Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/19/13

Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/19/13


Episode # 10247 ~ Adam insists on answers about Connor; Avery tries to help Dylan.

Provided By Suzanne

Avery: [Sighs]

[Pounding on door]

Adam: Where is he?

Avery: [Sighs] Adam, please go away.

Adam: You hiding out this oh-so-platonic friend that you have?

Avery: What are you talking about? Please just get out.

Adam: I want answers, Avery.

Avery: I do not have time for this right now.

Adam: Where has Dylan taken my son?!

[Door opens]

Chelsea: Oh, thank god. Hi. Oh, my god, I was so scared. Where were you? W-when you didn't answer, I didn't know if I would see either of you ever again. Hi! [Laughs]

Dylan: I was, uh...

Chelsea: Hi!

Dylan: I was holding Connor to say goodbye, and I just wasn't...ready to let go yet. I'm sorry.

Chelsea: You don't have to say goodbye to him, Dylan. Connor may not have your genes, but he can still be your son. He can still be just like you. He can grow up to be brave and honest...and kind. That can be our truth.

Connor: [Coos]

Chelsea: Hi. I love you, Dylan. That's my truth. Please. Please. [Sniffles, sighs] Hi. [Sniffles] Mm.

Chelsea: [Gasps]

[Cell phone rings]

Chelsea: [Sighs] Dylan? Detective Chavez, have you found my son? How can there be no sign? Dylan doesn't have diapers or bottles. When Connor cries -- you can't hide a crying baby.

Dylan: [Sighs] All right. Hey. Hey. It's gonna be okay. I got you. I got you. We're gonna get out of here, okay? I'm gonna get you out. [Breathing heavily] It's okay, Ara. It's okay. I got you. We're gonna get out of here. I'm gonna get you out.

Lily: Hello, there!

Abby: Hi!

Lily: Did you get those amazing nail-art shots that I sent you? Because that vibe is perfect for the polish rollout.

Abby: Wow! You really are doing the whole brave-ce thing. Good for you. But you don't have to do that in front of me, lily. I mean, I know I've never been married, but I know what it's like to have a relationship fall apt.

Lily: Oh, my god. Are you still on that? It was one semi-kiss that someone snapped a cheap photo of. That's it.

Abby: Yeah, a kiss between your husband and his assistant that he brought to new York with him, and that's just one photo. That could be the tip of the infidelity iceberg. How much proof do you need that cane's cheating on you?

Lily: Abby, it's not cheating if he has my permission.

Cane: To better days ahead. To us.

Hilary: [Sighs]

Cane: You're quiet. Is me telling you how I feel about you too much honesty too soon?

Hilary: I was just thinking that... [Chuckles] ...I did not expect this.

Cane: [Chuckles]

Hilary: But I like it and you very much.

Cane: Yeah? How much do you like it? What's wrong?

Hilary: You are married.

Cane: That's right. I'm married. I'm staying in a hotel room 'cause my wife and I can't fake it anymore.

Hilary: You two seemed so happy. And lily made it clear how devoted you both were to each other.

Cane: And we put on a good show playing the devoted couple, but everybody has secrets.

Nikki: You know me? After all these years, you remember me?

Sister Clare: Oh, how could I forget? I've wondered about you so many times.

Nikki: [Gasps] I can't believe it. You know that the baby, I -- I tried to put it all out of my mind. You know, just to forget. But I can't. And now I need to know. Sister, please. Tell me everything -- everything that you know about the child I gave up, please.

Nikki: I need to know. My baby -- did it grow up in a home with that? Did he or she have any of that -- love and support? And kindness and...affection?

Sister Clare: All god's children are blessed.

Father Martin: No matter who, no matter where.

Paul: What can you tell us about the baby's adoption? Was Nikki's child placed locally?

Sister Clare: Nikki?

Nikki: Oh, I'm so sorry. All those years ago, I -- I could have forgotten to tell you my name. I was so terrified being in labor. But I remember. You let me hold your hand as hard I wanted to squeeze.

Sister Clare: Oh, dear. Your name is Mary Katherine. Mother hated it when I called you Mary Kate.

Father Martin: Sister. Just a moment, please.

Paul: What's wrong? Dementia?

Father Martin: She gets confused. I would have warned you right away, but sister Clare seemed to recognize you. I was hopeful.

Nikki: Is she always like this?

Father Martin: It comes and goes. There's no way to know when she'll be more herself.

Nikki: But I need her help. I need it now.

Paul: We'll find another way. It's all right.

Nikki: There is no other way, Paul. You heard. The records are destroyed. The attorney who did the adoption is dead. This is it. [Sighs]

Lily: This whole thing with Hilary is an act. Yes, cane and I arranged the entire thing because no one can get between us. So he's leading Hilary on to trap her in her own lies.

Abby: So cane's faking it and she's lying? My head hurts. What is she lying about, except for the fact that she's not just some assistant who doesn't want to take your man?

Lily: It will all come out soon enough, but you have to be quiet about this, okay?

Abby: I can be quiet. Or I will be. This time.

Lily: [Laughs] Okay, we are sure that Hilary is behind the GC buzz posts.

Abby: Wait, Hilary is the one that's been beating up on you online? That wench. Why would she go after Neal's family like that?

Lily: Exactly. That's the lie. She's not Hilary at all.

Cane: You know, it is crazy how well you know me. You know I like my tea with milk and sugar, you know which executives annoy me, and you know that my wife and I are sick of each other, but no matter how much I tell you about me, you never tell me anything about you. Why is that?

Hilary: Maybe I'm just boring.

Cane: [Chuckles] You're definitely not boring. So... why won't you talk to me? I thought we were friends.

Hilary: [Sighs] I can't be here like this. I just -- I can't let myself do this. [Sighs]

Cane: Listen --

Hilary: I love my job, okay? I'm ambitious, and I can't have people thinking that I slept my way up the corporate ladder.

Cane: No one's gonna think that, okay? We're just friends. We're having a chat. We're having a drink, all right? No one's gonna know about this. And we're not gonna talk about my marriage or worry about my marriage. All right? Now...if there's anything I can help you with, just let me know and let me help you.

Hilary: You are...relentless. [Chuckles]

Cane: And you have gorgeous eyes. Whoa.

Hilary: You okay?

Cane: Yeah, I'm okay. Just, um... just got a little lightheaded. Just -- I'm gonna go -- I want to put some water on my face and, um... you have some champagne.

Hilary: Yeah.

Cane: Okay. When I'm back, we'll... finish the chat.

Avery: Did you find him under my bed? Or maybe he's in camouflage and he's hiding here in plain sight.

Adam: You think this is funny, Avery?

Avery: You know what's not funny is that you come in here uninvited and search my place. I told you he's not here.

Adam: I'm supposed to trust you why? Why am I supposed to trust you?

Avery: Why would I lie about this?!

Adam: Because you're still in love with this guy! Your exact words -- you are not going to be responsible for Dylan losing yet another child. Just because you're a sucker for his angst, Avery, it doesn't mean he gets my kid.

Chelsea: Dylan, please. I know how awful this is for you, and I'm so sorry for all the pain, but I need you to bring Connor home now, okay? I need to know that he's okay, and I need to know that you're okay. I'm just -- I'm just so worried about you both. Please call me.

Anita: What happened?

Chelsea: Dylan knows. And he left. And he took Connor.

Adam: Okay, yeah. I'm supposed to sympathize, right, with this guy -- this simple guy that's probably just a little bit too trusting. He's been duped, and he and I should commiserate over this with a couple of beers, right? Only he stole my son! And you are an officer of the court, and if I find out you have anything to do with this --

Avery: Okay, stop it. Will you slow down and listen to me? Dylan was here, yes. I saw him yesterday, but there was no talk about taking Connor. If he had mentioned anything like that, I wouldn't have let him out of my sight.

Adam: When was this?

Avery: It was yesterday. It was before the wedding. He showed up at my door, okay? He was very upset. He had just found out about Connor, and he needed a friend.

Adam: He showed up at the door and this is how you spent your time before your wedding? And you're trying to convince me that you don't love this guy enough that you wouldn't do this, as well? Hide my son for him?

Avery: Stop it. Stop it. If you're gonna keep accusing me of this, you can get the hell out of my house, okay? I do not know where Dylan is.

Adam: He stole my son. Do you understand what that means? I have no idea what lengths he will go to to punish me or Chelsea, but if you know something, you need to tell me right now.

Avery: [Sighs]

Chelsea: I mean, I called stitch, Billy, the police. No one has seen Dylan or the baby anywhere.

Anita: Well, Dylan's a soldier. He knows how to get off the grid. And knowing him, I mean, he could stay off the radar for a long time.

Chelsea: Are you trying to make me feel worse?

Anita: No. No, I'm not. I'm rational. I mean, my grandson is missing.

Chelsea: What? And now it is suddenly about you? Oh, my god! Do you even know how to be a mother? I mean, what did I learn from you? Of course I would grow up to lie about my baby's father. It's who I am! It's who you raised me to be. I never even had a chance, and now Connor may never even have a chance, either.

Anita: So, it's my fault that you married this guy and you lied about your baby.

Chelsea: I gave up Johnny. I lost my baby with Adam. Oh, my god. I get pregnant again and then I lie. Of course I lie. And then something like this happens. [Sighs]

Anita: Your baby is gonna be back in your arms soon, honey.

Chelsea: Stop. [Sighs] Is he, mom? And then what? And then what? Adam will take him away again? Because he has all the money and all the power. Don't even say it. I know what you and Jeffrey said all along. That Adam was the jackpot. If I just told him the truth from the beginning, according to you, everything would be perfect. If I had just told the truth.

Anita: I'm not gonna say "I told you so." I've seen you with your baby boy, and you are the mother that I never was. Makes me ashamed of myself and so very, very proud of you. But I know it's late. But I want to be the right kind of mother to you now.

Chelsea: [Sniffles]

Anita: Just let me be here for you. Tell me what you need. Oh, honey.

Chelsea: [Crying]

Hilary: Oh, well... maybe more champagne wasn't the best idea. You can hardly stand.

Cane: I'm fine. I'm fine.

Hilary: Yeah. Yeah. The former bartender is a lightweight. Come here. Let me help you.

Cane: Whew.

Hilary: Okay, I'm gonna be right back, okay?

Cane: Okay. [Groans] [Sighs] Hi. I-I -- I don't know what happened. It just, um...

Hilary: It's okay. We have all the time in the world. Okay? Now you just need to get some rest. Here. I'm gonna take care of you, okay?

Cane: [Sighs] [Groans]

Hilary: There you go. Yeah. He's out. Just give me a few minutes, okay?

Nikki: God understands. He knows why I can't let go. Paul, the question isn't, "why am I looking for my child now?" The question is, "why did I wait so long?" I mean, god knows it's been like a stone in my heart, pressing down all these years. Katherine knew that. She knew what it was like to meet a child after too many years had passed.

Paul: Your circumstances were different.

Nikki: I've been thinking about it. Maybe if I -- if I had kept the baby or not kept this big secret, maybe I would never have taken a drink. Maybe I would never have needed A.A. Or sponsors to lean on. If I hadn't kept this secret, maybe I never would have wanted to take that first drink and not stop.

Paul: Nik, you had your reasons. Your marriage, your family, your kids. You've been sober now a very long time.

Nikki: But I have not been able to get the baby out of my mind. [Sighs] I mean, I always refer to Victoria as my firstborn, and that's a lie. All these lies, all these years. But my firstborn is out there somewhere, and I want -- no, I need to know. I need to know that they grew up happy. I need to know that. [Sighs] Please, god. Please, god, let me know. Let me know. [Sighs]

Avery: Dylan is a good man who would never hurt any child, much less one he loves as his own.

Adam: But it's not his own. It's mine, and I don't want him anywhere near him.

Avery: How can you be so vindictive? He's not the one that deceived you.

Adam: He kidnapped my son!

Avery: He lost everything that he loved in one second, just like that. Can you give him some time to grieve?

Adam: You want me to let him grieve with my son somewhere where no one knows where he is? No, he needs to grieve in a jail cell after he gives my son back.

Avery: Wait a minute. You've made mistakes. You've made a lot of them, and you've been forgiven. Just -- you have to have some compassion here, Adam. I know you have it in you.

Adam: I watched Chelsea with this pregnancy. I watched her belly grow. I saw her radiant and smiling and glowing after she had this baby. And I held my son, and I -- I got to hold my son. Didn't even know it. He was crying. I picked him up. It was just him and me. And then Dylan walks in and he, uh -- he looks at me like I'm a monster ready to devour a small child, and he demands that I hand the baby over. And I did. He took him from my arms. And I walked away. And I left a con and her mark and my little boy. I walked away. It should have been Dylan who walked away. So I'm gonna tell you right now that I want to see my son. And I want him to see me while he still can. So not another second is gonna go on without me finding where he is.

Avery: Listen, Adam, I feel for you. I really do. But I don't know where he is. I don't have answers. I have to go and meet a client right now, but I will gladly help you after --

Adam: You know what? I'm gonna find him. I'm going to find him, Avery. And when I do, you will not be able to protect him.

[Door slams]

Avery: [Sighs]

Chelsea: No, I am a mom now. I -- I cannot just fall apart.

Anita: You're allowed a moment or two.

Chelsea: Freaking out is not gonna bring Connor home.

Anita: Connor's with a man who loves him with all of his heart, honey.

Chelsea: Dylan does love Connor. But you don't know about his nightmares, mom. It's terrifying just lying in bed with him some nights. The sounds -- the loud sounds -- they do something to him. In the storm last night, those noises, they were like triggers for Dylan. You know, they're, like, flashbacks.

Anita: Like the war. Oh, my goodness.

Chelsea: He's not the same person when that happens. So right now, you can see Connor is not with the man that loves him. Connor is with a soldier who's seen terrible things, a soldier who's very confused right now and very disoriented.

Anita: Did Dylan tell you what he went through?

Chelsea: He has so much guilt, mom. It's awful to see. I mean, he survived and others didn't.

Anita: Well, that's the point. He's a strong man. He made it out of there.

Chelsea: He made it out of there and the nightmares followed him. There was a girl. [Sighs] She lost her family, and Dylan forced himself to survive so that he could protect her. And he failed.

Dylan: [Breathing heavily] Shh. Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. It's okay. No one's gonna hurt you. Come on. There we go. We just got to be quiet, okay? We just got to be quiet.

Adam: Where is this?

Hilary: Did you get it?

Mason: Nice shot from across the alley. You look good.

Hilary: Oh! Nice shot.

Mason: The hotel shot in new York was pretty good practice.

Hilary: It looks so natural. Like we were just exhausted from hot sex.

Mason: I think I've seen that look on your face before.

Hilary: You and I make a great team. Mm. Now, I need that picture to go live.

Mason: It's already on GC buzz.

Hilary: Love it! Cane will never be able to explain his way out of this one.

Lily: So it makes perfect sense. She's rose's daughter, Ann, and she blames my dad for her mom's death, and so she wants to make us pay. So, this is all a setup to bring her down.

Abby: This is all fabulously empowering and sneaky and I love it, but having cane seduce a woman who hates you? How could that be a good idea?

Lily: What could possibly go wrong?

[Cell phone beeps]

Lily: What? Don't -- [Sighs] Don't tell me. Is that --

Abby: Yeah, it's GC buzz, and... oh, my. "What could go wrong?"

Lily: [Sighs]

Nikki: Sister Clare. Many years ago, you were so kind to me. You saved me, really. I was in labor and so, so scared. But you convinced me that I was strong enough to bring a baby into the world. And later on, you helped me get back into the world, get back to the life that I had. But when I left, I left alone. I never saw the baby. I never held the baby. I don't even know if it was a boy or a girl. Sister, please. If there's anything that you can remember...

Sister Clare: Only one. Because I delivered twins. [Chuckles] Oh. No, triplets. All that curly red hair. Do you know them?

Paul: How long is she gonna be like this?

Father Martin: The good days are getting farther in between.

Sister Clare: It was a boy. When you came in that night, you delivered a son.

Nikki: Paul, I have a son -- a little boy.

Paul: Nikki, I know sister Clare is trying very hard. Can we be sure of any of this?

Sister Clare: Child -- you were so scared. And when he was born, I -- I held him in my arms and said a prayer.

Sister Clare: Hold him gently in your hands, o lord.

Nikki: Yes, you did pray for my son! I remember that!

Sister Clare: [Chuckles]

Nikki: And then I asked you to find a good home, find a family that would love the baby [Voice breaking] With all their hearts.

Sister Clare: And I kept my word. She was a member of the congregation.

Paul: Do you have a name? Do you have an address? Sister Clare, is she still a member of the congregation?

Anita: Hey! Hey, get out of here!

Adam: Chelsea.

Anita: Don't wake her.

Adam: My son's still out there. I want you to look at this.

Chelsea: What?

Adam: Wake up. Look at this. Where is this?

Chelsea: What?

Adam: This love cabin. Where is this?

Chelsea: I -- I don't know.

Adam: Well, you need to look closer. I want you to tell me where this is. Avery and Dylan have this cabin. Has he ever mentioned anything to you about it?

Chelsea: I just told you, Adam, no.

Adam: Well, I want you to think, okay? If you ever want to see your son again, you need to think.

Anita: [Sighs]

Dylan: That's good. Be quiet. We don't -- we don't want them to hear us. Shh.


Avery: Dylan? Are you here?

Dylan: Stop!

Wadrega! Wadrega! Wadrega!

Wadrega! Stay back!

Avery: Dylan. Dylan, it's me. It's Avery. No one's gonna hurt you.

Dylan: She needs a doctor! You understand? Doctor?

Daakter! Hag-ha daakter!

Avery: Dylan. Let me see him. Let me make sure that he's --

Dylan: I said stay back! Stay back! [Breathing heavily]

Adam: Look, I know I've interrupted your little nap, but you need to help me find my son.

Anita: You want me to call the cops? Because I would love to.

Adam: Come here, woman.

Anita: Hey! Get your hands off of me!

Adam: Once and for all, you need to just shut up.

Anita: Stop it!

Chelsea: Adam! You can't just come in here --

Adam: I can do whatever I need to do to find my son, okay? I need you to tell me where Dylan took my kid.

Chelsea: Avery's the one in the picture, Adam. Why don't you ask her?

Adam: Well, I need you to think right now! Did he talk to you about a b&b, an inn, a cousin's cabin, a hunting lodge?

Chels: Lake Bartlett. Lake Bartlett. His father owned a cabin on a lake. I've never seen any pictures, but --

Anita: Give me that phone. Give me the phone! I'm gonna call the cops!

Chelsea: Stay here. Stay here in case Dylan calls.

Avery: Dylan. Dylan, it's Avery. It's Avery. I came to take you and Connor home.

Dylan: You're not Avery.

Avery: I am Avery. I -- look at me. [Chuckles]

Dylan: But the baby -- the baby is gone. We never -- we never got to --

Avery: The baby is in your arms. Dylan. May I e him? I promise I'll be very careful.

Dylan: [Sighs] She died. The little girl, Ara. She never got to a doctor.

Avery: [Sighs]

Dylan: [Sighs] [Crying] I was holding her when she died. [Sighs] [Breathing heavily] [Sniffles]

Nikki: Sister Clare. I can't tell you how much you've helped, telling me about the baby. I'm so grateful. But if you can remember -- the woman who adopted the baby -- did she have a husband? Were there other children?

Sister Clare: I remember something.

Nikki: Oh, please, tell me everything.

Sister Clare: She had kind eyes. And a gentle voice. I remember it all, like it was yesterday.

Nikki: Well, surely there must be more.

Sister Clare: I think I'd like my tea now.

Father Martin: I'm afraid that's all. She needs her rest. Sister, I'll walk you back to your room.

Sister Clare: Thank you for your visit.

Nikki: Sister Clare! Thank you for helping me. And my son. Then and now. [Sighs] [Crying]

Lily: Are you kidding me?!

[Door slams]

Lily: Huh? Was that your plan the entire time? Get me on board so that you could seduce your assistant?

Cane: Of course not.

Lily: Go to hell.

Cane: Hey, hey, hey!

Lily: Don't touch me!

Cane: Come here! You're not going anywhere until you listen to what I have to say to you.

Cane: You're g

Cane: You're not going anywhere until you listen to me.

Lily: Oh, really, cane? Yes, please, tell me how you undressed each other and fell into bed together.

Cane: That's not what happened.

Lily: So, what? You had no choice but to have sex with her?

Cane: I didn't have sex with her. I did not have sex with her. She tried to drug me. She gave me a glass of champagne. Look at me, sweetie. She gave me a glass of champagne, okay? Then she starts acting all coy, so I play the role of the miserable husband who's just -- he just wants to escape his wife, okay? I take a little sip of the champagne and straight away I knew there was something wrong with it. So, then, I have a bigger swig so she thinks I've downed the whole glass. I walk into the bathroom, I spit out the champagne, and I pour the rest down the sink. So, then, I walk out of the bathroom and I pretend the drug has taken effect. I sit down on the bed and then I pretend to pass out, and then she arranges the shots.

Lily: The shots were taken from outside.

Cane: Right, by mason. He's the photographer and her partner.

Lily: Wait, the model?

Cane: Yes.

Lily: Oh, my god. This is insane. I -- [Sighs] How do we even prove something like this?

Cane: Because when I pretended to pass out, when she went to get the, uh, cloth... I put my phone under the pillow and hit record.

Lily: Oh, she got a cloth for you. Yes, please, tell me how she tended to your needs.

Cane: Okay, well, while she was tending to my needs, it gave me a chance to get the whole conversation. Listen.

Hilary: Oh! Nice shot!

Mason: Nice skin. Yours, I mean. [Chuckles] The hotel shot in new York was pretty good practice.

Hilary: It looks so natural. Like we were just exhausted from hot sex.

Mason: I think I've seen that look on your face before.

Hilary: You and I make a great team.

Lily: [Scoffs]


They're kissing?

Cane: It's all there. We got her and it's over.

Lily: [Sighs] Cane, you're -- [Sighs] You're amazing, and I'm -- I'm sorry. [Sighs]

Paul: All right, this is what I would like to do. I will stay here and talk to sister Clare. I want you to go home. The stress of this is way too much for you.

Nikki: Paul, there's stress at home, too. Me worrying about my son and then the lies that I told victor and the kids?

Paul: And that's a mistake. Listen, this charity cover story is not gonna hold water for very long.

Nikki: But I will tell victor everything. I will share everything with him once I know more.

Paul: Why not now? You're stalling. Why not? Why not now? Why can't you tell victor? What are you afraid of?

Nikki: Paul. I got through to sister Clare once. I can do it again. But I'm not going home until I know more about my son.

Connor: [Fussing]

Avery: That's Connor, Dylan. The baby in your arms is Connor. Chelsea's son. And she loves him very much. I know you love him very much, too. You know, I think Connor is tired and hungry and probably wants his mommy right now, right? Can you help me, Dylan? Can you help me bring him back to Chelsea? Can you help the baby? Connor needs you.

Connor: [Fussing] [Crying]

Avery: Okay. Okay.

Adam: Get your hands off my son.

Next on "the young and the restless"...

Dylan: [Gasps]

Chelsea: My baby!

Dylan: It's okay. We're gonna make it home.

Summer: I don't understand why that happened.

Nick: You mean why I lost Avery? Truth is, I don't think I ever had her to begin with.

Victor: Who the hell do you think you're talking to? What are you really after?

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