Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/7/13

Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/7/13


Episode # 10282 ~ Victoria makes an effort to reconnect with Billy; Abby learns about Tyler's past.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

[Alarm ringing]

[Ringing stops]

Victoria: [Sighs]

Victoria: Billy. No.

Billy: What?

Victoria: You can't keep doing this. You need to get some sleep.

Billy: I don't need sleep.

Victoria: Everybody needs sleep, okay?

Billy: People with nothing on their minds need sleep. I've got stuff to do, so could you just...

Victoria: Listen, I had to go down to the police station and beg a stranger not to press charges against you. Because you're not thinking clearly, because you need some rest right now. Okay?

Billy: He -- I'll get some sleep.

Victoria: Thank you.

Billy: As soon as I find the son of a bitch who killed my daughter, I will get some sleep.

Chelsea: Look at all the trees and the buildings and all the playgrounds. You are gonna love the swings and the slides, and you are gonna see it all thanks to a wonderful little girl named Delia. Yeah.

Adam: Did you remind the realtor that you wanted a place with a view?

Chelsea: I already saw one overlooking Chancellor Park.

Adam: When do you move in?

Chelsea: You know, you were so annoyed at the thought of me moving out, and now you're practically shoving me out the door. Why do you suddenly want me gone?

Jack: Come in. Come in.

Cane: Thank you. Thank you.

Jill: Cane, can I fix you some coffee, Darling?

Cane: Look at you two with your heads together. Now, this is gonna be ominous.

Jill: Ominous? No. This is wonderful.

Jack: And very productive. Cane, I know you left Chancellor for a reason. You didn't want to live under Victor Newman's thumb.

Jill: So Jack and I thought that Chancellor deserved to be liberated, too.

Cane: Are you two going to war against Victor Newman?

Jill: No. We merely don't want to see this merger happening between Chancellor and Newman.

Jack: And if it happens to ruin Victor, well, you know, these things happen.

Cane: Okay. Now, if you're asking me to join the battle, I'm sorry. I'm just...not interested.

Jill: Victor just cheated you out of this role that Katherine chose for you.

Cane: Yes, he did. And I was angry about that. But now I'm realizing that change is good. It opens up...new horizons.

Jill: Such as?

Cane: Whatever it's gonna be, it's gonna be better than spending my days under Victor Newman's thumb.

[Knock on door]

Victor: Bonnie, would you get that for me?

[Door opens, closes]

Dylan: Morning.

Victor: What are you doing here?

Dylan: Um, I came because, uh, Mrs. Newman -- she --

Victor: What the hell are you doing here? After what you have done to my family and after what you have done to my son's boy, don't you ever get near them again!

Nikki: Victor, why are you threatening my guest? Thank you for coming. I-I'm sorry about this.

Victor: Don't you apologize for me, all right? Why did you invite this man into our home?

Nikki: You can assume that I have a valid reason, can --

Victor: I don't assume anything.

Nikki: Would you like some coffee?

Dylan: Uh, no. Actually, I have a lot of that at work. Actually, I'm curious on why you asked me over here, too.

Nikki: I am organizing an event for Veterans Day honoring real servicemen like you and Dr. Rayburn.

Victor: What are you talking about? You're honoring a kidnapper? Is that what you intend to do?

Nikki: Victor, could I have a word with you? Um, Dylan, please, just go right into the kitchen and get some coffee. Right in there. Bonnie will help you.

Victor: I don't want this punk in my house. You got that?

Nikki: Well, Victor, it's my house, too. I know that you resent him over what happened between Nicholas and Avery.

Victor: I don't want someone like this in my house. Also, what he has done to my grandson. Are you kidding?

Nikki: There were extenuating circumstances there...

Victor: What?!

Nikki: ...And he's clearly remorseful. Now, you can say all you want, but I'm going to have this event.

Victor: Listen to me. I'm getting a little tired of your charity work, all right? It's stressing you out. I don't like it.

Nikki: It is not stressing me out. Look at me. I am perfectly fine.

Victor: Nonsense. You changed your will. You're keeping something from me, and I don't like it.

Jack: I have always thought of Chancellor as a standalone company. Doesn't deserve to be merged with Newman or any other company. If we play our cards right, you will get exactly what you want, both of you, without having Newman's thumbprint on your head.

Cane: Oh, so, this is you doing us a favor? 'Cause I know you have no vested interest in Chancellor, Jack, right?

Jack: I just lost a bundle divesting myself of Newman Enterprises. I would like a chance to recoup.

Cane: There it is.

Jill: Oh, please. You just hate losing to Victor.

Jack: I hate losing. Especially to Victor. And, yes, beating him puts a certain spring in my step.

Jill: You see how much fun this is gonna be? Join us.

Cane: I can't join you 'cause I'm taking Katherine's advice. I'm gonna find balance between work and family.

Jill: Katherine's advice?

Cane: Yes.

Jill: I'm the one who said that first, but, of course, Katherine gets all the credit.

Cane: Okay, you both said it first. Is that better?

Jill: Darling, if you're worried about the weight of Chancellor on your shoulders, I told you I'd help relieve you of that.

Cane: Oh, and I thought you were just jealous 'cause Katherine put me in charge.

Jill: Well, maybe a little bit of that. But come on. You know I love you and your family. I want you to have more time with them.

Cane: I'm not gonna join this fight, okay? Because I am not gonna let anything come between Lily, the kids, and me. I've learned that.

Hilary: I guess I'm not the only one learning big life lessons recently.

Abby: [Grunts] Oh! [Laughs] Oh, yeah! I won! All right. All right.

Tyler: You cheated.

Abby: Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! I'm sorry. I did what?

Tyler: You took off before I could say "Go."

Abby: Oh, and who made you in charge of "Go," huh? Because you're a man? Because you're ripped and pumped and gorgeous and studly.

Tyler: Yeah, all of that and because I was in charge of "Go."

Abby: I'm pretty sure I had my own "Go" thing going on. I won fair and square. Which means... uh-huh. All right. Uh-huh. Whoo! Whoo!

Tyler: Admit it!

Abby: [Laughing]

Tyler: Go ahead. Say it, you cheater. "I, Abby Carlton Newman, am a big old cheater."

Abby: Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine. Maybe...you were in charge of "Go."

Tyler: Oh, what was that? Huh? Huh? How was it again? Uh-huh. Oh, yeah. I won.

Abby: Okay, Dork. No, it's more like this. Uh-huh.

Tyler: Oh, like that?

Abby: Yeah, bigger circles.

Tyler: What about this one? Uh-huh.

Abby: Whoo! Whoo!

[Both laugh]

Tyler: You know, I forgot that you could laugh.

Abby: I forgot that there were reasons to. These past few weeks with Delia have just been...

Tyler: Yeah. It takes a while to feel like you can smile. Well, who knew all it would take was me letting you win? Oh!

Abby: [Laughing] Oh!

Victoria: [Sighs] You told the detective that you were gonna stop going after strangers, that you were gonna let the cops try to find the driver of the S.U.V. You remember that?

Billy: And what have they found, huh? Nothing. Ah, but if they find this guy -- if they find him --

Victoria: I don't -- listen, you told me about the statistics yesterday. I remember.

Billy: These...people are killers. They're murderers. But if they go to jail, if, they get a slap on the wrist. They get nothing.

Victoria: So, we'll lobby the D.A.'s office for the harshest possible sentence, okay?

Billy: We're gonna lobby the D.A.'s office? That never works. And besides, they have to find the guy first, and these people can't even find their own --

Victoria: Okay, Billy, listen. The police are looking, and you know that, and you need to sleep. You need to reset your brain right now.

Billy: I need to reset my brain? For what? To forget my kid? Is that what I'm supposed to do?

Victoria: No. God, no. That's not what I'm saying. Do you remember that New Year’s Eve you trusted me? I held out my hand to you, and you took it. You have to trust me now. Please.

Billy: They go free, Vick. And the person that took my kid from me...I'm not gonna let him walk away from this. So, you need to trust that.

Adam: You said it was time for you to move out.

Chelsea: Yeah. And you were mad about that.

Adam: You found a place, so sign the lease.

Chelsea: I'm not ready yet.

Adam: You need help with the deposit?

Chelsea: I have my own money, Adam.

Adam: So, what's the issue? Suddenly you want to pretend like we're a happy little family and you want to drag this out for our son even longer, make it harder on him when you finally do move away?

Chelsea: All this time, and you still think that you can con the con artist? You can't push me away by being a jerk. Connor and I are here, Adam, and we are not moving out until you tell me what is going on with you.

Jill: Jack, it's time you invested in a decent security system, like a moat with some piranhas.

Cane: I warned you, Jack. You don't know what you're getting into.

Jill: Excuse me? You invited her here?

Jack: Hilary works for me.

Cane: That is a bad idea.

Jill: She's a liar and a cheat and a snake in the grass.

Cane: He knows this. He knows this, okay? He just doesn't care.

Jill: Jack, people like that don't deserve a second chance. They deserve to be serving 5 to 10.

Jack: Are you both done? Because I'm done listening.

Nikki: Victor, how many times do I have to tell you -- the will was strictly a formality because of Katherine.

Victor: Nikki, you lied to me about the fact that you were ill in the first place. Now you blame me for wondering if you're telling the truth?

Nikki: Oh, my God. Do we have to talk about this now? I have a guest waiting.

Victor: Want me to throw him out?

Nikki: No! Please, no! Stop this. I only have a week to put this thing together. I'm not gonna let you slow me down.

Victor: You sure about this?

Nikki: Completely.

Victor: Oh.

Nikki: Please let it go.

Victor: [Smooches] For now.

Nikki: Okay. Victor.

[Door closes]

Nikki: Oh, I am so sorry about that. Once he gets an idea in his head, it's hard to make him see sense.

Dylan: Maybe he's right... about me and your event, at least.

Nikki: Not at all. Genoa City needs to have a face to go with veterans' issues, and yours is perfect.

Dylan: [Sighs] It's a -- it's a great cause, and it's really close to my heart. But I can't be a part of this.

Adam: What were you expecting? For me to insist you stay here forever?

Chelsea: You're not gonna make me angry so that I can forget that you're acting strangely, so just stop.

Adam: You know what? Relief has finally set in, okay? He can see. He'll be fine. That would explain my demeanor, and it's time for you to move along.

Chelsea: You don't want to be around Connor? Since the second you found out that he was your son, you have wanted to be the best father possible, doing anything for him, doing anything to find corneas for him.

Adam: Anything, huh? It feels like a lifetime ago.

Chelsea: You're terrified, Adam. And I know why.

Billy: Kids just murdered. People that do it -- they get away with it. They always get away with it.

Victoria: I know. I know, Billy, and I'm so sorry. I know that. But you know what? If life were fair, Dee Dee would be here right now. And she would be begging you to let her play games on your tablet or she'd be trying to convince us that jelly doughnuts were healthy because they had fruit in the middle, you know?

Billy: Yeah. That kid -- she really could negotiate.

Victoria: She could. She could do just about anything.

Billy: Not anymore.

Victoria: She wouldn't want to see you like this. You know, you're not yourself. [Sighs]

Billy: Well, she's not here to see it.

Victoria: No. She's not. But I am. I am, and I love you. Okay? And I saw what losing Cassie did to Nick and Sharon, and I'm here. Billy, I'm here. And Reed's gonna visit again.

Billy: [Sighs]

Victoria: And Johnny's upstairs. And Jack and Tracy and Abby -- we all need you. And did you hear the news about Connor? He can see again. He can see because of Dee Dee, because she did that.

Billy: Is that so?

Victoria: Because she was a gift to you and Chloe and me and Kevin. And the world. She was a gift to the world, okay? And she's never really gonna be gone from you. She would never want you to leave us. Never. She would never want that.

[Doorbell rings]

Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.

Victoria: Hey. Listen, um, now's not really a good time, okay?

Victor: Oh.

Billy: Actually, now's a fine time. I have something I have to deal with.

Victoria: Billy, please, hold on a second.

Jill: Jack, please listen to Cane. That woman will always have an agenda.

Jack: How touching -- protecting poor, naive, just-off-the-boat Jack.

Cane: She will surprise you. You can count on it.

Jack: Cane.

Jill: Well, it's a shame that your suits are so expensive, 'cause you're gonna have to toss one when she stabs you in the back.

Hilary: Cane has excellent suits, too. That didn't stop you from asking me to spy on him when you wanted to take over Chancellor.

Cane: [Chuckles]

Jill: Wrong, little miss. You see, I approached you to see if you could be trusted, and lo and behold, my instincts were correct. Although you do lie with great skill. I also told you to keep your claws out of Cane. You didn't listen to me there, either, did you? I am your punishment. I'm gonna be in your face forever.

Jack: Okay, okay. That's enough, Jill. Hilary works for me. End of story. Let's get back to the issue at hand -- making sure Victor pays for what he's done.

Victoria: We need to brand the new lifestyles division, just really highlight it as a driving force in fashion and cosmetics. [Sniffles] So, I'm thinking some sort of a media tie-in, maybe, um, a concert, uh...you know, uh... sponsorship --

Victor: You know something? Your mother's right. You and I have a lot in common. Whenever we have certain emotional problems, we submerge ourselves in work.

Victoria: That's not what I'm doing, Dad, okay?

Victor: Well, Sweetheart, Delia's death must have hit you very hard.

Victoria: Well, what am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to just forget about work?

Victor: Please sit down.

Victoria: I'm fine, all right? I'm fine. I just --

Victor: Sweetheart.

Victoria: [Crying] I just -- I'm more concerned about Billy, okay? I'm just trying to get through to him, and I can't.

Victor: Come here.

Victoria: No, Dad. The lifestyles division -- I need to work on that. [Sobbing] Okay? I don’t know what to do. I don't know.

Nikki: If this is about what Victor said, please ignore him. This event is to honor all veterans. You served your country. You deserve to be recognized.

Dylan: Yeah, I just -- you know, I can't get up in front of a bunch of people and pretend that I was a hero.

Nikki: You protected your country. You put yourself in harm's way. That is the definition of a hero.

Dylan: With all due respect, Mrs. Newman, you don't really know me or what happened on my tours. But if you're looking for someone to honor -- Stitch. That's your guy. There's nobody better than him. But if you're looking for someone to stand up there with him, you need to find somebody who's earned it, who's not as messed up as I am.

Nikki: Dylan, Dylan, please. Listen to me. I-I hear what you're saying, but we're all damaged. We're all broken, and whatever tape or glue is holding us all back together, that's nothing to be ashamed of. The way to fight that inner war is to take our weaknesses and face them head on. We're all heroes. We just get up every day and try it again.

Abby: I love this time of year. I always missed it when I was in L.A. with my mom. You know, the holiday season means coats and gloves and parties. But Abbott get-togethers won't be the same. You know, Delia was always the life of the party.

Tyler: [Laughs]

Abby: She always had some new song to sing or some adorable outfit. She made a big deal about everything. She was just so excited.

Tyler: [Chuckles]

Abby: Kids are awesome that way.

Tyler: Yeah.

Abby: Do you have any plans?

Tyler: Um...no. Leslie and I -- we -- we usually keep things low key.

Abby: Oh, my God. I-I wasn't even thinking. This is your first holiday since you lost your dad.

Tyler: Uh, I mean, we lost him a long time ago, around the same time that we lost my mom. Just not in the same way. It's...

Abby: I'm still -- I'm sorry. It's not fair.

Tyler: Yeah.

[Cell phone rings]

Abby: You can get that.

Tyler: No. It's -- it's not important.

Abby: Are you sure? Who's Mariah?

Tyler: She's my fiancée.

Abby: A fiancée? What? Wait. You have a fiancée?

Tyler: Ex. Ex-fiancée. Obviously.

Abby: Obviously. Yeah, yeah. And I would know that the same way that I knew you were engaged, which I didn't know at all, so does she know this? Or is this news to her, as well?

Tyler: She knows. It was a few years ago.

Abby: And everything's all cuddly now? She calls you?

Tyler: Okay, you know what? It was a really ugly breakup. And I heard from her a while ago. I haven't heard from her since things got...ugly.

Abby: To tell you she was getting married? Extend an olive branch? What?

Tyler: She wanted to get back together.

Abby: Yeah. And -- and -- and you couldn't just say, "Hey, Abs. Hey, yeah, I know that you just had a death in the family, but when you're done crying in your cereal, we need to talk"?

Tyler: What? When did I ever say --?

Abby: You said that you loved me. You said that. But you're still involved with your ex. So, is there anything else you haven't told me?

Nikki: Oh, you know, it's hard to tell what people in this town know about each other. I get the feeling you're not really the type of guy that goes in for gossip.

Dylan: Uh, no. No, Ma'am. Not interested.

Nikki: [Chuckles] Well, this isn't gossip. This is just truth. I'm an alcoholic. I'm sober now. Um, I have been for a long time now. I've had my bad moments. And my family has suffered along with me all these years. We thought we had...gotten through the worst part, and then I got my diagnosis for M.S., multiple sclerosis, and that is what your friend Stitch is helping me with.

Dylan: Oh. I-I'm sorry to hear that. But you're in good hands.

Nikki: Yeah. I think I am. But what you just saw there with Victor -- he...worries that I'm not being completely frank with him because I didn't tell him about my diagnosis right away 'cause I didn't want my family to worry. But that was a mistake, because I really needed them, and they needed me. But we're all damaged. We can't do it alone. Nobody can. And it takes a lot of courage to seek out help.

Dylan: Um, I'm definitely learning that.

Nikki: Takes a while to sink in.

Dylan: [Chuckles] Especially when you're stubborn.

Nikki: [Chuckling] Oh. I can certainly...

[Glass rattling]

Nikki: ...Um, understand that. [Chuckles] Anyway, um, very seriously, if there is anything that you need, anything at all --

Dylan: I-I appreciate that, but after the raking over the coals I got by your husband, I doubt the rest of your family would be on board with that.

Victoria: I'm sorry, Daddy. I'm so sorry. [Sniffles] That was just out of nowhere.

Victor: It's okay. You know I'll always be here for you. Hmm?

Victoria: Yeah. [Sniffles]

Victor: Okay.

Victoria: Yeah. I just -- I can't let Johnny see me like this. You know [Clears throat] He's just starting to open up to the world. He's laughing and he's talking and playing and...I mean, he can't do those things with Billy right now, so I'm just trying to make things as normal as possible.

Victor: I think children can always feel when something is awry between their parents, when they're having troubles. You and Nicholas certainly could tell when your mom and I had difficulties.

Victoria: I can't dwell on my emotions right now, okay, because they're just so raw and they're really messy. And that's just not gonna do anybody any good, you know? It's -- it's no good. And I just -- I'm just gonna smile for Johnny, and I'm just gonna...wait for Billy to talk to me. That's all.

Victor: Well, is he pushing you away or what?

Victoria: Oh, he's just pushing the world away right now, okay? Not just me. [Sighs] If he would just turn to me, you know? If we could just turn to each other...

Victor: [Sighs]

Victoria: I mean, my heart is just hurting so much right now. Maybe if I could figure out a way to...heal my heart, then maybe I could figure out a way to help heal Billy's, too.

Adam: I'm afraid of absolutely nothing.

Chelsea: You keep lying and covering, and I know what it's about. You're afraid of becoming a father, a real parent. It's a big deal. It's a lifelong commitment. I mean, every day from here on out, Connor is going to need us to nurture him, to love him, to protect him. It's a big deal, and it's scary. I mean, I know you had your mom's husband as a father figure. And then you found out that Victor was your real father, and you couldn't count on him. That really changed you, Adam, but you're always gonna be there for Connor. You're not gonna be anything like Victor. I'm not gonna be anything like Anita. But it doesn't mean we know what we're doing at all in any way.

Adam: I'm hearing fear in your voice.

Chelsea: Of course I have fear. I thought it would go away once we...realized he's healthy, but now it's the day-to-day stuff that freaks me out. There are gonna be problems, Adam. But I just -- I just need you to be his dad. I need you to be present with our son. And you can't be acting the way you've been acting these past couple weeks.

Adam: And you think staying here is gonna be good for me?

Chelsea: I think it's gonna be good for him. The apartment will always be there, and if not, we'll find something better, but for now, if you're not planning to shove me out the door...Connor and I will stay for a little longer.

[Doorbell rings]

Chelsea: Billy. Hi.

Billy: Bad time? Too soon? Chloe told me that the surgery, um...

Chelsea: No, uh, of course not. No. Please, come in. Please. He's, um -- he's right over here. The doctor said that his eyes shouldn't be bothering him anymore. Watch this.

[Toy rattles]

Chelsea: [Chuckles] He can see.

Billy: That's great. That's great.

Chelsea: Do you want to hold him?

Billy: No. I don't. Thank you. But that's, uh...that's great.

Chelsea: How are you?

Billy: Oh, I'm okay. [Chuckles] You know, except for the cops -- they can't find my kid's killer, and...the courts -- they go easy on these killers, and not to mention the actual killer. But, no. We're -- we're good. We're good. Thanks.

Adam: GCPD have any leads?

Billy: No. They don't. But I'm looking for him now. And I'm gonna find him. And when I do, he'll wish that I hadn't. [Voice breaking] I'm very happy for you.

Tyler: Look, there's been no lies, Abby, not one.

Abby: It's called a lie of omission, Tyler, and being engaged to some chick named Mariah -- that's a huge one.

Tyler: [Sighs] All right. Listen to me. I never told Mariah about my parents. She didn't know that my mother was murdered and that my father was locked up for it. [Sighs] Now, she and I were engaged, yeah. But... it wasn't this. You and me -- it was nowhere near this. So, if I didn't mention Mariah before, it's not because it was some huge thing that I couldn't fess up to. It's because that was before. Right now, you know exactly who I am and who I love.

Abby: No. You can't just use the "l" word and make everything better.

Tyler: Oh, you think that's who I am? A liar? You think this hasn't been real? [Scoffs] What, you think you just leave my bed and I don't think about you all morning and all afternoon... [Chuckles] ...Waiting until I can see you again? I don't wear some dumb shirt just because you say it looks good? You know, and the lava lamp at the apartment -- every time I look at it, I smile thinking about how you barged in talking about we need you.

Abby: [Chuckles]

Tyler: Yeah. That's what you said -- that sassy blond girl pushing her way into my place. I did need you. I didn't know it that day. Hey. I do now.

Abby: This Mariah girl -- she broke your heart?

Tyler: Yeah. But you fixed it.

Abby: [Chuckles]

Tyler: Look, Mariah can call me all she wants. That does not mean that I'm gonna pick up. All right? Because you are it. I love you. I'm not just saying that to make something go away. I'm saying that, Abby, because it's true.

Abby: I love you, too. I do.

Jack: Now, back to the agenda at hand.

Jill: Ah. There's the word -- "Agenda." Could give us your lying, scheming, cheating expertise on the word --

Jack: Jill, I --

Hilary: It's okay. It doesn't bother me.

Jill: Well, then, I must be doing it wrong.

Cane: All right. Listen. I'm gonna let you guys hash this out, as I have no interest in rumbling with Victor Newman, especially with someone that I don't trust.

Jill: Ah. My thoughts exactly. Let's walk him out, Jack.

Jack: Cane, listen.

Cane: There is nothing that you can say that's gonna make me change my mind.

Jill: Well, how about helping me change his mind?

Cane: I wish you both very good luck with this.

Jill: How can I be in a partnership with you when you trust somebody like that? I don't understand.

Jack: What you don't understand is I am doing a favor for Neil -- Neil, who deserves a favor from me. She works for me now. Get over it. And you're right. I am smart -- smart enough to know that she is an asset.

Jill: Well, I hope you're right, because you just chose her over a very valuable asset.

Jack: I guess the question is what are you going to choose, retribution with Victor or a chance to stick it to Hilary again?

Jill: I want Chancellor, so I'll manage both.

Jack: Well, good. Why don't we sit down and see if we can make that happen.

Hilary: I've been thinking, and I have an idea.

Jill: Oh, goodie.

Victoria: You can say it. You like my ideas. I know your face, even when you're trying to be unreadable.

Victor: This is very good, Sweetheart. You obviously have been working hard.

Victoria: Yeah. Once Johnny goes to sleep, Billy goes online, and I just imagine a Newman/Chancellor empire worthy of you and Katherine.

Victor: What do you mean Billy goes online? Is he pushing you away or what?

Victoria: Dad, you're not actually gonna go there right now, are you?

Victor: You don't think I know what he's doing? I did the same thing. When you were kids, whenever things became overwhelming for me, I...turned my back on you and your mother.

Victoria: Yeah. You did. And it was pretty terrifying for us. But we understand now that that's how you grieve.

Victor: And if you're wise, you'll give Billy all the room he needs now, okay? Although he doesn't deserve you in the first place.

Victoria: Oh, boy. You just had to slide that in there, didn't you?

Victor: I couldn't help it.

Victoria: Okay. Well, thank you for your vote of confidence. I'm glad you like my ideas.

Victor: I love them. They're wonderful.

Victoria: All right. So, I'm gonna continue to refine the specifics of the merger.

Victor: But you know something? The hard work will start when we try to implement all that. You know that.

Victoria: I know that. And, honestly, I can't wait.

Victor: We'll need your full attention.

Victoria: I am so excited to feel needed again.

Victor: Yes!

Victoria: [Laughs]

Victor: We'll do it.

Victoria: Okay.

Victor: Okay? Bye, Sweetheart.

Chelsea: Maybe I shouldn't have asked Billy to hold the baby. It helped Chloe, so I just thought --

Adam: Billy's mind is elsewhere. He should just leave it to the police.

Chelsea: Yeah, but the police are gonna go by the book, go by the rules.

Adam: That would be the point.

Chelsea: When you were desperate to find donor corneas for Connor, you didn't want to play by the rules. You wanted to take things into your own hands, take charge.

Adam: And I failed.

Chelsea: You have contacts, Adam -- guys who...take care of things. Maybe someone knows about an S.U.V. being repaired off the books. It's a way we can give back and thank Delia's parents for this huge sacrifice. I mean, we owe them, Adam. You could help find Delia's killer.

Jack: You think you have a way to deal with Victor? The floor is all yours.

Hilary: I used proximity as Cane's assistant to gain his trust. I used his trust to identify his weak points.

Jill: Completely, totally brazen.

Hilary: So, all we need is someone on the inside, someone close enough to Victor that could tell us where the chink in his armor is.

Jack: No. Approaching someone on the inside is too risky, but a plant, like you --

Jill: If I may...

Jack: Yeah, if you're not gonna go after Hilary.

Jill: Who? No. I was going to say I have the perfect mole to burrow his way into Victor's lair.

Nikki: I'm very sorry that you can't come, but I do understand.

Dylan: I appreciate that. And, uh, Stitch -- well, Dr. Rayburn will hook you up with all the right people at the V.A.

Nikki: Thanks. And listen, if you should change your mind, please come, even as a guest, at the very least. It's just gonna be an evening about gratitude and hope.

Dylan: Thank you.

Nikki: You're welcome.

Victor: You're planning to honor a doctor with wartime experience. I think that's wonderful. But don't you waste another minute with this guy.

Nikki: Now, Victor, he deserves our respect and thanks as much as anybody else. This isn't about just one person. It's about the thousands of men and women who have risked everything and received precious little in return. And I'm running out of time. I only have one week to coordinate the honorees.

Victor: And I promise you, you'll find enough honorees. But do not waste another minute with that man.

Victoria:, Okay, so, if you won't sleep, then at least have something to eat.

Billy: Yeah. I-I-I will.

Victoria: [Sighs] You know, what I said before about being needed -- I meant work.

Billy: Yeah, I know.

Victoria: Okay, good. Because, you know, Adam's -- he's been such a jerk squeezing me out and it just feels kind of good to be back on the inside. And, you know, I love work, and I love that company. But I really love you and Johnny more, so if you need me, then this is where I belong.

Billy: You haven't accepted the job yet?

Victoria: No. No, it's all still really preliminary.

Billy: You should take the job, Vick.

Adam: Black market is not the supermarket. You just don't go to a guy about corneas and then ask what aisle auto-repair stuff happens to be on the down low.

Chelsea: You know gamblers. You know cons. You know guys that could get black-market corneas, so I'm pretty sure you might know somebody who might know about the car.

Adam: I don't know.

Chelsea: Adam, Delia is a part of our son. She is the reason he can see. Remember after I had my miscarriage how awful that was, how sad we were? Can you even imagine being Billy and Chloe right now with this huge loss and not having anyone to blame? What if this was our family?

Adam: I'll make the call.

Chelsea: Really?

Adam: Don't expect a miracle.

Chelsea: It's too late. We already got our miracle -- Connor can see. Now Billy and Chloe deserve one, too.

Victor: Listen, my man. For the amount of money I pay you as a retainer, you should do far better than the police at trying to find Delia's killer, all right? So, what have you got? Well, that's interesting. Really?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Alex: You're pretty invested in the case, right? 'Cause you have a personal stake in it.

Sharon: [Laughs] You ain't seen nothing yet. [Gasps]

Michael: I'm not going back to my cell! I'm not -- [Grunts]

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