be fantastic, and I can't wait for it to be perfect.

Summer: You were really tough back at the shoot. It was kind of cool, actually.

Sharon: Well, I already know all the photographers' tricks. I used to be spokesmodel for Jabot a long time ago.

Summer: Yeah. Well, you definitely laid that guy out. He was shaking. You know, I had no idea that you were so fierce. You remind me a lot of my --

Sharon: Your mom?

Summer: Yeah. I'm sorry. No offense. I mean, I think that she's awesome, but I know that you guys didn't exactly --

Sharon: No, it's -- thank you, and, honestly, I know you miss her.

Summer: Yeah, I do. That's why Jack and I are going down there tomorrow -- spend Thanksgiving with her. Maybe I'll tell her that I said that you guys were alike. Maybe that will finally wake her up.

Billy: [Sighs]

Victoria: [Sighs]

Billy: Hey. How was dinner? Okay. Was your father his normal, charming self? Whoa. All right.

Victoria: [Sighs] Mom arranged a dinner to let us know that she has another child -- a son, older. I have an older brother.

Billy: Honey?

Victoria: [Gasps] I guess Mom was envisioning a warm, honest, cozy conversation with mind-blowing, earth-shattering news, and then Dylan got into it with Nick.

Billy: Dylan was there, huh?

Victoria: Mm! At dinner with Avery.

Billy: Oh. Awesome. That's great.

Victoria: My mom blurted out that Dylan is her son. Yeah, exactly.

Nick: [Sighs]

Victor: Slow down, Son.

Nick: Shouldn't you be following Mom?

Victor: [Sighs] My concern is you right now.

Nick: Don't worry. I'm gonna take a cab.

Victor: Nicholas... I know this comes as a shock to you.

Nick: I mean, can you believe this? Dylan McAvoy? I already have to deal with Adam, and now this?

Victor: I know. We know about Adam. This guy I had no idea about. Your mother never talked about this before -- never. I'm as shocked as you are.

Nick: Look, I can't judge Mom because of Summer. But she never said a word about this. And now I am stuck with Dylan for the rest of my life.

Dylan: Is there anyone who hasn't lied to me?

Avery: Dylan...

Dylan: You're the one person that I could count on.

Avery: I will always be that person.

Dylan: You looked in my face and didn't tell me the truth, Avery!

Avery: No! Nikki backed me into a corner! I was bound by an oath. Look, it was attorney-client privilege, but, more importantly, there was knowing you. There was knowing everything you've been through.

Dylan: Then I need to know, all this letting me think we're going somewhere -- was that a lie, too?

Avery: No. You know how much I care about you.

Dylan: No, I don't know a damn thing! Everything I thought I knew... has turned out to be wrong.

Avery: Nikki can tell you how angry I was that she dragged me into this. I knew what this information would do to you, especially so soon after losing Chelsea and Connor.

Dylan: When did you know? Come on. It's not privileged information anymore. When did you know?

Avery: I've known for a while, and it was killing me, knowing how alone you felt without Connor, but knowing that you had this whole other family --

Dylan: Those people aren't my family, Avery! Penny and Terry McAvoy -- my father, my mother -- that's my family, okay? Mrs. Newman -- she's nice, but I don't even know her. She means nothing to me.

Avery: You don't have to know her. You don't have to know any of them. But you know me, so don't shut me out. Dylan... just let me take you home, okay? Come on.

Billy: And Dylan had no idea?

Victoria: No. No! He didn't even know that he was adopted.

Billy: And all this came out as Dylan and Nick were...

Victoria: Yeah, throwing punches. Then Dylan left and Avery followed and Nick went to the bar and Dad followed.

Billy: Instead of talking to Nikki? Great. Yeah. Something your father and I have in common. I am so proud, ignoring our wives. I hope you know that means I'm not proud, right?

Victoria: I know it came as a shock, seeing Dee Dee's things in the box, and I probably should have warned you, and I also should have told you that Chloe called.

Billy: Yeah, well, I lost my temper and I jumped to conclusions, and... that wasn't -- that wasn't good. That was bad.

Victoria: Well, you know, it wasn't great, but it's -- I know that you're --

Billy: A head case? Yeah.

Victoria: You're grieving.

Billy: I went to group today.

Victoria: Really?

Billy: Yeah. And I-- it's, uh -- it's funny. Those people -- they really understand, so... those poor people.

Noah: You look beautiful.

Courtney: My boyfriend picked out the dress -- my man friend, significant other.

Noah: Does he mind if I do this?

Courtney: I don't know. Do it again. What's wrong?

Noah: Uh... we should slow down. You know, your first time should be -- it should be special.

Courtney: [Chuckles] My...first time wasn't much of anything. This can be.

Noah: Not here.

Courtney: Your dad still has that apartment upstairs, right?

Noah: Yes. Yes, he does.

Courtney: [Chuckles]

Nick: Left at the altar, waiting for my bride, and it's because of this guy. Dad, I'm trying to move on from Avery. I am. Every time I turn around, there she is, and there's Dylan. He shows up at my ex-wife's house with plans to build a toy for my kid. And then at that veterans benefit, Mom hugs him? I mean, that's why she did it -- so she could get close to him. Mom wants us to all be one big, happy family.

Victor: [Sighs] Son, this whole thing is just... very upsetting to me, but I doubt seriously that she wants us to play one big, happy family, and I don't think he -- Dylan -- wants to do that, either. This is as much a shock to me as it is to you. Sorry, my son.

Nikki: Oh, Katherine, why aren't you here? It went worse than anybody ever could have imagined. I broke so many hearts tonight. I don't know that my family will ever be whole again.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Dylan: How do I accept that Nikki's my mother and everything that goes along with that?

Nikki: I need you to accept that Dylan is part of our lives.

Nick: Dylan and I are never gonna be close. It changes nothing.

Sharon: You're wrong, Nick. This changes everything.

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