Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/18/13
Episode # 10246 ~ The tables are turned on Lily & Cane; Jill asks Michael for help contesting Katherine's will.
Provided By Suzanne
Esther: Did you just get back from seeing fen?
Lauren: Yes, we did, and he's doing better.
Michael: It's an excellent rehab facility.
Esther: Oh, great. I know that Jill will be relieved to hear that.
Lauren: Where is she? She left me a voicemail, and she sounded despondent, so that's why we came right over.
Michael: Yeah, I'm assuming this is about Katherine. As intertwined as those two were, it's not -- it's not difficult to believe that Jill's having trouble accepting the fact that Katherine has passed on.
Esther: Actually, I think she's having a harder time accepting what Mrs. C. Passed on.
Michael: Hey.
Jill: Thank you so much for coming.
Lauren: What can I do to help you?
Jill: Well, you can't do anything, but Michael can.
Michael: What? No.
Jill: I need a lawyer. I want to contest Katherine's will.
Nikki: Well, this is probably another waste of time. What is this, the sixth church in Winnetka we've been to, the seventh? I don't know.
Paul: Well, actually, it, uh -- it is the seventh. But you know what? I would drive up and down the state of Illinois and stop in every church if you'd think it might help. What do you think? Any of this look familiar?
Nikki: I don't know. It was so long ago. Like I said, I can't remember anything beyond "our lady of..."
Paul: Well, at least this is our lady of hope. I'm looking at that as a positive side.
Nikki: I'm just worried that I pulled you away from work for nothing, not to mention the fact that I lied to victor, telling him I was in Chicago on charity business.
Paul: Yeah, about that. I, um -- I really wish you would tell victor the truth.
Nikki: I will tell him when I have more information. Right now, all I have are questions. I need answers.
Father Martin: Then you've come to the right place.
Neil: Hey, Devon.
Devon: Hey, dad. How was new York?
Neil: New York was good, a good trip. Accomplished what I needed to. More importantly, how are you doing? I got your messages that you want to talk.
Devon: Yeah.
Neil: Right. About the latest posts on the GC buzz?
Mason: How long you gonna keep staring at that picture?
Hilary: Until I get what I want.
Mason: Well, you definitely seemed to have gotten what you wanted this morning.
Hilary: What have you done for me lately?
Mason: Happy now?
Hilary: I will be.
Mason: Hilary, look, that is some serious stuff. Are you sure you want to go through with this?
Hilary: It's an insurance plan. If I want to hurt Neil's daughter in the worst way possible, I need her husband right where I want him.
Cane: Hoo! I don't think I'm gonna recover from that.
Lily: Yeah. There is nothing like sneaking into a hotel room in the middle of the day.
Cane: You do this often, do you?
Lily: [Laughs] Maybe I should. This is so funny. I feel like I'm having an affair, but it's with my husband. It's like all the thrill, none of the guilt.
Cane: I wouldn't want it any other way.
Lily: Well... don't let Hilary hear you say that, not if you're gonna get close enough to have her open up to you.
Cane: Yeah, I suppose. Well, I mean, if Hilary's out to hurt us, or hurt you, your dad and us, I don't think she's gonna open up just that easily, though, right?
Lily: I don't know. People reveal a lot over pillow talk.
Cane: Pillow talk? Yeah? So tell me this -- how far are you willing to let this go?
Lily: I'm sorry, but by pillow talk, I didn't mean that kind of pillow talk.
Cane: Oh, I forgot there was another kind of pillow talk.
Lily: Yes. Just think Rock Hudson and Doris Day -- you know, flirty but PG.
Cane: Oh, my god. It's like I'm trapped in the '50s here.
Lily: No, I'm sorry. Women like to be charmed. Just have her think that you're into her. You know, tell her that you want to get to know her better before you're willing to risk your marriage.
Cane: I have an idea. Since you've got this all figured out, maybe you are the one that should be playing this game and not me.
Lily: Oh, I don't think I'm Hilary's type. And I am playing this game. Okay, I'm an intended victim. Remember that?
Cane: All too well.
Lily: Are you... really worried about this?
Cane: [Breathes deeply] You know, if her sole purpose is to cause trouble with you and me, I'm not worried. 'Cause I think you and I are too strong for this. But if she is the blogger, then she's had a grudge against Neil since her mum died.
Lily: Yeah, about six years ago.
Cane: Right, which has given her plenty of time to plan her attack. And she did say in her last post that she won't reveal her true identity until Neil has lost everything she's lost and then some more.
Lily: So, what about it?
Cane: I think that if Hilary is Ann Turner, we're in for a lot more than we bargained for.
Hilary: Are you prepared to do what's next?
Mason: If that's what it's gonna take to keep that smile on your face. I'm just not sure how much I'll be able to help after this.
Hilary: [Chuckles] What? You got a better offer?
Mason: I got a job. Tyler Michaelson hired me back to model for jabot fashion.
Hilary: That's great. Put your best assets to work. That's actually some of the best news I've heard in a while.
Mason: Thank you. That means a lot.
Hilary: Now you'll have an even better opportunity to buddy-up with Devon.
Mason: You know, he may be the exec on the campaign, but it's not like we'll have a bunch of time to spend together.
Hilary: Find a reason to... if you want me to keep showing up in your bed.
Mason: What do you -- what is it you want me to find out?
Hilary: A model for all of 10 minutes and already you can't put two and two together.
Mon: Look, I understand -- you want to find out how much money he inherited. I get that. But how does that help you get back at him or his father?
Hilary: It's what he plans to do with the money that matters. Once I have that info... I can do a lot of damage.
Neil: I haven't spoken to lily about the picture yet. I'm sure she's pretty devastated about it.
Devon: No, actually, she's all right.
Neil: She's all right? With her husband fooling around with his assistant?
Devon: He's not doing that. It's a long story that I'll let her explain to you. Got my own stuff going on.
Neil: What kind of stuff?
[Door opens]
Neil: Hey. How you doing, man?
Devon: [Clears throat] You, uh...
Neil: Thanks.
Devon: You know, I was mentioned in Katherine's will.
Neil: Right, right, right. I forgot. The reading of the will, how did it go?
Devon: Good. Uh... I got a generous inheritance.
Neil: Well, you should have. I'm not surprised about that. Katherine regretted those early days between you, all the resentment and animosity when you two found out she was your grandmother. I mean, obviously, that's why she wanted to give you a nice...
Devon: Obviously. 'Cause when I say "generous," I mean, like... it's -- it's generous.
Neil: Yeah, generous, okay. Well, how much we talking? What? Tell me.
Devon: $2.4 billion. $2.4 billion.
Jill: That old witch. I'm telling you, she was flying without a broomstick when she wrote that will. And not only that, she leaves the bulk of the rest of the estate to some kid that she's known for less than three years, okay? And a boatload of stuff to everybody else in the whole damn town.
Michael: Except you.
Esther: That's not true. Mrs. C. Willed Jill her half of the house.
Jill: Yeah, with the stipulation I could never sell it. So now I've got this very expensive house, no way to pay for it, and on top of that, it's got a curse attached to it.
Lauren: What curse?
Jill: This curse. She guaranteed her a job for life with a C.E.O.'S salary.
Esther: I'll be earning every penny of it, considering I have to clean up after you.
Michael: All right, hold on. So, this is all you received, Jill? Nothing but this house?
Jill: Mm-hmm.
Esther: No, she got that very lovely music box.
Jill: Oh, well, this is some tchotchke from the 99-cent store full of a whole lot of nothing. As a matter of fact, I don't even know why I just don't throw it out.
Lauren: Wait, don't!
Jill: For heaven's sake. Why not?
Lauren: Because it's a lot more valuable than you think.
Jill: Well, what do you know about this? Have you ever seen this before?
Lauren: No. Not at all. But I know that if Katherine willed it to you, it was very important to her.
Esther: Thank you! That's what I've been trying to tell her. Mrs. C. Was sending you a message.
Jill: [Scoffs] Yeah. A message that she didn't give a damn about me. Do you know she even aced me out of the company? She kept on cane as C.E.O.
Michael: Well, she was probably impressed by him during his tenure.
Jill: Yeah, or brainwashed by him. I mean, all that time they spent together before her surgery? Probably convinced her to change her will in his favor.
Esther: Cane loves you. He would never do that to you.
Jill: Well, whether or not he influenced her, the bottom line is that she wasn't in full possession of her faculties, okay? And that's what we've got to make the court see.
Michael: No, no, no, no. I don't handle estate law anymore, Jill, and I know for a fact from Murphy that she was as sharp as they come right up until the end. So whether you like it or not, the old lady knew what she was doing when she wrote her will.
Jill: Well, then she just flat-out hated me, didn't she?!
Lauren: Oh, no, she didn't.
Jill: Well, what else could it have been? I mean, when all was said and done, I was still the chief little slut that took her husband away from her.
Lauren: No. She thought of you as the daughter she never had.
Jill: Oh, I think you're confusing me with Nikki.
Lauren: No. She wanted the best for you.
Jill: Then why did we fight like cats and dogs, Lauren? Worse than cats and dogs.
Lauren: You fought because the two of you were so much alike. The two of you, strong, determined broads who confront every situation, every challenge head-on. And this music box? It's the final challenge.
Esther: Exactly. Mrs. C. Was challenging you to figure out the mystery.
Jill: How? I don't even know where to begin.
Michael: If I were you, I'd start by beginning to think like Katherine.
Neil: Did I just hear you right? Did you say "billion" with a "b"?
Devon: With a "B." As in "unbelievable."
Neil: What?
Devon: I have no idea what she was thinking, leaving that money to me. What am I gonna do with all that cash?
Neil: I don't know. But have you thought about how we're gonna invest it?
Devon: We?
Neil: Uh-huh.
Devon: That's funny.
Neil: What?
Devon: No. No. I mean, I-I do know that I want to pay it forward and donate to foster kids and the hearing-impaired and to cancer research. And I was thinking maybe opening up some music programs for underprivileged kids.
Neil: My man. That's what Katherine was thinking, leaving her fortune to you. Congratulations. Congratulations. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities.
Devon: And headaches.
Neil: Oh, yeah. Already overwhelmed with people coming at you, wanting something from you?
Devon: You have no idea.
Neil: Uh-huh.
Devon: Like, suddenly I'm a completely different person than I was a day ago.
Neil: No, but you are, and it's important you remember that, you know? I mean, I've seen money change people. It's like a kid in a candy store.
Devon: Too much of a good thing?
Neil: You've just got to focus on what's really important in your life. That's all.
Devon: Yeah.
Lily: There is no doubt about it, okay? Hilary is Ann turner, and she's out to get all of us.
Cane: Including Mattie and Charlie?
Lily: Of course including Mattie and Charlie. They're dad's grandkids, aren't they? So they're fair game to her, which is why we have to stop her sooner than later.
Cane: I'll do my part.
Lily: I know. [Sighs] I have to get started on mine, too. I just have to remember to keep my anger in check, otherwise I'm gonna blurt something out before we're ready to.
Cane: Excuse me. Excuse me.
Lily: What? [Laughs] I have to get dressed.
Cane: What is the point of having an affair with your husband, okay, if he doesn't get to have all the perks of an affair?
Lily: [Laughs] What are you suggesting?
Nikki: So, there I was, a teenager, all alone, scared, and very pregnant. I knew that my friends and my sister would not approve, especially considering that the father of the child was the head of ault. "Not good husband material," they would have said. That's why I ran away. I just thought I'll go somewhere where nobody knows me, wait for the baby to be born. But the baby had a different timetable.
Paul: Yeah. Best-laid plans, huh?
Nikki: Yeah. I went into labor driving and pulled off the road in Winnetka and found myself in front of a church.
Father Martin: This church?
Paul: Well, that's what we're trying to figure out.
Nikki: Unfortunately, I can't remember the name of the church or the nun who helped me with the birth. I-I just told her to find a good family for it, and I never even knew if it was a boy or a girl. I mean, I barely saw it.
Father Martin: Can you tell me the date of birth, by chance?
Nikki: Oh, yes. Um... I would never forget that date. Every year on this date I say a prayer for the baby.
Father Martin: I'll check the archives. If your baby was born here, our records will tell you everything you need to know.
Paul: How are you holding up?
Nikki: To tell you the truth, I'm exhausted.
Paul: Any symptoms of, um...
Nikki: Oh, no. M.S.? No. No, but... thanks for being concerned.
Father Martin: That's monsignor O'Connell. He was the first priest here back in the 1930s.
Nikki: Hmm.
Paul: Oh, wow. Haven't gotten around to scanning your records yet, huh?
Father Martin: I'll have to pray for a volunteer. These are the notebooks the secretaries kept over the years. I just have to find the right...
Nikki: What? What is it?
Father Martin: It seems your book and two others were destroyed by a flood in our basement. I'm sorry.
Nikki: I-it makes you wonder if this is a sign.
Paul: What, to quit looking?
Father Martin: He works in mysterious ways.
Nikki: Well, whatever the case, there's nothing to go through, so I'm out of luck.
Paul: Look, is there anyone else we can ask for help?
Father Martin: As a matter of fact, there is.
Lauren: Admit it. You're intrigued by the possibility.
Jill: What, that Katherine issued me a challenge? I have to admit, she did make me work for everything, even the smallest compliment.
Michael: Hey, there's writing on the bottom of this.
Jill: I know. It says October 25, 1940. That was Katherine's 12th birthday.
Michael: No, underneath that.
Jill: What, there's more?
Michael: Esther, could you get me a magnifying glass?
Esther: Oh, sure. Right away.
Lauren: Did you notice this? The music box is in the sketch.
Jill: I know. And the sketch led me to a book, and in the book was a bookmark with monogrammed letters on it -- "G.R."
Lauren: G.R.? Wait a minute. G.R. Ga Reynolds.
Michael: What, so this mystery goes back to some previous husband?
Jill: And so does the necklace. Esther told me that it was a gift to Katherine from her first husband.
Michael: I don't suppose you came across that.
Jill: I should be so lucky.
Lauren: But you looked for it, which means you suspected it was a scavenger hunt all along.
Jill: Katherine's last letter to me led me to that portrait. It said that she wanted me to have everything she valued. All that she valued, those were her exact words, and she said it was right in front of me, if I just knew where to look. So I did look it. I did. But I didn't come up with anything, so I figured that I was just being had.
Lauren: Oh, no. Katherine's not a practical joker. She wouldn't set all of this up for you to come away empty-handed.
Michael: If you ask me, I think that necklace was supposed to be in this music box. That's where the bread crumbs were leading.
Jill: Wow. Well, then, where in the name of my retirement plan is it?
Michael: I don't know. But if I were you, I'd start looking in earnest. That thing could be worth a fortune.
Jill: Maybe you're right. Oh, my lord. Maybe she did want the best for me after all.
Devon: I mean, it's crazy. It's real crazy. A couple months ago, I was struggling to decide what career I wanted -- one with tucker or you at jabot.
Neil: Right.
Devon: And now, I don't have to work another day in my life if I don't want to.
Neil: Well, listen, for what it's worth, I hope you stay with us -- not only because I like having you around and you do a terrific job, but, you know, Devon, it's important to have a focus, man, something -- something to strive for.
Devon: Other than what color Maserati to buy now?
Neil: Ha ha, funny. Do yourself a favor.
Devon: What?
Neil: Okay? Don't make any major decisions today, tomorrow, next week. Take your time. Do your research. I promise you, as sure as I'm sitting here, you will figure out how to handle all that money.
Devon: That's good advice.
Neil: And it's not like you don't really know this, but, suddenly, you're gonna have a whole new set of friends.
Devon: I think I know what that means. People are gonna start using me for my money.
Neil: Not all of them, but, at times, it's gonna be tough to figure out who's got truthful motives and who doesn't.
Lily: Oh, where you going, Hilary? To pose for some more pictures?
Hilary: Lily, you have no idea how mortified I am about that.
Lily: Oh, of course you are.
Hilary: It's not what it looks like.
Lily: Well, I mean, it never is, is it?
Hilary: I swear, okay? Whoever took that picture caught a perfectly innocent moment and turned it completely around.
Lily: Hmm. That's funny. That's what you said about the last "innocent moment." Do you really think that I am stupid enough to believe that?
Hilary: I don't think you're stupid at all.
Lily: Then don't insult me, Hilary, and drop the act. I know exactly what you're after and what you're about.
Hilary: I have no idea what you're talking about. What is it that you think I'm after?
Lily: Uh...my husband? You know, I mean, all those visits to him when he was sick, offering to stay late, making him chicken soup. I mean, I'm surprised that you didn't blow his nose for him.
Hilary: There is no need to be crude.
Lily: Crude? Really? Says the woman who basically shoved her tongue down my husband's throat.
Hilary: You think I instigated that?
Lily: Well, I know cane didn't.
Hilary: Is that what he told you? Because here's what he told me -- that you don't listen to him, that you don't trust him or respect him.
Lily: You know nothing about our marriage.
Hilary: I know that you're separated, that cane took a room at the athletic club. What does that say about your marriage?
Lily: Cane will come back to me. He has before. Oh, that's right -- you don't know. Yeah, cane thought that he could make a life without me and the kids, and then he realized that he can't because he loves us. So, if you think that you have a chance with him, you're dreaming. So stay away from my husband because it will never happen.
Hilary: We'll see.
Lily: [Sighs]
Cane: Hey, baby.
Lily: Hey. Guess who I just had a catfight with.
Cane: Y-you didn't let on...
Lily: That we suspect she's Ann turner? No. But I told her to stay away from you, so I'm guessing she's on her way to you right now.
Cane: I'll be ready.
Neil: Well, my very rich son, I think I better check in with lily.
Devon: All right, I'll see you later. And thank you for the words of wisdom.
Neil: No, no, no, no. Katherine was the wise one. She sent you on a journey. And what path you follow is up to you, right?
Devon: Yeah.
Neil: My man.
Devon: Thanks, man.
Lily: You know what I was thinking about? Is remember when you moved in with us and you wouldn't sleep in the bed or put your clothes in the drawer. Remember that? [Chuckles]
Devon: Yeah, I remember that. You must have thought I was crazy.
Lily: Yeah, well, it was hard to understand.
Devon: It's just the whole family thing back then. It was getting a little bit too real for me, you know? And all I ever knew was that if I had something good, somebody was gonna take it away.
Lily: Well, look, no one took it away. You're still a part of the family.
Devon: Yeah. That's when my luck started to change, when I got out of the sleeping bag and allowed myself to believe that good things can happen.
Devon: [Sighs]
Mason: Devon?
Devon: Hey.
Mason: [Chuckling] Hey. What's up, man? I forgot you were a member of this club.
Devon: Yeah.
Mason: Hey, did Tyler tell you? He hired me back to do some modeling for you.
Devon: Yeah, he mentioned something about that.
Mason: Okay. Dude, either this heat is frying your brain or something's bugging you. Is that good news you told me about?
Devon: Actually, yeah, it is.
Mason: Well, if you ever need somebody to talk to, man, feel free, especially since I'll be in your face all the time at jabot.
Devon: Well, not if I decide to leave the company. I'm sure you and the rest of the town have heard about my inheritance by now.
Mason: I've been out of the loop, man, but if you're thinking about walking away, you must have got a pretty big payday. I mean, like, six zeroes.
Devon: Try nine.
Mason: Nine?!
Devon: Yeah.
Mason: Damn!
Paul: Well, if you could put us in touch with the person who might be able to help, we would certainly appreciate it.
Father Martin: Prayer is the best way to reach him.
Paul: [Chuckles]
Father Martin: I was talking about our holy father. You turned to him once. He can help you again.
Nikki: [Sighs] I hope so, father. I pray that with all my heart.
Father Martin: "For behold, children are the gift of the lord."
Sister Clare: "Behold, children are the gift of the lord."
Nikki: Help, please help. I need help.
Sister Clare: What is it, my child?
Paul: Nikki? Are you all right?
Sister Clare: "Behold, children are the gift of the lord."
Nikki: Oh, my god. This is it. This is where my baby was born.
Paul: Are you sure? Is this the church?
Nikki: Yes, I'm positive. I-I suddenly remembered. I recognized that painting, and then all the pieces fell into place in my head. I remember somehow making my way in here, and I remember sister Clare.
Father Martin: Sister Clare?
Nikki: Yeah. I'm sure you don't know her. She was...much older.
Father Martin: And you were a very young one. Anyone over 30 must have seemed ancient to you.
Paul: Is she still alive?
Father Martin: Very much so. And fortunately for you, still residing in the convent next door.
Paul: May we speak with her?
Father Martin: Of course. I'll go get her.
Paul: [Chuckles] What do you know about that, huh?
Nikki: I think I am more nervous now than the first time I walked in here all those years ago. Oh, my god, Paul. What --
Paul: What? What are you thinking?
Nikki: Well...I assumed that the best thing I could get out of this was just knowing that the baby grew up and had a good life. Maybe I would come away with a name. But now I'm thinking what if this -- what if this nun has pt track of the baby? What if they are in touch?
Paul: Well, that's very possible.
Nikki: [Sighs] He or she could be a member of this very church.
Paul: Right. Are you ready for that? Is that something you want to pursue beyond this?
Nikki: I don't know. I don't know. Obviously Katherine wanted me to.
Paul: Well, she sent you on a journey. The path you follow is up to you.
Lily: Oh, I'm so glad you're back.
Neil: Yeah, me too. Especially with everything that's been going on with you lately.
Lily: What do you mean? Oh, you mean the photo of cane and Hilary kissing?
Neil: Right.
Lily: Yeah, no, I am totally fine with that.
Neil: Yeah? Devon indicated something of the sort.
Lily: Yeah, I actually put him up to it. Well...kind of. So, yeah.
Neil: Okay, what? What am I missing here?
Lily: Well, I've always suspected that little miss too-good-to-be-true really is too good to be true. I mean, she was just always around cane all the time. She was always doing this for him and doing that for him. It's like she had no life of her own.
Neil: Definitely a bit over the top, huh?
Lily: Yeah, so then when those photos came up of Hilary and cane on GC buzz, I just kept thinking there must be something more to this than just some woman who wants to be with her boss. I mean, don't you find it weird there was always a photographer in the most out-of-the-way places? Just ready to get the perfect incriminating shot? And not to mention that all these posts started to happen right when Hilary showed up in town.
Neil: Are you saying what I think you're saying?
Lily: What I'm saying is Hilary and our blogger, Ann turner, they're one in the same.
Neil: Okay, wait a minute. Honey, come on. Come on. She can't rose's daughter.
Lily: Why?
Neil: Why? Why not? Because! I mean, I went drinking with rose. It was very clear that -- rose is -- she's --
Lily: White?
Neil: Yeah. Wow.
Lily: [Chuckles]
Neil: Wow. Never mind.
Lily: Dad, it all makes sense.
Neil: [Sighs] Have you gone to the police?
Lily: No. I had a better idea.
[Knock on door]
Cane: Hey.
Hilary: Hey.
Cane: Um, actually I thought you were room service.
Hilary: Yeah, I didn't mean to bother you.
Cane: No, no, no. It's -- it's not a bother. Come in.
Hilary: Okay. It's -- it's just that since you didn't show up to the office today, I got a little worried.
Cane: Yeah, I had a -- I had a tough night. I'm gonna have a late start today.
Hilary: Is it because of lily? I bumped into her at crimson lights. I tried to explain to her that there was nothing going on between us, but...
Cane: Yeah? How did she respond to that?
Hilary: Well, at least there was no punches or chairs thrown.
Cane: Yeah. I don't know what to do. I explained to her how I feel, and she doesn't seem to understand, so I don't know. Part of me thinks that maybe I should just give up.
Hilary: Well, you have to do what you think is best.
Cane: Yeah.
Hilary: Well, I'm gonna get back to the office. Is there anything else you need?
Cane: Uh...actually, there is. I would like you to stay for lunch.
Hilary: [Chuckles]
Esther: Will this work?
Michael: Oh, yeah. Great. Thanks.
Jill: Esther.
Esther: Hmm?
Jill: Is it possible -- just possible -- that you came across that necklace where you were cleaning out Katherine's closet?
Esther: No, I would remember it if I did.
Jill: And you didn't happen to pinch it with those sticky little fingers of yours.
Esther: Sticky little fingers? I have worked here over 30 years and I've never taken so much as even a cracker without asking first!
Jill: Please. I've seen you take a few sips of the cooking sherry when nobody was looking.
Esther: What?! I have never!
Lauren: Okay, okay! Enough, you two. We don't even know if that necklace is what Katherine meant for you.
Jill: Well, what else could it be? Nothing else is in the picture. Oh, my god! If only I knew where Katherine wanted me to look for it.
Michael: Ha! Geneva, Switzerland!
Jill: What?
Michael: I peeled back the label and there's a very faded manufacturer's imprint. The box was made in Geneva, Switzerland.
Jill: You are a genius! A genius! Let me see.
Lauren: We know he's a genius, but what does that mean?
Jill: Okay, are you absolutely sure? No. Thank you, anyway. Okay. They don't have a number on a company like that in Geneva.
Michael: They could have moved.
Esther: Or gone out of business.
Jill: Well, thank you, Esther.
Michael: There are ways of finding that kind of thing out.
Jill: Why did you have to make this so complicated, you decrepit, old ghost, you?
Michael: [Chuckles] She was a complicated woman.
Lauren: Yes. Whether she meant for you to have this necklace or something else, I think it'd be an incredible journey for you.
Esther: Or not.
Lauren: It's up to you.
Michael: Speaking of journeys we just returned from a long one.
Jill: Oh, go home! You guys, get some rest.
Lauren: We'll talk to you tomorrow.
Jill: Okay.
Michael: Bye, baby.
Jill: Bye, sweetie.
Lauren: Bye, Esther.
Esther: Bye-bye.
Michael: So long, Esther.
Esther: Nice to see you. Now what?
Jill: Pack my bags, Esther. I'm going to Switzerland.
Esther: How long will you be gone?
Jill: For as long as it takes me to find what I'm looking for.
Devon: So, mason, are you handing out financial advice along with posing in your underwear?
Mason: [Chuckles] Look, man, if you want to give a huge chunk of change to charity, by all means, do your thing. All I'm saying is you might want to spend some on yourself and avoid any regret.
Devon: Well, I live a pretty simple life.
Mason: I know. Look, man, people at jabot talk. It's no secret where you came from or how you grew up. And that's all the more reason to spend it while you got it. I mean, isn't there something you always dreamed of doing or having, if you could only afford it?
Devon: Of course. Who doesn't have dreams like that?
Mason: You can make them come true. Your grandma must have wanted that for you or she never would have hit you off with all that cash.
Neil: I don't like it, lily. I really don't. You bypassing the police like this.
Lily: Dad, they're not gonna listen to any suspicions. There needs to be concrete evidence against Hilary.
Neil: Like what? Evidence she's writing the blog or...
Lily: Or a confession.
Neil: A confession? Okay, youngster, let's play this out, right? You confront her. She admits all? Come on. If she is who you think she is, there's no way that she's gonna come clean to us.
Lily: It's the best chance we have.
Neil: I don't like it, lily. There's so much that could go wrong.
Lily: Okay, don't worry, please. Cane has everything under control.
Cane: Champagne?
Hilary: For lunch?
Cane: Yes, 'cause I've decided it's time to stop wallowing and time to start celebrating.
Hilary: Celebrating what exactly?
Cane: The end of one phase of my life and the beginning of another. Well, at least that's the plan.
Hilary: Are you being serious?
Cane: I'm being very serious, 'cause lily was right about one thing. I'm very attracted to you.
[Knock on door]
Cane: That's the door, huh?
Hilary: [Chuckles]
Cane: And I think that's room service this time, so excuse me.
[Door opens]
Cane: Hey. Thank you. It is a good thing I ordered enough for myself, but if we need more, I can always call downstairs.
Hilary: Let's toast.
Paul: Deep breaths.
Nikki: [Sighs] Yeah. Yeah, I know. [Sighs] Oh, thank you. I know I couldn't get through any of this without you.
Paul: Oh, yes, you could. But I'm glad I'm here, anyway.
[Door opens]
Father Martin: This is our wonderful sister Clare. This is Paul Williams and --
Sister Clare: I've been waiting for you.
Next on "the young and the restless"...
Lily: Was that your plan the entire time? Get me on board so you could seduce your assistant? Go to hell.
Avery: I do not have time for this right now.
Adam: Where has Dylan taken my son?!
Nikki: Tell me everything that you know about the child I gave up.
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