Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/10/13

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/10/13


Episode # 10240 ~ Sharon is determined to stop Avery and Nick's wedding; Chelsea has to come clean with Dylan.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Lily: Wonder where Cane is. He should have been here by now, and he hasn't responded to any of my texts.

Devon: Well, he's probably busy with Hilary.

Lily: Well, of course he's busy with Hilary. That was part of the plan. Just didn't think that it would take him this long to get her to come on to him.

Devon: You know, I can't believe that you're even cool with this.

Lily: You thought the other day that it was a good idea to have Hilary show her true colors.

Devon: Yeah, I didn't think we were gonna use your husband as bait.

Lily: Well, he's the one that she likes. Who else would I use?

Devon: I don't know. But having your man go after a woman who's hot for him -- if you ask me, you're asking for trouble.

Lily: Okay, you know what? I trust Cane, okay? I'm -- I'm just gonna text him again.

[Cell phone vibrates]

Cane: Don't.

Nick: [Laughs] Can I help you?

Sharon: I'm looking for Nicholas Newman.

Nick: Wrong house. Sorry. You're gonna have to haul that right back to the warehouse.

Sharon: Will you stop joking and help me with this? [Laughing] It's heavy.

Nick: Sure. This is heavy. What is this?

Sharon: It's your wedding gift. I wanted to deliver it to you and Avery personally.

[Pounding on door]

Avery: Okay, okay. Adam, what are you doing here? I was just on my way to see Nick.

Adam: He can wait.

Avery: What?

Adam: I want you to sue Chelsea for custody of my son.

Chelsea: Two more bottles of milk in the fridge.

Dylan: I'll take the 2:00 A.M. feeding tonight.

Chelsea: That'd be great.

Dylan: Yeah, you never answered me before. What -- what was Adam doing here?

[Connor cries]

Dylan: Oh, Buddy, don't cr-- oh, it's okay. Come here. Your daddy's got you. Yeah, he does. He's got you. Oh, there. Yeah. There you go. What's -- what's wrong?

[Connor fusses]

Dylan: Oh, it's okay.

Chelsea: Nothing.

Dylan: It's Adam. He had no right coming here, upsetting both of you.

Chelsea: No, I-I'm just overly emotional right now. [Sniffles] And I think he's ready for a feeding, so...

Dylan: He came straight here after he saw me at Boulevard. He knew you were alone.

Chelsea: Honestly, Dylan, it's not a big deal.

Dylan: No, I'm not gonna let him keep harassing you, Chelsea.

Chelsea: He's not. He was here about Connor.

[Connor cries]

Devon: Have you heard back from Cane?

Lily: No, but that means nothing.

Devon: It means he's doing something other than returning your texts.

Lily: Okay, if Cane were a typical guy, I never would have suggested that he pretend to be into a lying home wrecker.

Devon: She's a really attractive lying home wrecker.

Lily: Spoken like a typical guy.

Devon: I'm just saying, I have eyes, and so does Cane.

Lily: Yeah, and you know what? His are fixed on me, so...

Devon: If you say so.

Lily: Okay, Devon, I am positive that my husband has everything under control.

Cane: We shouldn't be doing this, okay?

Hilary: Yeah. You're right. I am so sorry.

Cane: No, no, no. I'm the one -- I'm the one who should be sorry. Trust me. I feel like I've taken advantage of you. It's just, you know, Lily and I had a fight, and it's just -- we just...between my stresses at work and Katherine's death, its ju...

Hilary: Yeah. I understand.

Cane: You can't say you understand, 'cause if you understand, that makes me feel bad now. I feel like I've taken advantage of your generosity.

Hilary: Cane, you've been through so much lately, okay? You made a mistake. We both did. Let's just forget it.

Cane: That doesn't fix things with Lily.

Hilary: You had a fight. Lots of couples fight. You'll work it out. You'll be fine.

Cane: Uh, I don't think we can work this one out. This, uh... [Sighing] I don't know.

Hilary: Go home and talk to her, okay?

Cane: And what good is that going to do?

Hilary: Well, what are you gonna do?

Cane: I'm gonna get a room at the club tonight.

Hilary: Cane, are you sure you want to do that?

Cane: There's nothing else I can do. Listen, um, I'm gonna go. [Sighs] You've been a very good friend to me, and I hope I haven't taken advantage of that.

Hilary: You haven't, okay? I promise.

Cane: Okay.

[Cell phone chimes]

Devon: It's the GC Buzz.

Lily: Yeah, mine, too.

Devon: Can't be good. What the hell?

Hilary: Oh, my God. Cane --

Cane: The blogger was here.

Lily: They're at Crimson Lights. This -- this just happened.

Devon: I mean, this is what you wanted, right?

Lily: Well, I didn't realize it would happen so fast and be so intense.

[Connor fusses]

Dylan: What do you mean, Adam was here because of Connor?

Chelsea: He overheard you talking to Billy about his vision problem. Adam was -- was upset.

Dylan: Yeah, it was, uh, real obvious how bad he felt for all of us.

Chelsea: He does. He feels terrible.

Dylan: I could tell by the blind comment he made.

Chelsea: Adam just -- he has a hard time expressing emotion.

Dylan: Whatever, Chelsea. I'm just -- I'm just tired of him.

Chelsea: I don't think he might anything by it. I think, um...I think he was just shocked to hear the news.

Dylan: Why -- why are you making excuses for him?

Chelsea: Oh, I'm not. I'm not. I just think that he was devastated at the thought of Connor losing his eyesight.

Dylan: Why would what's happening to our son have such an effect on him?

Chelsea: Um...because... Adam had the same disease.

Adam: I want you to draw up custody papers tonight.

Avery: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I know the Newmans are used to getting their own way, but you cannot just lay claim to Dylan's son!

Adam: What does that have to do with anything? This has nothing to do with the fact that I'm a Newman!

Avery: I know this is hard for you, okay, seeing Chelsea and Dylan together, watching them have the baby that you thought the two of you would have. But you can't -- filing a lawsuit based on a lie --

Adam: I'm not the one who's lying here! That's the thing! This is my son!

Avery: I know how much you want that to be true.

Adam: It's not that I want it to be true! It is true! That is what I'm saying!

Avery: Okay, how do you know this, Adam?

Adam: I found out he has a degenerative eye disorder. I had retinitis pigmentosa that I inherited from my mother, who went blind from the disease.

Avery: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. That sweet baby. All right, wait. All right, this is not definitive proof that that's your son.

Adam: And that is why the very first thing that you're gonna do is demand a paternity test.

Hilary: Did you see anyone?

Cane: No.

Hilary: Well, you don't think whoever took that picture was gonna stick around.

Cane: I think whoever took that picture was sick enough to want to see our reactions. That's what I think.

Hilary: Well, even if they got a glimpse of us, they weren't disappointed. I can't believe that picture's already online.

Cane: How's Lily gonna feel?

Hilary: Lily. God, Cane, this is just gonna make things worse between you two.

Cane: I don't think things can get worse between the two of us, though.

Hilary: [Sighs] Lily already thinks that there's something going on between us.

Cane: Well, how can I say there's not?

Hilary: What are you gonna say to her?

Cane: I'm gonna tell her the truth.

Lily: Something is not right.

Devon: Yeah, you think?

Lily: No. No, no, no. I don't mean the kiss. I mean the timing.

Devon: Are you surprised that Hilary moved so fast or that Cane did?

Lily: How does she know when the blogger's gonna take Cane's picture?

Devon: All she has to do is stick close to him, and then sooner or later, it seems like it happens.

Lily: No. No, no, no, no. She is not the kind of person to leave anything to chance.

Devon: Well, what do you think? She's having someone tail her and Cane?

Lily: I don't know. I wouldn't put anything past her.

Devon: All this is so messed up. I mean, Dad thinks that this Ann Turner woman is posting garbage online about our family to get back at him for her mom's death, and now Hilary, she's doing what? She's using that to break up you and Cane?

Lily: I don't know. This is just crazy. It's just twisted.

Devon: I feel like we don't have the whole story, though. Like, there's a piece of the puzzle missing, but what is that?

Nick: Nope. Not in there.

Sharon: What?

Nick: The kitchen sink.

Sharon: [Laughs] Oh, no. Did I -- did I go too far?

Nick: Little bit.

Sharon: [Laughs]

Nick: A little bit. I mean, a toaster would have been fine, you know.

Sharon: Well, but that would be boring. And this is fun! I just -- I couldn't decide what to get you guys, so I think I just got you everything. And I tried to come up with as many date-night options as I could for the two of you.

Nick: This is very thoughtful of you, all of it.

Sharon: Well, I know how much you liked dates when we were married, you know -- horseback riding and picnics, Paris for dinner on the Newman jet.

Nick: We had a lot of good times.

Sharon: Right. I want you and Avery to make new memories.

Nick: Well, I mean, this... private tour of the Art Institute of Chicago and then dinner for two at Spiaggia? I mean, that's a heck of a start.

Sharon: See, I knew you would like that one.

Nick: I'm not so sure about this night at Skateland, though.

Sharon: What? Why?

Nick: No, Avery is just not the most coordinated human being I've ever met.

Sharon: Well, you could always watch a horror movie or go to a Packers game.

Nick: Yeah, there's a lot of cool things in here that we'll enjoy. Thank you.

Sharon: Well, I hope you do. Okay, well, I should go. Where's my purse?

Nick: Oh, I think it's over here. Oh, this is --

Sharon: Oh, uh, Nick, I-I meant -- I meant to throw that away.

Nick: Wait, did... did Faith draw this?

Avery: Okay, start at the beginning. How did you find out Connor had a problem with his eyes?

Adam: I heard Dylan talking to Billy.

Avery: About Connor having the same disease that you had, retinitis pigmentosa?

Adam: No, I didn't hear him say those words. When I heard degenerative eye disorder, I took off and I went straight to Chelsea.

Avery: And what did she say?

Adam: The same thing she's been saying to me for the last several months, that the baby is not my son.

Avery: Did she say, "Connor has retinitis pigmentosa"?

Adam: She's awaiting a diagnosis, but I'm telling you, Avery, I looked in her eyes, and I could see a confession of guilt.

Avery: We need more than that, Adam.

Adam: You think this is just a coincidence?

Avery: It doesn't matter what I think. It matters what a judge thinks. And even if Connor has the same diagnosis as you, a judge may see that still as a coincidence.

Adam: It is a genetically linked disease, Avery. It's in my family.

Avery: Maybe it's in Dylan's family, too.

Adam: Okay, well, you've known him for a very long time. Did it ever happen to come up in conversation?

Avery: No, it hasn't, but that is still not enough to demand a paternity test.

Adam: Chelsea has been insisting that this baby is premature. I saw the baby. There is no way that this boy was as early as she claims he was. And I want to tell you something, Avery. She and I were together eight months ago.

Avery: Okay, okay. This can't be true. I can't believe that Chelsea would do this to you and to Dylan.

Adam: Believe it. Help me get my son.

Avery: Does Dylan know about this?

Adam: When I left, he was there with Chelsea. If he doesn't know now, he's gonna know soon enough.

Avery: So that means she's probably telling him right now.

Dylan: Connor and...Adam have the same problem with their eyes?

Chelsea: Adam had retinitis pigmentosa.

Dylan: Yeah, but his vision's fine.

Chelsea: Now it is, but there was awhile there that he was nearly blind. He underwent a procedure to restore his eyesight, which is actually great news for Connor. It means that there's hope --

Dylan: What are the odds that your ex... and our son have the same genetic disorder?

Chelsea: I-I think you'd have to ask a doctor.

Dylan: It's probably a million to one. Is that why Adam was here? He was thinking the same thing?

Chelsea: He had some questions.

Dylan: How'd you answer them?

Chelsea: I told him it's a coincidence, that Connor is ours -- yours and mine.

Dylan: Because that's the truth, right? And this is just one of those weird things that happen, no -- no rhyme or reason? Of course it is. [Voice breaking] That's my son sleeping in the cradle that I made. Terrence Connor McAvoy, after my pop. You would never let me name him after my dad if he wasn't mine! Would you?

Chelsea: Dylan --

Dylan: Chelsea, just tell me he's my son!

Chelsea: [Voice breaking] I can't. He's Adam's son.

Dylan: [Sighs shakily]

Nick: I knew Faith wouldn't get over these feelings overnight, but I was kind of hoping we were making some progress. Obviously we are not.

Sharon: Well, I've tried talking to her. I told her that you and I will always love her and that we'll always be a family even though we're not living together. But nothing seems to help.

Nick: There's got to be something we can do.

Sharon: Unfortunately, the only thing our daughter wants to hear right now is that you're not marrying Avery.

Avery: Adam, you're upset.

Adam: You think? Pregnancy, sonograms, childbirth, naming the baby. Are you gonna help me or not?

Avery: I'm trying to.

Adam: No, no. I don't want your advice. I want legal representation, someone who's gonna help me fight for custody of my son!

Avery: If Connor is your son --

Adam: No, no, no. No more ifs, okay? It's not "If" he's my son! He's my son!

Avery: Then a few days aren't gonna make a difference. Hold off on a DNA test and a paternity --

Adam: I don't understand why I would need to wait.

Avery: Because you're angry. And when you act out in anger, people are gonna get hurt.

Adam: Well, Chelsea deserves to be hurt. There's always that.

Avery: What about Connor? You have to think about what's best for this little, innocent baby.

Adam: Don't you mean Dylan? 'Cause that's the one you're most concerned about.

Avery: I'm concerned about all of you.

Adam: But you're only in love with one of us.

Avery: I'm not in love with Dylan.

Adam: When you love someone the way that you did, it's very hard to let go of those feelings. Your words.

Avery: But not impossible.

Adam: Look, it's obvious to me, even to a cold-hearted guy like me, that you still have feelings for the guy.

Avery: I care about Dylan. I don't want to see him hurt.

Adam: So take the case. If you help me, you will help Dylan.

Avery: How does your getting custody of Chelsea's baby help Dylan?

Adam: Because the sooner that he realizes that he is not tied down to Chelsea, the sooner he's free to fly away and live his own life.

Dylan: This can't be true.

Chelsea: Dylan, I can explain.

Dylan: Just -- just -- just tell me it's not true.

Chelsea: I wish I could.

Dylan: Did you -- did you just realize it when you found out he had the eye problem? Or have you known all along?

Chelsea: Yeah. I-I knew from the beginning.

Dylan: How? How -- how could you do it? Why?

Chelsea: I swear -- I swear I never meant to hurt you. It was that day -- it was that day in Crimson Lights we were talking and Adam came in and he confronted me about being pregnant. He was so angry, and I got so scared, and when he just assumed that you were the baby's father --

Dylan: You let him think it was true. You let us both believe it.

Chelsea: I was -- I was terrified. If Adam knew that it was his, he would use his name and his influence --

Dylan: So, what? You used me?

Chelsea: No! No -- well, I-I mean, I guess in the beginning maybe I did, and then I -- and then I got to know you and I saw what an incredible man you are and -- and the huge heart that you have, and I fell so deeply -- deeply in love with you. And then I realized -- then I realized that -- that it was the right thing to do, that I was doing the right thing for me and for our son.

Dylan: Our -- our son?

Chelsea: Yes. Yes, he's still our son. He's still your son. Please, Dylan. [Sniffles] Nothing's changed.

Dylan: No, don't say nothing's changed. Everything's changed!

Chelsea: Wait, wait, Dylan, please. I-I know you must hate me.

Dylan: No, I love you. And I love that little boy. Chelsea, I gave you everything that I had.

Chelsea: I know.

Dylan: No, you don't know! No! You have no idea what it took for me to trust you, to open up about Avery and the baby we lost, to confide in you about Afghanistan! I never told anybody what really happened to Sully and Ara before!

Chelsea: I'm so honored that you chose me.

Dylan: You weren't just a sounding board, Chelsea! You and Connor... meant everything to me. I bought the coffeehouse. I bought this place because I wanted to build a life with you, something honest and good like my folks had.

Chelsea: We still can do that, Dylan.

Dylan: It was based on a lie. All you cared about was -- was keeping the truth from Adam!

Chelsea: That is not true. That is not the only reason that I lied. I saw how much this baby meant to you, even before he was born. Every day -- every day you fell more and more in love with him and the idea of being a dad. And I could see that bringing a life into the world was healing for you because of all the loss you've had. I-I couldn't take that away from you, Dylan.

Dylan: So, you say you did this for me?

Chelsea: I did it for the three of us. I made myself believe that you were Connor's father because I so desperately wanted it to be true. I wanted us to be a family. Please tell me we still can be.

Avery: You think I'd take your case because it might break up Dylan's marriage?

Adam: Call it a bonus.

Avery: You make it very hard to be your friend, Adam.

Adam: I don't need a friend right now. I need a lawyer.

Avery: How about some free legal advice?

Adam: Are you my lawyer or not?

Avery: Take some time to think about this. I have a wedding to plan --

Adam: You know what? Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, all right? I'm sorry that I won't be able to attend. I'm gonna be far too busy, Avery, fighting for custody of my son.

[Door closes]

Avery: Dylan, it's me. I need you to call me as soon as you get this message.

Sharon: Faith really loves you.

Nick: [Sighs] I know. I just -- I hate that she's feeling this way.

Sharon: She just wants what every kid wants -- her mommy and daddy to be together.

Nick: What else can I do to make her understand that that is not gonna happen?

Sharon: I don't think there's anything either of us can do to make her feel better about you marrying Avery.

Nick: [Sighs] I'm just worried about what's gonna happen to her if she doesn't learn to accept that this is the way things are gonna be.

Sharon: I'll talk to her again.

Nick: What are you gonna do? Bribe her?

Sharon: [Chuckles] No. She's too smart for that. Um... I'll just tell her the truth, that even though things are tough right now, everything's gonna work out fine.

Nick: You really believe that?

Sharon: Yeah. I do.

Nick: Thanks.

Sharon: Nick, you're gonna get your happily ever after.

[Door closes]

Cane: Hey. Sorry, it took longer with Hilary than I expected.

Devon: We saw.

Cane: [Sighs]

Lily: Thank you for waiting with me.

Devon: No problem. If you need me, give me a call.

Lily: I will.

Devon: See you, Cane.

Cane: See you.

Lily: So, let me ask you a question. Uh, when did this become a part of the plan?

Hilary: You are amazing. [Sighs]

Mason: You finally noticed.

Hilary: That picture you got of Cane and me kissing -- oh! You should forget about modeling and take up a career behind the camera.

Mason: Paparazzi's not really my thing.

Hilary: Well, you are damn good at it. And I don't know how you got that picture online so fast, but I love you.

Mason: Mm.

Hilary: Mm.

Mason: If I knew that was all it took...

Hilary: Oh, our hard work is finally paying off. Lily is convinced that something is going on between Cane and me. And it is causing serious problems between them. Once she sees that picture of Cane and me kissing --

Mason: Boom! One marriage blown to bits.

Hilary: I wish I could be there to see it.

Cane: I told Hilary we had a fight so she would open up to me. I told her how bad things are at Chancellor and I'm finding it hard to deal with Katherine's death.

Lily: Right, and she probably told you that you need a more supportive partner.

Cane: Actually, I told her that.

Lily: Oh, thanks, Cane. Thank you.

Cane: I had to make her think things were bad between us, all right? I had to make her try and comfort me.

Lily: Well, you definitely -- you did a great -- a great job.

Cane: Well, until she kissed me, which I was as surprised by as you are, I-I thought you were wrong about her.

Lily: Well, can I finally tell you "I told you so"?

Cane: You don't have to tell me you told me so, 'cause I believe you 100% that she wants something more than just a working relationship now, okay?

Lily: Yeah, Cane, a woman knows when another woman is after her man.

Cane: Okay, and now we know. I'm gonna fire her first thing in the morning.

Lily: No, no, no, no, no, no. You can't fire her.

Devon: Yeah, Murphy, of course I will be at the reading of Katherine's will. It's tomorrow, yeah? Thanks. Got it in my calendar. All right. I'll see you then. Hey, Noah. How long you been here, man?

Noah: Hey, what's going on? About 10, 15 minutes or so.

Devon: Yeah? You weren't, uh, you weren't taking pictures of my brother-in-law kissing his assistant, were you?

Noah: What the hell are you talking about?

Devon: Nothing. Nothing at all, actually. Forget I even said anything. It's family drama.

Noah: Come on, Devon. What do you know about family drama? Your last name isn't Newman.

Devon: Ohh.

Noah: Or is it? I-I don't know who is a Newman or who isn't anymore. It's just --

Devon: You really want to get into a family drama competition with me, Noah?

Noah: Probably not.

Devon: I didn't think so.

Noah: [Chuckles] How you been?

Devon: I'm all right. How are you doing? I never see you around anymore.

Noah: Yeah, I thought that now that I'm at Jabot, I'd see you all the time, but I'm usually, you know, uh, setting up equipment or moving equipment or cleaning equipment.

Devon: Oh, no way. You're getting sick of the, uh, photographer's assistant gig already?

Noah: Oh, no, no. I mean, I know that everybody has to pay their dues. I just -- you know, I'm not really sure that this is something that I want to pursue as a profession.

Devon: Yeah. Well, I've seen your stuff. It's good. You have a good eye.

Noah: Thank you. I mean, that's what everybody says. I, uh, I still don't know what that means, you know, a good eye. I'm just at the right place at the right time. I'm not always sure that it's something I can base a career on.

Devon: Is that what you're looking for? A career?

Noah: I'm looking for something, Devon. You know, remember when it used to be music for us?

Devon: How could I forget? I always get that melody of ours stuck in my head all the time, and I always tell myself I need to record it, and I never do.

Noah: And that doesn't bother you?

Devon: Hey, you know, too busy to let it bother me.

Noah: So that's the trick, huh? Find a job to keep me too busy to worry about anything else?

Devon: It works for me. In fact, taking my job helped me avoid some family drama.

Noah: Hmm.

Sharon: I think Nick liked my gift.

Cassie: What about Faith's?

Sharon: Mm, not so much.

Cassie: Success all around, then.

Sharon: [Sighs] Do you think it was wrong to show Nick Faith's drawing?

Cassie: You didn't ask her to draw it.

Sharon: I would never do that.

Cassie: You were just trying to show Dad how she feels about him marrying Avery.

Sharon: It definitely made an impression on him.

Cassie: Enough of one to get him to call off the wedding?

Avery: I doubt it, Sharon.

[Footsteps approach]

Nick: Hey.

Avery: I see Sharon was here.

Nick: Yep. She really wanted to drop off our wedding gift.

Avery: Was this part of it?

Nick: That was in her purse. I-I should have thrown that away.

Avery: No, it's... not seeing it isn't gonna change the way your daughter feels about me. I'm assuming Faith drew this and not Sharon.

Nick: Avery, she's just acting out. That's all.

Avery: Nick... [Chuckles] ...Faith really hates me. You know what? It's fine. It's fine. It's just -- it's the perfect end to this day, so...

Nick: Why? What else happened?

Avery: [Sighs] Adam stopped by my apartment.

Nick: What did he want?

Avery: He wants to sue Chelsea for custody of her son.

Nick: Dylan's kid?

Avery: Well, apparently Adam doesn't think that Dylan is the biological father.

Nick: Ooh. What?

Avery: Yeah, um... the little baby has an eye disorder, and Adam has guessed that it's retinitis pigmentosa.

Nick: Oh, God. That's what he and Hope had.

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Nick: What a mess. I mean, I can understand why Chelsea would want to keep Adam away from her kid, but --

Avery: Well, that doesn't excuse using Dylan like this.

Nick: Have you talked to him?

Avery: No, I haven't. I'm sure he's devastated. I know what this baby meant to him.

Nick: That's rough when you find out a child you loved isn't yours.

Avery: God, what was Chelsea thinking? She had to know the heartbreak that this was gonna cause everybody involved.

Nick: You know, sometimes when your kids are involved, you don't think.

Avery: [Sighs] Adam asked me to represent him.

Nick: You told him no, right?

Avery: Yes. Yes. I told him no. The thought of getting in the middle of that... [Sighs]

Nick: No, you don't want that.

Avery: Mnh-mnh.

Nick: Plus we have our wedding coming up.

Avery: We have our wedding. [Sighs] Nick, there's so much to do, and now gifts are coming and everything feels rushed and... [Sighs] Faith. Maybe she's right.

Nick: About what?

Avery: I don't know. About me and the wedding and everything.

Nick: This isn't about Faith. It's about Dylan.

Dylan: You can't expect me to pretend nothing's changed.

Chelsea: What we feel hasn't changed.

Dylan: You just blew my whole world apart! I don't even know what I'm feeling right now!

Chelsea: Look at him. Look at him. Look at this sweet, little boy. You still love him, Dylan. You know that you do.

Dylan: Doesn't make me his father.

Chelsea: Not by blood. But you still have that connection. He is still the same sweet, little boy that you promised to take care of and promised to protect from the bad guys.

Dylan: Bad guys? You mean like his dad?

Chelsea: Adam is -- is threatening to take him from me. He's gonna do it unless we fight him -- together. Please, Dylan. Tell me you won't abandon us.

Cane: Sweetheart, I thought that the whole point of this was to get Hilary out of our lives.

Lily: I wanted to prove that she wasn't what she appeared to be.

Cane: Okay, now that we know that, why can't I just go to work and fire her?

Lily: Because I think there's more to this than we first thought.

Cane: Like what?

Lily: Well, Dad believes that Ann Turner wants him to pay for her mother's death.

Cane: I know that. And that's why they've been harassing us with the blog posts. I know that.

Lily: Well, don't you find it odd that after the blog posts started, all of a sudden, Hilary showed up?

Cane: Okay.

Lily: Well, think about it. Not only did the blog posts start increasing after Hilary became your assistant, but it went from being pulled from my dad's journal to being about what's going on in our lives right now.

Cane: So, you think that...

Lily: Hilary is Ann Turner.

Mason: Do you know how close Cane came to seeing me outside of that coffeehouse?

Hilary: But he didn't.

Mason: Look, this is getting way more complicated than I thought it would.

[Glass thuds]

Hilary: Come on. You're not gonna back out on me now, are you? You know I can't do this without you.

Mason: You've been tormenting Neil for months. Why don't you just confront the dude, tell him that you know he's responsible for your mom's death?

Hilary: Because it's not enough for me to just throw it back in his face. My mom was all I had. When I lost her... I want Neil and his family to feel the pain that I did.

Noah: See, I think that, uh, taking a job at Newman would cause a lot of family drama.

Devon: But you have been thinking about it, though?

Noah: Yeah, it's come up a couple times. Um, I don't know. Do you like working in the corporate world?

Devon: I do. It takes some getting used to, like anything does. But, I mean, you know, I like it.

Noah: So, if money were no object, is that what you'd be doing?

Devon: That's not a fair question, 'cause money's always an object. You know that.

Noah: Mm-hmm. But if it wasn't, would you still be working at Jabot?

Devon: I mean, anything I wanted? Yeah, I'd probably find something else to occupy my time. But, Noah, you can't look at getting a desk job and putting on a suit and tie as selling out, 'cause some people were just born to do that. And you might be one of those people.

Sharon: Faith's drawing won't stop the wedding. But Avery is becoming very insecure.

Cassie: So it's working?

Sharon: I believe so. And now Avery has decided not to sleep with Nick until after the wedding.

Cassie: I wonder what that's all about.

Sharon: I just hope your father's wondering.

Cassie: The wedding is only days away. Are you sure there's time?

Sharon: There is no way that I am going to let this wedding happen.

Avery: Of course I'm worried about Dylan. You just went through a situation much like this. You know how devastating it is for everyone involved.

Nick: Yes, I do. And I feel sorry for Dylan. I like him. I do. But his problems shouldn't affect whether or not we go through with our wedding.

Avery: They're not -- Nick! What about Faith?

Nick: Are you looking for an excuse to postpone our wedding again or to put it off altogether?

Avery: No, I'm not! I just -- I'm having a very bad day, and... this did not help.

Nick: Look at me. Listen. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. And I'm even sorrier that you had to see that.

Avery: I'm sorry. I'm overreacting, and I just... had a bad day. That's all. And, um, Faith and I will work this out. I know it. And we have a wedding to plan. So, let's do that. Let's -- where's our list?

Nick: Come here. Come here. I love you.

Avery: I love you. And I can't wait to marry you. [Sighs]

[Connor crying]

Chelsea: I shouldn't have lied. I should have told you the truth from the very beginning. But we can still be a family. We can make this work. It's okay. It's okay. Come here. I got you. I got you. It's okay. Its okay, Honey. It's okay. No, no. He wants you.

[Connor fusses]

Dylan: I can't.

[Door opens]

Chelsea: Dylan. Please. [Voice breaking] Your son needs you.

[Connor fusses]

Dylan: He's not my son.

[Connor cries]

Dylan: [Sobs]

[Door closes]

Chelsea: [Sobbing] Its okay.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nikki: Listen to my story and please don't judge me. Try not to hate me too much.

David: "I, Katherine Shepherd Chancellor, do declare this to be my last will and testament."

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