Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/21/13
Episode # 10228 ~ Dylan and Chelsea bring Connor home; Victoria and Billy's reunion troubles Victor.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Jack: "Katherine Chancellor made a name for herself as CEO of Chancellor Industries. Mrs. Chancellor assumed the helm of the eponymous conglomerate when her husband, Phillip Chancellor, passed away in August of 1975. Katherine will be remembered by her family, friends, and coworkers as a creative, intelligent, and savvy businesswoman who carried herself with elegance, grace, and humility. 'She was tough in business but possessed the kindest, gentlest, most generous heart I've ever known,' said longtime friend Victor Newman."
Billy: That's probably the only thing that Victor and I will ever agree on.
Jack: "Katherine's philanthropic deeds include grants to Genoa City University, Memorial Hospital, and several local museums. She also founded the Second Chance Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center. She's survived by her husband, Patrick Murphy, her sons, Brock Reynolds and Tucker McCall, her grandchildren, Mackenzie Hellstrom and Devon Hamilton, and great-grandson D.J. Hellstrom, and friends too numerous to count. A memorial celebration is pending."
Billy: Man, that doesn't even make it seem real.
Jack: How's your mom doing?
Billy: Like the rest of us, you know?
Abby: Yeah. Even my dad got a little teary.
Jack: Everyone loved Katherine Chancellor. Hard to imagine this place without her.
Victoria: I can't believe she's gone.
Nikki: [Sighs] I think we're still in a state of shock.
Victoria: You know, Katherine always seemed bigger than life to me. I guess maybe I convinced myself that she was bigger than death, too.
Victor: You know, I never saw Katherine back down from a fight. But this is a battle that no one wins.
Nikki: Well, she wasn't able to cheat death, but she sure went out on her own terms.
Victoria: You know, Billy told me about the trip that she and Murphy went on.
Nikki: Oh, yeah. She saw everything she wanted to see with the man she loved the most in the world. I mean, it can't get better than that! Gosh, I think about all the places I want to see. Maybe I ought to make a list.
Victor: I'm gonna do the same.
Nikki: What do you mean?
Victor: I'm gonna make a list, put my house in order. Yeah.
Noah: Hey.
Summer: Sorry, I didn't see you there.
Noah: Obviously -- you walked right in the middle of my shot.
Summer: Of, uh, pastries and a coffee cup?
Noah: Yeah, it's an assignment.
Summer: Like homework?
Noah: I'm taking an online photography class.
Summer: Oh! I didn't know that you were so serious about this.
Noah: Uh, well, Tyler's trying to hook me up with a job, and I'm trying to move up from assistant, so I'm just trying to work on my skills -- or, at least, I was trying to.
Summer: Okay! I'm sorry! Uh, no more photobombing!
Noah: [Chuckles] What's going on with you, huh? Any news with your mom?
Summer: No. She's, uh, still the same.
Noah: Mm. Did you ever get a chance to go see Dad?
Summer: I've just been really busy, you know. I've been on the phone with Daniel and the doctors in Georgia and just doing my own research online, and -- no. I mean, all I can think about right now is my mom.
Noah: Yeah, I can relate. I've been kind of worried about my mom, too.
Summer: Why -- is something wrong with Sharon?
Tyler: Hey! Devon! Glad I caught you. You got a minute?
Devon: Not really.
Tyler: You sure? It's about me coming back to work at Jabot.
Devon: I got a lot of other things on my mind right now, Tyler.
Tyler: You were all fired up about it the other day!
Devon: Well, that was before I found out my grandmother died!
Tyler: Oh, wow. I'm sorry. I didn't know. Give Lily my condolences, too.
Devon: Katherine wasn't Lily's grandmother, but thanks.
Tyler: Wait. Katherine Chancellor?
Devon: Yeah.
Tyler: Oh, I didn't know she was your grandma.
Devon: Well, she was. And now she's gone.
Chelsea: Okay!
Dylan: Welcome home, Connor!
Chelsea: Oh! Welcome ho-- [Gasps] Wha-- look at all this stuff!
Dylan: Well, I-I got bottles. You know, I know you're breast-feeding, but I thought when you pump --
Chelsea: [Giggles]
Dylan: Never mind. I got bottles. I got diapers. I got wipey things here. I got everything that's baby.
Chelsea: Well, how did you know what to get?
Dylan: Oh, it wasn't that hard to figure out. Stitch and Chloe helped me.
Chelsea: [Laughs]
Dylan: Oh, the cradle! I finished!
Chelsea: It's finished?
Dylan: Mm-hmm!
Chelsea: Let me see. [Gasps] Dylan! Oh, my gosh! It's beautiful! I can't believe you did all of this, and so fast!
Dylan: It's no big deal. A baby doesn't need much.
Chelsea: Yeah, just a mom and a dad to love him.
Dylan: You gonna put him in?
Chelsea: Yeah! Yes! Come on, Connor! Here we go, Baby! Okay.
Connor: [Grunts]
Chelsea: Okay! I got you!
Dylan: All the books say no blankets, no toys. Is he good? No nothing in the bed with the baby, so that means... no Dusty.
Chelsea: Oh! Have you been reading up on child safety?
Dylan: Uh, I've been reading baby e-everything. I know what you should eat. I know what you shouldn't eat. Oh, by the way, um, while you're breast-feeding, no more spicy food. And I know how to warm up a bottle to the right temperature and the proper way to diaper a newborn!
Chelsea: Is there an improper way?
Dylan: Hey, Buddy? Don't worry. Your dad's got this, okay?
Chelsea: A diaper expert. And I thought I knew everything about you.
Dylan: I mean, there's some things you don't know about me.
Chelsea: Really?
Dylan: I'm sure there's some things that I don't know about you...
Nikki: Well, Darling, correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought our house was in order.
Victor: Well, Sweetheart, I want to make things right with everyone in my family.
Victoria: Oh. So, when you say "Everyone," that means...?
Victor: That includes my children and my grandchildren.
Victoria: Including Summer, right? You want to make things right with her, too?
Victor: Of course. Yes.
Nikki: Well, Katherine would be very happy to hear that.
Victor: Katherine was one of the few people whose opinion I respected.
Nikki: You know, excuse me. I have some errands I have to run. I won't be gone too long.
Victor: Okay, Sweetheart.
Nikki: Okay.
[Both smooch]
Victor: Drive carefully.
Nikki: I'll be back!
Victor: Okay.
Victoria: You know, Dad, I think that you're doing the right thing. I think that Nick and Jack will be happy that you're not pressuring Summer into being a Newman.
Victor: Sweetheart, I've decided no such thing.
Victoria: You just got done saying that you were gonna do what's best for her, didn't you?
Victor: Under no circumstances will Jack-ass Abbott be a father to my granddaughter.
Jack: When I think of all the time I wasted battling Katherine over Jabot...
Billy: Well... [Sighs] ...Don't feel too bad. She loved a good fight. [Chuckles]
Abby: It all worked out. Jabot ended up in Abbott hands, and you ended up friends with Katherine.
Jack: I'm gonna make Katherine proud -- Katherine and Dad.
Billy: Well, Jack, you better, because if not, she's gonna throw a lightning bolt down here straight at you.
Jack: No, not gonna happen. We're gonna keep Jabot strong. We're gonna make it stronger. And we're gonna pass it on to our kids.
Abby: Imagine me running Jabot one day.
Billy: [Chuckles]
Abby: Like Katherine ran Chancellor.
Jack: And Kyle and Summer and --
Billy: You know, also Delia and Johnny... and maybe their little brother or sister.
Abby: Are you and Victoria --
Billy: No, no. Not yet. Not yet. Not yet.
Abby: Oh. Maybe you're doing it wrong.
Billy: Possible. But I doubt it.
[Both laugh]
Billy: Oh. I don't know. But what's great is... we're getting back together.
Jack: Billy, that's wonderful! Oh, that is just the news I want to hear on a day like today.
Abby: Unexpected good news. That's my favorite kind!
Billy: Yeah.
Abby: So, spill. How much groveling did you have to do?
Billy: Please. With a face and smile like this, do you think I had to grovel? I had to grovel so much.
Abby: [Chuckles] That's my sis -- making you work for it!
Billy: Yeah, you women stick together, don't you?
Abby: Like men don't.
Billy: Well, not really. I mean, look at me. I'm, uh, leaving my big brother high and dry, here, as it all hits the fan.
Jack: Don't you worry about that. You get on with your life. Phyllis is in good hands, I got Kyle here, and, if the fortune cookie that Summer gave me last night is right, I am finally living the life I was always supposed to live.
Noah: Yeah. My mom's been a little... off lately. I've just been a little worried about her.
Summer: Yeah. Well, is your mom... walking and talking, and is she conscious? Yeah -- then, shut up, okay? Because you're not getting any sympathy from me in the "My mom's messed up" category.
Noah: I miss this.
Summer: What?
Noah: Just hanging out, you know, watching you get all worked up over the smallest things.
Summer: The smallest things? So my mom being in a coma is a small thing?
Noah: Obviously not, no. And you know if you ever need to talk to anybody, you know where to find me.
Summer: Yes, I do -- taking pictures of pastries.
Noah: Yes.
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Noah: But hey. You're my little sister. No getting out of it.
Summer: Okay, then! Fine...Brother! Can you give me some advice on how to get out of being Avery's maid-of-honor?
Noah: Oh, you said yes to that?
Summer: Mm-hmm. Yeah. And I'm kind of regretting it.
Noah: I mean, you know, just because your aunt is marrying your dad, who you just found out is... not really your dad... what's weird about that?
Summer: Oh, nothing's weird.
[Both chuckle]
Chelsea: You think I'm keeping something from you?
Dylan: I mean, we haven't known each other that long. Do you think if I put Dusty right here, Connor could see him? No?
Chelsea: Mm, too far.
Dylan: Okay. I mean, you couldn't have told me everything about your life, just like I couldn't have told you all the details about mine.
Chelsea: Well, you know all the important stuff -- my town-to-town childhood, my get-rich-quick parents, my lousy track record with men, all of which led to Johnny going to Billy and Victoria, and me marrying Adam. And that pretty much sums up my life!
Dylan: You know my story, too. Greatest parents in the world. Awesome childhood.
Chelsea: Are you trying to rub it in?
Dylan: No. I've had some rough times, too.
Chelsea: Hey, you made it sound like you had some deep, dark secret before.
Dylan: I'm just not as pure and innocent as this guy.
Chelsea: [Chuckles softly]
Dylan: And, uh, I'm gonna do my best to be a good dad and keep the world safe for him as long as I can. And I'm gonna chase those bad guys out of your dreams and all the monsters out from under your bed.
Chelsea: He's our hero, Connor!
Dylan: I'm no hero. I'm just a guy who loves his wife... and a dad who wants to protect his son.
Chelsea: Oh. You're a hero to us. I thought you were an expert.
Dylan: Come on, it's -- it's my first one! And voilá. One changed baby. One happy...
Connor: [Crying]
Dylan: ...Baby.
Chelsea: Oh.
Dylan: Oh --
Chelsea: You were saying?
Dylan: Uh, he can't be wet again, can he?
Chelsea: No, I-I think that that's a hungry cry.
Dylan: Oh. Well, how do you know that?
Chelsea: I don't know! Maternal instinct, I guess? I'm going to go heat up the milk that I pumped earlier, and you just try to calm him down! You'll be okay!
Dylan: Y-y-yeah!
Chelsea: Yeah! Okay!
Dylan: Uh -- um, okay! Okay, Buddy! Okay! Look, um, let's see if -- okay! Let's see if I can get you -- oh! -- To stop crying! Let's see if I could do that right here. Let's see.
Connor: [Stops crying]
Dylan: Oh. You okay? Wow, I'm good! And I'm gonna get better. And I meant everything that I said to your mom. I'm gonna do... everything I can to keep you safe. And I'm gonna make everything right for you... just like your coming into the world made things right for me. And I know that you... are gonna grow up to be... a good man -- a better one than your dad.
Devon: Listen. I don't need your fake sympathy, man.
Tyler: No, there's nothing about it that's fake.
Devon: Well, then, I don't need you to sit here and hold my hand.
Tyler: You know... when my mother passed, man, I felt the same way. I just wanted to shut out the entire world.
Devon: I just don't want to hear anybody tell me how bad they feel for me.
Tyler: Yeah, it doesn't really help, huh?
Devon: And I don't deserve that sympathy. When I found out that Katherine was my grandmother, I didn't want to have anything to do with her, and she tried to reach out to me. And if I would've realized how little time we had... you know, I wouldn't have -- wouldn't have acted like a, uh -- [Chuckles dryly] ...A jerk.
Tyler: Yeah, but, I mean, you guys were cool in the end, though, right? I'm sure she had a pretty good idea how you felt about her.
Devon: Yeah. She deserved a better grandson. I mean, look at me. I'm going to a business meeting the day after I found out she passed away.
Tyler: No. You're coping, all right -- the best way that you know how. Do not beat yourself up for that.
Billy: You know I'm a call away, right?
Jack: Thanks. I got a lot of people on my team.
Billy: You do. Unfortunately, uh, there's one less now.
Jack: No, Katherine's still here in spirit.
Billy: You don't believe in ghosts, do you, Jack?
Jack: Did I say I was sorry you were leaving?
Billy: Ah!
Jack: What was I thinking?
Billy: See you, Abs.
Abby: Bye. I just keep thinking about all the times I disappointed her... like when I filled her swimming pool with bubbles and skinny-dipped in the middle of her 4th of July party.
Jack: You know what? I think Katherine Chancellor appreciated your sense of adventure.
Abby: Oh, well, I don't think she appreciated me ruining her annual arts fundraiser.
Jack: Oh! Yeah, the, uh -- the fake kidnapping?
Abby: Yeah. [Laughs] Not my finest hour.
Jack: You know what? We all make mistakes. It's just, yours are maybe a little more colorful than the rest of us.
Abby: What mistakes have you made?
Jack: [Chuckling] Oh. Ask your father. He can recite them for you, chapter and verse, starting with... my orchestrating a takeover of Newman. Boy, Katherine was angry at me about that.
Abby: Oh, yeah. My dad wasn't too thrilled, either.
Jack: As I remember it, you weren't too happy, either.
Abby: Mm. [Laughs]
Jack: You know what? When it all ended... after the pills and... that awful story with Congressman Wheeler... Katherine was still there for me. I turned her down, but do you know she offered... to get me into her, uh, rehab clinic anonymously. Even after that, she kept calling, checking on me... calling, asking how I was doing... giving me her private ideas on how to stay clean -- all of it under the radar, as if it was nothing. Of course, to her, it probably was nothing.
Abby: When I ruined her arts gala... I wrote her a check, you know, to cover all the donations that she lost. And I asked her not to tell anybody. She never did... except for the one person that it would matter to -- my mom.
Jack: That sly, old fox... always sneaking around behind our backs to do her magic. Who's gonna look after us now?
Abby: Well, I am certainly no Katherine Chancellor, but I am good at sneaking around when the situation calls for it.
[Knock on door]
Jack: You know what? We could all use a guardian angel like Katherine right now, and I think she would be very proud that her death caused us all to look out for each other.
Abby: Yeah.
Chelsea: Little guy has a big appetite.
Dylan: Takes after his mama.
Chelsea: [Gasps] Hey! You are going to see a whole new me now that I'm eating for one.
Dylan: I was good with the old you.
Chelsea: I'm good with you, too. ...Which makes me wonder why you said you want Connor... to be a better man than his dad?
Dylan: You heard that?
Chelsea: What did you mean?
Dylan: [Exhales softly] Well, uh, you know, I think every parent wants their child to avoid the mistakes... they made.
Chelsea: You are a good man, Dylan. Connor's very lucky to have you for a father.
Dylan: Ah, no. He -- he hit the parent lottery when he got you as his mom.
Chelsea: All that matters is the home that he's raised in. If it's a happy place, full of love...our son will grow up to have the best of both of us in him.
Dylan: Yeah, I hope you're right.
Devon: So, you have, uh, decided to reconsider my offer, huh?
Tyler: Yeah, but...we don't have to talk about that right now.
Devon: It's -- its fine. I'm...coping, remember?
Tyler: [Chuckles softly] Okay. Well, yeah. I'm ready to come back to Jabot... under one condition.
Devon: The list has shrunk. There's just one now. I'm sure it's a doozy. What is it?
Tyler: I get to choose my own photographer.
Devon: Okay. Do you have someone in mind?
Tyler: Actually, I do. Noah Newman.
Devon: Noah?
Tyler: Yeah. You know him, right?
Devon: Of course I know him. I just didn't know he was a photographer.
Tyler: I mean, he's just getting started out, but here. Check these out. He took these at the M.S. benefit a couple weeks back.
Devon: These are from the, uh, Sophisticate site. I saw them.
Tyler: Okay, well, then, you know how good he is.
Devon: Yeah! I mean, these are great, but he doesn't really have any professional experience, and you want me to let him work on a major project?
Tyler: I want you to cut him a break, all right, like the one that your uncle Malcolm got, huh? Yeah. According to his bio, he got his first professional gig at Jabot.
Devon: Okay, well, this is a little different.
Tyler: Yeah, it's different in the sense that I'm involved -- the guy who was right about using models with no experience, huh?
Devon: Okay.
Tyler: All right? So, we got a deal?
Summer: So, you're telling me that you gave up your awesome bartending job to try and make it as a professional photographer?
Noah: Some of my photos have already been published in -- ow -- Sophisticate's website. I'm hoping they end up in the next print issue.
Summer: Wait. Really? That is so cool! What are the photos of?
Noah: Just some party I-I was at.
Summer: Well, that must've been some party for Sophisticate to be interested. What was it?
Noah: Uh, it was the M.S. benefit.
Summer: Oh. Yeah, the night that my mom fell.
Noah: Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to remind you about that.
Summer: No, it's fine. I'm glad that something good happened to somebody that night.
Nikki: I have the last message that Katherine left on my phone. I keep listening to it over and over. She invited me to lunch. I never got back to her.
Jack: Is it selfish of us to have wanted more time?
Nikki: No, I guess not. There's...never enough time.
Jack: We're so careless with it.
Nikki: We always think there'll be enough time for anything.
Jack: The whole thing has me thinking a lot about Summer... all the time I lost with her that I'll never get back. I don't want to lose another second.
Nikki: Well, I have good news. Victor has decided to stop fighting you on that.
Victor: I will not allow Jack Abbott to lay claim to a member of my family, okay?
Victoria: [Sighs] Summer is not a piece of property, Dad.
Victor: She is a Newman.
Victoria: You can't make that true just because you want it to be true.
Victor: Sweetheart, your brother raised her. She is the lady she is today because of his influence.
Victoria: Dad, Jack never had a chance to be involved in her life!
Victor: And thank God for that! Who knows how she would've turned out with his influence!
Victoria: You're not being fair.
Victor: To whom -- to Jack Abbott? I don't give a damn about that Jackass! I'm concerned about my granddaughter!
Victoria: If Summer wants to be involved -- if she wants to have a relationship with Jack, there's nothing you can do to stop her.
Victor: I got that loser husband of yours out of our family. I will do the same thing to his brother.
Victoria: Billy's not out of our family. We're back together.
Chelsea: Whatcha working on?
Dylan: Well, it's supposed to be a surprise!
Chelsea: I love surprises! Can I see?
Dylan: No, no! It's not -- no! Not finished yet!
Chelsea: Please?
Dylan: [Sighs] Okay. There's no place to hide it, anyway.
Chelsea: What is it?
Dylan: This is...
Chelsea: [Gasps]
Dylan: ...An album -- Connor's first days.
Chelsea: I can't believe you did this! You've taken so many pictures already! Let me see! [Gasps] Oh, he looks like such an angel in that one!
Dylan: Yeah. Look at this one. This is the first picture taken.
Chelsea: Oh.
Dylan: What?
Chelsea: Oh, that's awful. Definitely don't post that on FacePlace.
Dylan: Uh, I-I don't know how.
Chelsea: Oh. Well, that's a good thing. I think he'd disown us.
Dylan: Yeah. I'm just glad there wasn't social media around when I was born.
Chelsea: Mm.
Dylan: Check this out!
Chelsea: [Gasps] Oh, my God! Is that you?!
Dylan: Pretty scary, huh?
Chelsea: You look like Yoda!
Dylan: Yoda?! That is not...
Chelsea: Your ears are kind of pointy!
Dylan: ...Even funny at all!
Chelsea: They're just a little pointy! [Chuckles]
Dylan: Do you think I look like him? I don't really think I look like Connor in there.
Chelsea: W-well, that's not so strange. I mean, look. Look at your baby picture. You don't really look like your dad in that one, so --
Dylan: Uh, yeah. That's -- that's true. Guess not.
Chelsea: Once, um -- once Connor starts working out, he's gonna be the spitting image of you.
Victor: You can't be serious.
Victoria: Billy's moving back in today. Yeah, I'm serious.
Victor: What is the matter with you? You're a smart, capable, beautiful woman. What is the matter with you? You allow that...worthless punk back in your life?
Victoria: He's not a worthless punk. He's my husband, and I love him, Dad!
Victor: I don't give a damn right now! I don't understand you! Do you enjoy being lied to, or have your own life or your children's lives endangered by him?
Victoria: He swore off gambling, okay?
Victor: Are you serious? You believe that?
Victoria: Okay, Dad! He's getting help this time!
Victor: Come to your senses, girl. He's gonna end up in the gutter, and he will drag you down with him. You got that? And I will not allow that to happen!
Victoria: Stop it, Dad! Just stop it, okay?! I'm gonna be with Billy, and there's nothing you can do about it!
Victor: You watch me! He is not getting back into your life!
Victoria: Oh, really? Really? What are you gonna do? You gonna ship him off to some remote prison again? Are you gonna hire somebody to seduce him again? Are you gonna bribe him to leave me? Do you think this is honoring Katherine? It's not honoring her! She would agree with me!
Victor: He's a gambler! What's the matter with you?!
Jack: Wait -- Victor is backing off of Summer, just like that.
Nikki: Katherine's death has made him reassess things.
Jack: Like a real person with real emotions and feelings?
Nikki: Can you just accept this, please?
Jack: Okay, I'm a little skeptical. For you... I will try.
Nikki: Thank you.
Jack: How are you doing?
Nikki: Well, life isn't gonna be the same without Katherine.
Jack: They say time is our enemy, but -- I don't know -- maybe time is our friend.
Nikki: There was so much more I had to say to her.
Jack: Sounds like you may have a few unresolved issues, there.
Nikki: You know, I could go to her with anything... anything at all.
Jack: You're so lucky... to have a friend like that you can share all your secrets with.
Nikki: Katherine knew everything about me... even things that Victor didn't know.
Billy: I should move out more.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Billy: Hey!
Victoria: Oh, am I glad to see you! Mm!
Billy: Wow!
Victoria: [Sighs]
Billy: I should move out more often!
Victoria: No! No, don't say that, not when Dad is putting all of his energy into trying to break us up!
Billy: You know, your dad needs a new hobby, like -- I don't know -- wrestling alligators, skydiving without a parachute?
Victoria: Uh, speaking of a new hobby, did you take up a new hobby?
Billy: Oh, yeah. This? No. Um, Dylan ordered this before Baby McAvoy decided to arrive a little bit early.
Victoria: Oh! Great. Hope somebody's coming to pick it up.
Billy: How am I gonna build a bookcase without wood, Woman?
Victoria: You...are gonna build -- no. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Victoria: No, no, no, no, no.
Billy: What?!
Victoria: No! I mean, do you remember the last thing that you tried to build? It was not good.
Billy: Yeah! Lightning, Dee Dee's rocking horse! He's awesome!
Victoria: He has three legs.
Billy: So? That makes him unique. That makes him special. Have you ever seen a rocking horse with three legs?
Victoria: No! Never!
Billy: Well, this bookcase is gonna be special, too.
Victoria: Listen. You don't have to keep doing things to prove that you love me.
Billy: What if I want to? I want you to realize that you made the right decision, taking me back.
Victoria: I already know that.
Billy: Well, then, here's to proving to all those unnamed people who don't believe it.
Victor: You will never convince me that Billy Abbott is good for our daughter.
Nikki: Victor, they love each other just as much as we do!
Victor: How can you compare their sham marriage to what we have?!
Nikki: You know, I thought Katherine's death would make you realize that we should end all this pettiness and -- and appreciate the people that we do have in our lives!
Victor: I don't want Victoria to spend another second with that useless bum!
Nikki: When you said that you were ready to let Jack be a part of Summer's life, I mistakenly thought that you were willing to make peace with the Abbotts!
Victor: I never had any intention of letting the Abbott boys into our family!
Nikki: Well, Jack is Summer's father! And Billy is married to our daughter.
Victor: Billy-boy Abbott will self-destruct, I assure you. And as far as Jack Abbott is concerned, I don't want him to influence our granddaughter!
Nikki: Don't you realize that the only person that's being hurt in this tug-of-war is Summer?! Jack understands that! He's willing to compromise!
Victor: What do you mean, Jack unders-- how the hell do you know that?
Nikki: I went to see him.
Victor: You went to see Jack Abbott about our granddaughter?
Summer: You know, I was surprised that you asked me to meet you here today.
Devon: Yeah, well, keeping busy is, uh -- it's been helping me get through everything.
Summer: Yeah. I'm sorry to hear about Katherine.
Devon: Thank you. And I thought coming back to work would, uh -- would help you, too.
Summer: Yeah, so did I. But putting on makeup and cute clothes and smiling for the camera while my mom's in the hospital just... doesn't feel right.
Devon: Yeah. I understand. But let me tell you. I know that Phyllis would want you to go on with your life.
Summer: Gosh, I just wish that I could talk to her about it, you know? I remember all the times that I would tell her to butt out of my life because I didn't want her advice. I didn't need it, but... now I need it.
Devon: Do you have anyone else that you can talk to?
Summer: Yeah, my dad, but... I don't know. Things are kind of weird with us.
Devon: Well, I'm always here, if you need to talk. And if you do change your mind, let me know, okay?
Summer: Okay. Thanks.
Devon: Yeah.
Summer: [Sighs]
Jack: Hey! Mind if I join you?
Summer: Uh, no.
Jack: Thanks again for dinner last night.
Summer: Yeah! You're -- you're welcome. It wasn't a big deal.
Jack: Oh, it was to me. We should do that again sometime. It doesn't have to be dinner. I mean, we could... uh, have coffee. Talk.
Summer: Okay.
Jack: Come to think of it, this place has coffee! If you want to, we could talk now... you know, if you wanted any particular kind of advice. Okay. I heard what you said to Devon about wanting to talk.
Summer: Um... to my mom or to my dad.
Jack: You didn't mean me.
Billy: How are your parents?
Victoria: Well... I think my mom is devastated. But Dad is -- he's just Dad. [Sighs]
Billy: If anything was ever gonna get to Victor, I would've thought it was losing Katherine.
Victoria: It got to him.
Billy: But he is still Victor. I get it. I get it. [Sighs]
Victoria: I don't think people really ever change. I mean, look at Katherine. She died like she lived.
Billy: [Chuckles softly] Fearless and grabbing life every second. Yes. Yes, she did.
Victoria: That's what I want for us.
Billy: Yeah? Okay. What do you want next? Where do you want to start?
Victoria: I have it already.
Billy: Right, I know. But, like, what, um -- what do you want to do next? Want to have a baby? I know. Let's -- let's make a baby.
Victoria: I-I stopped taking the fertility treatments.
Billy: So? We don't need those.
Victoria: Oh, but we do.
Billy: No, no, no, no, no! No more wasting time! Remember? Come on.
Victoria: I don't know.
Billy: Oh, come on!
[Both laugh]
Billy: We'll just call it practice!
[Both laugh]
Summer: I'm really sorry.
Jack: No, no, no. No, I didn't assume you were talking about me. I -- I guess I just hoped.
Summer: It's just really hard not to think of Nick as my dad.
Jack: And why shouldn't you? I mean, he's been your father your whole life... and a pretty good one, if you ask me.
Summer: Yeah, I guess so.
Jack: If your instincts tell you you need to get advice from Nick...I think you should.
Summer: I-I don't know how I feel about him right now.
Jack: Or how you feel about me? Tell you what. I'll tell you how I feel. Maybe that'll make it easier.
Summer: Sure.
Jack: Okay. I feel proud... very proud, to have such a bright, lovely, caring daughter. You have always had a very special place in my heart. Now it just goes a little deeper. Your happiness, your well-being -- they're more important to me now. Nothing in the world I wouldn't do for you, including stepping back, if that's what you need. But I'll never stop loving you. Ever.
Summer: I don't know what to say.
Jack: There's nothing to say. You don't have to say a thing. I just wanted you to know how I feel.
Dylan: Doesn't seem real.
Chelsea: Wait till 2:00 a.m., when he's screaming. Then he'll seem real.
Dylan: No, that we... made him -- you and me.
Chelsea: It's pretty incredible.
Dylan: I'll be right back. I'm gonna try to find the camera.
Chelsea: Okay.
[Cell phone rings]
Chelsea: No, no, no. Hello? What do you want, Adam? Why should I come meet you?
Abby: Cute!
Tyler: All right. Let me see? Let me see?
Abby: This isn't weird at all -- me taking a picture of my nephew and his roommate.
Tyler: No, this isn't just roommates right here. This is the new creative team for Jabot fashion.
Noah: Wait. What's that?
Tyler: Yeah. Director...and photographer.
Abby: [Gasps]
Noah: I got the job.
Tyler: Yeah, Bro. And you owe me big. I'd say, uh...six months of cleaning the bathroom should suffice.
Noah: Why start now?
[Both laugh]
Noah: Seriously, man. Thank you.
Tyler: Yeah. It is our time. We're gonna blow the doors off this thing.
Noah: Well, I guess I better go tell my dad he needs to find a new bartender. Seriously, thank you, again.
Tyler: All right, Bro.
Abby: [Laughs] So, you are back working at Jabot.
Tyler: Yeah. Devon, he, uh -- he finally came back around.
Abby: And since I'm an Abbott, that technically makes me your boss.
Tyler: Oh, that's how you gonna play this?
Abby: Mm-hmm. And first order of business is...
Tyler: Right here?
Abby: Mm, I think we should go back to your place.
Tyler: Oh, I think I'm gonna like this job!
Abby: [Laughs]
Noah: See you guys.
Tyler: Hey, Bro.
Victor: You had no business discussing our granddaughter with Jack Abbott!
Nikki: I went to Jack because I thought you were backing off of Summer so you could give yourself a chance to grieve for Katherine!
Victor: Why the hell did you go to him for that?!
Nikki: Because he loved her, too!
Victor: Oh, bring me a violin! So did I!
Nikki: Oh, really? Well, why don't you show it, then?! You walk around all stuffed up! Let it show! [Voice breaking] Let me know that you've got an empty hole inside of you that will never be filled again! Yell! Scream! Throw something! I want to know that you are as devastated as I am that you didn't get to say goodbye... to your best friend in the world! [Crying] My best friend...
Victor: Come here.
Nikki: ...In the world, and I-I don't have her anymore! She's gone! I'm so lost, Victor! And we weren't finished! We weren't finished! I needed to talk to her one last time! [Crying]
Victor: I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Avery: Do you got another woman stashed away?
Nick: Actually, Sharon is right upstairs.
Lily: Why do you smell like Ashley, the Jabot perfume?
Cane: It was Hilary.
Lily: What?
Chelsea: Who's here to visit us?
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