Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/10/13
Episode # 10262 ~ Nikki gets ready to divulge her secret; Adam and Chelsea receive news about Connor.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Delia: Ready?!
Billy: You know her from the Pinkerton pony show! You loved her in "Daddy, can I have another cupcake, please?"! Starring tonight as the wickedest, witchiest witch of the west, please welcome Genoa City's own Cordelia Katherine Valenti-i-i-i-ne Abbott!
[Imitates crowd cheering]
Victoria: [Clapping, cheering]
Billy: Whoo!
Victoria: Oh! Whoo!
Billy: [Laughs]
Delia: Do I look scary?
Victoria: Ohh! That was the most terrifying entrance ever! I'm gonna have to hide my eyes during the performance!
Billy: Well, the thing is, this kid right here -- she knows how to make an entrance. I mean, who else comes into this world on Valentine’s Day in a cabin in the middle of a blizzard? This girl, that's who!
Victoria: Yes, and who delivered the bundle of joy?
Billy: Her daddy did, with these two hands right here. Oh, wow! Back then, you were so small! You were this big! But now -- now you're this big! [Growling, singsong] And you are so heavy, you're so heavy, you're so heavy you weigh a ton of bricks.
Delia: I'm not heavy! I'm little!
Billy: You know, yes. I'm sorry. You're right. You are little. You're daddy's little girl, and you're always gonna be, right?
Delia: Yeah. Even when I'm big, I'm always gonna be your little girl.
Billy: [Grunts]
Delia: [Groans]
Kevin: Hey! Where's the munch?
Chloe: Whoa! Those are beautiful flowers!
Kevin: Oh.
Chloe: Uh, well, she is at Billy's. They're going over a last-minute rehearsal, working on her leading dash on the leash, and we're gonna meet them at the play.
Kevin: Okay.
Chloe: So... how are you? I mean, you still freaked out about Michael?
Kevin: Yeah, basically, what you said.
Chloe: Well, you know, if you don't want to go --
Kevin: What -- you worried I'm gonna be a buzzkill tonight?
Chloe: No, of course I want you to go, and I think Delia would really love to see you. I-I'm just saying that I understand if --
Kevin: Getting to watch her, on stage, do her thing -- it's gonna be the highlight of my day -- my week -- my month, at this point. Besides, I wouldn't want to disappoint Delia.
Chloe: Even when we were going down the tubes, you know, you were always there for her.
Kevin: Well, I was lucky. She was kind of my kid for a while, too, while it lasted. I was lucky for a lot of things. It's my own fault that I messed everything up. [Sighs]
Chloe: Yeah. It really was all your fault!
Kevin: Ha.
Dylan: You okay, Mrs. Newman?
Nikki: Please, call me Nikki.
Dylan: I'm not a doctor like my buddy Stitch, but you do look a little pale. Why don't you have a seat, and let me get you some water?
Nikki: Uh-huh.
Dylan: I could call him if you want -- Stitch. I can -- I can give Stitch a call.
Nikki: No, no! Um, I-I have this condition, and I have flare-ups sometimes when there's stress.
Dylan: That stress -- it's because of me, isn't it?
Nikki: Because of you? Why would you think that you would cause me stress?
Dylan: Nick and Avery. Your son and I, we... talked about it the other night.
Nikki: Yeah, uh, I-I saw the black eye. That must've been quite a talk.
Dylan: Yeah. He, uh, holds me somewhat responsible for his wedding not happening, and it would just make sense that his family isn't real thrilled with me right now.
Nikki: Oh, Dylan... nobody holds you responsible for what happened. In fact, I-it's better that they realize now that it wasn't going to work. And, really, all that changed in their relationship is that they faced the truth. Sometimes, the bravest thing to do is to embrace honesty.
Chelsea: Come on.
Connor: [Grunts quietly]
Chelsea: [Sighs] My hands are not helping me today!
Adam: [Grunts] Mommy's off her buckle game. No big deal. Here we go.
Chelsea: It's this appointment, I think. I'm trying not to have any expectations, but it feels like good news to me. Doesn't it feel like good news to you?
[Doorbell rings]
Chelsea: Huh? What do you think?
Adam: What do you want?
Victor: Just your signature on my document here. Then... my acquisition of Newman is complete.
Chelsea: Adam, we don't have time for this right now.
Adam: So, you're delivering papers. That's a courier's job. Are you a courier now, or you just here to agitate?
Victor: You know, I thought that now that business is almost concluded... we could meet as family, you know? I'd like to get to know my grandchild there.
Connor: [Grunts quietly]
Chelsea: No. No way are you getting near my son. I've seen how you treat your own.
Connor: [Grunts quietly]
Billy: Here she goes! "I'm melting! I'm melting!"
Delia: [Shrieks] I'm melting! I'm melting! Why?!
Billy: That is amazing! You're gonna steal the show! That is so good! That is so good. Okay. Wait, wait, wait. It's Dash's turn. Are you ready? Are you ready? Get the basket. All right. This is your chance, Buddy. This is your chance to strut your stuff! Okay. Let's see. Let's see. Get in there, all four paws! And stay, Dash! Stay!
Delia: Dash?!
Billy: [Whimpers, sighs]
Victoria: Oh, hey! Hey, any sign from Hannah?
Billy: No, Honey. Uh, and we are late. We got to get to the school. You know what? Just bring the flying monkey with us -- he'll be fine!
Victoria: I can't! He's too cranky from teething. I'll be in the hall. I'll miss the whole performance. You guys go ahead. I'll wait for Hannah. I'll be there before the curtain goes up, I promise, okay?
Billy: Sounds like a plan, Ma'am! Mwah! All right. Hey, little witchy-poo! Let's get a move on! We got to go!
Victoria: You sure you don't need any help?
Billy: No! I've got this!
Victoria: Dee Dee, break a leg!
Delia: That means good luck.
Billy: Oh! Well, thank you for clearing that up. I feel so much better now. Okay. Goodbye! Goodbye!
Victoria: Goodbye!
Billy: Goodbye! Let's go!
Victoria: You guys have everything, right? Okay. See you later!
Billy: Bye, little buddy. [Smooches]
Victoria: Uh, I'll be there!
Billy: Perfect. Okay. Right this way!
Chloe: What are you doing after the play? 'Cause Delia's spending the night at Billy's.
Kevin: Nothing. Why? Did you have something in mind?
Chloe: Well, only the most amazing night ever. "Pretty in Pink" is playing at the Riverside Theater, and, I mean, just picture it -- Andie and Duckie, two stories high.
Kevin: And you'd be okay with that -- the two of us seeing that movie together?
Chloe: I could wear my red Andie wig like the one I wore on Halloween.
Kevin: I'd want to see the movie, but with you, not Andie. And I don't want to be Duckie. Don't make me be Duckie.
Chloe: So, are you in?
Kevin: Yeah, I'm in. The movies, tonight, with you -- it's a date.
Chloe: Yeah! It is.
Nikki: I'm so sorry that Chelsea wasn't honest with you.
Dylan: H-how did you know -- Adam.
Nikki: To love a child and then have to let it go -- I've seen that up close, and it's devastating. You just give your heart to this precious, little infant, and then to suddenly have to walk away? I am sorry.
Dylan: Connor is Adam's son. Always was. You know, it's like you said. Better to know now. To have a kid grow up living a lie -- well, that's not love. That's just being selfish.
Billy: How you doing back there, Champ? Little opening night jitters, huh? Well, I tell you what. What you might should do when you get up on that stage and you look out at the audience of all those people, if you start to get freaked out, you should do what your dad does before he has to speak in public. You know what that is?
Delia: Picture them in their underpants?
Billy: What?! Who taught you that?!
Delia: Mommy.
Billy: Mommy? Of course she did! That might work for some people, I guess, but what I was gonna say is before I have to speak in public, I take one second, and I think of the one thing that makes me the happiest. And then I know no matter what I do, it's gonna be great! Even if I mess up a little bit, it's gonna be fine, because I have that one great thing in my life, so nothing else matters.
Delia: So I could think of Dash!
Billy: You could think of Dash. You could think of Pinkerton pony. You could think of anything that makes your little heart happy.
Delia: What's your happy thing?
Billy: Well, that's you, little witchy. I think of you, and I realize I'm the luckiest guy in the world.
Chelsea: A real father actually cares about his own child's happiness, makes decisions based on what works for the kid, not himself. Adam has bent over backwards to try to get your approval and your acceptance, and you just smack him down every single time, disown him every other week. So forget you have a grandson.
Victor: That's a hell of a song you're singing, especially after you tried to deny that boy his real father. I suggest you don't play house with this scam artist, Son. Get yourself a lawyer. Make sure you demand your rights as a parent.
Adam: Chelsea, why don't you make it out to that appointment? We don't want to miss it.
Chelsea: You're not coming?!
Adam: No, I'm gonna handle him, and I'll be there as soon as I can. I'll see you soon, Peanut. [Sighs]
Chelsea: [Sighs]
Victor: You have full custody, Son?
Adam: Why don't you do like Chelsea suggested, and you just forget you have another grandson? You know, you and I have cut ties -- business, personal, family. And I certainly don't want you anywhere near my son.
Victor: He's a Newman, you know.
Adam: Yeah, so am I! Lucky me and that special last name.
Victor: The Newman name could open many doors for you. That's an advantage I did not have. I am gonna pass on that legacy to my children and grandchildren. And what did you do as a Newman? You brought in Jack-ass Abbott into my company, who descended upon it like a plague of locusts!
Adam: Now, see, I didn't have the advantage of the Newman last name, just like you, and I've done a lot. But that's not the point. The point is, this is about Jack's money, isn't it? And without Jack's money, that company would still be a publicly traded company, and you would have zero power. So how dare I get that company back and help you out?
Victor: You thought you could con me, Son. Didn't you? Now Newman is out of your hands.
Adam: I'm gonna start focusing on my family, which is a novel concept I should've picked up on a long time ago. I spent too much time trying to make nice with you.
Victor: You gonna try to make a family with that scam artist? Good luck to you. You trust her? Neither of you deserve to be parent to that boy. Now, you sign these papers, or you don't sign these papers -- it doesn't make a damn bit of difference. The deal is done.
Adam: You're right about that -- it's done. Thanks, Dad, for being the kind of father that nobody should ever aspire to be.
Adam: So if the doctor's not quite ready to see Connor yet, then that'll give me time to get there. I'll see you soon.
Delia: Mommy! Kevin!
Kevin: [Laughing]
Delia: I'm gonna break a leg!
Chloe: Yeah, looks like someone's gonna be right behind you!
Billy: Don't worry about me.
Kevin: One drama queen is enough.
[Both laugh]
Chloe: Look at you! Look at you! You look so cute!
Delia: I'm not cute! I'm terrifying.
Kevin: The cute ones always are! Hey. And I rest my case. Are you ready for your big debut?
Delia: I'm off book. That means I know my lines.
Kevin: Oh!
Delia: Dash, here -- not so good.
Kevin: What do you say we take him backstage, huh?
Chloe: Yeah, yeah! Okay. You guys go do that. Um, go for it. Hey, hey, hey!
Kevin: You take Dash.
Chloe: I got -- okay. All right. Um, good luck!
Delia: Mom.
Chloe: Sorry. Break a leg. Break a leg, my little diva! I love you! Get a picture! Hurry!
Billy: I am, I am! Baby, hold on! Get right there! Right there, where the light's good, and cheese!
Chloe: [Chuckles]
Billy: Oh, you're cute.
Kevin: Okay, remember. You are not allowed to let Dorothy upstage you.
Chloe: Break a leg! I love you! [Chuckles] Oh, my -- do you see that? Nerves of steel!
Billy: Well, I think it had something to do with my daddy pep talk in the car. And I'm sorry -- uh, picture them in their underpants?
Chloe: Well, it's better than being naked! And, oh, yay for your pep talk, but she is a natural-born star.
Billy: Yeah, that's true. Her other biggest fan is cutting a tooth, so Victoria's gonna be late. I got to save her a seat. Are we all sitting in the front row?
Chloe: Yeah, we're gonna sit in the front row, 'cause we have to give a standing ovation! Best night ever!
Billy: Gonna be fun. All right.
Chloe: I can't wait!
[Both laugh]
Victoria: I knew she would come through for us! I knew it! Oh. Hi! Um, I thought you were here for Johnny.
Victor: I am indeed! May I?
Victoria: Um, yeah! Of course!
Victor: Come here, my boy!
Victoria: Go to Grandpa!
Victor: Come here, Big Boy!
Victoria: There you go! Oh!
Victor: Come here, Big Boy! There you go.
Victoria: Come in.
Victor: There you go. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. There you go. Boy, that was certainly easier than what just happened at Adam's. [Grunts]
Victoria: You were there to see Connor?
Victor: And also to have Adam sign the transfer papers of Newman. He will never be part of the family business again.
Victoria: I honestly don't know how you can be so sure he won't try to weasel his way back into Newman.
Victor: Are you kidding? After he sold a piece of my empire to Jack-ass Abbott, do you honestly think I would let him near the company again? Not gonna happen. You know what, Big Boy? You're a Newman! You're strong! Your mommy is going to ensure the future of our family.
Chelsea: Is there any blood at home I need to know about?
Adam: Uh, I signed the papers. Sold my shares of Newman. Cut ties for good.
Chelsea: With the company or with Victor?
Adam: As far as I'm concerned, there is no difference.
Chelsea: But there is. With your mom gone, Victor is your family.
Adam: And that's where you're wrong. I have my own family now.
Connor: [Grunts]
Chelsea: When you say your family... am I a part of that, Adam?
[Door opens]
Dr. Lintz: I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Please, have a seat.
Chelsea: Thank you. Um, Adam?
Adam: Yeah.
Chelsea: Thank you so much for meeting with us so quickly.
Adam: Yeah, you understand the urgency. So I'd just like to know. What is exactly wrong with our son's vision?
Dr. Lintz: It's called Peters Anomaly.
Chelsea: How serious is it?
Dr. Lintz: Very. Connor has severe opacity in both corneas. If it's left untreated, he will lose all sight.
Adam: So we treat it.
Dr. Lintz: The good news is we've caught it relatively early, while there's still a treatment option.
Connor: [Fussing]
Adam: Which is...?
Dr. Lintz: Corneal transplant. Straightforward procedure, 30 minutes for each eye.
Adam: So if we're talking about a transplant, a corneal transplant, there's still a chance of rejection.
Dr. Lintz: Yes, there is.
Chelsea: Can -- can you try again after that?
Dr. Lintz: It's possible.
Adam: Possible.
Dr. Lintz: If a newborn doesn't achieve sight in the first six weeks of life, there's the chance the brain may not accept images later.
Adam: So what you're saying is we should just take a chance? This is our one shot, and if we mess this up, then our son is blind for life? So, suddenly, my son's treatable disease isn't so treatable anymore?
Dr. Lintz: It is with a corneal transplant. Without it, your son will go blind.
Chelsea: Well, uh, c-- uh, we need a donor, right? So, Connor's three weeks old. That -- that gives us three weeks to find a match!
Dr. Lintz: There's no blood in the cornea, so there's no need to match type, as in the case of an organ transplant.
Adam: No, I want this thing done, and I want it done tomorrow.
Dr. Lintz: Ocular tissue is in high demand. It doesn't stay in the donor bank long -- a day or two at most.
Adam: Doctor, look at me. What will it take to put my son at the top of the list? What do you need? You want a new operating room, a new wing? You tell me.
Dr. Lintz: It doesn't work that way.
Chelsea: How does it work?
Dr. Lintz: I'll call the donor bank and check availability. In the meantime, here are consent forms for you to sign. Then we wait.
Adam: We wait. [Voice breaking] We just wait for our son to go blind. I swear to you, Chelsea, he will see again. I will do whatever it takes.
Victoria: Okay. Johnny's in his crib for now, but his teething usually gets worse at night.
Victor: I saw his brother earlier, you know.
Victoria: Dad, yeah, I know. Connor and Johnny are related biologically, but Chelsea's Connor's mom, and I'm Johnny's mom.
Victor: Well, but they're Newmans -- one by blood, one by love!
Victoria: Aww. That is so lovely! But, you know, it sounds an awful lot like you're envisioning the next generation of Newman leadership.
Victor: I am, indeed! I had a meeting with Noah, and I have some big plans for him. But as much as I love seeing Johnny, I'd like to get to know Connor, as well, you know?
Victoria: I just don't think that's wise. I don't! I'm sorry! I think it's just a-a way for Adam to use the baby to slither back into Newman!
Victor: Sweetheart, that is not gonna happen. I don't trust Adam, okay? But his son is innocent.
Victoria: And you want me to what -- to book playdates so that you can have access to Connor? I'm sorry, but if -- if that's what you're talking about when you say my big role in -- in the future of Newman, thank you, Dad, but no.
Victor: I want you to listen carefully now. Bringing Newman back into Chancellor Industries is going to require a massive restructuring. I want you to head up that effort. I want you to be in charge of the merger -- you alone. Does that sound like babysitting to you?
Dylan: Can I get you anything else?
Nikki: Oh! Um... well, I have had my eye on those cooki--
Dylan: Whoa!
Nikki: Oh, I'm so sorry!
Dylan: No, no, no, no, no! It's okay! It's okay. I got a towel right here.
Nikki: No, I'm sorry for spilling, and... I'm sorry for bringing up Chelsea and Connor earlier. That's a private matter, and I'm sorry if I was intrusive.
Dylan: I-I appreciate that. I guess I'm not used to the tables being turned. Before doing this, I was a bartender -- you know, pouring drinks, pouring coffee. People want to talk. They tell you things. I'm the one used to asking questions, not -- not answering them.
Nikki: Then, I suppose, in the natural order of things... I owe you a confession.
Victoria: Chancellor and Newman have some overlap. But they really could complement each other in so many ways -- manufacturing and distribution. We could put the entire division under a lifestyles umbrella, with Beauty of Nature as the crown jewel. Oh! And a fashion line -- a fantastic fashion line that would trump the line at Jabot!
Victor: So, are you interested?
Victoria: Yeah, Daddy.
[Both chuckle]
Victoria: I'm interested. What gave it away?
Victor: I love your enthusiasm, my baby. Can you handle all this, raising a kid and all?
Victoria: Yes, I can do it. It's not 1955.
Victor: Okay.
[Telephone rings]
Victoria: Okay. [Sighs] Kids. Delia. Her play. I should be there.
Victor: Okay, Sweetheart.
Victoria: I should be there now! Hey!
Billy: Hey! You on your way?
Victoria: Listen. Hannah texted. Family emergency.
Billy: Well, is there anyone else we can call?
Victoria: No! And you know what? It's just so late. I already put Johnny down. You know, I really want to be there, but I-it's just -- it's not gonna work.
Billy: It's cool, it's cool. We've got to go, and I've got the camera, and we can always have Delia lip-sync the parts when we get home.
Victoria: Yes! Okay. Good. And I am gonna throw a dynamic, one-woman cast party. I'm gonna start decorating now. And would you do me a favor and would you grab some ice cream on the way home?
Billy: Oh, Honey, ice cream is my middle name! I'll call you when we're on our way.
Adam: Hey. Listen to me. I swear to you, we will get a donor in time.
Chelsea: [Voice breaking] You do know what that means, though, don't you? I mean, people don't just hand over corneas. So waiting and wishing at it just feels wrong. [Sniffles] We have to wait for someone to die. And then Connor goes into surgery. And then we wait more, and then we pray, and... hope that we're lucky enough -- please, God, let us be lucky enough -- [Breathes deeply] That we get to walk out with our son, and he's perfect, and he's seeing perfectly. [Sniffles] [Sighs] And that he grows up to recognize our faces. And maybe he likes the color red more than he likes the color blue. And he'll know the names of 20 dinosaurs before he knows how to tie his shoelaces. But then what d-- what do the donor's family -- what -- what about them? What do they get? They just get pain and -- and grief and memories. But I'm still wishing. I'm a horrible person!
Adam: No, you're not. No, you're not.
Chelsea: [Sniffles, sighs]
Adam: You're his mom. I'm his dad. And we're just focusing on him right now, concentrating on our family.
Chelsea: But are we? You didn't answer me before. Are we a family? Or is it like Johnny? Am I just the woman that gave him life?
Adam: No, this is not like Johnny. We're both his parents. And with him, we are a family.
Chelsea: I'm asking you, Adam, if you are going to try to take him from me. Are you going to cut me out of Connor's life?
Dylan: The fine print says I'm just a coffee shop owner, not a priest. I can listen, but I can't absolve.
Nikki: Listening is more than enough.
Dylan: Then I'm your man.
Nikki: Well, over the years, um...I've pretty much drowned myself in charity work and partly because I could. I had the time and the money and the sources. And I understood the importance of giving back. But part of my giving back... was really about... shame and fear. I just thought that maybe if I did enough good, I could wash away the bad, you know?
Dylan: Yeah, I know what that feels like.
Nikki: I'm sorry. I wish you didn't.
Dylan: If -- if you want to stop, it's --
Nikki: I made a decision many years ago that I thought was the best one, but --
Dylan: Now what -- what's changed?
Nikki: I have. I've changed. I thought that I could keep this decision in the past, but -- but now I-I-I realize that I can't. The sin of omission and -- and of deception -- I-I-I-I just can't live with it anymore. I mean, how do I tell the people that I love the most... the truth? I don't know if they'll forgive me. [Crying] I mean, they might even hate me. And I need them so much. The thought of losing them -- it just upsets me. [Crying]
Victor: What's the matter?
Nikki: [Crying] Oh!
Victor: What's the matter?
Nikki: [Whimpers quietly]
Victor: What did you do to my wife? What did this man say to you?
Nikki: Nothing, nothing.
Victor: What do you mean "Nothing?"
Nikki: You just walked in at the wrong moment.
Victor: Sweetheart, you're not supposed to be under stress, okay? The doctors told you that! What did you do to her? First, you disrupt my son's wedding. Now you make his mother cry? What's the matter with you?
Dylan: Sir, um, I'll let Mrs. Newman explain. I got to get back to work.
Victor: Who is this guy? Why did he make you cry?
Nikki: I-I was crying. He -- he was an innocent bystander.
Victor: What do you mean, he's innocent? You tell Nicholas that!
Nikki: Nicholas' broken heart was Avery. That was her decision.
Victor: What is this guy doing here?! He upsets you. He cozies up to you. Now you're in tears. What's he doing here? What?
Nikki: He has nowhere else to go, Victor. He has no family. He has no home. Nothing! No one!
Victor: Why do you care about that?
Nikki: Please leave him alone!
Victor: Why did he upset you so much?
Nikki: Why should I tell you anything when you'd rather bully a stranger?!
Adam: Don't think that I don't see that you moving in with me was -- was part of your plan. You wanted to be near the baby, and you wanted me to see how much he needs you.
Chelsea: I-I didn't have a plan.
Adam: You always have a plan. But this one was bang on. I see you with this kid. He knows you. He knows your voice. He knows your touch. When he's with you... everything is perfect. My mother -- that's how things were. When I was with her, things were perfect and safe. I'm a hell of a jerk. But I'm not so much of a jerk that I would take that away from him.
Chelsea: But I lied to you.
Adam: You did. And that's gonna be hard to forgive. And I take this to court. I'll win. You'll be wrong. I'll be proven right. And what'll he have to show for it? No mom to sing to him. No mom to hold him at night.
Chelsea: S-so, uh, what -- what are you saying? Are you saying I-it's over? Y-you won't fight for sole custody?
Adam: [Voice breaking] I'm gonna give him the sun... the moon and the stars... and a family. He deserves that the most. A family.
Chelsea: Thank you. Adam, thank you!
Kevin: Yay!
Chloe: Hi! Yay!
Delia: [Laughs] Where's Daddy?
Chloe: Oh, he's back at the car! He's loading up your stuff.
Delia: Did you see all those people's standing ovations?!
Kevin: Yes! I mean, it was so awesome, because you were awesome!
Chloe: Yeah. I mean, you know, I know star quality, and you've got it, Babe!
Kevin: Mm-hmm. So, listen -- before you get, like, super-famous, can this fan have, like, a big hug and kiss? You were so good! So good!
Chloe: And that's not all. I got something for you, too!
Delia: Your jewelry box!
Chloe: Yeah!
Delia: Your ring?!
Chloe: Yeah, it's yours. Here. Put it on. So, it's probably gonna be a little big. We'll size it. But don't lose it.
Delia: Never, ever!
Chloe: [Laughs] I love you. You were so good.
Billy: Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! This dog, this dog! Oh. Hey. Oh, look! More flowers, more presents -- this night just gets better and better.
Kevin: [Laughs]
Chloe: All right, well, I got to get going. You did so great. I love you so much.
Kevin: I love you, too.
Chloe: And I guess I'll see you tomorrow, 'cause we're gonna go to the movies.
Delia: [Singsong] Have fun.
Chloe: [Chuckles]
Kevin: Thank you, Delia!
Chloe: You.
Kevin: Let's go.
Chloe: I love you.
Billy: Bye, you guys. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Now, let me see that ice!
Delia: It's a ring.
Billy: You're right. I'm sorry. It's a ring. Wow, that's a keeper. Your husband -- he's got some competition on this one.
Delia: I don't have a husband.
Billy: You're right. [Chuckles] Thank God. Almost had a heart attack. But, uh, that guy -- he's gonna have to jump through some major hoops before I walk you down the aisle, because -- you already said it -- you're my girl. Right?
Delia: Right.
Billy: All right! Well, Victoria wants me to have you act out all the scenes of this amazing show, so let's get home!
Delia: Will she give me a standing "O"?
Billy: Oh, you can bet your witchy britches! Now, let's get going! Come on! I got to get this dog some glasses. Come on, Buddy!
Nikki: We found him, Katherine. He's a good man. But I-I just couldn't say the words... "I'm your mother"... because what if he doesn't want to hear it? What if the only way I can get to know my son is to continue to deceive him? But I do want to know him. You were right, Katherine. I do want my son in my life.
Dylan: I hope Mrs. Newman was able to explain things.
Victor: Let me explain something to you, Son. You stay away from my family. You come after them... I'll come after you.
Chelsea: It's okay.
Connor: [Crying]
Chelsea: What did they say at the eye bank? Are there donor corneas available?
Dr. Lintz: I'm sorry, not at this time.
Adam: Then you call other eye banks. You call other cities, other countries. I'll send a plane myself.
Dr. Lintz: There's a protocol we have to follow, and it could take weeks.
Adam: You need to forget about protocol right now, okay? In a few weeks, you said my son could be blind, so if you don't mind, give me the names of the eye banks, and I will settle this.
Dr. Lintz: I'm afraid it's not that simple.
Adam: It is!
Chelsea: Adam --
Adam: What do you want me to do -- stand here and make nice with everybody and let my son go blind? That's not gonna happen. No, I'm not gonna let that happen, I'm sorry.
Chelsea: No, he has to see. He has to see.
Connor: [Fussing]
Adam: Look, Doctor. I'm sorry for my abrasive demeanor, but I grew up in a house where my mother was blind. I saw what she had to do for me. Her life was rough. And I'm not gonna allow that for my son. I'm not gonna let it happen. I can't let it happen to him.
Victoria: I know, Baby. Teething is not easy, is it? It's okay. Can I have this? Thanks!
[Cell phone ringing]
Victoria: [Sighs] Hey! Is this the father of the star?
Billy: Oh, she slayed 'em! She left them wanting more! Make room on the mantelpiece for some Oscars. [Chuckles] Lots of them. Is there anything else I can get you guys when I stop?
Victoria: No, just that ice cream that I told you about.
Billy: Ix-nay on the surprise-nay.
Delia: I want ice cream! So does Dash!
[Dog barking, growling]
Delia: See?
Victoria: Fun ride!
Billy: Oh, you have no idea. We've already had to stop twice so he could pee. I'll be home soon, Baby.
[Dog continues barking]
Billy: Hey. Hey! Don't you yell at me! You've already peed enough tonight! Now, you take it easy. Honey, I've got to make a quick stop, okay? Because I got to pick up some ice cream!
Delia: You're the best daddy ever!
Billy: Oh, you can say that again. Yo, take it easy!
[Dog barks]
Chloe: I love this movie.
Kevin: I know.
Chloe: It just brings me joy!
Kevin: I know.
Chloe: So turn off your phone, or I'm gonna have to kill you for ruining it.
Kevin: Trust me. I know. [Scoffs] Look at that. Witchy perfection.
Chloe: She's just like me! Stop it. It's the first date! Can't get too personal.
Kevin: [Clears throat] [Yawns loudly, grunts] Can I at least try and get to second base?
Chloe: Classic move.
Kevin: [Laughs] [Clears throat]
Chloe: Okay! [Shrieks quietly]
Delia: Ice cream place?
Billy: Yes, we are! And I will be back in a moment.
Delia: You're leaving me here all alone?
Billy: No, you're not alone. You've got Dash! And I'm gonna be in and out so fast, you won't even miss me.
Delia: I'll lock the doors.
Billy: Good girl. I'll be right back!
Delia: Dad! Wait! Can you get Dash some water? He looks a little "firsty."
Billy: Oh, he's "firsty"? Okay. Yeah, so he can pee in my car. Sure. Whatever you want. I love you. Now, get back inside and roll up the window. A puppy. Whose idea was this? Oh -- mine!
Chelsea: Can't lose this, huh? [Sighs] Yeah. [Gasps quietly] Everything's gonna be okay. [Voice breaking] Mommy and Daddy are gonna take care of everything.
[Engine revs]
[Loud music playing]
[Music stops]
Billy: [Whistling quietly] And...two waters, please.
[Dog barking]
Delia: You really need to go, don't you, Boy?
[Dog continues barking]
Delia: Dash! Dash! There you are. I was worried!
[Tires screech]
Delia: Dash!
[Tires screech]
Adam: [Sighs]
Billy: Hey! Dee! Dee Dee! Dee Dee, I told you to stay in the car! Delia! Delia!! Dee Dee!
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Billy: Sweetheart, I'm not mad about the dog! Just -- you got to answer me, Sweetheart! D-Dee! Where are you?! Dee!
Nick: A little bit.
Avery: No, I haven't. I'm sure he's devastated. I know what this baby meant to him.
Nick: That's rough when you find out a child you loved isn't yours.
Avery: God, what was Chelsea thinking? She had to know the heartbreak. [Voice breaking] Your son needs you.
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