Y&R Transcript Friday 10/11/13
Episode # 10263 ~ A tragedy occurs.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Delia: Ice-cream place?
Billy: Yes, we are! And I will be back in a moment.
Delia: You're leaving me here all alone?
Billy: No, you're not alone. You've got Dash. And I'm gonna be in and out so fast, you won't even miss me.
Delia: I'll lock the doors.
Billy: Good girl. I'll be right back.
Delia: Dad! Wait! Can you get Dash some water? He looks a little firsty.
Billy: Oh, he's "firsty"? Okay. Yeah. So he can pee in my car. Sure. Whatever you want. I love you. Now get back inside and roll up the window.
Chelsea: Can't lose this, huh? [Sniffles] Oh, yeah. Everything's gonna be okay. [Voice breaking] Mommy and daddy are gonna take care of everything.
[Engine revs]
[Music blaring]
[Music stops]
Billy: [Humming]
[Dog barks, growls]
Delia: You really need to go, don't you, Boy?
[Dog barks]
Delia: Dash!
[Crickets chirping]
Delia: Dash! There you are! I was worried!
[Tires screech]
Delia: Dash!
[Tires screech]
Adam: [Sighs]
Billy: Hey! Dee! Dee Dee! Dee Dee, I told you to stay in the car! Delia! Delia! Dee Dee! Dee! Honey! Sweetheart, I'm not mad about the dog. Just -- you got to answer me, Sweetheart! Dee! Where are you? All right, Dee! I'm gonna count to three! One... two... Dee! Delia, where are you? Answer me! Delia! [Exhales sharply] No. No. No. No. Hey, Baby, Baby, I'm here. [Voice breaking] I'm here. Daddy's here. Help me! Help me! Are you okay? Are you okay? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No! Help me! And she's breathing, but she won't wake up. I don't know. I don't know. I-I-I found her on the side of the road. Look, listen to me. You tell them she's a little kid. She's just a little kid. So you need to get here now. How long's it gonna be? Five minutes? No, you need to be here now! Okay, Baby. I'm gonna keep you warm. And we're gonna talk. Help's gonna be here in five minutes, so you and I, we're gonna talk. You're gonna stay warm. [Exhales deeply] You need to answer me, Baby. Don't just listen to me. You need to answer me. Because if you open your eyes, we can go home. Victoria's got all the decorations up. We've got your party. We've got your ice cream. I know how much you like your ice cream. Victoria's probably wondering where we are right now. She wants to see you, okay? So open your eyes.
[Billy imagining]
Victoria: Okay. Where are you guys?
[Door opens]
Victoria: What -- what's wrong?
Billy: It didn't go so well.
Victoria: What happened?
Billy: [Sighs] It wasn't good. Wasn't good at all. It was great!
Victoria: [Gasps]
Billy: Presenting miss standing o herself, Miss Delia Abbott!
Victoria: Yay! [Laughs]
Billy: Whoo!
Delia: I was great!
Victoria: You were?!
Billy: The audience -- they laughed, they cried, they begged for more. You were the wickedest witch in the history of witchdom.
Victoria: Yes!
Delia: I did my bow just like this.
Victoria: Ooh! [Laughs] Okay, where's the video?
Billy: Yeah. [Clears throat] About that, it seems your daddy forgot to hit record. Sorry.
Both: What?!
Billy: I know. I know. Also, um... I kid. I kid. You get your acting buff from me. Oh, no! Are you gonna attack me now? You gonna gang up on me? Not funny. Not funny. How about I tell you what's not funny. How about I keep that ice cream all to myself?
Both: No.
Billy: No. Okay, then, tell you what. Go upstairs, put on your PJs, take that makeup off your face, and get ready for the biggest scoop of rocky road ice cream you've ever seen!
Victoria: Great! Sugar right before bed.
Billy: I'm telling you, that kid really did kill it up there on that stage.
Victoria: Oh, yeah, well, you're not biased at all.
Billy: Well, yeah, of course I'm biased. But, yo, she's the star. That's just how it is. We can't help that.
Victoria: Then it was a perfect night.
Billy: Well, you weren't there.
Victoria: Aww. But other than that, everything went as planned?
Billy: Yeah. I mean, well, there was this moment that was...
Victoria: What moment?
Billy: It was kind of scary. I was coming out of the market, and, uh...
Delia: Is my ice cream ready?
Victoria: What was scary?
Delia: 'Cause I'm really ready for ice cream here.
Billy: Well, then ice cream you shall have. Come here.
Victoria: Ice cream. Mmmm!
Billy: So, did you have fun?
Delia: I decided I want to be an actress when I grow up.
Victoria: You were gonna be a teacher.
Delia: That, too.
Billy: Yeah? How about a ballerina and a doctor?
Delia: Why not?
[Back to present]
Billy: Why not. That's right. It's a great, big world out there, Baby, that's all yours. You know that? It is all -- [Smooches] -- Yours. You can do anything you want. You've got such a great life ahead of you. So many standings O's. Whatever you want. It's all yours, baby. It's all yours. You're little, baby, but you're tough. You're the strongest little girl I ever met. And you're fierce. You're like your mom. And you, my baby, you've -- you've beat tougher things than this, and you're gonna beat this, too. You know why? Because our favorite holiday is right around the corner. Halloween. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. [Whispers] I already bought a big, fuzzy spider, and I'm gonna need you to distract Victoria for just long enough for me to put it in the right place. And when she sees it, she's gonna jump right out of her skin. It's gonna be so much fun. And then there's Thanksgiving, and then there's Christmas. And before you know it, it's gonna be spring. And we can take those training wheels off of your big-girl bike, and you can ride it all around summer, wherever you want. And then it's fall again. Time goes by so fast. But not for you, because you have so much ahead of you. You've got such a great life ahead of you.
[Billy imagining]
Victoria: Billy, there's a bike in the house.
Billy: Yeah, that'll happen.
Victoria: Are you pacing?
Billy: Nope, I'm not pacing.
Victoria: Stop obsessing.
Billy: I'm not obsessing!
Victoria: Good! You shouldn't. This is all perfectly normal.
Billy: But it's not right. This can't happen, not to Delia. She's too young.
Victoria: Okay, well, then you should've switched weekends with Chloe and let her deal with this.
Billy: No, no, no, no, no. Delia needs wise and calm, fatherly guidance to get her through this.
Victoria: Oh?
Billy: Yes, and I'm gonna have to do it in a pinch. Enh!
Delia: Dad! Vicki!
Billy: What's up, Dee?
Delia: Will you please ship Johnny off to boarding school until he's, like, 30?
Billy: Why? What'd he do now?
Delia: He's doing that stupid thing where he puts his arms around himself and pretends like he's making out.
Billy: Oh, you mean this. Oh, yeah, this is a classic. Mmmm!
Delia: Vicki!
Victoria: I don't know what to say. I mean, your father was already sent to boarding school.
Billy: Yes, where I learned how to do this.
Victoria: Ugh, stop.
Billy: Come on. What's up? Why you letting it bother you?
Delia: He's also singing [Sing-song voice] "Dee has a date, Dee has a date." [Normal voice] I swear, it Johnny messes up tonight for me, I will punt him over the hedge. I'm serious.
Billy: I know you are. But, you know, there's an easy way to fix this. Cancel the date.
Delia: Dad!
Victoria: Okay! I'm gonna talk to Johnny! I will talk to Johnny. You talk to your sister about leaving her bike in the house.
Delia: I will. Why does she do that? These little kids are so weird.
Billy: Oh, you were weird, too, my little daughter. Always carrying around Pinkerton pony.
Delia: I wasn't weird. I was adorable.
Billy: [Chuckles]
Delia: You told me many times.
Billy: Yeah, well, I'll tell you that again, too, tonight if you want. Just cancel your date. Let's have a little Delia and daddy time. I'll take you to dinner. I'll take you to that movie that what's-his-name's taking you to. Jeremy?
Delia: Jason. And you know I'm going to the movies with him.
Billy: So, what's this kid like? I mean, what are his plans?
Delia: He's 15 years old. He plans on finishing the ninth grade.
Billy: Jim Bob doesn't exactly set the bar high, does he?
Delia: You're insane. And it's Jason. Can you just please stay in the kitchen when he gets here?
Billy: No way, José. This is my house.
Delia: Then can you try not to embarrass me?
Billy: Can't promise you that, not with this family.
Delia: Why are you doing this?
Billy: Because it's my job.
Delia: Dad, please.
Billy: Dee! I love you -- [Smooches] -- So much. So much that it's my sole purpose in this life to keep you safe from little monsters like Jerome.
Delia: It's Jason! And you're demented. I have to change.
Billy: Mnh!
Delia: Make him stop.
Victoria: I talked to your brother.
Delia: No! I mean Dad!
Billy: What?
Victoria: Just let her enjoy herself. Come on!
Billy: Boys are the enemy. And this is war.
Victoria: Okay, you were a boy once.
Billy: Exactly! And Dee Dee is not much younger than I was when I got caught underage drinking and ended up passing out in the snow with alcohol poisoning, and that was just the first of my many, many, many wayward ways. I was a menace, and it's my job, nay, it is my mission to protect her from guys like me!
Victoria: You need to trust her to make smart choices. And you also need to trust that you've been a really good father.
Billy: It's just hard, Vick. I mean, after she got sick, I promised her that I wouldn't let anything hurt her again. I've got to protect her, you know. She's my daughter.
Victoria: Listen, take it from a woman whose father is still trying to protect her. It's just counterproductive.
Billy: Are you comparing me to Victor? That's not good.
Victoria: Ooh.
Delia: How do you I look?
Billy: Oh, Baby, you are killing me here. You are so beautiful.
Delia: Are you gonna be okay, Dad?
Billy: Yeah, I'm gonna be okay. You have fun tonight, Dee Dee.
Delia: Thanks.
Victoria: I think your shirt is very pretty.
Delia: The colors match Jason's new tattoo.
Billy: Wait, what did you just say to me?
Delia: And, Daddy, please don't make fun of Jason's lisp. He just got a new tongue piercing, and he's not used to it yet.
Billy: Tongue? That boy's got a hole and metal in his tongue?
[Doorbell rings]
Victoria: I'm gonna get that.
Billy: No, you're not.
Victoria: I will get that!
Billy: No, it's my house! It's my house! I'm getting it! I'm getting it!
Delia: No!
Billy: No, you little ink boy, there is no way in --
Jason: Hi, Mr. Abbott. I'm Jason.
Billy: Of course you are.
Jason: The movie ends at 10:00. Is 11:00 okay to have Dee home?
Billy: Yeah. 11:00. That's great. Thank you, Jason.
Delia: Thanks. Night, Daddy. [Smooches]
Billy: Wait. Jason? Let me see your tongue.
Delia: Gotcha, Dad.
Billy: Hey! You -- she got me.
Victoria: Yeah, she did. You got exactly the daughter you deserve.
[Back to present]
Billy: [Sighs] I don't know about that part -- deserving you... because you, my baby girl, are one in a million. And nobody gets to me like you. And nobody gets to me. So we're gonna get through this -- tonight, your first date, your second, a million other nights, because you and I, we can beat anything. You know why? Because I'm always gonna be here for you. And you're always gonna be here for me, right? So come on, Baby. Come on, Baby. Let's beat this, okay? Wake up. Let's beat this. You're doing so good. You're doing great. You're doing so good. I'm so proud of you. You're doing so good. You are doing so good. And these people, they're gonna be here very soon, and they're gonna help you, and you're gonna open your eyes. And, hey, maybe -- maybe they'll let you sit in the front of the ambulance. You know, we could flash the lights. That'll be fun, right? You already proved once tonight that you're a great actress, so if you're trying to fake me out, you did it. You can stop. Maybe you're trying to get out of some school. No. That's not you. That's not my girl. My girl loves school. Don't you? I don't know where you got that from. You certainly didn't get it from me. Honey, you are so smart, and you are so beautiful. And you have those gorgeous eyes. Just think about what you're gonna be able to do with all that.
[Billy imagining]
Billy: Okay, hello. Now I can dazzle you with my mixology.
[Ice clinks]
Billy: I can wow you with my new signature cocktail for the night, the "My kid left all the other college graduates in the dust" with a twist.
Delia: Hmm, well, life is not a competition, but maybe your kid is relieved to be out of school and finally get started with her life.
Billy: My kid has been living life every day since the day she was born. All systems go, full steam ahead, just like the lady she got her middle name from, Katherine. My kid has always taken life by the proverbial -- [Pops lips] -- Reins. Always has.
Delia: Hmm.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: Okay! That was load three of graduation gifts in the car.
Billy: Oh! Um, what car would that be? The car that's also a graduation gift? I'm surprised there's not a mustache stenciled on the side.
Delia: Grandpa was being sweet.
Billy: Grandpa is trying to buy your love.
Victoria: It was a gift for all of her hard work. And Uncle Jack is sending her to Bali. You knew my father would do something.
Delia: And so it goes the one constant in my life so far -- Uncle Jack and Grandpa like an old married couple bickering until the end.
Billy: I know. How many times have I said they should just go off and get married?
Victoria: Yes, Dear, you and your daughter are exactly alike. Now, I have to get home to the zoo.
Billy: Well, my dear, you have fun with that. House full of teenagers, two cats, and a dog. Another dog. Whose idea was that?
Victoria: Yours. Again.
Delia: Yeah, you talk tough, but it was you who adopted Scout when Connor had to retire him and get a new guide dog.
Billy: Hey, it is not my fault that we get one dog after the other. I do it for the women that I love.
Victoria: Yes, it's why you do everything, isn't it?
Billy: Yes, it is. And, yes, I'm aware that you're mocking me. I love you, too.
Victoria: [Chuckles] By the way, I saw Chloe outside. She's waiting for you whenever you're ready.
Delia: Uh, can you tell her to go ahead? I just want to talk to my dad for a sec.
Victoria: Yeah.
Delia: I will take the mustache-mobile home.
Victoria: Like father, like daughter. I love you. [Smooches] I'm proud of you.
Delia: Thank you, Victoria.
Victoria: Okay.
Delia: Bye.
Victoria: Bye. I'll see you at home. Scout will be there waiting to lick your face.
Billy: So, more time with your old man. Should I be scared?
Delia: [Chuckles]
Billy: You're not gonna tell me that you're getting back with that guy with the -- enh -- in his tongue, are you?
Delia: Oh, my God. That was eight years ago, and it was a joke.
Billy: It's still funny. I'm laughing right now on the inside.
Delia: Well, I wanted to say thank you for the party and really for everything.
Billy: You deserved it. You graduated magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa. You're on a roll.
Delia: I know, right? Got my momentum, and I can't stop now. There's just so much out there, and you said that I could do anything or be anything and that you would love me and support me and that you knew that I could do it.
Billy: Actress-teacher- ballerina-doctor. I already got the business card made up for you.
Delia: Well, I have a degree in business, so I have options.
Billy: Of course you have options.
Delia: [Chuckles]
Billy: Uncle Jack would kill to have you at Jabot. And their fashion line is huge. Your mother would be thrilled to have you there, too.
Delia: And Uncle Jack did say I could be the next generation of marketing. Then, of course, there's always...
Billy: Oh. Newman?
Delia: Would your head explode?
Billy: Well, Victoria owns it now, so there's that, but if it's so you can learn at the knee of Master Victor, then yes, my head would explode all over this place. But I would tape it back together just for you, because I love you.
Delia: Okay, well, the thing is, a family business appeals to me, working with people that I love and that I trust, who I know that I can count on.
Billy: Look, I'll suck it up. I'll put on a smile. I'll root you on the entire way. You know that. I've got your back.
Delia: I do. And if you mean it, I'm so happy.
Billy: Then who's it gonna be? Jack Abbott, Victor Newman? Are you gonna work for your uncle or your grandfather?
Delia: I want to work for my dad.
Billy: Oh, half day, Kiddo?
Delia: Big morning. And I left you a message saying that I was going to be late.
Billy: I know you did. I just like to bust your chops. I like busting my partner's chops. It's kind of our thing.
Delia: Hmm, and it never gets old. Oh! I'm so sorry.
Billy: Oh, don't worry about it.
Delia: I know it didn't break. I just -- I know that it's special.
Billy: It's kind of like a chip from A.A. No more cards, no more ponies, no more anything that gets between me and my family. Which really makes me happy.
Delia: You put your kids first. Most of my friends can't be in the same room with their parents, never mind work with them.
Billy: Well, to be fair, you and I butt heads pretty well.
Delia: But it never lasts, does it? It never changes us.
Billy: Of course not. You're my girl. That's never gonna change. You know that.
Delia: Yeah. Dad?
Billy: Yeah. What's wrong? Oh, uh, wow. That looks -- is that a...?
Delia: He asked me this morning.
Billy: Well, congratulations. I mean, that's great. He's a great guy.
Delia: Yes, he is. And he reminds me of you. He's -- he's funny, Dad, and he's sentimental, and he's -- he's goofy and brave. And he looks at me like --
Billy: You're the greatest thing that's ever happened to him?
Delia: Yeah, he does.
Billy: Yeah, I know that look. Are you sure you're ready?
Delia: Yeah. I can have what you and Victoria have -- a marriage, kids, and a good life. I know it.
Billy: You will, you will, you will. I know you will. You will.
Delia: So you're happy for me? Promise?
Billy: Yeah, Kiddo. I want what you want. It's just, uh...
Delia: What?
Billy: I'm just not ready to let my little girl go, that's all.
Delia: Ohh.
[Back to present]
Billy: I can't, Dee Dee. Do you hear me? I love you. I can't. You're my little girl. I'm not letting you go. I'm not letting you go. Okay, they're coming. They're coming. Hey, Dee. You remember that time we wished on all the stars and we made magic happen? We made Santa come. And Vicki, she made those Christmas cookies. And I told you that's what heaven smelled like. Cookies. Heaven smells like cookies. Come on, Dee, please open your eyes. Please, please open your eyes. I mean, look up there. The sky is so clear. You could see straight into tomorrow.
[Billy imagining]
Billy: Honey, are you okay? You're shaking.
Delia: Dad, that's you.
Billy: Oh, yeah. Right. That would be me.
Delia: [Chuckles]
Billy: Because if you want to go, you want to cancel, we can cancel. There's plenty of time. We can go home.
Delia: Daddy.
Billy: Oh, don't, don't, don't, don't "Daddy" me. You know how that gets me every time.
[Wedding music playing]
Billy: Okay.
Delia: [Chuckles]
Billy: [Sighs]
Minister: Do you, Cordelia Katherine Valentine Abbott, take this man to be your husband?
Delia: I do.
Billy: Okay! Okay, okay, okay, okay. Um... now, maybe I should have actually written a speech.
Billy: But every time I tried to sit down with a pen and think about my daughter, well... I just couldn't find the words that fit. They weren't strong enough. What were we talking about? Oh, yeah! A speech! Okay, a speech. In honor of my daughter abandoning me for another guy.
Victoria: Ohh.
Billy: But to be fair -- to be fair, he's a good guy. He lets me win at golf. He laughs at my jokes. He makes my little girl smile. And, my God, what a smile.
[Spectators awwing]
Billy: I mean, if he could do all that, I'm not gonna say that it's fair to inflict our family upon him, but it's a little late for that, so here you are.
Billy: But there are a few things you should know about your new bride. Ah, see? She's giving me the look.
Billy: I know this look. You are so afraid that I'm gonna tell some embarrassing story, like when you were a kid and running around the market telling everybody, "Hey, hey, hey, want to see my big-girl pants?"
Delia: Dad!
Billy: But, really, uh... there's only one thing you need to know about this woman right here. She is a miracle.
Delia: [Exhales deeply]
Billy: You grounded me. And almost losing you when you were little... almost losing you, uh... that would have, uh, that would have changed my life. That would have made me someone else. It would have changed my heart, would have changed my soul. Every one of us would have had much different lives if we'd have lost you. But you made it. You were little, but you were strong. You were mighty. You were the strongest little girl that I had ever met. You were ornery and funny.
Billy: And you had this glow about you. And that's you, Kid. That's what this lucky guy is getting. That glow, that spark you have that makes everyone around you happier, kinder, better. And you, my daughter, have made me a better man. And as miserable as I may seem standing here today with the thought of losing you, deep down inside, I am truly, truly happy that you get a chance to make this guy a better man. I love you so much. To the happy couple!
Hear, hear!
Billy: Give me a hug!
[Glasses clink]
Delia: I love you. All right, well, I want to make a small toast. I, um, don't know how to follow that, but I, um... I really don't think I would have been able to find such an amazing man had I not have had your example. You taught me to know what I'm worth. [Voice breaking] And, um, I love you. Thank you.
[John Mayer's "Daughters" plays]
[Both laugh]
Delia: Hey.
Billy: Hmm?
Delia: You could never lose me. Not when I was a little girl, and not today. I'm always gonna be your little girl, okay?
[Both laugh]
Billy: We can dance.
[Back to present]
Billy: Okay, Dee, you need to listen to me here, 'cause I'm gonna tell you a secret. I'm scared. Yeah, I know that's crazy to you, but dads get scared. I promise you it comes with the territory, being a parent. Lots of scary moments. But lots of awesome ones, too, so how about you and I, we skip past this scary moment and we go right back into the awesome. What do you say? Huh? Come with me, Dee.
[Billy imaging]
Billy: Oh, look at that. That is the greatest sight in the world. You are beautiful. And your mother is outside crying up a storm.
Delia: [Chuckles] Don't even lie. You're just as bad as she is.
Billy: Oh, come on. No tears yet. All right, they were a little watery earlier, but I think it's just because it's dusty in here.
Delia: Yeah. I know. It just was one of those dusty hospitals. It's fine.
Billy: Okay, fine.
Delia: [Chuckles]
Billy: I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around my baby having a baby.
[Baby fusses]
Billy: Oh, yeah.
Delia: Well, do you want to hold him and let reality sink in? He won't bite.
Billy: You know, his -- his dad's outside making a ton of phone calls. You're gonna have a fan club in here any minute.
Delia: Well, then, this would be your chance.
Billy: Really?
Delia: Really, really.
Billy: Oh, man. Okay.
[Baby fusses]
Billy: Oh, yeah. I know. I know. Oh, wow. Honey, you did great.
Delia: Ah, I did, didn't I?
Billy: Yes, you did. And you're going to continue to every day of his life. I know it. You're going to be there for him in ways that I wasn't there for you when you were little.
Delia: I know the story, Dad, but it wasn't all you.
Billy: Don't cut me too much slack. I mean, I was the king of bad decisions back then. I'm just saying that every second that I wasn't with you, Kiddo, I wish I had them back.
Delia: Daddy.
Billy: Hey, look, look, look. Hand to God, you were on my lap last week begging for one more book before bed, and now look. You're here with this perfect guy. And, Honey...
[Baby fusses]
Billy: Hey. ...You are going to be an incredible mom. [Smooching]
Delia: Well, I had two great examples -- Mom and Vicki.
Billy: Yes, you did. You did.
Victoria: Did I just hear my name?
Billy: Hey.
Victoria: [Gasps] Oh, there he is.
Billy: Uh, what's with the shrub?
Victoria: He's so -- what? It's bamboo. It's good luck. Oh, Dee Dee, he's so perfect. He's so beautiful.
Delia: I know. I can't believe he's here.
Victoria: Oh, my gosh.
Billy: He is here. He is here.
Victoria: Sweetheart, you must be so tired. Get some rest. Get some sleep, okay?
Delia: Oh, I want to, but I just can't.
Billy: Same as always. You're afraid you're gonna miss the party if you go to sleep.
Delia: Hey, I just wanted to say, thank you for always being there for me.
Victoria: Oh. It was my pleasure.
Delia: Yeah, well, I didn't always make it easy.
Victoria: You didn't always make it hard.
Delia: You always told me to color inside the lines, and you encouraged me to color outside of the lines.
Billy: Are you saying that we gave you mixed messages?
Delia: I'm saying you gave your children the best of all worlds.
Billy: I'm saying you're gonna do the same for this guy.
Victoria: Does this little guy have a name?
Delia: We've known it for months, but I wouldn't say it till now, though. His name is William. [Chuckles]
Billy: Cool. You know, like after Shakespeare. That's awesome.
Delia: [Chuckles] Dad.
Billy: Well, hey, man, what do you say, right? High five? No? Low five?
Delia: Too slow.
Billy: Too slow.
Delia: Too slow. [Chuckles]
[Back to present]
Billy: [Voice breaking] Please come with me.
[Vehicle approaching]
Billy: Oh, they're here, Honey. They're here. They're here.
Connor: [Crying]
Radio: Got a chilly night here in Genoa City. Better break out those overcoats. It's 8:05.
Billy: Hey! Right here! They're here, Baby. They're here. You did so good. I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud of you.
EMT: Sir.
EMT: We're doing CPR.
[Billy imagining]
Delia: And there he is.
Billy: Where else would I be?
Delia: Well, Vicki said that you would be here. You came here to hide.
Billy: I don't hide. If I didn't set up these tables, who else would?
Delia: Hmm, well, I'm pretty sure that's what we hire busboys for.
Billy: Oh, so now you know everything there is to know about the restaurant business? Okay. Okay.
Delia: Hey. Saying goodbye isn't so scary. I know you can do it.
Billy: Actually, I can't.
Delia: It's just California.
Billy: Oh, that's right. California. Only a thousand miles away. No big deal.
Delia: That's why we have phones.
Billy: Great. Then stay home, call your job in California, and let them know you're staying here.
Delia: [Chuckles] This is a chance for will to get to know the other side of his family, too.
Billy: Why couldn't you have married a man from in town? I mean, why didn't I scare that boy off when I had the chance, huh?
Delia: It's gonna be okay.
Billy: Yeah, maybe. Hey, but what about Dad & Delia? How about that, huh? How about that?
Delia: Well, you may want to change the name, but... Dad & Delia is always gonna be the same. It will never change us. And we'll talk all the time. And even if you do change the name, I am part of this place, just like you're part of me. So, I won't really be going away. You can look at the stars and make a wish and think of me, and I'll be looking at the same stars. That's how we'll get through this. You have to let me go, Dad.
Billy: You, uh... you squeeze every ounce of joy out of life for every second you got it.
Delia: [Chuckles]
Billy: You deserve all that and more. I love you. You have absolutely no idea how much I love you.
Delia: [Voice breaking] No, I do, 'cause that's how much I love you, too. Come here.
Billy: Oh, take it easy on me now. I'm old.
Delia: [Laughs] [Sniffles]
Billy: [Sighs] [Smooches]
Delia: I have to go.
Billy: Okay. I'll walk you out.
Delia: [Exhales deeply] Bye, Daddy.
Billy: Hey, no, no! Delia! Wait! Don't -- don't -- don't go!
[Doorknob jiggling]
Billy: No, no, no, no, no.
[Back to present]
EMT: Please stay back, Sir!
Billy: Just take care of my daughter, please! Please take care of my daughter!
EMT: Pupils are dilated. Blood pressure's dropping. We're losing her.
Billy: No, no! You can't lose her! You're not gonna lose her! You can't! Please! Please save my daughter! You have to save my daughter!
EMT: I understand. Please step back, Sir.
Billy: [Sobs] Dee Dee.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victoria: What's wrong?
Billy: Vicki, there was an accident. Delia was hurt. It doesn't look good.
Alex: What kind of an animal runs down a girl and just takes off?
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