Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/9/13
Episode # 10261 ~ Celebrating Christine's homecoming; Sharon opens up to Nick.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Jack: Doctor, when you examined Phyllis, did you see what I did?
Doctor: Yeah -- there was movement in her hand, and she appeared to be stirring.
Jack: Then she's coming out of her coma. She's waking up.
Nick: What happened? You took off so fast, I didn't get a chance to tell you about Phyllis.
Sharon: Nick, I can explain everything.
Nick: What do you mean? Explain what?
Sharon: Why I did what I did. I took matters into my own hands. I just hope that you can understand.
Paul: Oh, hi.
Nikki: Hi. How's Michael?
Paul: Oh.
Nikki: Oh, the poor man. I imagine how desperate he must've been to feel that he's being pushed so far, the only choice he has is to pick up a gun?
Paul: Well, he's doing pretty well under the circumstances, but, uh, I'm sure you didn't come here to talk about Michael. Have you decided what you're going to do with the information I gave you?
Nikki: No, I haven't. Actually, I'm here for advice.
Paul: Well...I'm happy to help.
Nikki: Now that I know that my son is not only alive but living here in Genoa City... what do I do?
Dylan: Nice. Nice. All right, come on -- one more hitch, just around the fountain and back.
Stitch: What, are you trying to kill me?
Dylan: What -- are you getting soft on me, Dr. Stitch?
Stitch: You're soft in the head if you think I'm gonna run another route for you. Oh, God, I'm gonna be feeling this tomorrow morning.
Dylan: Yeah. Me, too. But it feels good right now. Come on. Come on. One more. Let's go.
Stitch: All right. Go.
Dylan: The post right there. Ah, that's funny. You were just gonna let me run and not throw the football.
Stitch: I thought you'd get about a half mile before you caught on.
Dylan: Yeah, well, I got energy to burn and a lot of frustration to work through.
Stitch: Why don't you save some of that frustration so you have something to talk to the doc about later?
Dylan: I got plenty of frustration, Buddy.
Stitch: [Panting] I'm just glad you're gonna be seeing the doc I found you through the V.A.
Dylan: Yeah, he's got to be better than the last guy. Yeah -- hopefully, he can get my head straight before I mess up anybody else's.
Stitch: You were just reacting to what had been done to you. Chelsea's the one who started all this.
Dylan: Not really.
Stitch: I know you're just being nice and chivalrous, because that's who you are, but this whole thing is Chelsea's fault.
Dylan: I mean, it's not all her fault. I got to take responsibility for my actions.
Avery: Dylan, we can't.
Dylan: Can't what?
Avery: We can't. Whatever's happening right here, we can't. We -- we've both been through a lot right now.
Dylan: Yet here we are -- a beautiful fall night. It's just -- you know, it's just crazy how we keep finding each other.
Avery: You know how I feel about you... how I've always felt about you. But I'm not ready for this.
[Knock on door]
Adam: I'm looking for Leslie.
Chloe: But you just brought Connor home from the hospital. I mean, what father who gives a damn about his child just runs off like that?
Chelsea: The baby's fine now. He's on antibiotics. And, truthfully, Adam was great. He was as worried as I was when we rushed Connor to the E.R.
Chloe: So you both stayed with him overnight?
Chelsea: Without killing each other or anything, yeah.
Chloe: All right. Well... at least Adam was being supportive when the baby needed him most.
Chelsea: While we were sitting up with Connor... he got confirmation from the lab.
Chloe: The paternity test?
Chelsea: It's official. Adam is Connor's father.
Chloe: Not like you weren't expecting that.
Chelsea: No. But now -- now Adam has proof.
Avery: She's out.
Adam: For how long?
Avery: Uh, I'm not sure.
Adam: Maybe you can take care of this for me. It's the paternity-test results that prove that I am the father of Chelsea's son. We'll be changing the birth certificate to put my name on there, and we are going to remove your ex-boyfriend's name.
Nikki: What if he doesn't even know that he's adopted? What if he believes that the people who raised him are his biological parents? And according to what Penelope's sister told you, that's very likely the case. I mean, if I tell him the truth, it's gonna destroy everything he's ever believed in himself and his family.
Paul: Not necessarily.
Nikki: Yeah, but he's gonna have to deal with it. Plus the fact that his biological mother abandoned him. I mean, he could end up hating me.
Paul: Nikki, we can speculate about this all day. There's only one way you're gonna be able to find out.
Nikki: How do I do that? I walk up to a person I have never met in my life and say, "Pardon me. I'm your mother."
Paul: Well, first of all, you're one of the most compassionate people I've ever met, so if you do decide to reveal anything, you'll find the kindest possible way to do it.
Nikki: That's exactly what I thought you would say. Oh, I guess I'm just looking for a little hand-holding while I consider my options.
Paul: Well, hey, I'm always available for that.
Nikki: Thanks.
Paul: [Chuckles] All right. Keep me apprised, will you?
[Knock on door]
Paul: Come in! Oh, wow.
Christine: Hi.
Paul: I wasn't expecting you until tonight.
Christine: I caught an earlier flight.
Nikki: Hi, Christine. Welcome back. How was Washington?
Christine: Uh, very productive. Thank you.
Nikki: He missed you like crazy, so...
Paul: [Laughs]
Nikki: ...On that note, see you later.
Paul: Bye.
Christine: [Sighs] I am gonna get slammed from all sides when I get to my office, but I needed to see my husband first.
Paul: Oh, that's good, 'cause your husband needed to see you.
[Both chuckle]
Paul: [Sighs]
Chloe: You know, I-I thought the whole point of you agreeing to live here was so you could work on Adam, to make sure that he doesn't take Connor away from you.
Chelsea: Y-yeah. It's more like... Adam's been working on me.
Chloe: What do you mean?
Chelsea: So far, he's been doing everything right. He's been a great dad. He's been making sure Connor gets the best possible care for his eye condition, and then with Victor -- when Victor screwed him out of Newman, I just assumed he'd become preoccupied with that, but he hasn't. He's put all of his focus and all of his energy on the baby. I mean, he even refers to us as "We" -- that we'll be parents together, working together, moving forward.
Chloe: We? That's a trick. He's using grammar to spin you in circles. I can't believe that you're falling for the old pronoun trick.
Chelsea: I want to believe him. But after everything Adam and I have been through [Sighs] I don't know if I can.
Avery: You'll have to wait for Leslie. I won't be handling any legal matters pertaining to Chelsea's baby.
Adam: My baby.
Avery: Yes, I know --
Adam: This must be due to your concern for poor, wounded Dylan.
Avery: Adam, I am concerned for everyone involved, most of all Connor.
Adam: And you don't think I'm concerned about him? That boy is my son. Do you understand he's already been put through enough? And he's gonna face far worse if the doctors can't prevent him from going blind. Decisions need to be made. And I'm his father, and I'm gonna need to make these decisions.
Avery: Alone? Is that what you're looking for -- sole custody? Adam, are you really intending to cut your child's mother out of his life?
Jack: What does this mean? How quickly will she come out of this? Will she be able to communicate right away?
Doctor: Mr. Abbott, I'm sorry for not being clear. I apologize. The movement that I observed was involuntary. It was reactive, not perceptive.
Jack: It was more than that. She was responding. She squeezed my hand as an answer to something I was saying. I know that.
Doctor: Unfortunately, there's been no change in her cognitive condition. Look, I'm sorry to disappoint. Excuse me.
Jack: He's wrong. He's wrong. Do it again. Show me you're listening. Show me you can hear me.
Sharon: I don't really know how to tell you this. Um...
Nick: Sharon, whatever it is, just -- just say it.
Sharon: I guess it started... back at the anniversary of Cassie's death. I was such a mess then.
Nick: Yeah, it was -- it was rough. I think it hit us pretty hard this year.
Sharon: It really did. And that was when you were... contemplating the -- the paternity of Summer.
[Cell phone chimes]
Nick: It's Jack. When he called earlier, he, um -- he said he thought Phyllis was coming out of her coma, but... turns out it was a false alarm.
Sharon: Oh. Oh, wow. Oh, that's too bad.
Nick: Yeah, I guess Jack was seeing something that he wanted to see, and, unfortunately, the doctor didn't agree with him.
Sharon: Wow, uh... uh, he must be really disappointed.
Nick: Yeah, he is. But he's not giving up hope.
Sharon: Are you?
Nick: No way. I really believe Phyllis is gonna come out of this someday. [Sighs] Anyway, uh, what were you gonna tell me? You said you did something -- something about the time, uh, I was questioning Summer's paternity?
Sharon: You were so emotionally torn up then. And, of course, I had no idea why, or that it had anything to do with Summer. All you said was there was something from your past that you felt was gonna come back to haunt you. And you just seemed so... lost and alone. And I just wanted to be a friend to you, so I-I was there for you. I tried to be.
Nick: You were, Sharon.
Sharon: Well, when I found out... what you were so upset about... when you told everyone that you had never obtained a valid paternity test and that you left Noah and me for Phyllis, to start a new family with her, I-I should've been devastated then, but I wasn't. I understood when you said it was because of the pain you felt over losing Cassie. I'm probably the only one in your life who could -- who could ever understand that.
Nick: Where -- where are you going with this, Sharon?
Sharon: Nick, please. Please, just -- I -- [Voice breaking] I need to say this in my own way. I understood... where your head was at... in a way that Avery never could. And the more I saw you two together, the more I knew that... you weren't right for each other. And that's why...
Nick: Why what?
Sharon: [Voice breaking] Why I was... hoping that the two of you would split up, and I-I was... happy when the wedding didn't happen.
Avery: You haven't answered me, Adam. Do you really think what's best for your child is to deprive him of his mother?
Adam: Chelsea had no problem depriving the child of his father.
Avery: I am not condoning anything that Chelsea did here. But that is not the question I asked you.
Adam: So the question that you're asking is whether or not a child should grow up in a loving home with two loving parents with all this fairy-tale love -- or so I'm told? Because that wasn't the case for me growing up, and it wasn't for you, either, I think. And that's obviously not the case here.
Avery: Obvious to you, maybe.
Adam: What are you driving at -- that I should still be in love with her?
Avery: No, not in love, maybe, but I think the two of you still care for each other.
Adam: She stole my child, so how do you figure that?
Avery: Okay, look. Adam, the two of you didn't break up because you stopped loving each other. Right? And sometimes, even if that love gets corrupted and twisted into knots, it doesn't just die.
Adam: Corrupted and twisted into knots -- that's got a real loving ring to it.
Avery: I'm trying to say remember why you loved Chelsea. And try to recover some of the good feelings you had for her before you come in here and make irreversible decisions.
Adam: And you're suggesting that Chelsea has recovered some of those good feelings toward me?
Chloe: You know, no judge is going to take a child that age away from their mother.
Chelsea: I know, but this is Adam we're talking about. He makes a promise on one hand and breaks it with the other.
Chloe: It is Adam. I mean, he's a Newman. It's in his DNA.
Chelsea: I just want to believe that this will all work out, you know -- that Adam and I can both be great parents to Connor. [Sighs] But you know what? I'm done dwelling on all this. I am done dwelling. Let's talk about you. You said that you were anxious to talk about something? What is it?
Chloe: I'm going to Delia's play tonight... with Kevin.
Chelsea: You are? What changed?
Chloe: Well, Kevin has. You know, he has his job at the police station, and he's been really responsible, and... well, I...kind of, sort of invited myself to go with him to Lauren's award thingy.
Chelsea: Genoa City businesswoman of the year.
Chloe: You heard about it.
Chelsea: Who hasn't? Isn't that where Carmine was killed?
Chloe: Ugh, yeah. It's awful. And Michael -- you know, he claims to have done it. And Kevin -- he's freaking out.
Chelsea: Of course he is.
Chloe: Yeah. Well, Kevin suggested that we go to the play together, and I just -- I just didn't have the heart to say no.
Chelsea: Well, it's not the worst thing in the world to go on a date with someone you --
Chloe: It's not a date, okay? It's not a date. I mean, at least I'm not looking at it that way, but Kevin, on the other hand --
Chelsea: Kevin wants you to put your wedding rings back on.
Chloe: Ugh. [Whimpers] I just -- I just want to take things slow, you know? I'm just not ready for that yet.
Chelsea: That makes one of you.
Chloe: He does make me laugh. I'd forgotten that about him.
Chelsea: That's important -- that you can have fun together. I just want you to be happy, Chloe. And who knows? If there's hope for you and Kevin, maybe there's hope for me --
Chloe: You're not thinking about you and Adam.
Chelsea: Not Adam. Dylan.
Stitch: Still got some time before your appointment.
Dylan: [Sighs] Yeah, I know. I was just thinking it's Connor's nap time. Wonder how long it'll take before I stop doing that -- you know, thinking about Connor every day, worrying about how he is.
Stitch: He's good.
Dylan: How do you know?
Stitch: I was on rounds last night, and there he was, being treated for a bronchial infection.
Dylan: What?! You -- you didn't tell me? How bad?
Stitch: Look. The doc kept him overnight for observation, you know? The little guy's gonna be fine.
Dylan: [Sighs] Okay. Thank God.
Stitch: Wasn't that serious.
Dylan: He wasn't alone, was he?
Stitch: Chelsea spent the night in the room with him. She was glad to hear you're staying in town. Seems to be holding out hope you two can patch things up.
Dylan: Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen.
Stitch: Didn't think so.
Dylan: Tell you the truth, I really haven't been thinking about the future. I'm still, you know, thinking about the past.
Stitch: About Avery?
Dylan: [Sighs] Yeah, just, you know, about... what we had, what we lost, and how it just set this whole chain of events into motion, and that got us to where we are now.
Stitch: Mrs. Newman?
Nikki: Oh.
Stitch: Out for some of that exercise I prescribed?
Nikki: Y-yeah. How are you, Dr. Rayburn?
Stitch: What'd I tell you about that?
Nikki: Yeah. Uh, sorry. Stitch.
Dylan: Good to see you, Mrs. Newman.
Nikki: You, too.
Stitch: You were -- so, you were right about our paths crossing again. Here we are together, under a lot better circumstances.
Christine: So, Jacobs arraigned Michael before I even knew about it?
Paul: It should be pretty simple -- he pleaded guilty.
Christine: I certainly don't look forward to prosecuting Michael, even if it's only a matter of making a statement to the judge. Uh, he would never kill anyone in cold blood unless he had no choice. Uh, a-any reason why you're being so quiet? What -- I mean, do you think there's more to this?
Paul: I suspect there might be.
Christine: So then why would --
Paul: Because he had the means, the motive, and the opportunity to kill Basco. And we've got his confession.
Christine: Well, this can't be easy for you -- you and Michael being so close, and then poor Lauren. I --
Paul: It's really tough.
Christine: [Sighs]
Paul: I mean, I'm trying to do this job and be a good friend at the same time.
Christine: I now know all too well what Michael was going through, being the D.A. and speaking of friends, um... was Nikki here on police business?
Paul: Nikki is looking for something she lost.
Christine: She find it?
Paul: I hope so.
Nikki: I-I was just taking a walk.
Stitch: You feeling okay?
Nikki: Sure. Yeah. Uh... excuse me.
Stitch: Nice lady.
Dylan: Is she the patient you were telling me about, the first day at the hospital?
Stitch: Yeah, she seemed a little upset, which worries me, as she was told to avoid stress.
Dylan: Yeah, well, I might've added to that. I'm sure, uh, she blames me for Nick and Avery breaking up.
Stitch: She doesn't seem like the type to hold a grudge or get hung up on a past mistake. Hey. Come on. Go long.
Dylan: No, you go long.
Stitch: What happened to all that energy you had to burn?
Dylan: I cooled off listening to you complain about how tired you are, Dr. Rayburn.
Stitch: All right.
Dylan: [Laughs]
Stitch: [Groaning] Should I ice this?
Dylan: I don't know. You're the doctor.
Avery: Every time you threaten to take away her child, you drive that wedge in that much deeper.
Adam: I'm not threatening Chelsea. I'm simply being honest and up front about the situation.
Avery: Despite your honesty, if that's what you want to call it, I really think Chelsea still cares about you.
Adam: And you're basing this on what?
Avery: Sometimes, you just have a feeling about people.
Adam: And you're saying you have this feeling about Chelsea and me.
Avery: I'm saying that if the two of you could get over the resentment you have for each other... I think you would find you have a lot of affection still.
Adam: [Chuckles] Affection. Yeah, I don't think so.
Avery: Adam, you have a history with Chelsea. You suffered the loss of a child, and now you have the blessing of a new one. When two people go through such a profound experience like that, you -- the memories, they don't just die. In fact, the memories... can be a trigger for very powerful feelings.
Sharon: Avery -- she never loved you... the way that you deserved. [Sighs] It makes me mad just thinking about it.
Nick: [Sighs] All right. Look. I don't want to discuss Avery with you right now. What did you mean when you said that you had to take matters into your own hands?
Sharon: I -- I knew you needed me. So I made sure I was there for you. I knew what you wanted, even when you didn't... just like right now. I know what you want.
Nick: Whoa.
Chloe: I know you're hoping that Dylan will forgive you.
Chelsea: But... it's gonna take a long time for the hurt to wear off...if ever. [Gasps] But Dylan has not filed for divorce yet. So maybe that means that he doesn't hate me.
Chloe: You living here -- isn't that gonna make things more difficult? I mean, the more time that he spends with Connor -- it's -- it's just going to make it harder for Dylan.
Chelsea: What other choice do I have, Chloe? I mean, Adam has certain rights, and I need to put Connor's needs first. He has to know his dad.
Chloe: Sweetie...I understand firsthand. I get the situation. But Adam is not Billy. And he is not gonna compromise on visitations or be inclined to forgive you for lying.
Chelsea: And if, by some miracle, Adam agrees to share custody, we're gonna have to have some sort of a relationship. And it would be better for Connor if that's a good relationship.
Chloe: Define good.
Avery: Do you think it's easier to stay mad at Chelsea than risk having a relationship?
Adam: And by relationship, you're meaning what?
Avery: I mean a partnership. Co-parenting. Maybe even friends for the sake of the child. Look, the two of you have a reason to work together now. And if I'm right -- if you have even an ounce of love for Chelsea in your very beat-up heart, I suggest you find it as soon as possible. It'll be just the best thing for all of you.
Adam: Have Leslie call me so we can change this birth certificate and I can get my full parental rights.
Jack: Full rights. You are gonna pursue it -- sole custody of your son?
Adam: I'm gonna have the birth certificate changed. Then I'm going to have his name changed to my last name -- not that the Newman name is any kind of a legacy.
Jack: So make it one. Consider what your father has done a gift.
Adam: A gift usually implies someone giving something, not stripping it away.
Jack: Gifts come in all shapes and sizes, Adam. Sometimes, you don't even recognize them.
Adam: Did you get that out of a fortune cookie, Jack?
Jack: I told you this before. This is a chance for a fresh start... to make different choices. Luckily, you have the ability to take control of your life now. Don't squander that opportunity. Hey. Did you get my message?
Avery: I saw that you called, but I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet.
Jack: I just got back from Georgia. While I was visiting Phyllis, she squeezed my hand.
Avery: Oh, my God. Does this mean what I think it does?
Jack: According to the doctor, it's no great cause for hope -- an involuntary reflex, nothing more.
Avery: [Sighs] Jack, I'm so sorry.
Jack: Don't be. Ordinarily, news like this would devastate me. It hasn't... because the doctor is wrong.
Nick: What are you doing?
Sharon: Nick, we were meant to be together. You and I both know that.
Nick: Where is this coming from, all of a sudden?
Sharon: Well, it's not all of a sudden. Things have been like this for us forever.
Nick: [Sighs] No, no, no. Sharon, please. Please, don't do this.
Sharon: Nick, you had to see this coming. You've been feeling it, too. I know you have.
Nick: Just a couple weeks ago, I was ready to marry Avery.
Sharon: But you didn't, because you weren't meant to be, not the way that we were. Nick... it's always been about you and me... from the time we were kids. We're a part of each other, and now -- now we have this chance to be together again, to have the family that we were always meant to have. Tell me you don't want that. I dare you. Look me in the eye and tell me that you don't want me.
Christine: So how about Paris? Or London?
Paul: London? Isn't London kind of dreary this time of year?
Christine: Maybe in November but not now.
Paul: Are you proposing we step on a plane tonight?
Christine: [Chuckles] I just got off one. Ugh, and to a mountain of work. So I actually don't know if I will be able to take any time off for our honeymoon anytime soon.
Paul: You know, um... I kind of feel badly -- I hope you're not disappointed -- for springing our wedding on you so suddenly. It didn't really give you a chance to enjoy being a bride, you know. No shower, exciting hunt to find a gown or...
Christine: I loved our impromptu wedding. Really, I-I wouldn't change it for a minute.
Paul: Really?
Christine: Yeah, I'm serious. And now that I'm back, we can throw a party and -- and plan a lovely honeymoon. Our one problem will be trying to find some dates on our calendar where we can both get away.
Paul: Yeah. You don't think Genoa City could survive both of us being gone for a couple of weeks?
Christine: I think it'll be dicey. However, in the meantime...
Paul: Yes?
Christine: ...I am deliriously happy to say that I am your wife. And if you have any, any doubt about that...
Dylan: You checking up on me?
Stitch: What? Oh, no. Just getting some coffee. But since you're here, wouldn't mind knowing how your therapy session went.
Dylan: Uh, well, at least this guy at the V.A. understood what it -- what it's like to be deployed. He didn't give me my certificate of sanity. So I guess I'm gonna have to go back.
Stitch: Hey, I'm glad you're doing this, Dylan. It's the right thing to do.
Dylan: Did you?
Stitch: Did I what?
Dylan: You know, did you have to see anybody?
Stitch: Put it this way. I didn't, but it wouldn't have hurt. I have my moments, same as anyone who's been over there. It never goes away.
Dylan: Well, you seem to be coping pretty well. You've got your life together. Got your family. Got your M.D., which is a huge achievement.
Stitch: Yeah, it's still with me, all the same. I've just had to, uh... figure out a way to make sure those experiences don't affect my behavior now. So...
Dylan: The way mine have.
Stitch: Don't think that I don't worry that something's gonna happen... and I won't get some shock... that'll throw me right back into the nightmare.
Chloe: I'm sorry. I have to run, but it's Delia's debut as the wicked witch.
Chelsea: Oh, tell her to break a leg.
Chloe: Oh, I will. And you...
Chelsea: Yes?
Chloe: Be careful. Because even though you and your evil ex are working well together, just remember that Adam is still all about Adam, is team Adam. He's the most selfi-- see ya.
Adam: How's the baby?
Chelsea: He's great -- napping peacefully. No coughing -- I haven't heard a peep over the baby monitor.
Adam: We need to talk.
Chelsea: About what?
Adam: About how things are going to go, moving forward.
Avery: Jack, as much as I'd love to believe Phyllis is getting better, if --
Jack: I don't doubt that the man saw some involuntary movement. It's also possible Phyllis had a cognitive response and then lapsed back into the coma right afterward.
Avery: What makes you think that she responded to something?
Jack: I was talking to your sister about everything and everyone. It wasn't until I mentioned Summer that she squeezed my hand. It's not so much that she did it. It's when she squeezed my hand. She wanted to talk to me about our daughter.
Nick: Sharon, you're not being rational. We have been over for years. You know that.
Sharon: I don't know how I... I-I... Nick, I thought that we were... working back to where we were... before Cassie died. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. [Voice breaking] Oh, my God. I don't... I feel like such an idiot. This is so embarrassing.
Nick: You haven't been yourself for a while now. Noah is very concerned.
Sharon: Well, he thinks I went off my meds. [Sniffles] Okay, it's true. I did.
Nick: Sharon --
Sharon: Well, I just felt so numb all the time. I just kept thinking about... the last time I ever felt normal, the last time I ever felt like myself, and it was when you and I were together.
Nick: We're not together. And you need help.
Adam: I've begun the process of having my name put on my son's birth certificate. And after that's done --
[Cell phone rings]
Chelsea: Sorry. Hello? Oh, yes. We would love to. That would be great. Okay, thank you so much. That was Dr. Lintz.
Adam: The pediatric ophthalmologist who's been too damn busy to see our son.
Chelsea: There was a cancelation. He says he can see Connor as soon as we can get him there.
Adam: Let's go.
Avery: I've read a lot that coma patients can hear what's going on around them and that if you say something provocative, it can trigger a response.
Jack: I know it's not a big deal. It's a little squeeze. And it could be a long while before Phyllis has this kind of response again. But I have to believe this is the start of things moving in a new direction.
Avery: Jack, I pray that you're right.
Jack: Well, from now on, I am going to bring up anything and everyone and hope that I hit on something that makes her want to sit up and talk.
Sharon: You're right. I need help. I do. Oh, God. I don't want to spin out of control again. I don't want to hurt anybody. I certainly don't want to hurt you. You know what, Nick? Just go. You know what? I'll be fine. I-I'll do what I need to do.
Nick: No, I-I'm not leaving you like this.
Sharon: I'm such a disaster.
Paul: Mm. Oh, okay. I recognize that look. It's like "I've got so much work, I shouldn't be here" look.
Christine: Oh, gosh, it's scary how well we know each other.
Paul: Yeah, I know. It is, isn't it? See you tonight?
Christine: Yes, you can count on that. [Chuckles] Oh, is this Michael's case file?
Paul: Yeah. Help yourself.
Christine: Michael shot Carmine in the alley outside of the Athletic Club? How was that?
Paul: Well, about how you'd imagine. I, uh... couldn't help but think about Ricky, you know?
Christine: I'm sure.
Paul: I've been thinking a lot about my son lately, too. I can't help but wonder if his life might have been different if I had raised him myself... or if he would have turned out differently. I know. Genes are genes. But, still, I... we were separated for so long, by the time he came back, we, uh... were total strangers. I never had a chance, you know, to make a real impact on his life... or help -- help make his life better. I'm glad you're home.
Dylan: Come on, man, is this English?
Stitch: It's medical-ese.
Dylan: I don't understand a word.
Stitch: Just like I wouldn't have a clue about how to read a blueprint.
Dylan: Who says I do? I just like the pictures.
Stitch: Hey, I got to get out of here.
Dylan: All right.
Stitch: Back to the hospital. Catch you later.
Dylan: Okay.
Stitch: Hey, there. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were following me.
Nikki: Oh. No, no. I-I just --
Stitch: I was just kidding, Mrs. Newman. [Chuckles] Take care of yourself, okay?
Nikki: Uh-huh.
Dylan: Is everything okay, Mrs. Newman?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nikki: And I suppose in the natural order of things, I owe you a confession.
Billy: And I will be back in a moment.
Delia: You're leaving me here all alone?
Billy: No, you've got Dash.
[Dash grunts]
Delia: Dash!
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