Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/4/13

Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/4/13


Episode # 10194 ~ Billy tries to get a hold of Chloe; Neil and Leslie make a discovery about Rose.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Adam: Hey. Welcome back.

Victor: Son.

Adam: Looks like your honeymoon agreed with you.

Victor: You bet. Time with Nikki's always a joy. Life isn't all business, you know.

Adam: Hmm. Now, see, you say that, and, uh, I nod, and I can say, "Okay, Pop." But, you know, the whole time you're gone, I'm wondering, "Dad's gonna call. He's gonna check up on me. He's gonna check in on Newman." The whole time you're gone, nothing. Frankly, I was stunned.

Victor: Really? Son, why would you be stunned? Why would I be worried? The company's in capable hands.

Adam: You didn't wonder? You weren't concerned about mishandlings or nefarious deeds?

Victor: Oh, oh, oh, oh. "Nefarious deeds." Now I'm beginning to worry. Anything you want to tell me about?

Neil: Man, am I glad to have you back home.

Leslie: Hi.

Neil: Come here. Give me some sugar. Give me some love. I missed your lips.

Leslie: Mm. I missed you. [Chuckles]

Tyler: I thought you and I were meeting up alone.

Neil: Tyler. This isn't the time or the place for this.

Leslie: What happened while I was gone?

Tyler: Oh, boyfriend didn't give you a heads-up? Nice. I'll give you the news. Neil fired me.

Chloe: And fireworks and junk food. Come on! All day! It's gonna be a junk-food free-for-all. None of Grandma's boring healthy stuff. Okay, that stuff is good in moderation. Shaved ice. A hot dog. Ooh, no. Better yet, chili cheese dog. Uh... those red, white. And blue popsicles you love so much? Oh, do you want just a cupful of sugar? Really? A cupful of sugar? That did it for you?

Kevin: Hi. Hi.

Nikki: I heard you were down here.

Billy: Yeah. What, did Vicki, uh, send you down here to deal with me? Is that how it works? Look, I just need to talk to her, okay, maybe see my son, hold him for a minute before Victor's goons kick me out of this place.

Nikki: Goons? He's looking forward to doing that himself.

Billy: Oh, I'm sure he is. And at least this time he's got a good reason to. But come on. Just let me see my wife. Please, Nikki.

Nikki: Victoria and Johnny were here, but they're gone now.

Billy: Yeah, okay. That's fine. If she doesn't want to see me, that's fine! Just let her know that I'm gonna be outside! I'm gonna hold a boom box over my head, the whole nine yards! Just let her know that I'm out there, okay?!

Nikki: Billy, she's not here. She and Johnny aren't even in town.

Billy: [Clears throat]

Kevin: It's the Fourth of July. Come on. It's music and fireworks and partying like its 1999. No? Um, I know that Dylan ordered some of those red, white, and blue cookies that you love. You want to go grab a couple, one for each of us? Is she doing okay? She doesn't seem quite herself.

Chloe: Between me, you, Billy, Victoria, I don't think there's much for her to be jazzed about.

Kevin: [Sighs] And how are you? Are you doing okay? Are we gonna share this?

Delia: It's for you.

Kevin: You're not hungry? Not even for a cookie? Okay, now I'm worried. Listen, Sweetheart, I know that things are a little weird right now.

Chloe: Different. Not what we expected.

Kevin: But your mom and I -- we both love you so much.

Chloe: Love you like crazy cakes.

Kevin: Like to the moon and back. You know that, right? Good. Okay. I have to get to the station. Community service. I don't want to be late.

Chloe: Oh, well, that's good. It's good for you to be serious about things like that.

Kevin: Um, okay, listen. So when you're watching the fireworks, right, when you see the big red sparkly ones, know that those are from me to you, sending you big red sparkly love, okay? Good. Okay. I love you.

Chloe: Don't be late. [Sighs] Come here. Oh, Baby. You're burning up. No wonder you're not like yourself.

Billy: She took my son out of town? How far out of town? Or is this Victor? Did he put them on his private plane to whisk them away to get some sort of quickie divorce?

Nikki: Victoria and Johnny went to D.C. to see Reed, and I'm going to be joining them shortly. This is not some kind of conspiracy. This is a family visit.

Billy: I'm family. I didn't even get to say goodbye to my son. When are they coming back?

Nikki: I guess when the holiday is over.

Billy: When the holiday -- she can't do this. I need to talk to her. This is ridiculous.

Nikki: She needs time and space, Billy.

Billy: Clearly she told you everything, which means that you understand why I need to fix this now, not later. Do you think she landed in DC yet? 'Cause I want to talk to her.

Nikki: Will you put that away, please? She needs space. You need to give her that. You owe her that.

Billy: Now I get it. You're done, too, aren't you? You're done with me. This was it for you. You don't want Victoria and I to work out. Are you on Victor's side now? Is that how this works?

Victor: Go on. Tell me. Tell me about all you've accomplished while I was out of town. I'm sure it was substantial.

Adam: Actually, it was. But you can read all about it in a report I had written up for you that is waiting for you in your office when you arrive. To summarize, profits are up.

Victor: I know.

Adam: Oh, you know.

Victor: Yes.

Adam: So, I thought you were ignoring business while you were out of town.

Victor: Well, after listening to a lot of Italian opera, I looked at the business channel and just happened to hear about some news about our company. Obviously doing well. So, that reminds me. I have a little gift of appreciation for you.

Adam: Indeed. Handy. Thank you.

Victor: Know something? There's a little town in the north of Tuscany called Scarperia. And they make these beautiful blades for knives.

Adam: You were out of town, on your honeymoon, you saw a knife, and you thought of me.

Victor: [Chuckles]

Adam: Thank you.

Victor: Is it nice?

Adam: I'm touched.

Victor: A token of my appreciation. I appreciate your loyalty, Son.

Adam: And I appreciate yours.

Melanie: Mr. Newman? I had no idea that you were back. Did you enjoy your honeymoon?

Victor: How do you do? I did indeed. Thank you.

Melanie: Hope I'm not interrupting anything.

Adam: Just a mutual love fest, a tribute to trust and loyalty. Can't run a multinational without it.

Cane: All right, um, thanks, Mate. I just wanted to make sure we're on board. All right. Um, take a seat. Do you want me to get you something? Do you want tea, coffee?

Jill: Uh... it depends on what's in it -- arsenic, hemlock, something in that vein.

Cane: What are you talking about?

Jill: Sweetie, I know that your assistant ratted me out, okay? So I might need to take precautions here.

Cane: Okay. Hilary came to me about your proposal to slide opportunities and deals from my desk to yours.

Jill: Damn it. I knew I shouldn't have trusted someone that young.

Cane: So what I'm trying to figure out, is this a one-off thing, or is this basically a declaration of war?

Tyler: Yeah, it had nothing to do with my designs, my plans, or my work ethic. This was all because Neil was worried about his daughter's marriage. So now my rep is the guy who got fired by Jabot.

Neil: Okay, listen, Leslie. I'm very sorry. I thought we could go over this another time. But since Tyler is here, let me make this clear. All right, this was about your work ethic. All right, specifically butting heads with Devon on all issues about the marketing campaign.

Tyler: Yeah, my campaign, the one that I created with Lily. And then Devon comes in at the last minute, and, what, he gets the last word on everything? Well, I don't know. Maybe that's because he has your last name.

Neil: The designer called, freaking out that these two weren't seeing eye to eye. So that's an issue that had to be handled.

Tyler: So the creative guy gets the boot.

Neil: You know, I thought I explained to you when I fired you that I greatly appreciate your creative contribution. The rest is rolling out the campaign, which Devon can handle. Might I suggest to you that you move on and come up with your next brilliant idea?

Tyler: [Scoffs] So firing me -- that was, what, doing me a favor? Okay. My mistake. You really want to pretend this had nothing to do with Lily?

Leslie: Was this about her, Neil?

Neil: Yes, it was an element. I was being protective of my daughter.

Tyler: Wow. Let's hear it for all those good fathers out there who are way too deep into their kids' business. Or not at all.

Neil: Your rude sarcasm is appalling. And I am not going to apologize for looking out for my kids or for Jabot.

Tyler: For Jabot? Why stop there? Maybe keeping me away from Lily was good for the entire country.

Neil: Lily is happily married with two kids, and you still don't seem to get that, Tyler.

Tyler: Well, you know what? I know exactly --

Leslie: Okay, hey, hey, hey. He did the right thing, Tyler.

Tyler: What?

Leslie: Yes. Neil was right. It's time for you and Jabot to just part ways. Okay? With all your talent and ambition, you can use that somewhere else. You'll be fine. Okay? It's just how I feel. Now, please, I wanted you both here because I have news. I found Rose Turner.

Kevin: Oh, it's in there.

Alex: Well, why shouldn't it be?

Kevin: Ha! Yeah. Because that evidence-room key wasn't bait. "Oh, we have this coin. Its worth so much money, this guy was gonna put a hit out on his partner. I'll just lock it in the evidence room, leave the key here." You know, the only thing missing was a flashing neon sign saying, "In here! In here! Take me!"

Alex: Okay, it was a little obvious.

Kevin: Yeah, the same way sitting in a bucket of ice naked would be a little cold.

Alex: Oh. Eeh. Ooh. What you do in your free time... [Clicks tongue] But, you know, I'm proud of you. You did good and resisted the urge.

Kevin: Shows how much you know. First chance I had, I grabbed that key.

Nikki: Billy, this isn't turning against you, okay? This is about something that I know a lot about. Addiction, okay? I deal with it every day. I know what it's like to fall off the wagon. I know what it's like to feel like you have it under control but you don't.

Billy: Nikki... I know I don't have it under control. I know there's no way in hell that I can have it under control. I've already reached out to Gamblers Anonymous.

Nikki: What do you mean you reached out? What does that mean? You sent them a note? You called them? That's not --

Billy: Okay, okay. Look. First, I need to focus on Victoria. Then I will go to Gamblers Anonymous. I will get treatment. I will get help. I will do anything earthly possible to fix this. I swear to God.

Nikki: Support is so important. And Victoria is not your crutch. She has enough to deal with worrying about Johnny.

Billy: Everything that happened in Miami with Victoria will never happen again. It's certainly not gonna happen to my son.

Nikki: And you know that how? Did you have any idea that they would kidnap Victoria and hold her for ransom before?

Billy: I love my wife. I love my kid. I would never let anybody hurt them.

Nikki: I know you love your family. But I know that the gambling wants you to love it more, just like alcohol wants me to love it more. I pray to God that you will conquer this, Billy. I-I know that you're struggling with it. But I swear to God, I am not going to let my daughter suffer again because of this addiction.

Adam: Elegant yet functional. And, uh, just the right size to slip between the shoulder blades.

Melanie: Have either of you heard that superstition about knives as gifts? You have to give your father something of value, or else the relationship will be cut... severed.

Adam: Well, I've already conceded the big office, not to mention half a company, so...

Victor: That was a gift? And superstition, my dear, is for people who are afraid of the world, you know.

Adam: And you fear nothing and no one.

Victor: You know me only too well, Son. I'll see you back at my big office.

Adam: Indeed. Well played.

Melanie: About what?

Adam: You and me -- it was all business in front of the old man.

Melanie: No need to go public about personal details.

Adam: Discretion can be an aphrodisiac.

Melanie: Really? Maybe I can discretely get the same room upstairs.

Adam: Tempting. But we must talk business. This will require a bit more of your discretion.

Jill: Damn it. I should have known better than to expect discretion from a neophyte. Hilary might be on top of things, but she has a lot to learn about business. So, how did she present this whole thing to you, that you've now come to expect war?

Cane: She came to me and said that you offered to double her salary if she would keep me busy and send deals to your desk instead of mine. Are you that angry at Katherine 'cause she put me in charge at Chancellor?

Jill: I'm not angry at Katherine. In fact, I'm glad that she and Murphy are getting this time together. I only want the same thing for you and Lily.

Cane: Okay, so you went behind my back for the sake of my marriage.

Jill: Darling, the expansion of the Biotech division has sucked you dry, and your unwillingness to ease up on your responsibilities -- I was just trying to clear a path for you and help you see straight. You've got this beautiful wife who's made all these concessions to be with you. And if you won't do the same thing for her, I'm sure there's someone who's willing to step in.

Cane: All right, listen, there's no issues with Tyler Michaelson and my marriage, okay?

Jill: Oh, really? No issues. Okay. What has happened between them since the last time we talked?

Cane: [Sighs]

Leslie: Today is not about you, as much as you might want it to be. This is about Gus and Rose. Okay? How they knew each other, why he asked for her after his heart attack, put her in his will.

Neil: W-where is she? What did she say when you found her?

Leslie: Nothing. Rose Turner is buried in Evanston, Illinois. She died six years ago of a stroke.

Tyler: So that's why all those letter from her to Gus stopped.

Neil: I am so sorry. Six years too late to meet her, you know, to get the answers that you wanted. I'm sorry that it ended this way.

Leslie: It hasn't ended. It's not over at all.

Delia: I wanted to see the fireworks.

Chloe: I know, Baby. But you know what? We have loads of time. It's not even dark out yet.

Doctor: That's right. Plenty of time to run some tests.

Chloe: Right. Uh, so what kind?

Doctor: Well, Delia has such a-an interesting medical history. We just need a blood panel to know more.

Chloe: So just for a precaution.

Doctor: We'll know more when we get the results.

Chloe: Okay. Uh, you know what? I am gonna step outside, and I'm gonna check out that fireworks schedule. I'll be right back.

Doctor: Move your head.

Chloe: [Breathing heavily] Billy... Delia's in the hospital. She has a really bad fever. The doctor -- he wants to run a blood panel, and he won't tell me if she's okay. [Voice breaking] She has to be fine, right? She has to be fine. So just please -- just please get here as soon as possible.

Delia: Mommy!

Chloe: Coming, Baby.

Kevin: Go ahead. Dust it. My grubby little chipmunk paws were all over it.

Alex: Oh, I don't need to waste my time with that. I believe you. You say you snatched it, put it right back.

Kevin: Oh, you think so? Maybe, just maybe, I have a coin in my pocket right now worth $200,000. I'm just waiting to hear back from my fence, and then it's "Peace out, Genoa City."

Alex: [Laughs] Yeah. No. But I do like the image.

Kevin: All right. Well, then if you knew I wouldn't go for it, why set me up in the first place? How stupid do you think I am?

Alex: The stupidest. Like the king, the emperor, nay, the sultan of stupid land because you have a wife and a kid at home, and you're still pulling B&E's. Toss in the fact that you smelled the trap and you still grabbed the key. You're a genius.

Kevin: As a matter of fact, I am. I could wipe the security cameras online, cause a distraction, get into and out of the evidence room in seconds without a trace.

Alex: [Chuckles] Really?

Kevin: Really what?

Alex: Well, no. Just a few seconds ago, I confirmed that it was a trap.

Kevin: Yeah, I got that.

Alex: Yeah. So you still think that key opens the evidence room. Well, Genius, that key opens the men's room of the 16th precinct in New York City. Which you would have known had you tried to open it. So my question is... why didn't you?

Billy: To say I've been a jerk recently is an understatement, and I am not denying that fact, Nikki. But I love Victoria. I love my wife, and I know there have been times that I don't deserve her. Now is a good example. But we're good for each other. We have been good to each other. And this family and these kids -- it's my entire life, and I'm not just gonna let them go, okay? So I need to talk to her.

Nikki: Billy --

Billy: No, no, no. Don't -- don't do what I think you're about to do, okay? Just don't do it. Don't say that it's too late. I know that it very may well be. But I don't want to hear you say it, 'cause I can't take it. I need her. And I need you to help me, because you know what I'm going through. You know exactly how I feel.

Nikki: Well, I don't know if I do know how you feel.

Billy: You don't know. You don't know. Okay, you don't know. What's your favorite drink?

Nikki: My favorite drink?

Billy: Your favorite drink. What's your favorite drink?

Nikki: Vodka on the rocks with a twist of lemon, in public, of course. At home, anything out of the bottle would be fine.

Billy: Out of the bottle -- I would have never guessed that for you.

Nikki: Well, then maybe our addictions aren't quite the same.

Billy: I don't know. I don't know about that. You know what my vodka on the rocks is? It's a trifecta. Do you know what that is?

Nikki: A horse-racing bet or something.

Billy: That's when you pick the top-three finishers in a race in order. And if there are 12 horses in that race, the odds of hitting a trifecta are -- they're like... 1,300 to 1 or so. And you could take 1,000 shots at it and not even come close. But I'm telling you, when you do, it is a beautiful thing. There is this feeling that washes over you, and it is euphoric. And then... it's amazing. It's magic. You forget about everybody you've let down, every mistake that you've made. You forget about everyone who's hurt you, everybody that you hate. And it just -- it's just you and those three perfect horses at the finish line, and for a moment, you are the smartest man in the room. You've accomplished something completely on your own, with nobody else.

Nikki: There must be a flip side to that euphoria.

Billy: Yeah, yeah. There is. There is a flip side. [Scoffs] Every time you make a bad bet and lose. You still get this feeling that washes over you, except now it's tainted. You know, it's full of fear and regret and shame.

Nikki: I know all about the shame and the regret.

Billy: Then you know what I'm going through.

Nikki: I do.

Billy: And I'm telling you I'm gonna get help. I'm gonna go to Gamblers Anonymous. I'm gonna go straight and narrow. I'm gonna be completely honest for Vicki and for Johnny. I'm gonna -- I love them. I know she still loves me. So, please, will you just tell her to give me one more chance? I just need one chance.

Victor: Like hell she will, Billy. What the hell are you doing here?

Billy: [Sighs]

Jill: Cane, for God's sake, if something's upsetting you, tell me about it!

Cane: I just said to you it has being handled.

Jill: What needed to be handled between Tyler and Lily?

Cane: Why do you want details? So you can use it to oust me out of Chancellor?

Jill: Stop it! Oh, Lord! That's business. This is family. I love you like a son, Honey! You know that. If Tyler's getting in the middle of your marriage, please tell me.

Cane: Lily and Tyler had to have a conversation about his interest in her because he admitted he had feelings for her, so she quit the fashion line. That is what happened.

Jill: Wow. The brass of that guy. He just thinks he can get anything or anybody, doesn't he? Nobody can fault you for drawing the line there.

Cane: I didn't have to draw the line. Lily took care of it. She made it extremely clear to him she's not interested. Now, could you please just not talk about this? It's a holiday, and I just want to have a nice day and spend it with my family, okay?

[Doorbell rings]

Jill: Are you expecting someone?

Cane: It is Hilary.

Jill: Oh, of course.

Cane: No, no, no. I want you to be nice.

Jill: Yep. I'll be nice.

Cane: She's extremely helpful.

Jill: How helpful of her.

Cane: [Sighs]

Hilary: Hey.

Cane: Hey. Come in.

Hilary: These are for you.

Cane: Thank you very much.

Hilary: No need to come into the office on a holiday. Hi, Mrs. Abbott.

Jill: Hi, Hilary. Don't worry. I'm not about to throw a fit because you went running and bothered Cane for nothing.

Cane: It's fine. Don't worry about it.

Hilary: I work for Mr. Ashby. It's my job to look after his interests.

Jill: Well, then we have so much in common.

Cane: Oh, this is a great revision.

Hilary: Yeah, it made more sense than the previous reference.

Cane: Okay.

Hilary: Here you go.

Cane: Thank you very much.

Leslie: It's not like she didn't leave anyone behind when she passed.

Neil: Rose had a family?

Leslie: She was widowed, but she had a daughter, Ann.

Tyler: Where is she?

Leslie: She left the U.S. when her mom died. I tried to track her down, but I haven't had much luck yet.

Neil: Okay, so, what's her name? Ann Turner.

Leslie: Yeah.

Neil: Right. Pretty common name, and the rest of the world is a big place. I think the chances of finding her are pretty slim to none.

Tyler: Yeah, well, it's probably just as well.

Leslie: Well, I mean, I just wanted to get her these letters her mother wrote to Gus, see if she knew anything about that friendship or relationship or whatever those two had.

Tyler: Yeah, 'cause I'm sure that Rose bragged to her daughter about the convicted murderer that she was pen pals with.

Leslie: Gus was innocent, okay?

Tyler: You think Ann Turner saw it that way? Okay, look. I know all this -- the letters, Gus' will -- it's -- it means something to you. I'm just saying Ann Turner might not feel the same way.

Neil: I know it's frustrating. I do, and I'm sorry.

Leslie: It's like I just keep getting so close. And then it's all out of reach again. Just like my dad dying too soon. I mean, now I have all these questions and -- and I'll never have any answers. I don't know. I just couldn't help but feel that Rose had something to do with that blogger that's making your life hell. I don't know. She's gone, so, I mean, that's not it. That's not it at all. Back to square one. Trying to figure out who's torturing you... and why.

Adam: Profits are up. The financial world is taking notice. So Newman needs another bold move. I'd like you to look into the legal holdings... I'd like you to look into the legal holdings of the Broderick group. That might be our next acquisition.

Melanie: The Broderick group? That was considered and rejected.

Adam: It was. My father felt it had considerable debt and it was a deal breaker, but I...I like the management team. My gut says this might be a good acquisition. Sometimes you have to go with your instincts, and mine say move forward. So this might be the deal that we make.

Melanie: "We." Now, should ICC your father on this?

Adam: No. That is where discretion comes in. Say nothing to my father.

Victor: You have the nerve to come here? Get out now, or I'll throw you out.

Nikki: Victor, don't put your hands on him, please.

Billy: No, no, no. Let him do it. I deserve it. I wish I could do it myself. You want to do it, come on.

Victor: Oh, now you're playing the martyr. Trying to evoke sympathy in her for you? Is that it? Not this time, Billy Boy. No. I asked you to never hurt my daughter again.

Billy: Regrettably I did, and I promise you it's never gonna happen again.

Victor: Of course it's not gonna happen again. Because I'll never let her near you again.

Billy: I guess that's up to her.

Victor: You get out of here now. You're an addict. You're a loser. That's all you will ever be. Now get out.

Nikki: I think you'd better go, Billy, now.

Billy: Just call her for me.

[Door slams]

Victor: That son of a bitch. He's a piece of trash. He's a loser! Why'd you even talk to him?

Nikki: He's a worthless addict?

Victor: Yes!

Nikki: That's what you said! So what does that make me?

Victor: What do you mean what does that make you? I'm talking about Billy Abbott.

Nikki: A filthy, degenerate addict.

Victor: Sweetheart, that has nothing to do with you.

Nikki: I-I-I have relapsed many times and in a spectacular fashion.

Victor: Sweetheart, this has nothing to do with you. You're a very strong, resilient woman. You have taken all this in your hands. You've sought help. You're strong again. You have it all in your -- in your hands. You're in control. There's nothing in common with him.

Nikki: I have Victoria and addiction. That's a lot in common.

Victor: Sweetheart, I'm not talking about Billy Abbott's addiction. I'm talking about the fact that he's simply not good enough for our daughter. She will never be first. In that man's life, he is just -- he's an addict. He's a loser. Don't you get it? What does that have to do with you? Come here.

Nikki: [Crying]

Billy: What's going on? What did the doctors say?

Chloe: They haven't said anything. They're running tests. It's her fever. It's like it was before. [Sighs] I just -- I have to be the cool, strong mom. You know, I-I can't let her see me. I don't want her to be scared.

Billy: Come on. Come here. Come here. Come here. It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. Because as bad as the world sucks right now, it's not gonna suck like this. Not today. All right? Look, I got the magic marrow. The kid's in remission. She's gonna stay that way.

Chloe: She will. She will. She will.

Billy: So what are the symptoms? What's she feeling like?

Chloe: She's just sad, tired. It's her fever, you know. How did I not catch it sooner? I just thought that she was upset about me and Kevin and you and Victoria. [Sighs] Everything's gonna be fine. It's gonna be fine.

Billy: It's gonna be fine.

Chloe: It will. It'll be fine.

Kevin: Damn. A bathroom key?

Alex: Mm-hmm.

Kevin: Well done.

Alex: Thanks.

Kevin: I guess if I had made a copy of it, it'd be pretty worthless at this point.

Alex: So worthless. Yeah. Unless you happen to be in New York, need to use the restroom. Did you make a copy of it?

Kevin: Of course not.

Alex: Of course. So why not? Why didn't you make a copy of it?

Kevin: What, commit a crime just because I lost my business, probably gonna lose my house, my wife hates me? Detective, I have had an epiphany, a revelation, if you will.

Alex: Do tell.

Kevin: I will. I am ready to be Saint Kevin the righteous as opposed to the cagey old cat burglar of Genoa City.

Alex: There you go. Kid's going straight.

Kevin: I'm not a kid. I'm a grown man who a month ago had a wife, a kid, a business. Now all I've got is this.

Alex: What's this?

Kevin: [Sighs] It is the audio from the guy who put the hit on his partner over the coin. Geez!

Alex: That was erased.

Kevin: There's no such thing as erased. I recovered it.

Alex: Uh, hold on. I didn't assign you to that case.

Kevin: You're welcome.

Alex: So why go to all the trouble?

Kevin: I don't know. Trying to suck up to the boss, get out of community service a little early today.

Alex: No, see, I think you're tired of being a screw-up, Saint Kevin.

Cane: You need anything else?

Hilary: Nope. That is perfect.

Jill: Well, it's time for you to get back to that gorgeous wife and kids.

Cane: I will do that.

[Cell phone rings]

Cane: One second. Oh, I've got to take this. It's not work. Holiday -- they're friends we're gonna meet up with later.

Jill: All right, fine. And you just keep it that way. Okay.

Cane: Hey.

Jill: So, Hilary... I guess it's time for you to run along, too. Oh, and, Sweetie... the fact that I was concerned about Cane and his wife having a little more time together -- that's just me wanting the best for a man I love like a son. It is not an invitation for you to get your foot in the door. Don't even think about it. I have slammed many a door on many an opportunistic foot. You have a good evening.

Hilary: Have a great night, Mrs. Abbott.

Jill: Mm.

[Door closes]

Tyler: All right, you know what, Leslie? If you want to talk about Rose later on, just you and me, we can. But right now, I've got to make some calls, let people know that I'm back in the market for a job.

[Cell phones chime]

Leslie: Please tell me that's an invitation to some fireworks and not that damn blogger. [Sighs]

Neil: "Coward."

Alex: I don't understand you. You'd rather half-ass your way through community service than take me up on my offer.

Kevin: Work for the cops.

Alex: You already work for the cops.

Kevin: Yeah, but I don't get paid to do it.

Alex: Well, you say that like it's a point of pride. That doesn't make sense. You could be our tech specialist, all right? Pay some bills, stay out of jail. I know it's hard for you to get that through your thick skull.

Kevin: Well, I do pretty much know the booking process by now.

Alex: Whoa, the techs don't book perps. Listen, you say the word, I talk to Paul.

Kevin: You know what? Fine. I'll do it.

Alex: There you go! Hey, maybe if you up that enthusiasm, when you tell Chloe, she could cut you a break.

Kevin: The only thing she wants to cut is me out of her life.

Billy: Hey, Baby!

Chloe: Oh, look. Daddy's here.

Billy: Now, I went on a special Fourth of July mission.

Delia: I wanted to see the fireworks.

Billy: Well, who says you can't?

Chloe: Uh, the doctor has to decide how long he wants to keep her here. So we may miss the fireworks.

Billy: Nope. Not on my watch. Unh-unh. Now, you might not be able to see the boring, outside, predictable, past-your-bedtime fireworks, but I got something better for you.

Chloe: Wait, what?

Billy: Deh-deh. Nothing flammable. You think I'd bring anything flammable here? Come on. Shh.

Delia: Yeah, Mom. We're not gonna see any boring old fireworks.

Billy: Yeah, Mom!

Chloe: [Chuckles] Of course. Delia and Dad against Mom. Big shocker.

Billy: Okay, now, Delia, close your eyes. Chloe, I'm gonna need a musical cue, please. Something patriotic.

Chloe: Uh, yeah. I'll get right on that. [Chuckles]

Billy: Chloe.

Chloe: [Humming]

Delia: Can I look now?

Billy: [Humming] Open your eyes! Ta-da! Kaboom!

Chloe: [Laughs] Whoo!

Billy: Kaboom! Give it a shot.

Chloe: Whoo! Do it! Kaboom!


Billy: Much better!


Nikki: [Crying]

[Cell phone rings]

Victor: Excuse me. Yes?

Melanie: I have news.

Victor: I'm busy right now.

Melanie: Then later, Sir. You're gonna want to hear this.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...


Chelsea: Its okay, Dylan. No one's gonna hurt you.

Kevin: You and Billy.

Chloe: We're her parents, Kevin.

Kevin: And I'm just some guy who is married to her mom.

Melanie: You think I'm spying for Victor?

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