Y&R Transcript Friday 9/27/13
Episode # 10253 ~ Avery is confronted; as Paul looks for answers, he makes a significant discovery.
Provided By Suzanne
Michael: Carmine escaped?
Lauren: How is that possible? You said he was being transported to the courthouse jail. Wouldn't he have been in an armored vehicle?
Michael: With at least two guards specifically trained for that type of detail?
Alex: Well, he overpowered them. And, no, I don't know how. He probably had some outside help.
Lauren: The last time that carmine was free...
Alex: He tried to gas you into your next life.
Michael: So, what are you doing about it?
Alex: We set up a perimeter, put out an A.P.B. We'll find him.
Michael: Meantime, he could be anywhere.
Nikki: Thank you for stopping off here with me. I know you're anxious to get home.
Paul: Oh, no, I know it's important to you. I mean, Katherine sent you on this journey. It seems only right that you tell her what happened.
Nikki: [Sighs] Katherine, I found my child. It was a boy. I had a son. But it...didn't turn out the way you had hoped. My child died when he was 7 years old in a horrible accident. Peter -- his name was peter -- drowned in a creek. So many years ago, I had no idea. I thought he was alive and well, ving a wonderful life, maybe with a family of his own. But he didn't even make it to the second grade. So, I just wanted you to know that it's all over.
Paul: Is it, Nikki? Is it all over?
Jack: Why don't you tell us what's really going on?
Victor: I think I just did. You're looking at the new owner of chancellor industries.
Adam: So you cut me out of my own idea to acquire chancellor, and you took business elsewhere, huh?
Victor: Might you consider that a learning experience.
Jack: Learning experience, my ass. We were all mourning Katherine chancellor. You were dancing on your dear friend's grave, planning to swoop up her company and destroy her legacy.
Victor: Again, you're full of bluster, jack. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. I did not buy chancellor industries.
Adam: If you didn't buy it, then what did you do?
Victor: Katherine left it to me in her will.
Stitch: Honey, I'm home. And it looks like I'm just in time. I brought supplies.
Dylan: Supplies?
Stitch: Yeah. The always popular six-pack and this.
Dylan: What is it?
Stitch: Just what the doctor ordered.
Sharon: You want to know something? I'm glad you and nick are through.
Avery: Oh, well, at least you have the decency to admit it.
Sharon: I knew it wasn't gonna last from the start. You're not good enough for him. You didn't love him the way that he deserves.
Avery: And you do? 'Cause I got news for you, sister. You may think you've won, but just because nick and I are over, that doesn't mean he's coming running back to you!
Nick: What's going on?
Nick: I asked you both a question. What's going on?
Avery: I can't speak for Sharon, but...I just came by to get my things. And I was just leaving.
Nick: Avery, um... if I, uh -- if I come across any more of your stuff, I'll, uh -- I'll send it to you.
Avery: Okay. Thank you. I appreciate that. Okay, uh...excuse me. Goodbye.
Nick: Bye.
[Door closes]
Sharon: I didn't expect to run in to Avery here. I mean, why would I, right? 'Cause you guys aren't living together.
Nick: What are you doing here?
Sharon: I brought Faith. She's upstairs. She wanted to surprise you.
Nick: [Chuckles] Any particular reason?
Sharon: We know how upset you've been since Avery, and, I mean, since the wedding was canceled, and I know that you have a tendency to neglect yourself when times are tough, so we decided to cook you a nice, healthy meal.
Nick: You shouldn't have.
Sharon: No, it was our pleasure.
Nick: No, I mean, really. You shouldn't have. Sharon, you got to stop doing stuff like this for me.
Dylan: This is your prescription, doc? You want me to drink a can of paint?
Stitch: I thought maybe you could channel your inner van Gogh.
Dylan: That guy cut off his ear after being spurned by a woman. Are you sure that's what you're going for?
Stitch: You don't need to be a tortured artist for what I had in mind.
Dylan: Thanks. Which is -- which is what exactly?
Stitch: I got to thinking that, uh, it's probably not all that healthy to be surrounded by all these reminders of Chelsea.
Dylan: It's hard not to be, you know. I bought this place for me and the baby, and Chelsea started spending the night, and little by little, we made it...
Stitch: You made this a home. I know.
Dylan: ...A home. I mean, I got... I got married right there, you know? I had Connor here, planned for our future. I just can't erase it, you know, just like that.
Stitch: Hey, no one's telling you you have to. You just don't have to be slammed over the head by it every time you walk in. I don't know. Maybe we can start by erasing this? Couple of coats ought to do the trick.
Jack: Okay, I've heard enough. If I want fiction, I'll go read Stephen king.
Victor: Why don't you save yourself the time, all right? Sit down. Read this.
Jack: "My dear friend victor, by the time you read this, you will have learned of my passing. I lived a long and colorful life and have no regrets about entering the next phase of my journey, save one. I wanted to ensure the longevity of my beloved chancellor industries. That is why I've decided to name you the sole owner of the company. I hope you will accept this gift in the loving spirit in which it was given. Love, Katherine." It looks like her handwriting.
Victor: If you have any doubts about that, have it tested.
Jack: This doesn't make any sense. Why would Katherine, who has a large extended family, give the company to you?
Victor: Do you need a course in remedial reading? Didn't you just read her letter to me? She wanted to make sure that the company's in capable hands after she passed. Those happen to be my hands. Not Tucker's. He's a record producer. Unless you know how to dance to his tune, he is useless.
Adam: There's Jill or cane.
Victor: They're already fighting over the C.E.O. Position. Besides, if you had given the company to one over the other, they would kill each other.
Jack: Yeah, not that you're lethal in business.
Victor: You bet I am. I know how to succeed, jack Abbott. That's why Katherine asked me to come to this town 33 years ago, because I know how to run a business. She wanted to make sure that the company rises to another level.
Adam: It appears as though you've come full circle.
Victor: You bet. She wanted to make sure that the company is in capable hands, and those hands, gentlemen, happen to be mine.
Nikki: Of course it's over. I followed the clue that was in Katherine's letter, and I learned everything there is to know.
Paul: And that closes the book?
Nikki: Well, how can it not? My son is gone.
Paul: How do you feel about that?
Nikki: What are you? A shrink now?
Paul: Well, if I have to be, yeah.
Nikki: [Sighs] All right, I feel very guilty, okay? I am so guilty. And maybe if I had been older, I would have been able to cope and I could have kept him and -- and protect him and love him and -- and raise him and prevent him from --
Paul: You don't know that, Nikki.
Nikki: Don't I? If I hadn't have abandoned my son, he most likely would be alive today. I might as well have --
Paul: Circumstances killed him. Very sad, very unfortunate circumstances. Not you.
Nikki: I suppose.
Paul: All right, tell me this. Did you ever see another path back then other than adoption?
Nikki: No.
Paul: And in your heart of hearts, did you feel as though you did the right thing for your child?
Nikki: Yes, I did.
Paul: Well, then, that's what you have to hang on to.
Nikki: I know. I'm trying. I just wish...
Paul: What?
Nikki: [Sighs] Nothing. It doesn't matter. I already know everything that I'm gonna find out, and there's nothing more I can do about it.
Paul: Actually, there is.
Stitch: This is good, right?
Dylan: What are you? Tom sawyer?
Stitch: Just trying to help, man.
Dylan: It means a lot to me. I know you dropped everything to get here as fast as you can when you found out I was in trouble.
Stitch: Not exactly. Don't get me wrong. I hurried on down here after I go the call from Avery, but I was head this way anyway.
Dylan: Wh-- why?
Stitch: I am going to be working at memorial hospital.
Dylan: Really? At the hospital?
Stitch: Yep.
Dylan: Did you finish medical school?
Stitch: Got the army to pay for it. I had to go back. After all I've been through over there, I didn't want to just throw it all away, you know? Felt like I'd be doing a disservice, especially to all the guys that didn't make it, so... I owed it to them to try to help as many people as I could.
Dylan: That's -- that's great, man. Congratulations. Really. How -- how come you kept it a secret? I didn't even realize you re-enrolled.
Stitch: Yeah, yeah, a few months after I got back. Only Jenna knew about it. I didn't really want to announce it in case I didn't... you know how it is, you know, when you throw yourself into something and things always keep you from moving forward.
Dylan: Yeah.
Stitch: Yeah, but, hey, you know, I wasn't even too sure if I could get through it, but I'm just glad I got to stick it out.
Dylan: And, uh, now here you are -- full-fledged M.D. Dr. Stitch!
Stitch: That's it. Gonna be the oldest resident on staff.
Dylan: That's okay. You can boss around all the other rookies.
Stitch: [Chuckles]
Dylan: What, uh -- what about Jenna and max? When -- when do they get here?
Stitch: Right now the plan is just for me to get my feet wet, and they'll join me just as soon as they can.
Dylan: Then I guess I am stuck with you.
Stitch: Good thing, too, since you pushed away the only other friend you have in this town.
Avery: Summer! Oh, my gosh. What are you -- what are you doing here?
Summer: Waiting for you to get home.
Avery: Well, why didn't you call or text me? I would have hurried back.
Summer: Yeah, well, you're here now, so let's do this.
Avery: Do what?
Summer: Let's clean up the loose ends before I leave town.
Avery: Leave town? Where are you going? Are you going to Georgia to see your mom?
Summer: No, I would head there in a second if dr. Rubenstein thought it would do any good.
Avery: Then where are you going?
Summer: To los Angeles. I was offered a job opportunity there that I'm considering.
Avery: Modeling?
Summer: Yeah, which would mean me going off on my own, living my own life, and getting away from everyone who's messing up everybody else's lives.
Avery: You're talking about me.
Summer: How could you do that? How could you just break my dad's heart the way that you did?
Nick: I didn't mean for that to sound so harsh.
Sharon: Oh, okay, so then you're not angry with me?
Nick: No, of course not. I appreciate your concern.
Sharon: Okay, 'cause, yeah, that -- that's all it is, nick. I just -- I care about you as a friend and as faith's father. I want to make sure you're okay.
Nick: I am. I will be. I just got to rely on myself, so I can't really accept what you're offering anymore.
Sharon: Why not?
Nick: I just told you.
Sharon: It's because of her, isn't it? You're pulling away from me because of what Avery said.
Alex: All's clear. There's no sign of anything out of the ordinary.
Lauren: I told you. Carmine would know that this place would be crawling with cops. He'd be crazy to come anywhere near here or stay in Genoa city, for that matter.
Michael: Need I remind you that he is crazy and obsessed and he escaped for one reason and one reason only.
Alex: Michael's right. Basco's gonna try to find you, okay? Whether he's rational about it or he wants to plan it carefully, it's gonna happen. And you need to be prepared. So do you.
Michael: Yeah, he'll do whatever it takes to get me out of the way.
Lauren: And you and your police department needs to make sure that this does not happen.
Alex: We'll set up a 24-hour watch here. We'll be able to monitor everyone who comes in and out. Speaking of which, I'm gonna go check on the surveillance system they got in here.
Michael: Yeah. Good. Let us know if there's anything else we can do to help you.
Alex: Yeah, just watch your back, please.
Michael: Yeah. We're on that.
Lauren: [Sighs]
Michael: Sweetheart, it's gonna be okay.
Lauren: Do you really believe that? [Sighs] I don't, either.
Nikki: I don't understand. What are you saying?
Paul: Well, the law firm that Katherine contacted about your son, I was able to speak with the attorney that, uh, took over for his colleague that passed away.
Nikki: Andrew Turk. I remember. What about him?
Paul: Well, I explained to him the whole situation and how I was looking for a file on an adoption. And he was able to locate them.
Nikki: He has my baby's records?
Paul: I have all the pertinent adoptions from that firm during that time period. So it is very possible that we have information on the adoptive mother, Penelope Wayne.
Nikki: I take it you haven't read the file.
Paul: No, I haven't. I thought it should be up to you how much you want to know.
Nikki: So, theoretically, I could talk to Penelope and learn about my son.
Paul: Theoretically, yes.
Nick: What did Avery say to you? Do you know something I don't?
Sharon: No. No. Nothing. Nothing at all. I just thought maybe she said something to you, because I sensed you pulling away from me.
Nick: Why would you think that?
Sharon: Because this isn't like you to reject me like this. And I figured it must be something Avery said. I mean, I know she doesn't like me or she doesn't like the idea of me, the ex who always comes around because we share children together.
Nick: Look, whether or not that's the case, this has nothing to do with Avery. You know what? That -- that's not true. It -- it does have something to do with Avery, but not for the reason you think.
Sharon: I'm confused.
Nick: [Scoffs] Yeah, me too. Look, Sharon, it's just -- I have all these thoughts running around in my head. How come my wedding didn't work out? Why didn't I see this coming? Where am I supposed to go from here? I just have a lot of stuff that I need to work through.
Sharon: I can help you.
Nick: I know, but I meant what I said. This is something I feel like I need to do alone.
Summer: The last time I was here, I was helping you get ready for your wedding.
Avery: I know.
Summer: I had just gotten back from savannah, and the last thing that I wanted to do was watch my dad get married, because why did he deserve to be happy when my mom is so sick and my entire life is falling apart? But I talked to jack, and jack convinced me that I had promised you to be your maid of honor. And I didn't want to let you down because aunt Avery would never let me down.
Avery: I am so sorry, so sorry that I hurt you.
Summer: Hurt me? You -- what about my dad? My dad was just standing at the altar looking at his watch, mortified when he had to tell everybody to go home.
Avery: I can't tell you how much I regret that.
Summer: Yeah, and that helps him a lot. [Voice breaking] You know, I thought that you were the one person that I could trust. But it turns out that you were just as big a liar as the rest of the people in my life.
Avery: No, I never lied.
Summer: How could you say you never lied?! You sat there and lied to my dad and told him that you loved him, when the whole time you were in love with someone else!
Avery: [Sighs]] [Sighs]
Dylan: I thought you understood. I had to push Avery away because --
Stitch: Because you almost attacked her when you were flashing back.
Dylan: Yeah. And she's got a lot going on, you know, breaking up with nick. The last thing she needs is me going on about losing Connor.
Stitch: Look, I know you think it's unfair to put her in that position, but she wants to get you through this. She really cares about you.
Dylan: I care about her, too.
Stitch: Just care about her? [Scoffs] It wasn't too long ago you were carrying her picture everywhere you went. Even into battle.
Dylan: It may seem like a short time to you, but to me, it's -- it's like a lifetime ago. So much has happened -- I met Chelsea, I fell in love, Avery met nick.
Stitch: And now you're both alone.
Dylan: What are you suggesting?
Stitch: I'm not suggesting anything.
Victor: I think we are finished here. Good luck with your partnership. And enjoy sharing nothing.
Adam: When exactly did you get that letter from Katherine about your inheritance? Was that before or after I suggested scooping up chancellor?
Jack: Does it really matter? He got what he wanted in the end.
Adam: Is that what you wanted? Was there more to it?
Victor: What else would there be, son?
Adam: You knew you were getting chancellor all along. You acted like you weren't interested. You insisted on knowing who the secret investor was. And all along, you were luring business away from Newman just to screw me over, huh?
Victor: Your narcissism knows no bounds, does it?
Adam: Is that what was happening when I stepped in front of a bullet? 'Cause clearly, at that time, I was only thinking of myself. You, yourself, said that changed things. But apparently this father/son thing that we have -- it's only been a pretense.
Paul: So, what are you gonna do?
Nikki: [Sighs] Part of me would love to talk to Penelope, learn more about my son. What did he look like, what kind of a little boy was he. Was he sweet and shy or tough and rambunctious? Did he like sports? Did he like music, animals?
Paul: [Chuckles] Especially horses?
Nikki: Oh, wouldn't that be something, if I passed that down to him?
Paul: Well, if he took after you, Nik, I'm sure he was a fantastic kid. Full of life, full of heart.
Nikki: I would also want to thank Penelope for adopting him, for loving him. But if I do that, it would just be reminding her of all the pain she went through. [Sighs] And I can't justify that, not just to satisfy my own curiosity. Or maybe...I'm just a coward.
Paul: You're not a coward. But I do wish you would tell victor everything you're going through.
Nikki: What would be the point?
Paul: [Sighs] That's such a big part of you to keep to yourself.
Nikki: Victor's mother left him at an orphanage and never came back, and that destroyed him. It changed his whole life. I don't know that he would be able to understand that I did a very similar thing with my son. And even if he did understand, he would just worry about how I'm dealing with it. He worries about me enough over my M.S.
Paul: So, that's it? You're gonna put it behind you?
Nikki: Yes. It's time for victor and me to focus on our family.
Victor: You and I entered a partnership with an equal amount of trust.
Adam: You trusted me as little as I trusted you.
Victor: You bet. We were both right, weren't we? You pushed the envelope, and you said that you were going to reprivatize Newman enterprises by bringing in an outsider. When I found out that outsider was yours truly jack Abbott, you sealed your fate, son.
Jack: Which is ironic, given that I did it to help him get closer to you.
Victor: Bring me a bucket!
Adam: Don't bother, jack. Thank you. I have nothing more to say to my father.
Jack: Fantastic. Congratulations. You may think you've just won. Eventually you'll realize just how much you lost.
Victor: How long does it take you to realize I never lose?
Jack: [Scoffs]
Michael: We just can't sit here waiting for something to happen. Let's watch some television. Keep our minds off this.
Lauren: What do you want to watch?
Michael: Something to make us laugh. Comedy.
Lauren: Imagine finding anything funny right now.
Michael: Well, drama, then.
Lauren: It's too heavy. Honey, I'm sorry. I -- I can't concentrate.
Michael: Okay. No television. Can I make you something to eat?
Lauren: I'm not hungry. I don't think I will be until carmine is back in jail.
Michael: Unfortunately, my love, we have no idea when that will happen. And we have to live our lives. We can't let him control us.
Lauren: [Sighs]
[Pound on door]
Michael: Who is it?
Alex: Detective Chavez.
Lauren: Oh, my god.
Michael: Yeah.
Alex: Everything checks out. All cameras are functional. We set one up on every door. They're being monitored by an operator. There's no way he's coming inside.
[Telephone rings]
Lauren: It's blocked.
Alex: Answer it.
Lauren: Hello?
Stitch: See? A little hard work makes you feel better, right? I think tomorrow you should probably wash and wax my truck. Think about how good that'll make you feel.
Dylan: What? Did you learn this in medical school, Mr. Miyagi, method of mental health?
Stitch: No. I just have a dirty truck.
Dylan: I have to admit that, you know, this...did take my mind off of things. It's much better than that therapist at the hospital.
Stitch: Hey, he just wasn't the right guy. But I made a call to the V.A. Like I promised and got the name of a therapist I think might be able to help.
Dylan: This isn't some kind of trick to get me to mow your lawn or do your laundry, right?
Stitch: [Chuckling] No. No, he's legit. This guy was in combat. He gets it.
Dylan: I got to be honest. I'm not real comfortable spilling my guts to a stranger.
Stitch: You're not comfortable spilling to a friend, either.
Dylan: Are you saying that I should be more in touch with my emotions, stitch?
Stitch: It wouldn't hurt.
Dylan: You don't know that. It just might.
Stitch: I guess that's for you and dr. Bryson to discuss.
Dylan: [Sighs] All right. [Sighs] Give me his number. I'll give him a call. But right now, I got to -- I got to get some fresh air, man.
Stitch: Yeah, let's get out of here, man.
Dylan: Uh, nothing personal, but I've seen enough of your ugly mug for one day.
Stitch: Mac --
Dylan: No, listen, I'm not gonna do anything stupid. Okay, there's no thunder or lightning in the forecast to trigger another episode.
Stitch: I think we both know it's not just about the thunder.
Dylan: I'll tell you what. If I'm not back in a couple hours, dr. Stitch can head the search party.
Stitch: Just be careful. Sometimes being alone can put you in the company of your worst enemy.
Avery: Sweetie, whatever my history with Dylan, it doesn't matter. I really did... I really do love nick.
Summer: Yeah. If that was true, then you would not have shown up late to your own wedding.
Avery: Maybe it's because I love him so much that I showed up late.
Summer: [Scoffs] Right. Yeah, because that makes so much sense. You know, don't try your lawyer tricks on me, because I'm gonna see right through them.
Avery: I knew on some level that I was using my marriage to resolve my issues. And in the end, I couldn't do that to nick. He deserves a wife who's gonna be there for him, who's gonna be present for him.
Summer: Yeah, and you were living in the past.
Avery: I'm not living in the past! I... it's not like that exactly, okay? I thought that I... I thought I moved past this. But I think I just... pushed everything aside for another day. And the problem with that is that you don't get to decide when that other day comes. It decides for you. And if you're ever gonna have a real life, if you're ever gonna really be free, you need to face that stuff head-on.
Summer: Is that what you're doing now?
Avery: [Voice breaking] I hope so. I'm trying to.
Summer: Yeah, well, how does that help my dad?
Avery: I hate what I put him through. I hate what I put you all through.
Summer: You know, you were supposed to be the strong one. You were supposed to be the one with all the answers, because that is how you made yourself out to be. You would give me advice on how to handle stuff with my mom, with my dad, with -- with school, with boys, when in reality, you couldn't even handle your own life! You -- you're a fake just like my mom said. And -- and she would definitely be happy that you called off the wedding.
Avery: She wouldn't be the only one. [Sighs]
Summer: You know, my mom... she was always jealous of people that were with my dad. [Sniffles] Just hearing about the breakup would probably take her out of her coma. I wish I knew how to make this better for my dad.
Avery: Honey, I'm -- I'm really glad that you care, that you love him so much after all that he's done.
Summer: That's part of why I am so messed up, because even after everything and how mad I am at him, I still love him. And I still love you.
Avery: [Sniffles]
Summer: Why does everything have to be so complicated?
Avery: I don't know. Hopefully -- hopefully things are gonna get better for all of us. [Sniffles]
Sharon: You know, if you need to do this by yourself, then I respect that, you know. And I'll give you all the space you need.
Nick: Thanks. Just till I figure some things out.
Sharon: I understand. And I promise -- no hovering.
Nick: Thank you.
Sharon: Now, I need you to promise me something. That you will pick up the phone, call me if you want to talk, or just if you want company.
Nick: [Sighs] Okay. Deal.
Sharon: Well, I'm glad we got that squared away.
Nick: Thank you.
Sharon: It's just, um -- it's a shame to waste all this good food. I know faith was really looking forward to it.
Nick: Well, you and faith can eat. Uh, I actually got to get out of here. I got some -- some stuff I need to think about. So, uh, just tell faith that I'll, uh -- I'll see her later.
Sharon: Oh, sure. Okay. Uh, take care.
[Door closes]
Lauren: Hello? Oh! Hi, dr. Vernon. Oh, that's great! Yes, thank you so much for calling! I will. Bye. That was the psychiatrist from the facility where fen is in rehab. She said if fen stays on track, we can pick him up next week.
Michael: See? See? That is the best news I've had a long time.
Lauren: I know.
Michael: Mwah!
Lauren: So, how -- how do we tell him about this?
Alex: Carmine's escape?
Michael: Let's put that off for now. I don't want anything to set back his recovery. And I fully expect carmine to be back in custody before Fenmore returns, right?
Alex: You have my word. We'll work our asses off to make it happen.
Carmine: [Sighs] [Chuckles]
Michael: No, I'm not sure how long we'll be staying. I think we'd prefer to keep it open-ended. Uh, checking in? We'll be there shortly. Oh, that would be great. Thank you. Goodbye. All right. We're all set up at the club.
Alex: I still think it's a lot safer for you to stay here. We have security cameras set up.
Lauren: Did you see what happened to me when the phone rang? I thought my heart was gonna come through my chest. I can't stay here in this constant state of vigilance, just worried if I hear a creak in a floorboard or someone knocks on the door.
Alex: It's understandable. I'll set someone up at your door at the club, okay? We'll set up a team here. This is where Basco will mostly show up.
Michael: We appreciate that.
Alex: Is there anything else I can do for you two before I take off?
Lauren: [Sighs] Just catch him.
Alex: We will.
Michael: Thank you, detective.
Alex: No problem. Hey, Gordon, I need you up here, please.
Lauren: You okay with staying at the club?
[Door closes]
Lauren: Right?
Michael: I am okay with whatever makes you most comfortable.
Lauren: Thank you. Okay, let's go pack.
Michael: Uh, and, uh, don't forget your dress for the businesswoman of the year awards banquet.
Lauren: Oh, god, that's tomorrow night.
Michael: Yep. At least we won't have the hassle of trying to get there, because it will be directly downstairs from our room.
Lauren: That award is the last thing on my mind right now.
Carmine: [Sighs] Consider myself invited.
Paul: Mr. Turk, this is Paul Williams calling. Listen, there's no need to call me back. I just wanted to let you know that, uh, I will be sending back those adoption files. Uh, I really appreciate everything you've done, and, uh, if there's anything I can ever do for you, please let me know. All right. Thanks again. What the hell?
Nikki: Hmm.
Victor: I'm so glad you're back.
Nikki: I missed you so much.
Victor: So, did you accomplish what you set out to during the charity event?
Nikki: I did what needed to be done.
Victor: Uh-huh. Good. Well, I was busy on the weekend, as well, you know.
Nikki: Oh, yeah?
Victor: Mm-hmm. Want to see?
Nikki: Yeah!
Victor: Uh-huh. Take a look.
Nikki: What? You know-- you own chancellor now? [Gasps] "Newman is in ruins." My god. What happened?
Jack: How's it going?
Adam: Well, Chelsea and the baby --
[Toy jingles]
Adam: They went to the park. Which is just as well, 'cause I'm in no mood to, uh, talk to her about my father's latest stunt. She'd probably have a lot of fun rubbing it in my face that she was right all along about our relationship.
Jack: Want a drink?
Adam: I want a lot of things. Had it all for half a second. Now? No Chelsea, no Newman... and no healthy baby.
Jack: Adam, you still have enough money to get your son the best eye specialist available. As far as Newman goes, yes, you just lost a chance to run the company with your father. You gained a chance to build a stronger company for your son.
Nikki: How can you do it? [Sighs] After everything you've invested, victor.
Victor: Sweetheart, you know that there are certain people who tried to ruin me over and over again. They've always failed. And they've failed again. And Newman will be mine again. You make no mistake about that.
[Silverware clanging]
Sharon: [Sniffles] [Voice breaking] It was all for nothing.
Dylan: [Sighs]
[Bottle cap clinks]
Dylan: [Sighs]
Next on "the young and the restless"...
Jack: If you're here to cuss me out, I'm all ears. If you want to tell me you can forgive me, I'm also here for that, too.
Dylan: Last thing I wanted was for you and Avery to split up.
Nick: Right.
Sharon: Faith wants us to be together! Why does that matter to me and not to nick?!
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