Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/17/13

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/17/13


Episode # 10245 ~ Sharon avoids Noah's questions; Paul makes a significant discovery.

Provided By Suzanne

Jack: Adam, we need to talk. I want to know what happened between you and victor after I left. Call me right away.

Kyle: Hey! Thought you were having dinner with aunt Traci.

Jack: Uh, something came up.

Kyle: Something happen with Phyllis?

Jack: What? N-no. No.

Kyle: Okay, so what's wrong? I can tell that something is wrong.

Jack: He's at it again.

Kyle: Who is at what again?

Jack: Victor. He's ready to launch a full-scale war on this family. And I'm afraid summer's gonna get caught right in the middle of it.

Summer: Finally. How's dad?

Noah: Uh, he's not great. Said he wanted to be alone.

Summer: Has he heard from Avery? Does he have any idea why she didn't show up to the wedding?

Noah: If he does, he wasn't saying. Um... is my mom upstairs with faith?

Summer: No, she hasn't gotten back yet.

Noah: Wow, that's weird. Dad said that she left before he did.

Summer: Yeah, I mean, it's kind of weird that she's not here with faith after what happened.

Noah: Normally, she would be.

Summer: What do you mean, normally? Do you still think that she's off of her meds?

Noah: Yeah, and I hate to think what she --

Summer: Noah, what are you afraid that she's gonna do?

Sharon: Hi. I'm picking up an order for Sharon Newman. Drinking alone. World-class brooding. Someone's about to get into the line of fire of Adam Newman.

Adam: Be glad it's not you.

Sharon: [Chuckles] For a change. So...who's in your cross hairs?

Adam: It's a long, sordid list.

Sharon: I've got time!

Chelsea: Dylan? Dylan, are you and Connor back?!

Chloe: Okay --

Chelsea: Dylan!

Chloe: Listen, the power's still out, which makes sense -- I mean, this place was probably built before there was electricity.

Chelsea: There's no sign of either of them!

Chloe: Okay! Listen! Just take it easy!

Chelsea: Take it easy?! Chloe, they're not here! They're not at the coffeehouse! They're not at the hospital! They're nowhere that we've looked!

Chloe: We're gonna find them.

Chelsea: How? We have no idea where Dylan's taken my son.

Kevin: You're a big boy. You can do it.

Paul: Did you get anything from the suspect's laptop? Any contacts, addresses?

Alex: Uh, fisher's supposed to be looking at it.

Kevin: Why do you need me to do something so simple? You can just open up the computer and look yourself! I'll even show you where the power button is!

Paul: I want results! Please, just get me results!

Kevin: [Stammers]

Alex: You hear what he said? Let's go! Results!

Kevin: You started it!

Paul: Hey, Nikki. I was just gonna call you.

Nikki: I'm sorry to keep bothering you like this, but... have you learned any more about that disconnected phone number?

Paul: Uh, yeah, I did. It belonged to an attorney by the name of Scott Goodwin. His offices are in Winnetka.

Nikki: Really? That's where the church was where I gave birth.

Paul: Right. And now that I have a name, I'll be able to, uh, track him down. Nikki? Are you okay?

Nikki: Paul, do you -- do you think this attorney... could be my son? I got to go.

Victor: Hello.

Nikki: Hi.

Victor: [Sighs] Seems we have a new addition to our family.

Nikki: How'd you find that out?

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Summer: Do you think she's gonna do something dangerous?

[Cell phone chimes]

Noah: Oh, that's -- that's her. She just stopped to get some takeout.

Summer: That's a relief.

Noah: Yeah.

Summer: Or not?

Noah: No, yeah, it is. It's -- it's good.

Summer: Okay, then, why do you totally not look relieved?

Noah: It's just, my mom's been acting kind of weird lately.

Summer: Oh! Weird! Parents acting weird. Yeah, that never happens.

Noah: This is different.

Summer: Different how?

Noah: She's been spending a lot more time with dad -- she comes over for breakfast, makes him dinner, calls him to come over and do stuff with faith all the time.

Summer: Do you think she wants to get back together with him?

Noah: It's her first love, you know? It's a hard thing to forget.

Summer: Yeah. Tell me about it.

Noah: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... remind you about Kyle.

Summer: No, I don't need you to do that.

Noah: How are things going with you guys?

Summer: Beyond weird. I mean, you know, it's one thing to accept jack as my dad, but I don't think I'm ever gonna get used to the idea of Kyle being my brother.

Kyle: Okay, what sent victor into attack mode?

Jack: Adam asked for my help.

Kyle: What kind of help?

Jack: He was raising capital to buy back Newman enterprises.

Kyle: And you generously offered to be his partner? How much money we talking --

Jack: It doesn't matter how much money! I was trying to help a friend, and I was supposed to be a silent partner!

Kyle: Come on, you knew victor wouldn't allow that.

Jack: Of course he's gonna find out who has a piece of his precious company.

Kyle: Well, he should! If some stranger came along and bought a huge chunk of jabot --

Jack: It shouldn't matter! I'm a silent partner! I didn't make a sound! I was trying to help a friend!

Kyle: Getting under victor's skin was just an added bonus to all that?

Jack: I was not trying to cause trouble between our two families.

Kyle: Dad, I don't think that summer's gonna care about that when she's caught in the middle of all this.

Jack: And I do not want her to get hurt. I know you don't, either.

Kyle: Are you trying to drag me into this?

Jack: I will take victor on alone if I have to, but I'd rather have you on my side. So what do you say? Will you help me protect your sister from victor?

Victor: Yeah, I heard about our newest family member from his father.

Nikki: You talked to the child's father?

Victor: I don't think Adam intended me to know.

Nikki: Adam?!

Victor: Yeah. Seems he was right all along. Chelsea's... little baby is Adam's son.

Nikki: Oh! Oh, my goodness! How did he find that out?

Victor: Sadly ironic. Little boy suffers from the same eye problem that his grandmother hope and Adam both suffered from -- namely retinitis pigmentosa.

Nikki: That is such a shame. How's Adam taking it?

Victor: I don't know. He didn't divulge his feelings to me.

Nikki: Well, I would imagine he's not very happy with Chelsea right now.

Victor: I'm just amazed that she kept it a secret from him for so long. Why'd you ask me so curiously how I found out?

Sharon: Victor. He's on the top of the list, right?

Adam: If I say yes, will you go away?

Sharon: So you and victor are on the outs. Well, I hate to say I told you so, but -- actually, I don't hate to say it! I mean, you had to know that was only a matter of time.

Adam: You know, you, uh... take a bullet for a guy, and you get back a company that was stolen by his other children. You think that'd earn you a lifetime of loyalty.

Sharon: And you didn't even get a year. That's a pity when you think about all you gave up for him.

Adam: Why are you still here?

Sharon: Well, don't flatter yourself. Um... I am very happy with the way that things turned out for me. My life is really good.

Adam: That's great to hear.

Sharon: I am surrounded by people who love and support me, people who matter most to me. And you -- you have absolutely no one.

Adam: Such a nice thing to say to somebody. But I actually do have someone in my life... someone who will be in my life forever.

Sharon: Really? Who?

Adam: My son.

Chelsea: Why won't he call back? Why won't he return my messages?

Chloe: Because he's probably making sure that Connor is okay.

Chelsea: Well, then, let me know that! Let me know that my son is all right!

Chloe: Chelsea, Dylan is a good man, and he is a good father.

Chelsea: But he's not his father, Chloe, and now he knows that. You should've seen his face when I told him the truth. I've never seen him like that before. He was so... angry. What if he takes it out on Connor?

Chloe: No, he would never do that.

Chelsea: Why -- why did I leave him alone with the baby?! What was I thinking?!

Chloe: Just -- because you trust him, and you love him, and he loves you!

Chelsea: No, not anymore, not after what I did to him. He hates me. That's why he's doing this! He's trying to get back at me!

[Thunder crashes]

Chloe: Ohh! Geez! [Exhales] That sounded like a bomb! [Sighs]

Chelsea: Oh, my god. That's it.

Chloe: What?

Chelsea: I know why Dylan took Connor.

Chloe: What do you mean, you know why Dylan took Connor?

Chelsea: He got freaked out.

Chloe: By what -- the thunder?

Chelsea: It probably sounded like a bomb to him, reminded him of what happened in Afghanistan.

Chloe: So like a flashback?

Chelsea: No, I-I've seen it happen to him before. He would hear a loud noise, and then he'd feel like he was back in the middle of the war.

Chloe: Okay, so, then, why would he just take Connor and run off with him?

Chelsea: Because he felt responsible for some people that were killed over there, some buddies from his platoon and a family that saved his life. He felt like he should've protected them. He felt awful, and those memories haunted him, Chloe! He would also tell me that he felt he needed to protect Connor and keep him away from the bad guys.

Chloe: Okay, well, that's a good thing, because that means he doesn't want him to get hurt!

Chelsea: If he thinks he's back in a war zone, he's not in his right mind, Chloe! He could do anything! We have no idea! Come on!

Chloe: Chelsea, no. Wait.

Chelsea: There's not enough time, Chloe!

Chloe: We can't do this by ourselves, okay?! We need to get help!

Sharon: And Chelsea's known all this time the baby was yours?

Adam: I knew, too. I just didn't follow my instincts.

Sharon: Well, how did you find out?

Adam: Fate stepped in, in a cruel and ironic way. My son was born with the same eye disorder that I had... the same one that caused my mom to go blind.

Sharon: Adam, I'm so sorry.

Adam: Yeah, I thought you might say it was karma.

Sharon: No! I wouldn't wish that on anyone, especially not an innocent, little baby!

Adam: My son will not lose his sight.

Sharon: Well, I'm living proof that miracles can happen when you fight for someone.

Adam: I wish my son didn't need me to fight for him. But then again, if he were not born with this condition, then I might not have ever known he was mine.

Sharon: I can't believe Chelsea did this to you and to Dylan.

Adam: Well, I'm sure that Avery will be bandaging his wounded heart.

Sharon: Oh, you heard? She was a no-show at nick's wedding.

Adam: Yeah? Were you invited?

Sharon: Well, I'm -- you know, I was with faith. Faith was supposed to be in the wedding.

Adam: Well, maybe now she can be in yours and Nick's.

Sharon: Um... um, my food's here. So... good luck. I hope everything works out for you.

Alex: How do you spell -- hey, is this a skeleton key? Does this open a treasure chest? Are you a pirate, fisher? Argh! [Caws] [Laughs]

Kevin: Give me that.

Alex: [Chuckles] You know, those keys open a lot of doors! And a smart detective such as myself might be suspicious of a guy like you.

Kevin: Well, a guy like me got it as a gift.

Alex: Oh, yeah? Who would give someone a skeleton key as a gift?

Kevin: I got it from Mrs. C. Katherine chancellor.

Alex: Oh, is that the rich lady who died?

Kevin: She was more than some rich lady who died. She was my friend.

Alex: Still a weird gift!

Kevin: Not to someone who spent a lot of his childhood locked in a closet.

Alex: That happened to you?

Kevin: [Clears throat] I've got work to do -- your work.

Alex: Well, Mrs. Chancellor did seem like good people. She definitely saw past all my sister's stuff.

Kevin: Yeah, she tried to see the good in everybody.

Alex: Does that include you?

Kevin: She was one of the few people who believed in me. I told her that once, and she said that it didn't matter what anyone else thought of me, even her... that I had to believe in myself, and that that was the key to my happiness.

Alex: That's very good advice!

Kevin: Yeah. It's just too bad that I've never been able to take it.

Paul: No, Chris. I got plenty to do until you get back. I'll be fine. All right. Love you, too. Damn.

[Knock on door]

Paul: [Sighs] Hey, Chavez.

Alex: Hey, chief. You okay?

Paul: Yeah. What's up?

Alex: Uh, nothing! Just wanted to see if you need anything. You seem to have a lot on your plate today.

Paul: Yeah. Well, you know, I'm trying to keep busy. New wife's out of town. Not a big reason to get home too soon.

Alex: Okay. Well, if -- if you need anything...

Paul: Yeah. I'll let you know.

Alex: Okay.

Paul: Alex.

Alex: Yeah.

Paul: Thanks.

[Computer beeps]

[Keyboard clacking]

Victor: Are you keeping something from me, sweetheart?

Nikki: No! I-I thought you were talking about Victoria's pregnancy.

Victor: Victoria's pregnant?

Nikki: No! I mean, I-I don't know. I don't think so. I-I just misunderstood the whole thing. Uh, she and Billy have been trying for so long. When you said there was a new addition to the family, I-I just assumed you meant them.

Victor: Well, thank god. Last thing we need is another Abbott in our family.

Nikki: Well... at least you can focus on the new grandchild that you do have. Adam must be thrilled.

Victor: I don't know how he feels about it. I have no idea.

Nikki: You know, this could be a chance for the two of you to bond as father and son. You've never had that chance before.

Victor: Ain't gonna happen.

Nikki: I know you've had trouble trusting him.

Victor: That's putting it mildly. That man has lied to me, conspired behind my back, deceived me. No one in my family gets away with that.

Alex: That's not the one.

Kevin: It is exactly the --

Chloe: Hi. Guys? Guys?

Kevin: Chloe, what are you doing here?

Chloe: We need help. We need to report a missing child.

Kevin: What? Delia?!

Chelsea: No, my son! He's only a few weeks old.

Alex: Okay. Okay, okay. Come here. Sit down. Okay. Tell me what happened.

Chelsea: We were at our apartment.

Alex: Who?

Chelsea: Me and Connor -- that's my son -- and my husband, Dylan. The power went out because of the storm. I went to get a flashlight. I came out of the bedroom, and they were gone.

Alex: Your husband and your son?

Chelsea: He took him.

Kevin: Well, he's your baby's father. Why -- why are you freaking out?

Alex: Okay. Uh, Chelsea? Chelsea, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's going on.

Chelsea: Dylan is not Connor's father.

Kevin: What?

Chelsea: Adam Newman is.

Adam: Did you bring the research I requested? Thank you. I want to set up the appointment for my son as soon as possible.

Dr. Lintz: Do you have the boy's medical records?

Adam: I'm working on it.

Dr. Lintz: I understand that you're a Newman, but I told you unless you're the boy's legal custodian, I can't examine him.

Adam: If you understand that I am a Newman, doctor... then you understand that I will stop at nothing to get what I need. So we can set up that appointment.

Dr. Lintz: [Sighs] I'll put your son on the calendar for next week. Be sure to bring his medical records.

Adam: I'll have them.

Sharon: So, how's faith?

Noah: [Groans] Not exactly losing any sleep over the busted-up wedding. Dad, on the other hand --

Sharon: Oh, you saw him?

Noah: Uh, summer stopped by, so I went over to check on him. He didn't feel like talking. Did -- did he say anything after we left?

Sharon: He didn't have to. Your father and I have a way of communicating without words.

Noah: So you made him feel better, then?

Sharon: Well, I was starting to, and then Avery showed up.

Noah: That's weird he didn't mention that. Uh, what'd she say?

Sharon: I let them talk. But I think it's pretty obvious it's over between them.

Noah: Mm. That's too bad.

Sharon: I think it's for the best.

Noah: For who?

Sharon: For...your father, of course.

Kyle: This is exactly what summer didn't want.

Jack: I don't want to get into a war with Newman, either. He hasn't given us much choice.

Kyle: Refuse to fight him! Call a-a truce!

Jack: You really think that's gonna stop him? The best we can do right now is make sure summer doesn't get hurt.

Summer: Hi. Um... am I interrupting?

Jack: No! No, no. Not at all! Come on in! Come on in! How was the wedding?

Summer: Um... it wasn't. Aunt Avery didn't show up.

Jack: What happened?

Summer: She texted dad that she had something to handle. And I tried calling her, but she's not answering.

Kyle: Oh, man. Poor nick.

Summer: I know. He said that he wanted to be alone, but I think I should go check on him.

Jack: Uh, honey, I know you mean well, but you might want to give him some space right now.

Summer: Yeah. Yeah, you're probably right. Um, I think I'm gonna go see grandma and grandpa, then. I think I should probably be with the Newmans right now. I just wanted to let you know what happened, so... I'll talk to you later?

Jack: Uh, uh, summer? J-just a minute. Uh...before you see your grandfather, there's something you need to know.

Victor: I think this proves once and for all what a snake in the grass jack-ass Abbott is.

Nikki: Well, there's got to be some explanation as to why Adam went to jack for the money.

Victor: They thought it was good business.

Nikki: Maybe that's all it was!

Victor: No. That's not all it was. You see, jack Abbott had a position at Newman, and he was forced out of it because of his drug addiction. He sees this as an opportunity to weasel himself back in.

Nikki: You could be right about jack. But why would Adam jeopardize his relationship with you?

Victor: Huh. Good question. But it has become quite obvious to me... that he wants to take over Newman enterprises, and he wants to take over my position. He's vying for my power.

Nikki: I have to say, victor, personally... I think that he wants to be close with you. Don't you think so?

Victor: By allying himself with jack Abbott... he made the worst mistake he could ever make.

Nikki: And you're gonna make him pay. I know.

Summer: This feud between you and grandpa -- it's never gonna stop.

Jack: Believe me, I do not want to fight with your grandfather!

Summer: Then why did you set up Adam with the money? You knew that that would set him off!

Jack: No one was supposed to find out. I was trying to help Adam, and victor, if you believe that.

Summer: How?

Jack: Adam was convinced that if he could get Newman enterprises back for victor, he might be able to open the door for a relationship with his father. He wants to be closer to victor. God knows why. He's a son of a --

Kyle: Dad! Come on.

Jack: [Inhales sharply] I was trying to do a nice thing, and victor is using it to cause trouble between our families. If you go over there, he's just gonna poison your mind against me.

Summer: Isn't that what you're trying to do -- poison me against him?

Jack: I just want you to be prepared.

Summer: I hate this... having to be on guard with the people that I love.

Jack: Summer, listen to me.

Summer: No! Okay, I do not want to listen to any of you!

Jack: Damn victor Newman.

Kyle: You're no better than he is.

Nikki: Anyway... you have a grandson!

Victor: I don't think Adam wants me to be part of my grandson's life, okay?

Nikki: Victor, it's your own flesh and blood! You can't just erase it from your life! And deep down, I don't think you really want to.

Victor: Mm.

[Cell phone rings]

Nikki: Oh. Oh, I have to take this.

Victor: Okay.

Nikki: Hello?

Paul: Nikki. Um... I have news.

Nikki: Oh! Well, if we have to do it in person, I-I guess that's what we have to do. Um, I can get away. Where do you want to meet me?

Paul: Oh. I see. Um... let's meet at the club.

Nikki: Okay. I'll be there as soon as I can. Bye. Darling, I'm so sorry.

Victor: It's all right.

Nikki: I've taken over this charity event from Katherine, and I want it to be perfect, you know?

Victor: Okay, my sweetheart.

Nikki: So, um, listen. While I'm gone, I want you to think about something.

Victor: About what?

Nikki: If you insist on waging this war against Adam and jack, two innocent children are gonna be caught up in the middle of it.

Victor: Well --

Nikki: Summer and a little baby you haven't even met yet!

Victor: Sweetheart, they should have thought about that before they decided to team up against me. You don't do that and get away with it, okay? You go.

Nikki: I know, I know. I'll see you soon.

Victor: Okay. [Sighs]

Adam: [Sighs]

Adam: I want you to admit it to me, Chelsea. Tell me he's my blood.

Chelsea: It's true. [Voice breaking] He's our son. You are Connor's father.

Adam: Don't worry. I won't be taking him from you... yet. What you need to take are a lot of pictures this week of him. I want you to have something to remember him by.

Chelsea: You find anything?

Kevin: No -- no calls on his phone, and he hasn't used his credit or debit card.

Alex: If you see or hear from him, let me know, okay? Thanks.

Chloe: Well, did Billy hear anything?

Alex: Uh, neither has his friend, stitch.

Chelsea: What about Avery?

Alex: Straight to voicemail. Can you think of anyone else who would know where McAvoy went?

Chelsea: There isn't anybody else!

Alex: Okay, from what you tell me, your husband wouldn't hurt your kid. No history of violence, right?

Chelsea: No, no!

Chloe: No, he would never do something like that!

Alex: Okay, so maybe he took him out to get fresh air or something.

Chloe: Yeah, Billy used to do that all the time with Delia -- she'd be crying, he would take her out on a ride, he would come back, and she would be passed out.

Alex: Look, Chelsea, do this -- go back to your apartment. Maybe they come back, all right? I'll stay here, meanwhile, with the photo that you gave us, and if anything turns up, I'll call you.

Chelsea: Okay.

Chloe: I'm gonna come with you.

Chelsea: No, you stay. Just call me if there's any news, okay?

Chloe: You sure you're gonna be okay?

Chelsea: I'm not gonna be okay until I find my son.

Alex: I'm gonna go check with the uniforms.

Chloe: [Sighs] This is all my fault.

Kevin: Your fault?

Chloe: I'm the one that told Chelsea to say that Dylan was Connor's father.

Kevin: After pulling that with cane and Delia, you really thought that was a good idea?

Chloe: You know, it doesn't make me a horrible person, okay?

Kevin: It doesn't win you any humanitarian awards, either!

Chloe: I'm sorry! I made a mistake!

Kevin: Double standard much?

Chloe: Excuse me? This has nothing to do with you or our failed marriage. [Voice breaking] My best friend is missing her child! I don't know what I would do if Delia just went missing! I can't imagine what she's going through right now!

Kevin: I can. Being separated from a kid you love -- it hurts. It hurts like hell.

Noah: Just because Avery didn't show up today doesn't mean it's over between her and dad.

Sharon: That's not the impression I got.

Noah: From who?

Sharon: I just don't think she ever got over her ex.

Noah: Dylan?

Sharon: Those two had a very powerful connection, and... that kind of intense love can be hard to let go of. Some people never can. And if Avery and Dylan can get back together, then... why can't me and nick?

Noah: What's going on, mom?

Sharon: What do you mean?

Noah: These are your meds. The prescription was filled two months ago. You haven't taken one pill.

Sharon: Uh, where did you find these?! I've been looking all over for them!

Noah: For two months?

Sharon: Well, yeah. I mean, when I couldn't find them, I had dr. Watkins write me another prescription. I just never knew what happened to these!

Noah: Oh, that's weird, because they were just... over there on the desk.

Sharon: [Sighs] What -- do you think I'm lying?

Noah: I'm worried about you.

Sharon: Look, I'm seeing my therapist. I'm taking my meds. I haven't staged any corporate takeovers or burned down any houses in months!

Noah: [Chuckles dryly] No, you haven't, but still.

Sharon: What? I mean, do -- do you notice something about me? Do I seem strange to you? Just tell me!

Noah: Yeah. I don't know. You s-- you seem a little off.

Sharon: Okay. Well, I don't know what the medical term is for that, but I will be sure to bring it up with dr. Watkins in my next meeting.

Noah: You will.

Sharon: I will. I promise. Stop worrying. I'm fine!

Kevin: Is that a bribe?

Alex: It's a peace offering, for giving you crap about the skeleton key.

Kevin: It's not a big deal. I guess we all have stuff we'd like to lock away.

Alex: My father... used to smack me across the face, backhand, whenever I did something he didn't like. It was way of teaching me between, uh, right and wrong.

Kevin: That's an interesting technique.

Alex: Yeah. He was a good man, very macho cop. Ironic thing is I wanted to be like him, except for the macho part.

Kevin: You're a good cop, Chavez.

Alex: Thank you.

Kevin: My dad was a certifiable maniac.

Alex: What happened to him?

Kevin: I don't like to talk about it.

Alex: Fair enough. But, you know, I'm around, if you ever do.

Kevin: Detective, you are breaking my heart with all this male bonding. I don't know if I can take it.

Alex: [Chuckles] Well, you know that deep down -- like, deep... deep, deep down -- you love me.

Kevin: Hey.

Alex: What?

Kevin: Thanks.

Alex: Get back to work!

Kevin: [Chuckles]

Chelsea: Dylan?! Dylan! [Sighs]

[Door creaks]

Adam: Leaving?

Chelsea: Uh, just arriving.

Adam: The door's open.

Chelsea: The power went out, and I was -- what are you doing here, Adam?!

Adam: I came to talk to you about my son. He's not here, and you're yelling for Dylan. So where is he?

Chelsea: It's none of your business.

Adam: If he left somewhere with my son, it is my business, actually.

Chelsea: They'll -- they'll be back soon.

Adam: Where are they? What is going on?

Chelsea: Nothing's going on!

Adam: You're lying to me.

Chelsea: Go, Adam!

Adam: I want to know where my son is!

Chelsea: I don't have to tell you anything!

Adam: Did he go away with Dylan -- you trying to keep my baby from me?

Chelsea: No! No!

Adam: Don't con me, Chelsea, all right? You gonna meet up with them later? You and Dylan gonna take my son away from me?

Chelsea: I would never do that to my child!

Adam: We've established that you would do anything you can to keep my son away from me, and I want to know where the hell he is!

Chelsea: I didn't plan --

Adam: Where is my son?!

Chelsea: I don't know!

Nikki: No. This Scott Goodwin is not my son.

Paul: No, he was clearly too old to be your child.

Nikki: [Sighs]

Paul: I'm sorry, Nikki.

Nikki: I'm back to square one.

Paul: [Sighs]

Nikki: I don't even know if I had a son or a daughter.

Paul: You can't go through this alone.

Nikki: I have you.

Paul: You need to tell victor.

Nikki: No. No.

Paul: Nikki, you were young and impressionable. You were seduced by the cult leader. He pressured you to give him an heir so he would have someone to follow in his footsteps.

Nikki: But I went along with it, Paul! I got pregnant, and I gave the baby away!

Paul: Victor would understand! I know that! These were very, very dark days for you!

[Bell tolling]

Nikki: Oh, Paul, I'm so glad you came!

Paul: When did you -- when did you get back into town?

Nikki: This afternoon.

Paul: And you're all right? I mean, you're not sick or anything?

Nikki: Oh, I'm not sick. But I'm not all right, either.

Paul: What is it, Nikki? What's wrong?

Nikki: [Crying] I'm lost, Paul! I'm all alone! I -- I don't belong in this world! Nobody cares if I live or die.

Nikki: No, victor would not understand. I don't even understand it myself! Just please, tell me what else you found out.

Paul: Mr. Goodwin's phone was disconnected... because he died a few weeks ago.

Nikki: God. We can't even talk to him.

Paul: No, but I did find out something very interesting. His area of practice... was family law.

Nikki: So he could've been the one that handled the adoption of my child, Paul! The records would be in his files.

Sharon: [Singsong] It's finally happening! [Normal voice] I'm marrying your father today! [Laughs] I cannot wait to stand up and tell the whole world how much I love Nicholas Newman.

Noah: You don't love him.

Sharon: What?

Noah: I mean, come on. How could you... after what you did?

Sharon: I don't have time for this -- I have to get ready for my wedding. What is she doing here? She's supposed to be in a coma.

Noah: She woke up.

Sharon: The doctors said she wasn't even improving!

Noah: The doctors were wrong. Phyllis is awake, and she's gonna tell dad what you did.

Sharon: I didn't do anything.

Noah: You changed someone's paternity test? You tried to stop Phyllis from telling dad? And it's your fault she fell down the stairs.

Sharon: No.

Noah: You can't stop her this time. She's gonna tell dad everything. And he will never marry you.

Sharon: Yes, he will... because he will understand why I did it. I'm gonna be his wife, and we are gonna be a family.

Noah: You destroyed our family! Dad will never... forgive you. Neither will I.

Jack: I am nothing like victor Newman, and I will tell you why! Because your grandfather, john Abbott, taught me how to be a parent, how to love your child without treating him like a possession, which is precisely what victor has done with every one of his children, every one of his grandchildren! I'm not gonna let him do that to summer!

Kyle: If you make her choose between the two families, you could lose her!


Kyle: Hey.

Jack: Hey, kiddo! Listen, um --

Summer: Hey, I'm fine!

Jack: Call me if you need anything, okay?

Kyle: He means well.

Summer: Yeah, well, so does my grandpa.

Kyle: Look, summer, victor and -- and dad, they both love you. But this...war could make them forget that. So if you ever feel like you need somebody on your side... I'm here.

Victor: Peter, thank you for meeting me here.

Peter: You said you wanted to keep this private.

Victor: Newman enterprises is, um... gonna go through some changes. I don't want you to be... caught in the fallout, okay?

Peter: Doesn't sound good.

Victor: It ain't. If I were you, I would send them your invoices for the latest shipments and ask for payment in full.

Peter: Anticipating a cash-flow problem?

Victor: Newman enterprises is headed... for a major fall.

Adam: How could you let him disappear with our son?

Chelsea: I was only gone for a minute! I had no idea he would just take off! Look, I already spoke to the police. They're out looking for Connor and Dylan.

Adam: I'm not leaving this in the hands of the police.

Chelsea: Where are you going?!

Adam: To find my son!

Paul: Well, I can look into getting a court order allowing us access into Scott Goodwin's files, but I don't think we have any legal standing.

Nikki: What about the church where I gave birth? Maybe somebody might remember me or the baby?

Paul: Do you remember the name of it?

Nikki: Our... lady -- our lady? Our lady of, um... something.

Paul: Lady of -- in Winnetka?

Nikki: I think so.

Paul: Oh. You think so?

Nikki: Well...!

Paul: Okay! [Sighs] There are... 11 churches in Winnetka that start with "our lady of..."

Nikki: [Sighs] 11?

Paul: That's all right! I'll start at the first one... and go through all of them if I have to!

Nikki: Paul, thank you so much for doing this. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

Paul: No problem. I'm here for you to offer my help if you want it.

Nikki: And I am so grateful to have your help, Paul. But listen. No matter what happens, you're not doing this alone. I'm going with you.

Next on "the young and the restless"...

Jill: I need a lawyer. I want to contest Katherine's will.

Lily: Don't insult me, Hilary, and drop the act. I know exactly what you're after.

Nikki: I lied to victor, telling him I was in Chicago on charity business!

Paul: I really wish you would tell victor the truth.

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