Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/10/13
Episode # 10198 ~ Billy talks to Chloe; Michael pushes Paul to pursue a case against Carmine.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Paul: All right. Here you go.
Kevin: Hey, Paul?
Paul: Hey.
Kevin: Something's been bugging me.
Paul: What -- about your new job?
Kevin: Yeah. And since you're the Chief, I thought you'd know who I should talk to about it.
Paul: Okay, well, is it about your duties, or what?
Kevin: Equipment. I'm wondering when I'm gonna get my own badge and handcuffs.
Paul: Uh... perhaps...Halloween, Kevin. Computer specialists aren't officers.
Kevin: Right. Well, I guess I don't need to be turning on the sirens and chasing down the bad guys just yet.
Paul: And the public is safer for it.
Kevin: That's funny. No -- but seriously, Paul, I really do want to say thank you so much for this amazing opportunity.
Paul: Well, don't thank me.
Michael: Paul? Paul!
Paul: You should thank Chavez. He's the one pushing for you. What's the matter?
Michael: [Panting] I want Carmine Basco arrested.
Paul: What did the guy do?
Michael: He tried to kill my son.
Adam: I'm getting R&D on the solar plant.
Victor: Mm-hmm. And Cunningham?
Adam: Done and done.
Victor: Well, now that business is done and done...
Adam: What -- you don't like to talk business?
Victor: [Laughs] How's your love life, Son?
Adam: It's mine, all mine.
Victor: Oh, yeah? I'm not prying. I'm not prying.
Adam: No, you are, just -- just a little bit.
Victor: I just want to make sure that, you know, you're concerned about things other than Newman.
Adam: Well, ever since you gave me that speech about, uh, business being nothing without love or family, I've made some strides.
Victor: Oh, yeah? When do I get to meet her?
Adam: I'm on it. That's all you need to know.
Victor: Well, you're not gonna tell me who she is?
Adam: I have a meeting, Dad.
Victor: You do? Well, do me proud, then, Son.
Adam: In work or in love?
Victor: Well, I would say in both.
Melanie: Hey. Thought you'd be gone by now.
Adam: Yeah, just, uh -- just planting a few seeds. You know what to do?
Melanie: Work the hidden agenda without being discovered. It's handled.
Adam: Whatever you do... do not underestimate my father.
Neil: I have no doubt in my mind that you will legally demolish whoever's been, um, anonymously posting all of this trash, if... we find them.
Leslie: No "If." We will, all right?
Neil: Yeah.
Leslie: What kind of fresh strategy do you have in mind? You're working on something. I can tell.
Neil: Yeah? You know me well. I have been running through several ideas, but there's one in particular that I think will be especially effective here.
Leslie: Really?
Neil: Yeah.
Leslie: Okay. Lay it on me.
Neil: All right.
Leslie: What's the plan?
Neil: Shh. Ignore...the blogger.
Leslie: That's it?
Neil: I'm through giving them the satisfaction of a reaction.
Leslie: So, you're saying, just no response at all?
Neil: Respond to what? I have no idea what this person thinks I'm guilty of and why they think I'm being a coward. But I do know this -- that if I don't take the bait... they might just give up.
Leslie: Or they might step up the attacks.
Neil: Well, I hope not. I mean, I can take it. I just don't want to see my family dragged through any more mud.
Leslie: Well, I'm saying if it's me you're worried about, don’t. I am all-in on this fight.
Neil: I wish that you didn't have to be.
Leslie: Yeah. And you don't want Lily and Devon to have to suffer any additional public embarrassment.
Neil: It's tough not to react, but I think I can do it.
Leslie: Hey, you know what? It might work. Maybe I could use some Neil Zen myself.
Neil: You mean about Rose's letters?
Leslie: I have not slept since I found out Rose passed away.
Neil: Yeah. I'm so sorry that you had to give up.
Leslie: I didn't give up. I went back to the letters, and I pored over every one of them.
Neil: And what did you find?
Leslie: [Sighs] Something very disturbing.
Nikki: There's Mommy.
Victoria: Come here, Baby. There.
Nikki: Ooh, he's so big.
Victoria: I know he's big.
Nikki: Okay, well... [Sighs] ...I managed to avoid the topic while we were in D.C. at your bequest.
Victoria: Uh, yeah. Let's just keep rolling with that, okay, 'cause it's really working for me.
Nikki: Now that we're back home, it's only a matter of time before Billy comes pounding at the door.
Victoria: I know. He's gonna want to see Johnny.
Nikki: [Sighs] He should see Johnny. Yes...and his wife. That's you. I'm afraid you've run out of time, Victoria. What have you decided to do about your marriage?
Billy: Whoa! Ohh, I'm sorry I'm late, but would you believe I got stuck in traffic behind some giraffes playing dodge ball? Not buying that one? Okay. How about some orangutans playing ping-pong? Okay. Then why was I late?
Delia: You slept in late?
Billy: Who would believe a wild story like that?
Chloe: Oh, maybe 'cause it happens all the time. Right, Dee Dee?
Billy: How is the great and powerful Dee Dee doing?
Chloe: Uh, she's perky. She just ate a whole stack of pancakes.
Billy: Nice! I guess she's all better, then. [Grunts]
Chloe: Yeah, looks like.
Billy: Yeah.
Chloe: But I bet there aren't enough pancakes in the world to cure whatever you've got going on over there.
Billy: I don't know what you're talking about. I am the picture of health.
Chloe: You need to eat something. Delia, would you go get your daddy a doughnut?
Billy: Oh, yes, because when you come across someone who appears to be in an unhealthy state, the first thing you do is give them a doughnut.
Chloe: No -- you see, I'm just trying to figure out if you got drunk before, during, or after your Gamblers Anonymous meeting. What the hell happened, Billy?
Billy: [Sighs]
Victor: Did you supply a convincing cover story to Adam as to why you and I are meeting?
Melanie: Unnecessary. Adam doesn't suspect a thing.
Victor: Oh, yeah? So, what are the two of you up to?
Melanie: What you requested.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Any hanky-panky?
Melanie: Uh... [Chuckles] I'm simply spending time with him, per your instructions.
Victor: So, what tidbits have you unearthed?
Melanie: Uh, well, Adam is still gung ho for the Broderick deal.
Victor: Well, in order to make that happen, he has got to get outside financing.
Melanie: He did mention that you would never sign off on it.
Victor: Uh-huh. Outside financing. Maybe he is using the same source he used to buy back interest in Newman. Get me that name, okay?
Melanie: And you'll pay me handsomely?
Victor: Of course I would.
Melanie: I already know part of the answer.
Victor: Really?
Melanie: The funds are coming from Asia -- a Japanese source.
Victor: How much is your cut?
Melanie: My cut? Wh--
Victor: How much is he paying you to lie to me?
Michael: The reason I am in here pressing charges, Paul, is because my son can't, because my son is in a hospital bed.
Kevin: How bad is Fen hurt?
Michael: He'll be all right, but we weren't so sure about that last night, when he was brought in to the emergency room unconscious!
Paul: Okay. Can you back up a little bit and tell me what happened?
Michael: Fenmore O.D.'d on, uh, methamphetamines, and they were given to him by Carmine Basco!
Kevin: Basco's selling drugs now?
Michael: Yes, and he gave them to my kid! I want that ape hauled in here and -- and thrown into a cage! What are we waiting for, Paul?! Let's do it!
Paul: Michael, I feel for you. I really do. But I'm going to need a lot more than your accusations before I can lock the guy up!
Kevin: Like what?
Paul: Like evidence! Like, were there any eyewitnesses? Did Carmine confess --?
Michael: As if that walking piece of garbage would ever be man enough to own up to anything! Paul, we have the victim's statement.
Paul: So, you've got nothing but Fen's word?
Lauren: [Sighs]
Carmine: [Sighs]
Lauren: How dare you come back here.
Carmine: Look, I was worried. I wanted to see how he was doing.
Lauren: Oh, really? You were worried? You're such a bastard. You're the reason he's in the hospital bed to begin with.
Carmine: What do you mean, I was the one who put him there -- because I called 911?
Lauren: Don't play dumb with me.
Carmine: I found him in the alley, and then I rode with him in the ambulance.
Lauren: I happen to know you were the one that gave Fen the drugs.
Carmine: What?! Okay, where did you get that?
Lauren: You know what? Don't lie to me!
Carmine: I'm not! You're the one accusing me of -- I saved your son's life!
Lauren: Yeah, you nearly killed him.
Carmine: I was trying to look out for him, Lauren. I even tried to warn you when he was looking to score some drugs, but you didn't answer your phone.
Lauren: That's not why you were calling me.
Carmine: I was just trying to warn you. Why would I do that if I was the one pushing drugs on him?
Lauren: You have been trying to get back in my life, and you would do anything, no matter who gets hurt.
Carmine: Look, that's not true. I didn't do this. Come on. You got to believe me, here. You know me, Baby.
Lauren: I don't know you at all.
Michael: [ Sighs ] Paul, even if the only proof we have is my son's word, it is a start. And you can start by searching Carmine's home.
Paul: I can't do that.
Michael: Pull him in here, Paul -- interrogate him.
Paul: Michael, on what evidence?
Michael: You'll get evidence once you interrogate him! You will get it by investigating!
Kevin: Why do we even need proof? Everybody knows that Basco’s a low-life, and he should be in jail already for trying to kidnap Chloe and lock her in the trunk of his car!
Paul: Okay, I understand where you're coming from -- both of you. But I have to look at this from a legal perspective, as a judge and a jury would.
Kevin: So we do nothing?
Paul: Look, Michael. Right now, you and Fen have a very strong motive to get Carmine out of your lives.
Michael: Ah. Okay. So you think I'm making this up.
Kevin: No, no. Michael would not do that.
Paul: Michael, I'm trying to get you to look at this as a former D.A.
Michael: Okay, okay. I get it. I get it. You want a fact. I'll give you a fact. Lauren and I have reconciled. We are happily back together.
Paul: Really?
Michael: Yes.
Kevin: That's great, Mike.
Michael: Thank you. So, there goes my alleged motive. Now, Carmine meant absolutely nothing to either one of us. In fact, we both had washed our hands of him completely until last night!
Paul: And does Basco know this?
Michael: Lauren stops taking his calls... and my son almost dies?
Paul: Okay. I'll open an investigation.
Michael: Thank you.
Kevin: Mike... um, I'm really sorry about Fen. But, uh -- but that's great news about you and Lauren.
Michael: Yeah. I guess we're back on track.
Kevin: I wish I could say the same thing about my marriage.
Chloe: Have you been to any meetings? None? Zero?
Billy: Another opportunity sort of presented itself, so...
Chloe: A gambling opportunity?
Billy: Several of them.
Chloe: What happened? You were doing so well. How did you just start up like this again?
Billy: Adam, I guess. He started toying with my wife's adoration for Newman, and then she got obsessed, and that made friction in our marriage, and I just sort of [Whistles]
Chloe: Well, I feel for you.
Billy: Hey! That's great. That's one person.
Chloe: To a point.
Billy: Now there's a point.
Chloe: Your gambling addiction -- it has triggers, like when you have problems with Victoria.
Billy: Yeah.
Chloe: Or when Delia’s sick.
Billy: I know that.
Chloe: Or when it's a Tuesday.
Billy: Okay. What are we getting at?
Chloe: Things are gonna trigger you, and you're gonna get set off. But you can't respond by being self-destructive.
Billy: I know that in my head. I'm a reasonably intelligent individual. It's just... I'm lost without my wife here, and I don't know. I'm just --
Chloe: I know. I know. You caved.
Billy: I did. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I caved.
Chloe: Well, Victoria might not be on your side at this moment, but...I am.
Victoria: Billy came looking for me, huh?
Nikki: Well, I tried to tell you when we were in D.C., but I didn’t.
Victoria: Mom? I am still incredibly angry with him.
Nikki: Well, Honey, you had every right to be. I was furious, too. I mean, my God -- that he would put you and my grandson into danger over gambling cronies? It's unbelievable!
Victoria: Did you say "Was furious," as in past tense? Are you saying that you don't feel that way anymore?
Nikki: Well, Billy made a very compelling pitch for another chance with you.
Victoria: That must be one of his...gambling skills. My husband is very good at winning second chances, and I've given him way too many, I think.
Nikki: More likely, it's the skill of an addict.
Victoria: Right. I know. But is he really sorry? I mean, is he really gonna change?
Nikki: What do you think?
Victoria: I don't know, Mom! That's why I'm asking you for your advice. [Sighs] You talked to Billy. Do you think I should give him a second chance?
Nikki: Actually, I was just about to make up my mind about that when your father walked in the room.
Melanie: [Scoffs] You think I'm working with Adam?
Victor: How much is he paying you to double-cross me?
Melanie: Nothing! [Chuckles]
Victor: The idea of Adam moving forward with the Broderick deal is absurd. My son may be many things, but recklessly stupid, he ain’t.
Melanie: Well, maybe Adam knows something you don’t. Maybe Adam has sources.
Victor: I'm giving you a warning. It's the only one you'll get. If you're betting on Adam in this race... you're picking the wrong horse. And you will suffer the consequences. Do I make myself clear?
Melanie: Yes.
Victor: How much is he paying you?
Melanie: Nothing. I -- [Sighs] No money, I mean.
Victor: Yes?
Melanie: He caught -- he caught on to what you were doing.
Victor: Mm-hmm?
Melanie: And he blackmailed me into feeding you false information.
Victor: Really? What did he use as leverage?
Melanie: He threatened me with my law career. [Sighs] I am so sorry, Mr. Newman. I regret it. I should have known that you would see straight through me.
Victor: I was suspecting things, but you have confirmed all my suspicions.
Melanie: You know, we could turn this around on Adam.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Melanie: I can continue to spy for you and let Adam think that I'm still working for him.
Victor: Loyalty is very important to me, my dear.
Melanie: Well, what about your loyalty to Adam?
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Melanie: He's your son.
Victor: Right. But there's the rub. He is my son. You...are fired.
Victoria: So, did they both walk out of here in one piece?
Nikki: Barely. I've given the situation a lot of thought since then.
Victoria: Billy and me?
Nikki: Actually, I thought of my own life -- my battles with alcohol and pills... all the second chances I had -- certainly as many as Billy.
Victoria: No, Mom. It's different. You go to your meetings regularly. You fight and beat your battle with alcoholism every day. I mean, you haven't had a drink in over a year and a half.
Nikki: I-I'm not the portrait of sobriety.
Victoria: Mom... have you slipped?
Nikki: In the first days after my M.S. diagnosis... before I told you, before I told your father -- before I told anybody... I did stop at a liquor store.
Victoria: Oh, Mom.
Nikki: Bought a bottle of their finest vodka. $50. When did alcohol become so expensive? I was shocked about that. Anyway, I went to that park on Chestnut. I didn't think anybody would recognize me there. I unscrewed it... and I took a long... deep whiff of it -- just the scent of the alcohol.
Victoria: Did you --
Nikki: [Sighs] I almost did. I almost put it up to my lips, but I didn’t. Thank God I didn’t. But...if Billy needs help... it would be very hypocritical of me to assume that he can't recover.
Victoria: I want to believe that Billy is serious about fixing things and that he wants to go to his Gamblers Anonymous meetings. [Sighs] But --
Nikki: You're still afraid of the potential danger.
Victoria: Yes, I am, Mom. I still wake up... having nightmares about guns being pointed at my head. But you know what? It's more than that. It's betrayal. It's the betrayal of our family.
Nikki: That's what it is to be in love with an addict. Listen. The fact of the matter is, Billy needs help. Your family needs help.
Billy: So, you're not gonna give up on me after my backslide?
Chloe: No. But not because I'm selfless.
Billy: Oh, no. What do you need?
Chloe: You, as a friend. And I think I know someone who needs you even more.
Billy: [Sighs] I am not sure I'm good for her right now in this state.
Chloe: You always are. Look -- you're not perfect. And I've had some issues with you in the past.
Billy: Yeah, you had a few.
Chloe: Entirely justified. But... when it comes to Delia, you were always there for her, like when she had leukemia -- you did what was best for her.
Billy: Well, I guess if my 8-year-old daughter can beat cancer, I can beat this. Huh.
Chloe: So, are you gonna get your act together?
Billy: I don't really have a choice, do I? I mean, if I ever want to see my wife again, I'm gonna have to do it for her.
Chloe: No! No, no! You have to do this for yourself, Billy.
Billy: Yes, I know. That, too. Of course.
Chloe: No, I mean it. It is not gonna stick if you're doing this for somebody else. You have to be the one who wants to live your life differently.
Billy: Okay, Confucius. Have you always been this smart?
Chloe: Yes.
Billy: Mm...no.
Chloe: No.
Billy: [Laughs]
Chloe: But I am right about this.
Billy: [Sighs]
Chloe: So, are you gonna focus on just getting better?
Delia: Are you sick, Daddy?
Billy: Come here. I have been sick. I have, but I am going to, uh, be much better now. I'm gonna get well, just like you did, okay?
Lauren: If you don't leave, I am gonna have security throw you out.
Carmine: I didn't do anything to Fen. I promise you.
Lauren: You are such a liar!
Carmine: Come on. Will you just please listen to me? Just listen to me.
Lauren: Get your hands off of me and get out!
Carmine: Look -- I didn't do anything.
Michael: What the hell is happening? Get away from my wife!
Paul: Michael, no!
Michael: Paul, stop it. Stop it! Stop it!!
Paul: Michael, don't make this worse.
Michael: He could have killed my son!
Carmine: Fen got those drugs from somebody else.
Michael: You're going away for this, Basco, for a long time!
Paul: Michael, Michael --
Michael: Paul!
Paul: Listen to me. No threats.
Michael: But --
Paul: We're gonna do this legally. Do not take this into your own hands. Michael, listen to me! Stay here! Do not move.
Michael: Yes!
Paul: Okay, Buddy. You and I are going downtown.
Carmine: What for?
Paul: Questioning.
Carmine: Lauren, I didn't do any of this. After all we had? Oh, come on. I can't believe this is happening.
Paul: Oh, come on. Let's go. Now.
Carmine: All right.
Lauren: Questioning? That's it?
Michael: Due process.
Lauren: Please tell me... that's he's gonna be punished for this -- for what he did to Fen.
Adam: Things didn't go smoothly?
Melanie: [Scoffs] You picked up on that?
Adam: My father not buy the Japanese-investor story?
Melanie: I barely got it out of my mouth before Mr. Newman busted me. He caught on to what we were doing, and he fired me on the spot.
Adam: I didn't even think he suspected a thing.
Melanie: Excuse me if I'm not enjoying how brilliant your father is. I'm the one without a job.
Adam: Yeah, but you do have to appreciate his style.
Melanie: I've got more things to worry about than who's one-upping who in your messed-up father-and-son relationship.
Adam: It's a bit more complicated than that.
Melanie: I'd like to hear about it. And I would like to continue my relationship with you, Adam.
Adam: Is that so?
Melanie: I enjoyed our private breakfast meetings upstairs. Maybe I can continue to work for you?
Adam: In what capacity?
Melanie: Oh, I've got hidden talents you're not even aware of.
Adam: I imagine you do.
Neil: That's the last letter Rose wrote Gus?
Leslie: Yeah. Listen to this.
Neil: What?
Leslie: "Please don't cut me off, Gus. I know you think it's for my own good, but it's not. For six years, I couldn't wait to get letters from you -- letters that gave me hope to get through some really dark days. I don't care if you never get out of prison. It won't change how I feel. Ann hates when I talk like this, but your letters are the reason I still get out of bed each morning. I need you in my life... or I won't have a life."
Neil: Gus must have meant a lot to her.
Leslie: And he didn't even know she passed. 2007, Rose died in that hospital in Evanston. Neil, what's wrong?
Melanie: Would you like to take this conversation somewhere more private?
Adam: Melanie, while I do appreciate everything you've done for me, ultimately, you've let me down.
Melanie: This wasn't my fault!
Adam: Yes, but I warned you. If you could not make yourself valuable to my father, then you would be of no value to me.
Melanie: So we can't work together?
Adam: I'm afraid not.
Melanie: Okay. Well, then, can you get me a job somewhere else -- somewhere prestigious?
Adam: And why would I do that?
Melanie: We had an arrangement.
Adam: That's right. We had an agreement. You would feed my father false information, and when you got him to believe that information, I would help you. And what happened? You failed to live up to your end of the deal.
Melanie: But --
Adam: This is business, Melanie. It's not a playground contest where you get trophies just for trying.
Melanie: But, Adam... I've started to have real feelings for you. I want to keep seeing you.
Adam: Melanie... you're a beautiful woman.
Melanie: [Sighs]
Adam: You are a bright woman. It would have been nice to see where things might have gone.
Melanie: "Might have"? You're just gonna drop me, like --
Adam: You failed. You were outclassed. My father can be ruthless.
Melanie: He is! He tricked me!
Adam: Well, unfortunately for you, like father, like... goodbye.
Neil: It is incredibly sad how things turn out sometimes.
Leslie: Yeah. My trip to Chicago -- it answered some questions, you know -- who this Ann person was that Rose kept mentioning in her letters. But just finding out that my dad died without knowing that Rose had even passed away -- that's just sad!
Neil: Yeah, it is sad. He obviously felt bad about cutting off communication.
Leslie: Yeah, and he was hoping to make it up to her by naming her in his will.
Neil: So, you're happy he did that?
Leslie: Yeah. Yeah, it -- it reveals a sense of honor in my dad that I never knew. I never knew it was there. And -- and this man that I thought was the devil for all these years was a source of inspiration... for Rose, and he was clearly trying to keep her from more pain. If only... she were still alive.
[Door closes]
Victor: Well, you arrived just in the nick of time.
Nikki: Oh, really? What are you planning?
Victor: Hi, my boy. Hi, my boy. Yes.
Nikki: There's Papa.
Victor: Yes, yes, yes. Look at this.
Nikki: Oh.
Victor: I'm planning a -- oh, there we go.
Nikki: [Chuckles]
Victor: Oh, there we go. Planning a fundraiser for multiple-sclerosis research.
Nikki: Oh, really?
Victor: Yeah.
Nikki: When is that?
Victor: Well, next week. And, uh --
Nikki: Next week?
Victor: Yes.
Nikki: When did you come up with this idea? No. I know. It was when you went after Billy for being an addict, and I accused you of thinking less of me, so... this fundraiser is meant to make it up to me, right?
Victor: It's a fundraiser for a very good cause, so what difference does it make what my reasons are?
Nikki: Well, whatever your reasons are, you've hardly given yourself enough time to put it all together.
Victor: Well, that's why I came to you for input, okay?
Nikki: So, it's your great idea, and I get stuck with all the work.
Victor: But, Sweetheart, you're so good at it. What difference does it make?
Nikki: Mm-hmm. [Smooches]
Victor: [Laughs] You little rowdy! You little rowdy! [Sighs] Where's Victoria, by the way?
Nikki: Oh, um, she's out. She had some things to do.
Johnny: [Coos]
Victor: You're not telling me the truth. She went back to that useless husband of hers, right?
Nikki: Victor, please don't say that in front of Billy’s son.
Victor: He's too young to understand, okay? He's a useless S.O.B. parasite. What is our daughter thinking?
Nikki: Well, I suspect she is thinking about her family and her heart.
Victor: That's nonsense.
Nikki: And I think she's thinking about the possibility of relapse in an addict's life.
Victor: Sweetheart, don't you start comparing your situation with Billy Abbott’s. That's just nonsense.
Nikki: It is still her decision, and don't you go trying to manipulate things.
Victor: Well, Sweetheart, whether I do or do not manipulate him... or the situation... she'll come to her senses, okay? If she hasn't already. Billy Abbott... is a disastrous choice for her.
Billy: [Sighs] Hey.
Victoria: Hey.
Billy: I take it you didn't bring Johnny.
Victoria: No.
Billy: How was your trip?
Victoria: DC was nice.
Billy: Yeah? Reed?
Victoria: Good. He's, um, growing, happy. How's Delia?
Billy: She's great. She's a lot better.
Victoria: Good. I've, um -- I've been doing some thinking.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: Yeah. And I had a very enlightening conversation with my mother.
Billy: Oh. [Clears throat] About me, hmm?
Victoria: About addiction and relapses. How was your Gamblers Anonymous meeting?
Billy: Uh, you know how those things go. They're just -- [Clears throat]
Victoria: Do you know that man?
Billy: Uh, uh, yeah. I think he's one of my purveyors. He's probably hoping to get paid today, but, um...
Victoria: Do you need to talk to him?
Billy: Nah, he can wait.
Victoria: Billy, you're obviously distracted. I mean, why don't you just go? Take care of business, and then we can just pick up where we left off, okay?
Billy: Okay. Hey. Come here. Uh, look. Now's not a good time, so just...
Man: It's always a good time to get your winnings.
Billy: Don't -- don't -- don't -- don't -- okay.
Man: It's all there.
Billy: Thank you. Okay. Please leave. [Sighs]
Victoria: This bluffing big always pays off big for you.
Lauren: Tell me that Carmine is gonna get prosecuted, that he's not gonna get away with this.
Fenmore: Mom!
Lauren: Hi, Honey. I'm so glad you're awake.
Michael: Yeah, you look stronger already. How you feeling?
Fenmore: What's going on? I-I heard a lot of noise.
Michael: Oh. Paul was here working.
Fenmore: The chief of police? Why?
Michael: Fenmore, are you certain it was Carmine who supplied you with the drugs?
Fenmore: Yeah. I'm sure. You don't believe me, Dad?
Delia: Kevin!
Kevin: Hey, Dee! Hello!
Delia: First, Daddy -- now you're here to visit?!
Kevin: [Scoffs] What a lucky day for you, huh?
Delia: I'll finish my picture, then you can have it, okay?
Kevin: I would love that so much.
Chloe: [Grunts]
Kevin: Look at her.
Chloe: I know. It's like she was never even sick.
Kevin: That's so great. So great. And, um, I have some more great news -- uh, two things, actually.
Chloe: Oh. What?
Kevin: Well, the first is that, uh, Michael and Lauren have patched things up.
Chloe: Oh, that's -- that's great.
Kevin: Yeah.
Chloe: But you know that just because... Lauren and Michael fixed things -- I mean, that doesn't have anything to do with our relationship.
Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, I know that. Um, but, uh, the second part does. I, uh... I got a full-time job working at the police station as a computer specialist. I'm gonna be hacking away, only this time for the good guys. [Chuckles]
Chloe: That is...fantastic.
Kevin: Yeah, isn't it great? I mean, it's -- it's edgy, but it's legal.
Chloe: Yeah! Con-congratulations!
Kevin: Thanks. Listen, I really -- I really hope that that counts for something, Chloe... because I-I accepted the job because of you.
Chloe: [Sighs]
Kevin: Well, you're smiling. Do you like that? [Sighs]
Chloe: I, uh -- I just said something... that was true earlier, and I didn't even realize how true it really was.
Kevin: What? What did you say?
Chloe: That no matter how right a change is... Kevin, you have to want to do this job for yourself. Nobody else.
Billy: Yeah. Okay. While you were gone, I played in a few games.
Victoria: You told me you were quitting.
Billy: I-I just -- I was a wreck over you taking off with Johnny, and I couldn't help it.
Victoria: Oh, I see. So, I drove you to it.
Billy: No, I didn't say that. This is my problem. I admit that it's my problem, and I promise -- I swear I will go to G.A. today. I will go to a meeting.
Victoria: You almost lost Johnnie and me, and that didn't even make you quit, okay?
Billy: It did. It did.
Victoria: No, it didn't! Okay? It didn't. You're still gambling. I honestly thought -- [Sighs] I came here because I wanted to give you another chance.
Billy: You did?
Victoria: No, I won't, okay? Because I won't be treated like a fool.
Billy: No, no! Don't -- don't -- don't -- just come back. Victoria? [Grunts]
Man: It played out just like you said.
Victor: So everything is falling right into place. Thank you.
Melanie: [Sighs] I'll take a large one of those.
Billy: [Exhales sharply] Weren't you at the, uh, "Newman is ours again, mwa-ha ha ha" party?
Melanie: Yeah.
Billy: With Adam, the tyrant-in-training?
Melanie: [Scoffs] That'll never happen again.
Billy: Oh, Smart Girl. You wisely dumped him. Good for you.
Melanie: He slept with me, blackmailed me, and now I'm out of a job. I hate him. Thank you.
[Neil remembering]
Leslie: 2007, Rose died in that hospital in Evanston.
Carmine: Oh, come on, man. This is crap, and you know it. The only reason why you dragged me down here in the first place is 'cause you're buddies with Baldwin!
Paul: Hey, look. I just want some answers. There's nothing wrong with that, right?
Carmine: No, but I'm not giving any answers until I have my lawyer.
Leslie: She's here.
Lauren: Honey, I-I know you've been upset with everything that's been going on with your dad and me and... everything, but I just don't understand why you didn't come to us. You know we would have listened. And we're fixing things in our marriage.
Michael: And succeeding. Why would you think drugs were the answer?
Fenmore: You know me better than anybody. Do you really think I'd go out looking for drugs?
Lauren: No. Never. That's why when I heard, I --
Fenmore: Carmine came looking for me. He said he could hook me up. That's what happened.
Michael: If you say it was Carmine, then it was Carmine. There's absolutely no doubt in my mind.
Fenmore: I guess he'll end up in jail for doing this, huh?
Lauren: Oh, he's not gonna get away with this.
Michael: No. One way or another, he'll pay, so that he can never do something like this again.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Dylan: There's lots of things I don't know about Chelsea.
Stitch: How you gonna find those things out if you don't show her the real you?
Chelsea: Did Dylan ever talk to you about what happened in the war?
Nick: I'm not Summer's biological father.
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