Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/11/13

Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/11/13


Episode # 10199 ~ Abby and Tyler's relationship heats up; memories trouble Neil.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Dylan: Thanks for the help.

Stitch: Ah. You should've put in a spa tub. Chicks dig that kind of thing. Would've put you in good with the wife.

Dylan: "Wife."

Stitch: Yeah.

Dylan: Wow. It's crazy. I still can't believe that I'm -- I'm getting married, especially after how everything kind of started.

Stitch: Not exactly love at first sight?

Dylan: I'd lost my dad, and, uh, Chelsea left her husband, and, you know, we got to talking. One thing led to another, and...

Stitch: Ah. Well, I guess you'll be leaving that part out of the story when you tell junior how he came to be.

Dylan: Yeah. I mean, it was just so out of the blue that Chelsea's ex refused to admit that the baby was mine, you know, at first.

Stitch: But you accept it?

Dylan: Yeah -- I wouldn't be renovating this place for us if I had any doubts. Now I just got to get it finished before the kid gets here.

Stitch: [Grunts] Yeah. Won't be time for much else after that. Be sure to get all the sleep you can, too, in the next few months. [Sighs] After that baby's born, it is brutal.

Dylan: [Chuckles] Is it like combat?

Stitch: Worse. I don't think I've had a decent night's sleep since I came back from Afghanistan.

Dylan: I don't think anyone got a good night's sleep over there, either.

Stitch: I'd almost rather be kept awake by that stuff, you know? Real danger -- not the imagined stuff in my head. Feel like it's always with me. You too? All we can do is live with what happened.

Avery: Hi. I'm just calling to check in, see how things are going with Summer. Call me when you can, okay?

Chelsea: Is everything all right? You look worried.

Avery: Uh, I'm just playing phone tag with Nick. No big deal.

Chelsea: Do you have a moment to talk, then?

Avery: Sure. What's going on?

Chelsea: I know this seems weird -- the fiancée coming to talk to the ex-girlfriend -- but, um -- but I really need your advice about Dylan.

Phyllis: [Sighs] It's time to get up, Baby. Listen -- I know you needed some time to get your thoughts together, but we got to get home.

Summer: I'm not going home.

Phyllis: Nick is waiting to talk to you.

Summer: Like I care.

Phyllis: It might be helpful hearing your dad's version of things.

Summer: He's not my dad. Don't ever call him that again.

Victor: How's everything?

Nick: You know, is Mom here?

Victor: Uh, no. Mom is at a meeting for an M.S. fundraiser. Won't be back for a few hours.

Nick: What M.S. fundraiser?

Victor: We're planning a shindig in a couple of weeks, so you better dust off your tuxedo. What's the matter?

Nick: Uh, I wish she was here. I really need to talk to both of you.

Victor: Can't wait?

Nick: No. You really need to hear this.

Victor: Something wrong?

Nick: Wrong doesn't even begin to describe it.

Victor: No one is seriously hurt?

Nick: No, not in the way you're thinking.

Victor: So what are you saying?

Nick: [Sighs] I don't even know how to say this to you.

Victor: Well, just come out with it.

Nick: I'm not Summer's biological father.

Cane: Hey.

Neil: Mm.

Cane: You know, you can knock off whenever you want, right?

Neil: Yeah, not when we're rolling out a new clothing line, I can't. Have a seat. [Clears throat]

Cane: So how's that going for you?

Neil: Pretty damn good.

Cane: Yeah?

Neil: Yeah, it is. And you? Things are going well at Chancellor?

Cane: Yeah. Yeah, things are great. You know, between the new atmosphere that Katherine created and my fantastic, new assistant, I'm finding a way to balance work and family.

Neil: Mm.

Cane: So...oh, speaking of which, I got to meet Hilary here later to, uh, go over some business stuff, and then I'm having dinner with Lily. Why don't you join us?

Neil: Well, thanks. I appreciate that offer, but I just spent the whole day with Lily. Now it's obviously her husband's turn. [Laughs]

Cane: This is true.

Neil: Yeah.

Cane: Hilary's already here. Uh, I got to go.

Neil: Take it easy.

Cane: You too. You too.

Jill: Neil? [Singsong voice] Hello?

Neil: Hey! Hi, Jill. Hi.

Jill: [Scoffs] Where were you just then?

Hilary: So, I moved your 10:00 tomorrow to 11:00 so you'll have time for your London conference call.

Cane: Perfect. Thank you. You know, I don't know what I would do without you.

Hilary: You would just be practicing your juggling act.

Cane: Oh, and dropping all the balls.

Hilary: [Chuckles]

Cane: Ah, Jill's here. Let's go and tell her about the schedule change.

Hilary: Uh, I could just e-mail her. It's fine.

Cane: So, I, uh -- I take it that things are still awkward between you two since she tried to hire you to spy on me, huh?

Hilary: [Chuckles] Actually...there's been a new incident.

Cane: Oh, really? So, what has she done now?

Lily: Mmm! Wow. Okay. [Chuckles] I am officially in love. This is the best mojito I've ever tasted.

Abby: No wonder my brother hired you to tend bar. Your mixology skills are just as good as your modeling skills.

Mason: Thanks.

Lily: Yes. I'm really sorry that Jabot decided to go in a different direction for the next phase of the campaign.

Abby: Hopefully, you'll be strutting around your six-pack in no time.

Mason: Enjoy, Ladies.

Lily: Thank you. You know what? I am really glad that you talked me into this.

Abby: Hey, after all the work we got done today, we deserve this.

Lily: You're right. Let's make a toast.

Abby: Okay.

Lily: To a fun and productive working environment.

Abby: And to the dynamic duo of Jabot Cosmetics. Long may we play with makeup.

Lily: Yes. Cheers.

[Both laugh]

Lily: Mmm. You know, this job has been exactly what I needed -- just less stressful and not as many late nights at the office, either.

Tyler: Hey, I thought we made damn good use of those late nights.

Dylan: Well, you know how I live with what happened? By building a new home, getting engaged, and preparing for the birth of my son or daughter.

Stitch: Well... got the framework down, at any rate.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Stitch: It's kind of like this place, you know? But the rest of it -- that's something you fill in over time, you know? And not just by putting in a new bathroom or two. There's the furniture, the pictures on the wall, the memories that come with them.

Dylan: Well, you know, Chelsea and I don't have memories yet, but making them -- that's half the fun, right?

Stitch: And the other half? It's hard work. Look, take it from a guy who's been with the same woman for seven years now. You got to give it your all. You have to show her the good and the bad. You and Chelsea went from zero to 60 in a flash. And I know you haven't told her what went down over there.

Dylan: Well, come on. Everybody has a past, you know? There's lots of things I don't know about Chelsea still. And that's okay. It's something to look forward to -- you know, finding out where she's been and, you know, what makes her tick.

Stitch: How you gonna find those things out if you don't show her the real you?

Chelsea: I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me.

Avery: I'll try.

Chelsea: Did Dylan ever talk to you about what happened in the war?

Avery: Wow. Okay. I wasn't expecting something quite so...

Chelsea: Huge?

Avery: It's definitely an involved topic.

Chelsea: Yes, it is. And it's one that he won't get into with me, so...

Avery: Well, he's always been a very private person.

Chelsea: And I don't want to violate that. I was just wondering if he ever brought it up to you or... to anyone else, for that matter, because if he hasn't, I really feel like he should.

Avery: Yeah. When Dylan came back from his first tour, I did ask him about it. And he made it very clear that he didn't want to go there.

Chelsea: What about when he got back from his second tour?

Avery: I mean, I should have pushed him, I guess, on it. I was just so grateful he was alive. You know, I-I didn't think I was ever gonna see him again.

Chelsea: Wow, I don't know how you did that -- I mean, sending someone off to fight. I don't know how you survived every day, worrying that he might get hurt or -- or worse.

Avery: Wait a minute. He didn't tell you about that, either?

Chelsea: Tell me what?

Avery: Chelsea, Dylan's entire unit was wiped out in Afghanistan. He was presumed dead.

Chelsea: Oh, my God.

Avery: [Sighs] It was about 8:30 in the morning. And I was rushing to get to work, as usual. And there was a knock at my door. I looked through the peephole, and it was -- it was Dylan's dad. And I knew... what had happened. I knew what he had come to tell me. And for a second, I thought, "Don't make a noise. Don't let him know you're here, and he'll go away, and this won't be real." But he didn't go away. [Voice breaking] And I opened the door. Sorry.

Chelsea: It's okay.

Avery: Sorry. [Sniffles] Then I just -- I crumpled to the floor... like I was made of paper. And I don't remember anything else after that.

Chelsea: How -- uh, how did you -- how did you get up the next morning?

Avery: I don't know. [Chuckles] It was weeks before I could function again, and... it was months before I could go anywhere, where I just didn't cry all the time. And then I, uh -- I-I... finally got courage to... go online and read the articles about it.

Chelsea: Did -- did that answer any of your questions, or...

Avery: It was -- it was mostly obituaries, really. I mean, it talked about who these men were that were killed in action and -- and where they were from, but it didn't tell me anything about what happened.

Chelsea: Or why they thought that Dylan was one of the casualties?

Avery: Not a word, no.

Chelsea: So did you know how he got home?

Avery: I don't. I don't. I don't have a clue.

Chelsea: I suppose his father must've known, right?

Avery: Well, if Dylan confided in anyone, it would've been his dad. But now Terry has passed away, so --

Chelsea: So he has no one to open up to. .

Avery: Chelsea, he has you.

Chelsea: Well, I've -- I've tried. And I'm trying to make sure he knows that I'm -- I'm there for him, and I would be honored to listen, but --

Avery: Don't stop trying.

Courtney: I keep leaving message after message, and I just haven't heard from Summer since I told her that Kyle missed her, and --

Noah: Hey. It's okay. My dad just texted me. He's back in G.C. Phyllis and Summer are on their way home, too.

Courtney: [Sighs] Okay, good. Then you don't know how glad I am to hear that.

Noah: I'm pretty glad, too. And you know what? It wouldn't have been possible if you hadn't told me that Summer had gone to Chicago. Thank you.

Courtney: Yeah, I forgot. She's pretty ticked at me for that. She's probably not even gonna talk to me, anyways, now.

Noah: She will. I know my sister. She'll go back to her old life like nothing ever happened. Everything'll go back to normal.

Phyllis: Listen -- I know you're hurt and angry. But no matter what happened --

Summer: Don't. I don't want to hear it.

Phyllis: What did you think I was gonna say?

Summer: The same thing that you've been saying -- "That DNA doesn't mean everything, Summer -- that Nick is still the man that raised you, and he'll always love you."

Phyllis: That's true.

Summer: Yeah, well, if he loved me, he would've been honest with me from the start.

Phyllis: You can tell him that when you see him.

Summer: What do I say to everyone -- to Noah, to Faith, my friends?

Phyllis: Listen, Summer. I realize how difficult this is for you.

Summer: The way that they're gonna look at me -- they're gonna think I'm some kind of... freak.

Phyllis: They're not gonna think you're a freak.

Summer: No, everything that I've believed about myself -- it's wrong. It's fake. All these years, I've thought of myself as a Newman, and I was so proud of that -- to be a part of such... an amazing family. How many times has Grandpa told us how lucky we are? He's not even my grandpa. I'm no one, Mom. I don't belong anymore... to anyone.

Victor: What do you mean Summer's not your daughter? Of course she is.

Nick: I really believed she was... so much that... I stopped trying to make things work with Sharon, and I left her for Phyllis.

Victor: Oh, Boy. Well, you know what I thought about... your affair with that woman. But didn't you take a DNA test that proved that you were Summer's father?

Nick: Yeah, I guess the test was, uh, contaminated.

Victor: Was contaminated?

Nick: The lab requested another sample. But I never gave them one.

Victor: Why in the world not?

Nick: Because I couldn't risk it, Dad. I needed that little girl to be mine.

Victor: I understand that the loss of Cassie... made you hurt so badly that you didn't want to lose Summer now, as well, right? Was that it? What made you think that she is not your daughter?

Nick: When Summer started getting serious about Kyle, I knew I needed the truth.

Victor: So you finally took the test you should've taken years ago.

Nick: Yeah, and this time, the test was conclusive -- 99.9% certainty that I am not Summer's father.

Victor: [Exhales slowly] Well, I'll be damned. Wow. Wait a minute. That means Jack Abbott is her father. That what you're saying?

Neil: Okay. I appreciate your patience. Good night. [Sighs]

Jill: Neil?

Neil: Yeah.

Jill: You all right?

Neil: Mm.

Jill: I mean, you seemed a little distracted there, just like when I first walked in.

Neil: Oh, Jill, it's been a long day, you know? I'm drained, and [Clears throat] I'm a little low on fuel. If you'd like to join me for something to eat, that's great. Or maybe you'd rather join Cane over there.

Jill: I didn't know Cane was here. And look who he's with -- his little shadow.

Neil: [Chuckles] Cane speaks very highly of her.

Jill: Oh, I'm sure he does. She can do no wrong, our Hilary.

Neil: Ooh, but not in your eyes.

Jill: Let's just say we don't always see eye to eye on things.

Neil: I'm so sorry to hear that.

Jill: Mm.

Neil: But on a purely selfish note, Cane's told me that Hilary's freed him up so he can spend more time with his family, you know? And anything that makes Lily happy, it --

Jill: Put's a smile on your face and a song in your heart.

Neil: Yeah. Can you blame me?

Jill: Of course not. You want what's best for your child. That's what every parent wants.

Neil: Uh-oh. Trouble in -- in your paradise?

Jill: Billy is gambling again.

Neil: Oh, no.

Jill: Yeah. I mean, he says it's no big deal and that I shouldn't worry about it.

Neil: Well, when an addict denies that he's in trouble... usually, he's in pretty deep.

Jill: I know. That's what I'm afraid of. And I don't understand why he relapsed. Things are going really well for him right now.

Neil: Well, Jill, I mean, you've heard this before. Sometimes, that's when it's hardest to resist. You think you're in control. You know, Billy thinks that he can go and sit down at a table and gamble one hand. I think that I can walk up to the bar, you know, and have one drink, and I can't, and -- I-I was just thinking about, um, a time that I relapsed, and I slipped. It was about 6 or 7 years ago.

Jill: Yeah. I'd forgotten about that time in your life, Neil.

Neil: I wish I had. The good news is, though, I have good support and help from my family and friends, and that -- that got me out of a very dark place.

Jill: Let's hope that Billy can follow your example.

Neil: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I'm -- I'm hardly a-a role model, Jill. Come on.

Jill: Neil!

Neil: What?

Jill: You're way too modest.

Neil: Hey, people tell me that, especially Lily. That's what she tells me all the time.

[Both chuckle]

Jill: I'm so glad that Lily has you in her corner. You know, it's really good to be able to rely on a wise man when life throws a curveball at you.

Hilary: Jill expressed some concern about the toll that your job was taking on your marriage.

Cane: Well, that's not exactly new territory for Jill.

Hilary: Yeah, but this time, she warned me not to take it as an invitation.

Cane: Invitation to...do what?

Hilary: Push the boundaries of our relationship.

Cane: [Sighs] I don't know when she's gonna learn. Sorry about that.

Hilary: So you don't feel that I've overstepped with you in any way?

Cane: No, no, no, no, no.

Hilary: Thank you. I really enjoy working for you, and I'm so fond of Lily. I wouldn't do anything to cause you guys any trouble.

Cane: Yeah, I just wish that Jill felt the same way.

Hilary: You know, maybe she just misconstrued my enthusiasm for the job.

Cane: I think she probably saw it as an opportunity to rattle me so she could maybe get me off my game and swoop in and take my job as C.E.O. That's what I think, but --

Hilary: Well... I know you said that she had those aspirations, but considering how close you two are, I-I truly believe that she was looking out for you.

Lily: Well, I think I need to translate.

Tyler: It's pretty obvious what I meant, isn't it? Lily and I -- we, uh -- we did some fine brainstorming after hours, came up with some of our most creative ideas.

Lily: Yeah, it's true. There's just something about that late-night vibe, when everything is quiet.

Tyler: Yeah. You can almost hear what the other person's thinking.

Abby: Most collaborations don't do it as well as you guys did.

Tyler: Don't I know it. You are preaching to the choir. But, um...we did make a great team.

Lily: Well, nothing lasts forever. Except my marriage with Cane. And we're doing so much better now that we have more time to spend with each other. I'm actually gonna meet him for dinner after I leave here.

Tyler: Hmm. Well, how about you? Are you meeting anyone later?

Abby: Should I be? I love meeting new people. I am a people-person, you know.

Tyler: That is perfect. You are gonna love the party that Noah and I are throwing at our place. Lots of people to meet.

Abby: What's the occasion?

Tyler: I, uh -- I got a new gig with a, uh, major design firm out in New York.

Lily: You're moving away?

Tyler: Oh, no. They're gonna let me work here, you know, remotely. But I'm hoping that it turns into something more.

Abby: Well, I will definitely raise a glass to that.

Tyler: All right. One party, courtesy of yours truly, coming right up.

Mason: Party? Wait. Where's my invite?

Tyler: I tell you what. You spring for a case of beer, you're in.

Mason: Done.

Abby: What time should I be there?

Tyler: The sooner, the better.

Lily: Well, congratulations on the job. I hope you get everything you're looking for.

Tyler: So do I.

Mason: Let's go.

Courtney: Thank you so much for calming me down. You're much better than a mani/pedi. [Laughs] Oh, my God. You play?

Noah: Oh, uh -- [Chuckles] I mostly just use it as a clothes rack these days, but, yeah, I used to.

Courtney: I had no idea.

Noah: Yeah. I even scored a few Jabot commercials when I was living in New York, played some venues. Just -- it was, like, coffeehouse stuff.

Courtney: That is, like, my dream. Um, I'm majoring in music at G.C.U. in the fall.

Noah: Good for you.

Courtney: Yeah. What made you give it up?

Noah: It was fun. I just couldn't see myself doing it the rest of my life.

Courtney: What can you see yourself doing?

Noah: When I figure that out, I'll let you know.

[Both laugh]

Mason: Dude, you know all these girls eat is carrots and celery.

Tyler: I know, but they're gonna have to settle for chips and dip tonight.

Mason: What's up?

Noah: I take it we're having people over?

Tyler: Oh, no. Not people, my man -- models.

Noah: I'm so glad I decided to stay in tonight.

Tyler: You know, your friend -- she's, uh, welcome to hang, too.

Noah: Yeah, um, I-I -- that's not such a good idea, right?

Courtney: Why? What's wrong with experiencing new things?

Tyler: Exactly. That's what this whole night is about -- a fresh, new start.

Lily: Well, I didn't know that you two had dinner plans.

Neil: Well, neither did we.

Jill: Your dinner date is right over there. Don't let us hold you up.

Lily: Okay. Well, have a nice evening. And...I am glad that you didn't let the latest GC Buzz post get to you.

Neil: Right. Thanks.

Lily: Love you.

Neil: Love you, too, Kid.

Jill: GC Buzz?

Neil: Uh, don't. It's not worth going into.

Cane: This one.

Lily: What's so interesting?

Cane: Hey! Hey, Baby.

Lily: Hi.

Hilary: Cane and I were just reviewing a contract.

Lily: Oh. Well, if you still have business to do, then --

Hilary: No, it's okay. It's not as if your husband's mind was on business, anyway.

Stitch: I know you don't want to hear this, but the things we saw during our tour... the things we did, the friends we lost -- that's a huge part of who we are.

Dylan: Uh, you don't need to tell me who I am, Stitch. I spend a lot of time alone.

Stitch: I'm serious, Mac. Someone had to tell me. Without my wife to talk to to help me try to put it in perspective... I'd be pretty damn messed up right now. Thanks to Kyra, I'm -- I'm just slightly messed up.

Dylan: We're all grateful to her for that.

Stitch: A guy can self-destruct keeping this stuff inside. Don't be one of those guys. I lost a lot of good friends over there. I don't need to lose one here.

Chelsea: Hi.

Dylan: Hey!

Chelsea: Hey! What's going on? Hi. Hi, Stitch. You two get a lot of work done?

Stitch: I think we made some good progress.

Chelsea: Mm.

Stitch: Uh...but it's all yours now. I'm heading out. My wife and son are due home tomorrow. [Chuckles]

Chelsea: Oh.

Stitch: Got to get driving!

Dylan: Thanks for everything, man.

Stitch: Yeah. I guess the next time I see you, it'll be at your wedding.

Chelsea: [Laughing] Yeah. Can't wait.

Stitch: Take care of him.

Chelsea: I'll do my best.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Chelsea: So...was Stitch right? Did you two make a lot of progress?

Dylan: Yeah, you know, if you call, uh, hot water coming out of the cold tap...progress. Come on. I'll show you.

Noah: I'm Noah. Thank you for coming. We've got, uh, soda, beer, chips. Hope you like chips. I'm gonna put these over here.

Courtney: I'll take one of those.

Mason: [Scoffs] Not on my watch.

Tyler: Well, I'm -- I'm glad that you showed up. But won't your boyfriend, the cop, mind you being here?

Abby: Uh, I don't have a boyfriend, cop or otherwise. What about you? Do you have anyone special in your life?

Tyler: No. Not as of yet.

Abby: Question -- um, why are you flirting with me? I mean, I'm not even your type.

Tyler: I didn't realize that I had a type.

Abby: You invited those two brunettes, didn't you?

[Both chuckle]

Tyler: Yeah, I did. Um, but, you know...I think maybe I need to break old habits.

Abby: Um, okay. Time to stop.

Tyler: Okay. I'm s-- I thought you were enjoying that.

Abby: I was. I really, really was, which is why I need to go home.

Tyler: Okay. You mind explaining that one?

Abby: Old Abby moved way too fast. I-I would have jumped into bed first and then gotten to know the guy.

Tyler: All right.

Abby: I'm trying to do things right this time.

Tyler: Just my luck, huh?

Abby: Well...your luck will change, eventually. Until then. Good night.

Tyler: Night. Hmm.

Cane: How did your happy hour with Abby go?

Lily: Uh, it was okay.

Cane: "Okay"? Why was it just okay?

Lily: Nothing wrong with the company. I just would have rather spent the time with you. [Chuckles] Something that you have to talk to Jill about?

Cane: Why would I want to talk to anybody else when I have such a...gorgeous woman sitting in front of me? Here. Do you realize that you are the most important thing in my life? Do you know that? Yeah?

Lily: Yeah. Love you.

Cane: I love you.

[Cell phone buzzes]

Jill: A problem?

Neil: [Sighs] It's another posting.

Jill: The GC Buzz? Neil, what's going on here?

Neil: Jill, it's hard to explain. This -- this person, they -- they're trying to make me and my family the target of some very unpleasant gossip.

Jill: Why would they do that?

Neil: That is the million-dollar question here.

Jill: What did this one say?

Neil: "You may try to ignore me...but it won't change... the facts."

Jill: Do you have any idea what that means?

Neil: Not a clue.

Phyllis: Listen, Summer. You're still the same amazing -- amazing person you were when you woke up yesterday. I'm still your mom. Noah's still your brother. Faith is still your sister. You still have the same family.

Summer: The Abbotts are my family.

Phyllis: Genetics have nothing to do with family, Summer.

Summer: I'm pretty sure almost everybody on the planet would disagree.

Phyllis: I'm pretty sure they wouldn't. It's about experiences, tradition. That's what family is. I mean, how many times -- how many holidays did you sit and listen to Nikki playing your favorite songs on the piano? You and Noah running around the living room, chasing Zapato when he was a puppy, and then him chasing you two when he got older?

Summer: [Crying] I just want all those memories to disappear.

Phyllis: Really? You want to destroy your life, walk away from your family? Or do you want to deal with this head on and become stronger because of it? Which one will it be?

Victor: This is a sick joke.

Nick: I know how you feel.

Victor: I don't think you do. Jack Abbott has been trying to best me for decades -- stolen my company from me, gone after my wife. Now he has my granddaughter?

Nick: No, he doesn't.

Victor: Of course! She's an Abbott!

Nick: That's just a name, Dad -- that's it.

Victor: Not to him, and not to me, Son.

Nick: [Sighs] So, what are you saying -- that your feelings about Summer have changed? You're gonna turn your back on her now 'cause she's not our blood? How can you abandon her like that?

Jill: I thank you for a lovely dinner.

Neil: It was my pleasure. Good to catch up with you again.

Jill: Good luck with that GC Buzz.

Neil: Yeah. Thanks. [Sighs]

Dylan: Uh, look -- I know the tub doesn't have jets, but you like the tile, right? The tile's nice?

Chelsea: I love it.

Dylan: It's good? Okay, good. And then I put that shelf up there because I know you have all those bottles of soap and shampoo and stuff. And I made sure there was a lot of light in there that --

Chelsea: It's perfect.

Dylan: Okay. Good.

Chelsea: I can't believe everything that you have done for me. And now I want to do something for you.

Dylan: All you got to do is take care of yourself and this baby.

Chelsea: But who takes care of you?

Dylan: Me.

Chelsea: Are you sure? 'Cause it seems to me like you're doing a lousy job of it. And I...have a really hard time with someone who doesn't look after you the way that you deserve to be looked after. Come here. Please. Let me help you. It's not enough just to -- just to hold you after your nightmares. I mean, you shouldn't even be having nightmares to begin with. Maybe if you would just confide in me --

Dylan: And bring that hell into the best thing that's happened to me in ages?

Chelsea: We both have ugliness in our pasts, Dylan. But it's not who we are now. It's not who we are together, and I swear, there is nothing that you can tell me that would ever make me change the way I feel about you. I love you. Okay. You're not ready, and I can see that. [Sighs] But maybe one day, you will be, and...when that day comes, I will be here to listen.

Dylan: [Sighs] Maybe it's time.

Summer: You think that I can do this, Mom, but I can't. I can't do it.

Phyllis: Yes, you can.

Summer: I'm not like you. You stand up and you fight when you need to, and I -- I run away to Chicago.

Phyllis: Did you run away when you had that allergic reaction? Did you? When you went into anaphylactic shock and lost all your motor and cognitive skills?

Summer: No, but I wanted to.

Phyllis: But you didn't. You did your therapy. You worked really, really hard, Summer. You worked so hard to get better and not only did you graduate when you were supposed to, but you graduated near the top of your class.

Summer: You make me sound like some kind of Supergi--

Phyllis: You are Supergirl.

Summer: Yeah, right. Yeah. Because I've -- I have done so many great things in my life... like bullying. Oh, yeah -- and lying. Lying -- I am awesome at that. Hey. Maybe I am Nick Newman's kid after all.

Phyllis: You are Nick Newman's kid. 'Cause you're kind, and you're compassionate, 'cause he raised you to be that way. And it's those qualities that are gonna help you forgive your dad and help you heal.

Summer: You make it sound so easy. Have you forgiven him?

Phyllis: No. I'm working on it. You should, too.

Summer: I can't do it alone.

Phyllis: Hey, I'm gonna be there with you every step of the way, okay?

Summer: Do you promise?

Phyllis: I promise. With all my heart, I promise.

Nick: When Abby found out you were her father and not Brad, did that make her love him any less? No, she still thinks that he is her dad, to this day.

Victor: That's supposed to make me feel better?

Nick: I'm just saying Summer loves you, and she loves Mom. Don't make this a competition between you and Jack at Summer's expense.

Victor: [Exhales deeply] Okay, I agree.

Nick: Do you?

Victor: Yeah. Summer's welfare is more important than what the hell I think. How did she react to the news?

Nick: I'm sure you can imagine. She, uh -- she doesn't want anything to do with me.

Victor: You mustn't let her go, Son. She's part of our family. She's part of our hearts. Don't let her go to Jack Abbott or anyone else. You can't do that. You got to tell her that no matter what the damn test says, you are her dad!

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Summer: We will never know what our lives could have been like.

Jack: Phyllis knew Summer was mine and never said a word to me.

Dylan: Her family saved my life, and it cost them theirs. They're all dead because of me.

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