Y&R Transcript Friday 11/8/13
Episode # 10283 ~ Alex and Adam argue; Nick and Sharon decide their next move.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Chelsea: Connor's been watching the mobile in his crib for the last 15 minutes. [Laughs] Seeing his eyes just watch the airplanes go around and around -- it's the most incredible thing I've ever seen.
Adam: His vision is definitely improving.
Chelsea: Yeah. That should make you happy.
Adam: It does.
Chelsea: But you feel guilty, too.
Adam: And why would I feel guilty?
Chelsea: Knowing our son has the ability to see now because a sweet, little girl died. It's -- it's a very, very hard thing to accept.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: Have you heard anything from your contacts about finding the person who hit Delia? Chloe's coming over soon, so I'd love to be able to tell her that you're close to finding the person who killed her little girl.
Adam: You can't do that.
Alex: No? All right. You should get something to eat, Buddy -- really. The food is actually pretty good now that you don't own the place.
Kevin: You know it's not a contest, right, Chavez?
Alex: [Muffled] That's good...because you lost, big time. [Chuckles] Were you up all night with Chloe again?
Kevin: [Sighs] Found her in Delia's room, lying on her bed, clutching one of her stuffed animals.
Alex: So she's still in pretty bad shape.
Kevin: I hated leaving her. But I feel like the best thing I can do right now is try and catch the monster who killed Delia.
Alex: Um, hopefully, we'll get something with this list of new SUVs.
Kevin: Yeah, you know, I'm sick of "Hopefully," Chavez.
Alex: Look, Buddy. I know what you're going through, okay?
Kevin: No, you don't. You have no idea what it's like to look at Chloe every day and watch her heart break a little more.
Alex: We're doing everything we can, Kev.
Kevin: Well, it's not enough.
Alex: We'll catch the guy.
Kevin: How? How? How? How are you gonna do that?
Alex: Listen. Sometimes, all you need is just a little bit of luck to point you in the right direction.
Sharon: Hey. What's going on?
Nick: I had to move all the food out of the freezer for a little while. Guy back there trying to fix the freezer lock.
Sharon: Oh. And you moved all these yourself? Is that why you're all...hot and sweaty?
Nick: [Chuckles] Well, it beats freezing to death.
Sharon: Yeah. I will take a little heat any day over freezing to death. Last night, I thought I was gonna lose a few fingers.
Nick: Well, until my shirt came to the rescue.
Sharon: You know you could've caught pneumonia, taking it off like that.
Nick: I was trying to be chivalrous.
Sharon: Still my knight in shining armor. Is that why you called me over here, Sir Galahad -- to make sure I'm okay?
Nick: No. I, um...wanted to talk to you about something.
Chloe: Hi.
Kevin: Hey. How are you doing?
Chloe: I'm -- I'm good! I'm -- I'm a little tired, so I thought some caffeine would help.
Alex: I'm gonna head back to the station.
Kevin: Okay. I won't be long.
Alex: Hey, Chloe. Listen, um... I want you to know that we're doing everything we can to solve the case.
Chloe: Thank you.
Alex: Okay.
Chloe: Uh, can I just get a coffee to go? Thanks. [Sighing] Wow. Us and Chavez on the same side. Who would've thought it?
Kevin: Yeah. [Chuckles] He's still a pain, but he's busting his obnoxious ass to get justice for Delia.
Chloe: It seems like everybody is.
Kevin: Yeah. We're gonna find this person.
Chloe: [Sighs quietly] Uh, thanks.
Kevin: Hey, listen. I'm sorry I had to leave so early this morning, but I was checking out some leads in Delia's case. They didn't turn up anything, but I'm not giving up.
Chloe: You can't keep on doing this, Kevin.
Kevin: I'm not gonna stop until I catch the killer.
Chloe: No, working all day and then taking care of me at night.
Kevin: What? I'm fine. [Chuckles]
Chloe: You're exhausted.
Kevin: Now you sound like Chavez.
Chloe: Because he's right. And so am I. You can't devote your whole life to me.
Kevin: Why not?
Chloe: Because it's not fair, especially when your own family needs you so much.
Lauren: [Sighs] Fen. Let me look at you. Are you all right?
Fenmore: Yeah. Dad just told me to keep a low profile and stay out of trouble. That's what I'm trying to do.
Lauren: I wish he could protect you.
Fenmore: There's nothing Dad can do to help me.
Lauren: Don't you underestimate your father.
Michael: Officer Duncan.
Duncan: Yeah.
Michael: Michael Baldwin. I... used to be the district attorney in Genoa City.
Duncan: I remember you.
Michael: Yeah. It's -- it's been a while, huh? How's your wife and -- and daughters, right?
Duncan: That's right. Oldest is graduating from high school this year.
Michael: Yeah. My son graduated.
Duncan: He was a kid when I first met you. You came out to talk to a client, and you showed me a picture of him.
Michael: Yeah. Uh, he's the reason I-I wanted to talk to you. I was wondering if... you could do me a favor, I mean, for old time's sake.
Duncan: And what's that?
Michael: I need to speak to the warden.
Fenmore: What's Dad up to?
Lauren: I don't know. But he's determined to help you.
Fenmore: [Sighs] God. If it gets out I'm getting special treatment because my old man used to be the D.A., we could both get in a lot of trouble.
Lauren: [Crying] This is my fault. I don't even understand why I got involved with Carmine.
Fenmore: Look, you slept with him, Mom. I shot him. Stop punishing yourself for something I did.
Lauren: But you and your father are paying for my mistakes. And it's just -- it's not fair.
Fenmore: You know, you're right. It's not fair, at all. I should be the only one locked up in here. So if you want to do something, find a way to get Dad out of here.
Lauren: What can I do for you?
Fenmore: There is something. Don't visit me anymore.
Lauren: What?
Fenmore: Uh, you think the other guys' moms just come and see them?
Lauren: I-I don't know, but --
Fenmore: Yeah, they -- they don't, all right? If the other prisoners find out I'm some sort of mama's boy, I'm gonna get the crap kicked out of me. So just don't come see me anymore. I mean it.
Lauren: No. No, Fen. No. Don't -- [Crying quietly]
Michael: I wouldn't ask you this if someone's life didn't depend on it.
Duncan: What -- yours?
Michael: My boy's.
Duncan: I heard he was here.
Michael: You have to do this for me, Chuck. Please.
Duncan: Prisoners can't get sit-downs with the warden anytime they feel like it.
Michael: Even if that prisoner can do something for him?
Duncan: Like what?
Michael: Just tell Warden Matthews... if he helps me, I can help him.
Chelsea: It might give Chloe some peace to know that someone who doesn't have to follow the rules is looking for Delia's killer.
Adam: And it might give her some false hope. Look what happened with our black-market corneas.
Chelsea: The tissue was unusable.
Adam: Exactly. So, my point is, how useful was that black-market connection?
Chelsea: You're not dealing with illegal organ traders this time.
Adam: Chelsea, you ran cons in the past. You know that selling false hope is the easiest way to make a quick buck.
Chelsea: You're too smart for that.
Adam: Which is why we should wait until we have something -- anything -- and then we can go to Chloe.
Chelsea: Maybe you're right. [Sighs] I don't want to see Chloe hurt any more than she already has been.
Kevin: I can't do anything for Mikey or Fen right now, and Lauren knows where to find me if she needs me. But you are my priority.
Chloe: Kevin, you can't devote every free moment that you have to me.
Kevin: I want to.
Chloe: [Sighs] Because I'm so much fun to be around right now.
Kevin: Hey, how many times have you stuck around me when I wasn't any fun?
Chloe: I can't use you to get through this, Kevin.
Kevin: What? Where is that written?
Chloe: Here... in my head. I need to figure out a way to survive.
Kevin: Well, maybe -- maybe this is the way. You let me help you until you can stand on your own two feet again. That's what friends do, Chloe. They help each other out during tough times.
Chloe: And that's what we are? We're just friends?
Kevin: Yeah. Of course we are.
Chloe: [Voice breaking] I wouldn't have been able to survive these past few weeks without you, but I'm -- I'm just not capable of more than a friendship right now.
Kevin: Well, I'm not asking for anything more than a friendship.
Chloe: I can't keep on taking from you and not giving you anything.
Kevin: You're giving me plenty.
Chloe: I can't imagine what.
Kevin: You're making me feel needed. And that's helping me survive.
Sharon: Is something wrong? Is it one of the kids?
Nick: No. Noah and Faith are fine.
Sharon: Oh. Is it you? Are you sick?
Nick: [Chuckles] No one is sick.
Sharon: Okay. What is it, then?
Nick: Well, I wanted to talk to you about something you said when we were in the freezer, just before Noah found us.
Sharon: Oh! What?
Nick: Well, it sounded to me like you were about to make some kind of confession. Do you remember that? What was it? What were you gonna say?
Sharon: A confession...hmm.
Nick: You were afraid we weren't gonna make it. And you wanted to get something off your chest.
Sharon: Did I? Gosh, I-I just -- it was so cold in there, all I could think about was getting warm and getting out.
Nick: Uh, you sounded like you, uh -- you wanted to come clean about something. I don't know -- make amends.
Sharon: Now I remember! [Sighs] You're right. I-I was trying to make amends.
Nick: For what?
Sharon: [Sighs] Something I did to you.
Nick: Me? What?
Sharon: Something... that I really regret.
Noah: I'm sorry I can't stay for lunch. I got to get back to the office.
Courtney: I feel like I barely get to see you now that you started this job.
Noah: Grandpa wants me to learn every division of Newman and Chancellor before I decide what I want to do. Do you know how many divisions there are?
Courtney: No.
Noah: Damn. Because neither do I, and I-I think there's gonna be a pop quiz any minute.
Courtney: [Laughs]
Noah: Look. I know it's a lot of hours, but I-I thought this is what you wanted me to do.
Courtney: It is! I just didn't know that it would mean I never get to see you anymore.
Noah: Well, there is a bright side. Someday... when you have a job that you love, and you want to spend all your time working, I have to be supportive.
Courtney: Someday.
Noah: Why don't we go to dinner and a movie tonight -- go check out that Japanese restaurant on third that you were talking about?
Courtney: That sounds good. Um, but, actually, lately, I've been kind of craving a big, juicy rib eye.
Noah: [Chuckles] A steak?
Courtney: Mm-hmm.
Noah: You really are a girl after my own, artery-clogged heart, aren't you?
Courtney: [Laughs]
Noah: What about the movie? You don't want to go see some romantic comedy, with the contrived setups and the fake laughs and all that kissing, do you?
Courtney: Hmm. Well, when you put it like that, how could I resist?
[Both chuckle]
Courtney: I'm just kidding. It doesn't matter. We can see whatever. Or we could just skip the movie.
Noah: And do what?
Courtney: Oh, I don't know. Maybe have our own romantic comedy, with no contrivances or fake laughs -- just... lots and lots of kissing?
Adam: We have people to do that, you know.
Chelsea: It helps me relax.
Adam: Scotch does that for me. To each his own. Suit yourself. I'm gonna leave you and Chloe alone to do your work.
Chelsea: Oh, you don't have to leave.
Adam: Oh, I have a-a meeting. Chloe.
Chloe: Hi. I know that Chelsea, uh, you know, was expecting me. We were gonna work here instead. It's easier because of Connor.
Adam: Well, excuse me. I'm just on my way out.
Chloe: I-I hope that you're not avoiding me.
Adam: No. Not at all.
Chloe: I know that you've been uncomfortable because we donated Delia's corneas to Connor.
Adam: It's just hard to find the right words.
Chloe: There aren't any. [Chuckles sadly] [Sighs quietly]
Alex: Yes, Sir. I understand.
Kevin: Bad news?
Alex: Hey. I thought you were with Chloe.
Kevin: She had to work. Who was that?
Alex: [Sighs] It was Patterson. The results came in for every S.U.V. on the list.
Kevin: Let me guess -- nothing.
Alex: Every taillight, every turn light, every fog lamp of every S.U.V. in the county -- they're all intact.
Kevin: Then, we widen the search -- all of Wisconsin, the entire upper Midwest.
Alex: No, no, no, no, no, no. Maybe we need to start thinking like him, you know? Like, if you -- if -- if you knew the entire police force and half the population was looking for you, what would you do?
Kevin: Just go about my life. Pretend like nothing was wrong.
Alex: Exactly! What is the guy's standing right in front of us... and we're just standing in the wrong place, you know?
Kevin: Where are you going?
Alex: Oh, anywhere but here.
Duncan: Watch yourself, Kid.
Fenmore: Yeah.
Michael: [Sighs] So, how were your first two nights?
Fenmore: Couple of guys hassled me, but --
Michael: Hassled you how?
Fenmore: It was all talk, no big deal. I just wish you and Mom would stop worrying.
Michael: That's not gonna happen.
Fenmore: She was here before. She -- she said that you're trying to help me?
Michael: Just do what I told you -- keep your head down. Do whatever the guards tell you.
Fenmore: No, I am.
Michael: Good. Anyway, don't start anything. But don't let anyone push you around, either.
Fenmore: Okay.
Womack: Careful who you talk to, Kid.
Michael: Mind your own business!
Womack: What'd you say?
Michael: I was just asking the kid if he had any smokes.
Fenmore: Yeah, I-I-I just told him to stop bugging me.
Womack: You heard him.
Michael: Hey. I don't want any trouble.
Womack: Yeah, keep it that way.
Duncan: Womack! Keep moving. If I were you, I'd take advantage of your time out here, Kid. Work on those muscles.
Michael: You know this guy, this... this Womack?
Fenmore: I've seen him around. I get the feeling nobody really wants to mess with him.
Michael: Yeah. Well, stay away from him.
Fenmore: It's not so easy in a place like this.
Michael: Well...that's why I'm gonna get you out of here.
Lauren: Summer.
Both: Hi.
Lauren: [Chuckles]
Summer: Hi.
Lauren: Oh.
Summer: Thank you for meeting me.
Lauren: Absolutely. I was so happy when I got your text. What'd you want to talk to me about?
Summer: Um, I wanted to talk about Fen.
Lauren: So you know about his arrest?
Summer: It doesn't make sense to me. I mean, you put him in that drug program to keep him out of prison, and then he starts dealing. Uh, why would he do that?
Lauren: Well, his issues, uh, were a lot more complicated than we realized.
Summer: [Voice breaking] I-I'm really sorry. I can't imagine Fen in prison, and I'm just -- I'm really scared for him.
Lauren: So am I.
Summer: You know, Fen used to be one of my best friends... until...all of that fell apart last year, so... I'm still really sorry about what happened.
Lauren: We all made mistakes.
Summer: I want Fen to know that I still care about him.
Lauren: I-I'm sure he does. But I'll tell him.
Summer: Actually, um... I was thinking maybe I could tell him myself.
Lauren: You want to visit him?
Chloe: You think his eyes are bothering him?
Chelsea: The doctor said he shouldn't have any more pain from the surgery. Aw. Well, he's pulling his legs up. That usually means tummy ache. [Sighs] Well, not always. I mean, I-I might've just made that up. I don't know. I'm so new to this.
Chloe: You should, uh -- you should rub his tummy. I used to do that for Delia when she was fussy like that.
Chelsea: Chloe, we -- I --
Chloe: You should do it. Try it. Um... so, I-I-I drew up a timetable for our spring line. I've got deadlines for initial sketches, final designs, fabric selection. Um, I-I know that you're not supposed to be back at work for a couple more weeks, so whatever you need me to do, I'll just move it around. I-it's totally doable.
Chelsea: Chloe, we don't have to talk about business.
Chloe: We have a contract with Jabot.
Chelsea: But I'm sure Jack would understand if you just --
Chloe: I need to keep busy. I have to think about something other than Delia.
Alex: Aw, crap. I was really hoping for a couple of hot women.
Adam: Sorry to disappoint.
Alex: Yeah, well, we can talk about something else -- hobbies, dessert recipes.
Adam: We don't have to talk at all.
Alex: Fair enough. Wow.
Adam: Figured you'd be pretty busy -- slammed, looking -- looking after all those leads that big reward is getting.
Alex: Yeah. Yeah. It's brought every nut-job out of the woodwork within a 100-mile radius. [Sighs] You know, this guy claimed that, um, his Uncle Orville did it.
Adam: He didn't do it?
Alex: Orville's been dead for 10 years.
Adam: Mm.
Alex: So... [Exhales sharply]
Adam: [Sniffs]
Alex: Whew.
Adam: It's amazing what people do for a million bucks, huh?
Alex: Now, that I can wrap my head around. Money -- money's just a powerful motivator. There's one thing that I'll never understand, though.
Adam: [Sniffs] What's that?
Alex: Well, how somebody can kill a sweet, little girl like Delia and just go on with their lives like nothing happened.
Adam: How do you know that's the case?
Alex: Well, a person doesn't come forward, and I believe they don't have a conscience, you know -- if they didn't have one second of regret about what they've done. [Sighs]
Nick: All right. That's the last of the boxes. What is it you did that you're going to regret?
Sharon: What did I do...? I...took advantage of you.
Nick: Wow. I didn't even know about it?
[Both chuckle]
Sharon: Every time Faith would have a bad dream or the sniffles, I'd -- I wouldn't hesitate to call you.
Nick: Yeah, that's called co-parenting.
Sharon: Well... I would try to come up with whatever excuse I could to get you to stay, even after Faith would go to sleep. I'd get you to have tea with me or look at photos.
Nick: Come on. You were going through a rough time.
Sharon: Yeah. Still, it wasn't right. I-I just tried to grab every opportunity I could to be close to you.
Nick: Well, you didn't last night.
Sharon: That's true. I didn't. Maybe it was all that talk about the last time we had been locked up together in the bank vault.
Nick: You said we're different people now.
Sharon: It took me a long time to realize that.
Nick: Well, you're right, Sharon. We are different now, but... you know, some things will always be the same for us.
Sharon: [Laughing]
Nick: Really? Really. You think that's funny?
Sharon: You should've seen the look on your face! [Continues laughing]
Nick: Well, maybe we should, uh...see the look on your face.
Sharon: You wouldn't dare.
Nick: Wouldn't I?
Sharon: Nick. [Screaming] No! Stop it!
[Both laughing]
Nick: You're right!
Sharon: Oh, my God!
Nick: You're right. This is hysterical!
Sharon: [Laughing] I'm gonna get you back! Wait a minute! Okay! Two can play that game.
Nick: Oh!
Sharon: You ain't seen nothing yet! [Continues laughing] Aah!
Nick: Hyah!
Lauren: I think it's so sweet that you want to see fen. But, Honey, it -- it's a prison.
Summer: [Chuckles] I'm not a little kid anymore.
Lauren: It's like a flash. [Sighs] It's like you were in middle school two seconds ago.
Summer: Yeah, I remember how excited Fen was when we both made the swim team, but how freaked out he was about pre-algebra.
Lauren: [Laughing] Yeah. And he helped you with the backstroke, and you got him through math.
Summer: Yeah. We made... a really good team... until I screwed all that up.
Lauren: Honey, what happened with Fen...is not your fault.
Summer: I know it all started with bullying Jamie, and that was my idea, so... I need to take responsibility for the damage that I caused.
Lauren: You really have grown up. Your mom would be proud.
Summer: I miss her so much.
Lauren: I know that you do.
Summer: I bet Fen misses you just as much now, too.
Lauren: Um, he -- he said he didn't want me to visit him anymore. [Sniffles] But I-I'm pretty sure that was just an excuse -- you know, that it's too hard to see me.
Summer: Okay, then...yeah. I'm -- I'm definitely going to go see him. I don't want Fen to feel like he's all alone right now.
Lauren: Okay. Okay, I'll -- I'll text you the visiting hours and the days.
Summer: Thank you.
Lauren: Oh, Honey... thank you. [Chuckles tearfully]
Summer: Thanks. Oh, hey!
Courtney: Hey, Summer.
Summer: Look who it is! It's Noah and Courtney together...again! [Sighs]
Noah: Are you stalking us?
Summer: Yeah. Yeah, because your lives are so interesting.
Courtney: [Chuckles]
Noah: What are you doing here?
Summer: I was just having coffee with Lauren.
Noah: Mm, it's real sad, Summer -- hanging out with your friends' parents.
Summer: Okay, we were actually talking about Fen.
Noah: Sorry. How is he?
Summer: Uh, he's scared.
Noah: It doesn't seem right, that he's in jail and the guy that sold him the drugs is out and just doing business as usual.
Summer: Cops say that they're out to get the big fish, but they never seem to catch them.
Courtney: Um, I completely forgot. Um, I told Abby that I'd pick up something before I went to Jabot. Sorry, guys. I got to go. Bye. See you.
Noah: Bye. That was abrupt.
Fenmore: Look, I-I-I don't want your help.
Michael: I've already taken the first step.
Fenmore: What -- what have you done?
Michael: I've asked for a meeting with the warden.
Fenmore: You told me no one can know I was the former D.A.'s son. Now you're asking for favors for me?
Michael: I'm hoping the warden can help you.
Fenmore: Why would he?
Michael: Because I've got a proposition for him, a proposition that will benefit him and you.
[Whistle blows]
Michael: Just lay low. Lay low until I can take care of things for you.
Fenmore: Okay.
Womack: Hey, Kid. Come here. Ditch this loser and stick with me. I'll take care of you.
Chloe: Delia's all I think about. [Voice breaking] And I try to think about anything else. I try. I... I try to think about, you know, what I want to have for dinner. [Sniffles] And then I think about the last dinner that I made for her. I made her chicken tenders... and mac and cheese... and broccoli. And, you know, she sat there, and she refused to eat her broccoli.
Chelsea: That sounds like her.
Chloe: [Sighs] You know, and so I sat there, and I bargained with her. I said, "For two bites, you can have a chocolate chip cookie." No, maybe it was peanut butter.
Chelsea: It doesn't matter.
Chloe: No, it does, because the moments -- they just keep on slipping away. They just... they keep on going, and sooner or later, there aren't gonna be any left. I mean, I can't even breathe even thinking about it.
Chelsea: Just don't -- don't think about that.
Chloe: But I can't stop, because they're just slowly slipping away. I mean, just even her smell... or the touch of her hand. [Sniffles] I just close my eyes... and I just try to picture her... and all I see is black. [Sniffles] The nights -- they're just the worst. You know? I mean, thankfully, I have Kevin. He's been -- he's been helping me get through it.
Chelsea: Are you and he -- he's been helping you.
Chloe: We've been helping each other.
Chelsea: Having someone you can count on makes all the difference.
Chloe: So, is that why you're here? Because you need Adam?
Adam: It's pretty easy to judge the person who hit that little girl, but truth is, nobody really knows what he's going through.
Alex: Wait, a-are you defending the creep?
Adam: No.
Alex: [Exhales sharply]
Adam: I'm just saying that nobody really knows what happened that night.
Alex: I do. I know a little girl was killed, and no one owned up to it. [Exhales]
Adam: The reason they didn't own up to it might not make sense to you or me. I'm sure it makes plenty of sense to them.
Alex: You're right. You know, I've heard some excuses from perps I've arrested, and, uh, anyone will justify anything in their minds. Doesn't make it less horrible. [Sighs]
Adam: I suppose not.
Alex: [Sighs]
Adam: Getting close to catching this person who killed Delia?
Alex: Yeah! Yeah, we got some leads.
Adam: Good.
Alex: [Exhales sharply] I'm about to pass out. [Sighs] I guess you're pretty invested in the case, right? 'Cause you have a personal stake in it.
Adam: Personal stake? Because my son received Delia's corneas?
Alex: What else would I be talking about?
Adam: The death of that little girl affected people that knew her and people that didn't know her. It affected a lot of people. A little kid dies like that, it's... it's tragic, to say the very least.
Alex: Yeah.
Adam: And yeah, I guess I have a personal connection more than most because of my son. [Sniffs] But if I could have him regain his sight any other way... I would've preferred that.
Alex: [Sighs] [Sighs] I'm gonna catch the guy. I don't care how he justifies it. He's not gonna get away with it.
Adam: I admire your dedication, Detective. [Sighs] Look, whether or not, uh -- whether or not you catch this guy, whether or not you don't... it's still not gonna bring Delia back.
Chelsea: I don't know. I don't know what's going on with Adam lately. He's been...very nervous and... jumpy, especially around Connor.
Chloe: Well, he's never really been around a baby before.
Chelsea: That's true. He probably has the same fears that I do, you know -- that he's gonna do something awful and screw the kid up for life. You know, there's always that voice in the back of your head, like, saying, "There are no do-overs when it comes to raising children," and -- oh, my God. Oh, my God. I'm so sorry, Chloe. I should not be talking about this right now.
Chloe: Chelsea, I do not want you to stop being a parent because -- you're Connor's mother. [Voice breaking] And I know that you are going to be a really, really good one.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Chloe: Don't waste too much time on not getting it right. You have to enjoy every moment that you have with your child.
Nick: Here you go.
Sharon: Good thing you called a truce. I was about to open up a bottle of champagne.
Nick: That would've been awesome -- been like a -- like a super bowl celebration. You know what? Let's -- let's do it!
Sharon: What? No.
Nick: Let's do it.
Sharon: No.
Nick: I gotcha.
Sharon: Now, I knew you weren't going to. You're not gonna waste a bottle of champagne when you might've lost a freezer full of food.
Nick: Well, if I don't get this all back in the freezer and that lock fixed by tomorrow, how much this is gonna cost me is gonna be the least of my problems.
Sharon: What do you mean?
Nick: My mom's hosting a Veteran's Day fundraiser here.
Sharon: [Scoffs] Why do things always go wrong when you have a special event? Like, um... the power outage you had opening night!
Nick: The Valentine’s Day blizzard. St. Patrick's Day -- all the plumbing backed up.
Sharon: So much for luck of the Irish.
Nick: [Sighs] It's like this place is cursed.
Sharon: [Sighs] Or... maybe...you weren't meant to be a bar owner.
Nick: Seemed like a good idea at the time.
Sharon: And now?
Nick: Maybe it's time to reevaluate my life again.
Sharon: Yeah. I've been thinking the same thing.
Nick: See? We're not so different.
Sharon: What else do you think we have in common?
Nick: Well, the most important thing is our love for our children. Although, I don't know if Faith is feeling the love right now since we had to bail on her ballet class yesterday.
Sharon: She understands why we couldn't be there. But I'm gonna make it up to her tonight with something special.
Nick: Why don't the three of us do something together?
Courtney: [Sighs quietly]
Summer: Hi. Um, I think that court took off because of something that I said.
Noah: What did you say?
Summer: I...might've told her that I was jealous.
Noah: [Scoffs]
Summer: Because you two are spending all this time together, and I'm some pathetic freak who has nobody to hang out with.
Noah: Summer, haven't you figured out yet that I'm gonna be bugging you for the rest of your life? And I don't think that Courtney would ditch you just because she's dating somebody.
Summer: Mm, you don't know Court.
Noah: So tell me about her. What, uh -- what's her family like? Does she have brothers and sisters? You know what her parents do?
Summer: You know, I... don't know. It's really weird, actually. I don't...know any of that. I've never even been over to her house.
Noah: Why not?
Summer: She never invited me. So I didn't want to push. I just kind of got the impression that she was embarrassed by her family.
Noah: Hmm.
Fenmore: So, what's it gonna cost me -- your "protection"?
Womack: Let's go inside... talk about it.
Duncan: Time to go in, "Counselor."
Michael: Have you set up that meeting with, uh -- uh, w-with Warden Matthews? Uh, Chuck --
Duncan: I told you -- it ain't gonna happen. Let's go.
Michael: Chuck, you don't understand.
Duncan: No, you don't understand!
Michael: Did you see that -- no, I'm not going back to my cell!
Duncan: Come on! Come on.
Nick: I know the two of us taking Faith to her ballet class together didn't work out so well.
Sharon: No, it's not that. I just thought that maybe... you did it to get at your parents.
Nick: There may have been a little of that. Okay, there was a lot of that. But I really want Faith to know that we can still be a family, even though we're just friends. You know, the more Faith sees that, the more she's gonna believe it.
Sharon: That makes sense.
Nick: Faith needs some stability right now... you know, with what happened with Delia and... the wedding not taking place. What do you say? Is it a date? You, me, and faith.
Sharon: It's a date.
Duncan: Lauren Baldwin?
Lauren: Uh, yes. I'm here to see my husband.
Duncan: Not today. Your husband was sent to the hole.
Lauren: What? He's in solitary confinement?
Duncan: Till further notice, that's where he'll be.
Lauren: [Huffs]
Michael: [Muffled] Lauren? Lauren.
Lauren: Michael? Michael!
Michael: I'll be okay
Duncan: Ms. Baldwin!
Lauren: Be careful!
Michael: I need to see the warden!
Duncan: Oh, shut up, Baldwin! You're just making things worse!
Michael: Lauren!
Kevin: Hey. Where were you?
Alex: I hit the gym, then spa, then whirlpool.
Kevin: What? I-I-I'm busting my ass, trying to find a lead, and you're having a spa day?
Alex: Well, we all have our process, Fisher.
Kevin: Oh, so, did you find any clues in the sauna?
Alex: Actually, I think I did.
Chelsea: You're back!
Adam: I'm back.
Chelsea: I finally got Connor to go to sleep, thanks to Chloe. She gave me a great tip on how to calm an upset tummy.
Adam: That's great.
Chelsea: I hope you'll always be here to give me advice.
Chloe: Of course I will. I'll always be here, and you just give me a call whenever you need me.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Devon: You want me to spy on Victor? And what would make the two of you think I would even do something like this?
Victor: I could've done this in private, but I wanted to see Nikki's reaction when I announce what I'm about to say.
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