Y&R Transcript Monday 10/7/13
Episode # 10259 ~ Adam gets the paternity test results; emotions between Dylan and Avery run high.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Billy: You can't eat that whole gallon by yourself!
Victoria: Watch me! I will!
Billy: You're not gonna be able to eat it without these.
Victoria: Oh, yeah?
Billy: Nope, not till you promise to share. You're not getting this. You're not getting this!
Victoria: But it's chocolate fudge with marshmallows.
Billy: That sounds like exactly what I need after all the energy I expended upstairs!
Victoria: Did I tire you out trying to make a baby?
Billy: You think I'm gonna get tired of that?
Victoria: We could take the ice cream upstairs, and the spoons, and share... and share...and share...
Billy: Spoons? We don't need spoons! We don't need spoons. No spoons. Bye, spoons. Bye, spoons!
Johnny: [Crying]
Victoria: [Groans softly] I really don't think Johnny wants another sibling.
Billy: I really think I need to have a conversation with that boy. [Grunts]
Nikki: Paul, um, I don't know if you got my other messages. But I know I've told you that I don't want to know any more. I-I-I've chased you all around town to tell you that I don't want to know. So maybe that means that I really do... deep down. Maybe I'll always need to know about a life that was cut too short... no matter how much it hurts. So, um... yes. Yes, call me... and tell me what you know about my son.
Victor: Sweetheart, what was that all about?
Adam: His color looks better, don't you think?
Chelsea: Yeah, he doesn't look as flushed. And his fever's down. The antibiotics must be working.
Adam: You're gonna be okay, Peanut.
Chelsea: He is.
Adam: If they're gonna insist on keeping him overnight, the least they can do is put him in a proper room.
Chelsea: You heard the nurse. Pediatrics is jammed. I'm -- I'm gonna stay, so if -- if you want to go --
Adam: I'm staying.
Connor: [Fusses softly]
Chelsea: I just thought --
Adam: I'm not leaving my son.
Dylan: Yeah, that'll do it. All right. All right, Tony. Thanks. Doc.
Stitch: Hey.
Dylan: Done with your first shift at the hospital?
Stitch: You kidding me? They work the new recruits till they drop.
Dylan: Wow, sounds like basic.
Stitch: With better coffee.
Dylan: Better and free.
Stitch: Might as well get it while I can. How much longer am I gonna be able to get the best-friend discount around this joint?
Dylan: I think you'll be set indefinitely.
Stitch: Indefinitely as in...
Dylan: I'm staying.
Stitch: Oh, man, that's great! What made you change your mind?
[Pounding on door]
Avery: All right! Coming!
Lauren: Avery! Thank God.
Avery: Lauren! What's wrong?
Lauren: Michael needs your help.
Avery: Michael! Why?
Lauren: Carmine Basco... is dead.
Paul: CSI's done in the alley? And the gun's at ballistics? Yeah, I figured it was Mallory's. Um, I'm about to question him now. Yeah, I'll check in with you later. [Sighs] Detective Chavez. He's, um... trying to piece together what happened in the alley.
Michael: I told you.
Paul: Yeah. You killed Carmine.
Michael: That's right.
Paul: So, you saw him in the alley with Lauren... and you lost it, and you grabbed his gun, and you shot him.
Michael: End of story.
Paul: I don't think so.
Nikki: Oh, Victor, I -- I didn't hear you.
Victor: Are you upset about the phone call?
Nikki: No! Not at all.
Victor: Well, you said something about your son. Uh, everything all right with Nicholas?
Nikki: Oh. I-I-I didn't want to say anything.
Victor: Tell me!
Nikki: It was just some reporter from those gossip rags insinuating that she knew why Avery didn't show up at the wedding. She wanted me to confirm her suspicions.
Victor: I hate those damn vultures -- always ready to feast of our family's crises, as if we are nothing but fodder for the entertainment of the masses, for heaven's sake!
Nikki: Yeah. After all, we all have... our right to privacy.
Victor: Yeah, especially Nicholas. I don't want the world to know that the bride stood him up at the altar because she wanted to be with another man.
Dylan: You were all ready to take over my place, weren't you?
Stitch: Nah. I knew you wouldn't be able to live without me.
Dylan: Are you kidding me? You're the worst bunkmate I ever had.
Stitch: Yet here you are, begging me to share your loft with you.
Dylan: Begging you?! I let you stay there so I can keep you out of trouble until Jenna and Max get to town!
Stitch: I'm sure my wife and kid appreciate you staying around to take care of me.
Dylan: [Sighs] Yeah. And I-I didn't really have anywhere better to go. And what you said about running.
Stitch: You're making the right decision, man.
Dylan: So you think it's better to stay and face my problems?
Stitch: Well, it's -- it's not gonna be easy, but -- look. Whatever you need, I'm here.
Dylan: Between your 24-hour shifts at the hospital?
Stitch: Oh, I'll sneak away for free coffee.
Dylan: This, uh -- this whole civilian doctor thing seems a lot different than being a combat medic.
Stitch: It's not all life-or-death, that's for sure. But...you still get to make a difference in people's lives. Like today, I had this one patient. All I did was get her some water, suggest a physical therapy regimen, and listen.
Dylan: I'm proud of you. You know, you're making a new life for yourself after everything we went through.
Stitch: And I'm glad you're sticking around to do the same.
Avery: Michael killed Carmine?!
Lauren: [Sighs] This whole night is just one big horror story.
Avery: Well, Carmine had to be out of his mind, showing up at the club at your award ceremony. He had to know the cops were surrounding the place.
Lauren: He would've done anything to hurt me.
Avery: I'd hate to think what he was planning to do!
Lauren: It really doesn't matter. Michael is in trouble.
Avery: And you say that he's confessed to the murder.
Lauren: And he also waived his right to an attorney. But he needs one.
Avery: You know that my partner represented Carmine.
Lauren: Carmine is dead! And Michael needs an attorney! Now, are you gonna do it or not?
Michael: I've told you everything.
Paul: So take me through it again, step by step.
Michael: [Sighs] I'm sure you've heard that Carmine switched the video at the award ceremony.
Paul: And I imagine that made you pretty upset.
Michael: My wife publicly humiliated? Yeah, I was a little, bitty bit upset.
Paul: So you went looking for Basco?
Michael: I knew it wouldn't stop with him showing the video. I knew he would keep coming after Lauren again and again, until she got really hurt or worse. So when I found Carmine in the alley with Lauren... I didn't think. I just grabbed the gun from his holster, and I shot him.
Paul: Come on, Michael. You were the D.A.! You're a defense attorney! The least you're facing is second-degree murder. You know that.
Michael: I'm aware, yes!
Paul: So why so quick to confess?
Michael: Because I did it! I shot the bastard. You know -- everyone knows -- I've come close before, more than once. I swore I'd do it if he ever showed up again, and I did it!
Paul: Something's not right.
Michael: Everything's right. I offed Basco so he'd stop hurting my family, and I would do it all over again if I had to.
Victoria: A bottle, a clean diaper, two stories, and you still won't go to sleep! [Grunts] What's the matter, huh? Do you want to cuddle on the couch with mama?
Billy: Ooh, that sounds like a good idea to me!
Victoria: I know. I'll take you upstairs, and I'll rock you to sleep. That's what I'll do.
Billy: No, no, no. I've got a better idea, one that's guaranteed to get this guy to sleep and us cuddling. Come here, my little monkey friend! All right. So, you and me, we're gonna take a ride -- little cruising, little easy listening. You'll be out in no time, and we'll be back to cuddling.
Victoria: Bye, boys! Okay. I'll meet you upstairs, then, okay?
Billy: Yeah, don't forget the ice cream.
Victoria: Okay, I won't forget the ice cream...and the chocolate sauce.
Billy: [Chuckles] Okay. Be right back!
Victoria: Okay. Bye.
Billy: [Vocalizing] Bye.
Victoria: Hurry!
Billy: [Continues vocalizing]
Connor: [Fusses softly]
Chelsea: I hate that our sweet, little baby boy has to be poked and prodded and stuck with needles! He's probably wondering why his mommy's letting all of these strangers hurt him. Huh? [Sniffles] And to think how much more of this is in his future.
Adam: He knows we're there for him.
Chelsea: [Sniffles]
Adam: He knows we care about him, and we love him, and we're gonna do anything we can to make sure he gets well.
Chelsea: Yeah, but how could he know that?
Adam: When he cries... we pick him up. When he reaches out his little hand, we take it. He hears our voices. It's soothing.
Chelsea: [Sniffles]
Adam: You know, don't you, little peanut... that no matter what happens next, we will be here.
Chelsea: It's -- it's been a long time since you referred to us as "We."
Adam: Since about when I started making the company my priority.
Connor: [Grunts softly]
Chelsea: Yeah.
Adam: Well, my son is my priority now.
Chelsea: I know that Newman Enterprises was more to you than just a company.
Connor: [Fussing softly]
Adam: Not me. To my dad. Just about every misguided thing I've done in the last year has been a result of me knowing how much Newman meant to him.
Connor: [Sighs softly]
Adam: I thought that if I could give it to my dad, if I could give him the company, that somehow, I'd -- somehow, I'd matter.
Chelsea: I'm sorry he let you down.
Adam: Well, you don't have to worry about that. You can always count on me.
Connor: [Grunting softly]
[Cell phone chimes]
Chelsea: What are you doing, huh?
Adam: I have to take care of something.
Victor: Sweetheart, I'm gonna go out for a while. Are you gonna be all right alone? Sweetheart?
Nikki: What?
Victor: I said I'm gonna go out for a while.
Nikki: At this hour?
Victor: Yeah. I'll stop by Victoria's and if my grandson is still up, say hello to him.
Nikki: Now, Victor... you don't have to pretend that going over to Victoria's is a social call.
Victor: After what the doctor told you, I don't want to add any unnecessary stress to your life, okay?
Nikki: I'm fine! And even if I weren't, you don't have to avoid talking about working with Victoria.
Victor: Okay. Come here. Thank you for understanding, okay? But after... Katherine's passing, I just realize how fleeting time is, and how... Victoria and I have wasted a whole year arguing about all kinds of things, mostly about her marriage to that damn Billy-boy Abbott. Anyway... I know I can't make up for a lost year, but... I will try, okay?
Nikki: I know.
Victor: Be back soon, okay?
Nikki: Okay.
Victor: Thank you, Sweetheart.
[Door shuts]
Michael: Remember when I had to arrest you... for Ricky's death? I felt the same way you do now. "How could it be? How could a friend of mine be responsible for someone's death?"
Paul: [Sighs] That was different, Michael.
Michael: You felt you had no other choice but to fire the gun. Neither did I.
Paul: I'm begging you, man. Come on, before it's too late. Tell me what really happened in that alley.
[Knock on door]
Cop: Excuse me, Sir. Mr. Baldwin's lawyer's here.
Michael: [Groans] I never hired anyone.
Lauren: I did.
Avery: I'd like to speak to my client alone.
Paul: I think that would be a good idea.
Lauren: We'll leave the two of you alone.
Michael: It was wrong of Lauren to drag you down here. It's a waste of time.
Avery: You're too good an attorney to believe that.
Michael: Carmine's dead. I confessed to shooting him.
Avery: Well, that's your first mistake. I'd like to make it your last. But you have to let me help you.
Michael: Avery... you can't.
Avery: Yes, I can! But you have to stop talking to the police and start talking to me.
Victor: I was hoping to see Johnny.
Victoria: [Sighs] Yeah. Um, well, Billy took him for a ride in the car sort of hoping to convince him that nighttime is for sleeping, you know.
Victor: Well, I'm sorry I'm not seeing Johnny.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Victor: Can't say the same thing about Billy-boy.
Victoria: Daddy, you texted me that you wanted to talk about something, so I'm guessing that it's not about Johnny.
Victor: I did. I want to tell you how happy I am about your success on your trip!
Victoria: Thank you. Every vendor that I spoke to agreed to discontinue doing business with Newman.
Victor: You know that most of them have already signed contracts with Chancellor Industries?
Victoria: I do know that. It wasn't exactly easy getting them to switch their alliance.
Victor: Sweetheart, that's why I sent you -- because I knew you would do the job.
Victoria: Thank you. I kind of forgot about the rush that you get when you're negotiating a deal.
Victor: You're back where you belong, my sweetheart.
Victoria: By your side.
Victor: You bet.
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Victor: And very soon, we will not only run Chancellor Industries together, but Newman Enterprises as well, now that I've forced Adam out.
Victoria: Adam...and Jack.
Victor: So, you know about that.
Victoria: [Clears throat]
Victor: Well, they both... got what they deserve.
Victoria: What about me?
Victor: What do you mean, what about you?
Victoria: As Adam's silent investor, Jack stands to lose millions of dollars, which is largely due to the fact that I convinced most of those vendors to stop doing business with Newman.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Let's just say that Jack-ass Abbott made a bad investment.
Victoria: But you forgot to tell me about that, Dad... because you were hoping to cause trouble in my marriage.
Victor: Mnh-mnh.
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Billy: You know what, Buddy? You were the one that's supposed to go to sleep, and I'm getting tired, but -- yeah? Well, hopefully, this double espresso works for me and that warm milk works for you!
Dylan: You're not letting your dad get any sleep, huh?
Billy: Sleep?! He's not letting me get anything!
Dylan: Downside of having a baby, I guess.
Billy: Yeah, uh, it -- want to join us, man? I'm sorry to hear about what happened with Connor. I-I-I-I-I can't believe that. That's a pretty horrible thing for Chelsea to do.
Johnny: [Babbling]
Dylan: Yeah. Uh... I had an idea, but, you know, I wanted Connor to be mine so bad that I convinced myself that he was.
Billy: Yeah, well, from what I hear, she was so scared and desperate that she convinced herself that you were actually the father.
Dylan: Yeah, she had no excuse for what she did. She knew how much I'd already lost.
Billy: You mean Avery?
Dylan: Uh, Avery was the start of it. After that, I could never get my footing, you know? Nothing held. I went overseas, and... I, uh, saw my buddies and innocent people die. Got word my mom died. I came home. My dad passed away. I just thought it was never gonna end! And then Chelsea tells me she's carrying my baby!
Billy: Must've felt like the universe was throwing you a lifeline.
Dylan: Yeah, and I grabbed onto it, you know? I said to myself, "This is it. This is my chance to start over." This --
Billy: Okay, look. Listen to me. It might seem like everything is bad right now. But take it from a guy who's done more wrong with his life than he has right. Every time it looks like it's at the very bottom... turns out, there's another chance to make things right. I'm telling you.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Connor: [Grunting softly]
Chelsea: Stitch! What are you doing here?
Stitch: Started working here this week.
Chelsea: Oh, right. Dylan had said that you were in med school when you enlisted.
Stitch: Finally went back and finished.
Chelsea: Congratulations.
Stitch: Your son's on my rotation. I need to check him out... unless you'd rather I get someone else.
Chelsea: No, no! That's -- that's okay!
Stitch: Hey! Hey, Buddy.
Chelsea: I didn't realize that you were gonna be living in Genoa City.
Stitch: Dylan's gonna need someone to help him pick up the pieces of his life.
Chelsea: I thought you said he was leaving town.
Stitch: Change of plans -- not that that's any of your business. Hey.
Paul: Well, you did the right thing, bringing Avery here.
Lauren: Uh, well... it won't do any good if he refuses to let her represent him.
Paul: Well, hopefully, she'll be able to get through to him. [Sighs] At least you don't have to worry about Carmine anymore.
Lauren: I actually thought I'd be relieved about that, you know? But his death has brought on a whole other set of problems for my family. [Sniffles]
Paul: What can I do to help you?
Lauren: Me? I'm fine.
Paul: What about Fen?
Lauren: What about him?
Paul: Well, you're here, so you must've found him. I assume he's with Kevin and Gloria, yeah?
Lauren: I'm -- I'm not sure about that.
Paul: How did he react when you told him that Carmine was dead and that his father confessed to the murder?
Lauren: You know, Paul, we're... all in shock. Um...we're just gonna stay together as a family, and we'll be okay.
Paul: I'm sure you will. [Sighs] Listen, I have to run out. You're gonna be okay here?
Lauren: Of course.
Paul: I'll tell the officer to let you see Michael once Avery's done.
Lauren: Thank you.
Paul: Okay.
[Door shuts]
Lauren: Oh, my God.
Avery: Michael, you know as well as I do, representing yourself is the worst thing you could do.
Michael: You are an excellent attorney, and I respect your opinion. But I know what I'm doing.
Avery: Okay, this man threatened your wife. He tried to kill you! You have a solid case for self-defense!
Michael: I'm not putting my family through the stress of a trial!
Avery: But you'll put them through the stress of going to prison.
Michael: I'm pleading guilty, Avery, and you're not gonna talk me out of it.
Stitch: Give me your lab results as soon as you have them, okay? Thanks
Connor: [Fussing]
Chelsea: I know! I know!
Adam: What's going on?
Chelsea: Stitch is -- [Sighs] Dr. Rayburn is a doctor here. He just examined Connor.
Stitch: Your son's fever is down. His vitals are good, including his respiration.
Adam: Could you please see to getting our son a private room?
Stitch: I'll have a nurse check on that for you.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Connor: [Fusses]
Stitch: I'll let you know as soon as the report on his blood work is back. [Sighs]
Chelsea: It's okay. It's okay.
Adam: I'm not sure how comfortable I am with one of Dylan's friends watching over our son.
Chelsea: If you're so concerned with who's taking care of Connor, why did you just leave like that?
Adam: I went to go pick up the results of the paternity test.
Connor: [Grunting softly]
Adam: It's official. I'm your daddy. Hi.
Dylan: I used up all my chances.
Billy: No. You're right. No, no, no. Don't think that way, man. If I thought that way, I'd be a very lonely man. And I can't tell you all the garbage that I put Victoria through, but... [Chuckles] ...I got to say, I'm lucky. She's taken me back every time.
Dylan: Even after you got involved with Chelsea?
Billy: Whoa. Well, that was about five chances back, and it was rough times, I assure you, but -- ha!
Dylan: [Chuckles]
Billy: I am never gonna regret having this little guy in our lives, and Victoria doesn't, either.
Dylan: Yeah, I've seen her with him. You can tell she loves him as if he's her own.
Billy: Well, he is. Chelsea made that possible. She made it possible for Victoria to be his mom. And I will always be grateful for that, because our family wouldn't be complete without him. [Chuckles]
Dylan: So, what -- since... Chelsea did you a favor, you think I should forgive her?
Billy: I'm not saying that, man. I'm not saying that at all. Uh, first of all... the deal with me and Chelsea is completely different. I was never in love with Chelsea.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Billy: Now, the reason that Victoria and I are together is because she loved me enough to forgive me. So the question really is, what's stopping you from forgiving Chelsea?
Avery: Nikki!
Nikki: Hello.
Avery: I-I've been meaning to call you. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for...any upset that I may have caused you.
Nikki: Well, I'm not the one you hurt.
Avery: [Sighs] You have no idea how much I regret hurting Nick.
Nikki: Well, I'm very happy that he decided not to go ahead with the ceremony, because he would've hurt even more if he'd married a woman who was in love with someone else.
Lauren: Avery! Did Michael agree to let you represent him?
Nikki: W-what's happened? Uh, does this have something to do with Carmine?
Lauren: Uh, y-yeah.
Avery: Carmine is dead, and, uh, Michael is arrested for his murder.
Nikki: Oh, my God! I am so sorry!
Lauren: Thank you.
Nikki: Please, let Victor and me know if there's anything we can do.
Lauren: I appreciate that.
Nikki: I came to see Paul. I'll let you two talk.
Avery: Michael refuses to let me represent him.
Lauren: I was afraid of that.
Avery: And I tried everything to convince him.
Lauren: I-I'm sure you did. Listen, thank you so much for coming down.
Avery: Please call me if he changes his mind!
Lauren: I will! I will.
Michael: Lauren! Aw, Baby! Any word on Fenmore?
Lauren: [Voice breaking] Um, Kevin and Gloria are still looking for him, and that's exactly what we should be doing! We should be helping our son!
Michael: You know, why do you think I'm doing this?
Lauren: No, we should've told the police the truth -- that we found Carmine dead in that alley -- and then they would be out there looking for the real person who did this!
Michael: And what if it's Fenmore?
Lauren: I can't do this, Michael! I cannot choose between you and our son! I can't sacrifice one of you to save the other! I can't do it, Michael! [Sighs]
Michael: He's our son, and we have to save our son.
Lauren: Then you let Avery help you!
Michael: No. No, no. There'll be an investigation. They'll question my story. They'll poke holes in it. They have to believe that I went to the alley. I found carmine with you alive. They have to believe that I lost it, that I grabbed the gun, and that I shot him.
Lauren: Then you claim self-defense.
Michael: No, there will be a trial! Look -- I fired the gun to leave my fingerprints on it. I've confessed. It's an open-and-shut case right now, but if anyone -- anyone -- looks too closely... it won't be.
[Paul remembering]
Paul: Ricky, let me help you. I'm not gonna say it again, Ricky! Drop the knife now! Drop it!!
[Back to present]
Alex: Chief.
Paul: Yeah.
Alex: You all right?
Paul: Yeah, I'm fine. What do you got?
Alex: Oh, no witnesses. I bagged and tagged these. I'm gonna talk to a couple more people inside, and then we're good to go.
Paul: All right, I'll meet you back at the station.
Alex: Sounds good.
Paul: [Sighs]
Michael: If either one of us does anything to make Paul or Detective Chavez think that I'm not telling the truth about what happened in that alley, they're gonna start looking for another suspect.
Lauren: [Sighs, sniffles]
Michael: And it won't take them long to figure out that it was Fenmore, not me, who put that bullet in Basco.
Lauren: I don't like this, Michael.
Michael: Just do what I tell you to, and everything will be fine.
Lauren: [Sighs, sniffles] Okay.
Michael: Okay. You go find Fenmore, and when you do... you tell him to keep his mouth shut. Trust me. This is the right thing to do, okay?
[Door shuts]
Nikki: Well, Lauren told me that Michael was arrested for killing Carmine?
Paul: Uh, yeah, in the alley behind the club.
Nikki: [Exhales softly] The same place Ricky died.
Paul: I just got back from the crime scene.
Nikki: It must've been so difficult for you.
Paul: You know, every time I walk through that alley, I think of him. And investigating a death -- it just brought it all back.
Nikki: I'm sorry.
Paul: Yeah. Well... you didn't come here to talk about my son.
Nikki: No. I got your message saying you had new information about mine.
Paul: Yes.
Nikki: My son is dead, Paul. What more could you possibly find out about him?
Victoria: Discretion was imperative. That's your excuse as to why you didn't tell me that Jack was Adam's secret investor.
Victor: But, Sweetheart, think about it for a moment. If you had known that... there would've been a conflict between helping me to regain control of Newman Enterprises and lying to your husband!
Victoria: Oh! Yes! Okay! And you just didn't want to put me in that position.
Victor: No! I tried to protect you!
Victoria: Daddy, please don't insult me, okay? Listen! You were hoping that Billy would find out that I was trying to help you get back Newman from his brother, and that it would drive a wedge between us! That's what you were hoping!
Victor: Sweetheart, he's doing that all on his own, okay?
Victoria: That was the past, Dad. Actually, right now, Billy is being a wonderful and supportive husband lately!
Victor: Wait till he finds out what you did in Dallas!
Victoria: He already knows why I went there. He knows that I went there to convince vendors to sever ties with Newman and start doing business with Chancellor! He knows that! And he feels bad for Jack. But he knows I'm just doing my job.
Victor: You believe him?
Victoria: I want to work with you, okay?
Victor: Okay.
Victoria: But I will not tolerate you undermining my marriage! I won't!
[Both sigh]
Victor: Do I have to remind you that not too long ago... you were so fed up with your marriage that you moved out to the ranch?
Victoria: I did that to force him to get his act together! And guess what? He did. Things are better between us than they ever have been. In fact... we're trying to have a baby again.
Victor: [Chuckles]
Connor: [Crying]
Chelsea: So, now that you have proof that you're Connor's real dad, what do you plan to do? Its okay, Baby.
Adam: I'm gonna change his birth certificate.
Chelsea: Change it how?
Adam: I'm going to remove the fraudulent father's name and replace it with mine.
Chelsea: Then what?
Adam: Then I'm gonna be a father to my son.
Connor: [Grunts]
Dylan: It's, uh, kind of dangerous to be out here at night on your own.
Avery: I have mace. And I remember all the self-defense moves you taught me.
Dylan: Mm. Still...you're lucky it was me you ran into.
Avery: What are you doing out here, alone, in the dark?
Dylan: Uh, I'm just, you know... thinking. I've been doing that a lot lately.
Avery: Oh?
Dylan: Yeah, just -- just going back in my mind, trying to figure out where everything... went wrong.
Avery: I've been doing that a lot myself lately.
Dylan: And I always end up at the same spot. Uh, nothing was the same after that.
Avery: We couldn't get back what we had.
Dylan: It's like we broke, and we couldn't figure out how to fix things.
Avery: [Sighs] If I hadn't pushed you away, you would've never re-enlisted. I wouldn't have met Nick.
Dylan: And I wouldn't have married Chelsea.
Avery: Things might've been a lot different.
Dylan: And after all that, here we are... back to square one.
Avery: It seems like square one, doesn't it? But... [Sighs] ...You and I left behind a lot of squares. [Chuckles]
Dylan: Yeah, but still. It makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Avery: Makes you wonder what?
Dylan: [Sighs] I don't know. It just... ...makes you wonder if we ever could do it again... could we get it right?
Avery: Dylan... we can't.
Dylan: We can't -- can't what?
Avery: We can't. Whatever's happening right here, we can't. We -- we've both been through a lot right now.
Dylan: Yet here we are -- a beautiful fall night. It's just -- you know, it's just crazy how we keep finding each other. That's all.
Avery: You know how I feel about you... how I've always felt about you. But I'm not ready for this.
Dylan: No, look. Hey. No. Listen. When you're ready, I got a fancy, new phone right here. It's got a, uh, calendar app, so I can actually put your information in here. Hold on. "Avery..."
Avery: I don't know when that'll happen. Dylan, I don't know if it'll ever happen.
Dylan: Yeah. It's okay.
Avery: Okay. Okay. Good night.
Dylan: Yeah. Good night.
Alex: Tell the guys in forensics that, uh, the chief wants to put a rush on that evidence. Thanks. Didn't notice that before!
Michael: I need to make a phone call. I'm allowed one!
Cop: Make it quick.
[Cell phone rings]
Lauren: [Breathing shakily] Hello?
Michael: Hey. It's me. Any news?
Lauren: I've been to the apartment. I went to Crimson Lights. I went to all of Fen's usual hangouts, and he's not there! Gloria and Kevin, they're -- they're still looking for him, and I came back to the club, but no one has seen him!
Michael: Keep looking.
Lauren: I will. I'm just gonna pack up here, and I'm gonna go back to the apartment and hope that -- [Crying] That Fen shows up! Oh, my God! Michael! What if something happened to him?!
Michael: Come on. You got to stay strong.
Lauren: I'm really trying! I am!
Michael: I know. I love you.
Lauren: I love you, too.
Michael: All right. I got to go. Keep me posted.
Lauren: Okay. Bye. [Sniffles] [Gasps] [Exhales sharply]
Victor: Sweetheart, I don't know how it is possible for you to be such a capable businesswoman and, at the same time, be so utterly incapable of seeing through the character of your useless husband! And now you're considering having a child with him? What's the matter with you?!
[Door shuts]
Billy: [Sighs] She's more than considering it. Isn't that right?
Victoria: Hey. Dad came by to s-see Johnny, so...
Billy: Oh! Well, hi! You saw him! Now you can go home.
Victor: Think about what I said, okay?
Victoria: Dad... Billy respects my decision to return to Newman. And you need to respect my decision to build a life with him.
Victor: And you are making a big mistake.
Billy: Hey, Victor. Why don't you go home, take care of your family? I can take care of mine here.
Victor: Hey, Johnny! How are you? Don't you worry about my family, Billy boy. They're well taken care of, okay?
Victoria: [Groans, sighs]
Nikki: So... my son isn't dead.
Paul: The boy that died when he was 7 was not your child.
Nikki: How do you know this?
Paul: Well, you know that I was able to get the adoption records from the lawyer that Katherine sent us to. And he arranged the adoption to another woman named Penelope.
Nikki: Not Penelope Wayne?
Paul: This Penelope Harrison and her husband are both dead. But the child they adopted -- your son? He's alive.
Connor: [Fusses softly]
Stitch: Your son's gonna be okay.
Adam: [Sighs]
Nikki: Are you sure? He -- he's all right? He -- he's grown up. He's living somewhere.
Paul: It's not "Somewhere," Nikki. He's here, in Genoa City!
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Paul: Tell me why you lied.
Michael: About...?
Paul: The way Carmine was shot.
Fenmore: I'm going to the police, and I'm telling them everything!
Lauren: No.
Jack: I'm in Georgia with Phyllis. She just squeezed my hand!
Nick: Is Phyllis coming out of her coma?
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