Y&R Transcript Friday 11/1/13

Y&R Transcript Friday 11/1/13


Episode # 10278 ~ Hilary's intentions are questioned; Kevin decides to let his guard down.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Kevin: Geez, Mike, your face.

Michael: It's nothing. It's just...lousy lighting in here. [Chuckles]

Kevin: It looks like it hurts.

Michael: Well, it looks worse than it is, so... you look wiped.

Kevin: Who did this to you?

Michael: It's good to see you. It's good to see you, man.

Kevin: All right. All right. Don't think for a sec--

Michael: Ow.

Kevin: Don't think for a second that we're not talking about this.

Michael: [Sighs]

Kevin: 10 years is a long time to be locked up, getting the life beaten out of you every day.

Michael: Carmine's dead. This is the price.

Kevin: No. Getting beaten up was never part of the deal.

Michael: It doesn't matter. I'd do it again, no matter what the cost, to keep my wife and son safe.

Lauren: When can I see Fen again?

Paul: Well, he'll be brought up soon to be transferred.

Lauren: Transferred? To prison? Already?

Paul: The judge's order.

Lauren: Oh, my -- can't you do something? Can't you do something to help my son?

[Connor fussing]

Adam: Did it work or not? Can my son see?

Dr. Lintz: Connor's eyes are responding properly to stimuli. There's no sign of corneal rejection.

Chelsea: So?

[Fussing continues]

Dr. Lintz: The transplant was a success.

Chelsea: [Sighs]

[Fussing continues]

Chelsea: I know. We can't thank you enough, Doctor. [Chuckles]

Adam: Come here.

Chelsea: Oh, you got...

Adam: Oh, Peanut.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Adam: You did great.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Adam: You did just great.

Chelsea: So, um, what -- what happens next?

Dr. Lintz: Fill this prescription for eye drops, schedule a follow-up appointment on your way out, and that's it for now.

Adam: What about the long-term?

Chelsea: Could Connor lose his sight later?

Dr. Lintz: Well, you'll have to continue to monitor him until he gets older, but there's no reason to think your son won't be just fine.

Chelsea: So, we're -- we're done?

Dr. Lintz: Unless you have more questions.

Chelsea: No. None. Thank you. Thank you so much.

[Connor fusses]

Adam: Let's go home, okay?

Hilary: [Sniffles]

[Knock on door]

Hilary: Cane. Uh...

Cane: So, uh, Neil told me about your apology, and he actually believes you're sincere.

Hilary: Do you?

Jack: Oh, thanks, Neil.

Neil: I got here as fast as I could. What's up?

Jack: Listen, I -- as soon as I hung up, I realized this could be really inconvenient for you, and I-I --

Neil: Jack, wait. Hold on. There is never an inconvenient time for you to pick up the phone and call me -- never. Okay?

Jack: I appreciate that. And -- and thank you again for dropping by the other day.

Neil: You're very welcome. [Sighs] Jack, what's going on?

Jack: That help you offered -- I need it, Neil.

Lauren: I know that Fen has to pay for what he did, but there has to be some other way besides prison.

Paul: Not in this case.

Lauren: He could go back to rehab but for longer this time.

Paul: Look, Lauren --

Lauren: Or house arrest.

Paul: I know you're terrified for your boy.

Lauren: You have no idea, Paul.

Paul: Lauren, since Fen copped a plea the first time he was busted --

Lauren: This is only his second offense!

Paul: Yes, but he was caught with drugs again, so he's going to have to serve out his sentence that was originally waived.

Lauren: But with hardened criminals? How is that fair?

Paul: The quantity of drugs Fen had in his possession constitutes a felony.

Lauren: I don't care.

Paul: He was caught with the drugs -- listen to me -- with intent to sell.

Lauren: But he hasn't even had a trial.

Paul: He will.

Lauren: Okay.

Paul: He will be able to fight the new charges in court.

Lauren: Okay, while that's pending, he can be at home.

Paul: That is not a choice here. Fen is going to have to do his waiting in prison.

Lauren: [Sighs]

Kevin: When I heard that Fen confessed, I...

Michael: He's a kid. He was trying to save me when he claimed he killed Carmine.

Kevin: Has there been any fallout?

Michael: Christine did her duty as D.A. and questioned Fenmore.

Kevin: But she didn't charge him.

Michael: She doesn't think the judge will take his statement seriously. [Chuckles]

Kevin: The chief still has to follow up, though, right?

Michael: Paul will follow procedure, but I confessed. My fingerprints are on the gun. I'm hoping this whole mess with Fenmore just goes away soon.

Kevin: Well, if you need me to talk to him --

Michael: Hey. Tell me how you're feeling. When I think about Delia, I just -- you know, I'm sorry, Kevin.

Kevin: [Voice breaking] It's bad. 'Cause she was so little. [Sniffles] Um, and that funeral, Michael -- it was...

Michael: I wish I had been there. I would stood up for you.

Kevin: I don't. I'm glad you weren't. I don't wish that funeral on anybody. [Sighs]

Michael: Do they have any idea...

Kevin: Who ran her over and left her in the middle of the road? No.

Michael: What's being done?

Kevin: It's a top priority for the department, but they don't have very much to go on. And I was banned from the investigation, even though I was trying to help.

Michael: Oh, that's because you're -- you're Delia's stepfather. You understand that, Kevin, right?

Kevin: [Sniffles] I don't understand any of this. I just thought if I could -- if I could find her killer, it would make up for my not being able to protect her. [Sniffles]

Michael: Listen to me. See, I know something about wanting to protect a child, and you had no control over this, Kevin.

Kevin: I don't know. What if -- what if Chloe and I stayed together?

Michael: You were the very best stepfather this little girl could ever have had. I mean, you read to her, and you tucked her in, and you kissed her scrapes, and you -- [Chuckles] You gave her more smiles and hugs than any kid could ever have asked for. You made every day fun for her. Delia loved you.

Kevin: I know. She counted on me. [Sniffles]

Michael: Listen. If she could be here right now, she would tell you not to blame yourself. She knew that there was nothing that you wouldn't do to help her if you could.

Neil: Jack, have you used?

Jack: No. Not yet. I haven't been tempted by the booze or the pills.

Neil: But you're worried.

Jack: That I might? Yeah. [Sighs] I've been hammered lately. I'm -- this -- the shock of finding out that Summer's my daughter, the horror of Phyllis in a coma, Katherine dying.

Neil: And now Delia.

Jack: And now Delia. I have held it together all this time 'cause I had to -- 'cause my family needs me.

Neil: And today?

Jack: And today, I woke up -- the house is so quiet and empty, and I had this unbearable sense of emptiness, of thinking about Delia, thinking about everyone else we lost. [Sighs] I could barely get out of bed, Neil, and it scared the hell out of me.

Neil: Well, it should. It's called the crash.

Jack: The crash?

Neil: Jack, it's what comes after the trauma. You know, you're forced to deal. You muscle, uh, through comforting your friends and your family, planning -- planning the funeral, making the arrangements, using all your energy just to get through those initial days. Uh, inevitably, reality sets in.

Jack: Do you know, for the first time in weeks, I woke up this morning, I didn't have anything I had to do. And I just wanted to...

Neil: Escape.

Jack: To escape. And I thought, "Who cares?" I mean, what difference is it possibly gonna make? A little girl died. I can't change that. I can't fix that.

Neil: But your family is leaning on you.

Jack: Yeah, because I told them they could. Never occurred to me that I wasn't up to the job. What if I can't even hold myself together?

Chloe: I-I don't understand. What do you mean that your boss left early? I mean, what could be more important than this marketing campaign that he's running? Yeah, he's -- he's spending Halloween with his kids. Of course. I'll call back tomorrow. [Exhales deeply]

Adam: Wow. Look at him. He's looking all over the place.

Chelsea: Yeah. You can really see the difference now, Connor, can't you? You're really seeing the whole world for the first time.

Adam: Hi.

Chelsea: That's so crazy.

Adam: I've wanted a lot of things in my life but nothing more than to know that he was okay.

Chelsea: I know. It's crazy. A couple of quick tests by a doctor, and suddenly, his whole world is -- I mean, he can see us. [Chuckles] You know, what else I think is pretty great is how we've gotten through this together. We've come a long way for our son's sake, haven't we?

Adam: We have.

Chelsea: And I think, now that Connor is okay, we need to start looking ahead.

Adam: Meaning what?

Chelsea: We need to discuss me moving out.

Cane: If you think that I would believe that you are sincere or forgive you, then you're actually more delusional than I thought.

Hilary: Well, I never thought Neil would accept my apology, either... [Chuckles] ...Let alone give me a job, but he did.

Cane: Well, that's 'cause Neil is coming from a completely different place than Lily and I. 'Cause, see, we don't have any guilt with you.

Hilary: No. You don't.

Cane: You insinuated your way into my family.

Hilary: You're angry, and I can relate.

Cane: You pretended to care about my wife and my kids, but what you actually intended to do was to drug me, fake having sex with me, then have somebody photograph it, then take the pictures and put them on the internet for everybody to see.

Hilary: What I did was horrible.

Cane: Don't. Don't pretend to regret it. I am not just angry at you for what you did to my wife. I'm actually angry at myself because I liked you and I trusted you.

Hilary: That's because you're a good person.

Cane: And we made a good team at work.

Hilary: Is that why you're here -- because of Neil's job offer?

Cane: I'm actually here to tell you that, despite what my father-in-law wants, I don't want you anywhere near my wife. As a matter of fact, I want you to turn down the job at Jabot, I want you to go and pack your bags, and I want you to leave town.

Neil: Jack, don't ever forget how strong you are.

Jack: Yeah, it doesn't feel like that.

Neil: Well, wait a minute. You -- you overcame your addiction.

Jack: Yeah, for a time.

Neil: A day at a time for months.

Jack: Why does it feel like I'm slipping, Neil?

Neil: Because we put the pressure on ourselves to be strong -- you know, feeling like we have to be superman, showing the entire world that we can take whatever is thrown at us.

Jack: And then we eventually realize we're not superhuman.

Neil: Right. And then we beat ourselves up.

Jack: Neil, there is nothing in the world I hate more than feeling weak.

Neil: Don't mistake weakness for grief.

Jack: You think that's all this is?

Neil: Jack, when faced with the death of a little girl, your niece, it's -- it's obvious that you should be hurt and angry and confused.

Jack: What do I do with that?

Neil: You're doing it -- right here, right now. You're acknowledging your fears. You're talking it out. And, Jack -- hey, man, I-I shouldn't be the only person that you turn to.

Jack: You're suggesting I have more than one sponsor?

Neil: Look around you. It's your house, right? The next time that this house becomes too dark, too empty, check out these pictures surrounding you, remember your family loves you, and you reach out to them. Staying connected with the people that we cherish -- that's the key to staying sober during tough times like this.

Jack: Thanks. You knew I was gonna need help before I knew it. That's why you dropped by the other day, isn't it?

Neil: My man, Jack, I had a feeling.

Jack: Well, I'm glad you did. And I'm glad you're a good-enough friend you can drop everything and come over here and listen to me. Wish I could return the favor.

Neil: Maybe you can.

Kevin: Thanks for saying that about Delia. It helps.

Michael: Good. I'm glad. I meant every word.

Kevin: [Sighs] Can you -- can you think of anything that I could say or do to try and make this better for Chloe? 'Cause I'm trying, but...

Michael: You're probably doing better than you think.

Kevin: I doubt that.

Michael: Hmm. Okay. Here's my advice -- no matter what Chloe says, no matter what she does, just keep loving her.

Kevin: Is that enough?

Michael: Lauren's love is the only thing that's getting me through this ordeal. I will make it because of that.

[Door opens]

Lauren: Honey. Thank God. Are you all right?

Fenmore: I'm okay, Mom.

Lauren: Can I talk to him for a minute?

Paul: Yeah, sure. Use the interrogation room. But make it quick. They're going to pick him up soon to take him to prison.

Lauren: How could you do this? How could you get back involved with drugs? And getting yourself arrested -- what were you thinking?

Fenmore: At first, I just wanted to get high.

Lauren: You just got out of rehab.

Fenmore: Yeah, and, like, five minutes later, I walked in on my dad being sentenced for a crime I committed.

Lauren: Okay, that's --

Fenmore: And when I tried to tell the truth, you just kept trying to shut me up. Don't you see how screwed up that is?

Lauren: We tried to protect you. And Paul told me that the amount of drugs that they found on you constitutes a felony!

Fenmore: Yeah, well, when I realized I could get my hands on more stuff, I decided to get myself arrested.

Lauren: [Voice breaking] But why? Why, after everything that your father and I did to protect you?

Fenmore: Look, because I can't live with getting away with killing Carmine while Dad is just in there suffering. I deserve to be in jail.

Adam: We just got this news about our son, and you already want to talk about leaving?

Chelsea: The only reason you insisted I move in here was because you wanted to keep an eye on me because you didn't trust me. But now that you understand I'm not gonna try to take Connor --

Adam: I don't understand any of this.

Chelsea: Adam, we are in a good place. Connor is in a good place. I don't need to live here anymore. We can come up with a fair custody agreement where we split time with our son.

Adam: You're in a big rush. Makes me think your efforts have been insincere.

Chelsea: What, exactly, do you think I'm lying about?

Adam: We finally started acting in good faith with one another. Apparently, all you've been trying to do is appease me.

Chelsea: How can you even say that?

Adam: Because you can't wait to leave.

Chelsea: You may not like the idea of me leaving, Adam, but you don't get to control my life or Connor's.

[Knock on door]

Chloe: Hi. You know, I've been calling you because that entire marketing campaign completely is falling apart when... I'm so sorry. I-I-I totally forgot about Connor's appointment today. [Sighs] How is he doing?

Chelsea: It went perfectly. He can see.

Chloe: Really? Really? Oh, my God, that is -- that is the best news ever.

Adam: Chloe. Thank you. Thank you. I'll leave the two of you alone.

Chloe: [Voice breaking] This means so much to me -- knowing that a part of Delia will live on in Connor. [Sobs, chuckles]

Jack: So, the person responsible for all those vicious blogs about your family was Cane's assistant?

Neil: Thanks. Turns out.

Jack: Where does all this hate and anger come from?

Neil: Jack, do you remember the bad state that I was in after my wife died?

Jack: Oh, yeah. It's the state I've been trying very hard to avoid right now.

Neil: Exactly. One night, I was in a bar, met a woman, got drunk. I left her after she passed out. At least, that's what I thought. Jack, she died.

Jack: [Sighs]

Neil: If only I hadn't been loaded.

Jack: Life as an addict is all about regrets, isn't it?

Neil: Hilary is that woman's daughter.

Jack: And she wants revenge.

Neil: See, that's just it. She's remorseful now. She doesn't blame me. We've come to an understanding.

Jack: What kind of understanding?

Neil: Jack, I want to help her, so I offered her a job.

Jack: Oh, well, Neil, I understand you want to do penance here, but you really want to work with this woman? You want this woman working with your children? Are they as forgiving as you are?

Neil: No, they're really not. As a matter of fact, my daughter, Lily -- she's completely upset about it and threatened to resign. I've asked too much of her.

Jack: Yeah, I think you ha-- Neil, this woman -- this...

Neil: Hilary.

Jack: ...Hilary tried to destroy your lives.

Neil: But she still wants a fresh start, Jack, and I still want to give her one. She's smart, efficient. I'm wondering if maybe there is a position at Jabot that she might have.

Jack: Oh, okay, before I answer that, I need for you to ask yourself a question. I know you're trying to do the noble thing here, trying to help the daughter when you couldn't save the mother, but do you really think this is gonna ease your guilt?

Cane: All right, go ahead and say it. Go ahead and tell me that I don't have the right to tell you what to do.

Hilary: Cane, you have every right.

Cane: Don't. Don't stand there, and don't try and con me again.

Hilary: This is called regret, okay? I understand why you want me out of here, why you hate me. You were a good boss to me, a good friend. You let me into your home. You let me get to know your kids. I should have realized that you and your family didn't deserve to be victims of my anger.

Cane: But you didn't realize. You kept pushing it and pushing it. You didn't stop.

Hilary: I can't excuse what I did, but I can explain, okay? And I can -- I can apologize.

Cane: No, you can't apologize, and you can't explain it.

Hilary: I wasn't thinking straight, Cane. I was still consumed with grief for my mother.

Cane: Oh, okay. So that makes it okay to hurt Neil and my family, does it?

Hilary: Have you ever lost someone you love? Hmm? Someone in your family?

Cane: Yes, I have.

Hilary: Then you know how it changes you -- the grief. I couldn't handle my mother's death. And the way I dealt with it? Well, I had never been more lost in my life.

Chloe: You must be so relieved.

Chelsea: And we owe it all to you and Billy.

Chloe: No, it's not --

Chelsea: Chloe. If you hadn't helped us, Connor would have been blind for the rest of his life. I-I can't express enough gratitude to you for this gift that you've given my son.

[Connor crying]

Chelsea: [Chuckles] I think he's hungry. I'm just gonna, um, warm up a bottle. I'll be right back. It's okay.

[Crying continues]

Chloe: [Sighs] Shh. Shh. It's okay. No, no, no. Hey.

[Crying stops]

Chloe: Hey. Oh, yeah. There you go. Shh. Hi. You hear what your mama just said? [Voice breaking] My little girl gave you a gift and all the beautiful things that you're gonna see. You know, Christmas is right around the corner. You know what? You're gonna see your first Christmas tree and all the lights. [Breathes shakily] And next year, you'll have your first birthday. Yeah. [Sniffles] You're gonna have your first candle on your first birthday cake. And all along the way, there's going to be [Sighs] Snowflakes, flowers [Sniffles] And rainbows, and stars in the sky. You're gonna see so many incredible things, Connor, and we can't take any of them for granted.

Adam: My son's transplant was a success.

Jack: That is excellent! When did you find out?

Adam: A little while ago.

Jack: Well, congratulations.

Adam: Yeah, little Delia's corneas saved my son's sight.

Jack: Is there something else?

Adam: Isn't that enough?

Jack: Well, it just seems to me you just got the best news possible about Connor. So, why are you here now and not with your son?

Adam: Chloe came by. Chelsea told her the good news about our baby.

Jack: Oh, that had to be brutal. Chloe loses Delia, and then she has to learn the good news about Connor. [Inhales, exhales deeply] Well...

Adam: Yeah, that's not the only reason I wanted to get out of there.

Jack: Why, something else happen?

Adam: Jack, for the first time in a long time, I'm...I'm happy about something. I'm...truly happy.

Jack: Uh-huh. But?

Adam: Chelsea and I -- we -- we're -- started talking about how our son could finally see us.

Jack: I don't know why that would send you bolting.

Adam: What I'm saying is I don't deserve this. I don't deserve him. I don't deserve the miracle.

Jack: Wait. Adam, one thing has nothing to do with the other.

Adam: Jack, did you hear what I said? We talked about how our son could finally see us. He can see me. He can...see the real me, and I just -- what will he think of me when he finds out what kind of a person I really am?

Jack: Wait. You're overwhelmed.

Am: I'm asking you a question.

Jack: I am answering your question. You are overwhelmed. You find out quite suddenly that you're a father. Seconds later, it seems, you're up to your neck in crisis with your son, spending sleepless nights worrying.

Adam: No, that's not it.

Jack: You're strung out, Adam, and, yes, I understand the bigger issue that's frightening you.

Adam: Trust me. You don't.

Jack: It's parenthood. It forces us all to hold up the mirror and take a good, long look at ourselves. Adam, you can't change the past. You can't. You can decide if you're gonna be a different person in the future.

Adam: But you can't erase the things that you've done.

Jack: Adam, you're gonna be a wonderful father. I know this. Look how protective you are already. You will be your best self for that boy, and over the years, you will watch that reflected in Connor. And he will love you for exactly who you are.

Chloe: And you're gonna go to fashion week with your mom. And you're gonna go see the Great Wall of China on your first school trip. [Sniffles] [Voice breaking] But nothing will compare to the sight of the steam rolling off the lake when the sun rises. And your mommy and daddy are going to watch you discover every sight.

[Connor fusses]

Chloe: Hi. I'm sorry. He was crying. I just...

Chelsea: [Voice breaking] I'm so sorry you won't be able to experience those things with Delia.

Chloe: You can't be sad. Okay? This is -- this is such an incredible day for you. I-I should just go. [Sighs] [Sniffles] Okay, your mommy's gonna feed you. Just take that look off your face.

Chelsea: What look?

Chloe: The guilt. It doesn't look good on you.

Chelsea: I'm just sad.

Chloe: Knowing that Delia's death won't be in total vain -- it just makes everything better, okay? I promise. [Sniffles] I love you.

Chelsea: Love you. [Sighing] Oh, God. [Sniffles]

Kevin: Okay.

Michael: [Groans]

Kevin: I'll make it back here soon.

Michael: Aw, stay close to Chloe. She needs you more.

Kevin: [Sighs] It's funny. I thought my showing up here was to take care of you, and you end up looking out for me.

Michael: [Chuckles] Now, how'd that happen?

Kevin: Even in here, you're big-brothering me.

Michael: I always will.

Kevin: I love you.

Michael: Love you, too. The pain.

Kevin: All right. I'm sorry.

Michael: [Chuckles]

Lauren: You don't know what you've gotten yourself into.

Fenmore: I've been in jail before.

Lauren: No. Jail isn't prison. Prison is gonna make that holding cell look like a vacation hotel room.

Fenmore: Look, I can handle this.

Lauren: [Voice breaking] It's dangerous, Fen. [Sighs] You just don't know! I don't understand why you would put yourself at risk when you could have been safe at home.

Fenmore: W--

Lauren: What did you hope to accomplish?

Fenmore: Maybe Dad will finally tell the truth now. Look, if I'm already in there, there's no reason for him to stay.

Lauren: It doesn't work like that. What have you done?

Paul: The car is here for the transport.

Lauren: [Sighs]

Paul: I'm gonna have to handcuff you, Fen.

Fenmore: [Sighs]

Lauren: I love you.

Fenmore: I love you, too, Mom.

Lauren: [Sobbing]

[Sobbing continues]

Paul: Uh, I know it had to break your heart, watching Fen being led away like that.

Lauren: [Voice breaking] Of course, it did.

Paul: But, Lauren, it -- it really didn't have to be like this.

Lauren: I thought he was doing better. He should have stayed in rehab longer. I-I should have seen that.

Paul: Oh, Lauren.

Lauren: He's not strong enough to deal with what -- what he's dealing with here.

Paul: How is he supposed to deal with anything with his father in prison? I mean, really, the kid is spiraling here. He knows that Michael is innocent. He knows that someone else shot Carmine. Who knows? Maybe Fen killed Carmine himself!

Lauren: No.

Paul: Well, if there is another story, please tell me.

Lauren: You know the real story.

Paul: And I'm sick and tired of hearing that, too! Something is not right here!

Lauren: Like what?

Paul: If you and Michael are covering for Fen, you're not helping him. You should know that by now.

Lauren: Why are you doing this?

Paul: Because being your friend obviously hasn't worked, and I'm sick and tired of the three of you trying to manipulate the system, getting yourselves into this mess, and making things worse than they ever had to be in the first place!

Jack: Summer.

Summer: Hey.

Jack: Hey.

Summer: I just thought I'd pop in.

Jack: You're always welcome to pop in here. Hey, by the way, the Abbott family was all thrilled that you were with us for Delia's service.

Summer: Delia looks pretty proud of herself in this picture.

Jack: Yeah, I think Billy offered her some ice cream if she'd just sit still for the pho-- ice cream.

Summer: He left her in the car that night to go get her ice cream.

Jack: Billy is still struggling with that, and I can't seem to find any way to comfort him.

Summer: What about you? Who's taking care of you?

[Door closes]

Kevin: Hi.

Chloe: Hey. What's up?

Kevin: Nothing. Just came from seeing Michael.

Chloe: Was it that bad?

Kevin: He's holding up.

Chloe: You know, you can admit that you're worried about him, Kevin.

Kevin: I am. I'm gonna be until he gets out of there.

Chloe: I'm sorry you had a rough night.

Kevin: You know, I'm a little more concerned with how you've been spending yours.

Chloe: [Sighs] I've just been working.

Kevin: For how long?

Chloe: [Scoffs] Hours.

Kevin: Alone?

Chloe: No, I left earlier to go see Chelsea and Connor. The transplant worked.

Kevin: Wow. They know already? That's good news.

Chloe: [Voice breaking] I know. I'm really happy for them. And I know that Delia is, too.

Kevin: Yeah. Come here.

Chloe: [Sighs]

Adam: Chloe?

Chelsea: She left.

Adam: So you were saying about moving out...

Chelsea: Can we not do this now?

Adam: You're the one that brought it up.

Chelsea: I don't want to fight with you tonight, Adam. It's been a great day for Connor. I don't want it to end with us taking swipes at one another.

Adam: Then let's not.

Chelsea: Okay. I'm gonna put him down and head to bed myself.

Adam: All right.

Chelsea: We'll talk more about this tomorrow.

Adam: Wait. I love you.

Cane: Nice try. But I'm not gonna get conned by you again.

Hilary: Cane, I don't blame you for not believing me, but it's the truth, okay? I'm not gonna harm you and your family anymore.

Cane: Then I want you to prove it to me.

Hilary: How?

Cane: I want you to leave, and I don't want you to look back.

Hilary: Well...I don't really have anything to stay for.

Cane: No, you don't. If you stay, you won't have a happy future in this town, so I want you to leave as soon as possible, okay?

Neil: Whoa. Hey. Cane, what are you doing here?

Cane: I just told Hilary to leave town.

Neil: Hmm. A "High Noon" kind of thing. Sounds a little harsh, don't you think?

Cane: Well, maybe you see it that way. You might -- you might think that forcing her to work with your family is gonna fix things with your guilt, all right, but you need to find another way to forgive yourself, Neil. You need to let Hilary go.

[Knock on door]

Neil: Hi.

Hilary: Hi.

Neil: I just saw Cane. Um, I understand that you two didn't have a very pleasant conversation.

Hilary: Well, his feelings are justified. I understand, and I accept the fact that the rest of your family isn't gonna be willing to give me another chance.

Neil: Yeah, about my family. I should have asked my family before I asked you to come and work with me, so I...

Hilary: I understand.

Neil: ...I apologize. It -- it's just way too upsetting for my daughter that --

Hilary: I'm not gonna accept the job.

Neil: Well, I was kind of hoping that -- that we'd make a compromise, you know?

Hilary: What kind of compromise?

Neil: That you might be willing to consider working in another area of Jabot with my friend.

Hilary: "Jack Abbott."

Jack: Well, you are the second person today who has been concerned about me.

Summer: Only the second? You know, a lot of people are worried about you.

Jack: And why are you?

Summer: 'Cause you've been so busy being strong for Billy. That's why I wanted to see for myself how you're really doing.

Jack: So, you came by to check up on me?

Summer: Yeah. You're my dad. [Chuckling] So you have to get used to that. And as part of the father-daughter package, I will be making you a strawberry-jam sandwich with milk, 'cause that's the best cure.

Jack: Is it?

Summer: Mm-hmm.

Jack: Well, I will accept on one condition -- you share it with me.

Summer: Okay. A strawberry jam for two coming up.

Jack: Uh, hi. This is Jack Abbott again. Which nurse is this? Hi, Millie. I -- I'm fine, thank you. C-- could you put me on speakerphone again? I'd like to just say a few words to Phyllis. Thanks. Hey, Red. It's me. I love you. I miss you. Listen, uh, I just wanted to let you know that I am about to have a, uh, strawberry-jam sandwich with our daughter. Ain't that something?

Fenmore: Dad? Dad, w--

Michael: Fenmore? What are you doing here, Son? What are you doing here?

Man: Hey! Do you want to get knocked around some more? Follow the rules!

Fenmore: Dad, I'm gonna be okay. [Exhales deeply]

Michael: Fenmore! Fenmore! What are you doing here?! Fenmore! [Groans]

Lauren: You're frustrated? I'm the one with a husband and a son in prison.

Paul: Because of the choices the three of you made.

Lauren: Because of Carmine. It's all because of him. He's tormenting us from the grave.

Chloe: No, I-I need to keep working.

Kevin: No, no, no. What you need is to sleep.

Chloe: [Whimpers] You don't understand. If I sleep, then I have nightmares. [Sighs] [Voice breaking] Or worse -- I just have beautiful dreams of Delia, and then I wake up, and I realize that she's never coming back. I'm afraid of the night, Kevin.

Kevin: What if I'm there next to you, just to make sure you're okay?

Chloe: [Sighs]

Kevin: Your job is to sleep. My job is just to be there.

Chloe: [Sighs]

[Liquid pouring]

Adam: [Gasps] [Panting] [Sighs]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Dylan: I had divorce papers drawn up.

Victoria: Where are you going?

Billy: To find the guy who killed my little girl.

Victoria: And then what?

Billy: Then the punishment will finally fit the crime.

Adam: I'm confessing to the hit-and-run murder of Delia Abbott.

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