Y&R Transcript Monday 8/19/13
Episode # 10226 ~ Avery's return threatens Sharon's plan; news of Katherine Chancellor's death hits Genoa City.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
[Thunder crashes]
Devon: I'm not seeing anything.
Lily: Yeah, me neither.
Chloe: Maybe there's a message on the back.
Nikki: Seems pretty straightforward to me. Be here at 8:00.
Esther: Maybe it's in code.
Jill: Right, Esther. It's in code, because Murphy and Katherine are really spies.
Esther: I was just trying to help.
Cane: Yeah, the question is why are all these different postcards from all these different places?
Chloe: I don't know. If I went to all of these places, I would want to share it with everyone.
Victor: You know... doesn't this seem to all of you like a dream trip? I mean, this is the kind of adventure you look forward to all your life.
Jill: Oh, my God!
Victor: What?
Jill: That's it. That's what this is about.
Nikki: What? Don't stop now. Tell us. What?
Victor: If you know why we have been summoned here, tell us.
[Thunder crashes]
Esther: Oh, man! That thunder's really getting on my nerves.
Chloe: Mom, Mom. It's okay. It's just two clouds rubbing together, like you always told me when I was a kid.
Kevin: Hey, Guys. Sorry I'm late. The rain was coming down so hard I couldn't see out the windshield. I had to pull over until it let up.
Cane: It's okay. Don't worry.
Lily: Yeah, we're glad you're here now.
Kevin: Thanks. Where's Katherine? What'd I miss?
Devon: She's not here.
Kevin: She's not? Then what is this all about?
Nikki: We're not really sure.
Victor: Jill was about to give us her theory.
Jill: It's not really a theory. I was just remembering something. Let's just wait for Katherine. She can shed a light on all of this.
[All chuckle]
Esther: Oh, good.
Nikki: Well, that's some light.
[Thunder crashes]
Faith: What was that?
Nick: Oh, it was just a little thunder and lightning. It's okay.
Sharon: Oh, is it still storming?
Nick: I think the rain's letting up.
[Knock on door]
Nick: You expecting someone?
Sharon: No, but I'll go see who it is.
Avery: Hi, Sharon. I hope you don't mind. I was up at Nick's.
Nick: Hey. I didn't expect you back yet.
Avery: The power is out at the tack house, and I just found your note saying that you were here. It fell on the floor somehow. Otherwise I would have been here sooner. [Sighs]
Sharon: Well, we were expecting your flight would be delayed on account of weather. We really didn't think you'd get here until tomorrow.
Avery: Obviously. [Chuckles]
Jill: When I first met Katherine... [Clears throat ] ...More years ago than I care to remember, I told her that I had all these places that I wanted to visit one day, all of these things I wanted to do, you know? But I didn't have the money. And she laughed at me and she said she had the money, but not the time. But at the same time, she vowed to me that she was gonna do the same thing one day. She was gonna travel the world and see all the places that she'd never seen.
Nikki: Well, that sounds like Katherine to me.
Lily: Well, where did she want to go? What'd she want to see?
Jill: Well, it was the Seven Wonders of the World, for one thing, and then she had a few places of her own. And every one of these places on these postcards that she sent us -- that was a specific place that she wanted to visit.
Kevin: Well, she finally did it. Hey, that's pretty cool.
Jill: No. No, it's not the least bit cool. Don't you see? This wasn't just a vacation.
Chloe: So what was it?
Jill: Katherine has been jetting around the world closing out her bucket list.
Esther: Bucket list?
Jill: Yeah. That's all the things that a person wants to do before... [Voice breaking] Before they die. [Sighs]
Avery: Just so glad I made it. I was able to take an earlier flight out of Savannah.
Nick: So, you beat that storm. Awesome.
Sharon: Any word on Phyllis? Any sign of improvement?
Avery: I'm afraid not. They think it's gonna be a long process. What are you doing here?
Nick: Oh, Faith had a little tummy ache and she was scared of the storm, but she's doing a lot better now, aren't you? All right, so, you want to head back to my place?
Avery: That sounds great.
Nick: All right, come here, Beautiful. [Sighs ] I love you. Mwah! I'll see you tomorrow? Yeah? All right. Make sure you keep that flashlight nearby in case you need it.
Sharon: That's good advice. Bye.
Nick: Bye.
Faith: What's wrong, Mommy?
Sharon: Nothing, Sweetheart. Nothing that mommy can't fix if she tries hard enough.
Victor: Jill, with all due respect, Katherine goes on a well-deserved vacation, and I think you're pushing panic buttons.
Cane: No, I agree with Victor. I think you might be jumping to conclusions.
Jill: Okay, it seems perfectly in character of Katherine Chancellor to go on a three-month vacation and not touch base with any one of us?
Cane: Well, Katherine did have a very complicated procedure, so it's only natural that she would want to take a break afterwards, don't you think?
Jill: Okay. We'll just -- we'll wait for Murphy and then we'll find out the truth. It's just... ever since we got this mysterious summons, I've had this...ominous feeling in the pit of my stomach.
Nikki: Look, I think all of this bucket-list talk is merely Katherine deciding to go and do the things she's always wanted to do.
Victor: Exactly.
Nikki: Realized, you know, why wait to make your dreams come true?
Victor: You're right, my sweetheart.
Devon: Good for her.
Lily: Yeah, I mean, if brain surgery doesn't get you to appreciate life, I don't know what would.
Jill: But if it's so benign, why did she want all of us to meet her here when she gets back?
Chloe: Because she wanted to tell us all about her incredible stories.
Victor: Yeah.
Chloe: She just didn't want to repeat them over and over again.
Kevin: You think she wanted us all here so she could show us slides from her trip?
Victor: Katherine is not someone who just takes pictures. I mean, she -- I've known her for many, many years. She just savors the experience that she's living.
Nikki: And she will tell the stories with such detail that no picture could ever match.
Victor: Exactly.
[Vehicle approaches]
Esther: Well, we'll know soon enough. Mrs. C's limo just pulled up outside.
Nikki: Oh!
Victor: All right.
Nikki: Thank goodness!
Devon: I'm gonna see if they need help with luggage.
Jill: [Sighs]
Nikki: Oh, my gosh.
Murphy: Oh, bring bags in the side, Robert. Don't want mud on Esther's floor.
Devon: Welcome home, Murph.
Murphy: Thank you, Devon.
Nikki: Murphy!
All: Hey!
Murphy: You're all here uh, where's Neil?
Lily: He had to go to London on business.
Murphy: Ah.
Victor: Wait a minute, now. I think the more pertinent question would be where's Katherine?
Murphy: I'm afraid my wife won't be joining us.
Nick: Oh, yes! They work! That's some welcome back, huh?
Avery: Hmm? Oh, yes. The weather.
Nick: You seem a little down. You always love big storms. Or are you just sad that this one's over.
Avery: Uh, I'm okay.
Nick: Must have been tough for you to leave Phyllis in Georgia.
Avery: I feel just as helpless being there. You know? I mean, there's nothing I can do. [Sighs] But she's in good hands, and Daniel promises to call if there's a change, and, so, it was time to come home. And to walk into champagne and flowers and candles prepared by you. Wow.
Nick: Yeah. I'm sorry. The surprised was ruined.
Avery: It's not ruined. The champagne is still cold.
Nick: Yeah, but it's not a surprise, you know?
Avery: Oh, it was a surprise. And it was so nice to come to.
Nick: I was thinking I should have some dinner prepared for you. I mean, you got to be hungry after your flight, and you're still on east coast time, which means your stomach is an hour hungrier.
Avery: Oh, well, I'll survive at least a little longer.
Nick: Let me make you something. I got a lot of food here.
Avery: Since when?
Nick: Excuse me?
Avery: Well, you're hopeless in the supermarket, and I don't think I've ever seen adult food in your refrigerator.
Nick: Yeah, okay. But Sharon actually brought me a bunch of groceries. She was worried I was gonna die from malnutrition since you were out of town. She knew that.
Avery: Oh. How thoughtful of her. [Sighs ]
Faith: "Once upon a time...
[Reading indistinctly]
[Knock on door]
Sharon: Oh. Hey. It's you. What's up?
Noah: Expecting someone else?
Sharon: Yeah, kind of. I thought it might be your father because he was here earlier. He forgot his jacket, so I thought he might have come back for it.
Noah: What was he doing here?
Sharon: He was helping with Faith, and then the storm got bad, so he ended up staying for a while.
Noah: Oh, yeah. It got really bad. The power went out at my place, too. But, you know, if you ever need me, you can call me for help.
Sharon: I know that, Sweetie. It's okay. Nick's just so close by and Faith was asking for him. I know it means a lot to her to have him here.
Faith: Mommy and Daddy were sleeping together.
Avery: Mmm. Chicken salad. Yum.
Nick: Mm. It's the almonds that make it.
Avery: Mm-hmm.
Nick: I learned that from a very clever, very sexy chef.
Avery: Sexy? Is that what you look for in a chef?
Nick: Yeah, pretty much.
Avery: Oh.
Nick: Is that a bad thing?
Avery: No, not for me it's not. And you're right. I was hungrier than I realized. This hits the spot. Thank you. Thank you for taking such good care of me.
Nick: You're welcome.
Avery: Oh, when I was waiting for you, Summer stopped by.
Nick: To see me?
Avery: Uh, she came to see Faith 'cause she knows she's afraid of thunder and lightning.
Nick: Wow. I'm so glad that she's not avoiding this place because of me. I mean, she was here the other day with Faith and they were playing dress up. They were having an awesome time.
Avery: Well, I can't help think that part of the reason she stopped by is she was hoping to see you. She's still hurt and angry, but she feels so close to you. And she doesn't know what to do with all these feelings.
Nick: I hope you're right.
Avery: Look, there's all kinds of families in the world, right? All kinds of relationships. I mean, look at Phyllis and myself. We're sisters, but we spent how many years as strangers? Or worse. And now I may never get the chance to heal everything between us.
Nick: Well, I pray that is not the case.
Avery: Me too. But my point is that it's not too late for you and Summer. Don't give up on her. Really get her to talk this out with you. I want you to be firm and persistent and loving. It's the only way you're gonna be able to rebuild your relationship.
Jill: Why isn't Katherine joining us? What's wrong?
Nikki: Is she ill? Did she overdo it?
Esther: I'm sure all that travel must have been exhausting.
Murphy: That trip was anything but exhausting. It was exhilarating -- everything she hoped it would be and more.
Devon: So all the postcards my grandmother sent, you two really went to all those places?
Murphy: Yeah, all those places and more. I mean, we traveled the globe, taking in all its wonders. The Taj Mahal, the great pyramids at Giza.
Nikki: Stonehenge -- she used to talk about wanting to go there. Kilimanjaro -- she talked about that, too.
Kevin: The Parthenon.
Nikki: Oh, how nice.
Devon: Hong Kong.
Chloe: The Great Barrier Reef.
Cane: Machu Picchu.
Lily: The Great Wall of China.
Murphy: You know, Katherine didn't just sight-see. She experienced every bit of it. She rode the Colossos in Germany -- the world's tallest wooden roller coaster. [Laughter ] And then she danced the flamenco in Barcelona.
Victor: She did?
Murphy: Yes.
Victor: I love it.
Murphy: And she zip-lined the eye of the jaguar in the Sacred Valley.
Lily: I would have loved to have seen that.
Jill: Where is she now, Murphy?
Murphy: Cool your jets, Jill. I'm coming to that. Now, our final stop was Hong Kong. We met Tucker. We had a nice dinner. He was cordial, almost pleasant. And after that, Katherine and I went to the best karaoke bar in Macau.
Victor: [Chuckles]
Murphy: She sang all her favorite songs.
[Light laughter]
Murphy: She got a standing ovation -- everybody in the room.
Nikki: Aww.
Murphy: And that was the final item on the list.
Jill: Her bucket list.
Murphy: Yeah, I guess -- I guess you could call it that. And when the list was over, we went back to the hotel. Katherine -- she laid down and closed her eyes. Her journey was over. She died in her sleep that night.
Nikki: [Gasps] [Crying] No! No! [Crying] Oh, no! No, no, no, no! [Crying softly]
Murphy: I was by her side when she took her last breath. And I got to tell you. There was this smile on her face.
Devon: My grandmother is dead?
Kevin: It's impossible. Mrs. C. was gonna live forever.
Murphy: No, I reached out to the rest of the family, those that aren't in town, and I've told them what happened.
Jill: Wait a minute. If she did all this -- if she went down this list... she must have had reason to think --
Murphy: Jill, Katherine knew she was dying back in April.
Lily: April?
Cane: It was April when she had the surgery to remove the tumor.
Esther: Wait, I don't understand. The doctors said it was a success. There weren't any lasting effects.
Murphy: That's what she told you. But the doctors told her a different story. The true story.
Nikki: So, what you're saying is she knew...that she didn't have that much longer.
Murphy: You see, Katherine knew that every day from that moment on would be a precious gift. And she decided [Chuckles] To make them count.
Jill: By lying to us, by running away.
Devon: Jill.
Jill: No! God! You selfish witch, right up till the last -- oh, Lord! How could she do this to us? How you do this to me? Oh! [Crying]
Nick: You've got to be tired from your trip.
Avery: Actually, I am.
Nick: All right. Why don't you go on upstairs and get in bed, and I will finish this.
Avery: You sound disappointed.
Nick: What would I be disappointed about?
Avery: Same thing I was disappointed about when we came back home.
Nick: What are you talking about?
Avery: Well, I was actually hoping that the lights would still be out when we got back.
Nick: What is it you can do in the dark that you can't do with the lights on?
Avery: Well, I'm gonna show you.
Nick: Thought you were tired?
Avery: I am tired, but I'm not too tired.
Nick: Oh.
Avery: In fact, I just got my second wind.
Nick: I love it when that happens.
Avery: [Chuckles]
Sharon: When Faith said that were sleeping together, she meant that literally. We were all sitting on the couch after playing a game and Faith fell asleep in Nick's lap. I think I just must have dozed off, too. But the look on your face was priceless.
Noah: [Laughs] Well, I just came to show you something. The pictures that I took at the M.S. benefit, they're already up on Sophisticate's website. See? They gave me credit.
Sharon: Oh, look at that! "Photos by Noah Newman." That's great. Wow! There's your grandmother giving her speech.
Noah: [Chuckles]
Sharon: And there's Adam and Victoria. They look like they're getting along.
Noah: That's trick photography.
Sharon: Oh. And then there's your father and Avery. Tremendous, really.
Noah: Well, that might be pushing it. I mean, I haven't had any training or anything, but, you know, I was just in the right place at the right time. And I like it. I think I might, you know, give some serious thought about pursuing photography.
Sharon: Absolutely. You really should do that. You have a great eye for composition, Noah.
Noah: Well, I'm gonna go show these to Dad. If you want, I can take that jacket back to him.
Sharon: No, I'll do it. Just, you know, Faith doesn't get to spend a lot of quality time with her big brother, so if you don't mind staying for awhile, I think it would mean a lot to her.
Noah: Yeah, I'd like that, too.
Sharon: Okay. I won't be long.
Noah: Are you okay?
Noah: Are you kidding me? You beat me again? Are you seriously the luckiest kid in the world? Can you do me a favor? You go upstairs and find a game that maybe I can beat you at once, huh? How about that? All right. [Sighs]
Faith: Let's play this one.
Noah: Oh, all right, Sweetie. Let's play this one. Hey, did you, uh, did you like this picture of your dad all dressed up? Did Mom ever show you this picture? Okay. Let's play this one.
Nick: I know you're gonna be flying down to Georgia all the time.
Avery: Mm-hmm, for as long as it takes.
Nick: Right.
Avery: Oh, no. That sounds like more disappointment.
Nick: No, it's just I'm gonna -- [Sighs] I missed you like crazy while you were gone.
Avery: I missed you so much last week. I worry about you when I'm gone.
Nick: You worry about me?
Nick: I do. I imagine you shuffling around here in your bathrobe. "Oh, Avery. Where's my Avery?"
Nick: That is an accurate description.
Avery: [Laughs]
Nick: Just don't plan on going anywhere any time soon, all right?
[Knock on door]
Avery: Oh, my God. What? Where's your pants?
Nick: Right here.
Avery: Oh, my God. Where's my pants?
Nick: Uh...
Avery: What time is it?
Nick: I don't know.
Avery: Where are my clothes? Where are my clothes? Ow! Ow!
Nick: You all right?
Avery: Yeah, no.
Sharon: Oh, hi. [Gasps] Oh, no. I didn't interrupt anything, did I?
Murphy: What Katherine did was the opposite of selfish. She was trying to be kind, considerate, loving.
Nikki: She didn't want us worrying.
Devon: And we would have. For sure. All of us.
Esther: We would have fussed and fretted and hovered and...
Chloe: Every waking moment.
Lily: Yeah, like we did when she had her surgery.
Cane: She didn't want to put us through months of that.
Kevin: Freaking out over every symptom. Wondering if it meant the end was near.
Victor: I think Katherine wanted our last memory of her to be of that strong, indomitable force of nature that she was and that we all loved.
Jill: Oh, is that what she wanted? That makes it all right, huh?
Nikki: Jill, just shut up.
Jill: Don't you dare tell me to shut up! I have a right to be angry!
Cane: At Katherine?
Jill: At the way Katherine has handled this. At this -- this announcement. I mean, the pain is still here, isn't it? Aren't we feeling hurt? But she didn't have to be around to see it, did she?
Victor: Jill, this isn't fair.
Jill: Isn't it?
Victor: No.
Jill: Well, Katherine went flipping off, all over the world doing what Katherine wanted to do, didn't she? This was not a gift. This was theft, okay? 'Cause you -- you and Tucker are the only two lucky enough to have something the rest of us will never have. They had the chance to say goodbye to her, and Katherine robbed us of that!
Murphy: No, Jill, it's not true. You'll have your chance to say goodbye. Katherine thought about all that, and she even thought about how you should do it. But instead of me telling you, I'll let Katherine tell you herself. Katherine was meticulous about everything. She planned it all down to the smallest detail. Not only her death and the way she handled it, but the way others should handle it. That's why you all are here. She gave me a letter. And she asked that Nikki read it.
Nikki: Me?
Murphy: Mm-hmm.
Victor: Here, Sweetheart.
Nikki: [Voice breaking] I guess so. [Sniffles] Oh, I need my glasses, Darling.
Victor: I have them. I have them.
Nikki: [Sniffles]
Victor: Got that?
Nikki: [Sighs] [Voice breaking] "Well... so, now you know. [Sniffles] I'm not going to be around to give you hell anymore. You'll just have to manage on your own somehow. [Sniffles] I imagine some of you are shedding tears, and some are just shaking your heads. And I'm sure Jill is managing to make this about her. [Chuckles] [Sniffles] I want the tears to stop right now. Do you hear me?
Victor: [Chuckles]
Nikki: That's an order.
[Light laughter]
Nikki: There will be plenty of time for speeches and sharing moments at the party that you're going to have in my honor. And it is gonna be a doozy. Put the fire department and the police on alert. [Sniffles] I expect that this will get out of hand.
Nikki: There will be time ahead for serious matters, too. For dealing with all I'm leaving behind. But more about that later. Now it's time to take me to my final resting place. And as you do... [Sniffles] ...I want you to remember that you're not getting rid of me this easily.
Victor: [Chuckles]
Nikki: I may not -- I may not be able to be right there with you, but I'll still be watching... from another room." [Sniffles ] Oh, God, I wish that were true. And that's it.
Murphy: So...let's take Katherine on her final journey.
Nikki: [Crying]
Avery: Uh, what can we do for you, Sharon?
Sharon: Well, uh, Nick, you left your coat at my house, so I just brought it back for you.
Nick: You did not have to run it up here.
Sharon: That's okay. You know, I heard that we were gonna maybe have some more bad weather and I thought you might need it.
Nick: Well, thank you.
Sharon: You're welcome. So, I see you were able to enjoy some of the food that I brought Nick.
Avery: Yes, Nick told me that you helped out while I was gone. About that.
Sharon: Yes?
Avery: Thank you for taking care of my guy.
Sharon: Oh, I was happy to do it. Only I think when Nick returned the favor, I was probably more of a nuisance than a help.
Nick: [Chuckles] Sharon, uh, sprained her ankle on the stairs.
Avery: Oh.
Sharon: Yeah. You'd think I'm a complete klutz, like I've never put one foot in front of the other before.
Avery: Well, you're okay now, so...
Sharon: Yeah, I am. I feel -- I feel wonderful. Nick was a really big help to me.
Nick: All right, I'm gonna hang that upstairs.
Avery: Okay.
Nick: I'll just, uh...
Sharon: [Sighs]
Avery: So, I'm back now, so, uh, you don't need to keep checking in on Nick and making sure his pantry's stocked.
Sharon: Oh, of course. You know, but we do share children together, so I won't be much of a stranger around here.
[Keyboard clacking]
[Door opens]
Sharon: Hey.
Noah: Hey.
Sharon: Well, looks like you and your sister had a good time.
Noah: Yeah.
Sharon: Where is she?
Noah: She's just upstairs getting ready for bed. Um...question.
Sharon: Yes?
Noah: I accidentally knocked over your some of your stuff, and the picture of Dad fell out. Um, I thought you said you wanted to give that to Faith.
Sharon: Yeah. Of course.
Noah: It's just I showed it to her and, um, she'd never seen it before. What's going on, Mom?
Nick: So... where...were we? Like, here? Maybe we were closer to here.
Avery: Hold on. Hold on.
Nick: What?
Avery: I was just thinking about that conversation we had earlier about postponing the wedding because we didn't have time to put everything together.
Nick: What about it?
Avery: I changed my mind. I don't want to wait. Why don't we get married right away?
[Both chuckle]
Sharon: Why would you think that there's anything going with me?
Noah: I've been concerned about you lately, Mom. You seem a little unfocused.
Sharon: Actually, I've been incredibly focused lately.
Noah: Well, you weren't focused this night. I mean, you must have been in a pretty big hurry if you ran through a red light.
Sharon: Yeah, I was focused that night. I was focused on getting home to Faith.
Noah: Getting home from where?
Sharon: The cemetery. I was visiting Cassie. I had to get home and relieve Amy because she was staying here. Your father was at the M.S. benefit.
Noah: Right, but, the red light where this violation was taken was about a block away from the benefit.
Sharon: So?
Noah: So, you weren't there. You weren't at the benefit.
Sharon: No, I wasn't invited.
Noah: No, I know. Mom, the ballroom isn't on the way home from the cemetery.
Sharon: Okay, Noah, what are you saying? Are you accusing me of something?
Noah: No, I'm not accusing you. I'm curious what's going on. I mean, what were you doing there that night? Did you go to the ballroom? Mom, were you there?
Murphy: Katherine wants everyone here to share their thoughts of her. Now, she doesn't want tears. Just thoughts. Good thoughts. And she asks that when you think of her, she'd like you to think about love. And when you think about the love you had for Katherine, she also wants you to think about the spirit of hope and determination, which we all know she had in abundance. When you think about Katherine, don't think about death. Think about life. Think about a moment that you shared with her. And a smile.
Baby, take my hand let's live it while we can dance barefoot in the sand you and I come on, let's breathe and taste this precious time and place while we can while we can running in circles that just don't connect missing moments that might regret let's make a promise so we won't forget stop and love along the way say the things want to say knowing what we have is all we need baby, take my hand let's live it while we can dance barefoot in the sand you and I come on, let's breathe and taste this precious time and place while we can while we can when the last kiss we share is really the last we will know that we loved every minute that we had baby, take my hand let's live it while we can dance barefoot in the sand you and I come on, let's breathe and taste this precious time and place while we can while we can while we can
Victor: All right, everyone. To Katherine.
All: To Katherine.
[Glasses clink]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Lauren: Jack?
Carmine: Hey, Gorgeous. Did you like my gift?
Paul: I'm not letting you go after Carmine.
Michael: You can't stop me!
Sharon: Everything all right with your dad?
Noah: Yeah. He and Avery are getting married next Friday.
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