Y&R Transcript Friday 9/13/13
Episode # 10243 ~ Avery and Nick's wedding comes with a surprise; Nikki makes a decision about the future.
Provided By Suzanne
Nick: [Sighs] "Avery, I vow to be your partner, love, your friend, today and always. You are my life, my future, my happiness." "My love, my future."
Nikki: Oh, sweetheart, don't make me cry before the ceremony even starts.
Nick: [Chuckles] I'm just afraid I'm gonna see Avery in her dress and freeze up, like I'm in a school play and I forget all my lines.
Nikki: You don't need any words. The way you look at Avery is more meaningful than any vow.
Nick: Well, there are two words that are very important, mom. "I do."
Nikki: She'll say them. No reason not to.
Nick: Yeah.
Victor: My boy, congratulations.
Nick: Thanks, dad.
Victor: You know, I have a feeling that Avery is gonna make a very good wife. I'm glad that one of my children is marrying well.
Nick: Well, what if I was to tell you that my brother-in-law was here today, early, helping to set up? Moving chairs -- he did a lot of stuff.
Victor: If he wants to help this family, he better get the hell out of town.
Billy: Mm. I know, I know, I know. We exchanged our vows earlier, and now you just can't wait to get me home, see what's going on underneath this suit, and have your wicked little way with me.
Victoria: Yes. It's true. I am delirious with lust.
Billy: Well, then, here we go. Come on.
Victoria: Okay, okay. Pretend time is over, all right? Now it's nick and Avery's turn to say their vows.
Billy: So, that distracted look of yours wasn't one of lustful thoughts for me?
Victoria: Dad asked me to come back to Newman.
Billy: Oh! And that, my friends, is how you kill the mood. That is fantastic. So, I take it you're gonna be working with Adam now. Yay!
Victoria: No, actually, dad is completely done with Adam over this anonymous investor, fish hook capital mess.
Billy: Fish hook?
Victoria: Yeah, why do you say it like that? What does it mean?
Jack: As long as I have known you, you have wanted one thing, Adam. You want a real family. Not getting it when you first came to town put quite a chip on your shoulder. A world of hurt later, you got another shot at it. You got to try to do what no one else could do -- help victor take Newman private again. The money I invested was supposed to get you Newman. It was also supposed to get you a relationship with victor.
Adam: To hell with that old miser. I'm a father now. I have a son, and he needs me.
Jack: You know what it is to be sightless. No one's gonna work any harder to get the right doctors for your son. Helping your son shouldn't cost him his mother. Don't cut Chelsea out of his life.
Adam: Did you forgive Nicholas for lying about summer?
Jack: The truth is out, Adam, for both of us. The only thing that matters now is Connor. He should have both parents working together for him.
Chelsea: You're telling me to leave town?
Chloe: Well, how many times did you say that you should get away before Adam figures out who the baby's father was? He knows. Look, I don't want you to go, but you know Adam. He is mean, and he is rich, and he is a Newman. Adam will get what he wants. So take your chance. Run. Take Connor and never look back.
Sharon: There. Prettiest girl at the wedding. Pumpkin, I know that you don't want daddy to marry Avery, but he really wants you to be there for him, so if you could just go there and smile for him. Come here. [Sighs] You know, sometimes we have to do things that we don't want to so that others will know we love them. And that's what today will be about -- showing daddy we love him.
Noah: Oh. Ooh, man. You are tense.
Nick: [Chuckles]
Noah: Hey, as your best man, let me give you some hard-won advice.
Nick: Oh, this I got to hear.
Noah: You want to be a good husband -- be a good man. And you are one. You know, with everything that's happened in the last few months, maybe you've forgotten that, but you are a good man, and you make me proud to be your son. Ooh. Oh, I think I might have forgot the rings.
Nick: Shut up.
Noah: I got the rings.
Nick: [Sighs]
Noah: [Chuckling] All you need is your bride.
Nick: Yeah.
Avery: Dylan, thank god. I left you messages. People are worried about you.
Dylan: I didn't -- I didn't know where to go.
Avery: Have you been drinking?
Dylan: Didn't help.
Avery: Come on. Come on.
Dylan: You're taking off. I should go.
Avery: I have some time. Come in.
Chloe: Adam knows, which means he already has battle plans. I mean -- what, you used to take off all the time in your con days, right? So, we -- what, you get on a-a train or a bus, and we get you out of town fast. And then we just find you a fake passport and one for the baby.
Chelsea: My baby needs eye doctors and specialists, not a passport.
Chloe: So? People go to Europe all the time for a hangnail. I mean, you just find a cutting-edge eye doctor there.
Chelsea: I do know how to run. It's what I did my entire life, but Connor does not deserve to grow up that way. Besides, we would never get far enough away fast enough to outrun Adam. Come on.
Chloe: Not if you don't try.
Chelsea: Oh, stop. Chloe, we would -- we would lose. Adam would win. You know that. Besides, if I left town, I would never see Dylan again.
Chloe: So what? You think that you're just gonna kiss and make up? It doesn't work like that, Chelsea.
Chelsea: Dylan needs to know how much I love him. Being here with him, us -- us being a family -- it is the happiest I have ever been in my entire life.
Dylan: My son -- he's not my son. Avery, Connor isn't my boy.
Avery: I know.
Dylan: What do you mean you know?
Avery: Adam told me. That's why I've been calling you over and over.
Dylan: To tell me I'm a fool?
Avery: No, Dylan, I knew when you heard the truth...
Dylan: She lied from day one. It was -- it was just one lie after another, and it was all right there in front of me. Adam was always in my face, always around, and I just let her snow me.
Avery: You had no reason to think she was gonna lie to you.
Dylan: I had no reason to believe her, but I did. I'm so stupid! I never asked for a paternity test. I just went to the doctor appointments with her and made sure she ate and made sure she rested.
Avery: Because you fell in love with her, and she fell in love with you, I think.
Dylan: You know, Chelsea was just -- she was holding out this life. And I wanted it. I wanted a wife. I wanted a kid. I wanted a fresh start. I wanted to wipe the slate clean. As if this baby's innocence would what? What -- just wipe away my sins? You know, that -- that boy -- I love that boy with every ounce -- every ounce of me, but I have this rage, Avery. And I can't -- I can't walk around like this. I can't. The last time I felt like this, I just...can't.
Avery: Hey, Dylan. Okay.
Dylan: [Groans]
Nick: All right, when you said Avery was right behind you...
[Cell phone vibrates]
Summer: Is it her?
Nick: Yeah. "Don't worry. I'm fine. Something came up. I'll be there soon."
Summer: Maybe she is picking up a groom's gift, or maybe it's a wardrobe malfunction. I could go over there and check and do my maid-of-honor thing. Just she'd be on her way, and then I'd miss the wedding.
Nick: Yeah, she's gonna be here. Um, could you do me a favor and tell the minister?
Summer: Yeah.
Victoria: What do you know about fish hook capital? It's the company backing Adam.
Billy: I know it's a poker term.
Victoria: Meaning?
Billy: It means it's a -- it's a really good hand.
Victoria: I've never heard that.
Billy: Well, just I'm a king of useless information.
Victoria: Anything else?
Billy: No, and frankly, honey, this whole gambling talk is making me itchy, and I'd rather not discuss this.
Victoria: Yeah. Oh, okay. Of course. I'm sorry.
Billy: Yeah, no problem. It's okay.
Victoria: Okay.
Nikki: My beautiful summer. I'm so glad you're here.
Summer: Yeah, for Avery. Mom would want me to be... I think.
Nikki: Don't worry. This isn't any kind of "team Newman" gesture. It must be exhausting for you, between jack and victor. I thought maybe some time away might help ease some of that.
Summer: Yeah, it gave me a lot of time to think... and get more upset and frustrated. I went from being daddy's girl to now having two dads, and somehow I feel -- I feel really alone.
Nikki: Oh, honey, you're not alone. You'll never be alone.
Summer: One is my blood, and the other one raised me and lied. So, what's more important -- being there every single day or being the one that helped create a life?
Nikki: I don't have the answer to that.
Summer: You always have the answer. I mean, no matter what, you are the best grandma and the best mom.
Nikki: Oh. [Chuckles] No, I've made my share of mistakes. But I hope I've put my children first -- all of them.
Summer: Dad was always so good at that, too... other than the big lifelong lie about being my father.
Nikki: Oh, sweetheart.
Summer: No, I know. You know, losing Cassie, loving me -- just none of it changes the fact that jack is my biological dad. I love jack. I love him so much. But he doesn't feel like a dad, you know? He's -- he's uncle jack.
Nikki: Would you rather not know?
Summer: I don't -- I mean, I guess I have to be grateful that the truth came out. Could you imagine how awful it would be not knowing who gave you life?
Chelsea: Dylan loved me. That doesn't just go away. If I can just explain to him that what we had was real, what we had with Connor was real.
Chloe: Okay, Dylan is gone. No one has seen him for days. And what does he have? You and the baby. Without that, he might never come back.
Chelsea: Don't say that.
Chloe: Well, do you want Adam to take the baby?
Chelsea: Don't say that, either.
Chloe: Okay, well, then you need to come up with a plan.
Chelsea: No. No, Chloe. No more plans. No more lies. No more running. I have a baby now. All that matters is Connor.
Chloe: Well, then what are you gonna do?
Chelsea: The only thing I can do -- talk to Adam.
Adam: You think Chelsea wants to share custody with me? Yeah, that's very likely.
Jack: Adam, for your sake and for the baby's, go slow. Make sure you have legal backup. Don't just start tossing grenades. The baby could get hurt in the fallout.
Adam: I'm gonna protect my son, jack, no matter what.
Jack: Good. And we can't take our focus off of victor. He is not going to let up until he knows who the investor is.
Adam: Let him sniff around. Let him snarl and growl and beat his chest. He has no real power at my company. The only two with power are you and me.
Jack: The glory of fish hook capital.
Victoria: Now isn't the time to talk Newman or business.
Billy: You're right. So, how about a little impromptu honeymoon time in the bushes?
Victoria: All right. Would you please get me a drink first?
Billy: [Chuckles] Yes, ma'am.
Victoria: Hi, dad.
Victor: You didn't tell him about what you and I discussed before, did you?
Victoria: Actually, yes, I did. And if you remember correctly, Billy's the one that wanted to get me back into Newman not so long ago.
Victor: But for his own reasons. This is what you and I want, meaning he'll disagree, okay?
Victoria: Daddy, it's a wedding, okay?
Victor: Okay.
Victoria: Let's not talk business.
Victor: All right. I'll tell you one thing, though. As soon as I know more about this fish hook thing...
Victoria: Well, actually, Billy knew something about that.
Victor: What did he know about that?
Victoria: It's a poker term. Something to do with cards.
Victor: Hmm. I'll be damned.
Noah: Well, this is happening. Dad and Avery deserve a drama-free wedding.
Abby: Yes, and with an ex-wife/sister-in-law in a coma and poor summer. I know from having two dads -- not easy. No one deserves a hassle-free day more than the bride and groom.
Noah: Ooh, I'll be right back. [Gasps] Faithapalooza! Oh, buddy, I missed you.
Nikki: Oh, Sharon, thank you for dropping faith off.
Sharon: You know, actually, I had to promise her that I would stay for a while, and now that she's with Noah, I think I should go.
Faith: Me too.
Nikki: Oh, but, honey, we're so happy to see you, and I was hoping you would sit next to me at the wedding.
Sharon: It's okay, baby. Mommy can stay a little longer. I was thinking maybe we were late, but I don't see the bride anywhere.
Noah: Uh, Avery's been held up.
Sharon: On her wedding day?
Nikki: She'll be here, and the wedding will be glorious.
Nick: Leslie? Hey, uh, I got a text from Avery. She said something came up. Would that have something to do with a case?
Leslie: Uh, no, she cleared her plate. She turned down Adam about the, um -- she wasn't taking any cases.
Nick: Avery already told me that Dylan's son is Adam's.
Leslie: Okay, so, you know everything. Yeah, she specifically said she wouldn't let anything stop her from walking down the aisle to marry you.
Nick: Why would she say that? I mean, how'd that even come up?
Summer: Hi. Uh, any news about Avery? I mean, maybe I should have gone over there.
Nick: I've called her several times. It just keeps going to voicemail.
Leslie: Maybe she's on her way.
Summer: Yeah. I mean, hopefully she didn't pass a wounded animal that she needs to save. Then she'll never make it.
Avery: Of course, you're angry.
Dylan: I was halfway out of town. Then I got into that fight. I had to stay put for community service, and then Chelsea tells me I'm gonna be a dad, and... it was like right then and there I had -- I had a brand-new life, like the baby would make up for every awful thing I did. How does that even make any sense -- that I get a family and it makes up for everything?
Avery: What -- makes up for what -- our baby?
Dylan: No, no. The family. Ara's family.
Avery: I don't understand.
Dylan: That's how I got out of there alive. This little girl -- she saved me, and what'd I do? I led her to her death. Some hero I am. And now what's my reward? Take my son away from me?
Avery: No, no. Listen to me. Chelsea hid the truth from you. She made a decision, okay? This has nothing to do with the war or something that you did.
Dylan: You wouldn't understand.
Avery: Dylan, Connor is alive. [Voice breaking] He has the whole world ahead of him. And I know that you're hurting, but our baby -- our son -- he never had a chance. So, I do know what it's like to lose a baby. And that's why you came to me, because -- because you knew I would understand. We lost something so precious together.
Dylan: Then you left me.
Avery: And you left me, too. But we're here now.
Chloe: Adam has had time to plan a full-scale baby war. It's why you kept Connor from him in the first place.
Chelsea: And it didn't work, Chloe. I can't fight Adam. Not alone. I mean, maybe if Dylan were here, we'd have a chance. We could go to the courts and tell them that we have a loving and stable home for the baby, but...
Chloe: Right, but Dylan is gone.
Chelsea: [Sighs]
Chloe: And Adam is Adam.
Chelsea: I'm not gonna run, Chloe. So, if that's your only idea, I don't know what to tell you.
Chloe: Well, it is. And it's a better idea than you talking to Adam. I mean, have you ever heard of a person having a reasonable conversation with Godzilla? Because it's not possible.
Chelsea: Maybe, but I won't run. And I can't fight. So, this is my only option.
Chloe: Fine. Then talk to Adam. Maybe you'll catch Godzilla on a good day, and he won't destroy the city. And he'll let you have your baby.
Chelsea: [Sighs] I need to be strong, and I need him to listen.
Avery: You're strong, Dylan -- one of the strongest people I know. And I know it feels impossible right now, but I promise you you will survive this.
Dylan: [Breathing heavily] I wanted to give him everything. I bought the coffeehouse. You know what I did with the first day of receipts? I started a college fund.
Avery: [Chuckles] You're always planning ahead.
Dylan: 47 bucks at a time.
Avery: [Chuckles]
Dylan: The loft, the cradle I made for him. I learned how to... how to hold him, how to bathe him, how to change him, how to feed him, how to sing to him, and you know I don't sing great, but he liked it. [Voice breaking] Who am I now? What happens if I see him and I can't -- I can't be his dad? [Sniffles] I'm not that strong.
Avery: You are that strong. You are that strong... without booze and without fighting. [Sighs] You will get through this. You get through this with your friends. And right now with some coffee [Sighs] Which you need. You need to be thinking straight.
Dylan: Is today your wedding day?
Noah: [Clears throat] Uh, dad, we, um -- we have to make a few adjustments. The minister -- he has to go. He has another wedding and a baptism that he has to get to.
Victoria: But you know what? We can find someone else. The musicians actually had to leave, too, but we can, you know, hook up speakers to somebody's Smartphone, and it'll be fine, right?
Nick: Um, everyone, uh, I-I guess something has come up, and, uh...well, there's not gonna be a wedding today. I-I'm sorry, uh, for the inconvenience, but, uh, the wedding's off. Thank you.
Noah: Hey, dad. We could try another minister.
Nick: I said that's it, Noah. Go home.
Noah: Why don't you just let me try to call someone?
Nick: I said that's it. It's over.
Faith: What happened?
Sharon: Um, daddy's not getting married today.
Faith: Yay!
Sharon: Well, I know how you feel, but listen. We're sad for daddy. We wt him to be happy. Um, Noah, could you take faith home for me?
Noah: Why don't you?
Sharon: Because I just -- I don't think your dad would want his kids to see him like this, and I've seen all of his moods, so...
Faith: Let's go home.
Abby: Oh, my god. Did nick just get left at the altar?
Leslie: Well, I mean, if he wants us to leave, I think we should just respect his wishes.
Abby: I mean, Avery would never -- if she broke his heart, there's --
Leslie: No, no. There must be explanation. Let's let them deal with it privately.
Abby: Hmm.
Tyler: I'm telling you, this is why people are crazy for getting married.
Abby: Yeah, and this wedding or non-wedding -- it is the least insane one I've been to.
Tyler: Right? That's what I'm saying.
Abby: We're doing it right. We're not even exclusive.
Tyler: Is that your way of telling me that you're seeing someone else?
Abby: No. Are you?
Tyler: No.
Abby: Oh. I mean, you could.
Tyler: You could, too. It's just...
Abby: Yeah. Perfect.
Victor: So, what happened?
Nick: [Sighs] I don't know, dad. I guess, uh, Avery just couldn't make it.
Victor: And you have no idea why?
Nick: No.
Victor: You want to come with us to the ranch?
Nick: Uh, no, I'm gonna stick around here for a little while longer.
Victor: Okay. Just know that we love you, okay?
Nick: I love you, too, dad. Thanks. I'll call you later.
Victor: Okay.
Nick: [Sighs]
Victor: He said that he will call us later.
Victoria: We can't just leave him here with this mess.
Nikki: Honey, you were...
Victoria: What happened?
Victor: [Sighs] I have no idea. But he said he would call us later. He'd prefer to be alone right now.
Victoria: But we're not gonna just leave him here with this mess, are we?
Victor: I don't know.
Nikki: Honey, you were in charge of setting everything up. Let me take care of this. You go home with your husband. Hug Johnny.
Victoria: All right. I'll crush any girl that ever breaks Johnny's heart, I swear.
Victor: Okay, sweetheart. [Exhales deeply] I don't know what the hell happened. But he said he, uh, would like us to go home now. He wants to be alone for a while.
Nikki: All right, well, I understand that. Well, do that. You go. I'll be home shortly.
Victor: Okay, sweetheart. Okay.
Nikki: There's got to be an explanation.
Nick: I don't know. Avery said she had something she needed to take care of, and whatever it is, it's clearly more important than our wedding.
Nikki: What could that be?
Nick: I have a pretty good idea.
Avery: Yes, today's the wedding. I'm late.
Dylan: [Sighs] I shouldn't have -- I shouldn't have come. I-I should just take off.
Avery: No, no, please, don't do that. Have some coffee or stay and sleep. I don't want you out there like this, Dylan.
Dylan: I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine.
Avery: Would you -- it's a wedding present for me, okay? I don't want to have to worry about you.
Dylan: Go get married. You deserve to be happy.
Avery: [Sighs]
[Door closes]
Adam: You wanted to meet?
Chelsea: I wanted to talk.
Adam: So talk.
Chelsea: I'm Connor's mom. He's known my voice since before he was born. When I hold him, he curves into my neck. It's his safe place. I'm his home.
Adam: So what's your point?
Chelsea: He needs me. You need to understand that. The way that you loved and needed hope -- that's how much this baby needs me.
Adam: And to hell with the father?
Chelsea: That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is don't take my baby away from me. Don't take me away from him.
Adam: That's your move? Begging? 'Cause I'm not really clear on your angle here, because you haven't even stated the obvious that that's my son. So, we are not negotiating until you tell me the truth.
Chelsea: Adam, please --
Adam: Tell me. I want to hear you say it that that baby is mine.
Victor: So, you completed the search on my son's laptop?
I have dossiers on the members of fish hook capital.
Victor: All right. Let's see what we've got. A degenerate gambler told me that there's a term called "fish hook" they use in the card game -- in poker, I think. Do you know what that means? Could you find out? A fish hook.
I found it. In poker, "fish hook" is another term for a...
Victor: Jack. Jack. Well, I'll be damned. [Chuckles] I'll be damned. Jack Abbott. Check on your computer. I want all the e-mail correspondence between jack Abbott and my son Adam, all right?
Yes, sir.
Adam: I want you to admit it to me, Chelsea. Tell me he's my blood.
Chelsea: If I do, will you respect that he's my blood, too? Can you promise not to take him from me?
Adam: I can promise.
Chelsea: It's true. He's our son. [Sighs] You are Connor's father.
Adam: Yeah, about that. We're gonna be changing the name.
Chelsea: What? No. I like it.
Adam: A lot is going to change -- name, the address, maybe even the brand of diapers that he wears.
Chelsea: Address? No. You just said you'd promise.
Adam: I said I can promise. I also can hold my breath longer than a minute. Doesn't mean I will.
Chelsea: You liar. You just told me --
Adam: I'm the liar? Are you sure about that? Don't worry. I won't be taking him from you...yet. What you need to take are a lot of pictures this week of him. I want you to have something to remember him by.
Nikki: Avery loves you. I know she does.
Nick: That doesn't make our problems go away, mom. I mean, look how long it took Avery to take the ring. Look how long it took her to say, "yes," that she would marry me. And then Phyllis' accident. Faith wants Avery nowhere around me.
Nikki: And you got past that.
Nick: Maybe we didn't. You know, maybe there are other things in the way. I just wanted to believe that everything was okay. And maybe Avery knew otherwise.
Nikki: You're talking as if it's all over, and you don't know that until you speak with Avery.
Nick: Right. Well, if you see her, mom, have her give me a call.
Nikki: Oh, honey, stop.
Nick: You know what? Can you just -- just go home, all right? You've been under enough stress already.
Nikki: I'm your mother, okay? I can't help but mother you. Even though right now I don't know exactly what you need, but let me take you home, okay? I'll drive you home.
Nick: I just -- I want a little while longer here.
Nikki: All right, darling. Call us when you get home, all right?
Nick: Okay.
Nikki: Your father and I will worry if you don't. I love you.
Nick: I love you, too.
Nikki: Victor? Paul, it's Nikki. I've made a decision about the information that Katherine left me. I want to move forward. Please help me find the child I gave up.
Noah: And you beat me again? Are you kidding me? You -- I can't -- okay. Well, all right, you know what that means, right? It's time for bed. No, don't even argue with me. Time to go to bed. I'll let you write mom a note, okay? Just go upstairs, put on your PJs, brush your teeth. I'll get you a piece of paper. Come here. Ooh, I love you. [Sighs]
[Knock on door]
Noah: Hey.
Summer: Hey. [Sighs] Oh, god, how awful was that -- the groom being left at the altar?
Noah: Yeah, on a scale of awful, that was -- that was up there.
Summer: Um, I came to check on faith.
Noah: Oh, I think she's handling it okay. I'm a little more worried about dad right now.
Summer: Yeah, I'm sorry that he's hurt, but I'm busy worrying about another parent that's in a coma right now.
Noah: That's a little harsh.
Summer: It doesn't make sense worrying about our parents. We're the kids. They should be worrying about us.
Noah: Yeah, I know what you mean, but it never really stops.
Summer: Are you still worried about your mom? What's that?
Noah: This is the medication that helps my mom control her bipolar disorder. It was filled about two months ago. Bottle's full. I think my mom's off her meds.
Sharon: I know the hurt. I know how it cuts. Maybe this is for the best somehow.
Victoria: We should be having cake and champagne right now.
Billy: I imagine the park staff is enjoying that as we speak.
Victoria: Did that happen? It didn't. I mean, it couldn't.
Billy: If it had been me at the altar and you a no-show, I would have figured that victor had you shipped off to a yak farm to keep you away from me. But he likes Avery. So, if she didn't show, I'm pretty certain...
Victoria: How could she not want a lifetime with nick?
Billy: Let's face it, baby. We got lucky. We got it all. We got marriage. We got kids. We got work... at Newman.
Victoria: I didn't say yes to that yet, did I?
Billy: No, not yet.
Victoria: We don't know what's gonna happen. I mean, Adam's on dad's hit list, but he's not out of the company yet. And nothing's gonna happen until dad finds out exactly who's behind fish hook capital.
Jack: Open the door next time, Adam. I got your e-mail about victor. What is it he knows?
Victor: He knows everything.
Adam: So, you finally listened to your voicemail?
Leslie: Yeah, well, I'm here now, and from what I understand, you have reason to believe you fathered Chelsea's child.
Adam: I got confirmation from the mother herself.
Leslie: Congratulations. Now, what is it you want with me?
Adam: I want you to get me fu custody of my son and make sure Chelsea never sees him again.
Sharon: Marriage is so reassuring. It's, um, proof that all is well. But if all isn't well, then marriage won't change that. I'm sorry. I-I don't know what's going on between you and Avery, but...if you need me for anything, I'm here.
Nick: Thanks, uh, but I'm gonna -- I'm gonna need a minute.
Sharon: If you need me...
Avery: Please tell me I'm not too late.
Next on "the young and the restless"...
Billy: To my beautiful wife. I'll never stop loving you.
Dylan: I'm leaving town.
Chelsea: What can we do to make this work?
Victor: You partnered with a guy whose guts I hate! You betrayed me!
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