Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/26/13

Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/26/13


Episode # 10252 ~ Michael and Lauren receive news about Carmine; Avery and Sharon face off.

Provided By Suzanne

Jack: Victor, hold up.

Victor: What do you want?

Jack: I can see you've been very busy. Just saw this headline. Want to tell me what the hell that means?

Victor: "Is Adam Newman running his father's company into the ground?" I would say the answer is yes.

Avery: Because of you, Dylan is broken. What were you thinking, lying to him about the baby, making him fall in love with him, with you? Dylan doesn't -- doesn't deserve that! Neither does Adam!

Adam: I can speak for myself, Avery.

Dylan: So can I. I'll take it from here.

Chelsea: Dylan. Please, you just have to hear my side.

Dylan: I think we've said all we need to say. The person I need to talk to now is Adam.

Kevin: A puppy. A puppy, for crying out loud! How am I supposed to compete with that?!

Alex: A pony? You know, little girls love ponies.

Kevin: I'm having this really sweet talk with Delia. She's telling me all about "the wizard of oz," and -- bam -- in walks Billy with a real, live Toto. Chloe didn't even notice when I left.

Alex: That's tough, man.

Kevin: [Sighs] I'm starting to think this is a lost cause, getting back what we had.

Alex: Listen, I know you still love her, but if it's a one-way street, my suggestion -- look in another direction.

Kevin: Maybe you're right. If Chloe's given up on us for good, maybe it's time I just hang it all up, too.

Carmine: Hmm. You can't love her that much. I mean, if you really love a woman, you never give up.

Fenmore: I wish I could have been here for Katherine's service. She was a really great lady.

Lauren: Yeah, she was. And she thought you were awesome.

Fenmore: [Chuckles] Do you remember that time that she challenged me to beat her at chess?

Lauren: [Laughing] Oh, yes!

Michael: You were rocking the chess club that year at school, huh?

Fenmore: [Chuckles] Yeah. She said that if I beat her, she would sponsor us. And if I lost, she would just sponsor us anyway.

Lauren: Right. Of course.

Fenmore: And we ended up with the absolute coolest stuff out of anyone at the whole conference.

Lauren: She was very, very generous.

Michael: And a positive thinker.

Lauren: Yeah.

Michael: Never down for long. Teachable moment. That's one of the reasons I picked this spot for a picnic.

Fenmore: I wish I was out for real, not just a day pass.

Michael: Yeah.

Lauren: Well, hopefully next week, you'll meet with your counselor and she'll see your progress and we'll be bringing you home before you know it.

Fenmore: Rehab's been a lot tougher than I thought it'd be. I mean, I knew the whole, entire detox process was gonna be tough, but those therapy sessions -- they're harder in their own way. Talking about all that stuff you kind of don't want to remember.

Michael: Son, it is the hardest thing that anyone could ever do. Face your feelings. Work through them.

Fenmore: You would know.

Michael: It is worth it, walking through that pain. Because life is so different when you come through to the other side. It's -- it's lighter. It's -- it's -- it's malleable. It's -- it's beautiful. And it's full of possibilities.

Fenmore: I'm definitely not there yet. But I'm learning a lot.

Lauren: And your dad and I are so very proud of you for sticking to this program and getting your life back on track.

Michael: And when you come back home, we'll all be back on track as a family.

Faith: Here's the mustard daddy likes.

Sharon: Oh, thank you, sweetie. You're such a good, little helper. I'm really excited to surprise your daddy. Aren't you? You know, this was such a good idea you had for us to all have lunch together. I'm sure it's gonna cheer your daddy up.

Faith: Is he still sad because he and Avery didn't get married?

Sharon: Yeah, a little. But he'll get over it. I'm sure that having you around will make him happier.

Jack: I don't know why I'm even surprised. This is your normal M.O. -- Going out of your way to hurt people who only want your love and approval.

Nick: Let me guess. This is about summer again.

Jack: No, it isn't. It is about someone you would think your father would give a damn about.

Victor: Jack Abbott and I were discussing Newman business.

Nick: Oh, well, then it doesn't concern me.

Jack: Actually, nick, it does.

Jack: I'm sorry to drag you into this, Nicholas. I know you got a lot going on right now. But this latest stunt of your father's is going to affect your entire family.

Nick: Now what?

Jack: Well, in addition to a sudden wave of nasty press, which I wouldn't be surprised to find out your father is behind, suddenly, out of nowhere, major clients at Newman have decided to opt out of their contracts. At the same time, several key suppliers have decided they can't deliver raw materials to Newman anymore.

Nick: And you're saying my dad orchestrated the whole thing?

Jack: It was a coordinated assault. And it worked pretty well. Newman is at a standstill. Your father would rather see thousands of people lose their jobs and your entire family's legacy go down the tubes because he doesn't want to work things out with Adam.

Nick: Is this true, dad?

Victor: Son, Adam sealed his fate when he lied to me about the secret investor. Yours truly. I know that he and jack Abbott were plotting to yank my company out from under me.

Jack: You wanted to beat us to it? You'd rather destroy an empire you spent an entire lifetime building, not to mention your good name, for what? What? So -- so we'd all see you are more petty and vindictive than we realized? Not to mention shortsighted.

Victor: How so, jack?

Jack: Well, you can lay the blame for all of this at Adam's feet, but the entire business world thinks of Newman as yours. Newman goes down in flames, your reputation goes with his.

Victor: Have you ever known me to give a damn about my reputation, what other people think about me? Are you finished?

Jack: Oh, we're finished.

Victor: Good.

Jack: For now.

Victor: Good. I can't stand that S.O.B. Sorry, son. When I realized what your brother Adam was up to, I had no choice but to make a move.

Nick: I meant what I said. This doesn't concern me. I've got my own stuff to deal with right now.

Victor: I'm sorry about that. You just work on the heavy bag, or what?

Nick: Yeah, I had some steam to blow off.

Victor: I don't blame you, Avery leaving you standing at the altar, waiting for her.

Nick: I'm mad at me.

Victor: Why?

Nick: I did this to myself.

Dylan: I assume you and Chelsea are here to meet the eye specialist. What did he have to say?

Adam: It's none of your concern.

Dylan: I know. You don't have to tell me, Adam, but I'll still be concerned regardless. I just want to share a few things with you, uh, about Connor.

Adam: Yeah, I'm not sure now's the time.

Avery: Dylan --

Dylan: No, it's just -- it's just a few things in the short time that I spent as Connor's... uh, with Connor. He -- he takes a bottle better just like that, when you hold him in the crook of your elbow. And, uh, when he's on his stomach in his cradle, he likes to -- likes to have his back rubbed. And if he ever has a problem going to sleep, he'll settle down if you sing "row, row, row your boat" even if you sing it badly. Just like me.

Connor: [Fusses]

Adam: I think we're gonna take our son home.

Chelsea: Connor and I, we're -- we're just staying with Adam until... I love you. And I'm sorry.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Stitch: You okay?

Dylan: Yeah, I will be.

Avery: How was your therapy session?

Dylan: Oh, it was great. It was very helpful.

Avery: Good. Okay. Let's get out of here. Come on. I'll give you a ride back to my place.

Dylan: No, thanks. I-I appreciate the offer, but I can't go back there.

Avery: Why not?

Dylan: Because I have a home. My family's not there, but... I got to go home.

Michael: We gathered from your e-mails that you might be a little homesick.

Lauren: I'm sure you'll be happy to be back in your old room.

Fenmore: I'm definitely psyched about coming home.

Lauren: But?

Fenmore: In my therapy group, they say you're not ready to come home until you can accept responsibility for your mistakes.

Michael: So, um... where do you feel you are in that process?

Fenmore: I'm a screw-up. [Sighs] Instead of dealing with my issues, I get high or drunk or both. I couldn't accept that you guys are just human beings who make mistakes, too.

Michael: Yeah. That's who we are. And that's who I am. I love you, son. Your mom and you are the most important things in my life. And I took you both for granted. And that's not gonna happen again.

Lauren: And when I married your father, I made vows. And I broke my promise to him. And that made me lose my way as a mother, so... I am so very grateful for second chances.

Michael: All right. So, here we are.

Lauren: [Chuckles]

Michael: Three screw-ups. But, you know, maybe that's the way it had to happen. We each had to screw up in our own specific way to realize how lucky we are to have two other screw-ups who we love so very much.

Fenmore: [Chuckles] [Sighs] That makes sense. Except it wasn't all our fault. Carmine caused a lot of our problems.

Lauren: Right. And now he's gonna be held responsible.

Michael: Listen, son, carmine is no longer your problem. His trial starts next week, and he will pay for his crimes.

Kevin: What are you saying? That you're never giving up on Lauren? Do you seriously think she wants anything to do with you, you sick --

Alex: That's enough! Stop!

Carmine: You should really listen to your boss. You shouldn't harass the prisoners. Might wind up behind bars yourself.

Kevin: Shut up!

Alex: Okay, okay, okay.

Carmine: This is who you have working for you? You really ought to speak to H.R. About widening their employment pool.

Alex: Do what he said. Shut up.

Carmine: Okay, look, I was just joking. I have a lot of jokes. It's one of the things Lauren loved most about me.

Kevin: She didn't love anything about you! She never did! He's sick! He's deluded!

Alex: That's fine! It doesn't matter! He can say whatever he wants! He's not going near your brother's wife ever again. You understand? He's been charged with stalking, kidnapping, attempted rape, breaking and entering, two counts of attempted murder.

Carmine: Is that all?

Alex: They got him dead to rights on everything. He's gonna be an old man before he leaves prison.

Carmine: Hmm.

Chelsea: We need to talk about what the doctor said.

Adam: What? Our son has an eye condition that could lead to him potentially going blind? We're waiting for test results.

Chelsea: You sound resigned.

Adam: What are we gonna do, Chelsea? What can we do? I mean, I'll push the doctor to make sure we get the test results in sooner than later.

Chelsea: We need to be prepared, Adam. We need to find out what treatments are out there, if there's a transplant that works, how we can prevent things.

Adam: Sure, we're gonna do whatever we can, okay? But I don't think there's any use in preparing for the worst-case scenario when we don't know what the parameters are.

Chelsea: Even in the worst-case scenario, Connor will have a full, very happy life. We will make sure we give him everything that he needs.

Adam: Except a family.

Chelsea: I have to make a bottle for him before his nap. Will you watch him, please?

Connor: [Fusses]

Chelsea: It's okay, baby. It's okay.

Connor: [Fusses]

Adam: Hey. Come here. Ooh. Oh, what a big boy. Hey, you. Hey, peanut. Can you see me? I see you. It's dad. And it's nice to finally meet you.

Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily [Sniffles]

Life is but a dream

Dylan: [Sighs] Thanks for the ride.

Stitch: Glad to help.

Dylan: What are you doing?

Stitch: What does it look like I'm doing?

Dylan: Look, I told Avery, and I'm telling you that I don't need a babysitter, okay?

Stitch: Tough. 'Cause I'm not leaving. And I don't buy that story about how you're miraculously cured after one therapy session.

Dylan: Well, that one session was my last.

Stitch: Dylan --

Dylan: Come on, stitch. The guy -- the guy was a jerk. He didn't even know what we've been through. The only thing he knows about war is what he saw on "saving private Ryan." He had no idea what happened to us and the things we saw over there.

Stitch: Okay, okay. So then we'll go to the V.A. We'll find someone who does.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Stitch: You have got to stop thinking you can fix this thing on your own. I mean, Avery pulled you back from the edge this time. What happens if you snap again?

Dylan: I won't. For one thing, I won't be in the same situation again.

Stitch: This isn't just about what Chelsea did. It's about how you reacted when you found out. Your problems aren't only in the present. They go a long way back. You have got to find someone to talk to.

Dylan: I did talk to somebody! I talked to my own wife! Turns out the person I could trust the most... was the person I could trust the least.

Victor: If anyone knows what it feels like to be betrayed, I do.

Nick: That's just the thing, dad. It wasn't Avery who --

Victor: What do you mean, it wasn't Avery? She left you standing at your own wedding, waiting for her while she was coming to the aid of some other guy.

Nick: She thought Dylan was in bad shape and needed immediate attention.

Victor: Then why the hell didn't she call his wife?

Nick: Dylan and Chelsea broke up. But that's not the reason things didn't work out for us. I mean, there were always obstacles. There was always something in the way. If I'd stepped back and looked at the bigger picture, I would have realized that when a relationship is right, it should be easy. Shouldn't it?

Victor: Well, I'm the wrong guy to ask. You know that.

Nick: Yeah, I guess so.

Victor: But listen, don't feel sorry for yourself now. Don't beat yourself up about this. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move right ahead. The best revenge for a broken heart is success.

Nick: Dad, I'm not looking for revenge. I'm just trying to figure out how I got here, you know, the paths that I've chosen, the decisions I've made.

Victor: Son, you know I support you. But beating yourself up about this is a mistake.

Faith: Did I put the spoons in the right place, mommy?

Sharon: Yes. Wow. Everything looks perfect. I think your daddy is going to be very pleased.

Faith: When do you think he'll be happy again?

Sharon: Hmm. Today. As soon as he sees our special surprise. And then every day from now on, he's gonna feel a little bit better until he forgets all about being sad.

Faith: I hate that Avery made him sad.

Victor: Beating yourself up over past mistakes is not the answer.

Nick: Well, given my history, I think a little reflection is in order.

Victor: Are you talking about your breakup with Avery?

Nick: On paper, Avery and I were perfect for each other. So why didn't it work out for us? I mean, why are relationships such a crapshoot? I mean, look at you and mom. How many times have you guys broken up? And then you get back together, and you turn right around and break up again.

Victor: And where are we now?

Nick: Well, you and mom seem to have an endless capacity to forgive each other.

Victor: But that's the point, son. Love and forgiveness, okay? No matter what your mother and I go through, we always know we love each other.

Nick: Yeah. I really thought Avery and I...

Victor: You were talking about obstacles. What obstacles are you talking about?

Nick: You know, people, history, things that happened, things that didn't happen.

Victor: What do you think should have happened for the two of you to still be together?

Nick: That's what I need to figure out. You know, why I didn't want to see what was going on right in front of my eyes.

Sharon: Hello, Avery.

Avery: I, uh, made sure nick's car was gone before I came in. I just thought I would get my things. I didn't expect to find you here. But maybe I should have.

Faith: We're making lunch for daddy. He doesn't need you anymore.

Sharon: Oh, faith, that's not a very nice thing to say.

Avery: It's okay. It's okay. Faith. I'm really sorry that you and I couldn't be better friends, because I really think you're a very special little girl, and your dad is a wonderful man. So, will you take good care of him for me?

Faith: Mommy and I both will.

Stitch: Look, I won't pretend to know what you're going through. But now is not the time to shut people out.

Dylan: Who? Like you?

Stitch: I don't have much insight into the fragile human psyche, but come on. I can listen, dude. So can Avery.

Dylan: [Sighs] You heard what she said. She said I'm broken. She feels sorry for me.

Stitch: I'm -- I'm pretty sure it goes deeper than that.

Dylan: Yeah, she's been a good friend. And I paid her back by screwing up her relationship with nick.

Stitch: She said they broke up. Sounds like they had their own stuff going on.

Dylan: Yeah, maybe. But I don't want to drag her into my problems any more than I already have.

Stitch: Okay. So you're stuck with me, then. 'Cause I'm gonna help you ether you like it or not.

Dylan: You want to help me?

Stitch: I got nothing better to do.

Dylan: Find me a lawyer. I need to divorce my wife.

Chelsea: Okay. Hi. Okay.

[Doorbell rings]

Jack: I assume you've seen the headlines?

Adam: What are you talking about?

Jack: A majority of Newman clients have jumped ship! It's a mass exodus!

Adam: What? How?

Jack: How? Your old man. That's how. And for extra added fun, a great number of our suppliers have also quit. Most of our people on the west coast, all of our vendors in Texas -- gone. There is a reason that your father was willing to drop out and let you have Newman.

Adam: So he's unloaded everything out from underneath me.

Jack: You do know what that means, don't you? For all intents and purposes, Newman is worthless.

Lauren: Ah. I am so glad that we did this. I just, uh -- I wish we had more time.

Fenmore: Me too.

Michael: Well, the next time we pick you up from the treatment center, we'll probably be taking you home with us.

Lauren: That's right.

Michael: Too bad it won't be early enough for you to see your mother accept her award.

Lauren: Oh.

Fenmore: Wait. You're getting an award?

Michael: Genoa city businesswoman of the year! Let's hear it, folks!

Fenmore: I didn't know that. That's amazing.

Lauren: Thanks, baby. Thanks. It's quite an honor. I just, you know -- I wish it were in a couple weeks so you could be there.

Fenmore: I've been missing a lot since I've been away. And this whole thought of coming home, it's quite scary. You know, I really got to start thinking about what I want to do with the rest of my life, if I want to go to school right away and try and get started or get a job. Then there are those people I'll have to face that know where --

Michael: Those people? Those people? Listen to me. You will face them, and you'll do it with your head held high, because there's no shame in accepting help when you need it.

Lauren: You know, your father is right. And there's no reason to, you know, speed up your decision. Take your time and decide what's best for you. Because you have so much to look forward to.

Michael: We all do. And from now on, the only direction that counts is forward. There will no longer be any looking back over our shoulder at what's behind, right? Now give me a hug. I love you. Mwah. I'm proud of you.

Fenmore: Thank you. Thanks for coming, guys.

Alex: The accommodations at the courthouse jail are not as comfy as they are here.

Carmine: Hmm.

Alex: And I hear the food stinks.

Carmine: Hmm. Well, it's been nothing but [Smacks lips] Gourmet here.

Alex: [Chuckles] Well, don't worry about it. You won't have to deal with it anymore.

Carmine: Mm-hmm.

Alex: You'll be convicted and transferred to state pen soon enough.

Carmine: Great.

Alex: Officer, you may now take out the trash.

Carmine: All right. Till next time, Kevy. Regards to the family. Send them my love. [Smooches]

Alex: Okay. Come here. Come here.

Kevin: You are scum, Basco! I hope you die in there!

Alex: He's not worth your energy! Relax!

Kevin: Chavez, five minutes alone with that guy, I'll wipe that grin right off his face.

Alex: Listen, he's going to Walworth! He's not gonna have anything to smile about!

Kevin: He's acting like he's gonna get away with what he did!

Alex: He won't! Trust me! Not if I have anything to say about it!

Kevin: [Sighs]

Jack: So, what is victor's endgame? What does he hope to accomplish?

Adam: Maybe he's made some sort of deal with some clients. They sever ties with Newman, only to get a big incentive when they return and only if my father is in charge.

Jack: But what if you refuse to back off?

Adam: Then we're at a stalemate.

Jack: Which means the only way out of this is for the two of you to work out some kind of compromise. We need to meet with him sooner than later.

Adam: I don't know about that. With the baby...

Chelsea: Connor's asleep. If you need to attend to something, it's fine. One of the nannies will be here soon, and I'm not going anywhere. Even if I did, you would know about it.

Adam: Let's go.

Jack: Yeah. Chelsea.

Chelsea: Bye, jack.

Adam: These things I've done -- having you move in here, the nannies, the bodyguard -- you may not like them, but they're decisions that I've made in order to keep our son safe. I hope you understand.

Victor: So, what do you think went wrong?

Nick: I don't know. Let's, uh -- let's talk about this later. I got to go.

Victor: Whoa, whoa. When your mother asks me what's going on, what do I tell her?

Nick: Tell her I'm fine.

Victor: Nicholas. You'll get over this disappointment with Avery. Trust me. You just move on, all right? And remember, when one door closes, another one opens.

Nick: I'm not looking for another door, dad.

Victor: Well, in a little time, you will be. And when that opportunity presents itself, you better seize it, all right?

Nick: All right. Thanks, dad.

Victor: You have a good day. [Sighs]

Sharon: Well, now that lunch is all ready and we're just waiting for daddy, why don't you go upstairs and put on one of your favorite dresses?

Faith: Okay. It'll be like a party. Goodbye, Avery.

Sharon: Goodbye, Avery.

Avery: [Sighs] Okay, Sharon. You and I are gonna have it out once and for all.

Alex: Kittens? Really?

Kevin: [Sighs] What? They're cute.

Alex: You thinking getting Delia a kitten is gonna score you points with her mom?

Kevin: I don't know. Maybe. Probably not.

Alex: Mnh-mnh.

Kevin: Well, it's better than a pony. I don't know what else to try.

Alex: It's not better than a pony, okay? Cats and dogs don't always get along, right? And if that ends up causing problems for Chloe --

Kevin: Chavez, I have to do something.

Alex: I wish I could help, buddy. I really do.

Kevin: I'm going to lunch. Maybe I'll pick up an iguana while I'm gone.

Alex: [Laughs] Yeah, a reptile is definitely the way to go.

[Telephone rings]

Alex: [Chuckles] Chavez. How the hell did that happen?!

Avery: When nick and I were planning to get married, I knew you were gonna be part of our lives as faith's mother, and I respected that.

Sharon: Oh, really?

Avery: I understood what my role as stepparent would be and wouldn't be, and I tried very hard to get along with you for faith's sake. And so I kept quiet about what I was really feeling.

Sharon: Which was?

Avery: Irritation! Anger! Resentment! You knew that faith was having trouble accepting me, and I think you loved it, didn't you? In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you actively encouraged it!

Sharon: You know what? You have some nerve.

Avery: Really? All the impromptu visits, all the forgotten toys, the fear of thunder? Oh, you twisting your ankle when I was out of town? Are you serious? Who -- who sprains their ankle walking down the stairs?

Sharon: That is a very tricky step!

Avery: Oh, and you -- you played it so innocently, didn't you?

Sharon: It was. You just couldn't get over your paranoia.

Avery: Wow. You are, without a doubt, one of the most manipulative people I've ever met and I've known. I've been on to you from the start. I'll bet you are thrilled that the wedding was called off 'cause you've never stopped loving nick!

Sharon: We both know why the wedding was called off, Avery. Because you never stopped loving Dylan.

Dylan: I was happily married with a kid. Avery was supposed to get married. And now we're both on our own. No, no, don't -- don't even go there, all right? I'm not gonna lean on her for support, especially when she's going through her own hell. And what kind of friend would I be to her anyway right now?

Stitch: Once you get the help you need.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Stitch: I'm -- I'm just saying.

Dylan: You're right. And that episode in the cabin... I was... I was scared. And I wasn't in control. I was holding Connor. I didn't even know it.

Stitch: Hey. Connor's fine. Everybody made it out of there in great shape.

Dylan: All right, I'll talk to a V.A. Doc, someone who, you know, understands, like you said.

Stitch: I'll, uh -- I'll set something up, make some calls.

Dylan: Thank you.

Stitch: You're gonna get through this, Mac. You're gonna be okay.

Dylan: I'm not so worried about myself as much as I am about...

Stitch: Connor?

Dylan: He's an amazing kid. Just -- just the way he watches everything, like every object is the most fascinating thing in the world. I could just see him trying to -- trying to figure things out. You know, sometimes when he would look at me... I really thought he knew...me, he knew who I was, that... that I was his dad, that I was gonna protect him and give him a good life. I just hope Adam is capable of giving him the love he deserves.

Jack: Adam, when victor gets here, let me do the talking. This is less personal for me. This is just business.

Victor: Hello.

Adam: You hate me so much, you would take down your own company just to spite me?

Jack: Whoa, whoa, guys, we are reasonable men, all three of us. We can sit down and talk rationally. Shall we?

Victor: Let's sit down.

Jack: Okay. [Clears throat] We know what you've done.

Victor: Do you?

Jack: It was a very clever plan. Unfortunately, it is not sustainable. Whether I'm involved or not, Adam is still in charge at Newman. Before you go wooing back the clients and suppliers that you convinced to leave --

Victor: Who says I'm gonna do that?

Adam: It'd keep the company from tanking.

Victor: You own the company, son. I backed away. This is your job now.

Jack: You don't expect us to believe you're willing to watch Newman come crashing down.

Adam: You'd be willing to lose your life's work just to spite me?

Victor: [Chuckles] Who says I'm gonna lose anything?

Michael: I'm sorry. We were delayed. We were in the middle of dropping our son off at his treatment center when we got your message. What?

Lauren: Why did you want to talk to us? Is it about the trial?

Alex: Um, carmine Basco was being transferred to courthouse jail pending trial.

Michael: Hold on. What do you mean was being transported?

Alex: The truck was en route, and the prisoner escaped.

Sharon: You want to know something, Avery? I'm really glad that you and nick are through.

Avery: Well, at least you have the decency to admit it.

Sharon: Oh, I knew it wasn't gonna last from the start. You're not good enough for him. You never loved him the way he deserved.

Avery: And you do? 'Cause I got news for you, sister. You may think you've won in this, but just because nick and I are over doesn't mean he's gonna come running back to you!

[Door opens]

Stitch: I'm gonna get my things from the motel and bring them over.

Dylan: Look, I don't need --

Stitch: A babysitter? Right. I got news for you, Mac. You don't know what you need. I'm gonna be here till you figure it out. I won't be long.

[Door closes]

Dylan: [Sighs]

Chelsea: Now, where is that teddy bear that Adam... that your father bought you, huh? Where did he put that? Where did he put your teddy bear, huh? Let's see. Okay, little baby. Where's the teddy bear? Where's the...

Dylan: You are supposed to be taking it easy. You need to let me help you with this kind of stuff.

Chelsea: Adam, I-I was...

Adam: No, you're moving on. No point hanging on to the past.

Adam: So, what's going on, dad?

Victor: Have you checked your business-transaction feed lately, jack?

Adam: What'd you do?

Victor: Why don't you tell him, jack?

Jack: All the clients who left Newman signed long-term contracts with chancellor industries. This has gone from bad to worse.

Adam: Means you can't woo anyone back to Newman any time soon.

Victor: I would not be trying any such thing.

Adam: This is like the nuclear option, dad. If you can't win, you just blow everything up.

Victor: Who says I can't win?

Adam: You've decimated our company.

Jack: You're gonna sit by and watch Newman crumble while chancellor builds an empire on its ruins?

Victor: That's exactly what I intend to do, because it's all mine. You see, gentlemen, chancellor industries... is now owned by me.

Next on "the young and the restless"...

Nikki: I already know everything that I'm gonna find out, and there's nothing I can do about it.

Paul: Actually, there is.

Sharon: I'm glad you and nick are through. You didn't love him the way that he deserves.

Avery: And you do?

Victor: I did not buy chancellor industries. Katherine left it to me.

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