Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/2/13
Episode # 10192 ~ Nikki and Victor come back from their honeymoon; Billy is determined to win Victoria back.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Sharon: Hi, Honey. Now, did you brush your teeth? Oh, these are clean teeth! You've got a book picked out? All right. Let's read it. Oh, this is one of my favorites. Okay. Once upon a time, there was a dashing king and a beautiful queen who loved each other very much.
Nikki: [Sighs] I don't think there's anyplace in this world you could have taken me that I would love more.
Victor: What?
Nikki: Oh, well, of course, Tuscany was fabulous, but so good to be home.
Victor: I couldn't agree with you more.
Nikki: And now that you're secure in the fact that I am home safely, you can go.
Victor: Where?
Nikki: To the office. I know that you can't wait to get there, and now that you know that I'm safe at home, go. I mean, I'm surprised you didn't stop on the way from the airport.
Victor: I told you it was in safe hands.
Nikki: Yeah. Adam's.
Victor: I told him to run the damn company while I was gone. How's that?
Nikki: I should have known better. I mean, what could go wrong in a week?
Victor: [Chuckles]
Billy: Vic! Hey! Victoria! Yo! Come downstairs! You've got to talk to me!
Victoria: Billy, would you please shut up?! You're gonna wake up Johnny. God, what are you doing here?
Billy: I came to talk to you. But that's not important. Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. Why didn't you tell me?
Victoria: Tell you what? Have you been drinking?
Billy: No. Yes. But that's not important either.
Victoria: You're drunk.
Billy: You're pregnant. [Chuckles]
Abby: You have lost your mind. That is the only reasonable explanation for this.
Kyle: Get yourself a coffee, Abby. Make it a decaf.
Abby: Oh, you think this is hyped up? No, I am in second gear, Kyle. Just wait until I really get revved up.
Kyle: It was a kiss, Abby. It was one kiss.
Abby: With your girlfriend's mom.
Kyle: Ex-girlfriend. I told you I broke it off with Summer.
Abby: Okay, then we're all good.
Kyle: Yeah, we are.
Abby: Then you won't mind me telling Uncle Jack about this.
Summer: I'm fine. I'm fine.
Jack: Well, obviously you're not fine. Tell me what happened.
Summer: Really, I'm -- I'm fine. [Sniffles]
Jack: Someone upset you. Tell me who. Hey. Talk to me.
Summer: I can't talk to you about this.
Jack: Why not? Does this have something to do with Kyle?
Summer: Kyle dumped me.
Jack: Oh, Honey, I'm sorry.
Summer: My parents won't be. They never even wanted us together in the first place. They got what they wished for. I hope that they're happy.
Nick: Summer's not my daughter.
Phyllis: Nick.
Avery: W-what are you --?
Phyllis: We had an agreement.
Nick: Yeah, I know we did, and I'm sorry.
Phyllis: It was your idea to keep this a secret.
Nick: I know it was, but that was wrong. It's time to tell the truth.
Billy: It's true. Come on. Obviously you took this test. I mean, we're pregnant, right?
Victoria: I'm not pregnant. And I'm glad.
Billy: That's not true. You're disappointed. We've worked so hard to make this happen.
Victoria: Not "We." I am the one who has been taking my temperature every day, marking my calendar, getting shot up with so many hormones that I don't even recognize my own body anymore.
Billy: Honey, I never asked you to do that.
Victoria: No, you're right. It was my idea. I'm the one that wanted to do whatever it took to have a baby, because I thought that you wanted to have another child as much as I did.
Billy: I do.
Victoria: You do? Really? Then why are you gambling with mine and Johnny's life? Every time you place a bet, you put us in danger.
Billy: I screwed up. That doesn't mean I don't love you or Johnny. I want to have a baby.
Victoria: Really?! Are you serious? I am terrified for our son. Do you think I really want to bring another baby into this nightmare? So that he can be used as collateral the next time you owe somebody money?
Billy: That's not gonna happen. I'm trying to get help with this thing. I already called Gamblers Anonymous. I'm trying to kick it.
Victoria: Okay. Have you stopped gambling?
Billy: I'm trying. It's not as easy as you might think.
Victoria: You know what, Billy? I could give you all the time in the world, and you're never gonna stop. And do you know why? Because you don't want to.
Jack: Summer, your parents love you very much. The last thing they want is for you to be unhappy.
Summer: Yeah, well, they'll settle for miserable, which I am without Kyle.
Jack: Nothing hurts worse than a broken heart. Especially the first time.
Summer: I don't know what happened. Everything was fine between us. And then it wasn't. It just doesn't make sense.
Jack: I'm sure Kyle never meant to hurt you. You're young.
Summer: Which never even bothered him till...
Jack: Until what?
Summer: Until he went to Chicago with my mom.
Jack: Wait, what do you think happened in Chicago?
Summer: Something. My dad has been beyond unreasonable about me dating Kyle, but my mom said that she was okay with it. So maybe they were doing the whole "Good cop, bad cop" thing.
Jack: You think your mom was pretending that she was okay with you and Kyle?
Summer: Yeah, and then they went out of town, and she convinced him to break up with me.
Kyle: Do you have any idea what it would do to Dad if you told him that Phyllis and I kissed? He loves her.
Abby: Apparently, that runs in the family.
Kyle: No, it doesn't. I'm not into Phyllis. She was the one who --
Abby: Oh, my God! I knew it! She initiated the kiss! That strumpet, that hussy, ooh, that slut!
Kyle: Don't call her that.
Abby: Well, if the stiletto fits.
Kyle: It doesn't fit. What happened between Phyllis and I was --
Abby: Was disgusting. But that's no big surprise. We are talking about Phyllis.
Kyle: Abby, don't put all the blame on her.
Abby: You just admitted that she jumped your bones.
Kyle: Yes, she kissed me. But the truth is that I've always thought that she was hot. There may have even been a period there where I was crushing on her a little bit, so it's possible that she got the wrong idea.
Abby: Oh, my God. This is so disgusting. I-I'm paralyzed. I-I really want to throw up, but -- but I can't even do that.
Kyle: Look, Phyllis and I work well together. She's funny. She's smart. Our trip to Chicago was a huge success. But when I came back, I was still totally into Summer.
Abby: And one kiss changed everything?
Kyle: Yeah. It did.
Phyllis: Nick and I need to talk. We need to talk alone, please.
Nick: I'm not changing my mind.
Phyllis: You cannot tell her.
Nick: It's wrong. I can't do this anymore.
Phyllis: We agreed together that Summer was not ready to hear this information.
Nick: There's so much more that can go wrong. If we --
Phyllis: Oh, my God! I took care of everything that we were worried about! I took care of it! I put everything on the line to do that, Nick.
Nick: What did you do?
Phyllis: I had to protect my daughter.
Avery: What is going on?
Phyllis: Avery, please, this is really none of your business.
Avery: Why are you saying that Summer is not your daughter?
Nick: Because it's true.
Phyllis: Oh, my God, Nick.
Nick: Before Summer was born, we didn't know who the father was.
Avery: You or Jack.
Nick: Right. So there was a paternity test.
Phyllis: End of story!
Nick: It should have been end of story, but it wasn't. The test was corrupted. The results were inconclusive.
Avery: So you took another test, right?
Nick: Not right away. The second test --
Phyllis: I can't believe you're doing --
Nick: Phyllis, this needs to come out! It has to come out.
Avery: When did you take the other test?
Nick: A few weeks ago.
Avery: What did it show?
Nick: Summer's not my daughter.
Avery: Nick... I don't understand. How could this happen? Oh, my God.
Sharon: "The king looked out across his kingdom, content and happy. He and his queen had everything their hearts desired -- a magnificent palace, mountains of dazzling jewels and riches, enough for 10 men. But their greatest treasure was their children -- the young prince who would one day rule the land and the two beautiful princesses who filled their lives with joy and laughter. The royal family had everything they could possibly want."
Faith: And they all lived happily ever after.
Sharon: Um, Babe, that's not the end of the story.
Faith: [Yawns]
Sharon: Oh, okay. Well, you know what? We might have to just finish the rest of the story another night. We'll have to see if it turns out that they all end up living happily ever after. I hope they do.
Avery: So, Summer -- all these years, she's had no idea.
Nick: I can explain.
Avery: You can explain how someone can lie to a child about who her father is?
Nick: Summer wasn't the only one who didn't know the truth.
Avery: This is why you've been so upset?
Nick: I absolutely hated keeping this from you.
Avery: This must have been so hard for you.
Phyllis: Oh, my God. Are you serious? This is amazing. I-I'm so glad you two are warm and fuzzy over this! Nick... what about me? What am I supposed to do now?
Avery: Are you serious? You're worried about how this affects you?!
Phyllis: Oh, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Avery: No, I know you, and I know you put everything first, even your own daughter!
Phyllis: Please get her to stop. Please shut her up.
Avery: If you cared about Summer --
Phyllis: If I cared about my daughter?! [Voice breaking] That is the only thing I'm thinking about right now! My daughter! It is killing me inside to know that she's gonna find out the truth.
Avery: Well, you should have thought about that when you lied about the first paternity test.
Phyllis: [Sighs]
Nikki: I'm worried. Maybe I should have gotten Avery the pitcher.
Victor: Why? We went to every shop in Montelupo before you decided on that.
Nikki: Well, I know, but it's important. It's an engagement gift. I want it to be perfect.
Victor: Okay, well, then... why don't we fly back to Italy and exchange it?
Nikki: You would do that, wouldn't you?
Victor: Just to keep you happy, my baby.
Nikki: [Chuckles] Oh, we are so lucky.
Victor: Yes, we are.
Nikki: Look at us. Nicholas is about to be married. You're even forging a friendship with Adam.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: Life is very good for us.
Victor: It is, my sweetheart. [Smooches] Everyone seems to be happy. Now, what about Victoria?
Nikki: Oh, Victoria. Yes, of course. Well, she was waiting for good news. Maybe it happened while we were gone.
Billy: You are wrong, Honey. I do want to stop gambling. It's just...not that easy.
Victoria: Okay, listen. I know about addiction. If you want to beat it, you have to be willing to make some sacrifices.
Billy: Honey, I am.
Victoria: Oh, really? What have you given up? You're still gambling and drinking!
Billy: Could you just cut me a break for a minute, please?! I'm trying. I'm trying here.
Victoria: Really? Because when you asked me to walk away from Newman Enterprises, I did it the very next day. I did that for us. I did it for our family!
Billy: You did it for your sanity. Because that was the best thing for you to do.
Victoria: How dare you tell me what's best for me when you can't even figure that out for yourself.
Billy: Vic, you're the best thing for me. You and Johnny, Delia -- you're my entire world, and I love you.
Victoria: You don't lie to the people that you love, okay?! You stood here in this living room and told me that you bought a restaurant when you won it in a poker game.
Billy: I did. And Boulevard turned out to be a good thing for me, because I wasn't happy at Jabot any more than you were happy at Newman. And now that we've broken free from all that mess, we're free. We are free to make our family the most important thing in our lives.
Victoria: I wanted that for us. I wanted that. I wanted to build something with you, something wonderful.
Billy: We still can do that.
Victoria: We can't do that because you're moving backwards, and I can't do that.
Billy: [Clears throat] So what are you saying?
Victoria: I'm gonna take Johnny, and I'm gonna go to my parents' house.
Billy: You're moving out?
Victoria: If you're not gonna look out for him, then I have to.
Billy: I wouldn't let anything happen to you or Johnny.
Victoria: Well, while you're gambling, you can't guarantee that. And we'll be safe at the ranch, at least.
Billy: Don't do that.
Victoria: Just go, Billy.
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
Nikki: That is my favorite sound.
Victor: What is?
Nikki: Silence. Oh, after all the airports and hotels...
Victor: [Chuckles]
Nikki: ...Restaurants, I just love to hear nothing.
Victor: Nothing.
[Door closes]
Victor: Well, that didn't last long.
Nikki: Oops. Oh.
Victor: Hi, Sweetheart.
Victoria: Mom. Dad. I didn't know you were back.
Victor: What happened?
Nikki: Don't worry. Come here. Here, let me --
Victoria: I'm sorry.
Nikki: Let me take him.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Nikki: Sweet boy. Oh, Angel, tell us what's wrong. What's wrong with my baby?
Victor: What, Sweetheart?
Victoria: Do you mind if we talk in private, just the two of us? I don't really --
Nikki: Of course, Sweetheart.
Victor: Have you and I grown that far apart?
Victoria: I just would rather talk to Mom right now. That's all.
Victor: You won't confide in me? Obviously something is very wrong. What is it?
Victoria: Why would I confide in you? So you can say, "I told you so"?
Victor: What did Billy Boy do now?
Billy: [Slurring] Hey! Jackie! Olly, olly, scotch is free! [Sighs]
Jack: Billy?
Billy: Hey, birthday boy.
Jack: What are you doing?
Billy: I'm celebrating your birthday again. I'm not gonna break anything this time. I'm not gonna do it.
Jack: Did you drive here?
Billy: Jack, I took a cab. I don't know if you've noticed, but I am not in a position to operate a moving vehicle.
Jack: Get in here and sit down.
Billy: Hey. Take it easy. Watch it, man.
Jack: What happened? When I left you at the Crimson Lights, you were on your way to work things out with Victoria.
Billy: I did. I tried. I did, but my wife -- she's not being amena-- she -- ame--
Jack: Amenable.
Billy: She's not being that! [Sighs]
Jack: If you were like this, it's no surprise.
Billy: I was pretty damn sober when I was there, Jack. But she didn't care. I think she already had her bags packed before I --
Jack: Wait, wait, wait. "Bags packed"?
Billy: Yes, she's taking our son to the Newman compound because she's afraid for his life because of my gambling.
Jack: After what happened in Miami, Billy, I can't say that I blame her.
Billy: I-I don't need -- I don't need to hear that. And you know what? And I don't need Victor "Old Man" Newman --
Jack: Wait. Hold -- hold on. You taking on Victor right now -- you think that's gonna help Johnny? You think it's gonna help you with your situation with Victoria?
Billy: I love them, Jack. I want them back.
Jack: I know that. You have to do it the right way. You have to deal with your addiction first. Once you've done that, maybe Victoria will give you another chance.
Billy: Fine. I'm lost without them, all right?
Jack: Okay, listen. Let me take you home. You can sleep this off. Tomorrow's a whole new day. You can start all over.
Billy: I don't want to go back to that big, empty, blue house all by myself.
Jack: Okay, well, stay here.
Billy: Really?
Jack: Yeah, what's one more little bit of drama in my life?
Abby: You just said that you're not into Phyllis.
Kyle: I'm not! But I realized with that kiss that I can't keep seeing Summer.
Abby: Why? Because Mrs. Robinson is into you?
Kyle: My breaking it off with Summer has nothing to do with Phyllis.
Abby: You know, I think your hair is getting in your eyes and causing you to not see things clearly.
Kyle: I didn't kiss Phyllis, but I didn't exactly push her away either.
Abby: I don't think I want to hear this.
Kyle: I realized with that kiss that I've never been committed to just one woman, Abby.
Abby: Maybe because you haven't found just one that you really want to be with.
Kyle: You know me. I like playing the field. I don't want to be tied down.
Abby: Okay, then put Summer in your little black cell phone.
Kyle: She wants more than that.
Abby: And maybe you will, too, eventually.
Kyle: Or maybe I'm gonna end up breaking her heart.
Abby: So you're gonna break up with Summer now because you might hurt her later?
Kyle: That's right.
Abby: That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
Sharon: Summer.
Summer: Hi. Sorry. I know it's late.
Sharon: No, it's okay. Come on in. I was just putting Faith to bed.
Summer: Okay.
Faith: Summer!
Summer: Hi! Hi. Oh, I'm glad you're up. I was needing a sister hug. [Sighs]
Faith: Want to see my new doll?
Summer: Yeah. Uh, if that's okay with your mom.
Sharon: Sure. Why don't you run up and get it?
Summer: [Chuckles]
Sharon: Hey, I want to thank you for keeping your promise. You said that you would stay in Faith's life even though you're not living at your dad's anymore, and that really means a lot to her.
Summer: It means a lot to me, too. Oh, let me see! Oh, she is so pretty. I bet she helps keep you company when you're feeling lonely.
Faith: It's not as good as having you here.
Summer: Oh, well, I feel the same way. And that is why I brought you a present. Now, I know I'm supposed to wait till your birthday, but that's two months away, and it just seems so far, so I wanted to give this to you now. Look. See? It says "Lil Sis." And mine, it says "Big Sis." Isn't that cool? Here, let me put it on you.
Faith: Okay.
Summer: [Chuckles] There. Now you and me are connected forever, Faith, no matter what happens.
Nick: Avery, you don't understand.
Avery: Do not make excuses for her.
Nick: I'm not.
Avery: There is no excuse for what you've done.
Phyllis: You have no idea what you're talking about.
Avery: This is the same thing that you did with Danny -- making him believe that Daniel was his child when you knew damn well that he wasn't.
Phyllis: That's not what happened.
Avery: No, you know, you're right. That's not what happened, because back then you just broke up two young lovers. This time, you destroyed two families. You -- you took Nick from Sharon and Noah, and -- and you kept Jack and Summer apart. How do you play God like this, Phyllis, with the people that you claim to love the most? Summer -- do you know what this is gonna do to her?
Phyllis: Yeah, I do.
Avery: But you -- you still did it. You did this because you had to have Nick --
Nick: Okay, Avery. Avery, you got to listen to me.
Avery: Don't defend her!
Nick: I'm not!
Avery: This is unforgivable!
Nick: It was me!
Avery: What?
Nick: She didn't do it. It was me. I kept it secret.
Nikki: Johnny go down okay?
Victoria: Yeah. He's asleep. [Sighs] I'm exhausted, too. I think I'm just gonna go to bed.
Nikki: Honey, that's a good idea.
Victor: No, Sweetheart, I want to hear what Victoria has to say about Billy and her, okay?
Nikki: Victor, not now.
Victor: Yes, now.
Victoria: It's okay. Let's just sit down. It's fine. I'm eventually gonna have to tell you anyway, so... [Sighs] Billy betrayed me.
Nikki: Oh, my God. He was having an affair.
Victor: [Sighs] You knew about this?
Nikki: Well, I was hoping it wasn't true.
Victoria: It's not.
Nikki: What do you mean?
Victoria: There wasn't another woman.
Nikki: What about all the secret phone calls and the meetings in hotel rooms?
Victoria: There was no affair. Billy has been hooking up with his poker buddies.
Victor: What?
Nikki: Oh, my God. He's gambling again.
Victoria: Not just cards. He's been playing the horses and gambling online and --
Victor: In other words, he's putting you and Johnny in danger again. Is that it?
Victoria: Yeah, Dad. That's it, okay? That's why I'm here. Because I want Johnny to be safe.
Victor: Well, he will be safe, and so will you.
Nikki: What about you and Billy?
Victor: What do you mean about her and Billy? How can you even ask that question?
Nikki: I want to hear what she has to say.
Victoria: Well, that's the other reason I came.
Victor: Sweetheart, the reason you came was to tell me that marrying that son of a bitch was the biggest mistake in your life, that you can't stand the sight of him. Is that what you came to tell me?
Victoria: No, Dad. Actually, just the opposite.
Victor: What?!
Victoria: I knew that if I stayed there and I took one look into his big puppy-dog eyes, that all I'd be able to think about is how much I still love him.
Billy: Thank you. She hates me.
Jack: Victoria does not hate you, Billy.
Billy: Yes, she does. She thinks that I chose gambling over her and Johnny. She certainly does.
Jack: Did you?
Billy: No, I didn't. It wasn't like that.
Jack: I don't know what... what it took. What happened? W-what brought you back to gambling?
Billy: Man, I don't know! Newman overload, I guess. [Groans]
Jack: Billy, you married a Newman.
Billy: Yeah.
Jack: You had to know those people were gonna be in your face. After everything you've been through with Newman, everything he put you through, this is what flipped your switch?
Billy: You know, I was... more angry at Victoria than I ever have been at him. And I begged her not to go back to Newman. I begged her. And it was like she couldn't help herself. That was her addiction, and she did. She chose it over me. So we had a fight. I left and went to this bar where... I ran into this old poker buddy of mine. The next thing I know, I was sitting across from a stack of chips and I owned a restaurant.
Jack: So she gave into her addiction, and you turned to your own. Well, now she's quit hers.
Billy: Yeah, now she's quit hers. And I can't...stop.
Jack: You're not the only one.
Billy: No, you're right. You have been able to stay off the pills and the booze. Or maybe, you know, nothing in your recent life has rocked your world hard enough to make you want to go back to them.
Phyllis: I'm the bad guy, right? I break up families. That's what I do. Ours... Nick's, Sharon's, Jack's, Danny's. God, who else? Whenever there's a problem, whenever anything goes wrong, it's me, right? You put on your cute little glasses, and you come searching for me, don't you?
Nick: I can explain everything.
Phyllis: Yeah, you explain who's responsible for this.
Avery: What is she talking about?
Phyllis: Um, you know what, Avery? As much as I would love to make you a priority, we have a couple more pertinent things to worry about, like how I'm gonna justify keeping this information from Jack.
Nick: I don't... I don't think you should.
Phyllis: Oh, God! You are unbelievable! You forced me to keep this a secret! Because you want tell her... I get to tell Jack? Thanks! Whoa!
Nick: I've made a lot of big mistakes. I need to fix all of them.
Phyllis: Yeah, you need to fix all of them.
Nick: I'm going to. I really think we need --
Phyllis: My God! You have no idea what I did to keep Summer and Kyle apart! [Sighs] My God. You're telling me I did that for nothing. [Sighs]
Avery: Kyle and Summer are brother and sister. That's why you didn't want them together.
Nick: That's why this needs to come out now.
Avery: Oh, my God.
Phyllis: Please don't tell anybody else about this. Please. I have to tell Jack first.
Nick: Fine. Let me know when you're done.
Phyllis: Go to hell!
Avery: So this is what you couldn't tell me?
Kyle: Seriously? All the grief that you have given me for being a player, and now I'm trying to do the right thing by Summer, and you're on my case?
Abby: So you want props for breaking Summer's heart?
Kyle: You never thought that Summer and I should be together in the first place.
Abby: What do I know about relationships?!
Kyle: Practically nothing. But in this case, you were right. If I don't end it with Summer now, she's gonna end up being hurt a lot worse in the long run.
Abby: So now you have a crystal ball?
Kyle: Summer wants something that I can't give her.
Abby: Since when?
Kyle: A commitment. You know me. I don't do monogamous.
Abby: And apparently neither does Phyllis. And I think Uncle Jack should know that.
Kyle: Damn it, Abby! Isn't two broken hearts enough?!
Abby: Two?
Summer: All right, I may not see you for a little while. No sad faces. There are lots of people around that love you. Like your mom and Noah, who happens to be the best big brother in the world. Most days. And you have dad. And you have Avery.
Faith: I don't like Avery!
Summer: But that's just because you're upset that she's marrying Dad. Look. I understand, okay? I remember when my parents split up. I was mad and I was scared. And I thought that if they could stop loving each other that maybe they'd stop loving me. But do you know what I realized? I realized that they will always love me and that I had room in my heart to love the people in their lives. Like Jack. I love him and Dad. And your heart is as big as the moon. So I know that you can find room in there somewhere to love Avery. What do you say? Can you do that for me? Good girl. That's good. Okay. I have to go, but I really want you to remember something. You and I will always be connected now with our magic sister bracelets. And if you hold it like this -- hold it really, really tight -- you'll feel like I'm in the room with you and I'm giving you a great, big hug, no matter how far away I am.
Nick: Phyllis had only been with Jack that one time. So I knew the odds weren't great. I told myself there was no way she could have gotten pregnant by him.
Avery: So you decided not to take the test again.
Nick: I knew in my heart that baby was mine.
Avery: Only, it wasn't.
Nick: I didn't believe that God would take another daughter from me. Not after Cassie.
Avery: Nick, I know that you didn't mean to hurt anybody with this, but... lives are gonna be turned upside down because of this. And I just... I wonder how people are gonna react. Noah and Faith, Summer... Jack.
Nick: You. How do you feel about all this? Does this change things for us?
Jack: You know what? Maybe you're right. Maybe the fact that I haven't had any seismic activity in my life lately is the reason my recovery's still on track.
Billy: Well, Brother, here's to it staying just that way.
Phyllis: Jack! Jack.
Jack: Hey.
Phyllis: Hey.
Jack: You okay?
Phyllis: Um, yeah. I just...
Jack: You still looking for Summer?
Phyllis: Yeah, I didn't -- I didn't find her. But, um...I need to talk to you about something.
Nikki: I'm glad you came to us. You can stay as long as you need to for you and Billy to sort things out.
Victoria: Thanks, Mom.
Victor: But, Sweetheart, what is there to sort out? So get a divorce lawyer now.
Victoria: Dad, I'm not ready for that.
Victor: Why drag this out?
Victoria: Dad, please. Come on.
Victor: But, Darling, I'm just trying to help you.
Victoria: Listen, I can handle this, all right? I just need some time to think.
Nikki: Yes, of course, you do.
Victoria: Away from Billy, away from everyone. I just -- I just need to think.
Victor: What does that mean, "Away from everyone"? W-w-what?
Victoria: Tomorrow morning, I'm gonna take Johnny, and we're gonna go to D.C., and we're gonna spend the Fourth of July with Reed.
Nikki: I think that's a great idea.
Victoria: And then when I get back, I'll try to figure out what I'm gonna do with my marriage, okay?
Victor: Well, you know what I think. [Sighs] Come here. I will always be there for you, okay?
Victoria: I know that, Dad. In spite of everything, I know that.
Victor: It just makes me sad, okay.
Nikki: You go on up. I'll have somebody bring your bags.
Victoria: Thanks, Mom. Good night.
Victor: Good night, Sweetheart.
Nikki: Where are you going?
Victor: I'm gonna straighten things out with that punk.
Nikki: Victor, every time you interfere in their marriage, something horrible happens.
Victor: It does, doesn't it? And she runs right back into his arms.
Nikki: Please promise me that you won't meddle in their affairs. Just let them work it out on their own, please.
[Keys clatter]
Victor: That son of a bitch is doing so much damage to my daughter. Okay, I promise you I won't do anything... today.
Billy: All right, I get it. I'm, um... I'm gonna go to bed, let you guys talk.
Jack: You can use your old room. It's all set up.
Billy: Thank you. I can find it. Phyllis, good night.
Phyllis: Good night.
Billy: Adieu.
Jack: [Sighs] Listen, he and Victoria are having a few problems. If you don't mind, I told him he could stay here. Hey.
Phyllis: What?
Jack: What is wrong?
Phyllis: [Sighs]
Nick: When you thought Phyllis was the one who did this, you said it was unforgivable.
Avery: [Sighs] Nick.
Nick: What I did... was wrong. But I promise you I did it for the right reason. I know that won't make a difference. Now, I know that... Jack and Summer, Noah, Sharon -- they're all... they're gonna hate me for this. But I was kind of hoping -- you know, I know it's a long shot, but... that at least I might have you on my side.
[Cell phone rings]
Nick: It's Sharon. It might be about Faith.
Avery: Okay.
Nick: Hey. What's up?
Sharon: Nick, um, I thought you should know Summer was just here to see Faith.
Nick: Oh, good. I'm glad she's making time for her little sister.
Sharon: Well, there was more to it than that. I don't really know what was going on, but the tone in her voice and the things she was saying...
Nick: What do you mean?
Sharon: Nick, it sounded like Summer was saying goodbye.
Jack: Okay, now you're starting to scare me.
Phyllis: [Sighs] Oh, my God. This isn't easy. Um...
Jack: You can tell me anything.
Phyllis: Huh. I -- Jack...
Jack: What is it?
Phyllis: Okay.
[Door opens]
Jack: Hey.
Kyle: I just got a text from Summer. She's gone.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Chelsea: I want to hear every Dylan story you have, with details.
Jack: Before Kyle came in and told us about Summer, you were very anxious to talk to me about something. Such as?
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