Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/12/13
Episode # 10242 ~ Victoria & Billy declare their love for each other; Victor is suspicious of Adam's connection to the mysterious investor.
Provided By Suzanne
Victoria: Baby, when you're done with that, can you get the rest of the flowers out of the car, please? What?
Billy: Watching you walk up that aisle like that reminded me of our wedding.
Victoria: Which one?
Billy: Ohh. All of them. Marrying you was the best decision I ever made in my life, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Victoria: You're in a mood.
Billy: Yes, I am. So, what do you say, woman? Do you want to get married right here, right now under this gazebo?
[Door opens]
Jack: Summer! Hey! When did you get back from Georgia?
Summer: Just now. I came straight from the airport.
Jack: Not that I'm complaining -- I'm just a little surprised you came here first. Shouldn't you be at the park for nick and Avery's wedding?
Summer: I'm not going. I cannot pretend to wish him well after his lies wrecked all of our lives.
Nick: Well? How do I look?
Noah: You're rocking it, dad. Just missing one thing.
Nick: What? Did summer show up?
Noah: Actually, I was talking about this little floral action thing.
Nick: Oh. Yeah. Well... she still might make it.
Noah: You know, actually, I got a text from summer. She's not gonna make it, dad. I'm sorry. I know how much you wanted her in the wedding.
Nick: Well, you know what? It's still gonna be a great day. I mean, how could it not be? I am marrying the woman of my dreams.
Avery: [Sighs] [Scribbling] Okay, fifth message in 48 hours. I know what's going on, Dylan. I need you to call me and let me know you're okay.
Chloe: Hi. Anything?
Chelsea: I've looked all over. [Sighs] No one has seen Dylan. It's been two days, Chloe. He's gone. [Sniffles]
Chloe: As in "gone" gone? I highly doubt that.
Chelsea: [Sighs]
Chloe: He has a lot to think about.
Chelsea: Well, thanks for helping me look, but I know you have so much work you have to catch up on, so you should go.
Chloe: Are you kidding me? You're more important. You need to pull yourself together. He will come back. He loves Connor.
Chelsea: He hates me more.
Avery: Oh! You're a lifesaver.
Leslie: Hi! Well, you know, I try.
Avery: No, seriously, for you to step in with five minutes notice to be my maid of honor...
Leslie: Oh, I am happy to stand up for you and nick. I'm just sorry your niece wasn't able to do it.
Avery: Yeah. Me too.
Leslie: Okay, so, what do you need me to do? Your hair and makeup, done. Looks beautiful.
Avery: Thanks.
Leslie: Have you eaten anything besides coffee?
Avery: Uh...
[Cell phone ringing]
Leslie: Uh-oh. Excuse me. It's Adam.
Avery: Oh! No! Don't answer that.
Adam: Leslie, Adam Newman. I need your services again. I need you to put on your family law hat and help me get custody of my son.
Victor: Get me everything you can on fish hook capital -- their prospectus, investment history, and I want to know who's involved, all right? Someone is trying to pull a fast one with me.
I'm on it, Mr. Newman.
Victor: Here we go. I thank you for coming by. You have a good day.
Thank you, sir.
Victor: All righty. Thank you. [Sighs]
Nikki: What was that?
Victor: Just business, sweetheart.
Nikki: Sounds like you're keeping something from me.
Victor: Why do you say that? I could say the same about you, couldn't I?
Nikki: There you go, making it about me when clearly you are up to something.
Victor: Sweetheart, whenever I ask you if something is wrong, you say nothing. You and I know that isn't true. If you're still upset about Katherine's death, let's talk about it, because I'm upset about that, as well.
Nikki: Yeah, that -- that really did shake me. I shouldn't have shut you out. I'm sorry.
Victor: Okay. [Smooches] I know that I haven't paid as much attention to you as I should have. I've been sidetracked by this business with Adam. He is keeping secrets from me again.
Nikki: I know how much you hate that. I didn't know you were so worried about Newman.
Victor: It'll soon be resolved. I promise you.
Leslie: Why didn't you want me talking to Adam?
Avery: Because he's lawyer shopping. He wants a paternity test to prove he's the father of Chelsea's baby.
Leslie: You're kidding.
Avery: I wish I were. He wants to file for custody, and from the sound of it, he has a pretty strong case.
Leslie: Wow. Meaning Chelsea...
Avery: [Sighs]
Leslie: Wait. Why am I even surprised? That man is so manipulative and cold. It's no wonder his ex would lie to him. So, I take it he came to you for help.
Avery: Yes, but I turned him down. I can't be responsible for Dylan losing another child.
Chelsea: I knew how Dylan would react when he heard the truth. That's why I wanted to tell him months ago, but I didn't. I didn't. I just kept lying.
Chloe: You need to give him time. He's not going to walk away. Dylan is invested in your family.
Chelsea: Yes, exactly! Which only makes the whole thing worse! Oh, my god! I should have trusted my gut. I mean, it was cruel of me to let him get attached to a baby that wasn't his.
Chloe: You need to think about why you lied in the first place. Because you wanted your child to have the best father possible. Dylan is a good guy. Don't give up on him. Eventually he will forgive you.
Summer: Thanks.
Jack: You're welcome. Now, what's this talk about skipping the wedding?
Summer: When I was in Georgia sitting with my mom, I had a lot of time to think. Nick had no right to do what he did, jack. I want to be able to say that I forgive him for turning my entire life into a lie, but I'm not there yet. And I don't know when I'll be. And if I go there today and pretend that I'm all happy, I'm gonna feel like a complete hypocrite.
Jack: I'm grateful that you would confide in me, but I have to say this. Is this you talking, or is this your brother talking? Because when you and I went down to Georgia together, you didn't seem this angry.
Summer: No, I spent time with Daniel, but mostly it was me talking and him listening. I have tried so hard to be neutral about this and make it okay for everybody else, but I have not been dealing with how I feel.
Jack: How do you feel?
Summer: Like I'm being torn in two, and I cannot stand it. And it's not gonna be over until I figure out who I am. I knew who I was. I thought I did. But now there is this whole other side -- the Abbott side, which I need to get to know. So I'm hoping that maybe you can help me with that.
Jack: Well, I'm grateful you're ready to move forward, but...it doesn't have to be at the expense of nick and the rest of your family. Look, I want to talk about this some more, but right now, you have somewhere else you have to be.
Summer: I'm not going.
Jack: It's Avery's wedding, too. Her sister can't be there. She needs her family.
Summer: [Sighs]
Sharon: [Sighs]
Cassie: I love that picture. You and dad look so happy.
Sharon: We were. And so in love. It's really hard to believe that he's gonna promise to love, honor, and cherish someone else.
Cassie: It's a mistake. One day he'll regret it.
Sharon: Avery's not right for him, Cassie. He should be making those vows to me.
Nick: Faith, let's go! Chop, chop!
Noah: You want me to start the car, get the a/c cranking?
Nick: Yeah, in a second. First I want to give you something. It's a gift for my best man. And that's not just a label, son. You are truly one of the best men I've ever met. And I'm very, very proud of you. I mean that.
Noah: It's a money clip. N.C.N. Nicholas Christian Newman.
Nick: Yeah, my father gave that to me as a college-graduation present. He said it would hold all of the money that I was going to make in the family business someday.
Noah: The one that you're no longer with.
Nick: Well, yeah. You know, I was able to carve out my own path, find something that made me happy while also making a pretty good living. The point is, if you ever start to doubt anything in your life, you can have that clip, and it'll remind you. I love you, buddy.
Noah: Thank you, dad. I love you, too.
[Footsteps approach]
Nick: Whoa! Faith! What's the story? You're not changed!
Faith: I can't find miss patsy.
Nick: Well, I'm sure miss patsy's here somewhere, and I will help you find her. But right now, I need you to go upstairs and get dressed.
Faith: Not till I find miss patsy.
Nick: Okay. I'll make you a deal. If you run upstairs and put on that pretty dress that's laying on your bed right now, I will let you open up this flower-girl gift.
Faith: I get a present?
Nick: Yes. Avery picked this out for you special.
Faith: No thanks.
Noah: Hey, you know what? I-I got a great gift for being best man, and I'll bet yours is even better. You sure you don't want to just see what it is?
Nick: I mean, you could just open it up, take a look.
Noah: Oh! What?! It's a doll, a new doll. Isn't that the one you've been asking for?
Nick: Wow!
Noah: Wow!
Nick: Wasn't that a thoughtful gift from Avery?
Faith: I don't want a new doll! I want miss patsy!
Nick: [Sighs] Faith. Faith. Faith!
Victoria: Okay, this feels really silly.
Billy: Why?
Victoria: Because we're supposed to be finishing decorating and because the guests are coming soon. That's why.
Billy: Good. They can witness me explain to you how blessed I feel to be the man you chose to love. And how I almost stupidly threw it all away. And if we have to renew our vows every single day so you and I can make it to forever, then, baby, I'm in.
Victoria: You know, you renew your vows to me every night. Every time I look into your eyes, I see it. You think I'm gorgeous and funny. You think I'm smart.
Billy: Don't you forget sexy.
Victoria: And sexy.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: And you think I'm a good cook, even though I can only make about three things.
Billy: Well, baby, what else does a man need besides pancakes, bacon, and a decent grilled cheese?
Victoria: Ooh! Love really is blind, huh?
Billy: [Chuckles] You are an incredible mother. You're a brilliant artist. You're a dynamic businesswoman. And I am just the lucky schmo that you married.
Victoria: You make my life better by being in it. You make me better.
Billy: Ah. We make each other better.
Victoria: Well, that's how I know we're gonna make it to forever.
Billy: Well, amen to that.
Victoria: Yeah.
Nick: Faith, why'd you run off like that? You know better.
Sharon: What is going on? Why is she so upset?
Faith: [Crying] Avery threw away miss patsy!
Nick: No one threw away miss patsy. She's just been misplaced. Avery bought faith this new doll she's been wanting as a thank you for being in the wedding.
Noah: I thought that was really nice.
Sharon: Yeah, I agree. That was nice. What did you say, faith?
Faith: I hate Avery!
Nick: [Sighs] Well, that makes daddy very sad, faith.
Noah: Yeah, because, um, I love Avery very much, and I want her to be part of our family. And after today, she will be.
Faith: No!
Avery: When we lost our baby, it nearly destroyed Dylan, so I can't be a part of this.
Leslie: Oh, I understand. Just so you understand, there's no stopping this paternity test. Adam will find another lawyer. And you just can't protect Dylan from that.
Avery: I know. I'm just worried about him. I left some messages. He's not picking up.
Leslie: Avery, you can't think about that right now. This is your wedding day, okay? Dylan will be all right.
Avery: I know. You're right. And you're right that nothing is going to stop my walking down the aisle. Not Dylan or faith or anything else.
Leslie: Are you trying to convince me of that or yourself?
Avery: What?
[Doorbell rings]
Summer: Hi.
Avery: Summer!
Summer: Um, I'm sorry.
Avery: I'm so happy. I'm so happy you're here.
Chloe: Hey, look, I know men. And I know how their tiny, little minds work. Dylan is going to get past this.
Chelsea: I hope you're right. But Adam won't. He's going to want to punish me for keeping him from his son.
Chloe: Did you tell him?
Chelsea: About Connor being his? No. When he confronted me [Scoffs] I lied. Apparently that's what I do best, so... [Sniffles]
Chloe: Well, were you lying when you said that you love Dylan and you wanted to spend your life with him?
Chelsea: Of course not. In my heart, Connor will always be Dylan's.
Chloe: Then you need to fight for your family.
Chelsea: How, Chloe? How am I supposed to fight Adam alone, without Dylan? He left me! [Sighs] [Voice breaking] Oh, my god. What am I gonna do? [Sobs] I can't lose Connor! I would die! I would just die! [Sighs] [Sniffles]
Jack: Little early to be hitting on the scotch, isn't it?
Adam: Hmm. I'm celebrating. You want to join me?
Jack: Thanks anyway. What are we celebrating?
Adam: I'm a proud father of a beautiful baby boy.
Jack: You have a son?
Adam: With Chelsea. Not that she would admit it, which is why I'm getting a court order for a paternity test.
Jack: Whoa, whoa. Hold on. Hold on. What makes you think you're the father? I thought -- I thought Dylan was the father.
Adam: That's what she wants everyone to think. But this little baby has inherited a genetic eye disorder, the one that my mom and I had.
Jack: Retinitis pigmentosa? He has it?
Adam: The test results aren't in yet, but all signs point to it.
Jack: [Sighs]
Adam: Inherited from the father. And mark my words -- I am the father. And when that paternity test comes back, I am suing for custody.
Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you sure that's not a mistake?
Adam: Jack... I don't want to end up in your shoes, getting to know my child 18 years later. I've missed too much time with my son already. I'm not missing another day.
Sharon: Remember all those talks that we had about families? Well, ours is about to get a little bit bigger once daddy marries Avery.
Faith: I don't want them to!
Sharon: Well, I understand that change is really scary, but not that much is gonna be different. There will just be more people around who love you.
Noah: And to give you presents, like on your birthday, which is coming up. Am I right?
Nick: Look, faith, I need you to come home with me and get dressed. I cannot be late to my own wedding.
Faith: I don't want to go!
Nick: Faith, I don't have time for this. Please. Now.
Faith: No!
Sharon: Let me try.
Nick: [Sighs] I tell you what. Why don't you go to the park, and I'll meet you there?
Noah: Dad, it's almost time for this --
Nick: I know.
Noah: If faith's gonna act like this --
Nick: I would like one of my daughters to be there, and I think I have a better chance of convincing faith than I do summer.
Summer: Even though there hasn't been much change, just sitting by the bed holding mom's hand made me feel so much better.
Avery: I know what you mean. There's something so comforting about just being there.
Summer: Now if she'd just get better, we wouldn't have to go all that way just to be comforted.
Leslie: Well, I, um -- I need to get changed and return a few phone calls before the ceremony.
Avery: Leslie, thank you so much for everything. Thank you.
Leslie: Yes. Anytime. See you at the park.
Avery: Mm-hmm.
Leslie: Bye, sweetie.
Summer: Bye.
[Door closes]
Avery: She was gonna be your replacement, by the way.
Summer: Aunt Avery, I'm really sorry the way that I bailed on your wedding like that. It was pretty lame of me to just text you after I agreed to be your maid of honor, so... if you still want me...
Avery: [Chuckles]
Jack: Things with summer are getting better, but it's still complicated. If you have reason to believe you are Connor's father...
Adam: I am his father.
Jack: ...Then you owe it to yourself to find out now.
Adam: Chelsea and Nicholas have no right to decide when, where, and if we are in our children's lives.
Jack: I'm not sure you're gonna be any happier with a judge deciding.
Adam: As of now, jack, I have no choice. I have no parental rights, so Chelsea leaves me no options but to take this to court. She thought she was actually gonna get away with this.
Jack: Well, given how you treated her, are you really that surprised?
[Glass thuds]
Adam: Because I didn't just drop everything and move to Europe, I deserve to lose my son?
Jack: Absolutely not, but neither does Chelsea. Don't set up a situation where your child resents you the same way you resent victor.
Abby: We got here early to help you set up, but it looks like you guys got it covered.
Tyler: You just wanted to make sure the gazebo worked, or what?
Billy: Oh, yeah. It works. This gazebo's been getting a lot of action lately, so if you guys want to make it official and get hitched, open for the next hour.
Tyler: [Chuckles]
Abby: [Chuckles]
Victoria: So, how are things in adamland? Any clues on the real investor?
Victor: I'm working on things.
Victoria: Daddy, you know I'm not the one trying to make a move on your company. That would be your son who's sitting in the catbird seat because you put him there.
Victor: Sweetheart, you don't know if he's making a move, do you?
Victoria: I do know.
Victor: Really?
Victoria: I think you trusted the wrong child. I would like to help you rectify things.
Noah: Count me in. Whatever you need.
Victor: Noah!
Victoria: Hi, Noah. I don't really think you understand what we're talking about right now.
Noah: I assume you're talking about Adam trying to oust grandpa from Newman. I hear things. That company is my birthright, too.
Victor: You're a smart boy. You bet it's your birthright, too. Let me tell you something. When the time comes that you're old enough to join the company, I'll let you know. You'll be an invaluable asset, okay?
Noah: Thank you.
Victor: Okay.
Noah: I'm gonna go say hi to grams.
Victor: All right.
Victoria: Do you want my help, too, or am I still persona non grata?
Victor: Why do you say that? I'm the one who offered you a position.
Victoria: A token job running beauty of nature to keep me out of Adam's way.
Victor: It was my understanding that you chose to leave to devote some more time to this farce of a marriage of yours.
Victoria: Because Billy and I were trying to have a baby and because Adam was your new favorite. As far as I'm concerned, I think he's out to hurt you and the company, and I'm not about to just sit by and watch that happen.
Victor: I appreciate that. I'm not quite ready yet, but I'm about to make a move, okay?
Victoria: So, Adam's group of business-school buddies sitting on billions of dollars, calling themselves fish hook capital, and you're skeptical of that?
Victor: It's a clue that he keeps on dangling in front of my nose in order to taunt me.
Victoria: And once you figure it out, your plan is to get rid of Adam, yeah?
Victor: We'll get rid of Adam. I need your help.
Victoria: All right. That's all I wanted to hear you say, dad.
Victor: Okay. I need people around me that I can trust, okay? [Smooches] So...
Victoria: I know.
Victor: Where's the bride?
Victoria: [Sighs]
Nick: No luck?
Sharon: Faith is being especially stubborn.
Nick: Well, if I let her have her way, she's just gonna act out even more.
Sharon: I think if you push this on her, nick, she's going to resent Avery even more.
Nick: I just don't get this. Avery has been nothing but amazing to faith. Why is she still having a problem with this?
Sharon: Because change is hard, especially when you're 6.
Nick: Well, summer's not coming, either. Thank god for Noah, or none of my kids would be there.
Sharon: Maybe you should postpone and give the girls a little time to adjust.
Nick: I'm not gonna do that. I mean, we have postponed so many times. If we don't get married now, who knows when it will happen.
Sharon: Okay. [Sighs] Look, why don't you go to the park, and I will try to talk to faith again? I'll see if I can get her to make an appearance. No guarantees, but I'll try.
Nick: Okay. Thanks. I-I appreciate it.
[Door closes]
Cassie: He's having doubts.
Sharon: Not enough to call off the ceremony, though.
Cassie: I guess you'll have to do it for him, then.
Avery: [Sighs]
Summer: You look gorgeous.
Avery: Oh, well, that's because I have a soon-to-be famous model helping me get ready. [Laughs]
Summer: What else you need me to do?
Avery: Uh, there is a garment bag on the back of my bedroom door.
Summer: Okay. I'll be right back.
Avery: Okay. [Sighs]
Summer: [Squeals] I cannot wait to see your dress.
Avery: Uh, actually, it's your dress.
Summer: It's mine?
Avery: Yeah, I bought it the day after you left for Georgia, just in case.
Summer: Okay. Oh, my gosh. Aunt Avery, it's perfect.
Avery: And, uh, this goes with it.
Summer: Okay. You got me a bracelet.
Avery: Your dad picked it out, actually.
Summer: Now, this isn't the part where you lecture me about where I need to give my dad another chance, is it?
Avery: Actually, it's not, because I already did that, right? So I'm not gonna push for you to make peace with nick. That has to be your choice.
Summer: Thank you.
Jack: By the time victor and hope split up, she wanted nothing to do with the great man's lifestyle. She asked him to keep his distance so she could raise you with her own values. You know what? Much as I hate victor, much as I respected your mother, I couldn't condone that. Victor had every right to have a hand in raising you, every right to know you while you were growing up. He claimed he acceded to hope's wishes out of respect for her. I think that's a cop-out.
[Glass slams]
Jack: No, I-I think if victor had fought for his parental rights, you'd be a different man today. You wouldn't be carrying around all the bitterness from being victor's forgotten son.
Adam: Just so we're clear on something, my primary goal of getting custody of my son is not to punish Chelsea.
Jack: Are you sure about that?
Adam: I don't want my son to go blind, jack. I know what that is like, and I can do something about it. I have access to the world's best specialists.
Jack: You want to cure your son, do it. But for god's sake, don't take a child away from its mother! You got to put your anger aside so that you and Chelsea can both be parents!
Adam: That is precisely why I have to take this to court, jack. That is it! I have no power! I can do nothing with my son. I cannot help in any decision-making process, medical or otherwise. Meanwhile, there's some other guy out there that's just playing the proud papa when my son was born, got to sign the birth certificate. Hell, he got to name my son after his own father. And I will be damned if I am gonna let Chelsea and some stranger play house with my son.
Chloe: Chelsea, you're not gonna lose your son. No one's gonna take him from you.
Chelsea: Adam will. He'll use the information about Connor's eye disorder as grounds for a DNA test... and then custody, and then I'll never probably see my son again.
Chloe: Chelsea, Adam is a convicted felon. He's been to prison. He has done horrible things to people. There is no way a judge is going to give Adam Newman custody of a newborn child. Take my advice. Let it go to court. You're the mother. Adam is a monster. He'll lose.
Leslie: Hey. Fancy meeting you here.
Tyler: [Chuckles] Yeah, fancy is right. You know, when Abby told me it was a small wedding in a park, I was actually debating on whether I should wear a tie or not.
Leslie: Oh, well, yeah, it's a good thing you did. It's always important to make a good impression when you're meeting the family for the first time.
Tyler: Wait. What? I already know most of Abby's family. I live with her nephew, all right? I work at her uncle's company. And I helped her brother do the P.R. For his club.
Leslie: Yeah, well, have you been formally introduced to her father? Victor Newman is not exactly a pushover.
Tyler: Yeah, well, I'm not trying to impress the man, so...
Leslie: Well, everybody else in the family seems to be, including Abby. Seems like things are getting pretty serious between you two.
Tyler: All right, enough. Why is everybody so anxious to push me and Abby down the aisle? Neither one of us are even thinking about marriage.
Leslie: Who said anything about getting married?
Tyler: [Sighs]
Abby: I am all about being fashionably late, but the minister's booked after this. We got to get this show on the road. Where's your dad?
Noah: Uh, he and my mom are dealing with faith. When I left, she was having a full-on freak-out.
Abby: Oh, doesn't she like her dress?
Noah: She doesn't like my dad's choice of wife.
Abby: Uh-oh. Yeah, and I am sure Sharon was a big help with that.
Nick: Actually, she was. She was trying to convince faith to come to the wedding. With any luck, she'll be here throwing rose petals.
Abby: Oh.
Noah: Uh, well, she's got some time. Avery isn't here yet. Can't start without the bride, so...
Nick: I thought I was cutting it close. I wonder what's keeping her.
Abby: I don't know. Nails, hair, makeup, putting her dress on, changing her mind about the shoes. It is a process, not an event.
Nick: Good point, Abby. And Avery's not the most organized person I know.
Abby: Well, I'm gonna go see if I can charm my way into getting the minister to push back his next appointment.
Noah: Good idea.
Nick: Thank you. Wow, this is not at all how I envisioned this day. I mean, what else can go wrong?
Noah: It's not that bad.
Nick: Name me one thing that's gone right.
Noah: That.
Nick: You came.
Summer: Yeah. For Avery.
Nick: Yeah. Of course. Summer, you look beautiful. We can't have a wedding without a maid of honor, right? Did you ride with Avery?
Summer: Uh, no. She was still getting ready, but she should be here any minute.
Faith: [Crying] Mommy, please don't make me be in that wedding. [Cries]
Sharon: What if I go there with you, and I'll stay where you can see me?
Faith: The whole time? Promise?
Sharon: Promise. And as soon as you're ready to leave, then we'll go.
Faith: Okay.
Sharon: Get your dress on.
Faith: [Sighs]
Cassie: Nicely done. You just gave yourself a reason to be at the park and stop the ceremony.
Sharon: I did, didn't I?
Chelsea: Okay.
[Connor coughs]
Chelsea: [Sighs] You make it sound so easy.
Chloe: What's complicated? You find a good lawyer and you figure out what you want.
Chelsea: It's gonna take a lot more than just a good lawyer to help me keep Connor, Chloe. You know how vindictive Adam can be. I'm sure he'll tell the judge all about my sketchy past, how I conned Billy, how I gave up my first child. It won't be hard to make me look like an unfit mother. Not to mention his unlimited bank account. He can fight longer and dirtier than I can. If we go to court, I'm gonna lose. Adam will make sure of it.
Chloe: Well, there is another option.
Chelsea: What?
Chloe: You take the baby and you disappear.
Jack: Adam, I know it's hard to be patient, particularly when you're dealing with your child.
Adam: Look, why should I --
Jack: Listen. Just hear me out. I would like nothing better than to scoop summer up and move her in here and make up for lost time. But if I listen to what others are telling me, I got to take it slow. That's what summer needs. That's all I'm suggesting you do.
Adam: Well, in my case, jack, it makes no sense.
Jack: It does make sense, because you're allowing emotion to run the show. Adam, you just found out there's a possibility that this child is yours. Take a deep breath! Think this through! It's a volatile situation. Set your anger aside before you deal with Chelsea. You don't want to do or say anything that's gonna inflame the situation. The stakes are too high.
Victor: So, as I said, things are about to change dramatically at Newman, okay? When that happens, I want you by my side, where you should have been all along.
Victoria: Are you willing to trust me now?
Victor: Yes. [Smooches]
Victoria: Even with your plan to bring down Adam?
Nikki: Well, the musicians are in place, and the minister's ready.
Nick: And my beautiful bride is on her way.
Avery: [Sighs] [Sighs] [Exhales deeply] All right. This is it. You are about to marry the man you love, who happens to be really terrific. You're getting married. [Sighs] So don't keep him waiting. [Sighs] [Sighs]
Next on "the young and the restless"...
Adam: I want to hear you say it -- that that baby is mine.
Dylan: Is today your wedding day?
Sharon: I don't see the bride anywhere.
Nikki: She'll be here, and the wedding will be glorious.
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