Y&R Transcript Friday 7/5/13
Episode # 10195 ~ Lily and Cane enjoy the holiday; tension grows between Melanie and Adam.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Lily: Okay, so, Humphrey has been walked and fed.
Cane: Great, 'cause if we want to get a spot for the fireworks, we're gonna have to get out of here soon. Are the kids ready?
Lily: Charlie is trying to find his superhero cape, so Mattie's helping him find it.
Cane: Of course you can't go and see fireworks on Independence Day unless you're wearing your superhero cape, right?
Lily: No.
Cane: All right.
Lily: Hey, I meant to ask you -- did you ever talk to Jill about that stunt that she pulled with Hilary?
Cane: Yeah, she came by earlier, and, uh, we had a conversation while you guys were at the parade.
Lily: So what did she say when you confronted her?
Cane: Said it wasn't a power play.
Lily: Oh, please.
Cane: She said she was concerned about our marriage and wanted to make sure that you and I and the kids have more time together -- that's it.
Lily: Right -- so instead of coming to you directly and offering to help, she goes to Hilary to try and undermine your authority. I mean, if you're Jill, that makes perfect sense.
Cane: Ah, look, I don't know. Maybe it makes sense to her. Maybe she was picking up on vibes, so...
Lily: From who -- you? Are you concerned about our marriage?
Cane: No. No, no. You told me what happened with you and Tyler -- you told me that he expressed his feelings, and you didn't return them. Look, I'm just glad the guy wasn't dumb enough to try and act out on them. You know, maybe he realized that he couldn't compete with this, uh... superhero husband of yours.
Lily: That's for sure.
Cane: Hey, listen. I'm gonna go and get the kids ready -- use my superhero powers, okay? All right? Come on, guys! Let's go! Come on! Come on! Come on!
Sheryl: Got to keep rubbing my eyes.
Alex: [Sighs] What?
Sheryl: You... sitting there in that chair... doing reports... on a holiday, no less.
Alex: Yeah, well, it's time-and-a-half, so I couldn't pass that up.
Sheryl: God, I don't care how good the money is. I would give anything to be at a barbecue right now rather than pushing around papers. So, Fisher... what's your story? Why are you here on a holiday?
Kevin: [Sighs] I got no place else to be.
Sheryl: You don't have any plans for the fourth?
Kevin: Well, Chloe and I used to take Delia to the park to watch the fireworks, but, um, not this year.
Sheryl: How come? They don't start for an hour. You can still make it.
Kevin: Because holidays are for families, and we are no longer a family.
Billy: How's she feel?
Chloe: I want to say better, but she still feels warm to me.
Billy: Well, when the doctor comes in with the results, we're gonna know what's what.
Chloe: Poor baby. She shouldn't be in here, all cooped up. She should be outside, getting ready to watch the fireworks.
Billy: I know. That's true.
Chloe: Thanks, by the way.
Billy: For what?
Chloe: For showing up and putting on that show... to celebrate the holiday. I think it really cheered her up.
Billy: Well, if there's one thing daddy's good at, it's being silly. I'll break out the real sparklers when she's feeling better.
Chloe: She will be better.
Billy: Yes, she will. We're gonna find out what's causing this fever, and then we're gonna get through it.
Chloe: How?
Billy: Together.
Victor: So, you said you had some news about Adam.
Melanie: He wants to acquire the Broderick group.
Victor: Mm-hmm. That's yesterday's news.
Melanie: What?
Victor: He was considering acquiring that company a few weeks ago. I told him it was a bad idea, bad investment. So don't waste my time with this, okay?
Melanie: Well, with all due respect, Mr. Newman, Adam just spoke to me about it today.
Victor: What did he say?
Melanie: He asked me to look into all of Broderick's legal holdings for a possible takeover. He said that you didn't like the company's debt, thought it would be a bad investment. Clearly, Adam doesn't agree.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: Ohh! Oh!
Adam: I got you.
Chelsea: [Panting]
Dylan: Chelsea, are you okay?
Chelsea: Hey. I'm fine. I'm just a klutz.
Dylan: What happened?
Chelsea: I was walking down the stairs, and I tripped. And Adam caught me as he was passing by.
Dylan: What were you doing trying to carry all this stuff?
Chelsea: It's not that heavy. It's just a box of old clothes for charity.
Dylan: Well, that's not the point, because you are supposed to be taking it easy. You need to let me help you with this kind of stuff.
Chelsea: Adam, I-I was --
Adam: No, you're moving on. No point in hanging on to the past.
Dylan: Uh, if you hadn't been here, Chelsea would have fallen. I appreciate it.
Chelsea: So do I.
Victor: Have a seat. Do as you were asked to do. Get all the information that Adam requested, all right?
Melanie: And if he decides to move ahead with the acquisition?
Victor: He won't.
Melanie: How can you be so sure?
Victor: He's my son.
Melanie: I don't doubt that, Mr. Newman, but still Adam and you clearly have very different opinions on what would be in Newman's --
Victor: Do as I told you to do, all right? I will take care of my son. He won't turn against me, okay?
Melanie: I'm glad you're so confident.
Victor: You know why I'm so confident? Because he's my son, and he's looking for my approval more than for a good business deal. All right? He's not gonna risk being kicked out of a family that he tried so hard to get into.
Alex: Oh, come on!
[Key clacking]
Abby: Hi!
Alex: Oh, no, no, no. Was I not on time for something? I thought we were meeting later.
Abby: No, I wanted to see if you could maybe cut out early. We could catch the fireworks at Navy Pier.
Alex: As in, Chicago, Navy Pier?
Abby: Yeah. My friend has a slip on, um, Monroe Harbor. We could take his boat out on the lake. You would not believe the view.
Alex: What? You're kidding, right?
Abby: [Chuckling] No! It's phenomenal. And at the end of the night, all the people on the shore -- they start clapping, and the people in the boats -- they toot their horns. It's super cute and super festive. I mean, you don't mind hanging out with my friends, do you? He's, like, a commodities trader, and she has some boutique on Michigan Avenue.
Alex: Oh, yeah. No, they sound great.
Abby: Is there a "But"? 'Cause please don't say "But," 'cause -- please say yes. Please? It'll be so fun. It'll be a blast.
Alex: No, I'm sure. Yeah. I mean, it sounds like a blast, but -- had we planned ahead. You know, Chicago's -- we're never gonna make it. It's like an hour and a half away. Plus, when we get there, we got to find parking.
Abby: No, there's a chopper waiting for us at Newman helipad. If we leave right now, we'll be there in 45 minutes, tops. What do you say? Want to go for it?
Sheryl: Look, just because you and Chloe split doesn't mean that you have to drop out of Delia's life.
Kevin: She already has a father.
Sheryl: So? Be her friend. You can never have too many of those. Am I right?
Kevin: Hey, it's me. Listen, I know this is last-minute, but I was wondering if I can meet you and Delia at the park to watch the fireworks.
Chloe: We can't.
Kevin: Look, Chloe. I know things are complicated right now.
Chloe: No, it's not that.
Kevin: Look, I want to be a part of Delia's life, okay?
Chloe: Delia's in the hospital.
Kevin: Why? What happened?
Chloe: [Crying] I don't know yet. They're running tests. She has a really high fever.
Kevin: I'm on my way.
Chloe: [Crying]
Billy: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. It's gonna be okay.
Charlie: We're ready, Mommy!
Cane: [Imitating airplane]
Mattie: Can we go see the fireworks now?
Lily: As soon as we finish loading up the car.
Cane: Hey, but don't forget we need a blanket so we can sit on it, okay?
Lily: Oh, uh, they're in the mud room closets. Will you two go get it for me, please?
Cane: Go, go, go, go! Go, go!
Both: Yes, Mommy!
Lily: Thank you.
Cane: [Sighs] I told that I had superpowers. Yeah.
Lily: Wow. Very impressive. Did you use your x-ray vision to see all the clutter on Charlie's bedroom floor?
Cane: No, I did not, but I am using it...right now.
Lily: Do you like what you see?
Cane: You know I like what I see.
Lily: [Chuckles] Okay, hold on. We don't want the little crusaders to get an eyeful. We will save this for later, okay?
Cane: I can't do that, 'cause patience is not on my list of superpowers, Baby!
Lily: I know, but you are a master at tiring out the kids. So get to it, 'cause when we get home and they're asleep, I'm gonna show you why x-ray vision is overrated.
Cane: [Groans]
Lily: [Chuckling] Go.
Cane: All right, Guys! Come on! We got to go to the fireworks!
Charlie: Yay! Fireworks!
Lily: You ready?
Cane: Come on!
Lily: The door? Thank you.
Cane: Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! All right, Honey. Come on.
Abby: I don't understand why you're being so stubborn about this. It's Fourth of July! I want to celebrate.
Alex: Yeah, well, normal people celebrate by having barbecues, not flying helicopters.
Abby: Since when have I been normal? No. Wait, that came out wrong. That's not what I meant to say.
Alex: I know what you meant, okay? But I'm not one to go flying on private jets.
Abby: Chopper.
Alex: Whatever! Okay? That's just not me! That's not my speed! I figure you'd know that by now.
Abby: But I thought we could do something different and something fun.
Alex: But we did something different the other night when we went to that club. It wasn't my idea of fun, but I went anyway, because it was important to you.
Abby: Okay, um... then you pick. What would you like to do when you finally get out of here?
Alex: Grilling hot dogs on the rooftop.
Abby: Rooftop?
Alex: Yeah.
Abby: Am I a pigeon? Honestly, I feel like you'd rather watch the fireworks from your desk.
Alex: What is that supposed to mean?
Abby: You know exactly what it means. You practically live here, even when you're not on schedule. How many shifts have you picked up this week?
Alex: Okay, but I don't have a rich dad who can fly me in the helicopter whenever I want! I have to work for a living!
Abby: I work!
Alex: No! No, no, no! You sell makeup! You make people pretty! I save their lives!
Abby: [Sighs]
Chloe: Sorry. I'm sorry I lost it like that. It's just kind of a thing lately.
Billy: Ah, Buddy, given the situation, I'd say you're entitled.
Chloe: Well, I just wish there was no situation at all.
Billy: Okay, calm down. Relax. We still don't know what we're dealing with here.
Chloe: You know, when we found out... about her diagnosis -- leukemia -- God, I hate that word. [Sighs] We searched high and low for a donor. And, well, you -- you were Lord knows where.
Billy: Myanmar, thanks to Victor, yes.
Chloe: Like I said.
Billy: Then he got involved with Delia, which I guess was a blessing... because I doubt anybody else would be able to get me out of that hellhole they call a prison.
Chloe: And terrible, in a way -- how he manipulated everyone and everything.
Billy: Oh, yeah. What a mess. I was supposed to leave Genoa City the moment they confirmed me as a match and harvested my marrow. Couldn't tell anybody I was in town. Couldn't tell anybody I was my daughter's donor. Then he sucked Kevin in, made him pretend he was the donor. Nice guy.
Chloe: Yeah, but Kevin was amazing. I never would have been able to get through that without him.
Billy: Oh, he -- he's been a friend to all of us, the way he defied Victor. He kept me apprised of what was happening to Delia. I owe him for the rest of my life, especially... [Chuckles] ...Halloween.
Chloe: [Chuckles] When you sneaked in and dressed up like Santa?
Billy: Uh-huh. Couldn't have done it without him. She's gonna be okay.
Chloe: You don't know that.
Billy: And you don't know that she's not.
Chloe: [Sighs]
Billy: Look, I bet that doctor's gonna walk through this door, and he is gonna give us good news. It's gonna be like Christmas in July.
Chloe: "You bet"?
Billy: [Clears throat] Fine. Poor choice of words, but you know what I mean.
Chloe: No, I shouldn't beat you up. I'm sorry. [Voice breaking] I am so appreciative that you're here with us right now.
Billy: Where else would I be?
Chloe: Well, if Victoria knew --
Billy: No, she'd understand.
Chloe: Except if she knew that you were spending countless hours with yours truly. You know, I just -- I don't want to cause any more problems with the two of you.
Billy: Well, don't worry about it, because I don't think it can get much worse. She asked me to move out, so...
Chloe: Wow.
Billy: Yeah.
Chloe: Kick an addict when he's down, huh?
Billy: Yeah, well... she said she had to do what's best for Johnny.
Chloe: Well, she's not thinking clearly. How is keeping you from Johnny best for either of you?
Billy: She's afraid that, uh... I'm gonna get in over my head with my gambling again, that, um -- I don't know -- I might lose a lot of money, and that these people might come back, and they might use Johnny for leverage -- kidnap her... kidnap him, kidnap her. You know, Chloe, I would never let anybody do anything to my kids.
Chloe: But you can't protect them from everything. Or our little girl wouldn't be lying in this bed.
Billy: [Sighs]
Chloe: Oh, hey. How you feeling?
Delia: Thirsty.
Billy: Thirsty.
Kevin: Thirsty? How about a frozen lemonade?
Delia: Kevin!
Kevin: Hi! I missed you, Monkey.
Chelsea: This would go much faster if you would let me help.
Dylan: Just like you let me help earlier?
Chelsea: It was one box.
Dylan: That you had no business carrying down those flight of stairs. I don't care how light it was! And I know that you think that I'm overreacting. But you've already had one trip to the E.R., and when I got that call from Adam... saying that you were in the hospital... that was scary. And that's coming from someone who has seen a lot of scary things. And if anything ever happened to you... or that baby --
Chelsea: Nothing... is going to happen. I promise.
[Adam remembering]
Adam: I can do the math, Chelsea. Of course I was gonna wonder if that baby is mine.
Chelsea: It's not! For the hundredth time, it's not! Get that through your head! It's not that hard!
Adam: It's damn near impossible. Our life, our family... our dreams -- okay, it's not ours right now. But in time, it could be, and I'll be patient. And if it means staying away from you and the baby, that's what I'll do.
[Back to present]
Melanie: Adam? Adam! Is everything okay? I called your name a couple of times.
Adam: I'm fine.
Melanie: What were you thinking about just now?
Adam: The look on my father's face...when you told him that I was interested in acquiring Broderick.
Melanie: Adam, you told me that that was between us. Why would I tell Victor?
Adam: You wouldn't be of much use to him if you weren't relaying information, now, would you?
Melanie: Excuse me?
Adam: Of course, I do hope you used some discretion and didn't detail our sex life in your daily reports.
Melanie: [Scoffs] You think I'm spying for Victor?
Adam: My father wouldn't leave town for a week without finding some way to keep tabs on me. You're the perfect candidate to relay that information, whether it's credible...or not.
Melanie: You set me up.
Adam: If by telling you something in confidence and fully expecting you to stab me in the back by telling this secret information to my father -- if that's setting you up, then, yes, Melanie. I set you up.
Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.
Abby: Hi!
Victor: So nice to see you. Come in. I thought you were taking the helicopter to Chicago.
Abby: Ah, plans changed. I was gonna spend a little time with Vicki, but I went over to her house, and she wasn't there. So I figured she was spending the fourth with you guys!
Victor: She's actually spending it with Reed.
Abby: She went to D.C.? When?
Victor: Uh, today.
Abby: For how long?
Victor: She took Johnny, and Nikki's joining her.
Abby: How long are they gonna be there?
Victor: Oh, Nikki will be back probably tomorrow. And Victoria -- maybe the weekend or later.
Abby: Mm.
Victor: Doesn't make any difference. I will have the lawyer drop some papers, and, uh... they'll be ready to be signed by the time she comes back.
Abby: A lawyer?
Victor: Yeah. You know Henry Walker?
Abby: The divorce attorney?!
Victor: You bet. He's the best in the business. And since your sister was... foolish enough... to tie the knot with that useless... no-good Billy-boy Abbott... without a prenup... I'm gonna make sure... that he doesn't squander any more of the Newman fortune.
Abby: I-I knew that Victoria was upset with him for lying to her, but I didn't think she was ready to file for divorce.
Victor: Oh, she'll be ready by the time she gets back from D.C.
Abby: Wait. So, you went behind her back? You hired an attorney without asking her?
Victor: Listen, Sweetheart. She has been very generous and very forgiving. It's time to cut her losses, okay?
Abby: Oh, there's only one problem with that.
Victor: What's that?
Abby: Victoria still loves him.
Victor: Sweetheart... Billy-boy Abbott doesn't deserve my daughter's love, okay?
Abby: [Sighs]
Chloe: Does that taste good, Baby?
[Both chuckle]
Billy: You know, I think that long nap you took did you good, because you are looking a lot better.
Chloe: Yeah, and I think your fever's down.
Delia: Can we go to the fireworks now?
Chloe: No, we have to wait for the doctor to come back.
Kevin: Listen, I know you're bummed about missing the fireworks, but I know something that'll cheer you up. You know that big, old roller coaster you've been wanting to go on in Gurnee? I think that when you get out of here, you're gonna be big enough to go on it.
Delia: Will you come with me?
Kevin: Um... uh, well, if it's okay with your mom, I will.
Delia: Please, Mommy?
Chloe: Of course!
Billy: You know what, Baby? When I was in the gift shop, I saw a puzzle book. Want to see if you can beat me at them, hmm? Hmm? Okey-dokey! Let's see how smart you really are.
Delia: [Chuckles]
Chloe: [Sighs]
Kevin: So, what did the doctor say?
Chloe: They haven't said anything yet. They just gave her fluids and some medicine to help bring down the fever.
Kevin: How long have you been here?
Chloe: Since morning.
Kevin: [Sighs] You've been here all day? You didn't call me?
Chloe: I -- it's just a fever. I probably just overreacted.
Kevin: A fever can mean a lot of different things for a kid who's had leukemia!
Chloe: Most of which are not a relapse. Billy agrees. It's probably nothing!
Kevin: You and Billy.
Chloe: We're her parents, Kevin.
Kevin: Right, and I'm just some guy who is married to her mom -- at least for a little while longer.
Chloe: [Sighs]
Adam: You're going to keep up the act with my father. Make him keep thinking he's still in control.
Melanie: Or what?
Adam: You're a smart girl. I shouldn't have to spell it out for you.
Melanie: Humor me.
Adam: I can see the value in keeping you around -- pad your résumé a little more. Your hands-on experience at Newman -- that'll get you in any firm, anywhere. You'll be on the fast track to partner in no time.
Melanie: Or I can tell Victor how you played me and wave goodbye to my law career. It doesn't really sound like I have much of a choice, do I?
Adam: Like I said... smart girl.
Abby: Dad, when are you gonna learn you can't run our lives?
Victor: When you all make better decisions. Then I won't have to, will I?
Abby: [Sighs] I've tried. It's hard. It's much easier to make terrible decisions.
Victor: I know you've tried, okay? And I think you've succeeded.
Abby: Mm.
Victor: I mean, I've seen a change in you ever since you've come back to town.
Abby: I wish other people had. Everyone still thinks I'm some shallow, spoiled, little rich girl.
Victor: Oh, Sweetheart, who gives a damn what other people think? You may be rich, perhaps a little spoiled. But you certainly are not shallow. I mean, I was witness to that -- that you were trying very hard to make people you love happy when you arranged for all those weddings when Nikki was in the hospital.
Abby: [Chuckles] And that was fun.
Victor: I loved it, you know. I loved all the singing.
Abby: [Laughs]
Victor: And all the characters who showed up. You're very generous, you know?
Abby: Thank you, Daddy.
Victor: You have a generous heart. And I don't want you to give it to just anyone. I want you to find someone who cherishes you. You deserve to be cherished... as does your sister. I wish she had thought of that.
Chloe: Delia knows that you're more than just some guy I was married to! You've been in her life for years! When she was here last, you were with us every second of the day.
Kevin: When you proposed to me... you said it was because you thought that we had become a family.
Chloe: We had.
Kevin: But, apparently, that's over now, right? Because you didn't even think to call me to tell me she was in the hospital!
Chloe: No, I did.
Kevin: Really? When?
Chloe: I-I did think about it, okay? I was out here. I had my phone in my hand. I was ready to dial you, and then she called out for me.
Kevin: How many hours ago was that?
Chloe: Kevin. My daughter is sick... and she needed me. I was focused on her!
Kevin: If I hadn't called you... asking to spend time with her on account of the holiday, would I still be in the dark?
Chloe: I didn't want to worry you.
Kevin: [Scoffs] Chloe, I'm worried, okay? I'm worried that she's sick again, and I'm not gonna be around to help make her feel better!
Chloe: Kevin, I would never keep you from seeing her! You're always gonna be in her life!
Kevin: Okay, good. Are you willing to put that in writing?
Chloe: I would have one disappointed, little child if you suddenly stopped spending time with her.
Kevin: I don't just want to take her to the amusement park. [Crying] I want to be with her all the time. I miss us tucking her in at night. I miss our family. Um... will, uh -- will you please just call me when you get the test results?
Chloe: Kevin, really, you don't need to leave!
Kevin: And tell Delia that I love her and I'll see her soon.
Cane: Ah, another fourth of July has come and gone, just like that, huh?
Lily: Well, the evening's not over yet.
Cane: Yes. Kids? Pajamas. Bed. Now. Go.
Charlie: I'm not tired!
Cane: Oh, yes, you are tired, 'cause you get tired, 'cause you're a superhero, and they get tired. Go, go, go. Come on, guys.
Mattie: More firecrackers.
Lily: I know. How about this? I will tuck them in, okay? You get comfortable. Light some candles, open some wine...
Cane: Oh. Yes. I will.
Lily: Okay. All right. Let's brush your guys' teeth, okay?
Charlie: Okay.
Lily: All right. I know.
Cane: [Sighs]
Sheryl: Hey! How were the fireworks?
Kevin: Uh, I didn't make it to the fireworks. But I did get to see Delia.
Sheryl: Well, that's something, at least.
Kevin: Yeah, but it's not enough! I want more. I want my family back. That's not gonna happen, though, since I screwed up. No surprise there. It's what I always do.
Sheryl: Not always. Chavez made an arrest in his conspiracy case -- the dude that tried to whack his partner over that coin. You know how? Because you recovered the lost audio track from the surveillance footage. You did that... meaning that you not only saved our collective bacon, but you also kept a would-be murderer from finishing the job. So pat yourself on the back, Fisher. For once, you used your powers for good.
Kevin: If you say so.
Sheryl: I say so. Hey, how did you manage it, anyway? None of our techs were able to do it.
Kevin: Do you really want to know?
Sheryl: I asked.
Kevin: I hacked into the server without permission and started playing around with the digital files. Took me like...5 minutes to find this low-level frequency that had a distinctive pattern -- you know, like a conversation. So I lifted that track onto a separate file. I amplified the voices. I cleaned up the noise around it, and ta-da! Chavez catches the bad guy. He's a hero. And here I am -- a hardened criminal doing my community service, breaking the rules as fast as you can make them, because hey -- that's what I do. Maybe it's the only thing I'm good at.
Sheryl: You know something? If you spent half as much time fighting for your wife and kid as you do feeling sorry for yourself... you might actually have them back by now.
Billy: So, you want to talk about it?
Chloe: What?
Billy: Well, whatever Kevin said in that hallway that's got you so upset.
Chloe: He wants our family back.
Billy: One can understand that. [Sighs] I'd give anything to work things out with Victoria, but I don't really know how to do that. Even if I stop gambling and get my act together, there's no guarantee she's gonna take me back. She's too afraid I'm gonna slip up again.
Chloe: Well, there's only one way to find out. Go to a meeting.
Billy: [Mutters] Yeah.
[Door opens]
Doctor: I have the results. All the tests came out negative.
[Both sigh]
Doctor: No elevated levels that would indicate a return of her leukemia.
Chloe: Thank God!
Billy: What's with the fever, man?
Doctor: That's just a bug that's going around. It's really nothing to be concerned about.
Chloe: Great -- so, then when can we take her home?
Doctor: Well, let's wait till morning, make sure her temp stays down.
Chloe: Okay. Fine. [Sighs] Thank you.
Billy: Thank you.
Chloe: [Sighs] I really thought he was gonna give us bad news. I mean, feel me -- I'm shaking.
Billy: Delia's okay. That's all that counts.
Chloe: Thank you so much for being here.
Billy: Of course. [Grunts]
Chloe: Um... you -- I'm gonna call Kevin. You should try Victoria again.
Billy: It is worth a shot. Vick. Hey. Uh -- no, no, no, no, no. She's fine. She's okay. It was just a fever. I didn't mean to scare you with that message, but, uh... since you weren't answering, you didn't really give me a choice. Look. I know you need your space and some time, but, Honey, we should really talk. Will you please just...come home?
Billy: Hello?
[Dylan dreaming]
[Firecrackers popping]
[Engine roaring, explosion]
Dylan: Sully.
[Machine-gun fire]
Dylan: Is that you? Sully!
Sullivan: [Coughs] Yeah. L.T.?
Dylan: Yeah. Are you hurt? Can you move?
Sullivan: I-I think so.
Dylan: Your weapon's -- it's just to your right.
Sullivan: I see it.
Dylan: Just shove it over to me. Keep your head down!
[Machine-gun fire]
[Dylan wakes up]
Dylan: [Panting]
Chelsea: Hey. It's oka-- it was just some kids with firecrackers. It's okay, Dylan. No one's gonna hurt you.
Chelsea: Hey. Better?
Dylan: [Sighs] Yeah. I'm sorry for -- for scaring you.
Chelsea: I didn't know you have nightmares.
Dylan: I haven't had one in months. [Chuckles softly] There's too many good things in my life to focus on.
Chelsea: The firecrackers brought it all back?
Dylan: Yeah, certain sounds trigger the memories, but... I think it had more to do with seeing stitch. You know, it's been a long time since I've been around anyone who was over there.
Chelsea: If you want to talk about it...
Dylan: I just want to go back to sleep.
Alex: Hey.
Abby: Hi!
Alex: Listen. Um, I-I was an ass before. I'm sorry.
Abby: Oh. Well, we finally agree on something.
Alex: Yeah. You were trying to do something nice, and -- and I-I picked a fight.
Abby: It was your turn.
Alex: Yeah, well, I am polite that way.
Abby: [Chuckles] It -- it shouldn't be this hard.
Alex: No, especially not this early.
Abby: Yeah. I mean, we should still be in the "Can't keep our hands off of each other" stage, not the "I want to rip your throat out" stage.
Alex: Yeah. Yeah, you got that right.
Abby: We could try to make this work.
Alex: Well, we could. But, you know, why prolong the agony?
Abby: [Chuckles]
Alex: Not that -- that was -- I misspoke. Not that there was any agony, okay? You're -- you're great. You are. And we had some good times.
Abby: Yeah, when we weren't annoying each other or getting in some big misunderstanding.
Alex: Right.
Abby: And I don't really see that changing anytime soon.
Alex: Uh, no, not unless I get a personality transplant.
Abby: Nah. I think you're pretty perfect the way you are.
Alex: [Scoffs]
Abby: We just aren't perfect together.
Alex: Yeah. Yeah, I think you're right.
Abby: Uh, so, um... friends?
Alex: With benefits?
Abby: [Laughs] Are you gonna shake my hand or not?
Alex: Uh, no, I do not shake girls' hands.
Abby: Okay. Then what do you do?
Alex: So... I'm gonna... kick myself in the butt later, right, for --
Abby: Yeah. I hope you do.
Lily: Cane? Are you awake?
Cane: [Softly] Mm-hmm.
Lily: [Chuckles] No, you're not. [Sighs] Its okay, Honey.
Cane: [Sighs] Oh, Baby, I'm sorry I'm so tired.
Lily: It's all right.
Cane: [Sighs] I love you.
Lily: I love you.
Adam: We understand each other?
Melanie: Perfectly.
Adam: Great. Then I'll see you in the morning. What was that about?
Melanie: Keeping up with appearances. That's what you wanted, right?
Adam: It's not all I want.
Melanie: Yeah, I didn't think so. Smart girl, remember?
Chloe: I'm sorry for pushing you to call Victoria.
Billy: Ah... not your fault. No reason for me to think that everything is gonna go my way tonight, but... at least... we got great news about Delia.
Chloe: Why don't you go home and get some sleep?
Billy: Too revved up.
Chloe: Well, you could go to a meeting.
Billy: Yeah.
Chloe: You know, they're going on 24/7.
Billy: Yeah, I'm aware. Thanks. You know what? I'm gonna bring back some breakfast in the morning, so... good news.
[Cell phone rings]
Billy: Hello? Yeah, Jake. What's up, man? A card game? [Clears throat] Where's it at?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Sharon: Do you remember how much fun we used to have?
Lauren: 30 days. You get to decide whether or not --
Michael: Whether or not I file for divorce.
Jack: Thought I just heard you say that Abby saw you and Phyllis kissing.
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