Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/4/13
Episode # 10237 ~ Jill remembers her history with Katherine as Genoa City residents pay tribute to their friend.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Jill: Forgive me. Forgive me. That was the one thing I didn't want to do. I didn't want to break down in front of all of you. Katherine only wanted us to be happy today. That's the one thing she wanted. She didn't want all this crying and carrying on. She wanted us to think of her with joy.
Cane: Katherine wouldn't mind.
Jill: No. I mind. I mind. I mind. I mind. Thank you, Baby. [Smooches] Okay. Okay.
Cane: [Sighs]
Jill: All right, Old Woman, you got the best of me there, okay? But only for a moment. You are not -- I repeat, not -- making me crazy. You hear me? Not today. I met Katherine Chancellor when I was 18 years old, and I was washing hair and doing rich women's nails in a beauty salon. It helped put my brothers through school. It didn't leave too much left over for me. Back in those days, I was hungry. And if you haven't been there, you won't understand the kind of hungry I was. And strangely enough, the two of us hit it off really good right from the beginning. When she'd come in to the shop, I would always make sure that Mrs. Chancellor sat in my chair. She was a legend in Genoa City, even back then. She was rich and powerful and well connected and a horrible, horrible drunk. Eventually, she hired me to be her paid companion, and I got to tell you, the moment I stepped into that house... oh, my God. It just changed my life. I looked at that estate, and, dear God, it was like something out of a movie. I never knew that people lived that way. I'm sure up until the day she died, this woman thought that I went after her husband, Phillip. That was not the truth. Back in those days, she was married to the bottle, and her poor husband was desperately lonely, and little by little, we fell in love. And then I got pregnant with our son, and Phillip wanted to marry me. But first he had to convince Katherine to give him a divorce.
[Jill remembering]
Kay: Do you think I could bear to live here without you after all the years that we have spent here together? Do you? You give me your damn list? [Sniffles] I don't want it. Okay, there. There. [Sniffles] It's yours -- all yours. The house, the grounds, everything. What else do you want, Phillip? What else do you want? Oh, I know. I know. You want me out of your life. [Sniffles] Well, who needs you? If you want out so bloody much, you go ahead. You walk right out. Why should I care anymore, Phillip? I am tired of begging. I am tired of bleeding, Phillip.
[Back to present]
Jill: I thought that was the end of my relationship with Katherine, but little did I know it was just the beginning. Never in a million years would I have imagined the kind of impact that woman would have on me. She taught me so many things over the course of her lifetime, not the least of which was how to be very, very angry.
[Jill remembering]
Jill: You had been drinking steadily for hours before you picked him up. You picked him up at the airport, you insisted that you drive him home, and you drove him off a cliff. Those are the facts! Phillip was mortally injured, and you miraculously escaped almost unscathed. But what nobody knows -- what nobody knows -- is whether you drove off that cliff on purpose or not! But I know, Katherine, and you know, don't you?! 'Cause you'd rather have seen him dead than with me!
Kay: Spending a lifetime with you would have killed Phillip.
Jill: So you took care of it yourself!
[Back to present]
Jill: That was the woman that I knew back then. That was the woman that I never thought I could forgive. But you know something? Life goes on. You live a little bit, you learn a little bit, and it turns out that when two people love the same person, very often, it can bring them together. And eventually, Katherine did make her peace with me, and I made it with her. But, boy, it didn't happen overnight.
[Jill remembering]
Jill: You've hit me for the last time, Katherine.
Kay: Lies -- your head is filled with lies, Jill. Phillip didn't love you! He used you. He used you like a common whore!
Jill: You are pathetic!
Kay: [Gasps]
Jill: [Gasps] Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Ohh! Ugh! Your house is full of rats!
Kay: Takes one to know one!
[Back to present]
Jill: So, after a long and rocky road, Katherine came to tolerate me and love my son Phillip. And somehow, in our common love of the father and the son, we came to love one another.
Nikki: As mother and daughter, briefly.
Jill: Yes, the result of a bad DNA test -- but a beautiful six years that completely redefined our relationship.
Jack: Well, you didn't think it was so beautiful to begin with.
Jill: Right, Jack. I didn't, that's for sure.
[Jill remembering]
Jill: Well, well, well. Fancy meeting you here.
Kay: The pleasure is all yours, Jill.
Jill: [Laughs] It's wonderful to see you haven't lost your sparkling wit in your old age.
Kay: I wasn't trying to be funny.
Jill: You underestimate yourself, Katherine. Everything you do is a joke.
[Back to present]
Jill: But you know what? Eventually, I came to accept it, even to embrace it, and I learned to love that woman like a mother -- a mother I wanted to strangle a lot.
[Jill remembering]
Jill: I'll kill you! I will kill you! I will kill you! Oh, I hate you. Oh, no, you don't!
Kay: Aaaaaah!
[Back to present]
Jill: But remember when she was in danger, even when we thought she had perished? That really brought home to me what it would mean if I lost her.
Amber: Clear Springs, when they rescued us.
Kevin: You raced to Mrs. C's side. You couldn't get there fast enough.
[Jill remembering]
Jill: Oh, Mother. Are you all right?
Kay: Fine.
Jill: Yeah?
Kay: I love you.
Jill: Why did you say that -- to make me cry?
Kay: Whatever. [Chuckles] I just don't think I say it often enough. [Crying] I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you.
[Back to present]
Esther: Or the time we found her on the floor unconscious.
[Esther remembering]
Jill: Are you faking? Are you faking? 'Cause you knew I would come over here. You knew I'd find out about those poisonous lies that you've been telling John Abbott about my birth mother not being my birth mother. Wake up! Wake you, you little troublemaker!
[Back to present]
Gina: You two gave a new meaning to the term "Love-hate relationship."
Chloe: Remember when the two of you were locked up together in the bathroom?
Lauren: After the explosion at the Athletic Club.
Jill: Mm-hmm.
[Jill remembering]
Kay: Anybody hear me?! We're in here! We're in a freaking bathroom!
Jill: Yeah, we're in the bathroom, and we can't stand the sight of each other!
Kay: Just take us out of our misery, please!
[Knocking on door]
Jill: It's torture! It's cruel and unusual!
Kay: Yes, she certainly is! [Chuckles]
Jill: Please help me do something! Send in the marines!
Kay: Oh, for God's sake. It's not a game show, Jill. They're not gonna send in 50 bachelors. What's the matter with you?!
[Back to present]
Jill: I guess our lives were destined to be entwined. You know, I don't know what universal joke that was. I only know that it was true. And time after time, Katherine could rip my heart out, but nobody -- nobody -- could fill it up again like she could. And then that last night when she went up the stairs, she was really, really frail. But how could I know that would be the last time I would ever see her? If I had known, I would have talked to her about love and about forgiveness and about how much she meant to me. [Sighs deeply] But I didn't know. She knew, though. She didn't want to hear any of that sentimental garbage from me, so she left me with a simple...
[Jill remembering]
Kay: Good night.
[Back to present]
Jill: But, you know, somehow, I'm at peace now because she's always gonna be with me -- always gonna be with me right here. [Sighs] I'm gonna miss you, Katherine, more than you will ever know. We all will. None of our lives will ever, ever be the same without you.
Murphy: From Katherine. Katherine wants everyone here to participate in honoring her, and, again, she doesn't want tears, only good thoughts. But -- but most of all, she wants us to remember these moments where we all got together and shared with each other her life and her connection to us.
Christine: Are you gonna open it?
Todd: I'd like to read one of Katherine's favorite poems. You can follow if you wish. It's called "I'll live on." "Don't cry for me in sadness. Don't weep for me in sorrow, for I will be beside you, as sure as comes tomorrow. My body is gone, but my spirit lives on, as does my love for you. Just as in life, I'll watch over you. I'll always be true. My blood lives on in my children. How I've watched them grow up with pride. I'll live on within them, always by their side. I know my jokes weren't always funny and jobs weren't always done. Just try and always remember the good times, the days when we had fun."
Victoria: Thank you for being in our lives.
Todd: "Reach out if you need me, for I will always be near."
Nick: I'll always remember you.
Todd: "Just talk to me as if I'm there."
Avery: Rest in peace.
Todd: "I promise I'll hear, for I live on..."
Amber: [Crying] Save me a spot up there, will ya?
Todd: "...Within your mind. We'll never be apart..."
Kevin: You'll always be in my heart, Mrs. C.
Todd: "...As long as you keep my memory..."
Michael: You'll be missed.
Todd: "...Deep within your heart."
Lauren: Thanks for all the incredible memories.
Todd: "So lift up your hearts. Don't be sad. My spirit hasn't gone."
Brock: God bless you, Duchess.
Todd: "While you're still there, so am I."
Gina: You're in the arms of the angels now, Babe.
Todd: "I really will live on."
Danny: I'll still be calling on you for advice.
Nina: "Sadness is but a wall between two gardens."
Lily: I'm so proud to have known you.
Devon: I only wish we had more time.
Neil: My dear Katherine, every time I say the serenity prayer... I will think of you.
Cane: I'll never forget your smile and your kindness.
Esther: [Crying]
Jack: Remember, you owe Dad that toast.
Paul: You did live until you died. Way to go, sweet thing.
Christine: You've set an example for all of us.
Nikki: I'll always love you, Katherine.
Victor: I will always think about you and miss you terribly. God bless you.
Jill: Goodbye, my friend.
Chloe: Delia wrote this poem for Katherine. "Being free. Being free means I can try on all of your rings and you won't get mad."
Chloe: "Being free means drawing with chalk all over the driveway together. Being free means we can have ice cream, even after I've brushed my teeth."
Chloe: "Being free means I love you forever. By Cordelia Abbott."
Murphy: All right. There is one more surprise for all of you. Today is the dedication of Chancellor Park.
[All gasp]
Murphy: Katherine's place, for now and for always.
Jill: Oh, bravo. That's great. [Laughs]
[Scattered whistles]
Victor: Happy to refresh your drink, Ms. Newman.
Nikki: Oh, yes. Thank you, Darling.
Jack: Well, hello, everyone.
Victor: Hello, Jack.
Lauren: Nice to see you here.
Jack: You, too. Lovely day for Katherine, wasn't it?
Victor: It was a very lovely day indeed.
Nikki: Thank you for not starting anything.
Victor: [Chuckles]
Neil: Hey, Buddy.
Devon: Hey.
Neil: You've been very quiet since the end of the ceremony. You all right?
Devon: You know, I, um -- I didn't think that this would hit me as hard as it has.
Lily: I know. It's been a tough day for everyone.
Neil: It sure has. Katherine touched a lot of lives.
Devon: Yeah, I'm getting that.
Lily: Yeah. She was a special lady.
Neil: And very, very proud of you, son. She'd want your life to be as vivid and passionate as hers.
Devon: Hmm. From what I've heard today, that is asking a lot.
Avery: All right. So, how long are you gonna keep me in suspense?
Nick: Hmm. What are you talking about?
Avery: [Chuckles]
Nick: Oh, you mean my brilliant idea from earlier?
Avery: Yes, Newman.
Nick: Well, I'm thinking that, I mean, it's such a beautiful day. And I love this place. Don't you think it'd be the perfect spot for us to get married?
Avery: Wow. You know, I, um -- yeah. I can't believe I didn't think of that. This is so much better than the places we chose.
Nick: Well, yes and no. I mean, the car wash -- that was soap all over you, nothing on underneath.
Avery: Okay, Newman. That is terrible. What would Katherine say?
Nick: She would think it was hysterical.
Avery: Probably.
Nick: So, what do you say? Would you like to get married to me in Chancellor Park?
Avery: Yes. I would love to. [Chuckles]
Both: Hey.
Avery: Oh. Hi.
Victoria: Hi. What's got you two so...happy?
Nick: A little brainstorm I had.
Avery: Uh, Victoria, I think we have found the location for our wedding. Hello.
Victoria: Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah! Perfect! Perfect.
Nick: It's perfect.
Avery: [Chuckles]
Christine: Okay. [Chuckles] What's going on? What's that grin about?
Paul: I just read Katherine's letter.
Christine: You did? What did she say?
Todd: Bad timing?
Paul: No, not at all. In fact, you can help me with this.
Christine: With what? What are you up to?
Paul: Well, the timing with this might seem a bit strange, but today is about celebrating life, and Katherine's message to you in her letter was about learning to be more spontaneous, to live for the moment, to seize the day. Well, it's almost like she's up there nudging us to get on with this already.
Christine: Get on with it? You're not making any sense.
Paul: Look, Todd, would you do me the favor and read this letter to her?
Todd: Yeah. "Paul... what are you waiting for, you damn fool? Marry her now."
Christine: [Gasps]
Paul: Chris...
Christine: Oh. [Chuckles]
Paul: Chris, my sweet Chris... will you marry me?
Christine: [Chuckles]
Paul: Will you be my wife?
Christine: Well, I --
Todd: Say yes!
Christine: I would love to marry you. Yes. Yes.
Jill: Ooh! What did I miss? What just went on here?
Todd: Well, it appears that Katherine is matchmaking during her own memorial. Paul just proposed to Chris, and she has accepted.
Jill: Oh, my goodness! Whoa!
Danny: Wait. You guys are getting married?
Paul: Yeah.
Danny: Well... I think it's great. Yeah. I mean... you both are so good together, and I've moved on, so I wish you both all the happiness in the world.
Paul: Thanks, Danny.
Christine: Thanks.
Jill: I just think it's fabulous...
Christine: Thank you.
Jill: ...And just so in the spirit of the day. Congratulations, you two!
Paul: Thank you.
Christine: Thanks, Jill.
[Both laugh]
Jill: And what better way to end a day like this than with an actual coming together of two people in love? We should turn this celebration into a wedding.
Christine: You mean here, now?
Jill: Yes, I mean right now. I mean, look at that letter that Katherine left you -- "Seize the moment"?
Paul: Well, in mine, she definitely said, "Now."
Jill: Well, see, this is just too perfect. You've got to do it. You have to.
Christine: I wouldn't want to hijack Katherine's service.
Jill: You wouldn't be hijacking it. You would be contributing to it.
Todd: I couldn't agree more. And, uh, you know, the power vested in me.
Jill: Okay. Hey, everybody, Paul and Christine are getting married right here, right now.
[Cheers and applause]
Chloe: Are those for the bride?
Lauren: Yes. I thought Christine would love them.
Chloe: Oh, that's genius. Ooh, you know what?
Lauren: What?
Chloe: I have samples of ribbons and lace in my car.
Lauren: You do?
Chloe: Yes.
Lauren: Oh, please, lead the way.
Devon: Hey.
Amber: You know how to work the sound system, right?
Devon: I'm sure I can figure it out. Why?
Amber: Well, weddings need music, and I happen to have the perfect wedding playlist.
Devon: Okay.
Gina: Chris, I have a great idea. Would you like to borrow my bracelet?
Christine: What for?
Gina: Would you like to borrow my bracelet?
Christine: Absolutely. Thank you.
Gina: Good. Here.
Lily: Hi, there.
Christine: Hi.
Lily: Uh, I'm sure that you could use a pen to sign that marriage license.
Gina: Does the ink in that pen happen to be blue?
Lily: Actually, you know what? It is, and Cane just bought it on his way here this morning, so new and blue. Yep. There you go.
Victoria: Hi. So, anyway, I was thinking, in case you decide to cry any happy tears, um, I bought this a long time ago at Penningroth's.
Christine: The antique store.
Victoria: Yeah. My mom loves this place -- for something old, unless that base has already been covered.
Christine: No. No. I would love to carry it. This means so much to me. Thank you.
Lily: You're welcome. Congratulations!
Christine: Thank you.
Nick: Looks like someone beat us to the punch. You still want to marry me here?
Avery: Yes, I do.
Michael: That is excellent. That was the clerk of records. I should have an official Walworth County marriage license for you by the end of the day.
Paul: How many favors did you have to call in?
Michael: Only three. It was my lucky day.
Paul: Well, I owe you one.
Michael: Eh.
Paul: Actually, I'm gonna owe you two.
Michael: Anything you need. Name it.
Paul: Be my best man.
[Organ music playing]
Nina: Yeah?
[Scattered whistles]
[Scattered laughter]
[Music stops]
Todd: Ready?
[All murmuring]
Todd: We came here to celebrate the life of a woman that we all dearly loved, and, as I'm sure she would have it, that celebration continues as Christine and Paul join their lives together in the bond of holy matrimony. "Love is patient and kind. Love does not envy or boast. It is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way. It is not irritable or resentful. It does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things. Love never ends." I realize this is a bit impromptu, not to mention somewhat informal, but if either of you have something to say to one another in your own words...
Paul: Well, I'll -- I'll -- I'll wing it if you will.
Christine: Go for it.
Paul: We are very lucky, you and I, that we have a second chance to prove that we are indeed soul mates.
Christine: Is that what you think we are? Soul mates?
Paul: I believe so.
Christine: I believe that, too. I believe in you. I believe in us with all my heart. And for the record, I'm gonna get it right this time.
Paul: Me, too.
Todd: I don't suppose you have rings?
Paul: It's on my to-do list.
Todd: All right, then. If you'll repeat after me...
Paul: It's all right, Big Brother. I got it from here. I, Paul, take you, Chris, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.
Christine: And I, Christine, take you, Paul, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.
Todd: Well, since Paul and Christine have consented together in marriage and witnessed the same before this company and given and pledged their faith to one another, by the power vested in me, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. Those who God have joined together let no man put asunder. Go ahead. Kiss your bride.
[Cheers and applause]
Brock: Oh, congratulations, Paul. Wish you all the best.
Paul: Thanks, Brock. Appreciate it.
Jill: Oh, I know that Katherine would be as happy for you as I am, Cricket.
Christine: Thank you so much.
Jill: Cricket!
Christine: Thank you.
Jill: Congratulations.
Paul: Thank you. Thanks, Jill.
Jill: Oh, you're welcome. You look so beautiful, too.
Paul: So, I've been meaning to ask you... can you stay, or do you have to leave right away? I'd like to spend some time together.
Todd: Paul, I wish I could, but I got to get back to Michigan.
Paul: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I, uh -- I miss our time together.
Todd: So do I. Well, it was an honor to marry you and Christine, and I'm sure that Katherine would see this as a magnificent capper to a day of festivities, hmm? She would... she would love all of this. I love you, Brother.
Paul: I love you, too. Thanks, man.
Todd: Yeah. I want you to have this.
Paul: [Chuckles] Oh, wow.
Christine: Good.
Lauren: So, what do you feel like doing? Do you want to go get some lunch or go back to the house?
Jill: Would you understand if I told you that I'm feeling really close to Katherine right now and I don't want to leave here?
Lauren: I totally understand. You know, this has been just an amazing celebration. You really did Kay proud.
Jill: Oh, thank you. Thank you.
Lauren: Okay, Sis. Love you.
Jill: See you later. Love you, too. Quite a morning, huh?
Nikki: It was absolutely exquisite -- much more beautiful than I expected.
Jill: Yeah, I know what you mean.
Nikki: So... what are you gonna do now?
Jill: You know, Nikki [Clears throat] My dear friend Katherine didn't just leave me a letter. She left me a damn epic quest. I cannot figure out what I'm supposed to do or find.
Nikki: [Chuckles] She left a quest for me, too, and I know exactly what I'm supposed to find. I just...don't know if I'm ready to face it.
Both: I wish she were here.
[Both laugh]
Jill: Mm, Katherine.
Kevin: Yeah, the whole day was perfect.
Chloe: It was.
Delia: Kevin!
Kevin: [Gasps] Monkey! Hi! Oh, I'm so happy to see you. So, listen to this -- your mom read the poem that you wrote about Katherine, and it was so great. Everybody loved it so much.
Chloe: Did you have fun swimming with Mandy?
Delia: Yeah.
Chloe: Why don't you sound enthusiastic? Mandy's your favorite babysitter.
Delia: I miss you.
Kevin: I miss you, too. I miss you a lot. Come here.
Cane: Hey, Murph, how you doing? You okay? You okay?
Murphy: Oh, I know that Katherine was touched by all the love that was shown to her today, and... I was, too.
Cane: Good.
Devon: Murphy, what happens now? Did Katherine have anything else planned?
Murphy: She did. The reading of her will.
Nick: Thank you for coming with me to Katherine's service. I realize you didn't know her too well.
Avery: It was very moving, seeing how much everyone loved her. And we found the spot where we're gonna get married.
Nick: How 'bout that?
Avery: It really is perfect, and I can't believe we are getting married in less than a week.
Nick: So, you are not getting cold feet?
Avery: Are you kidding? I can't wait.
Billy: You know, what I can't really get over is how civil your father was, both to me and to Jack. You know, I was like, "Who are you, and what did you do to Victor Newman?"
Victoria: Yeah, well, don't get used to it. You know, Dad was on his best behavior, for Katherine's sake and for my mom's.
Billy: You mean he's not thrilled that we're back together?
Victoria: Well, there's nothing that he can do to break us up, so it doesn't matter if he is or if he isn't.
Billy: Well, I am glad to hear you say that.
Victoria: So, I wonder what we're gonna do with the rest of our day.
Billy: Well, I would like to hold you in my arms, think about what a lucky man I am, and how I am never going to take you for granted again. Come here.
Jack: Pop? You still hanging around? Heck of a service, wasn't it? Say hi to Katherine for me.
Victor: To you, my friend.
Christine: I can't believe we actually did that.
Paul: Any regrets, Mrs. Williams, diving in like that?
Christine: Oh, not a one.
Paul: Well, then, let's go home.
Christine: [Chuckles] Great idea.
Paul: [Chuckles]
Christine: Home.
Jill: I think Madame Chancellor would be proud of us today.
Nikki: [Chuckles] Absolutely. Do you think she could imagine us getting along?
Jill: [Laughing] Oh, God, no.
[Both laugh]
Jill: Although I think that this friendship may be a little short-lived.
Nikki: Are you seeing what I'm seeing?
Jill: She's there!
Nikki: She looks beautiful. She's beautiful.
Next on "The Young and the Restless..."
Billy: Victor. I thought he was suspiciously pleasant at the memorial. What's he up to now?
Jack: Doing everything in his power to make sure that Summer remains a Newman.
Adam: I'm sorry about the timing, but I can't help the fact that my office was bugged.
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