Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/3/13

Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/3/13


Episode # 10257 ~ A crisis with Connor unites Chelsea and Adam; Lauren and Michael's world is thrown into chaos.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Chelsea: Dylan, my love, these words come so hard for me, knowing how much pain I've caused you. [Sighs] Oh, Connor. Mommy's really screwed up this time.

Gloria: The committee has put together a short video featuring some of Fenmore's greatest triumphs over the past 12 months. So without further ado, I present you with Miss Lauren Fenmore, Genoa City's businesswoman of the year.


[Camera shutter clicking]

Michael: Stop it! Turn it off!

Fenmore: Carmine did this! It had to be him!

Michael: Turn it off! Turn it off!

Kevin: Listen --

Michael: Fenmore! Fenmore!

Gloria: Ladies and gentlemen, if you would just take your seats for a moment.

Adam: Remind me why we're meeting again today.

Jack: To discuss the future of Newman Enterprises.

Adam: Future, huh?

Jack: Adam, since when are you the cynic?

Adam: I'm a realist. Let's look at the facts. Dad got his inheritance from Katherine Chancellor. He's lured away our business partners, our clients, vendors. We have no real productive way to manufacture goods and no one to sell them to.

Jack: We are not sunk, Adam.

Adam: Take a look at that. I had finance put together some projections. Newman is just a shell of its former self.

Jack: So we rebuild. Adam, it is a formidable task. No question about it. I'm not gonna give up. Are you? Somebody kicks you in the teeth, you fight back even harder.

Adam: And when that someone is your father? Look, that old fool just killed the company out of pure spite.

[Cell phone rings]

Adam: Speaking of the old fool...

Jack: Take it.

Adam: What do you want?

Victor: I need to see you immediately.

Adam: Why?

Victor: Where are you?

Adam: At home.

Victor: I'm coming right over. Make sure Jack Abbott is there, as well. Time to settle some old debts.

Adam: Blah, blah, blah. Guess the other shoe is gonna drop.

Gloria: Ladies and gentlemen, my apologies for the obvious technical difficulties. May we please roll the real video --?

Lauren: That will not be necessary. I'm sorry, but what we all experienced is a cruel joke from a very sick person. I am deeply sorry. I thank you all for coming here to honor me. But in light of what's happened, I think it's best if we call an end to the festivities. So I wish you a good night, and, again, I am deeply sorry.

Gloria: Lauren, listen to me. You cannot do this.

Lauren: I just did.

Gloria: No, no. You are letting him win. You realize this. Kevin, Chloe, please make her realize that it would be a mistake to quit. Sex tapes are a dime a dozen. Nobody really cares anymore!

Chloe: I think that Lauren handled that in the classiest way possible.

Gloria: Yes, well, if it were me, I would --

Kevin: Mom!

Lauren: I need to find Michael and Fenmore.

Kevin: Lauren, I don't think that's a good idea.

Lauren: Why?

Kevin: Because if Carmine is behind this, he's figured out a way how to get past the police. He could be waiting for you, trying to get you by yourself.

Chloe: He's right. I think that we should just stay here with you until they all come back.

Gloria: Yes, you're right. Because this is such a nightmare.

Lauren: That refuses to end. [Sighs]

Michael: Hey, Sport. Look, you can't take this to heart. This was a cheap attempt to embarrass your mother. It was painful to watch. But it's over and done. Do not give that animal the satisfaction of knowing that he got to us.

Fenmore: He already has gotten to us. And he's never gonna stop. Even jail couldn't hold him.

Michael: Let's go in the room and talk, not sit in the hallway.

Fenmore: There's nothing you can say that's gonna make this feel any better. Carmine wants to make sure we never forget what he's done to us. Now the entire town has seen it, Dad, and Mom has been absolutely humiliated.

Michael: This was the despicable act of a desperate man who has no future. This was him acting out. It is more important than ever that we stick together as a family. We have to support your mom. Now get up. We're gonna go into this room, and we're gonna present a united front. Your mother deserves that much from us. Fen-- Fenmore! Come back! Fenmore!

Jack: What do you think Victor meant by settling past debts? I mean, is there more? He's already made Newman worthless. What else is there?

Adam: He's probably just on his way over to pour some salt in the wound.

Jack: Yeah, that is what Victor likes to do -- clip the wings off of those nearest and dearest to him.

Adam: He got his little trust-fund-baby inheritance from Katherine Chancellor. That's how he was able to do this to me. I'm just sorry I dragged you into this, Jack. I was a fool for thinking that this time could be different. Instead, you lost so much.

Jack: No, don't worry about me. It's just money. I have made and lost more fortunes than anyone you will ever know. No, this is about family. And unfortunately, this time, your family did what your family does. You got the wind kicked out of you.

Adam: I prided myself on always being savvy, being able to read people. I just hate that I've had to come to grips with the fact that Victor can never be -- will never be a real father. That's my fault for letting it get that far. I've allowed it to be a weakness of mine.

Jack: Adam, maybe it's a good thing that this happened.

Adam: 'Cause I didn't meet my monthly pain quota?

Jack: Sometimes we don't get it until we learn it the hard way. One thing you know absolutely for sure now is that you don't measure up in Victor's eyes. You never will. And you're not alone. None of his children do. It's time to start your life over again... now that you have a son.

Adam: Tearing away from that old-timer is one thing, but... I don't know. Somehow it doesn't feel like a favor. Look, he's on his way over now. He stuck the knife in. And I'll bet you a dollar that he's coming over to give it a little twist.

[Doorbell rings]

Jack: Well, I guess we're gonna see. I got it.

Victor: Well, I'm glad you're both here. This will be short but not painless. Time to make a deal.

Sharon: Hi.

Nick: Hey.

Sharon: What you got there? Oh, boy.

Nick: Yeah. I hope you're not encouraging this.

Sharon: Nick, I already told you --

Nick: I know. Talked to Faith a few times about how things are and how they're going to be, but then I come home and find this on my coffee table.

Sharon: Well, can you really blame her? She wants her mommy and daddy together. Any child her age would want that.

Nick: I think Faith needs another reality check.

Sharon: Maybe she's just confused because of you and Avery breaking up.

Nick: Regardless... we're not doing our daughter any favors if she thinks there's some opportunity here. She needs to understand, Sharon, that we're friends and, you know, that's all we're gonna be.

Sharon: Um, I...I'll sit her down again and try to explain things to her as clearly as I can.

Nick: You want me to be there with you when you do?

Sharon: No, that's okay. I can handle it.

Nick: All right.

Sharon: Wait, Nick. You've had your say. And now it's time I had mine.

Chelsea: I tore your world apart, along with my own. You'll never know how sorry I am for that. I knew I would never find a better man or a better father for my baby. So, yes, I lied to you and Adam. And the lie snowballed as I fell deeply in love with you. I was so scared Connor and I would lose you. And now that we have, I feel lost without you, Dylan. I'm kicking myself because it didn't have to be this way. I want you in my life again and in Connor's. You have every right to be furious with me. I just hope once that anger passes, you'll let yourself remember how happy we were. Biology doesn't have to be destiny. I know we could get back to what we had, and I want that so much more than I've ever wanted anything in my life. I love you, Dylan. I'll never stop. Chelsea.

Lauren: How could you let this happen?! You were supposed to protect us!

Alex: Look, I've got a team of my men sweeping the building. If Basco's here --

Lauren: Are you kidding me? He's the only one who could be behind this.

Alex: Calm down, okay? We're gonna get him.

Lauren: If you don't, I sure as hell will.

Alex: Lauren! Do not put yourself in danger. You let the police handle this. You understand?

Lauren: Oh, like you've been handling it so far? You let him escape while he was being transferred! Now he is on the loose, and God knows what he's gonna do next.

Michael: Has there been any word?

Lauren: No. No. Where's Fen?

Michael: He got away. I couldn't stop him.

Lauren: Michael...

Michael: He's not handling this well.

Lauren: God.

Alex: Listen to me, both of you. We're gonna get this guy. I promise. He's not gonna get away from me this time.

Carmine: Yeah, what did, uh, what did the chief say? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay.

[Gun cocks]

Nick: What is it, Sharon?

Sharon: It's nothing I haven't told you before. I just really want you to listen to me this time.

Nick: All right. Let's have it.

Sharon: It's about how closed off you are. You go around telling people you're not in pain, but it's obvious you are.

Nick: Look, Sharon, I --

Sharon: I know I'm the last person that you want to hear this from and you've clearly told me you don't want me to intrude. But, Nick, you need to talk to someone. I know you're hurting, and I'm hurting for you. You feel like you've lost everyone, and who wouldn't, after what you've been through? So maybe now's the time to reevaluate things, try to figure out why so much is going wrong in your life.

Nick: That is what I'm doing. And I need you to hear me, Sharon. I really, really appreciate your concern, but this is something I need to deal with on my own.

Victor: The company I built from nothing is worth nothing again... because of your poor management.

Adam: Naturally, that had nothing to do with your acts of sabotage at all.

Victor: I want to buy Newman from you and Jack Abbott... for less than it should be worth but for more than it's worth now.

Adam: [Chuckles] How very generous of you. The man with a plan.

Victor: Son, my plan was to run this company with you as father and son, as a team that could trust each other. When you brought this man into the deal, you screwed it up. You stabbed me in the back. Now I have to do what I am doing to save my own reputation.

Jack: More revisionist history.

Victor: I have avoided any taint of association with you for years! When he exposed me to it, he dug his own grave.

Adam: Look, Old Man, I'm sick and tired of doing this dance with you and going 'round and 'round, so let's be very clear. I got the company. I brought it back to the family. And now I'm the one who's getting hammered for it.

Victor: You ran the company to the ground, Son.

Adam: That was you, Victor Newman. You did that. I got the company in phenomenal shape, and then you turned the clients against us.

Victor: The offer I made is generous. Should take it. Should be grateful I'm willing to pay --

Adam: I'm sorry. Did you say "Grateful"? You want me to show you a little bit of my gratitude?

Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Adam, we're gonna talk about this when he's not here, okay? We'll let you know.

Victor: Good.

Jack: Good.

Victor: You do that.

Jack: We will.

Adam: Show yourself out.

Victor: Well...

Chelsea: What are you doing here?

Victor: Taking back what belongs to me. And I always do. Well, look at that. Hey, little boy. I'll be damned. You're my grandson.

Michael: He'll be okay.

Lauren: Okay. I'm gonna go look for Fen.

Michael: No, Lauren. No, you can't.

Lauren: He's all alone, and Carmine is out there.

Michael: Which means it isn't safe for you either. Kevin, please take her up to our suite. Wait for me there.

Lauren: No. What am I supposed to do, just sit there and wait for something terrible to happen?

Michael: I will find our son. Please. Kevin.

Lauren: [Sighs]

Jack: Adam, I am as upset about this as you are. We have to face the facts as they are. Forget about Victor.

Adam: You know, my father... was introduced to me as my father. My mom was sick. She was dying. Grown adult, I'm just finally meeting him. I wish she had never done that. You know, I wish -- things would be so different if I had never --

Jack: Listen to me. I know I have been telling you to this point we need to rebuild. I was wrong.

Adam: What changed your mind?

Jack: Running Newman, resurrecting it from the ashes is only going to be a constant reminder of what Victor just did, just how brutal he was. You need to start over, start fresh, build something of your own, something Victor can't touch. The way Nicholas did. You'll be better off for it and, I promise you, a hell of a lot happier.

[Door opens]

Jack: Do it for your son, Adam.

[Door closes]

Chelsea: Hi.

Jack: Hi, Chelsea.

Adam: How's the little guy?

Chelsea: He's actually been fussy all evening.

Adam: Seems fine now.

Chelsea: Well, he finally drifted off to sleep. Which is a good thing 'cause he didn't have to see Victor's looming face.

Adam: You saw my father?

Chelsea: Yeah, I bumped into him outside by the elevator, and he wouldn't tell me what he was doing here.

Adam: Doing what he always does -- spreading joy and happiness and rainbows.

Jack: I'll let you two decide your next move.

Adam: No, Chelsea has nothing to do with this.

Jack: Adam, the child that you and Chelsea share has everything to do with this. You've just finished telling me everything that is wrong in your life has something to do with Victor or Newman Enterprises.

Chelsea: Does this have to do with your clients taking away their business?

Jack: Think about it.

Adam: Jack? You were right. You are right. That's it. It's over. I have to let it go.

Jack: Good move. It's the right move. I promise you, you will come out okay.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

[Cell phone rings]

Dylan: Hey, there.

Avery: Hi. Where are you? Are you home?

Dylan: Yeah.

Avery: You gonna be there a while?

Dylan: Why?

Avery: Uh, I found your St. Christopher medal at my house. I know how much it means to you. It belonged to your dad. So if you'd like, I could drop it off.

Dylan: It's a good way to check up on me, too, isn't it?

Avery: I thought you'd be pleased I found it.

Dylan: I am. I'm very pleased. But you don't have to race over here. I'm not... I'm not falling apart. I'm, uh, coping. It's not easy, but, you know, I've dealt with worse things.

Avery: Dylan, I'm not trying to hover. If you're not anxious to get it back --

Dylan: No, it's fine. Come on by if you want.

Nick: [Sighs]

[Nick remembering]

Sharon: Maybe now's the time to reevaluate things, try to figure out why so much is going wrong in your life.

[Back to present]

[Footsteps approaching]

Avery: Hi.

Nick: Hey.

Avery: What happened to your eye?

Nick: [Sighs] Got in a fight with a door. The door won. No big deal.

Avery: I'm sorry you feel like you have to lie to me about that. Did you and Dylan get in a fight? Things have really gone to hell for all of us, haven't they?

Nick: Seems that way.

Avery: I'm sick inside. I really am, the way that everything fell apart.

Nick: Didn't have to be like this. You could have chosen me instead of Dylan. You could have shown up at our wedding instead of bailing. And if you had done that, we'd be married right now, on our honeymoon.

Avery: Well, it's easy to put all the blame on me. But you could've fought harder for what we had. So why didn't you?

Nick: When Dylan first came to town... I fought like hell to keep us together. This time around, I got the impression that you didn't want me to do that. I mean, isn't that what our big, mature break-up conversation was all about?

Avery: Or was that just an excuse? Maybe you were as afraid to make this commitment as I was. You know, I'm fine taking half the blame in this. I deserve it. But have you looked at your own track record? Your relationships don't last. In fact, they've all fallen apart. So maybe you're the one who's afraid of commitment, and that's why you didn't put much effort into this one.

Nick: Well, you were married, too, Avery. And that didn't work out because you weren't able to honor your vows, either. So, you know, if we're being honest with each other --

Avery: I don't have a right to judge your past any more than you have a right to judge mine.

Nick: Then why are we even having this conversation?

Avery: Nick, I want you to stop hurting.

Nick: And you think a slap in the face is the way to do that, reminding me of all the ways that I failed in life? You know what? You don't have to answer that. What are you doing here? Did you come here looking for my blessing to get back with Dylan? Is that what this is?

Avery: No. No, it isn't that at all. And even if you wanted to do that, it's too late. Dylan is leaving town.

Chelsea: Adam?!

Adam: What is it?

Chelsea: Something's wrong with Connor. He's burning up.

Jack: Congratulations, Victor! You may have won what is left of Newman. As a father, you're still a disaster.

Victor: Spoken like the loser you are, Jack Abbott. Come in.

Lauren: [Sighs] I'm so concerned for Fen. I mean, he's so fragile. What if Carmine gets to him?

Kevin: Okay, I'll go with Michael to look for him, okay?

Lauren: Will you?

Kevin: Yeah.

Lauren: Okay. You be careful, all right?

Kevin: I will.

Lauren: Okay. Why did Fen even come? He's just -- he's been doing so well in rehab.

Gloria: That boy is stronger than you think he is. He has a family that loves and cares about him. He loves you. He is not going to slip up.

Lauren: Thank you. Thank you for the reassurance.

Chloe: Don't worry. Fen is gonna settle down. The cops are gonna find Carmine. And everything is going to be okay.

Lauren: This is making me feel like the times with Sheila.

[Cell phone buzzes]

Lauren: Please be good news. Please.

Jack: So, I'm the loser, huh? I just watched you destroy your legacy to punish your son.

Victor: Here you are, blowing your horn on Adam's behalf. Knowing your history, that's almost funny. Sit down.

Jack: So, all of the, uh, bluster, all the pontificating about family, how nothing is more important, is that more than just talk? If it is, why do you keep putting your kids through these tests? Why do you keep making them jump through hoops?

Victor: Because unlike you, Jack Abbott, I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Okay, I wasn't given a car at the age of 16. I wasn't sent to Harvard. I grew up in an orphanage... with nothing. No one gave me a break. Why the hell would I give a break to an ingrate like Adam?

Jack: Oh, I don't know. Because he's your son. Because love's more important than business.

Victor: You bet love is more important than business.

Jack: Then why all the one-upmanship with Adam? Why can't you just accept him as your son and love him?

Victor: You don't know enough about the history of Adam and this town, do you? Ever since he has set foot in Genoa City, he has been nothing but trouble. I've given him many a break. He has stabbed me and his siblings in the back. By forming an alliance with you, he sealed his fate. He stabbed me in the back once again. And yet I love him.

Jack: So this is just a game. Keep knocking him down, see if he'll get up, see if he'll become the man you want him to be.

Victor: Oh, you know better than anyone. Nothing I do is a game, ever. If you've come here to give me a lecture on fatherhood, I suggest you get the hell out of here.

Jack: You know what? I'm here for another reason. Adam and I will accept a reasonable offer for Newman. You won it, Victor. You got your precious company back. In the end, it may be all you have left.

Victor: We shall see, shan't we?

Dylan: Thanks.

Avery: You're welcome.

Dylan: I lost it before I was with Chelsea. Guess I need a new chain or clasp or something.

Avery: Yeah.

Dylan: So, how do I seem? Pretty together, huh? Guess you didn't have to check on me. But thank you. I'm gonna be okay.

Avery: So when are you planning on leaving town? And how is this gonna affect your therapy?

Dylan: I'm having second thoughts about leaving town.

Avery: Really? What changed your mind?

Dylan: I'm tired of running. Where would I go? Got this place, the coffeehouse. And I'm looking forward to spend some time with Stitch. He moved to town.

Avery: He did?

Dylan: Job at the hospital, but I know it's partly to give me moral support, too, so... I'll be staying put for a while.

Avery: Well, Chelsea isn't going anywhere either. It seems like you were so in love before you found out the truth about the baby. So maybe there's hope that the two of you could get back together.

Dylan: There isn't. Trust me. So, what's going on with you? What's happening with you and Nick?

Gloria: Did somebody find my grandson?

Chloe: Who is it?

Lauren: No. It's just someone from work. Gloria, would you mind getting me a glass of water from the bathroom?

Gloria: Sure, Honey. Sure.

Lauren: Thank you. Chloe, I think there's aspirin in the mini bar. Would you mind?

Chloe: No. Of course not.

Lauren: Thank you.

[Door opens]

Michael: Detective. Detective! Is there any sign? Carmine? Fenmore?

Alex: Negative. I'm thinking Carmine set up the video, stuck around long enough to see the reaction, and took off.

Michael: I wish I could believe that.

Kevin: What, you still think he's here in the club?

Michael: I think --

[Cell phone rings]

Michael: Excuse me. Michael.

Carmine: Did you get off while watching your wife with another man?

Michael: You psychotic freak. You're not gonna get away with this. The police are gonna find you, and they're gonna lock you up for good. Where's Lauren? You're supposed to stay with her.

Chloe: She gave us the slip.

Michael: Son of a bitch. Son of a bitch!

Carmine: Whew! She was so insatiable that day. And night. [Chuckles] We must have made love a dozen times. You know, I watch that tape whenever I need a reminder of how hot we were. No! No! Don't do it! Don't! Please! Please no!


Michael: [Grunts]

Jack: You're gonna die an unhappy man, Victor, and you'll have no one but yourself to blame. Pushed Nicholas away. Now Adam. I guess Summer is next. Nikki's gonna figure you out for who you are. She'll leave you, too. Don't pretend to relish this victory. It's a hollow victory, and you and I both know it.

Victor: Why don't you go back to Jabot? Take Adam with you. You'd make great partners. Make sure you don't run your father's legacy into the ground. Because when you do, I'll swoop in and buy your company for cents on the dollar. Okay? You and Adam make it almost too easy for me.

Jack: Adam is more of a man than you will ever be. And certainly more of a father.

Victor: Aren't you premature with that judgment? Now get out, Jack.

Jack: Gladly.

Adam: Our son has a fever. Something may be wrong.

Chelsea: Please, you have to help him.

Doctor: Okay, let's take a look. Okay.

[Baby coos]

Avery: We're not getting back together. Not after everything that's happened. I should go.

Dylan: Yeah. Thanks for, uh, bringing the medal.

Avery: St. Christopher, the patron saint of travelers.

Dylan: And me staying put. Story of my life.

Avery: Well, I'll see you.

Dylan: Avery? Thanks again. For everything.

Avery: Good night.

Nick: Oh.

Sharon: Hope I didn't startle you.

Nick: [Chuckles] No. What are you doing here?

Sharon: Just wanted to tell you I talked to Faith, and I think I got through to her this time. She promised to stop with the matchmaking.

Nick: Thank you. I'm really sorry if I seemed too abrupt before.

Sharon: No, it's okay. You have a lot on your mind.

Nick: You okay?

Sharon: I'm fine. It's just... I'm tired, and it's hard letting Faith down again and again. And now I have to go.

Michael: Lauren? Lauren! Lauren?! "I have Fen. Come to the alley outside the club. Tell no one, not even Alex."

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victor: You had a doctor's appointment. Did he say something to you that I should know about? Is everything all right?

Devon: You and I are gonna talk, and we're gonna end all this. All right?

Michael: You have to tell me right now, did you kill Carmine?

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