Y&R Transcript Friday 7/12/13

Y&R Transcript Friday 7/12/13


Episode # 10200 ~ Jack relays big news to Traci; Nick confesses to Sharon.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Chelsea: Hey, Chloe. What's up?

Chloe: Uh, that's what I would like to know. You were supposed to be here a half-hour ago. We're supposed to be going over our samples and figure out what we're gonna keep in the line. You know, the factory needs a list A.S.A.P.

Chelsea: Now's not a good time. You'll have to handle it without me.

Chloe: Chelsea. Hello?

Dylan: Look, if you need to go, it's -- it's -- its okay.

Chelsea: No. No, no, no. This is more important. You are more important. You were about to tell me about what you went through overseas.

Dylan: Yeah. Uh, I'm sorry if -- if you felt like I was keeping things from you. That was never my intent. I don't want us to have secrets from each other. It's just so hard for me to think about Afghanistan, much less talk about what happened over there.

Chelsea: Have you ever talked to anybody about it?

Dylan: You know, Sharon heard...some of it. No one knows what really happened...not even me.

Sharon: Nick, are you here? Huh. Well, it looks like we beat your daddy home.

Faith: I'm hungry, Mommy.

Sharon: You know, so am I. How about I make us all dinner and we can eat together? How does that sound? I like when we all eat together. Do you?

Faith: Mommy, can Daddy marry you instead of Avery? That way we can be together all the time.

Jack: Kyle, it's your dad again. Listen, I need you to call me. I-I know you're in meetings all day today, but I found out something today that...affects both of us, and I -- give me a call, okay? I-I-I'm sorry to keep leaving messages. Just -- this is urgent. Call me.

Traci: Jack. Jack, I got your message. What's wrong?

Jack: Well, aside from the fact that the woman I love has been lying to me? I just learned that I got cut out of the first chapters of my daughter's life.

Traci: Your daughter? What?

Jack: I'm talking about Summer. I'm her father, not Nick.

Traci: How is that even possible? Remember, there was a DNA test.

Jack: It was compromised. Nick didn't show the results to anyone else. He decided not to have the test again. He was so certain that Summer was his child that he just claimed her for himself.

Traci: I-I-I can't believe that Nick would do something like this.

Jack: He did. And Phyllis knew.

Traci: The whole time?

Jack: No. She knew for the last few weeks, though, and she only told me about it today.

Traci: [Chuckles] Why would Nick bring this out now, I mean, all these years later?

Jack: He decided to take another test because he saw how close Summer was getting to Kyle.

Traci: Oh, that's right. Beca--

Jack: Yeah.

Traci: Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, this is just outrageous. I mean, who -- who does Nick think he is, playing God with people's lives, denying you the chance to raise your own child after you -- you practically raised him yourself?! Oh, Jack. How are you...handling all this?

Jack: With great difficulty.

Traci: A-and what about Kyle? Does Kyle know? Does Summer know?

Jack: Phyllis and Nick told her. Kyle's on a business trip in Denver. I've been trying to reach him all day.

Traci: So... oh, there are just no words, Jack. I am so, so sorry. On top of everything, now you're gonna have to tell your son that he's been dating his sister?

Jack: I am just so grateful they broke it off before it went any further.

Kyle: Just the man that I wanted to see.

Billy: Look, man. If your old man wants to check up on me, you can tell him he can do it himself.

Kyle: Dad didn't send me. I've been out of town, actually. I just got back. I haven't even had time to check my messages, so if I'm supposed to be bugging you about something --

Billy: No, no, no, no, no. I'm sorry. I'm just a little on edge right now, and I shouldn't have jumped on you like that. I apologize, okay?

Kyle: Is everything all right?

Billy: No, it's not. [Clears throat] But I don't want to get into it. So, what can I do for you?

Kyle: You can close the place early and leave me the keys.

Billy: Because?

Kyle: Because I really messed things up with Summer. And I want to make it up to her.

Billy: Here?

Kyle: This is where we had our first real date. I want to give Summer the most romantic night of her life. So, what do you say? Are you gonna help me?

Phyllis: So, um, not much in the fridge. You want me to order pizza?

Summer: Food? No.

Phyllis: Tell me if you change your mind.

Summer: Thanks for agreeing to come back here instead of Jack's. I just -- I'm not ready to see him.

[Knock on door]

Summer: I don't want to see anybody.

Phyllis: I know. You can't hide forever. Eventually, you have to deal with this. We all do. [Sighs]

Summer: I know, but just not tonight, Mom, please?

Phyllis: Okay. Another time, okay?

Nick: No. It's not okay. I need to see Summer.

Summer: You can't fix this, okay, so stop trying. Nothing will ever change the fact that you've been lying to me my entire life.

Nick: Summer, please.

Summer: You know, just go away, okay?! Look, I don't even know who I am right now. Don't you get that?

Nick: What I did was unforgivable. But I couldn't bear the thought of losing another daughter.

Summer: Okay, I am not your daughter, so stop calling me that.

Billy: You know, we're kind of in the same boat. Vicki's barely speaking to me.

Kyle: Sorry to hear that, man.

Billy: Yeah, well, it's my own damn fault, so...

Kyle: Well, maybe you ought to do what I'm doing and, um, plan something special.

Billy: Gonna take a hell of a lot more than a romantic dinner to get me out of what I've done.

Kyle: Wouldn't hurt to try, Billy.

Billy: All right, look, you ready to learn from the master? Listen up, if you really want to melt Summer's heart, you're gonna have to do more than feed her and say you're sorry. We're talking about grand gestures here, okay? You got to make a statement.

Kyle: Well, that's what I'm trying to do here, and I'm asking for your help. So, what do you say?

Billy: Young love -- what I wouldn't do for thee. Fine. Here. Lock up when you're done. Good luck.

Phyllis: I know you're angry. Nick did something, years ago, without considering all the lives it would affect, but I know you love him. Regardless of what that test says, you're still his daughter.

Summer: Do you regret what you did?

Nick: Sweetheart, I regret so much that I hurt you. I regret that I kept the truth from everyone, but I could never, ever regret choosing to be your father. I love you more than you will ever know.

Summer: You don't think Jack would have loved me if he would have known the truth?

Nick: I'm sure he would have.

Summer: Well, we'll never know, will we? We will never know what our lives could have been like or should have been like, all because you lied.

Sharon: Your daddy and I were married for many years.

Faith: But you're not anymore.

Sharon: No. We're not.

Faith: How come?

Sharon: Sometimes things happen and it gets hard to stay together, and so people decide that they're going to be friends instead. But that doesn't mean that we're not a family. Remember I told you how there are a lot of different kinds of families? Well, ours is the kind of family that...doesn't live together all the time.

Faith: I wish we were the kind that did.

Chelsea: I didn't realize that you and Sharon were so close.

Dylan: Yeah. She was one of the first people I met when I came to Genoa City. She offered me a job repairing some damage to her house that was done by a storm. Her daughter really liked to help out.

Chelsea: Faith.

Dylan: She's follow me around, hand me nails. You know, she was my assistant, and we got to spend a lot of time together.

Chelsea: Faith's adorable.

Dylan: She reminded me of, uh, another little girl.

Chelsea: From Afghanistan?

Dylan: Ara. Uh, she was a little older than Faith, but, you know, she liked all the same stuff -- the dolls and the games.

Chelsea: How did you and Ara meet?  

Dylan: Uh, her family saved my life. And it cost them theirs. They're all dead because of me.

Chloe: Green...sa-- suede. No. Is it green -- green silk? No. Ugh. No, it has to be green suede. God, this girl can draw, but she cannot write.

[Door opens]

Billy: Hey.

Chloe: Hey, there.

Billy: You got a minute?

Chloe: Yeah. Well, for you, I got 10... at least, because I just need to take a break from trying to decipher Chelsea's handwriting.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Chloe: What's going on? Are you okay?

Billy: Yeah, not so much. I came to apologize.

Chloe: For what?

Billy: I promised you and Dee Dee that I would come to breakfast this morning, and I showed up late and hung over, and that's not exactly father-of-the-year material, now is it?

Chloe: Listen, Billy, I know that you love our little daughter. And, well, the fact that you pulled yourself away at all from the table -- I mean, that proves that.

Billy: Just gonna make me feel even worse. Look, I-I-I realize that our daughter needs more than that. She deserves more than that, and I'm trying to be father of the year, but I keep mucking it up.

Chloe: How do you figure? You haven't missed one weekend with her. You've given her nothing less than your full attention. You know how to make her smile.

Billy: You're killing me here.

Chloe: Why, because I won't let you wallow in your guilt?

Billy: [Sighs] Well, isn't that the gift that keeps on giving?

Chloe: Am I happy that you're gambling again? No. But you are a good, responsible father.

Billy: Don't do that.

Chloe: Don't do what?

Billy: Don't put a positive spin on this morning. It was bad. You know it, I know it, and the worst part is that little girl knows it. She's not a kid anymore. I walked in there feeling like I got hit by a garbage truck, and she realized it, and I can't let that happen anymore.

Chloe: But it will, because you're an addict. And it's gonna happen over and over again until you get better. And how do you plan on doing that without working the steps and going to meetings?

Billy: [Sighs] Yeah.

Jack: I feel like I'm in shock. The one thing I cannot get past is that Phyllis knew Summer was mine and never said a word to me.

Traci: What was her excuse? I'm sure she had one.

Jack: Oh, in her own twisted logic, she thought she was protecting me.

Traci: From what?

Jack: Relapsing. She didn't think I was strong enough to get this news and take it without a pill. God, when I think of how much time I lost with Summer -- if Phyllis could know that and keep it to herself for one day is unimaginable. For weeks?! I had a right to know!

Traci: If anybody understands what you're going through, it's me. You've been cheated out of a good portion of your daughter's life. And so was I. [Sighs] I will never get to see Colleen get married or have children of her own. But you -- Jack, it's not too late for you to share all of those things with Summer. It's not too late for you to be a father for your daughter.

Jack: I want that more than anything. But Summer has to want it, too.

Traci: Oh, I'm sure she will.

Jack: I don't know. She spent her whole life with one dad. A lot's being asked of her. I can't help wonder, once the dust settles, where I'll fit in.

Phyllis: I-I know you want to make things okay. Just -- it's gonna happen, just not any time soon.

Nick: If it happens at all. She could cut me out of her life for good.

Phyllis: She's never gonna do that.

Nick: We don't know how she's gonna react.

Phyllis: No matter how furious she is with you, you've always been her hero. It's impossible for her to just wipe out years of memories and feelings.

Nick: I really hope you're right.

Phyllis: I am right. You were a wonderful father to her. I think it's time to let Jack be a wonderful father, too.

Nick: I don't know how to stop loving her.

Phyllis: You don't have to. You just have to take a step back.

[Door closes]

Dylan: We were on a routine patrol outside this village when our convoy hit an I.E.D. That's -- that's a mine planted in the road. It -- it was just this...huge -- this huge explosion. And the next thing I knew, I was on my back in the sand, and all hell was breaking loose around me, and it was -- it was an ambush. I just knew at that point that I didn't have a chance, so I just kept telling myself, "You're gonna find a gun, and you're gonna go down fighting."

[Dylan remembering]

Dylan: Sully!

Sullivan: [Coughs] L.T.?

Dylan: Yeah.

[Back to present]

Dylan: Sully was practically a kid.

[Dylan remembering]

Dylan: It's me. Are you hurt? Can you move?

[Back to present]

Dylan: He was kind of like our little brother.

[Dylan remembering]

Sullivan: I think so.

Dylan: Okay.

[Back to present]

Dylan: He was just so scared.

[Dylan remembering]

Dylan: Good. Listen to me. Your weapon's...just to your right.

Sullivan: I see it.

Dylan: Okay. I want you to keep your head down.

[Back to present]

Dylan: But he did exactly what...

[Dylan remembering]

Dylan: Just shove it over to me.

[Back to present]

Dylan: He did exactly what he was trained to do -- follow my orders.

[Dylan remembering]

Dylan: Keep your head down!


Dylan: Sullivan!

[Back to present]

Dylan: [Sighs] It should have been me.

Chelsea: Don't say that.

Dylan: It's true. It's true. Sully, Ara's family -- they all died because they were helping me, and it's not right. My life was not worth all of theirs.

Chelsea: It is to me.

Nick: Hey.

Faith: Daddy!

Nick: [Grunts] [Smooches] What are you guys doing?

Faith: We're making dinner.

Nick: Nice.

Sharon: [Chuckles] The lasagna still needs to cook for another 20 minutes, so why don't you go upstairs and wash up, quick like a bunny.

Nick: Sounds good.

Faith: Here I go.

Sharon: [Laughs] I'm sorry for taking over your kitchen, but Faith was hungry, and I just figured I'd make you dinner, too, since I know how much you like my lasagna.

Nick: Yeah. That's cool.

Sharon: So...Summer get home okay from Chicago?

Nick: Yeah, she's -- she's home. But everything is definitely not okay.

Sharon: What do you mean?

Nick: I made a choice. I did something, and, uh, now Summer hates me for it.

Sharon: I can't imagine Summer ever hating you. You're her father.

Nick: No, I'm not.

[Cell phone chimes]

Summer: [Sighs] Yeah. We do.

Traci: Okay. Okay. Okay. Before you panic, sit down. L-let's think about Abby. You know, she was just a little girl when she found out that Victor was her biological father, and yet, she was able to sustain a loving relationship with both Victor and with Brad. Now, what's to say that Summer can't do the same thing with you and with Nick?

Jack: Oh, I pray to God that's a possibility -- that one day, she could see me as a father figure. The one thing I don't foresee happening, though, is Phyllis being any part of it. This is too big a betrayal. You have no idea the lengths she went to to protect Nick, to put off the day of reckoning. Hell, she even kissed Kyle.

Traci: What?! What?! Why on earth would she do something like that?

Jack: To seduce him away from her daughter. Anything to protect Summer from Kyle and keep the truth from coming out.

Phyllis: I was going to tell you.

Jack: When was that? After you slept with my son?

Phyllis: It wouldn't have gotten that far. You know that.

Jack: Tell me. How far would be acceptable?

Phyllis: You know why I kept this a secret, Jack.

Jack: I know why you say you kept this secret. This was all to protect Nick.

Phyllis: I was afraid you were gonna relapse.

Jack: That seems to be a very convenient excuse these days.

Traci: Jack. Look, this is...very hard for me to say, but I-I think that Phyllis might be right.

Jack: Excuse me?

Traci: You've known that Summer was your daughter for how long -- a day? And already, you were looking for anything to dull the pain of not being around and not being a part of her life.

Jack: I have not taken one pill since the first day of the year.

Traci: Okay. All right. Maybe that's true, but when I walked in her before, Jack, you were staring at that scotch bottle like it was on fire. Were you gonna pour yourself a drink?

Phyllis: Were you?

Jack: Yes. Yes, I was, and not just one drink. I wanted to pour myself into that bottle and drown. And not because I had my daughter cut out of my life. But I couldn't stand the agony of knowing you didn't tell me. Call me weak. Call me an addict. I don't care. Hell, you can cart me off to rehab. It doesn't correct what is wrong here, and believe me, everything about this situation is wrong.

Traci: No one is debating that, Jack.

Jack: I cannot believe Nick did this. He cut me completely out of my daughter's life.

Phyllis: I-I -- he was just in pain.

Jack: You know, I can almost understand his rationale -- almost. But you? I thought you loved me.

Phyllis: I do.

Jack: Boy, you have a hell of a way of showing it.

Phyllis: Um, Traci, can you just give us a second, please?

Traci: [Sighs] Take all the time you need.

Jack: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Since when are you so accommodating of what she wants?

Traci: Jack, just hear her out. Please, at least promise me that much.

Jack: What the hell happened? Just minutes ago, you were outraged.

Traci: Yes, I am outraged about the situation. Absolutely. But I believe that Phyllis is sincere in her concern that you might relapse. And I-I don't know if you'll like what she has to say, but I think she's coming from the right place. I'll talk to you later.

Phyllis: I understand that you're furious with me. I get it. I-I should have told you the minute I found out.

Jack: Yeah, you should have. You didn't. You didn't because you wanted to protect Nick.

Phyllis: It was not just you I was worried about. It was not just your addiction I was worried about. I was worried about my daughter. When she hears bad news, she goes off the deep end. I-I was afraid that she'd be reckless. I was terrified. Nick and I -- we were just trying to figure out how we were gonna break it to her, and I didn't want to hurt you. I didn't want to hurt you. I-I -- Jack, I want you to have a relationship with our daughter.

Jack: [Voice breaking] Our daughter. [Sniffles] Wow.

Phyllis: Yeah. Our daughter.

Jack: [Sniffles]

Phyllis: These last few weeks have been...hell for me. Nick made a choice. I have to live with it, you have to live with it, Summer has to, and...I mean, I-I'm not happy with it, but I have to accept it, right? I mean, he deprived me of -- of raising my daughter with her real father. I mean, what do I say about that? But I have to live with it. I just -- the only thing that matters to me is that you two are safe.

Nick: I believed in my heart that Summer was mine. I needed her to be.

Sharon: You don't have to explain. I know what losing Cassie did to you... and what it did to us, the emptiness that was in our lives. You saw a chance at happiness.

Nick: It's amazing to me that you understand.

Sharon: As devastating as that was... [Sighs] Losing you and...losing the life that we shared together -- looking back on it now, I can understand why you made the choices you made.

Nick: No one else does. Summer can barely look at me. I doubt if Phyllis will ever, ever forgive me. Avery's...

Sharon: Well, you're feeling really alone right now, but you know what? You're not alone. You've got me. You've got Noah, Faith.

Nick: I know at some point I'm gonna have to tell the kids this.

Sharon: Well, we'll do it together. Nick, I'll help you. We will tell our children together. You won't have to do that alone.

Nick: Thank you.

Sharon: You don't have to thank me, 'cause I'm here for you the way that you have always been there for me. And that's what family does.

Chelsea: I know you feel guilty about what happened over there. But you survived for a reason. You can't question that.

Dylan: I do question it. I question it every day. I'm so grateful to be here with you...with the baby on the way, but I'll never understand why I made it back and so many other people didn't. You know, my mom would say that it was because God had a plan for me, and, you know, I-I don't know if I believe that.

Chelsea: Why?

Dylan: [Sighs] Whenever I would -- I would tell this story to my dad or to Sharon, I would -- I would change or leave parts out -- you know, the worst parts -- because I couldn't ever bear to... [Sighs] That little girl Ara's family who helped me? When the insurgents attacked the village, she and I were the only ones who made it out. Her father heard gunfire outside the door and put her in my arms and begged me -- he begged me to save her life. So I went out the back, and I-I disappeared in the hills with Ara. And we spent, you know, weeks trying to find a-a safe zone, and I thought that, you know, that was the reason that I survived the ambush I got taken in by Ara's family is because I was -- I was supposed to save her life.

Chelsea: You did.

Dylan: You know, we left the village with only the clothes on our back, and we had to do what we could to find food to eat and... and it wasn't long, you know, before, um... before her little -- her little body started to shut down. You know, she kept fighting, and she wanted -- she wanted to live, but by the time I got to the camp... she was just so quiet... so still.

Chelsea: Dylan.

Dylan: [Sniffles] [Sighs] You know, Ara's what kept me going, you know? We played games. We'd sing songs and... I can -- I can still hear [Chuckles] Her sweet little voice in my head. I just don't know how long it was all...in my head. You know, the medic said he couldn't work on her. He said that she was already gone. And I just don't remember. I just don't remember when she went...quiet. I don't know if was a day before or a couple days before, but I was just...too focused on trying to find help, and, you know, her family saved me, and I owed it to -- to them to save Ara.

Chelsea: You tried.

Dylan: I didn't try hard enough... or Ara would still be... she'd still be alive. [Sniffles]

Nick: This is a very pretty bracelet. Where did you get it?

Faith: Summer gave it to me. It's magic.

Nick: It's magic, huh?

Faith: She said if I wear it, we'll always be sisters.

Nick: Hmm. [Smooches] Your sister loves you very much. You know why?

Faith: Because we're family.

Nick: You're a pretty smart kid.

Sharon: Dinner's ready whenever you are.

Faith: Daddy?

Nick: Uh, you know what? Why don't you two go ahead and get started without me? There's something Daddy really needs to do.

[Door opens, closes]

Summer: Kyle?

Kyle: Hi.

Summer: Hey.

Kyle: These are for you. I know that red roses are traditional, but you're not exactly a traditional kind of girl, which is just one of the reasons I am crazy about you.

Summer: Kyle, um...

Kyle: Summer, I am so sorry. This is where we had our first date. I want to start over, because I really care about you. And I want to see where this can go.

Summer: [Sniffles]

Billy: Victoria was willing to give me another chance, and then -- pow -- down I go. [Chuckles] That exact moment, this guy who owes me money decides to show up and pay me. What are the odds of that?

Chloe: Well, odds aren't really my thing, but I would say that it's a sign that you should stop gambling...now.

Billy: Yeah. Stop gambling. No problem. That easy. Thank you.

Chloe: You've got to take the first step. You've got to go a meeting. I told you I would go with you for moral support, remember?

Billy: Yes, I know. You still want to go do that with me?

Chloe: Not just for you, but for your daughter -- you know, the girl who worships the ground that you walk on?

Billy: Yes, I do know who she is. [Chuckles] I don't deserve her. And if you want to cut me cold, I guarantee you no one's going to blame you for it, so...

Chloe: You know, if you were in total denial, this would be a totally different situation, but you're not. You're a mess.

Billy: [Laughs]

Chloe: And you know it. And you are the only one that can get the hell out of your own way.

Billy: I don't know what to say.

Chloe: Well, don't say anything, because you know that you're just gonna mess it up.

Billy: That's a good point. You do know me. You know me pretty well.

Chloe: I do. You are a good father. You're a good man. Whoa.

Billy: Um...

Chloe: Sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ki-- I did not mean to kiss you.

Billy: It's, uh -- it's, uh -- you were just, you know, trying to make me feel better about myself. You didn't want me to feel lonely.

Chloe: Yeah. Well, exactly.

Billy: Right. I appreciate that. That was nice of you. [Clears throat] Right.

Chloe: We should just find you a meeting to go to.

Billy: Actually, no. You know, no. You stay here. You work. You got a lot to do. I'm the one with the problem, anyway, so --

Chloe: You said that you needed a friend.

Billy: I -- but you said that I should do this for myself, so I should probably do it just by myself.

Chloe: Okay.

Billy: All right.

Chloe: Fine. I get it.

Billy: Look, hey, thank you.

Chloe: I don't care how you do it, just do it, Billy.

Billy: Yes.

Chloe: [Sighs]

Chelsea: Ara was just a little girl. She had her whole life ahead of her. Doesn't seem fair that you would make it and she wouldn't.

Dylan: No, it doesn't.

Chelsea: I went through something similar...with the accident that caused my miscarriage. Adam and I walked away with barely a scratch, but our baby didn't survive. It just...didn't seem fair. [Sighs] But maybe your mom was right, that things really do happen for a reason, that God does have a plan. Maybe you had to go through all of that to end up here with me and our baby.

Dylan: Yeah, well, whatever the reason... I'm just glad I made it home.

Sharon: For someone who was so hungry, you've barely touched your dinner.

Faith: You said we'd eat together.

Sharon: I know, but daddy had to do something important.

Faith: Aren't we important?

Sharon: Yes, of course, we are. We're his family, even though we may not be the kind of family that lives together all the time.

Faith: How do we get to be that kind?

Sharon: Well, you leave that to me.

Summer: I'm sorry.

Kyle: Don't be. I never should have broken up with you, Summer. It was a huge mistake, just like when I kissed Phyllis.

Summer: What? You kissed my mom?!

Kyle: Technically, she kissed me, but it didn't mean anything. I want to be with you.

Summer: No, please, okay. I-I can't.

Kyle: Summer, I know I've been a real jerk...

Summer: We can't date, ever.

Kyle: Why not?

Summer: Because... you're my brother. It's a really long story, but the short version is that my -- Nick -- he lied to everybody. The truth is that I am Jack's daughter, which makes you...

Kyle: No. You're -- you're wrong.

Summer: I wish I was.

Kyle: This -- this is crazy.

Summer: I know. Kyle, please, wait. Please.

Kyle: No, I-I can't deal with this right now.

Phyllis: It's a complicated situation. I'm just trying to make it easier for everyone involved.

Jack: There's nothing easy about this.

Phyllis: I know that. I asked Nick to take a step back from Summer so you could get to know her better.

[Doorbell rings]

Jack: I can't imagine he was too pleased about that.

Phyllis: Well, I don't really care how he feels. He should feel lucky that anyone's even talking to him.

Jack: Oh, believe me, I got a few choice words for him.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nick: Can I come in?

Jack: This conversation is long overdue.

Lauren: Life just got so out of control.

Gloria: Really? Even though this is all your fault?!

Michael: You are guilty.

Carmine: Of taking care of your wife when you couldn't.

Paul: Michael.

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