Y&R Transcript Monday 7/1/13

Y&R Transcript Monday 7/1/13


Episode # 10191 ~ Jack's birthday is full of surprises; Nick decides to tell Avery about Summer.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Michael: Yeah, I'm on my way. Half-hour, tops. What? All right, tell her not to talk to anyone else.

Lauren: Is that a client?

Michael: [Sighs] And after you went to all this trouble. It looks great.

Lauren: Are you coming back soon or -- what should I do?

Michael: Uh, this woman who was arrested, she is associated with my firm. She asked me to take her case.

Lauren: Do I know her? Is it one of your paralegals?

Michael: No, I barely know her -- Eleanor Wells.

Lauren: Oh, no. What was she accused of?

Michael: Shooting and killing her husband.

Lauren: Wow. Was he abusive?

Michael: Cheating. Yeah. Eleanor also allegedly shot the woman he was sleeping with.

[Video playing]

Lauren: No, put that away. Stop shooting me. [Laughs] Stop! I can't believe you.

[Video stops]

Carmine: [Sighs] Lauren, I was just thi-- oh, um, God, I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else.

Marti: Well, if you're looking for Lauren, I wish I was her.

Carmine: Yeah, you look just like someone I know. I'm -- I'm so sorry.

Marti: Don't apologize. I'm Marti.

Carmine: Oh, I'm, uh... I'm Carmine. Pleasure.

Paul: You just can't let her go, can you?

Carmine: [Scoffs]

Jack: To tell you the truth, I wish Traci and Phyllis weren't making such a big deal on my birthday. At this stage in my life, too much hoopla is not a good thing.

Summer: Oh, you should never feel too old for a surprise party.

Jack: You sure about that?

Summer: [Laughing] Yes. And I just think that it's nice that your family gets into doing this for you.

Jack: Oh, yeah, the Abbott family's always been very close.

Summer: I love that. I wish that we had that tight family. Mom's dad practically disowned her, and then mom practically disowned Aunt Avery.

Jack: Well, you got the Newmans.

Summer: I guess. Not really the same, though.

Jack: No, I guess it isn't. Hey, for what it's worth, the Abbott family has its flaws, too.

Summer: We should go.

Jack: Oh.

Summer: Don't want to be late to your own surprise party.

Jack: Well, better than being early.

Summer: [Chuckles]

Jack: Thank you.

Summer: So, there's no such thing as a perfect family, huh?

Jack: Haven't encountered one yet.

Summer: When it comes to a dad and brother, you seem pretty close.

Jack: Close to what?

Summer: Close to perfect.

Jack: Wow. What a nice thing to say. Thanks. That's a nice compliment.

Summer: Don't let it get to your head. It's your birthday, Jack.

Jack: [Laughs]

Summer: I'm gonna text Kyle and tell him that we're on our way.

Jack: Okay.

Summer: Let's go.

Jack: And remember... "Surprise!"

Summer: [Laughs] But subtle. Not sub-- you have to be subtle, not over.

[Indistinct conversation]

Traci: Oh, hi. Hi, Honey. Am I too late? Oh, my gosh. The wait at the bakery was just insane. Well?

Phyllis: Huh?

Traci: Are you gonna tell me?

Kyle: Tell you what?

Traci: Jack. Oh, my gosh! Has he been here?!

Phyllis: No, not yet. Not yet. Um, did you call Summer? Did you text her?

Kyle: She just texted me a few minutes ago. They're actually on their way right now.

Traci: Okay, good, good. It's gonna be close, but I think we can still do it. I'm gonna take the cake to the kitchen. Um, Abby, Phyllis, do you think that you could help me? Plates, napkins, and forks, okay?

Abby: Sure. I'll get the knives.

Traci: Oh! Has anyone heard from Billy?

Kyle: Uh, not me. No.

Abby: Oh, well, you've been busy.

Phyllis: Did you call him?

Traci: I didn't. I left several messages. Um, I just thought he would be here by now.

Billy: Hello, Victoria Abbott! I am calling to let you know that you have won an all-expense-paid trip to anywhere you want to go, whenever you want to go. All you have to do is call me back at this number. Honey, come on. Call me back. Please. I want to talk. [Sighs]

Michael: I’m sorry that I have to skip out on our lunch. I really am.

Lauren: Oh, well, it's okay. We'll find some other marriage-therapy homework to do later. I got it. I got you.

Michael: I really wanted to do this.

Lauren: You did?

Michael: Yeah, you know, finding spontaneous, romantic things to do during the day. That's fun. This, not so much. This is fun.

Lauren: Well, I was looking forward to it, too. You know what? We'll do it in a few days.

Michael: Well, unless you want to put everything on ice, and I'll get back here as soon as I can.

Lauren: That's a deal.

Michael: Okay.

[Door closes]

Carmine: So, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there murderers you should be hunting down?

Paul: Not when I got you standing in front of me. You killed my friends' marriage. That counts.

Carmine: [Chuckles] That's a good one. Hey!

Paul: I'm not done.

Carmine: Yeah, well, unless you got a warrant, keep your hands off.

Paul: I warned you before. You're messing with people I care about. And you're corrupting an impressionable kid. I'm not gonna take it.

Carmine: I'm not the one who hurt Fen. And for the record, I never forced myself upon Lauren. She was a more-than-willing participant. So, why don't you just back the hell off, Chief?

Paul: You know what, Carmine? I am watching every move you make. So do something stupid. Please. I'd love to put you away.

Carmine: Well, I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that is never going to happen.

Paul: Yes, it is. Because I know you, Carmine Basco.

Carmine: Hmm.

Paul: I know you can't stay out of trouble for long. So, for the last time, forget about Lauren and stay the hell away from Fen.

Carmine: You should stay away. You're the one who killed his own son. And now you're all up in my face trying to play savior to Lauren's son? Go to hell.

Tony: Boss, that vodka shipment's in -- only it's gin.

Nick: Damn it, Tony. What the hell does it take to get this right?

Tony: But I didn't do --

Nick: I don't want any excuses. Just fix it now or you can find somewhere else to be a bartender.

Billy: [Sighs] [Slurps] [Sighs] [Sighs] Jack's party. Nice going, Billy.

Kyle: "Everybody is here except Uncle Billy. See you soon."

Abby: What the hell are you doing, Kyle?

Kyle: Sending a text to Summer.

Abby: I saw you kiss Phyllis.

Kyle: You just -- we were just standing close to each other. We -- we weren't --

Abby: [Scoffs] Lip to lip? I've seen people kiss before, Kyle. I'm pretty sure that's what it looks like. How long have you guys been doing this?

Kyle: Never. It's never happened before.

Abby: Really? And I'm supposed to believe that, even though you won't admit that it happened this time?

Kyle: It wasn't a kiss. It was a... oh, my God. It was a kiss.

Abby: Who started it? Did you kiss Phyllis, or did Phyllis kiss you? I mean, how did this happen?

Traci: Okay.

Phyllis: Yay!

Traci: Oh, my gosh, I have to tell you, Phyllis -- this was such a great idea for Jack's birthday, so much better than what we thought of.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, I wanted to do something special for him.

Traci: It will be special.

Abby: Oh, it sure is special, all right.

Traci: You've been awfully -- an awful lot of help. I really appreciate it. I have a feeling that maybe I was being a little hard on you before.

Phyllis: You think?

Traci: Well, I have to say, I haven't been able to uncover one single shred of evidence that you don't love Jack. [Chuckles]

Kyle: Look, do not blow this day for my dad. We'll talk later.

[Cell phone rings]

Traci: Did we forget anything?

Phyllis: Oh, no, no. This is enough, right?

Kyle: They're here. They're here.

Traci: Oh, my gosh. Everybody, quick, quick, quick.

Phyllis: All right.

Jack: Have to be. Yeah.

All: Surprise!


Jack: Oh, my gosh. Look at all this. I am the luckiest man in the world. Oh!

Phyllis: [Laughs]

Jack: Mm.

[Paul remembering]


Paul: Knife now! Drop it!

[Gunshot, glass shattering]


[Back to present]

[Knock on door]

Michael: Paul?

Paul: Hi. How long you been standing there?

Michael: Long enough.

[Door closes]

Michael: You have a headache?

Paul: Um, no. I, uh... having a rough day. That's all.

Michael: I caught the Wells case.

Paul: Why on earth would you want to do that?

Michael: The suspect is associated with my firm.

Paul: Yeah, yeah. Are you sure it's a good idea?

Michael: The accused requested my assistance, and I'm here to interview her.

Paul: Michael, with everything you and Lauren are going through, do you think you are in the best mind-set to defend a woman who murdered her husband for adultery?

Michael: Allegedly. And to answer your question, I don't know.

Paul: Can't you find somebody else in your office to defend her?

Michael: I want to hear her out first. Whatever happened, she has a right to a defense. I just want to hear her story.

Paul: I'll tell you her story. She found out her husband was fooling around, and she snapped. That's about all the detail you need to know right now.

Carmine: [Sighs] [Sighs]

[Carmine remembering]

Lauren: Look, when I said that we would spend one more night together...

Carmine: Maybe we shouldn't have this conversation in the hall with a shirtless guy.

Lauren: Uh, yeah, oh. Okay.

Carmine: Yeah.

Lauren: Oh, wait. Wait. When I said that we would do this -- that we would spend one more night together -- that was before --

Carmine: Look, I'm just glad you're here, okay? You made your decision. You don't owe me any explanations.

Lauren: [Sighs]

[Back to present]

Carmine: [Clears throat]

Tony: You really need to chill, Boss. No way is this my fault.

Nick: [Sighs] Voicemail again. Phyllis, it's me. Uh, I'm starting to feel like you are avoiding me. You didn't return my last call. [Sighs] There's something you need to know. I cannot keep doing this. I got to tell Avery. She needs to know the whole story.

Avery: Yes. You do need to tell me the whole story.

Jack: I am the most fortunate man to have such a wonderful family, but I'm truly blessed to have Phyllis back in my life. Thank you, everybody. Thanks.

Traci: Oh, everyone, raise your sparkling cider -- a toast to the birthday boy. To Jack.

[Glasses clink]

Traci: Happy birthday.

Jack: Thank you.

Traci: Now, would you like to take a look at some of your presents?

Jack: I sure would.

Traci: Look what we have over here.

Jack: Hmm.

Traci: [Laughs] Don't shake the top one too hard.

Jack: Okay.

Summer: Hey, um, is something wrong?

Kyle: No, everything couldn't be better. Thanks, by the way, for getting my -- my dad here in time and not blowing the surprise.

Summer: Yeah, you really couldn't trust me with such a simple mission?

Phyllis: Uh, you know what? I'm gonna -- I'm gonna bring the -- the cake in.

Kyle: I'll help you.

Abby: Uh, no, actually, I need to talk to you for a second. Summer, would you mind helping your mom get the cake ready?

Summer: Yeah. Sure.

Abby: Thanks.

Kyle: Abby, look, I don't want to make a big thing out of this. Today is about my dad.

Abby: Really? Maybe you should have remembered that before you stuck your tongue down his girlfriend's throat.

Jack: Hey, you two. What are you conspiring about?

Eleanor: I fell in love with Thomas... and the moment he realized that he loved me, even though he was slow to say the words. But when he was first with her, I...

Michael: You didn't know?

Eleanor: I didn't want to. Even when it became more obvious. I just told myself I was being paranoid. But when the person you love is... you know when someone's taken your place, don't you?

Michael: What happened after you knew?

Eleanor: I blamed myself. The image of him with her was all I could see. [Voice breaking] And then...

Michael: The anger?

Eleanor: Nothing but rage. [Sobs]

[Michael remembering]

Michael: Thank you for marrying me, Lauren Fenmore Baldwin. How could I have anticipated that every year that we're together would be just as wondrous as the day I fell in love with you? Still falling, my love. Still falling.

Lauren: [Sighs]

[Back to present]

Michael: And seeing them together?

Eleanor: I don't remember that. I don't remember confronting my husband and that woman. I don't even remember pulling the trigger!

Michael: Eleanor, what do you remember?

Eleanor: Blinding fury so intense, so all-consuming!

Michael: And then?

Eleanor: There's nothing, Michael! It's a void! It's just a great space in my memory! [Breathing heavily]

Michael: What's the next thing you recall?

Eleanor: A policeman woke me up saying my name. And he told me what I... what happened. Now I'm ashamed.

Michael: For what you've done?

Eleanor: Because I don't regret that they're dead. They betrayed me. Does it make me a monster? Does it make me crazy?

Kyle: What would we be conspiring about? Surprise is over. You're here.

Jack: I don't know. You two look like you're up to something. I guess it must be a little residual sneakiness. Whose idea was this surprise, anyway?

Abby: Aunt Traci's.

Kyle: Phyllis'. Uh, Phyllis called Aunt Traci, who called Abby.

Abby: It always starts with Phyllis, doesn't it?

Traci: For he's the jolly good fellow

All: For he's a jolly good fellow for he's a jolly good fellow which nobody can deny

Jack: Blow it out.

Billy: Hey!

Jack: Whoa!

Billy: Yeah, he's a jolly good brother oh, he's a jolly good brother oh! That was in my way. Sorry. You have gotten tall.

Traci: Billy.

Billy: Hey.

Traci: Honey, you're drunk.

Billy: Oh, no, that's only true because I've -- I've been drinking.

Jack: What brought this on?

Billy: What are you talking about, man? There's no new tales to tell. I just, you know -- just as crapped out as it's been all day, so... hey! Look at this. We're all banded here together. And there's one thing about being an Abbott -- we do love to party, and we, uh -- well, we all find a way to come together, even when we don't want to. So, it's good to see you guys.

Jack: Hey, hey. Let me take you home, okay?

Billy: Whoa, whoa, man. Oh, no. What are you talking about? Nope. I got something for you. Um, I do. I promise. Look, I-I didn't have time to get a card. Don't give me any static.

Jack: "Happy birthday, big brother. You are the glue that...that keeps us together [Voice breaking] The center that keeps us balanced, the guy I most admire in the world." It's gonna be all right. It's gonna be all right. You're gonna get things together with Victoria. Now, let's get you home, okay?

Billy: I'm sorry. I should have come sooner.

Jack: No, no, no, no. You're upset. You're upset. You have reason to be. Forget about the party. Let's get out of here. We'll be back, everybody, okay?

Billy: Sorry.

Traci: You know what? I think there's something really, really wrong. I think I should probably go, too.

Phyllis: Just let Jack take care of it and, um, Kyle and I will clean everything up and... hey, you know, why don't you take the cake in the back and cut it up? And -- and it'll be cut by the time Jack gets back. The three of you. Yeah, you and Abby, too.

Traci: All right.

Phyllis: Take care of everything. Great. Let's get that cake cut.

Kyle: Look, um, Phyllis, I don't know what happened earlier, but I'm -- I'm sorry.

Phyllis: Sorry about what?

Kyle: The kiss. I'm sorry about the kiss.

Phyllis: Oh. Oh. Um... I'm not.

Kyle: You’re not upset about that?

Phyllis: It was a meaningless kiss.

Kyle: Right. Totally meaningless.

Phyllis: It shouldn't ever happen again.

Kyle: Of course not.

Phyllis: And by the way, I kissed you, not the other way around. And in the moment, I liked it.

Kyle: You did?

Phyllis: Yeah. You're a really good kisser. But neither of us should say anything about it.

Summer: This sure wasn't how I pictured this party turning out. Did you?

Kyle: What?

Summer: Um, Kyle, what's -- what's going on with you tonight?

Kyle: Uh...nothing. But we should, uh... we should talk later.

Summer: What? Did I do something wrong? Are you mad at me?

Kyle: No, I... Summer, I just think things are moving a little too fast between us and maybe we should pump the brakes a little bit.

[Door closes]

Phyllis: Hey. Where did Summer go?

Kyle: I'm not sure. I will be right back.

[Door opens, closes]

Jack: Here's some more coffee. Drink up.

Billy: Jack, we could have had stale cakes and coffee at the house.

Jack: No, I wanted to get out of the house so we could talk. What happened, Billy? When I left you, you seemed optimistic.

Billy: I don't know. I guess I was just kind of putting on a show.

Jack: For me? Why?

Billy: [Sighs] I wanted you to think that I could handle the rough patches as well as you. I didn't want to seem weak.

Jack: Billy, you don't ever have to hide anything from me.

Billy: I mean, look at you, man. You seem stable and well-adjusted and happy, and I guess I'm a little jealous.

Jack: That's ridiculous. I have as many demons as you. And I honestly believe you can beat yours.

Billy: [Chuckles] Yeah? Well, I wouldn't bet on it. And seeing how I would bet on just about anything, I guess that goes to show you that I'm lost here.

Jack: What the hell happened? You and Victoria get in another fight?

Billy: I would love to get into another fight with her. I can't even get her to answer my phone calls, Jack.

Jack: Okay, listen to me. You go home to your wife. Don't tell her you're gonna change. Show her. You let her know there is nothing more important in your life than fixing this marriage.

[Knock on door, door opens]

Paul: Yeah.

Michael: That was like listening to my own thoughts.

Paul: Well, I can't believe that you ever considered hurting Lauren.

Michael: No. I don't think so, but I could certainly deal with Carmine.

Paul: Yeah, I know. I felt that, too. But you're not a killer, Michael.

Michael: I could be if I put my mind to it. A week ago, would you have thought Eleanor wells was a killer? She can't even remember the crime.

Paul: So she claims.

Michael: That's what's so scary about all of this. Nobody expects to snap. You don't plan for it. Life barrels on. Then one day...one day, suddenly, your world goes crazy.

Paul: For some people, yeah.

Michael: I am "Some people," Paul. Have you forgotten so easily?

Paul: You fight the snap. How you deal with life -- the good parts and the bad -- that's a choice.

Michael: Is it?

Nick: I didn't even hear you come in. I'm glad to see you. Have you changed your mind?

Avery: No, I haven't. I love you. I still want to marry you. But whatever is going on between you and Phyllis, it's making you crazy.

Nick: There's no secret there.

Avery: No, it is eating at you. The way you lit into your bartender, that is not like you.

Nick: You're right. It's not.

Avery: Nick, you promised you would tell me.

Nick: And I want to, Avery. I really do. But I just can't. Not yet.

Avery: Okay, I know. I heard you talking to Phyllis and leaving that message.

Nick: Yeah, I've been trying to get in touch with her all day.

Avery: Okay, so you can't or you won't tell me what's going on until Phyllis signs off on it? What is she holding over you?

Nick: It's not like that. We have an agreement.

Avery: You have an agreement that's tearing you up. I can help you. Why won't you let me?

Paul: It's been a year. But I'm sure you know you're never far from my thoughts. I see your face. I hear your voice. I even see your smile. But my thoughts always turn to the day you died. I run it over and over in my head. I see you with the knife, with Eden... and that look of a-a vicious animal in your eyes... wishing every single day that I could have done something to change the course of your young life. I was talking with a friend, and he -- he told me that he is determined -- he is determined to make the most of his future. And I thought, you know... I need to do that. So, this next year will be about accepting... accepting that sometimes, no matter how hard you try... things in life can still go wrong. And learning to let go... [Voice breaking] Let go of the -- the guilt... and the pain. [Sniffles] You know, if there is one thing that I learned from this -- this tragedy of losing you... is that there are some twists of fate... you can't control. You are my son. I loved you. And I will always love you. But I am moving forward in this coming year... without you. Goodbye, Ricky.

Kyle: Hey, Summer.

Summer: Why did you bother chasing after me?

Kyle: I could see that you were upset.

Summer: And that matters to you?

Kyle: Of course it does.

Summer: Even though you can't stand to be around me?

Kyle: I didn't say that, and I knew that you probably misunderstood me.

Summer: [Sniffles]

Kyle: Listen, Summer, I don't want you thinking that this should be getting any more committed than it is.

Summer: Why not?

Kyle: You're going away to college in a few months. Your whole life's gonna change.

Summer: What if I don't want it to change? What if I like it exactly the way it is?

Kyle: Can't we just stick to -- to what is right now and shelve the "What ifs"?

Summer: I thought you liked me.

Kyle: I do.

Summer: And I like you, too, and we always have fun together.

Kyle: Always.

Summer: So, why stop?

Kyle: I just told you.

Summer: That sometime between this morning and this afternoon, you got all twisted, thinking about us maybe getting serious, and you never thought about that before. What happened?

Kyle: Nothing happened.

Summer: Obviously something happened for your mind to change. What was it?

Kyle: Could you stop it, Summer? You're overreacting.

Summer: Yeah.

[Door opens, closes]

[Door closes]

Traci: Oh, oh, oh. How's Billy?

Jack: Oh, he's doing okay. He's dealing with a few personal problems. He just needed a little reassurance.

Traci: Well, he certainly has me worried -- and a little ticked off that he would come in here like an idiot and disrupt your party.

Jack: No, no, no. It's still a party. You're here and Phyllis is here. Abby's here.

Traci: [Chuckles]

Jack: Wait a minute. Where are Kyle and Summer?

Abby: Oh, um, well, something happened to upset Summer, and Kyle followed her. She rushed off. I'm not exactly sure what happened, though.

Phyllis: Uh, wow, okay. Um, you know what? I'm -- I'm gonna go track Summer down and -- and see what's going on.

Jack: Everything all right? You seem a little flustered.

Phyllis: Yeah. No! I-I-I'm the mother to a teenager, right?

Jack: I want you to know today meant the world to me. And the best present I could ever have is having you back in my life.

Abby: You know what? I have somewhere important that I have to be, so, um, happy birthday. Bye.

Jack: Bye. Wow -- who said I couldn't clear a room?

Traci: [Chuckles]

Jack: Um, what is with my family today?

[Door closes]

Nick: I hate what this secret is doing to us.

Avery: Me, too.

Nick: You have every right to be angry with me.

Avery: I'm not angry. I'm frustrated.

Nick: I know why you put the wedding off until I can tell you what's been happening with me. I get it.

Avery: Yes, but you made this promise to Phyllis.

Nick: We promised each other.

Avery: Look, I know you denied it, but this is about Summer, isn't it?

Nick: It's not about Summer. It's actually about Cassie. 18 years ago, I was in... a really dark, really bad place.

Avery: I know. Because you lost your daughter.

Nick: I didn't know how life could be normal again, let alone happy. But then the most amazing thing happened, Avery. Phyllis got pregnant.

Avery: Nick, I love you. You can tell me anything. Don't you know that by now?

Nick: I do know that. Which is why I know I cannot... keep quiet about this anymore.

Lauren: Hi. How was your client?

Michael: Uh, I didn't take the case. I can't help her.

Lauren: Why? Didn't you believe her?

Michael: What she did and why...that's not a journey I'm ready to take right now.

Lauren: Because it's too painful or because it's a little too close to home?

Michael: Both. I never want to feel that kind of rage. Not ever again. I need to prove I can conquer it, pass through it for myself, for us, for our son, our future.

Lauren: [Sighs]

[Knock on door]

Marti: Hello.

Carmine: Maybe we shouldn't have this conversation in the hall with a shirtless guy.

Marti: [Chuckles] Okay.

Billy: Victoria! Hey, Vick, come on! I know you're here. I saw your car in the driveway. Vick, Baby, please come talk to me! You can't avoid me forever.

[Keys clatter]

Billy: Honey, we should be talking this through. We -- we love each other way too much not to work this out somehow, so just please come downstairs and talk to me, Victoria! Oh.

Kyle: Great. Now I got to deal with you on top of everything else.

Abby: You're playing a dangerous game, Cuz. You can't seriously be considering dating mother and daughter. You're not that sick or that dumb.

Kyle: I'm not gonna be dating Phyllis and Summer. I just broke it off with Summer.

Abby: What?

Kyle: Well, you just said yourself that I shouldn't --

Abby: No. No, no, no. If you broke up with Summer, that means that you're gonna follow up with whatever you have going on with Phyllis. On what planet does it seem like a good idea to be involved with your father's girlfriend? Is Phyllis encouraging this? What the hell is going on?

[Door opens]

Jack: Hey, Summer. What is it, Baby? What's wrong?

Summer: [Sobbing] I... I can't.

Jack: Hey, hey, hey, hey. It's okay. Just let it out. You're safe with me. Just let it all out.

Summer: [Sniffles] [Sobs]

Avery: Nick, what is it? You can tell me.

Nick: Everything I know to be true...is a lie. Summer is not my daughter.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Billy: That's not important.

Victoria: You're drunk.

Billy: You're pregnant.

Kyle: It was a kiss, Abby.

Abby: Then you won't mind me telling Uncle Jack about this.

Nikki: He's gambling again.

Victoria: I want Johnny to be safe.

Victor: Well, he will be safe, and so will you.

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