Y&R Transcript Monday 8/26/13

Y&R Transcript Monday 8/26/13


Episode # 10231 ~ Jill finds a gift from Katherine; Nikki turns to Paul for help.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Victoria: Oh.

Billy: Hey.

Victoria: Uh, hey. What are you doing?

Billy: Well, me and my lovely assistant -- put 'er there, lovely assistant -- boom! -- Are gonna build this bookcase for the playroom.

Victoria: Um, okay, when we talked about that, um...

Billy: I said that I would never stop proving to you that I loved you.

Victoria: Right. Billy, uh, you don't need to do that.

Billy: Want to. [Smooches] Okay, Delia, let's build this bad boy. You ready? [Grunts]

Victoria: In here?

Billy: Yeah, in here. It's dark outside. One of us could get hurt.

Victoria: But I...

Billy: And Johnny -- Johnny's down. He's not gonna come down here and get curious and hurt himself. This is a perfect time.

Victoria: Okay, but, like, you know virtually nothing about carpentry and even less about tools.

Billy: That is not true. I know the cardinal rule -- you measure twice. You cut once. Right? Can I get my tape measure, please, lovely assistant?

Victoria: Cut? Like, you know, with a saw?

Billy: Yeah, you can't cut wood with scissors.

Victoria: Uh, maybe we should just leave this to our contractor. What do you think?

Billy: No, Dylan is busy with a new baby. He probably hasn't slept all night, and I don't need an overtired guy coming in here and handling heavy equipment.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Billy: Lovely assistant, please grab your wood and take a step back. Thank you. All right. Whoo!

Victoria: Oh, boy. Power tools. Great.

Billy: Yep. Now relax. I've got this... of course, with the help of my lovely assistant. Lovely assistant, help, please? All right. And let's see -- we just need to mark these here and... [Metal snaps] ...Ow! [Chuckles]

Chloe: Seriously? What are you doing out? You just had a baby, like, a minute ago.

Chelsea: Not cooking.

Chloe: Where's the baby?

Chelsea: The baby is in the car with Dylan. I just came in to get some comfort goodies to calm our nerves.

Chloe: Because?

Chelsea: Because Connor started coughing, and we rushed him to the E.R...

Chloe: Oh, no. Is he okay?

Chelsea: ...Where a doctor told us that our newborn is perfectly fine, and we were just overreacting.

Chloe: Mm, it's called "First-time-parentitis."

Chelsea: Uh-huh.

Chloe: Constant fear with a chaser of panic, sprinkled with just a little bit of, "What the heck are we doing?" On top.

Chelsea: Right. I felt like a complete idiot.

Chloe: Please. When I first had Delia, I set my alarm clock, like, every half hour just to make sure that she was still breathing.

Chelsea: Yeah, I'm down to like 15 minutes, tops. And Dylan -- he won't even leave the room. Tell me this gets easier.

Chloe: It does. But you never stop worrying.

Chelsea: It feels like that's all I've been doing since I found out I was pregnant, is worry -- worry that I might not be a good mom, worry that the truth might come out.

Chloe: But you're past that. Aren't you?

Chelsea: I was, until I saw Adam holding Connor, and then all the scary thoughts came rushing back.

Chloe: Are you crazy? What were you thinking, letting Adam go anywhere near the baby?

Adam: Being seen with yours truly could be damaging to your rep.

Jack: Oh, I'll take my chances. I thought things would have lightened up once Victor threw his full support behind you.

Adam: Ah, thanks to Melanie's false rape allegations, I am right back to being the town pariah.

Jack: Well, that's gonna change once there's a trial and you're exonerated.

Adam: Not holding out for that.

Jack: What does your lawyer say?

Adam: Leslie wants me to cut a deal to keep me out of court.

Jack: Are you considering that?

Adam: I didn't rape the girl, so I'm sure as hell not gonna say I did to get a lighter sentence. If I'm going to prison, Jack, I'm going as an innocent man.

Cane: [Sighs] "Dear Cane, I'm sure you're wondering why I didn't tell you, of all people, about my prognosis. If I had, you certainly would have been by my side until I drew my last breath, being strong and brave for me once again. 'What's so wrong with that?' You ask. I didn't want you putting your life on hold to help me fight for mine, because it wouldn't have changed the outcome." [Sniffles] "Knowing you were here taking care of things allowed me to enjoy my final weeks with Murphy. Thank you for that. And now I'm asking you to take care of one last thing for me -- please make sure Jill is all right. Yes, I know that's asking a lot. The woman is as stubborn as an entire herd of oxen. But she'll need someone to lean on. So be there for her, Cane. Don't let Jill push you away." [Exhales deeply]

Jill: I need you to open Katherine's safe for me.

Esther: [Scoffs] Coming to me, a lowly housekeeper?

Jill: Focus, Esther. The combination, please.

Esther: [Chuckling] I can't get past the fact that you're coming to me.

Jill: For a mere moment. Now, give me three little numbers. What are they?

Esther: Oh, no. I don't think rifling through Mrs. C's personal things is any way to --

Jill: For God's sake. I am not rifling, you idiot. In this letter, Katherine says she left something for me, and it's in that safe.

Esther: Oh, really? What?

Jill: If you really want to honor Mrs. C's memory, respect her wishes and open the damn safe.

Nikki: [Sighs]

Paul: Nikki?

Nikki: [Gasps] Oh, my God.

Paul: Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you heard the housekeeper let me in. You okay?

Nikki: I'm fine. I'm sorry. How -- how are you?

Paul: I'm disbelieving.

Nikki: What?

Paul: Well, you're not fine. Come on, Nik. We've known each other since we were kids. You can't tell me you're fine when you're not. Now, what's going on?

Victoria: You're trying to prove something to me, aren't you?

Billy: Nope. I'm trying to prove to myself that I can finish something that I start.

Victoria: Oh, I see. Well, could you do that with something else? Anything else would be great.

[Cell phone rings]

Victoria: Oh. Hey, Nick. Uh, it's -- actually, it's about the wedding.

Billy: Go ahead. Take it. Delia and I have got this. Don't we? Come here.

Victoria: Right. Okay. Uh, hey. Really? Wow. Um, that soon? [Chuckles] No, that's -- that's -- that's great. That's amazing. Um, uh, uh, you know what? I'm gonna have to call you back. Okay. Okay. Okay, bye. [Chuckling] No, no, no. No.

Billy: Hey, hey. We're working here.

Victoria: Okay, well, Johnny's asleep upstairs, so, you know, I don't want you to wake him.

Billy: You're right. This could get loud.

Victoria: Good. So, please, you're gonna wait for Dylan, right?

Billy: Not necessary. A little elbow grease, I can do this the old-fashioned way. Lovely assistant, sandpaper, please?

Delia: What?

Billy: [Clears throat] Sandpaper, please?

Delia: Oh.

Victoria: As it turns out, Avery and my brother have decided to move up the wedding, and Nick wants me to work with Mom to try to pull it all together.

Billy: That's great.

Victoria: But, uh, uh, we need to get started tonight, so... [Clears throat]

Billy: Okay. That's fine. Go ahead. I will turn up the monitor and listen for Johnny.

Victoria: All right, fine. Just promise me -- no power tools, all right?

Billy: Fine. No power tools.

Victoria: [Sighing] Okay.

Billy: Used to be fun.

Victoria: And, you, as your dad's assistant, are responsible for calling 911 if he hurts himself.

Billy: [Speaking gibberish]

[Drill whirs]

Paul: There's no need to put on the good face for me. I know that Katherine was like a mother to you.

Nikki: [Voice breaking] Thanks for coming by to check on me.

Paul: Is there anything I can do?

Nikki: Can you tell me it's all a terrible mistake, that she's not really gone, and we'll walk into the next room, and -- and there she'll be, alive and well...like last time?

Paul: I wish I could.

Nikki: I'm sorry. Did you get my message about the memorial?

Paul: Yes, I did, and, um, I'll be there. I assume you helped plan it.

Nikki: No. Katherine did. She left instructions for us all to carry out after she was gone.

Paul: What did she ask you to do?

Adam: I thought cutting Melanie a check would end this, but she's not interested.

Jack: An apology?

Adam: Jack, I've tried everything -- everything under the sun -- and no matter what, the scenario always ends with me in a jail cell with some guy named Bubba.

Jack: So, what's Leslie telling you now?

Adam: Well, she tends to believe that if this thing goes to trial, that the jury is more likely to believe Melanie's version of the story, due to the fact that there's a torn jacket with my DNA on it.

Jack: Well, my offer is a standing offer. I will happily be a character witness for you.

Adam: And you would be very much alone.

Jack: There's no one else?

Adam: Oh, I spoke to Chelsea. I spoke to Sharon. Neither of my exes are willing to get up on the stand and testify to the fact that I'm a decent guy. I guess they wouldn't want to lie under oath.

Chloe: Okay, will you please just sit for a second? Will you think about how hard we have both tried to keep Adam from the truth? And now you're gonna risk him finding out now, after you have finally gotten everything that you've ever wanted?

[Cell phone rings]

Chelsea: Hold on. Hi. I'm so sorry. I didn't forget about you. No, I-I just bumped into Chloe, and we're just discussing a few work things. Perfect. Why don't you bring the baby home, and I will bring the dessert and the coffee when I'm done? Okay. I love you.

Chloe: Exactly. You love Dylan. Do you want to lose him? Because if Adam finds out that Connor is his, you will.

Chelsea: I didn't let Adam hold Connor.

Chloe: Then what was he doing?

Chelsea: I left the room for a second, and when I came back, he had the baby in his arms.

Chloe: What was he doing in your house?

Chelsea: Adam wants me to testify at his trial.

Chloe: He is unbelievable. First, he divorces you because he wants to put all of his focus into impressing his father, and then he asks you for a favor? Please tell me that you laughed in his face.

Esther: Why would Mrs. C leave something for you in the safe and not tell you the combination?

Jill: I don't know. Maybe she forgot. She was having problems with her memory before the surgery.

Esther: They went away after the surgery.

Jill: Well, maybe they came back when the tumor came back, Esther. Open the safe.

Esther: If Mrs. C started forgetting things again, I would have noticed.

Jill: How could you have noticed, you dingbat? She wasn't even here. She was off with Murphy, doing her bucket list. Now, open the safe, please.

Esther: Let me see the letter.

Jill: Are you calling me a liar?

Esther: I want to see what she wrote.

Jill: No, Esther. It's personal.

Esther: I read you mine.

Jill: I didn't ask you to.

Esther: Well, if you want to get in the safe --

Jill: Katherine would want you to help me, Esther.

Esther: She didn't say that I had to.

Cane: See, it seems that's gonna be my job.

Nikki: Katherine's letter wasn't about the memorial.

Paul: But she wrote something that upset you?

Nikki: [Voice breaking] You know, "Goodbye," and she said a lot of personal goodbyes to her good friends and family.

Paul: She was like that -- very thoughtful.

Nikki: Yeah, she was.

Paul: I'm so glad that Katherine was able to put her feelings down on paper and let you know how much you truly meant to her. A lot of people don't get that chance.

Nikki: Believe me, Katherine would never have left this earth if she thought anybody that she loved wouldn't be okay.

Paul: I know. She helped so many people.

Nikki: Oh, my God. Esther...and Mac and...

Paul: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: ...Cane and...

Paul: Oh, the list goes on and on. And me.

Nikki: Yes, you and me. My God. What am I gonna do without her, Paul?

Paul: You're gonna just follow her example.

Nikki: [Sobbing]

Paul: Get it together and carry on.

Nikki: It just -- it just seems -- I can't do it. It seems overwhelming to me.

Paul: Listen, Nik. What you have to do is remember how many people that are still here that truly, truly care about you and that will help you.

Nikki: [Inhales shakily]

Victoria: Mom?

Nikki: Oh. Yeah, Honey, I'm here.

Paul: And remember, I'm still one of those people, okay? I always will be.

Nikki: I know. I know. Thank you.

Paul: Okay.

Chloe: Instead of thinking about testifying against Melanie, you should be thanking her.

Chelsea: For lying?

Chloe: No, for pressing charges against Adam and keeping him out of your life for good, especially if Jacobs is prosecuting.

Chelsea: Who?

Chloe: That is the A.D.A., and Kevin said that he's a killer in the courtroom. He goes for maximum sentence, and he usually wins.

Chelsea: What's the maximum sentence for rape? Life?

Chloe: I don't know, but it should be.

Chelsea: Adam doesn't belong in prison. He's innocent.

Chloe: Maybe, but he's committed like a half-dozen other crimes that he should have been put away years ago. I mean, he stole a kid, for God's sake.

Chelsea: But he didn't do this, Chloe, and I believe him when he says he did not rape her. Adam would never force himself on a woman. I know it.

Chloe: Sinking feeling. But please tell me you are not considering being a character witness, are you?

Chelsea: I mean, he has nobody to help him.

Chloe: Because he is a horrible person. Any inclination that you may have to help him is clearly just your guilt talking.

Chelsea: This could ruin his life, Chloe.

Chloe: Better his than yours.

Adam: I've done a lot of bad things in my life. I guess karma's at my doorstep.

Jack: I've never been a big believer in karma. That would mean Phyllis brought this coma on herself. She didn't. She fell and hit her head. It was a terrible accident.

Adam: Not some cosmic retribution?

Jack: No, not at all, and neither is what's happening to you.

Adam: Melanie is trying to systematically destroy my life because of how she feels she was treated by me and my father. That is the very definition of retribution.

Jack: You have got to have faith that this is all going to work out. It's the only thing that gets me through.

Adam: Yeah? What if Phyllis doesn't wake up? What's gonna get you through?

Jack: Why would you even go there?

Adam: Just trying to be realistic, Jack. Things haven't turned out the way that you expected with you and Phyllis. Things have not turned out the way that I have expected. So maybe I should just cut my losses.

Jack: And take a plea deal? No, I don't think --

Adam: No, no, no, no. No plea deal. Maybe it's time I left Genoa City.

Victoria: What did I interrupt?

Nikki: Paul and I were just talking about Katherine's memorial.

Victoria: Is that what has you so upset?

Nikki: I loved her dearly.

Victoria: [Sighs] I hate giving you yet another thing to deal with.

Nikki: What is it?

Victoria: Uh, you know, Nick -- he wants us to help him throw together his wedding by next Friday.

Nikki: Oh, my God. So soon?

Victoria: Yeah. Listen, if you're not feeling up to it, I understand.

Nikki: Oh, Honey, no. I-I-I would love to be a part of that and see your brother so happy.

Victoria: It's really nice to see him smiling again, isn't it?

Nikki: And you have been smiling a lot yourself, too, since Billy moved back in. How is that going?

Victoria: Really, really good. He's all about the marriage and the family, and we're even talking about trying for a baby again.

Nikki: Oh, my God. That's wonderful.

Victoria: Yeah, it's great.

Nikki: I am so happy that you were able to work it all out. [Sniffles]

Victoria: Thanks, Mom.

Nikki: 'Cause you never, ever want to leave anything unresolved. [Sighs] It has a way of eating away at you, you know?

Victoria: You're speaking from experience, aren't you, Mom?

Nikki: Unfortunately, yes, I am.

Billy: [Inhales deeply] Oh, man. Okay, lovely assistant. Pay attention. We have to make this pile look like this picture. Do you have any idea on how to do that, whatsoever? Preferably before Victoria comes home, because daddy would like to be the only person saying, "I told you so" tonight. Some assistant you are. So much for all those fancy private schools. Are you sure you don't have at least one itsy-bitsy idea swimming around in that noggin of yours, huh, or do I have to look? Here comes the tickle monster!

Delia: [Giggles]

Billy: [Laughs]

Delia: [Squeals]

Chelsea: I already told him that I couldn't help with the trial.

Chloe: Good, and do not change your mind. Under any circumstances, you do not let Adam back in your life. You open up that door, and I swear, he will make sure that you will regret it. I know I've already said it 40,000 times, but if I have to say it 50,000 times, I will make you believe it. Okay. Yeah, I have to go pick up my kid. Bye.

Chelsea: Bye. [Exhales deeply]

Melanie: She's right -- your friend -- about Adam. I hate that I ever got involved with that selfish jerk. He just takes what he wants, and to hell with anyone who tries to stop him.

Chelsea: I don't think you tried that hard, Melanie.

Melanie: Excuse me?

Chelsea: Come on. Adam didn't rape you.

Melanie: He did. He raped me.

Chelsea: He just didn't want you anymore, and that ticked you off.

Melanie: No, that's not why --

Chelsea: It's okay. I understand. I know how it feels, because... Adam treated me the same way.

Adam: Thank you.

Jack: You are actually thinking about skipping bail?

Adam: Prison is not an option.

Jack: You'd walk away from your company, turn your back on your family?

Adam: I can't sit around waiting for Melanie to make the right move, do the right thing. I might need to disappear.

Jack: You're gonna have the cops all over you if you try to leave the country.

Adam: I've anticipated that.

Jack: Any deals that Leslie has brokered for you will be off the table.

Adam: And since I wasn't planning on copping a plea anyway...

Jack: Adam, you got to rethink this. Seriously. You make the wrong move now, it's only gonna make matters worse for you.

Adam: Going to prison for something I didn't even do -- does it get much worse than that?

Jack: Try to make a run for it, you'll find out. Listen -- oh, God. I got to go. I got to go. Don't do this.

Adam: Ted? Adam Newman. Get the jet ready.

Paul: Going somewhere?

Adam: I have Newman business out of town.

Paul: Well, as chief of police, I feel as though it's my obligation to remind you that you're not allowed to leave the state while you're on bail.

Adam: Would you believe it slipped my mind?

Paul: No.

Adam: Well, I'm not used to checking my travel schedule with the court.

Paul: Well, as soon as the case is over, you'll be able to come and go as you please -- that is, if you're acquitted.

Adam: I will be. The charges are baseless.

Paul: Then I'm sure you're looking forward to your day in court.

Adam: Wouldn't miss it for the world.

Paul: Better not, because the jury would see that as an admission of guilt. You don't need any more strikes against you, Adam.

Chelsea: My husband Adam -- the love of my life. He convinced me we were escaping to Paris and leaving all things Newman behind.

Melanie: Hmm. Sounds perfect.

Chelsea: It was. It was, until he decided that Newman was the most important thing to him. His family, our family -- the one that we were trying to build -- suddenly didn't really matter to Adam anymore.

Melanie: Typical.

Chelsea: And devastating to me. I threatened to leave him, and Adam didn't even blink. He just let me go.

Melanie: That must have hurt.

Chelsea: He broke my heart. I was angry. I was furious... [Sighs] ...But not enough to try to ruin Adam's life.

Melanie: What Adam did to me --?

Chelsea: Can't possibly compare to what you are about to do to him.

Melanie: How can you say that?

Chelsea: You lost your job, Melanie. That's all.

Melanie: [Sighs]

Chelsea: But regardless of what a jury decides, these charges are gonna follow Adam for the rest of his life. Every time something is printed about him, this sexual-assault charge will come up. I mean, isn't -- isn't that payback enough?

Melanie: How can you be so sure that Adam didn't rape me?

Chelsea: Because I shared his life...and his bed. That's not Adam.

Melanie: Yeah, well, losing you must have changed him because [Scoffs] There is nothing gentle about Adam anymore.

Chelsea: No, actually, you're wrong. I just saw Adam at my house, and he was...carefully cradling my newborn son in his arms.

Melanie: You still care about him.

Chelsea: I...I know him. He can be distant and calculating and cruel.

Melanie: Why are you doing this? Why are you trying --?

Chelsea: Because as awful as Adam is, he is not the monster that you are accusing him of being. And he never will be.

Melanie: [Sighs]

Cane: Why are you always so stubborn?

Jill: [Chuckles] Isn't it enough that Katherine made me share Chancellor with you? Now I have to share all of my feelings?

Cane: So, you're too proud to admit that Katherine was important to you? I mean, you know she was important to me, too, right?

Jill: Oh, this is why you're here -- so that we can commiserate over our common loss, cry on each other's shoulder?

Cane: Would that be a bad thing?

Jill: Honey, thank you very much, but I'm dealing with all of this just fine by myself. I don't need a babysitter. So, would you excuse me?

Cane: Well, what about a friend? Would you like a friend?

Jill: A friend? Please. I know why you're here. You were guilted into coming here by an old lady's dying wish. So, no, Cane, I don't need you. I don't need anyone.

Esther: You need me. You just said so.

Jill: Right, Esther. I need you because the house doesn't clean itself.

Esther: I was talking --

Jill: Don't you have an oven to clean? And shouldn't you be off running Chancellor? There must be a million details before Katherine's memorial.

Cane: And you shut me down just like that. And then you wonder why Katherine sent me over.

Jill: No, I don't wonder. I know exactly why. Because even from the grave, she's trying to run my life, and I'm not having it.

Victoria: You're upset because you didn't get to say goodbye to Katherine. [Sighs]

Nikki: I understand why she wanted to keep her prognosis private. She was such a strong woman. She didn't want anybody to remember her as weak or frail.

Victoria: No. No, she wanted to protect us, right? But it still feels like we were cheated out of time with her. [Sighs]

Nikki: I did that, too.

Victoria: With your M.S.?

Nikki: I somehow thought it would be kinder to... [Sniffles] ...Keep it a secret than to saddle you all with such horrible news.

Victoria: Oh, Mom. Well, I'm really glad you gave up that dumb idea.

Nikki: [Chuckling] Yeah. Me too. Going through something like that alone is really --

Victoria: It's selfish. It's selfish, and it's completely foolish. You should let people that love you help you through things like that.

Nikki: I told Katherine that right before her surgery.

Victoria: [Chuckles] That was good advice.

Nikki: Yeah, not that she took it.

Victoria: Well, you know, sometimes people just have to figure things out for themselves.

Nikki: Yeah. And sometimes... sometimes they need to be pushed.

Paul: Hey. What can I do for you, Jack?

Jack: Actually, I'm here to discuss what I can do for Adam. I've already offered to be a character witness if this goes to trial.

Paul: Oh, it will. I just spoke with Adam, and, uh, he has no intention of making a deal.

Jack: That's because he's innocent, Paul.

Paul: Well, that's for a jury to decide, don't you think?

Jack: Juries have been known to get it wrong.

Paul: Mm-hmm. And that's why there's an appeals process in place. Is that all you wanted?

Jack: Paul, you're fair. You have always been fair. I mean, you helped work out a deal during this whole Wheeler mess where there was no jail time involved. Couldn't you talk to Christine about maybe working out the same deal for Adam?

Paul: [Sighs] Chris is not handling the case. The A.D.A. is.

Jacobs: And my best offer is already on the table. A minute, Chief?

Paul: Excuse me, Jack.

Jack: Is there a problem?

Paul: Uh, there's been a development in the case against Adam.

Jack: What kind of development?

Paul: Do you know where Adam is right now? Jack?

Jack: Uh, no. I can honestly say I don't know where Adam is.

Cane: Look, I actually find it quite comforting that Katherine's still looking out for us.

Jill: Oh, I'm sure you do. She always managed to take very good care of you. Hell, she handed you chancellor on a silver platter. Now you can write your own ticket. You could work anywhere you want with whomever you want. Why don't you try that?

Cane: Because I like working there, and I have no intention of leaving. But, hey, if you hate being there, resign.

Jill: Oh, now you want me to resign?

Cane: I don't want you to resign. I like you working there. I like working there with you. And I like everything you've taught me.

Jill: Yeah, look what it got me.

Cane: But if you're not happy, Jill, quit. Quit. I mean, seriously, quit. Walk away. It's your life. You should be happy. But if you do that, you're gonna end up pushing everybody away and have no one in your life to share it with, okay? I love you.

Esther: He's right. That's exactly what Mrs. C would have said if she were here.

Jill: Well, she's not here, Esther. I am. Now, I want that combination. So stop eavesdropping and give it to me...now.

[Hammer pounding]

Chloe: Okay, okay, okay, okay! Are you ready to go home?

Delia: No, I'm daddy's assistant.

Billy: Yeah, you're my lovely assistant.

Chloe: Oh, and what does a "Lovely assistant" do, exactly?

Delia: Pfft. Call the ambulance when Daddy gets hurt.

Billy: I'm not gonna get --

[Hammer thuds]

Chloe: Oh, great. Okay, you know what? Uh... no, no, no.

Billy: [Clears throat]

Chloe: No, no, no, Baby. We do not need to call 911. Okay, listen, just go and find, um, a first-aid kit, okay?

Billy: [Pained] Yeah, Honey, it's, uh -- it's in the kitchen by the sink. [Groans]

Chloe: Let me see it.

Billy: Unh-unh.

Chloe: Will you just stop being a baby and let me see it? Ah.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: Okay. Okay. Um...hold on.

Billy: [Humming]

Chloe: Just breathe. Okay, get out a bandage for me, okay?

Billy: Mm, carpentry is fun.

Delia: Oopsy.

Billy: So much fun.

Chloe: Here. That one. Yes. Perfect.

Billy: Thank you, Honey. That is...

Chloe: Good job.

Billy: ...My favorite color. [Clears throat]

Chloe: You are a lovely...

Billy: Oh, green!

Chloe: [Gasps] ...Assistant.

Billy: Yes, you are.

Chloe: Let me see it.

Billy: Okay. Mm, thank you very much.

Chloe: There we go.

Billy: All right.

Chloe: See? All better.

Billy: Yeah, all better. [Whistles] [Sighs]

Delia: Wait. You forgot to kiss it. [Stammering] [Sighs] Fine.

[Door opens]

Chloe: Mm. [Smooches]

Victoria: Your daddy hurt himself, didn't he? Yeah, that's why I wanted you to wait for Dylan, remember?

Billy: Everything was going fine until Chloe distracted me.

Victoria: Oh.

Chloe: I did not distract you.

Billy: Yes, you did. You were talking.

Chloe: To our daughter.

Billy: Yes, while I was trying to concentrate, and then you distracted me.

Chloe: Okay, Delia, I think it's time to go so daddy can concentrate.

Billy: Come here, Honey. You are the greatest lovely assistant ever. Mwah! I love you. Mwah! Goodbye.

Chloe: Goodbye. Let's go. Bye.

Billy: Oh, that was fun. That was so much fun. That hurts so bad.

Victoria: Do you want some ice?

Billy: I would love some ice, especially if it came with scotch.

Victoria: Okay, well, that can be arranged.

Billy: [Sighs] You know, that wasn't what it looked like. Delia told Chloe that she should kiss my thumb to make it better, so she kissed my thumb to make it better, and...

Victoria: Yeah. [Chuckles] That's exactly what it looked like.

Billy: Oh.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Billy: Well...good, then. I guess that's...

Victoria: [Clears throat]

Billy: ...That's good.

Victoria: Listen, okay. I really appreciate your explanation, but I trust you... just not with tools.

Billy: Hey, come on. I can do this. Uh, yeah.

Victoria: I-I'm sure that you can do it, or -- or we can save ourselves a trip to the E.R., and we can just hire someone to build it.

Billy: Who needs the hospital when you have your very own super-hot nurse at home? Mwah!

Victoria: [Chuckles] Okay. [Chuckles] But, seriously, we're gonna get somebody to build that bookcase.

Billy: Fine. I'm gonna call somebody tomorrow. Just come here and kiss me.

Victoria: [Chuckles]

Esther: I haven't been stalling. Mrs. C. never told me the combination to the safe.

Jill: Why didn't you tell me that?

Esther: I just did.

Jill: Oh, Lord. Okay, Katherine did not use her birthday. She didn't use her anniversary. She didn't use my birthday.

Esther: My birthday?

Jill: Why would she use... okay. No. Ah, she loves Cane so much. Maybe she used his birthday. Damn it. Okay, I got to think. I got to think. The most important day in Katheri-- [Gasps] The day she got sober!

Esther: Oh, 07/05/04.

Jill: I know. I know. I know. I know. 7... 5... 4...

[Lock clicks]

Esther: Aha!

Jill: [Sighs] Ah!

Esther: What is it?

Jill: Can I see through cardboard? No, Esther, I can't. A picture of yourself? Really, Katherine?

Esther: She looks so beautiful, so alive.

Jill: So two-dimensional. What's the matter? Did you think I would forget about you, you old coot? [Voice breaking] How could I ever forget about you? It's really a pretty good likeness, isn't it?

Nikki: Jack?

Jack: Oh, hi. Um, if you're here to see Paul, he's in his office. I got to find Adam.

Nikki: Oh.

Paul: Uh, yeah, come in. Nikki!

Nikki: Is it a bad time?

Paul: No, not at all. Please.

Nikki: Well, I was thinking about what you said -- if I needed help about anything, and I do.

Paul: Well, what is it?

Nikki: I could really use your help with something very important.

Chelsea: W-what are you doing here?

Adam: I needed to see you.

Chelsea: Dylan and the baby are sleeping, but Connor's due for a feeding. They'll both be up soon.

Adam: I just wanted to say thank you. Melanie dropped the charges.

Chelsea: She did?

Adam: She said there was something that you did. You said something that made her realize what she was doing --

Chelsea: All I did was tell the truth, Adam.

Adam: More than anyone else was willing to do. I owe you.

Chelsea: You want to repay me?

Adam: Whatever you want.

Chelsea: Don't come here anymore, Adam. Stay away from me and my family.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Mason: What do I get in return?

Hilary: How do you want to feel?

Michael: Whatever it takes, I want Carmine stopped.

Jack: We're talking about my daughter. You better get used to it and leave her alone.

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