Y&R Transcript Monday 11/4/13
Episode # 10279 ~ Cane & Lily question Hilary's ally; Alex & Kevin close in on the truth about the hit & run.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Victoria: Billy?
Billy: [Sighs]
Victoria: Hey. Did you sleep at all last night?
[Keyboard clacking]
Adam: [Gasps] Sorry.
Chelsea: Oh, God. Sorry about what?
Adam: Uh, I'm sorry that...I fell asleep.
Chelsea: That's what people do at night, Adam. They sleep...in beds.
Adam: [Sighs]
Chelsea: What's wrong?
Adam: [Sighs] I fell asleep on the couch, Chelsea. That's it. Nothing's wrong.
Chelsea: The bad stuff is in the past. Connor can see. Everything is looking up for him. Things are good, Adam. So what is wrong?
Lily: I don't know what my dad was thinking, hiring Hilary. The entire staff should resign, to not work around that woman.
Cane: I don't think she's gonna be an issue anymore. I made it clear to her I don't want her to stay, and I think Neil realizes it, too.
Lily: Cane, her life has revolved around making our family miserable for...how long? And now she gets to work this closely with my dad? I'm sorry. She's not getting away with this.
Cane: But she can't hurt us anymore now we know who she is. I mean, why would she even want to stay? What reason does she have?
Jack: Yeah.
Hilary: Ooh. My gosh.
Jack: Oh, I'm sorry. Uh, let me call you back.
Hilary: It's okay. No harm done.
Jack: No, I got it. I got it. Oh. Yeah, maybe there is some harm done.
Hilary: [Chuckles] Wow. I should have seen this coming.
Jack: Any way I can make it up to you?
Hilary: How about a new life a million miles away?
Kevin: Here. Sit. I'll, uh -- I'll grab you a coffee. You want a scone or a muffin? Protein -- I think you should have some protein.
Chloe: Or maybe you should sit. At least I slept last night.
Kevin: Well, yeah, but not enough.
Chloe: Which only you know because you woke up every time that I had a Delia dream or a bad nightmare. [Sighs] I mean, you rubbed my back until I fell asleep. [Sighs]
Kevin: Well, I told you that you wouldn't be alone. Last night, tomorrow...whenever you kick me out of the Chancellor house. I'm still gonna be there -- a phone call away...hiding in the bushes. You're not alone, Chloe, and you're not going to be.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Kevin: Hey.
Dylan: Hey. How you doing? How -- how's, uh, Chloe doing?
Kevin: Uh, okay. She appreciated the flowers that you sent. Delia was big on bright colors, and, uh, she would have loved those.
Dylan: Yeah. I just remember the purple sneakers she would always wear. I just wanted to match them.
Kevin: Uh, I'm trying to get her to eat, so, um, I guess just one of everything.
Dylan: Yeah. Yeah. You got it. You got it. [Clears throat]
Kevin: Hey, is this legal stuff, uh, Crimson Lights related, 'cause I can help you out if you --
Dylan: Uh, no. That's -- that's actually, uh -- it's not business. The only one who can deal with this is me.
Adam: I guess it's just a fear hangover. Takes a little while for...good news like this to sink in.
Chelsea: [Chuckling] Okay. Well, you need to get over that, Adam. I mean, just this morning, I was sitting in bed with Connor, and I was just looking into his eyes. Oh, my God! He has such beautiful eyes! You don't want to miss out on another second of that. You deserve to be happy with your son!
Adam: I know what I deserve. You can save yourself the energy and stop faking concern for me.
Chelsea: This isn't fake? Why are you being this way?
Adam: Do yourself a favor and stop acting like you care, all right? Crisis averted. We're done. It's over. You're moving out, and we're gonna split time with the baby.
Chelsea: Is that why you're acting this way? Adam, come on. Connor's surgery, his diagnosis -- its good news. We've made it to the other side! This is exactly what we wanted, so I thought we were okay!
Adam: We? No, no, no, no. There is no "We," all right?
Chelsea: Well, hold on. Why are you starting an argument with me after everything we've just been through together?
Adam: You have no idea what we have just been through.
Chelsea: Excuse me? How can you say something like that? I have been there every step of the way. We wanted the same thing for Connor, and now we've -- we've gotten what we wanted!
Adam: What I want...what you want -- it doesn't matter. Universe doesn't give a damn what we want.
Billy: I've been doing research. See? Statistics. Do you know how many kids are killed by a driver every year? Too many. Do you know how many of those drivers just leave the kids on the side of the road? Too many. Do you know what happens to those drivers, those killers, those murderers? Not much. Um...maximum prison sentence, if they find the guy, if they actually get a trial, if they get a conviction -- 25 years. That's nothing. 'Cause, see, Delia -- Delia's gone. Gone. She doesn't get 25 years. She doesn't get 2 years. She doesn't get one week. She gets nothing. So there is no justice, not according to my research. My daughter, my little girl -- she gets no justice.
Victoria: [Voice breaking] You're right. It's awful. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. And I'm angry, too, okay? But this isn't helping you, Billy. It's -- y-you got to -- I don't know!
Billy: I'm sorry. What -- get over it?
Victoria: No. I would never ask you to do that. I'm on your side. It's just that last night, we talked about you figuring out some way to get through this, you know -- some way for you to deal with this pain that you're going through, and you said that you would try to find some help.
Billy: No, what we agreed on was I couldn't just sit alone in the dark, 'cause that wasn't doing me any good. So I got up, I turned on the light, I pulled out that laptop, and now I know exactly how I'm gonna get through this.
Victoria: You -- you can't just -- where are you going?
Billy: I'm gonna find the guy who killed my little girl.
Victoria: Billy, the police are trying to do that right now!
Billy: Yeah? Are they? I'm gonna try harder.
Victoria: And when you find the person -- then what?
Billy: Well, then the punishment will finally fit the crime.
Hilary: Thanks for letting me use your phone.
Jack: Oh, the least I could do. Were you able to find a replacement before you got on your flight?
Hilary: Um, well, no. I was actually just looking for flights when you and I...
Jack: When worlds collided.
Hilary: Yeah. [Chuckles] I figured I'd have something booked by the time I got to the airport, but...
Jack: Booking a ticket on the way to the airport. Uh, you are the spontaneous type.
Hilary: No. No, no, no. Well, I don't really know what type I am now. But usually, I am a planner, down to the tiniest detail.
Jack: Well, you will need a phone to get back in planning mode. I'll buy.
Hilary: No, you don't --
Jack: No, no. Wait, wait. You buy it. Send me the receipt. I'll take care of it. Here.
Hilary: Jack Abbott.
Cane: Sweetheart, the second we found out who Hilary was, she lost all of her power, okay? So, whether she goes back to Europe or stays here, she can't hurt us anymore. So if you want to stay at Jabot, stay at Jabot.
Lily: Do I?
Cane: I don't know. Do you?
Lily: Working in the makeup division isn't as exciting as starting up fashion.
Cane: [Sighs]
Lily: And, uh, I mean the actual work, not who I was working with.
Cane: I know you're not talking about Tyler, okay? I know you're a model. I know you love fashion.
Lily: I don't know. Maybe that's not even the issue. I mean, maybe I just miss working with you.
Cane: Even when we butt heads?
Lily: Especially then. I don't know, should we...try it again?
Cane: I don't know. I kind of like the sound of this. You know, I was at Chancellor -- what? -- A couple of months? I missed you.
Lily: [Chuckles] So...shall we?
Cane: What? Mix business and pleasure? Hmm? Well, you know what? We actually put together a pretty successful sting against Hilary, didn't we? Maybe...
Lily: [Chuckles]
Cane: We should start our own private detective agency.
Lily: Oh, yes, please, 'cause that worked so well. Yeah. She tried to drug you and then -- what? -- Made it seem like you guys had sex. Yeah, let's do that again! I would love to. [Chuckles]
Cane: Mm, good point. Good point. But, you know, whatever we do, it's gonna take a lot of energy, if we start something from scratch.
Lily: Well, we'd be making it our own.
Cane: Make it something we believe in.
Lily: I guess it wouldn't really be work, then, would it?
Cane: Anything that would let me spend more time with you wouldn't be work.
Kevin: [Grunts]
Chloe: [Sighs] I'm really not that hungry.
Kevin: You don't have to eat all of it, but maybe just take a bite out of everything, you know, like a taste test. Make sure Dylan's keeping up standards.
Chloe: Kevin, I --
Kevin: Oh, listen to this. There's this show at the museum I've been jonesing to see. It's all on vintage jewelry. What? I love accessories.
Chloe: I think you're talking about me.
Kevin: Oh, yeah. I knew it was one of us.
Chloe: You know, you can't babysit me forever, Kevin.
Kevin: They have Bakelite. You love Bakelite.
Chloe: [Sighs] What about your day, your life?
Kevin: I'm good.
Chloe: And so am I. At least, I will be for a few hours. You need to let me out of your sight so I can do something. I need to do something for Delia.
Chelsea: Moving in with Connor -- it was the right choice, for all of us. It gave you a chance to see me with him. It gave me a chance to see you with him. It was great for Connor to be with both of us at a time when he really needed us.
Adam: [Sighs]
Chelsea: But he's well now, Adam.
Connor: [Crying]
Chelsea: Ohh. He's well, and we're not a couple, and...it's time for me to move out. You can get as angry as you want, you can call as many lawyers as you want, but it's -- it's what has to happen next.
Connor: [Fusses]
[Cell phone rings]
Connor: [Grunting]
Chelsea: Hello?
Dylan: Hey. It's -- its Dylan. I was hoping I could see you today.
Chelsea: Sure. The coffeehouse?
Dylan: Is, uh -- is now okay?
Chelsea: Yeah, of course. I'll be right there.
Connor: [Crying]
Chelsea: Oh. Okay. Well, you want some, um, quality alone time with your son?
Connor: [Cries]
Chelsea: Yeah.
Adam: Come here.
Connor: [Fussing]
Adam: Come here, you. Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hi.
Chelsea: We both love him, Adam.
Connor: [Crying]
Adam: Hey.
Chelsea: Everything we do from this day forward, we just have to...keep that in mind.
Connor: [Fussing]
Chelsea: Love you.
Adam: Hey. Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Daddy's here. Daddy's here. Hey, Peanut. You know everything I do, I do because I love you, and I remember that I love you? And when I look in your eyes... I remember.
Hilary: Well, this is the second time in less than 24 hours.
Jack: Well, that must be a sign of something. I'm not sure what -- maybe that I owe you a phone.
Hilary: Neil gave me your card. He suggested that I get in touch with you.
Jack: Wait a minute. You're...you're Hilary.
Hilary: Oh. He told you about me.
Jack: Yeah, he did.
Hilary: Well, there you go. That's why I didn't bother calling.
Jack: I promised Neil I would meet with you.
Hilary: Did he tell you everything?
Jack: I trust Neil. And I owe Neil. And he probably figured if someone needs a fresh start, that I would understand.
Hilary: Yeah, in another country.
Jack: You're that determined to leave town, huh?
Hilary: Genoa City... it isn't my home. And if Neil can accept me being here, that's one thing. But... his family's never gonna forgive me.
Jack: So they're just supposed to hand forgiveness over? You don't have to stick around and earn it?
Hilary: I didn't say that.
Jack: Oh. Maybe I misunderstood.
Hilary: Shouldn't you be encouraging me to go -- I mean, since you know all about me?
Jack: Well, apparently, you don't know anything about me. I lost my halo a long time ago. There is nothing you could dream of plotting that I haven't already done. You work for me, you'd have a hard time putting one over on me.
Adam: You know, a daddy... a father, should be a model for his son.
Connor: [Fusses]
Adam: I haven't been much of a role model, huh? Not much reason for you to want to follow my lead. Plenty of reasons for you to be angry... ashamed.
Connor: [Grunts]
Adam: Yeah. But I love you, Peanut... more than you'll ever know. And these things that I've done recently -- the decisions that I've made -- I've always kept you in mind. And I want you to know that. I need you to know that.
Dylan: Cover two shifts. Is that okay? Okay.
Chelsea: Hi. Sorry I, um, took so long.
Dylan: Actually, that was pretty fast. Let's, uh -- let's go over here.
Chelsea: You -- you look well.
Dylan: Thank you. Uh, I thought I should go ahead... I had divorce papers drawn up.
Chelsea: Oh.
Dylan: Uh, there's no point in waiting. You okay?
Chelsea: Yeah. No, I-I'm -- [Sighs] I'm sorry. I'm so stupid. I thought when you called -- when you called, I thought that maybe you had forgiven me, but, of course, obviously, you can't. And never will.
[Camera chimes]
Adam: It was a very bad night. It was the night that we found out that -- that you might not be able to see. I had no... reason... to be behind a wheel. But there I was. I was driving. My thoughts were on you. And then a little doggy... damn dog runs across the road. I swerved. I got out of the way. I... I stopped. I-I got out. I looked. I checked. Little doggy was fine. His tail was wagging. He runs off. He was fine. But there was a little girl. A little girl I didn't even know was there. Delia. I swear to you... I had no idea I even hit her.
Victoria: Hi, Jack. Um, it's Victoria. I was just wondering if Billy was with you. He, um... he was just really angry and worked up, and he ran out of here, and, um... [Sighs] ...Would you just call me if you hear from him? Or even if you don't, just --
[Doorbell rings]
Victoria: Okay. Um, yeah. Just call me. Thanks. Chloe. Hi. Uh, come on in.
Chloe: Is, uh -- is Billy here?
Victoria: No, he's not. Um... do you want to have a seat?
Chloe: Do you know when he's gonna be back? I just really need to talk to him.
Victoria: No, I-I - actually, I'm not sure.
Chloe: Is everything okay? How's Billy doing?
Victoria: You know... anger is just -- [Sighs] it's just a lot easier for him than grief, you know? [Scoffs] He's always got to be doing something, so... [Sighs] He thinks that if he can find the driver...Chloe...Billy left here looking for blood.
Chloe: You say it like it's a bad thing. I hope that he finds that bastard. I hope that he makes him pay. And the only thing that I hope more is that I am there to watch it happen.
Kevin: I take two minutes away from Chloe, and I find out you've arrested my nephew? It wasn't enough having my brother locked up?
Alex: Yeah, that was my fault. Your brother got brought in for homicide. Fen was caught holding.
Kevin: [Sighs] So, what can be done?
Alex: Well, the chief's on both cases, so there's nothing we can do. [Clears throat]
Kevin: I can't get Lauren on the phone. Chloe doesn't want me hovering. You can't get me get involved in Delia's hit-and-run, or give me an order! Tell me what to do! [Sighs] Never mind. Don't --don't do that. Just.. [Sighs] How about some good news? Progress. Tell me you're getting somewhere on finding Delia's killer.
Alex: We are.
Kevin: Don't joke with me about this.
Alex: I'm not. I'm serious. We got a solid new lead on the S.U.V.
Chloe: I imagine what I'll say to that guy when they find him and lock him up. You know, I think about... the pain and the misery that I will wish on him. [Voice breaking] I think about what I'll say in court during his sentencing.
Victoria: [Voice breaking] I hope you get the chance to do that. I really do. I hope we all do. But that's not what Billy wants. I mean, he wants to find this guy and do God knows what, and risk everything that he still has.
Chloe: Yeah, and it's still not gonna bring her back.
Victoria: I know, but Billy's not there. He's just not there yet. He doesn't get that. I don't know. You seem... "Better" doesn't really seem like the -- the right word, but, I mean, how are you doing it?
Chloe: [Crying] I don't know. You know, when you first hear the news, you think... "I'll die. There's no way to hurt so much and keep breathing." [Crying] But you do. [Sniffles] You know? You breathe. My mom and Kevin -- they're really trying to help. You know, um... there's this game that Delia used to play... on the monkey bars. And she'd say that there were alligators underneath. And she would just try to swing from bar to bar and not get eaten. That's me. I'm just trying to swing from bar to bar and not fall off. So that's why I'm here today. You know, this is my monkey bar. I want to tell Billy that the cornea transplant worked. [Sniffles] Because of Delia, a little boy can see. She's magic... our little girl.
Victoria: That's really wonderful.
Chloe: [Crying]
Victoria: Billy needs to hear that.
[Telephone rings]
Victoria: That's Jack. He said he's gonna call if he heard from Billy. [Sniffles] Hello. Yes, this is Billy Abbott's wife. What happened to him?
Dylan: You know, I don't know how I'm gonna feel about all this next month or next year, but now I-I can't get past the lie. I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression on the phone.
Chelsea: Oh, no. No, no. That -- it's not your fault. It was...pure wishful thinking on my part. So... um, divorce papers. No judge, no courtroom?
Dylan: Uh, not if we file the petition together, you know? It's not like we shared... uh, property or assets. My attorney said it should be no -- no problem at all.
Chelsea: Avery.
Dylan: No. No, it's her partner, Leslie Michaelson.
Chelsea: She's right. We don't have anything to divide because we didn't share anything.
Dylan: You know, just have your lawyer look at it.
Chelsea: No, I don't have to do that. Dylan, you are the most honest person I'll ever meet. And you married the least honest person you'll ever know. The least I can do is sign these -- sign these papers so you can... forget me. [Sniffles]
Dylan: I-I don't -- I don't hate you.
Chelsea: What?
Dylan: I mean, if -- if that's what you're thinking. You know, I can't forgive you about Connor. I'm just -- you know, I'm not -- I'm not ready yet. Uh, but I'm not -- I'm not angry anymore. And I could never hate you.
Chelsea: Okay, well, I, um -- I just need a pen. [Sniffles] [Rattling] No. [Sigh]
Dylan: I got it.
Chelsea: No, I -- its okay. I -- [Crying] I'll never stop being sorry. I'm so sorry. [Sighs, sniffles] Um, but there's something -- uh, there's something that you should know... [Sighs] ...That's gonna make you very happy. He can see, Dylan. Connor -- he can see. His vision's gonna be fine. [Laughs tearfully]
Dylan: [Chuckles] The transplant worked?
Chelsea: Yeah. [Laughs] Yeah, he'll be able to see his whole world, everything around him. He's gonna live a -- he's gonna live a great life.
Dylan: I-I bet it's gonna be one hell of a life.
Adam: You're gonna hear a million things about me... about the things that I've done. I've affected a lot of people. I've affected families and... kids... [Sniffles] ...Parents. And I did those things anyway. But then your mommy and I -- we, uh... we were gonna have a baby. A little boy. We lost our baby. [Sniffles] But I knew what it was like to hurt for your child. I... Billy and Chloe -- I can't even imagine what... I don't want to imagine... [Sniffles] ...What it would be like... to be without you. I won't imagine it. And that is why I'm here right now with you instead of at the police station. I love you, Peanut.
Victoria: Hi. Excuse me. I'm looking for Billy Abbott.
Alex: Everybody needs to calm down. Is that understood?
Man: Yeah, I'll calm down when you toss his butt in a cell!
Alex: Okay.
Jack: Actually, a number of people have found Genoa City the perfect place to get a fresh start on life.
Hilary: Well, I appreciate your advice and your job offer. But I've already made up my mind to go.
[Cell phone rings]
Hilary: I just --
Jack: Oh. I got to take this. Um, don't go anywhere. Stick around.
Cane: So, you, uh, decided to leave town. Good for you.
Lily: Yeah, and for how long? Until you can find a new way to harass us?
Hilary: Okay. Neil is right, all right? I am sorry for what I did -- all of it.
Lily: For -- for what? For drugging my husband and stealing my father's journal? Doing everything you could to tear our family apart -- which, by the way, you failed.
Hilary: I am glad that you guys both still have each other, honestly. If there is anything that I can do to make it up to you --
Lily: Hilary, let me tell you something. Saying that does not make any of the horrible things that you did go away. And if you really want to make it up to us, why don't you suffer some public humiliation? Make sure the web knows every dirty, little secret. Better yet, have them be lies, which I'm sure wouldn't even affect you, since you are shameless, soulless --
Jack: Okay, that's enough, Lily.
Victoria: What happened?
Alex: This gentleman brought in his S.U.V. to the body shop, and Billy followed him in.
Man: Guy flips out, calling me a murderer in front of my kids?!
Chloe: Did you check his car?
Alex: We did. It was on the list, but we interviewed him and alibied, okay?
Chloe: Well, no one lies about killing a kid.
Man: Oh, is she serious?
Kevin: He was in Madison that night. We have proof. It's not him.
Victoria: I really am so sorry. I mean, have you read the news? That little girl that was run down, that was his little girl, okay? Her name's Delia. He's just hurting, so...can you please just, like, go home to your kids and hug them and just, you know, let them know that you did something kind for somebody that's really hurting inside right now, please?
Billy: Didn't have to do that.
Chloe: Billy, stop talking!
Alex: He doesn't have to press charges for me to lock you up! You understand? I can hold you here for disturbing the peace. I swear, you do that ever again --
Victoria: He won't.
Alex: But I want to hear from him!
Billy: Oh, I won't.
Alex: Can you pretend like you mean it?
Billy: You want to lock me up -- how about for assaulting an officer?
Kevin: Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Chloe: He didn't mean it.
Victoria: Billy, everybody here is just trying to help you, okay, so please just let us help you!
Alex: I swear, you do that again, you get a cell.
Billy: It won't happen. I'll get a cell? Go ahead and put me in a cell.
Chloe: Just get him out of here!
Alex: Let him go. Let him go!
Chelsea: I'll always hate that I hurt you. Being a family with you and Connor... being your wife -- those were the best days I've ever had. Everything about that -- everything about you -- it really made me a better person. I know that there were so many lies. But the woman I am today, the woman that you helped me to become, would never do that now. I know that that doesn't help you, but I-I just need you to know that I'm grateful. And I always will be.
Dylan: Uh, you changed me, too.
Chelsea: 'Cause I broke your heart?
Dylan: Uh, you're the first person who got me to talk about Ara... you know, about what really happened. You were the first person I could be honest with. And, uh, now I'm honest with myself. You know, I'm in therapy, talking to somebody who gets it. And just that whole situation with Connor where, you know, I lost touch with reality -- I'm really working on that, and I'm -- I'm hoping it will never happen again... because I'm not who I was, either.
Chelsea: When I think of the happiness that you deserve, the peace... I so badly wanted to be the person that gave that to you. Some of the things that I said to you...were lies. But the way that I felt about you, Dylan -- those were not lies. That was all real. And I hope one day you can believe that.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Chelsea: [Sniffles] [Crying] Find true love, Dylan. Find amazing, happy love and the life that you deserve.
Adam: Every single minute, I can't get away from it -- the guilt... the remorse. I'm sorry. I'm just so sorry. [Sniffles] My name is Victor Adam Newman Jr. It is November 4, 2013. And I am confessing to the hit-and-run murder of Delia Abbott. [Sniffles]
Cane: You know, Jack, we have every right and every reason to want her as far away from our family as possible.
Lily: You know that disgusting blog attacking my father?
Jack: Hilary was behind that.
Hilary: You don't need to do this.
Cane: Yeah, you don't, and you shouldn't.
Jack: Guys, I have been surrounded by people who are grieving over Delia's death. Grief is powerful stuff. It makes all of us do amazing things to ourselves and to others. Sometimes, that's lashing out. Sometimes...that is seeking revenge. When there's honest remorse, when there's a genuine effort to make amends, to do the right thing -- I have been given a hundred second chances in life. Cane, you've had your fair share, too.
Lily: Jack, you may think that you know her. And if you think there's remorse there, then you're just seeing what you want to see. Let's go somewhere else.
Cane: You are making a mistake. And you stay away from my family.
Jack: Nobody ever said getting forgiveness was gonna be easy.
Hilary: Well... my mother never raised a quitter. So...why don't you tell me more about that job offer?
Victoria: [Voice breaking] Okay, I can't do it anymore, Billy! I can't worry about every time you walk out that door, that you're throwing your life away, I mean literally! You're throwing your life away! Do you know how much I need you?
Billy: [Sighs]
Victoria: And Johnny -- you have a son upstairs, a son upstairs who needs his father! I know you're grieving, okay? I know that. I get it. But you're gonna have to find a different way to cope! [Scoffs]
Chloe: Thank you for not throwing the book at Billy. You know, I think that he's just -- h-he can be an idiot. And I think that we're all just a bunch of idiots right now. And he's just trying to help you do your job, Alex.
Alex: Yeah, well, it's not my job to harass people. So, no. He's not helping me.
Chloe: Well, I don't see the guy that killed my daughter here, so, I mean, what -- do you have any leads at all? What the hell's going on?
Kevin: Tell her.
Chloe: Wait, tell me -- tell me what?
Alex: [Sighs] We found... some physical evidence at the scene. It was a piece of plastic that came from a turn light, and the tests show that it hadn't been there long the night that I found it.
Chloe: Plastic? Well, that's just riveting. I mean, come on! What? What? If you don't have a-a name tag on it, it's not gonna do anything!
Kevin: Listen. It's a new type of lens, okay? And it's only used on a handful of expensive SUVs. This is gonna help us narrow down the suspect field a lot. And we will find this guy, Chloe. We are gonna find the guy that took Delia from us. I promise you.
Adam: What's wrong?
Chelsea: Well... you should know. Dylan had divorce papers drawn up. I signed them, and now we're done. Where's Connor? How was he?
Adam: He's asleep. I just put him up in his crib.
Chelsea: But you had some good father/son time first?
Adam: Yeah.
Chelsea: I'll go peek on him.
[Knock on door]
Cop: Adam Newman.
Adam: What can I do for you?
Cop: I need to talk to you about your vehicle.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victor: You abandoned your children! That's an unforgivable mistake!
Sharon: Dylan, how are you?
Dylan: Uh, as well as can be expected, I guess.
Nick: Now you're free to go after Avery.
Avery: Did you call me because you need a friend?
Adam: No. I need a lawyer.
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