Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/27/13
Episode # 10232 ~ Lily confronts Cane about the latest blog post; Michael pushes Alex to find Carmine.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Carmine: Did you miss me, Baby?
Lauren: [Screams] [Gasping]
Michael: Lauren? Hey!
Lauren: Oh. Oh, my God! It was Carmine. He -- he was here.
Michael: Look. I'm here. I'm here. I got you. Listen to me.
Lauren: [Exhales]
Michael: They're gonna find Carmine. And they're gonna lock him up for good.
Alex: [Clears throat]
Kevin: You sent Carmine's computer to the FBI, 'cause you needed someone to crack into the hard drive and retrieve all the pertinent data? If only there was someone here who could've done all that!
Alex: Shh, shh, shh, shh! You're good! But my buddy in the FBI is a professional.
Kevin: Ooh, an official FBI document.
Alex: And it looks like his search turned up Carmine's whereabouts.
Kevin: Maybe that's just what he wants you to think, Einstein!
Nick: Yeah. I know the band is on a world tour right now. I'll send the Newman jet to pick them up. [Chuckles] Yeah, I know it could be the most expensive band of all time, but I don't care. Cost isn't an issue. Yeah, just a classic playlist for my bride-to-be. Okay. Uh, let me know about their schedule. Thanks.
[Cell phone buzzing]
Victor: Hi, Sweetheart!
Summer: Oh! Hi, Grandpa!
Victor: So...any news about your mother?
Summer: No.
Victor: So, nothing has changed.
Summer: No.
Victor: I'm sorry to hear that. This is the last thing you need after graduating from high school.
Summer: Yeah, it's not really how I envisioned my life after high school, but I'm --
Victor: [Sighs]
Summer: I'm trying to keep a positive outlook.
Victor: I know. You know... come to think of it... we own a resort in Nassau, in the Bahamas. Why don't you go there? Beautiful ocean, young people, no Newmans... certainly no Abbotts.
Lily: So...you doing okay? I know that Katherine's passing was a shock.
Devon: Yeah. It's weird. It's really weird. Someone like that -- you just start to think that they're immortal, that no one can bring them down. You know? I really wish that I'd have gotten to know her better. I loved her stories, and I wish I could've heard more of them.
Lily: I know. Me, too. I know she had a million of them. But you know what? She knew that you cared about her, and I think that's what's important.
Devon: Yeah.
Lily: Have you heard from Tucker at all?
Devon: No, I haven't. He's, uh -- he's not ready to talk about it, and I don't blame him, because, uh, given the history between the two of them, you know --
Lily: Yeah.
Devon: How is Cane?
Lily: Cane? Well, he loved Katherine, so...
Devon: Yeah, I know that. But I meant how are you and Cane and...his little assistant?
Lily: [Chuckles] His little assistant. Well, we were right. She's definitely after something. And she is not letting up.
Mason: You took a shower an hour ago. Why are you still in a towel?
Hilary: Are you complaining? I'm not dressed yet because I'm mesmerized by your photography.
Mason: [Chuckles] I took a ton of shots. There's got to be one good one.
Hilary: It's got to be exactly right to send Lily straight over the edge.
Mason: Neil and the rest of them are already squirming! Isn't that --?
Hilary: Squirming isn't suffering. Squirming is squirming. I'm not looking to cause discomfort. I want pain.
Mason: [Sighs] Okay. But I know some of them. I mean, they're pretty nice once you get to know them.
Hilary: Yeah, I think they're pretty nice, too, Mason. But I don't give a damn about that, because you know who was really nice? My mother. Here's the shot we're gonna use.
Cane: You know, Brock was right. You are, and you always will be, the Duchess. Hey.
Esther: Hey.
Cane: Where'd this come from? I haven't seen this before.
Esther: Oh. It was in the safe. Mrs. C left a letter for Jill hinting where to look. I don't know -- there's some sort of quest involved.
Cane: Oh, really? Yeah, 'cause I got a letter, too, but mine was less of a scavenger hunt and more of a goodbye.
Esther: Boy, she loved you. She just lit right up whenever you were around. Must be hard to let her go.
Cane: Yeah, it is. But you know what? She ordered me to focus on my family, so that is what I'm going to do. And I will never take them for granted, and I will fight for them at any cost.
Nikki: Oh, Neil, it's so good to see you!
Neil: Good to see you, too.
Nikki: If you're here to see Victor, he had to step out for a minute.
Neil: Oh, uh, you know, I'll call him later. Uh, I just have, uh -- I have some information I need to get about a former Newman employee.
Nikki: Oh.
Neil: How are you holding up?
Nikki: I'm just trying to be strong, you know.
Neil: I am so sorry about Katherine.
Nikki: Thanks.
Neil: We're all gonna miss her. I know how close you two were, though.
Nikki: You know, sometimes, I forget she's gone. I think, "Oh! Katherine will be home any day now from her trip!" Well, you know how that is. Somebody's in your life for years and years. Then, suddenly, they're gone.
Neil: Nikki... I know exactly how you feel. But you have to feel it to work through it, right? One day at a time.
Nikki: Oh, yeah. There are a lot of life lessons in the program. But that one -- making amends --
Neil: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: Is that even possible -- I mean for true sin?
Neil: I have known you way too long to think there's any sin you could commit that's beyond forgiveness.
Nikki: Neil, we all have secrets. We all have mistakes that haunt us every day.
Neil: As far as the program goes, I mean, honestly, no one owes us forgiveness. But, Nikki, we have to try, you know? We have to reach out, make amends if we can.
Nikki: That sounds so easy. But we both know it isn't.
Neil: No. No, it isn't easy. But, you see, meetings are proof that talking helps. And -- and I'm here. I'm -- I'm here, ready to listen to you.
Nikki: No. You know, I'm just -- [Sighs] Just missing Katherine, and wallowing in it. Wonder if she had any regrets.
Neil: [Sighs]
Nikki: If she had anything to atone for.
Neil: If I know Katherine, I suspect that she died with a clean slate. That's the best that any of us can hope for.
Nikki: You have a demon, too, don't you? One that won't go away.
Hilary: The picture should be out there by now. I got to see the fallout of this.
Mason: Whoa. Wait a minute! You're leaving?!
Hilary: What -- did you think I was gonna stay here all night? And do what -- exchange decorating tips? Okay. Here's a tip, Mason. Paint this place. It's dank.
Mason: Wow. That's how it is, huh? You got your pictures. You got what you need. Now you're out the door.
Hilary: You make our arrangement sound so tawdry and cheap.
Mason: That's probably because I feel like I'm being used.
Hilary: How do you want to feel? Hmm? 'Cause I bet... I can make that happen.
Mason: Look, I just want to feel like -- like I have value to you... like I'm just not some guy who can get information and pictures.
Hilary: Baby... you have value to me in so many ways. You are my partner, my ally. I couldn't do this without you.
Mason: So... what do I get in return?
Lily: Are you kidding me?
Devon: Let me see it. Oh. Could it be Photoshopped?
Lily: Does it matter if it's Photoshopped?
Devon: Well, yeah, it matters -- it matters a lot. You don't think Cane can explain this, or what?
Lily: Oh, he better. He better explain this. And Hila-- I could smell her perfume on him today. And you know what? She's doing it on purpose. She wants me to notice, because for her, this is a game! And this makes it seem like she's winning.
Devon: Just -- listen. We know that something's not right with Hilary. But I think you should hold off on freaking out before you at least get a chance to talk to Cane.
Cane: So, how are you doing? Are you doing okay?
Esther: [Stammering] Oh, don't -- I'll cry. It makes Jill nuts when I cry, not that I care.
Cane: So, how's the, uh, preparations for the memorial service going?
Esther: [Scoffs] I don't know. I-I-I'm out of the loop. Mrs. C left a letter for Jill and Nikki, and, so far, no fireworks from -- from them. But it's supposed to be a party! No black dresses and weepy eyes.
Cane: That's right. It should be a celebration of her life, not a mourning of her death, huh?
Esther: She was my family. I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself now.
Cane: We should follow her lead. Do like her book says -- live until we die.
[Cell phone buzzes]
Michael: Kevin, we got your message -- what's up?
Alex: A buddy of mine at the FBI went through Carmine's computer.
Kevin: Wasting precious time, when I could've done it here.
Alex: Keep it shut. He scanned the whole thing -- erased files, everything.
Kevin: Could've done it.
Alex: C-- Carmine made some interesting travel arrangements. Trip to Chicago, leased an apartment, bank account -- brand-new life.
Kevin: I think it's a decoy.
Alex: [Sighs] What?!
Kevin: Let me put this in terms you'll understand -- you know how sometimes coyote makes a fake road-runner to lure the real road-runner? That's a decoy.
Alex: Listen, I know what a decoy is, o-- wait a second. Are you saying that I'm the stupid coyote in this scenario?
Michael: Focus, people!
Alex: Look -- it's the best lead we have. He just rented out an apartment.
Kevin: I think it's a setup, and only a sucker would assume it was true.
Alex: And since I'm not a sucker, I'm not gonna buy into this until I check it out, okay? But it's a lead, and I'm heading to Chicago now.
Michael: I want Carmine stopped... whatever it takes.
Alex: "Whatever"?
Lauren: He means... lock him up, please. I-I can't keep living like this.
Michael: I will not have my wife or anyone in my family looking over their shoulder anymore.
Summer: Nassau sounds nice.
Victor: Yeah! Think about it! You'd have everything, especially time for yourself.
Summer: Yeah. I'll think about it.
[Cell phone rings]
Summer: Oh.
Victor: Sure.
Summer: I got to take that.
Victor: Go ahead.
Summer: Okay. Bye. Hello?
Jack: I've been listening to this nonsense for the last couple of minutes. You just can't stop yourself, can you? You have to push the poor girl out of town so that your people can look after her somewhere?
Victor: You're talking about my granddaughter. That's between her and me.
Jack: We're talking about my daughter. I know that irks you to no end, but you better get used to it... and leave her alone.
Victor: You mean abandon her... like the Abbotts do to their own. Fortunately, she's a Newman.
Summer: Hey, what's going on?
Jack: Your grandfather and I are just discussing vacation spots.
Victor: That's the only thing right that you said -- "Grandfather." She's my granddaughter.
Summer: Can you both just please stop?! You know, I wish I weren't an Abbott or a Newman!
Victor: Sorry, Sweetheart. I'm just being a protective grandfather.
Jack: No one wants to see you pulled in every direction.
Summer: Not every direction! Just two. Okay, you guys have fought over everything -- over Newman Enterprises, over Grandma, over Jabot, and now me, and I am just one more thing for you two to beat each other at.
Jack: I promise you that is not what I want.
Victor: Summer, let me take you home.
Nick: That's enough. Just stop. Sweetheart, I'm sorry. I called you earlier 'cause I wanted to take you out to dinner so we could talk. Can we do that? We can go somewhere else.
Summer: I just want to be alone right now.
Jack: Summer. Summer --
Victor: Jack? She just told you to leave her alone. Listen to her.
Jack: What -- so you can pour more poison in her ear?
Nick: What the hell is wrong with you two?! That's enough!
Neil: You know, Nikki, after Dru died...I fell off the wagon. I did something that shames me deeply. And between the guilt and the booze... I blocked it out until recently. And, Nikki, uh, I need to make amends to the people that my actions affected. So I have to believe that that's possible.
Nikki: But -- [Sighs] I mean, facing... you past, the shame and the guilt -- that must be very hard.
Neil: But it's the only way you can heal.
Nikki: But don't you think you'd be better off not remembering what you did?
Neil: My actions are still out there. So are the people that I hurt. And my not remembering might've made my life easier. But it didn't help them at all. Come on, Nikki. You can't outrun your past. All you can do is turn and face it. So if there's anything, anything at all, that you want to talk about, I'm here.
[Doorbell rings]
Nikki: Excuse me. I have to get that.
Nikki: Paul!
Paul: Hi, Nik! I've got some, um...
Nikki: My gosh!
Paul: ...Information --
Nikki: Neil's here!
Paul: Oh, hi, Neil!
Neil: Hey, Paul.
Paul: How are you doing? Good to see you.
Neil: Good to see you, too! So, um...yeah. I should -- I should probably be going. Uh, if you would be so kind, would you just tell Victor that I'm looking for a former Newman employee, early -- no, late 2012, early 2013?
Nikki: Sure. Oh, wait! Uh, Victor wasn't there then. Jack was there.
Neil: Jack was in charge. You're absolutely right. I'll -- I'll talk to Jack.
Paul: Well, it's hard to think of Newman Enterprises without Victor being in charge, isn't it?
Neil: Yeah. Right.
Paul: Is everything okay?
Neil: Yeah, I'm just putting pieces of the puzzle together. That's all. I'll keep you posted.
Paul: All right. Do that.
Neil: And, uh, Nikki? You know I have a world of faith in you.
Nikki: And I you. Thanks.
Lily: All of Hilary's fawning all over cane -- e-even the blogger can see it! You know, she's always at our house. She's bringing him soup. Like, who brings soup?
Devon: [Chuckles]
Lily: She's just -- she's too helpful, and she's too smart and nice. It's like, nobody is like that in real life -- nobody.
Devon: Well, I mean, you're nice. You're like that.
Lily: Oh, really? So Hilary's innocent now? Whatever happened to not trusting her?
Devon: I don't trust her.
Lily: Right.
Devon: Okay, but you can't flip out and just start accusing people. Didn't help when Cane said that Tyler was after you. You need proof.
Lily: This is proof! This is proof!
Cane: Hey. Hey, Baby. I got your text. What's wrong?
Lily: Uh...what's wrong? Let's see, here. This is what's wrong.
Michael: What can I get you?
Lauren: Uh...come here. Just sit with me.
Michael: Or we can go home.
Lauren: No! Come on. Sit with me. I was just thinking that it might all be over very soon. Alex is on his way to Chicago. He might find Carmine, and then he could lock him up. And then we could feel safe again. I so badly want to call Fen and -- and tell him that everything is okay, and that his mother and father, after everything --
Michael: We made it.
Lauren: I-I know that we're not where we were before everything went wrong. But I think we can get there.
Michael: I know we will.
Lauren: [Chuckles]
[Door unlocking]
Nick: Didn't you two learn a lesson the other day? Summer took off because you were fighting. As much as you both love Summer -- and I know you do -- how come you can't ease off?
Jack: My mistake was thinking your father had backed off and was gonna give Summer some space.
Victor: I want her protected -- the same thing I want for everyone in my family.
Jack: Face it -- your granddaughter has my blood coursing through her veins. I know you care a great deal about blood. In fact, yours is probably boiling right now.
Nick: Why don't you two get it? This isn't about you. You need to focus on Summer.
Jack: Focus on my daughter? Yeah. I will do that. I will give her love and support that will never make up for all the years I lost with her. But I will not allow him to bully her into leaving town when she needs her family most.
Nick: Don't kid yourself, Jack. What Summer needs, you can't give her.
Victor: What is that?
Jack: Her mother.
Victor: I want you to understand one thing right now. He will do everything in his power to take Summer away from you.
Cane: Son of a --
Devon: I'm gonna let you guys talk.
Cane: Who took this?
Lily: Oh, I'm -- I'm sorry. You were half-naked in a hotel room with your assistant. But let's worry about who took the picture! That makes sense.
Cane: Oh, I know how this happened. There was a knock on my door. I thought it was the valet with my shirts. I opened it to Hilary. She had some papers I had to sign. She comes in. She was there for a few minutes. I signed the papers, and then she leaves.
Lily: Okay...while you were shirtless?
Cane: Honestly, I didn't think anything of it!
Lily: So, she comes in the room, and she joins you while you were shirtless.
Cane: It was not like that.
Lily: Cane, listen to me. Hilary is not just some great assistant, okay? She's up to something! Think about it! The -- the perfume all over your shirt? You and I both know that something is seriously wrong about this.
Paul: Well, Nik, I started looking into that information that you gave me.
Nikki: You called the phone number from Katherine's letter?
Paul: I did. It was disconnected.
Nikki: Really?
Paul: But don't worry. I can dig around, and, uh, it won't be hard to find out who that number originally belonged to, and then I can see --
Nikki: Well, no. No, no! Wait! Wait, Paul! Maybe -- maybe we shouldn't move forward like this.
Paul: I thought it was something you needed to resolve.
Nikki: I-I do want answers, but -- but maybe they -- I don't know! I-I-I'm scared now! Maybe its better that I don't know.
Paul: Well, Nikki, we can op now! I can forget everything you told me!
Nikki: No, you couldn't.
Paul: For you? Anything. But, uh, regrets -- [Sighs] They burn from the inside out, Nikki. I don't want that for you.
Nikki: Paul, this has been burning a hole for years, and I've survived it so far. Katherine was the only person that I told. And I thought now that I would never have to -- [Voice breaking] But she's making me dig it up again!
Paul: So Kay is the only one that knew.
Nikki: And now you.
Paul: But not Victor?
Nikki: I never told Victor. I don't know if I ever will.
Nick: Every time you push Summer or you fight with Jack, you are putting my relationship with Summer at risk. You understand that, right? You are jeopardizing something that is extremely fragile.
Victor: Son, that is not my intention, okay?
Nick: Well, it's the result, okay? I mean, Avery and I -- we pushed up our wedding date. Avery asked Summer to stand up for her.
Victor: You're gonna have a wedding now? Do you think that's good for Summer, considering what she's going through?
Nick: So you think we should wait until Phyllis comes out of her coma?
Victor: Of course you should.
Nick: Dad, it's killing us, but we don't know when that's gonna be. Avery and I are trying like hell to build a family where Summer feels safe and included -- something she can celebrate. And if you or Jack blows that for her, that is not something I'll be able to forgive you for.
Victor: Son, the only thing I'm concerned about is keeping my family together, all right?
Nick: Oh, come on, Dad. You pushed Victoria out of the family business. You're standing shoulder to shoulder with Adam while rape charges are bringing Newman Enterprises down.
Victor: Son, I think he's innocent, all right? He is certainly innocent until proven otherwise. I think you should stand by your brother right now.
Nick: He's your son. He is not my brother.
Victor: He's your brother. He is family... as is Summer, by the way. And if you don't watch that very carefully, Jack Abbott will turn her against you, against the Newmans. Do you get that? One thing Katherine Chancellor told me before she passed -- and you know she and I were very close friends -- she said family is the only legacy worth leaving. And I firmly believe in that. I will not allow anyone to interfere with my family.
Cane: Sweetheart, listen. I love you, and I've never cheated on you with Hilary or with anybody, okay? Whoever posted this is doing it to hurt us, and that's exactly what they want you to think.
Lily: Cane, look at the picture. Honestly --
Cane: I love you, and I have never cheated on you. I promise you.
Lily: I know. I know that you love me. I know that you would never -- but -- but -- [Sighs] These photos and the posts and the entries about Tyler -- its one lie after another! And whoever's doing it, they're attacking our marriage!
Cane: Our marriage is strong enough to survive the lies of someone who's stalking us on some online blog. Okay? Okay.
Lily: Well, someone set you up. And maybe they got a lucky shot with this photo.
Cane: Next time, I'll be more careful. I'll be more careful in the future.
Lily: Or maybe it was Hilary who arranged it.
Cane: Why -- why would Hilary arrange this?
Lily: So that she can break us up and then have you all for herself.
Mason: So... where you headed, now that you're...done with me?
Hilary: To find the happy couple and make sure they're not so happy anymore.
Mason: Cane's just gonna tell Lily the truth -- nothing happened!
Hilary: Lily can hardly hide her claws when I'm in the room. But... this pretty picture... will make her go nuts. There's no doubt in my mind that they're about to blow up.
Mason: So... what do you need me to do next?
Hilary: Stay close. I'll be in touch.
Mason: Ah, ah, ah, ah! Hey. Like I said...I want to know that I have value to you.
Hilary: I will make it worth your while. Just wait until you see Neil bleed.
Jack: Always great to see you, too, Neil. Still quite a shock about Katherine, isn't it?
Neil: Yeah. The phrase "Larger than life" was invented for her. That's for sure.
Jack: Oh, yeah. She was a force of nature. Whole place seems out of kilter without her.
Neil: Yeah. She was part of the sober club. Always a good reminder that booze is not the answer.
Jack: Or pills. Wait, you're not thinking of --
Neil: Having a drink? No, Jack -- far from it. Last thing on my mind. In fact, uh, one of my weaker moments is still haunting me... after Drucilla died.
Jack: Ohh. Horrible time.
Neil: Yeah. I've been trying to piece together moments of this epic blackout that I had. And...that's why I'm here. I need your help. Jack, are you familiar with any of these, uh, social media gossip sites? One in particular -- GC Buzz. Someone's after me big-time, and I think they have a connection to an employee of Newman when you were in charge.
Jack: Tell me how I can help!
Nikki: Oh, Paul, I'm sorry. I never should've dragged you into this until I knew for sure what I wanted.
Paul: Oh, of course you should. Don't be ridiculous. Above all, Nik, I will always be your friend. I mean, this is a big deal. And I want to help you sort it out and decide whether you want to dig in...or back away. I can help you do that. Just think about it.
Nikki: It's all I've been thinking about.
Paul: Well, when you eventually come to a decision... you know where to find me, okay?
Victor: Hey!
Paul: Victor! How are you?
Victor: How's it going?
Paul: Good to see you.
Victor: Everything all right?
Paul: It is...going well.
Victor: Am I interrupting something?
Nikki: No, no! Not at all!
Victor: Nice to see you, Paul.
Paul: All right.
Victor: All right.
Paul: See you later.
Nikki: Hi, Darling.
Victor: Sweetheart. How was your day?
Nikki: Fine. Very good. You saw Paul. Neil was here earlier.
Victor: Hmm! What decision was he talking about?
Jack: This is what my assistant e-mailed me regarding staff during my tenure at Newman. There's contact information, company cell phone numbers for the entire staff. Does that help?
Neil: Actually, it does help a lot. All I have is a cell phone number at this point, so maybe I will find that needle in this haystack.
Jack: If there's anything else I can do --
Neil: Ye-- thanks.
Jack: Boy, the mistakes we make when we're under the choke-hold of addiction -- I wish you well, man. Hope this is over soon.
Neil: You and me both, Jack. Appreciate you.
Nick: Oh. Uh, hey, Neil. Um...you guys busy?
Neil: No, no, no. We just finished. Take care. Thanks, again, Jack!
Jack: I'm not gonna do this again, Nick! Your father overstepped! He has to back off.
Nick: I agree with you. And I'll do what I can to make that happen, but I need a favor from you. I need you to leave Summer alone.
Summer: Courtney, I cannot take it, okay? It is all about Newman or Abbott, or who I love more or where my loyalty stands. My mom is in a coma. My new dad -- he needs me way too much, and my old dad is a liar. I -- I just can't take it, okay? I just want to go away. I just want to be far, far away from here. [Sighs]
Alex: Ohh, Dude! Ease up on the ego, will you?
Kevin: It's not about ego! It's about me proving that I'm the best at what I do.
Alex: Okay. So while I go to Chicago to prove that this stuff about Carmine is right, you're staying here to prove that it's wrong?
Kevin: That's about the size of it! Bye! Enjoy your wasted trip!
Alex: [Sighs]
Michael: Chavez should've found something by now.
Lauren: Honey, we barely gave him enough time to get into the car! He'll call us when something happens.
Michael: What if Kevin was right? What if it was a decoy? What --
Lauren: Okay, what if...we shut out the world? This is our cocoon. Nothing can touch us here. Do you remember what the marriage therapist said? He said be here with me... in this moment.
Michael: This is right.
Lauren: It is.
Michael: [Sighs] This is the "Rightest" thing in my life.
Lauren: [Chuckles] Yes, it is! Mm.
Michael: Hold on. What's that smell?
Lauren: Yeah, w-what is that?
Michael: Gas.
Nikki: My decision? Oh, oh! [Sighs] Paul came to me wanting help for fundraising with a...charity ball he's having.
Victor: Huh.
Nikki: And, uh, I just didn't know what to say, because with all of my M.S. work...
Victor: Uh-huh?
Nikki: ...I worry that I'll regret not having time, and I'll regret not being able to help a friend!
Victor: You don't worry about a thing, okay? Whatever decision you make, I'm sure it'll be fine. Don't you worry. I just hope this fundraiser won't be too soon, because... you know that our son... Nicholas... moved up his wedding date.
Nikki: Yes, I do know that. I was gonna tell you about it at dinner. I thought you would find it an issue.
Victor: Well, I must say I do. You know, I don't think it's gonna sit too well with summer, with everything that's going on in her life right now. I mean, he should... be giving her his undivided attention.
Nikki: Or Jack will swoop in and spirit her away?
Victor: That's no joke. That really is no joke, okay? He should be concerned about the Newman family right now.
[Glass clunks]
Victor: The fact that he is thinking about his wedding means that he hasn't learned a damn thing from me. That upsets me, because I think the Newman family will suffer because of it.
Nick: Believe me -- I know what I'm asking.
Jack: How many years have you cost me with my daughter? Now you want me to ignore that she's my blood?
Nick: I'm asking you... to just give Summer some space. She is on edge. I completely respect your connection --
Jack: Sometimes, I'm not so sure about that.
Nick: My priority is Summer, and she is not in a good place right now. You remember when she took off for Chicago just before --
Jack: Just before your lie was revealed. Summer wouldn't be in shock if you hadn't lied to her her entire life! All of this could've been avoided if you'd just manned up a long time ago!
Nick: Look, I made a mistake, and I admitted it. And I know that apologizing to you again is not gonna make this any easier for Summer. She just needs time to sort through it.
Jack: Then talk to Victor! This should be between you, me, and Summer! Victor should be nowhere in the mix!
Nick: I warned my dad... that if he tried to mess with Summer's state of mind or your relationship with Summer, it could cost him a son and a granddaughter.
Jack: You think he listened?
Nick: We both know how little control I have over my dad. But, Jack, you are not him! You see how torn up Summer is by this. I know you don't want that for her! You loosen your grip. I'll loosen mine. We'll give Summer time to get through it.
Jack: And what if I tell you I-I don't want to lose another minute with my daughter?
Nick: Well, I know what kind of parent you are. I have firsthand experience with that. And I know you are gonna do the right thing to help Summer get through this.
Jack: [Sighs]
[Knock on door]
Mason: Mr. Winters. Hey. It's...nice to see you! What can I do for you?
Neil: Mason, my man, good to see you, too. I need a little bit of help. Um...you worked at Newman a while back before you did that modeling work with Jabot? Do you know a woman named Ann Turner?
Devon: That's a bummer, right? Looks like your little plan isn't working.
Kevin: What the hell.
Michael: Why don't you open the door? I'll check the stove.
Lauren: Okay.
Michael: Oh, for Pete's sake!
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Lily: I just want you to understand that things with Hilary aren't what they really seem!
Cane: [Sighs]
Devon: You're trying to come between Lily and Cane. Back off!
Carmine: You and I... are gonna die together.
Lauren: Michael!!
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