Y&R Transcript Monday 10/21/13

Y&R Transcript Monday 10/21/13


Episode # 10269 ~ Alex & Paul investigate the vehicle that hit Delia; Chloe & Billy give away Delia's organs.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Dylan: [Sighs] Okay.

Man: I'm looking for Dylan McAvoy.

Dylan: That'd be me.

Man: I have a letter for you.

Dylan: Oh. Okay.

Man: Sign here, please.

Dylan: Uh... there you go.

Avery: Let me know what his clerk says, and we'll go from there. Thanks, Leslie.

Nick: Avery?

Avery: Hi.

Nick: Hey.

Avery: It's a good morning for a run.

Nick: Yes, it is. You got to get out like this while you still can.

Avery: Well, I-I shouldn't keep you.

Nick: Yeah. I should go.

Avery: Actually, um, hold on. You know, we're gonna run into each other like this all the time, and are we really gonna talk about the weather? Because that's just weird.

Nick: Yeah, it is. I mean, I don't know how we should --

Avery: I know. And m-maybe it's a lot to ask, but...do you think we could be friends?

Chelsea: Adam! Adam?

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: Have you been awake all night?

Adam: No. Is the baby up?

Chelsea: Not yet. You look terrible.

Adam: Thank you. Must be the lighting.

Chelsea: Were you crying? Adam, I know you better than almost anyone, and this isn't like you. You're a wreck. What is going on?

Paul: The driver who killed Delia Abbott -- where do things stand?

Alex: Um, all right. We got surveillance footage from every security camera within a 30-minute window of the crime scene. I got a team working on it, looking for black SUVs. Now, if the witness who came in last night is right, then that's the vehicle we're looking for.

Paul: Okay. What about garages, body shops?

Alex: We sent out an alert to the city, suburbs. If someone comes in with any recent front-end damage, they're instructed to contact us.

Paul: Okay.

Nikki: Paul. When you have a second, I need to talk to you.

Alex: I...have to make phone calls.

Paul: Sure. I am so sorry about Delia.

Nikki: Please tell me that you're close to finding her killer. Her parents are in hell. They need justice for their little girl.

Billy: I assume you're here to talk about Delia and how I left her alone in the car... let her run off when I wasn't looking. You want to let me have it? That's fine. I deserve it. But I promise you you can't say anything to me I haven't said about myself a thousand times already.

Chloe: [Scoffs] I doubt that very much.

Victoria: Chloe --

Chloe: No. I am just still so angry that I don't even want to be here, okay? I don't even want to look at you!

Billy: Then why did you come?

Chloe: Because Kevin said that I should come here and that I should learn how to deal with you. He thinks it's the only way that I can move forward.

Billy: So are you saying you want to forgive me?

Nick: Friends. Wow. That's, uh -- that's some heavy stuff first thing in the morning.

Avery: I know. And maybe it's too much to ask, but... you know, maybe you could just think about it.

Nick: Well, you were right, you know. We were really good friends at one point.

Avery: And it would be a shame to lose all that. You know, we've shared so much together.

Nick: Which is why I don't know... how we could do that -- just go back to being friends.

Paul: We are working on this case nonstop. Every cop on this force is trying to find the person who was driving that car and see him locked up for leaving the scene.

Nikki: [Sighs] Oh, another tragic car accident. [Voice breaking] Another little girl lost.

Paul: I'm sure this has to bring back a lot of painful memories for you.

Nikki: Oh, my God. Delia was such a delight. I loved that child. [Sighs] But that's nothing compared to what Billy and Chloe are going through, and Victoria. She loved that child as her own.

Paul: No, I know. It's -- it's such a waste. I mean, even if we do find the driver, the fact is, Delia's gone.

Nikki: Losing a child can haunt you forever... in ways that you never could predict.

Chloe: Forgive you. I can't even look at you.

Billy: Okay. Then how do we go from here, huh? Our lives have been so entwined for so long. What do we do, huh? See each other on the street, and we ignore each other? Should I stop getting my coffee at Crimson Lights? I imagine you'll stop coming to my restaurant. Who gets GCAC? How do you want to do this?

Chloe: Oh, I'm sorry. Is this a joke to you?!

Billy: Yes. [Sighs]

Victoria: Of course it's not a joke. Billy is devastated. We all are.

Chloe: [Crying] Really? Do you know what it's like to lose a child? You still have your little boy, and I-I... just a few hours ago, I was watching a happy, little child onstage in front of an audience of people. And, suddenly, she is gone! And I have a person asking me what I'm supposed to do with my child! So don't you dare tell me how devastated you are!

Adam: I guess I'm just still not 100%.

Chelsea: Yeah, I noticed. So...why? What's eating you alive like this?

Adam: I don't know. I'm a father now. I guess everything's different.

Chelsea: So this is all about Connor?

Adam: What else?

Chelsea: Adam, I know how worried you've been. But the last thing I knew of, you were rushing off to meet with the black-market donor about finding some corneas. So what happened? Did the meeting go badly? Did he say he couldn't help us?

Adam: No, no. The meeting went fine. It's just something that happened afterwards. I ran into Billy. He was out at the park. He was all alone... just wandering around in the middle of the night.

Chelsea: He was in really bad shape at the hospital. I-I hope you didn't start anything with him.

Adam: He wanted to... rip off anyone's head that would come near him, understandably. I just told him... how sorry I was and that I felt awful, and then I left.

Chelsea: Good.

Adam: Yeah. Good. And not so good. Can't stop thinking about this guy. He's...he's a young dad. He's... got a little girl, and... then he loses her. I get to come home here, and... my baby is safe and warm. It's not fair.

Chelsea: Delia's death, uh -- I guess it hit you harder than you expected.

Adam: More than you know.

[Cell phone rings]

Adam: Hello. Yeah. What's his name? Right now? Okay. Okay. That was the guy.

Chelsea: Who?

Adam: The guy that I met with. He's got corneas lined up for a transplant.

Chelsea: That fast?

Adam: Uh, money talks. He's got a surgeon at Memorial, and we can go meet with him right now.

Chelsea: N-now.

Adam: Yeah. Let's get the baby, and let's --

Chelsea: Wait, wait, wait. I'm not sure this is a good idea.

Alex: Okay. Enhance that one. See if you can get a license-plate number. [Sighs]

[Keyboard clacking]

Paul: All this stress isn't good for you, Nikki -- Delia's death, not to mention the other issue you're dealing with.

Nikki: Thank you. You know, after you and I talked last night, I just couldn't stop thinking about Dylan, so... I went and saw him at Crimson Lights.

Paul: You did? I mean to --

Nikki: To tell him. Yeah.

Paul: Well, what happened? How did it go?

Nikki: Well... we were talking, and I started to open up to him. I was this close to telling him I was his mother.

Paul: What stopped you?

Nikki: Victor. I had gotten a little emotional, and Victor walked in and misunderstood the situation. He blamed Dylan for upsetting me, and then he tore into him about Avery and Nicholas.

Paul: And I don't suppose you could get Victor to back off.

Nikki: Oh, no. No. The moment was gone.

Paul: I'm sorry about that. Talk about bad timing, huh?

Nikki: Well, yes. Maybe. Or maybe it was the universe jumping in, just telling me to stop, because, obviously, I haven't thought this whole thing through properly. I-I could tell that by the way Victor reacted. I mean, what if I had told Dylan that I was his mother right before he got the news about Delia? That would have been too much for him.

Paul: Well, I guess the good news is, if you do decide to tell Dylan at some point, you can choose your moment, whenever you're ready.

Nikki: I don't know. The more I think about it... the more I'm not sure if I ever will be.

Dylan: Uh, sorry to interrupt. I was just taking a walk. Go ahead.

Nick: No, it's -- it's cool. I got to get another mile in before I go home, anyway. Bye.

Avery: So, are you upset with me about last night?

Dylan: Uh, why would I be upset?

Avery: Well, because I came by when you were closing, and then I made a dumb excuse, and I left right away.

Dylan: Uh, you thought you were ready to talk, but you weren't. It's okay.

Avery: Then why are you upset? Okay. You know what? It's none of my business.

Dylan: No, it's totally your business. And there's no other lawyer I'd rather share this with.

Adam: Why would you hesitate for even one second if this transplant can save our son's eyes?

Chelsea: I just -- I -- I just wish we had a better option.

Adam: And that's supposed to mean what?

Chelsea: I told you. I want to do this the right way.

Adam: Through proper channels?

Chelsea: Yes!

Adam: Well, we don't ha-- you want to -- you want to take a chance? You want to just wait and hope that maybe corneas come available at the right time? Our son is going blind, and I'm not taking that chance. I know about the pediatric ophthalmologists at this hospital, and I know about this guy. And I'm telling you, he's not some second-rate hatchet-job doctor that's gonna cut him up on a kitchen table.

Chelsea: I'm not saying --

Adam: Then what's the problem?

Chelsea: The problem is this whole black-market organ thing! What kind of surgeon would agree to work with these people? [Sighs] I just -- I just think that Dr. Lintz should do the procedure. Don't you want that, too?

Adam: He's probably not gonna want to deal with these corneas.

Chelsea: Exactly! And why is that? Because it's illegal, Adam!

Adam: But the guy that's doing it is not some hack! I've told you that! He's done dozens of procedures!

Chelsea: Then why is he doing this kind of stuff?

Adam: I assume it's for the money, but that doesn't change the point, okay? This guy is gonna be fine. I would not trust my son and his eyesight to some idiot doctor. Do you understand me? Look up his background. On the drive over to the hospital, to quell your fears, look that up. But I want you to ask yourself one question. In the end, our son can have a transplant to save his eyesight. Do you want that to happen or not?

Chelsea: Of course I do.

Adam: Then let's go get our son ready, and let's get the hell over to the hospital.

Billy: You don't need to yell at her like that. Yell at me. I made the mistake.

Victoria: Billy, its okay.

Chloe: There's absolutely no way that we're gonna be able to have a relationship after what you did. [Crying] I want you out of my life. And you have no say in how I choose to bury my kid.

Billy: She's my daughter.

Chloe: Oh, well, you lost that right when you left her alone in the car.

Victoria: Billy, she doesn't mean it, okay? She's just grieving. It's not your fault. It's not your fault. Where are you going?

Billy: I'm gonna go take care of my little girl.

Avery: Okay. There may be a loophole we can exploit.

Dylan: To do what?

Avery: To allow you to be part of Connor's life, if that's what you want. Do you?

Dylan: What's done is done. I could fight, but what good would that do anyone?

Avery: Are you worried about Adam and his resources?

Dylan: No. No, the only thing that matters is Connor. I mean, I don't want to bring more suffering into his life. It's bad enough he's losing his eyesight. He doesn't need two dads fighting over him.

Avery: You're a good guy. You know that?

Dylan: Yeah. Must be why...good things keep happening to me.

Avery: [Sighing] Well... yeah, the last year has been a roller coaster for you, hasn't it?

Dylan: It hasn't been much easier for you.

Avery: Oh. Thanks for reminding me. You know, I wish I could turn the clock back. There's a lot I would do differently.

Dylan: If -- if I recall, I was the one who suggested we push the reset button.

Avery: You did.

Dylan: Only now, I realize I wouldn't -- I wouldn't want to. I mean, if this year had never happened, I would have missed out on a lot of things. But mostly... I never would have known what it was like to be a dad.

Nikki: I want to get to know Dylan a little bit better. The little I have spoken to him, I-I like him. I think he's a good person. But if I were to start insinuating myself and asking questions, I would know what's going through my mind, and I would shut that down pretty darn quick.

Paul: You know, Nikki... if you really want to get to know your son, you'll figure out a way to make it happen.

Nikki: Yeah, and then I'll blurt the whole thing out one day, and it'll all fall apart.

Paul: Oh, you don't know that.

Nikki: Well, based on our conversation last night, it's obvious he has no idea he's adopted. I would be the one telling him that the mother who raised him kept a lie her entire life. I would be the one telling him he has a whole other family he never knew existed!

Paul: Okay, we have been all over this. You can paint any picture you want in your head.

Nikki: [Sighs]

Paul: But you'll never know the reality... until you decide to tell him the truth.

Nikki: I just think it's too big of a risk. I think the best thing for everybody is to forget all about it and act like I never found out.

Paul: Oh, and you think you can make that happen? I mean, Dylan lives right here in Genoa City. I don't think you're going to be able to avoid him. In fact, I think you're going to be drawn to him. You won't be able to help yourself.

Nikki: [Sighing] Oh, God. I don't know what to do. Last night, I was so upset, especially with Victor's reaction, I-I-I-I couldn't even drive home. I-I just drove around, trying to clear my thoughts.

[Knock on door]

Paul: Yeah, come in.

Nikki: Oh, I'm sorry. I should go.

Paul: I will call you later, all right?

Nikki: Yeah, all right. Uh, excuse me.

Alex: Bye. Yeah.

Paul: What do you got?

Alex: We're running plates.

Paul: Did you find the car?

Alex: Maybe. A camera picked up an S.U.V. just a few miles from the crime scene. It was going in the right direction. The timeframe works, too.

Paul: All right. Good work, Alex. So, before the morning's out, we could have our man.

Adam: Have the corneas been delivered?

Dr. March: I'm having them tested now. Be right back.

Adam: So, you feel better now that you met the guy?

Chelsea: Mm, you were right about Dr. March's credentials. I'm just kind of stunned that he can get away with using corneas from off the grid. [Sighs shakily]

Adam: Well, I'm sure he doesn't make a habit of it. I wouldn't even think of doing this if I felt like it weren't safe for him.

Chelsea: I know all that, Adam. I just --

Connor: [Fusses]

Chelsea: I think I was kind of thrown off guard before.

Adam: My mom spent her entire life in darkness. I was blind for several months. I'm not gonna let that happen to him.

Victoria: Hi.

Nick: Hey.

Victoria: I used your spare key. I hope you don't mind.

Nick: Of course not. What's going on? Why are you here so early?

Victoria: [Voice breaking] I have some news. And I just wanted to tell you in person. [Sobbing]

Chloe: Did you not hear me earlier when I said that I didn't want you here?

Billy: She's my kid, too. You do not get to dictate what I can and cannot do.

Chloe: Hi. Um, you must be with the hospital. I think I spoke with you earlier. My name's Chloe Fisher.

Mary: Mary Herndon. I am so very sorry for your loss.

Chloe: Thank you. Um, uh, so, I-I understand that there are some forms that I need to sign.

Mary: Yes. I know you decided against donation.

Billy: I haven't decided against anything.

Chloe: Well, you lost that right when you left your daughter in the car. Um... yeah, um... the corneas -- um... that's not gonna be happening. So, I-I just want to know when she's gonna be released.

Mary: She'll be moved to the funeral home today.

Billy: Don't do that. Don't you talk about my daughter like she's a piece of furniture. She's not a body to be moved or stored. She's our daughter. You hear that? She is our daughter.

Avery: I know how much it meant to you to be a father. I'm sorry that was taken from you.

Dylan: Well...what just happened to Billy Abbott kind of, you know, puts everything in perspective.

Avery: Why? What happened to Billy?

Dylan: His little girl with Chloe -- she was killed.

Avery: Oh, my God. Delia? When?

Dylan: Yeah. It was last night. It was a hit-and-run.

Avery: I had no idea.

Dylan: It's been all over the news. It's just crazy.

Avery: I haven't -- I've been working, and with everything going on lately, I haven't -- oh, my God. That family, what they must be going through --

Dylan: Exactly. Exactly. And as tough as it's been giving up Connor... uh, he's alive. He's giving joy to Chelsea, at least. Maybe we should change the subject.

Avery: Oh, come on. Listen. Please, don't minimize what happened, okay? Yes, I had a miscarriage, and it was a devastating experience. But it does not compare to what Chloe and Billy are going through right now.

Dylan: Yeah. Plenty of pain to go around, I guess. I just --

Avery: I know. You're trying to protect me. I know.

Dylan: It seems like so many people have lost so much. I just want to hold on tight to the people I care about.

Avery: I know you do, but... it's like you said. We can't press a reset button. So much has happened. We're different people now.

Dylan: Well, I'd like to get to know this woman better. Hi. I'm Dylan.

Avery: [Chuckles] Hi. I'm Avery. [Laughs]

Victoria: [Crying] And it just doesn't seem real.

Nick: And it won't...

Victoria: [Sniffles]

Nick: ...For a long time.

Victoria: [Breathing shakily] I'll never forget the last time I saw her. [Crying] It was right before she left for the play. [Sniffles] And she was so excited to wear her costume and to be the wicked witch. [Sobs] You should have heard her laugh. [Chuckles] She practiced it...in the bath, at the breakfast table. She knew every line of her script... [Sniffles] ...Practically the day after she got it. [Chuckles] I was so disappointed that I missed the play. Billy and I decided that we were gonna throw a party for her. [Sniffles] I put up the balloons. I made her a poster. [Sighs] And then, like a stupid idiot, I asked Billy to stop for ice cream on the way home! If -- if -- if they hadn't have stopped on that road, if they would have just come straight home --

Nick: Don't. Don't do that.

Victoria: [Sighs, sniffles]

Nick: Don't blame yourself. It's not gonna do anyone any good.

Victoria: [Sighs] Tell that to Billy. He's -- [Sighs] He's beating himself up for leaving Dee Dee in the car. And I just ache for him. I'm just -- I'm searching... for what to say to him. [Sighs] And I want to fall apart, but I don't want to do that in front of Billy.

Nick: That's understandable.

Victoria: I'm supposed to be the strong one...and to comfort him. It's just that everything I say seems to make everything worse.

Mary: I'll expedite things so you can proceed with your plans.

Billy: Thank you.

Chloe: You know, you got a hell of a nerve, showing up here, trying to act like a dad. I hate that your signature is on anything having to do with my daughter.

Billy: Chloe, you can hate me all you want. But I am done arguing with you. You're not shutting me out of this. So whatever arrangements need to be made, you and I -- we're gonna make them together.

Chloe: [Voice breaking] Really? So, would you like to suggest... how I should plan to bury my beautiful little girl?

Dr. March: [Sighs] The corneas aren't viable. I'm afraid we can't proceed with surgery.

Chelsea: No.

Adam: They're not viable?

Dr. March: They were preserved too long. I wouldn't recommend using them. I'm sorry.

Adam: No, no. Hey. I paid a lot of money for the promise that my son would get what he needs.

Chelsea: Adam, it is not his fault. Dr. March is not to blame for this. [Crying]

Adam: So if this guy's not to blame, then who is -- the dealer?

Chelsea: Going after the dealer is not gonna help Connor, Adam.

Adam: So tell me what will help him.

Avery: And here we are.

Dylan: Thanks -- uh, thanks for the help.

Avery: Oh, if there's anything else I can do --

Dylan: You've already helped plenty.

Avery: Well, Leslie is gonna be wondering where I am, so I will talk to you soon.

Dylan: Take care.

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Nikki: Morning.

Dylan: Uh, good morning. What can I get you?

Nikki: Um, hot tea, please.

Dylan: Uh, you like the... herbal.

Nikki: Good memory.

Dylan: Right. Well, I'm just surprised to see you again so soon. The tea here can't be that good, can it?

Nikki: No. I-I-I mean yes. I mean -- I mean, uh, th-that's not why I'm here. I need to talk to you.

Victoria: Billy's so overwhelmed. He just keeps leaving.

Nick: What do you mean?

Victoria: He took off from the hospital after Dee Dee. Jack's the one who found him. Then he went for another long walk after that. And then this morning, after Chloe came by in a rage, he just took off again, and he's not responding to any of my phone calls or my texts or anything!

Nick: I'm sorry this is so hard for you.

Victoria: It's just that I-I'm scared for him, you know? I'm scared. He's isolating himself, and I can feel him pulling away. And last night, he just -- he couldn't even bear to be around his son. And Chloe was just so hostile and resentful towards both of us, because we have another child.

Nick: Well, I mean, it's understandable that -- that she's not thinking clearly right now, but that's obviously not the right thing to do.

Victoria: Yeah. [Sighs] It's understandable. But, in a way, she's right. Billy has Johnny... just like you had Noah after Cassie died.

Nick: I never saw it that way. I mean, that didn't help at all... with the pain, when I lost Cassie.

Victoria: I just wish that Billy would hold Johnny... and just see how much he needs him.

Nick: I-it won't help. It won't.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Nick: Look, Delia has not been gone for 24 hours. Billy's in shock. And there's no magic cure-all for this. I promise you that. It's like -- do you remember when we thought Dad died... and that ache we felt? And it didn't go away until he came back to us. This is so much worse.

Victoria: Yeah, because Dee Dee had her whole life in front of her... because she's not coming back. [Sniffles]

Nick: Billy's child just passed away, and as a parent, there is nothing in the world worse... to go through. Uh, Billy's gonna have to find a way to deal with this... in his own time, in his own way. And as much as you love him and want to help him... Vick, the only thing that you can do for Billy is to just love him.

Billy: Damn it. Would you just stop?

Chloe: No, I'm not doing this, Billy!

Billy: And I'm not yelling at you down the hall.

Chloe: These are the rules. You don't call me. You don't text me. You don't interfere with the funeral arrangements, okay? I don't want to hear from you about anything.

Billy: I'm not done talking about this. We're not done talking.

Chelsea: [Sniffles]

Chloe: Hi, Chelsea. What are you doing here?

Chelsea: Um, uh, um, a-a doctor's appointment. You?

Billy: Paperwork.

Chelsea: Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. I-I won't keep you guys.

Chloe: No, we're done.

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Chloe: You were crying. What's going on?

Chelsea: No. Nothing. [Sniffles]

Chloe: Chelsea.

Chelsea: I-I don't want to burden you, Chloe.

Chloe: Is it Connor?

Victoria: Thank you for listening.

Nick: That's what I'm here for. Come here.

Victoria: [Sighs] Do you have any advice to help Billy?

Nick: His world has changed. People are gonna treat him differently. You don't do that, all right? You be yourself. You be this beautiful, amazing woman that he loves so much. And if you ever doubt what you're doing, then just trust your instincts. You and Billy are strong. Have faith in that. Hang on to what you have with everything you've got. You hang on to it for both of you. And if you do that... even in the darkest days... Billy will know that you're there for him. And he will be grateful.

Nikki: I just wanted to thank you for being so understanding last night. My husband was completely out of line. I apologize.

Dylan: He's just, uh, protective of his family. I understand that. My own mom and dad would have done anything to protect me, even as an adult. [Laughs] I can actually imagine my father doing the same, exact thing victor did last night. Anyway, uh, I have to get an order ready for one of my vendors.

Nikki: Sure. Uh, w-what do I owe you for the tea?

Dylan: Oh, no, no. It's on the house. Excuse me, will you?

Nikki: Sure. Thank you.

[Cell phone rings]

Avery: [Sighs] Avery Bailey Clark.

Nikki: Hi. It's Nikki Newman. I need to see you.

Alex: Hey.

Paul: Hey.

Alex: We got it.

Paul: [Sighs] You find a suspect? You get a hit on those plates?

Alex: Yeah. You might want to sit down for this. The black S.U.V. from last night is registered to Nikki Newman.

Adam: You know I don't do this. My mom went to church every Sunday... prayed every night before she went to sleep. But I never really saw the point in that. In the end, we're responsible for our own lives... what happens in our lives. And yet, here I am... talking to... thin air. I'm a terrible person. I've done terrible things. But what happened last night... so punish me. You hear that? Give me everything you got -- the worst possible... punishment, and do it 100 times over. But, please... please, do not punish my little boy.

Chloe: Did something happen with the baby? Is something going on?

Chelsea: We'll just talk another time.

Chloe: Chelsea. You're my best friend. Just tell me what's going on.

Billy: You know she's not gonna back off.

Chelsea: It turns out...Connor's eye disorder -- it's different than we thought. If left untreated, he'll go blind.

Billy: What's the treatment?

Chelsea: He needs a cornea transplant.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jill: My sweet, little Delia. I can't bear this.

Billy: Yeah, well, you won't be able to bear the fact that this is my fault.

Sharon: If you're drawn to Avery, you cannot give up.

Avery: Nick isn't already in your will?

Nikki: Not Nicholas. Um, my other son, Dylan McAvoy.

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