Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/30/13

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/30/13


Episode # 10276 ~ Hilary receives a surprising offer; Sharon has an important realization.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Christine: You about ready? Date night, remember?

Paul: I'm sorry.

Christine: Oh, come on. Halloween theme, snuggling on the couch, takeout...

Paul: I know.

Christine: ...Spooky DVDs.

Paul: I just started going through this evidence from the Basco murder, and, uh...

Christine: And you lost track of time. Happens to the best of us.

Paul: One more thing you and I have in common.

Christine: Does, uh, anything in that file suggest that Fen might have done it?

Paul: Well, one thing I am sure of. Michael didn't. He pled guilty to keep his family out of prison.

[Door opens]

Lauren: Oh, Michael.

[Door closes]

Lauren: Michael. Oh, my God!

Michael: It's all right, Lauren.

Prison Guard: 15 minutes. Keep your hands where I can see them.

Lauren: What happened?

Michael: It will be all right. We should --

Lauren: No, tell me what happened.

Michael: You should probably...

Lauren: Tell me what happened.

Michael: [Scoffs] Well, the welcome wagon paid me a visit, and instead of fresh-baked cookies, they left me a couple of cracked ribs.

Lauren: I can't believe you're joking about this. Have you -- have you told the warden?

Michael: No. And I don't plan to.

Lauren: Michael, you have to.

Michael: Our goal was for me to serve my sentence and come back home, remember?

Lauren: Yes, exactly. Which is why you have to tell somebody who did this to you. What if it happens again?

Michael: I'm sure it will. And when it does, I'm gonna keep my mouth shut. Because if there's one thing that convicts hate more than a former district attorney, it's a snitch.

Hilary: Thanks for coming.

Neil: Yeah. Sure.

[Door closes]

Hilary: Don't worry. This isn't a setup, okay? No hidden cameras or spiked drinks.

Neil: You expect me to take your word on that?

Hilary: You probably shouldn't, but it's the truth.

Neil: Okay. I'm here. What is it that you want?

Hilary: When I first came to Genoa City, I was expecting to meet a selfish, egotistical jerk who didn't care about anybody but himself. Certainly didn't seem to care about my mother when he left her to die in that motel room. But instead, I found a man with a lot of people who meant the world to him.

Neil: Which you exploited.

Hilary: I made it my life's mission. I tried to tear your family apart the same way I thought you tore apart mine. But I was wrong. About a lot of things.

Charlie: Hurry up, Daddy! All the good candy's gonna be gone!

Cane: You got to sit down. You have to eat, okay?

Mattie: Do we have to?

Cane: Yes, Baby Girl, you have to, because you have to have some food in your stomach. You have to sit down and have your dinner.

Lily: Go on. Sit down. Thank you, Guys.

Cane: All right. Eat.

Lily: Okay, slow down. Slow down.

Cane: [Sighs]

Lily: Really?

Cane: What?

Lily: [Scoffs]

Cane: At least now they're gonna have some food in their stomach and not just sugar.

Lily: I know, but we're going to the park for the Halloween carnival. If they wolf everything down then go on the rides...

Cane: All right, change of plan. Don't listen to Daddy. Listen to the boss. 'Cause you know what happens if you guys get sick. You know who gets to eat all the candy? Huh? Super Daddy!


Cane: That's me.

Lily: Honey. [Chuckles]

Sharon: Thanks for watching your sister while I go to therapy. I should have known it would be difficult to find a sitter on Halloween.

Noah: It's no problem. I love hanging with Faith. I'm just glad that you're taking care of yourself again.

Sharon: Trying, anyway.

Noah: You look good. I mean it. This -- this new doctor seems like, uh, making a difference already.

Sharon: We have a good rapport.

Noah: Excellent.

Sharon: Bye.

Noah: Bye, Mama.

Sharon: Um, Noah, before you go, I want to explain something to you. I-I just -- I want you to know why I went off my pills.

Noah: Sure.

Sharon: The medication I was taking, it -- it just wasn't right for me. My head felt like it was stuffed with cotton, like I had no emotions, no highs, no lows.

Noah: Did you tell that to Dr. Watkins, see if there was something else you could try?

Sharon: I didn't really feel that comfortable talking to her. She was highly qualified, of course. But when you're doing something like this, you're seeing a psychiatrist, you're... [Sighs] You're opening up all of your innermost thoughts and feelings, and it's really important that you trust that person and you feel you can easily talk to them.

Noah: Yeah, I can see that.

Sharon: So this new doctor I found, um, I found her on my own, and I-I feel hopeful for the first time in awhile. She has me on a new class of medications, and it's gonna be a few weeks before I know if they're right for me or not. But I do feel like I'm on the right track. I've made a lot of mistakes, but I am trying very hard to change.

Noah: You think it's because you want to get better or because you think it's the best way to get Dad back?

Paul: All right, take this down to forensics for testing.

Officer: You got it.

Paul: All right. Thanks.

Christine: What were the initial findings?

Paul: Originally, there were none because the initial investigation was cut short because Michael confessed.

Christine: Okay, so there was no need to build a case, which means there could be evidence that implicates someone else, someone that Michael's protecting.

Paul: Well, at this point, I'm almost certain there is.

Christine: So, who do you think pulled the trigger? Lauren or Fen?

Paul: Well, Lauren was terrorized by Carmine for months. So, in my opinion, if she shot him, it was justified.

Christine: And if the evidence points to Fen?

Paul: [Sighs] I'd have to arrest him. But the last thing I want to do is put that kid in prison.

Christine: It beats leaving an innocent man behind bars.

Paul: Well, I'm not sure Michael would agree with that.

Lauren: You've only been here a couple of days, and you're already being attacked.

Michael: Well, nobody has a longer memory than a guy serving time.

Lauren: It's like you have a target on your back because you put him here. Is that it? You said it's just a matter of time before this happens again. But what if next time it's not just a black eye and some cracked ribs? What if you don't walk away at all?

Michael: Don't do that. It's gonna be okay.

Lauren: [Voice breaking] It's not okay! No part of this is okay! Michael, I'm afraid for you. You could get killed here.

Michael: Imagine Fenmore in here.

Lauren: No. I know you're trying to protect our son. But you have to protect yourself, too.

Michael: I survived prison. Fenmore wouldn't. We can't let him go down for Carmine's murder.

Lauren: [Sighs] I know, but, Michael, Michael --

Michael: It's our job. We have to protect him, no matter what.

Cane: Hey, come on. You got to eat your sandwich, all right, 'cause it's gonna make you grow up big and strong.

Charlie: I'm already strong.

Cane: Come here. Let me see. What is this bicep? Whoa! That's a big bicep. You know what? I have a feeling if you keep eating all your food, one day you could beat daddy in an arm wrestle. All right, I want to see this. Come here. You ready? We're gonna go on "Three," all right? One... two... three!

[Both laugh]

Cane: I tricked you. I tricked you. I tricked you. [Grunts] All right, go. Go. Finish your food. Come on.

Fenmore: It's me. I need a favor.

Nick: Noah, don't bother your mother with stuff like that.

Noah: I think it's a fair question, Dad.

Sharon: Considering my behavior lately, I don't blame Noah for asking that.

Nick: I will always love Sharon as the mother of my children. She knows we're not getting back together. And now she's getting healthy, not just for herself, but for her kids.

Sharon: The anniversary of Cassie's death, for whatever reason, just hit me really hard this year. It just made me think of how close we all were, and I missed us being together. I-I convinced myself the only way that I would ever be happy again is if I was with your father. Now, if I had been taking my medication, I would have known that that was wrong thinking.

Nick: You got nothing to be embarrassed about, Sharon.

Noah: Dad's right. Mom, you have an illness. That's why it's so important for you to talk to your doctor.

Sharon: Well, I'm really sorry I lied to both of you. I-I feel really ashamed. I just... I couldn't stand the thought of either of you being disappointed in me.

Noah: Well, I know the feeling. I mean, I am constantly worried that you guys are gonna be disappointed in me, which is why I've been avoiding having a conversation with you.

Nick: Dude, come on. You know you can talk to me about anything. What's up?

Noah: Um... [Clears throat] All right, well, here it goes. Um, Dad, I'm gonna give you my two weeks' notice at the Underground.

Nick: Ouch. That is disappointing, to say the least. You took that job at Newman, didn't you?

Noah: Newman-Chancellor. Dad, it's a great opportunity to learn the business from Grandpa.

Nick: So, this is 100% certain?

Noah: It's 100%.

Nick: All right. Well, I can see that your mind is clearly made up. And I'm not gonna argue about it with you. You know how I feel. But one piece of advice, Son -- do not let this consume you, okay? There is much more to life.

Noah: I'm going in to this with my eyes wide open. You and Mom just have to trust my judgment.

Sharon: We do, Sweetheart.

Nick: We want what is best for you. That's it.

Noah: I know. Thanks, Dad.

Nick: Of course.

Noah: Bye, Mom.

[Door opens, closes]

Nick: [Sighs]

Sharon: You know what I think about him working with Victor.

Nick: Yeah. I feel the same. But our son is a grown man now. And he needs to carve out his own path, make his own mistakes.

Sharon: Well, that's what this is, Nick.

Nick: Time will tell.

Sharon: All I know is, I'm just trying to get my own life in order right now. I'm afraid that I'm not gonna be strong enough to pick up the pieces if Noah's life falls apart.

Neil: Sounds like you've gained some insight. If it's true.

Hilary: No tricks, okay? Leslie -- she gave me the letters that my mother wrote to her father.

Neil: Gus' death was a real blow for Leslie. These letters right here -- they were a lifeline. It gave her a purpose to find your mother and learn as much as possible as she could about her own father.

Hilary: I guess she thought that they would speak to me, too. Give me some answers that you couldn't.

Neil: Did they?

Hilary: The letters cleared up a few things about the night my mom died. All this time, I've been blaming you for getting her drunk. But the truth is, she had a problem. And she started drinking again when I went away to college, which I knew but I didn't want to acknowledge. You were probably just some guy that she sat down with at the bar, looking for comfort. And she was there because she was upset and made a choice to drown out her pain. And it was a bad choice.

Neil: Yes. It was a bad choice.

Hilary: I can relate. I know all about bad choices. It's why I asked you to meet me here, Neil. I owe you an apology.

Lily: Yummy. Um, so, I've been thinking.

Cane: I've been thinking, too. I'm thinking about getting you out of this pirate outfit.

Lily: [Chuckles] Um, seriously, though. I've been thinking that maybe we should go trick-or-treating around the neighborhood.

Cane: I don't understand. Why don't you want to go to the carnival?

Lily: Well, there won't be a crowd to deal with, so it'll be a lot easier to keep an eye on the kids. Then that way if they get tired, their beds are right down the street.

Cane: But we told Neil we're gonna meet him there.

Lily: I know, but I can just send him a text. It's fine.

Cane: Sweetheart. Don't do this.

Lily: Don't do what?

Cane: I know after what happened to Delia, you don't want to let the kids out of your sight.

Lily: I'm just saying that it's opened my eyes that we have to be more careful with them.

Cane: Okay. I was there when Delia was born. And I'm devastated by what happened to her.

Lily: Yeah, Cane, me, too. So why can't you be more concerned about our own kids?

Cane: I am concerned about our own kids, but we can't let them grow up living in a bubble, and we can't project our fears on them. They have to have a life like normal kids.

Fenmore: Did you get what I need?

Raven: Have I ever let you down?

Fenmore: No. You're actually the only person I can really count on these days.

Raven: What happened to cleaning up your act? Working on the steps?

Fenmore: Rehab was my parents' thing. They have a lot of these ideas they're just expecting me to go along with. Now, this looked a little different than the last batch.

Raven: I'm using a new supplier.

Fenmore: Do you think you could get any more of those?

Raven: For the right price, I can get anything. Things must be really crappy at home.

Fenmore: I'm just sick of being treated like a little kid. I'm old enough to make my own decisions. And if I make a bad one along the way, I'll just take full responsibility.

Christine: It's such a 180.

Paul: What do you mean?

Christine: Michael had Fen arrested for pushing Jamie off the roof, remember? He insisted that his son be held accountable.

Paul: Well, Michael had no choice. He was the D.A. and when Jamie admitted that he'd lied, Michael felt terrible about not giving Fen the benefit of the doubt. I mean, essentially, Michael was going through what I'm going through now.

Christine: And this is his way to make up for it?

Paul: No. Michael is Fen's father. And now he has no public responsibility. He can do whatever he feels is necessary to protect his son. And you know as well as I do that Fen will be swallowed up by the system and he will not survive in prison.

Christine: Michael did. Turned his whole life around.

Paul: That was different. Michael was much older. He was well-educated. He was a professional. You know, and underneath that polished veneer, Michael is tough as nails. Fen's not gonna do well behind bars. Trust me.

Christine: Well, you know what? Maybe this is the ultimate wake-up call. I mean, clearly rehab didn't help. And according to Lauren, Fen was high the night of the murder.

Paul: Did he say that or just her?

Christine: Fen admitted that that's why it took him so long to come forward. He didn't even remember shooting Carmine.

Paul: [Sighs] Maybe he didn't remember because he didn't shoot Carmine. You know, Michael has just as many reasons to lie for Lauren.

Guard: Time's up.

Lauren: My husband has been injured. Why was he not taken to the infirmary?

Guard: The prisoner hasn't requested medical attention.

Lauren: That is outrageous! He has clearly been beaten! I am not leaving here until he is being seen by a doctor!

Michael: Lauren, it's gonna be all right.

Lauren: No, it's not gonna be all right. None of this is all right! And if you're not gonna protect yourself, then I'm gonna have to do it for you.

Michael: Please, just don't. Promise me. Lauren! Promise me you're not gonna do anything! Lauren! Promise!

Nick: I'm not worried about it, Sharon. You'd have to be pretty far gone not to be there for our kids. I know if Noah ever got into trouble, you would be there with some good advice.

Sharon: Thanks. But when I think about all the things he's done for me, advice doesn't even begin to pay him back.

Nick: No doubt about it. Our son is a great kid.

Sharon: You know, he even offered to watch Faith for me today when I couldn't find a sitter. I didn't have to reschedule my therapy appointment. I mean, he's just been so supportive.

Nick: That's 'cause he loves you, no matter what happens. It's not gonna change.

Sharon: Well, given how many mistakes I've made, it's nice for me. It's a relief to look at Noah and know that there's one thing I really did right.

Nick: Well, he's got a great head on his shoulders, largely because of you. So don't worry about him.

Sharon: Well, I can't help it when Victor's involved.

Nick: Yeah, I hear you. But, Sharon, it's his life, and we have to stand back and let our son have room to live it.

Courtney: Hey.

Noah: Got my text?

Courtney: Yeah, you said you had big news?

Noah: Hmm.

Courtney: Hold on. Let me guess. For Halloween, you're going as a guy who's in desperate need of a kiss?

Noah: [Chuckles]

Courtney: Good costume.

Noah: Well, my news does have to do with dressing up. I, uh -- I gave my dad my two weeks' notice. I'm officially trading in my T-shirts for a suit and a tie.

Courtney: Really? Well, I happen to think that you look incredibly hot in one certain dark gray suit.

Noah: [Chuckles]

Courtney: Not just saying that 'cause I gave it to you.

Noah: Uh-huh.

Courtney: Noah, really, you were born to be a business mogul.

Noah: Well, I'm glad you think so, because my folks are not too wild about the idea.

Courtney: Your dad wasn't too happy when Summer decided to put college on hold, either, but, I mean, she did anyway, and now she's having a blast being a model.

Noah: True.

Courtney: You want to know what I think?

Noah: Hmm?

Courtney: I think that you should stop being worried about what everyone else wants and do what makes you happy.

Noah: That makes me happy.

Cane: I don't see Neil anywhere. You see him?

Lily: No. He must have hit traffic.

Cane: Do you want to wait for him, or do you want to start?

Lily: I'm sure he'll call when he gets here.

Cane: Okay. All right. Now, what do you guys want to do first?

Mattie: I want to go to jump!

Charlie: I want to go to bumper cars!

Cane: This is not like going to the amusement park with Uncle Devon, okay? See, the line's gonna get long. If we don't figure out what we want to do now, we won't have a chance to do anything.

Lily: Okay, how about this? How about we split up, and that way the kids can do everything they want before it gets too late. Yeah?

Cane: Yeah? You sure?

Lily: Yeah, I'll take Mattie to the bouncing house, and Charlie can go to bumper cars.

Mattie: I want to do both.

Lily: Oh, of course you do. Well, we're gonna try, okay? So, you ready?

Cane: You ready?

Lily: On your mark, get set, go!

Cane: [Exhales sharply]

Hilary: I've been abusive, to put it mildly. Violating your privacy, tormenting you online, trying to turn the people that you care about against you. I realize how vicious I've been. And your family, they -- they didn't deserve that.

Neil: Um, Hilary, let me -- let me ask you something. When -- when you came up with this plan, what were you hoping it would accomplish?

Hilary: Honestly? All I cared about for years, all I could think about, was how to inflict maximum pain. I was...I was so caught up in my grief, I just wanted you to hurt the way that I did. But it didn't work. Didn't bring you down. It only brought me down. And it didn't bring my mom back or make this -- this ache in my heart go away.

Neil: Yeah. Hilary. Nothing will. That ache that you're talking about, it's always gonna be there. You know, I think it's nature's way of making sure that we never forget about the people that we've lost. I might have told you this. A few days before I met your mother, my -- my wife had died. I'm still not fully healed. But after awhile, I-I guess I learned to live with it.

Hilary: How?

Neil: By making peace -- making peace with what happened. Maybe it's why I was so affected when I found out about what happened to your mother. You know, I thought I had put my wife's death behind me and moved on. But hearing about Rose's death, it -- it brought me back to that place. Hilary. I'll always regret leaving your mother... alone... passed out in that motel room. I'm sorry.

Hilary: Neil. I forgive you. Okay? Maybe it's time you forgive yourself.

Paul: No, I understand, but the sooner, the better. All right. Thanks. Forensics will have a report on my desk sometime tomorrow.

Christine: Tomorrow?

Paul: Yeah.

Christine: Aha. That is the universe telling you to take the rest of the night off, that there is nothing more you can do here this evening.

Paul: Oh, I like the way you think, Mrs. Williams.

Christine: Let's go.

Paul: Wait. I got to drop this off.

Christine: Okay.

Lauren: Oh, thank God you guys are here. I need your help.

Paul: Why? What's wrong?

Lauren: I just came from seeing Michael. And it seems that some of the inmates recognized him and decided to welcome him with their fists.

Christine: Oh, how bad was it?

Lauren: It's bad. I mean, he's got cuts and bruises, and he has broken ribs. He refuses to report it.

Paul: Right. Well, talking will only make matters worse for him.

Lauren: He's stuck on a cell block with people at he helped put there. I mean, is there anything that you can do to help?

Christine: I was worried that something like this might happen, so I made a few calls around the time of the sentencing, and I've tried to move him to a more secure cell block.

Lauren: Okay, good, good. When is that gonna happen?

Christine: I haven't had an answer yet. Look, sometimes they're helpful. Sometimes they aren't. The best we can do is try.

Lauren: We've got to do something. I mean, we've got to help Michael.

Raven: Good news. I can get you that other stuff tonight. In the meantime, I was holding out on you. This should tide you over.

Fenmore: Watch it! Courtney and Noah are right over there. You trying to get me busted?

Raven: [Chuckles] Don't worry about Courtney. She's one of my biggest customers.

Noah: What's wrong?

Courtney: Nothing. Um, I was just thinking I'm being such a horrible friend. I mean, we're here celebrating after you take this big step in life, at a coffee shop?

Noah: No, it's cool.

Courtney: I have something better in mind. Come on.

Sharon: Faith! Daddy's down here waiting to go trick-or-treating! Here she is.

Nick: Wow! Look at you! You are the prettiest princess I've ever seen in my life. And what's wrong?

Faith: I can't find my wand.

Sharon: Oh, well, that's around here somewhere.

Nick: She's gonna find it. All right. Let's go over the ground rules for tonight. Once we drive into town, when the car stops, we're not just gonna jet out of the car. All right? Daddy will walk around the vehicle and escort you out, okay? When we cross the street, we're gonna hold hands the whole time and look both ways, like, twice. Okay? And if you ever get separated from me for any reason, you go to the nearest phone, and you call...

Faith: 911. I know, Dad. I'm not a baby.

Nick: I know you're not. But it helps to have a reminder.

Sharon: Okay! Here it is. You left it in the den.

Nick: All right.

Sharon: Have fun tonight.

Faith: You're not coming with us?

Sharon: Well, I thought you were overdue for some daddy/daughter time. So I'll see you in the morning, okay? Give me a kiss. [Smooches] Have fun.

Nick: All right, Princess. Let's go conjure up some candy.

Sharon: Yeah.

Nick: The wings!

Sharon: Have fun! Get a lot of candy! And be safe.

Nick: Good night.

Sharon: Good night.

Cassie: Seriously, Mom?

Sharon: What?

Cassie: You are so close to having everything you want. You can't give up now. Faith gave you the perfect opening, a reason to spend time with the family. Why didn't you take it?

Sharon: I want Nick in my life. But if I come on too strong or I try to manipulate him, Nick will see right through it. And then he'll resent me and then I'll lose him as a friend, and I don't want that.

Cassie: Dad said that he will always love you.

Sharon: As the mother of his children. He also said that we would never be together again.

Cassie: He has said that before! It never lasts. If it did, Faith wouldn't be here.

Sharon: No, Cassie, it was wrong to try to live in the past.

Cassie: Why? You and Dad were so happy back then. You know that you could be again. Don't you?

Courtney: [Laughs] I cannot believe that you just shrieked that loud.

Noah: Uh, what? No. Hey, that wasn't me. Guys don't shriek.

Courtney: Oh, yeah, you're right. Because little girls do, and that's exactly what you sounded like when that zombie jumped out at you.

Noah: Okay, I may have yelled...

Courtney: Oh. Mm-hmm.

Noah: ...A little bit to, you know, warn you of impending danger.

Courtney: Mm-hmm.

Noah: But no, there was no shrieking of any kind.

Courtney: Please, Noah. You were terrified. It was a haunted maze for little kids, and you freaked out, Dude.

Noah: The guy had a chainsaw! Who wouldn't be scared?

Courtney: I don't know, but you probably should have just let me go in first.

Noah: Well, that wouldn't have been very chivalrous of me.

Courtney: I could have protected you from all the fake ghouls and goblins.

Noah: I didn't shriek.

Courtney: Oh, but you did. And it was adorable.

Neil: It takes a big person to admit when they're wrong. To ask for forgiveness on top of that, it says a lot about your character.

Hilary: I doubt my mother would be too proud of the way that I've handled things.

Neil: But you know what? I mean, this -- this right here, right now, you're making amends now. You know, you're trying to change your life for the better. That's, uh, step nine.

Hilary: My mom used to have the 12 steps posted on our fridge.

Neil: Yeah. Did she? You remember the last one?

Hilary: "Practice the steps by helping others."

Neil: I'd like to help you. How would you feel about coming to work for me?

Sharon: Seeing my kids happy is more than enough for me.

Cassie: No. I don't believe that any more than you do.

Sharon: Cassie, Sweetheart, listen to me. These past few months have been wrong. I've done some bad things to try to recapture something that I could probably never have back.

Cassie: How do you know?!

Sharon: Because you're not really here. All of those happy moments I've been remembering, they all include you. I miss the four of us together as a family, and I've clung to your memory when I probably should have let you go a long time ago.

Cassie: You need me.

Sharon: I need to get better. And now that I'm on my medication, I've been seeing less and less of you. After awhile, I probably won't see you anymore.

Cassie: Aren't you gonna miss me?

Sharon: More than words can say.

Cassie: I'll always be here when you need me.

Nick: Is there anything better than hot chocolate on a chilly night? You know what? After this, we're gonna go over to Grandma and Grandpa's for a sleepover. How's that sound? Hey. You still thinking about those kids with the gruesome masks?

Faith: One of them had an axe in his head, Daddy.

Nick: I know. But it was pretend, right? It's all pretend. But I thought those guys were jerks running around frightening the little kids. You know, it's okay to be scared. Doesn't mean you're a baby. I'm scared of a few things. I'm scared of clowns. They freak me out. And flying monkeys. Tornados. Pretty scary, right? And those spiders with the longlegs that can crawl up and get you right -- ow! But you know what I'm most afraid of? Is that you're gonna grow up too fast and then you're not gonna need daddy anymore.

Faith: I'm only four feet tall.

Nick: Well, yeah, but you're like -- you're like this now, all right? I mean, last summer, you were like this. You're that much bigger now. And I know you can't wait to get, you know, really big. But if you want to stay daddy's little girl forever, I'm cool with that. Come here. Mwah. Oh, thank you.

Neil: You guys have the greatest costumes I've ever seen in my whole life! I'm serious! Your mama did such an amazing job.

Lily: Oh, thank you.

Mattie: I want to get taffy apples.

Neil: You do, huh?

Cane: Hmm...okay.

Neil: Go on.

Cane: All right. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Okay. Wait, wait. That's for you. And that's for you. Hey! Wait, wait, wait, wait. Give it to the lady over there, and don't forget to get your change!

Lily: Stay where we can see you.

Neil: Yeah, be careful!

Lily: Thank you. So, we thought that you'd be here awhile ago. Is everything okay?

Neil: Hilary actually asked to see me.

Cane: Please don't tell me you went.

Lily: Yeah, what did she threaten to blackmail you with this time?

Neil: Nothing. She wanted to apologize.

Cane: Why? She didn't try that angle before?

Lily: Yeah, then she turned around and fed everything you said to a reporter.

Neil: You know what? I-I truly believe that she regrets everything she put our family through.

Cane: All right, let me tell you, that woman regrets nothing.

Neil: I understand why you're so skeptical about it. I do. But I believe truly in my heart that she's sincere. And I hope that you'll give her a chance to make amends. 'Cause I don't want any tension at the workplace.

Lily: Why would there be?

Neil: I offered Hilary a job at Jabot.

Cane: [Sighs]

Lily: What?! Okay, well, you can accept my resignation, because there is no way I am working anywhere near that witch.

Hilary: [Sobs] [Sighs] [Sobbing]

[Door opens]

Michael: What are you doing here? What's going on? Is Lauren -- is Fenmore --

Christine: They're both fine. And I think they'll rest easier knowing that you're gonna be safe.

Michael: What are you talking about?

Christine: I've arranged to have you moved to a safer part of the prison. With the informants.

Michael: Oh. [Sighs] What? Do you expect me to thank you for painting an even bigger target on my back?

Christine: No one violent can get to you there. There's tighter security. Very few inmates have access.

Michael: I have a bad feeling about this, Christine. A bad feeling.

Christine: Well, it's better than sleeping with one eye open, right? Under the circumstances, I'd say this is a good thing.

Lauren: Thank God Chris was able to get Michael's transfer approved for tonight.

Paul: Well, you know, she's been working on it for some time.

Lauren: I know. I know. I'm just very grateful -- what's going on here? I was told that Fen's confession was not grounds for arrest!

Paul: It's not.

Lauren: Well, then why is he here?!

Paul: Kelly arrested him near GCU. Possession with intent to sell.

Fenmore: It looks like I'm going to prison after all.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victor: I want you to find the person responsible for Delia Abbott's death.

Avery: You used me, Nikki. In fact, you're still doing it right now.

Nick: What's going on here?

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