Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/27/13

Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/27/13


Episode # 10189 ~ Jill encourages Billy to fight for Victoria; Lauren and Michael try to put their marriage back together.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Carmine: Yo!

Billy: Did my dry cleaning get delivered?

Carmine: Yes, Sir. I hung it in the coat check.

Billy: Thanks. How we doing?

Carmine: Tell me something, Boss. Why did you have it sent here instead of home?

Billy: Not going home.

Carmine: You got a game set up later?

Billy: [Chuckles] No, I mean I'm not going home. I'm persona non grata. I am not welcome at home.

Carmine: That's -- that's rough. Ticked off the wife pretty good, huh?

Billy: Yes, I did. She found out that I've been gambling again, so she --

Carmine: Well, not from me.

Billy: I know. I know. I'm not blaming you, okay? Relax. I confessed. Had this crazy notion that she might understand.

Carmine: Wow. You told her the truth, huh? I never would have thought of that.

Billy: Well, instead of helping me work through it, um... find myself fighting for my marriage, Carmine.

Carmine: Oh, hey, I'm sorry to hear that, Boss. But, hey, um, if you decide you feel like winning, this guy came by earlier, looking for some action.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Carmine: Nothing stopping you now. [Clicks tongue]

Billy: [Sighs] [Sighs]

[Rock music playing loudly]

Michael: Oh, for Pete's sake. Fen's home?

Lauren: Yeah. Finally. Oh, that music. I mean, he just walked in, walked right by me, as if I didn't exist.

[Music stops]

Michael: Hey, Son. Nice to have you home.

Fenmore: Well, I'm leaving again. Just needed to shower and change.

Lauren: How long you gonna punish me?

Fenmore: Believe it or not, Mom, not everything's about you. I got stuff to do.

Michael: What kind of stuff?

Fenmore: Oh, 'cause you guys always tell me everything.

Michael: Fenmore. Fenmore!

Lauren: [Sighs]

[Door closes]

Michael: Well, at least he's talking to you.

Lauren: [Laughs] You know what? A couple weeks ago, you could barely be in the room with me. And now, I mean, things aren't exactly back to normal, but you're here.

Michael: And I have takeout.

Lauren: [Laughs] Now you're talking.

Carmine: Run a tab?

Devon: Yeah, that sounds good. Thanks.

Tyler: What the hell, Devon? What, you couldn't handle my creative decisions, so you went to daddy and got me fired?

Devon: Sounded like you got yourself fired. Your input on the launch was no longer needed.

Tyler: Really? Well, how much longer do you think your input's gonna be needed, considering that the only reason you got the job was to keep your sister and me apart.

Cane: What do you mean that you left the job because of Tyler?

Lily: I knew that you were concerned that he was interested in me, and I kept trying to reassure you that it wasn't a big deal, that he was just a flirt, and you were reading too much into things.

Cane: And?

Lily: And one day he quit. Very abruptly.

Cane: I know. His dad died. He's going through things.

Lily: Yeah, he was, but that wasn't the reason why he quit. He left the campaign because of the situation with me.

Cane: What situation with you?

Lily: You were right. Tyler wanted more than friendship. And we couldn't work together because things got out of hand.

Chloe: Hey, Monkey. What are you doing? Wow! Did you make clothes for your dolls? Let me see.

Delia: It's the bride and the groom.

Chloe: Wow! Oh, look! Look. She looks so beautiful.

Delia: Mm.

Chloe: Let me guess. You're thinking about Chelsea and her good news. Are you pretending that your dolls are Chelsea and Dylan?

Delia: No. It's you and Kevin.

Alex: [Sighs] I just interrogated a guy who arranged a hit on his partner, all because of a feud over some coin. He says its worth over $200,000. [Laughs] One coin. You believe that? Yo! Did you hear what I said?

Kevin: Huh?

Alex: Did you hear what I --

Kevin: Yeah, something about a coin. What, do you need change for the candy machine again?

Alex: No. No, it's a coin that's worth $200,000. But, anyway, safe and sound now, locked up in the evidence room. So, how are things with the wife? Y'all kiss and make up yet?

Kevin: No. I don't even know why I bothered trying to do the right thing. Chloe's mind was already made up.

Alex: Hey, and does your doing the right thing have any connection to do with the stolen goods that were mysteriously returned to their owner? Never hurts to ask, right? So, listen up. I may have a job for you. We're investigating this string of identity thefts and --

Kevin: I'm going on break.

Alex: What?

Kevin: Something I need to take care of.

Alex: Okay.

Abby: Poor Kevin.

Alex: Hey. Well, no, he brought it onto himself.

Abby: He just can't seem to get it together. He seems, like, on the hopeless side. I don't know why you waste your energy.

Alex: That's a good question. I think he's smart, and I think he's talented, and I think he's just trying to decide which path to go on. I'm just trying to be a positive influence.

Abby: Good luck with that.

Alex: Yeah, thanks. Just I really hope he makes the right choice.

Jill: The only thing going on here is your inability to take a compliment, young lady.

Hilary: [Chuckles] Okay. You said there might be something I can do for you?

Jill: Well, as far as working for Cane goes, you would just continue to be your usual efficient self, okay? Because the more you do that, the better his life will be.

Hilary: I'm not sure I know what that means.

Jill: Cane is very, very dedicated to his work, you know? And sometimes it just overwhelms him. I've seen it happen. He can forget what's really important. So, what I was thinking was, if you could, like, keep freeing up his nights and his weekends by diverting certain deals and projects to me, he won't even have to think about them. It'll save him all those headaches, and it'll be wonderful for Lily and those adorable kids.

Hilary: You're awfully concerned about Mr. Ashby's family.

Jill: Well, of course I am. I love Cane as if he were my own son, and I care very deeply for his family.

Hilary: As much as you care about running Chancellor? I know from my research that you used to be in charge.

Jill: Well, then, you also know that I was very good at my job.

Hilary: Mrs. Abbott, with all due respect --

Jill: Hilary, I've done my homework, too. I know exactly how much you're earning. And I know exactly how expensive life is these days. Must be really hard to meet your bills on an assistant's salary. Now, I'm asking you to do double duty. I'm more than willing to pay you double.

Cane: What do you mean when you say that things got out of hand?

Lily: [Sighs] The day that Tyler resigned, he admitted how he felt about me. He told me that he couldn't just turn off his feelings and that working around me was making him uncomfortable.

Cane: You know I'm not sorry that that man quit his job.

Lily: So, I felt bad that he had to leave the campaign because of me. So I decided to leave so that he could stay and finish what he had started, and that's why when dad told me that he fired him, I got so mad and blurted out that I shouldn't have walked away, 'cause I felt like at least one of us should have seen our project through to the end.

Cane: Why didn't you come to me and tell me this when he told you how he felt?

Lily: Because I didn't know what to say, and, plus, you guys don't get along. I just felt like it would have made things worse.

Cane: And what did you say to him when he told you about his feelings?

Lily: I asked him to reconsider. You know, I said that I was a professional and I didn't see any reason why we couldn't work together.

Cane: [Sighs]

Lily: If you're wondering if I told him that I had feelings for him, too -- absolutely not.

Cane: Well...you may not have told him, but did you return the man's feelings?

Lily: I told you over and over that Tyler and I were just colleagues and that was it.

Cane: I know what you told me, and now I know what you didn't tell me, so I'm gonna ask you one more time. Is there anything that I need to know about the two of you? Do you feel for him the way he feels for you?

Cane: Lily.

Lily: Uh... there's something that you should know.

Devon: All right, Tyler. Let's be real. You never gave a damn about Jabot. All you cared about was trying to seduce my sister -- my married sister. And if you had one shred of common decency, you wouldn't have needed a watchdog.

Tyler: Okay, look. You and your dad may live in the Stone Age, but Lily shouldn't have to. All right? She ought to be able to live her own life and make her own decisions.

Devon: And you really think she would have decided to be with you instead of Cane?

Tyler: If that's impossible, then why are you so worried about it?

Devon: You need to watch what the hell you say about my sister.

Tyler: And you need to get out of my face, all right? Lily doesn't need you to speak for her.

Devon: Oh, what are you saying? She needs you?

Billy: Okay, tough guys! Back to your neutral corners, okay? If you want to fight, go outside. Better yet, go to Nick's. You tear that place up, I could care less.

Carmine: [Sighs] Hey, Buddy.

Fenmore: Oh, don't call me buddy. Look, enough is enough. Stop pretending to be my friend, and stop sending me all these stupid texts saying you want to talk. I have nothing to say to you.

Carmine: Okay, maybe you don't. But I got plenty to tell you.

Fenmore: Well, I don't want to hear it.

Carmine: Okay, at least let me explain.

Fenmore: Explain what? How you fooled around with my mother? I know all about it.

Carmine: Then let me explain why it happened.

Lauren: I made us some tea.

Michael: Excellent.

Lauren: It's too bad that -- [Chuckles] I was going to say it's too bad that Fen won't join us, but he didn't exactly give us a chance to ask.

Michael: He was angry. We can't just follow him around and insist that he feel a certain way. We just have to love him and remind him that we do as often as possible.

Lauren: I can't believe you got orange beef. You hate orange beef.

Michael: Yes, I do, but it is your favorite.

Lauren: Do you remember our first date? And you took me to that Beijing bistro and you let me order anything on the menu, and you hated every minute of it.

Michael: No. You're wrong. I loved every minute of it. Do you remember what we did after dinner that night?

Lauren: Of course. Went to a movie.

Michael: Bingo. So, I thought since it's a, you know -- a therapy assignment to -- to relive one of the happy times in our early relationship, I thought we might rent it, as soon as I remember what exactly it was we saw.

Lauren: Right. Oh, you know what? We went to -- we went to that arty theater on Chestnut. Remember, they just -- they just show the black-and-white classics.

Michael: Black and white, yes. Oh, you know, "Brief Encounter." "Brief Encounter," black and white.

Lauren: Right, right, right.

Michael: Noel Coward. Very British. The man and the woman, they meet on a train platform.

Lauren: Right, and they fall in love even though she's married.

Michael: [Chuckles]

Lauren: [Sighs]

Michael: We can't seem to get away from it, can we? No matter how hard we try.

Alex: Get it to me whenever you can. Yeah. Okay. Okay, what's up? What's going on?

Abby: You're kidding, right? We had a date. I made reservations at Le Diner.

Alex: Oh! Oh, my God! I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I forgot. I picked up an extra shift and...

Abby: Do you know how hard it is to get a table there? It's the hottest place in town.

Alex: I'm sure, and I'm sorry, and it sounds great. Let's just -- we can do it another night.

Abby: Just get someone to cover for you.

Alex: That's what I'm doing. I'm covering for someone else.

Abby: Wait. So, you volunteered? You intentionally blew me off.

Alex: No. Look, my rent is due. I just -- I need the extra cash. What do you want me to do?

Abby: Okay, so, why don't you just borrow it from me?

Alex: Because I would never, ever do that.

Abby: I have so much money it's obscene.

Alex: Unlike some people, I like to work for my money.

Abby: Wait. What's that supposed to mean?

Alex: Nothing. Nothing. I'm talking about the crooks that I bring in.

Abby: Okay, 'cause it sounded like you were talking about me and the fact that I'm rich.

Alex: Abby, can you just forget about anything I said?

Abby: No. If you're sitting on resentment because I have money and you don't, we need to talk about this right now.

Kevin: Hey, Monkey! Hi! [Grunts] You having a good time here with your mom?

Delia: Yeah! Come see my dolls! They're getting married!

Kevin: They're getting married?

Chloe: Hey, Sweetie. You know how Kevin and I, we want to talk to you about something?

Delia: Are we going home now?

Chloe: No, no. Not yet.

Delia: But I miss Kevin.

Kevin: I know, Baby. I miss you, too.

Chloe: So... Sweetie. Um... sometimes when two grownups get married... they don't get along anymore. They disagree about things, and they fight and they argue, and that's not good. So, it's best if they just go their separate ways and remain friends. And that's what Kevin and I have decided to do. So...we're getting a divorce.

Delia: Where are we gonna live?

Chloe: No, Baby, we're -- we're gonna stay at Grandma's. And you have your awesome room there with all of your toys, and we have Grandma and Mrs. C. and Murphy and Jill and everyone who loves you.

Delia: Not Kevin? Ever?

Kevin: It's okay.

Lauren: This exercise that this therapist gave us was supposed to bring us back together, and instead...

Michael: Well, maybe that's the point.

Lauren: What?

Michael: [Sighs] That you can't go home again.

Lauren: You know... those 30 days that you gave us are ticking down.

Michael: Well, then, we -- we better take advantage of the time we have, huh?

Lauren: You know what?

Michael: Hmm?

Lauren: There are other movies.

Michael: There are.

Lauren: Yeah. Do you remember -- oh, what's the one that you loved so much? You laughed so hard. English, bad teeth, spy.

Michael: I can't believe you can't remember this.

Lauren: I can't remember the name.

Michael: Genius movie of all time -- "Austin Powers."

Lauren: Exactly!

Michael: Mike Meyers, the Shakespeare of comedy. The cat had no fur.

Lauren: [Laughs]

Michael: It had no fur.

Lauren: You loved that movie.

Michael: I laughed so hard my sides hurt.

Lauren: And you had tears streaming down your face, you laughed so hard.

Michael: Seems like a lifetime ago. [Chuckles]

Lauren: It's been a long time since we laughed like that.

Michael: [Laughs]

Lauren: Think we'll remember how?

Carmine: No one set out to hurt anyone.

Fenmore: Then how did you and my mom --

Carmine: End up together? Your mom was in a real bad place. And she was staying at the club because your dad, well, he was being a -- well, having you arrested like some kind of criminal? That's how all this kind of got started. She was so upset, she wasn't sure she could ever forgive him. Frankly, I'm kind of amazed that you were able to.

Billy: Wow. Mom. Two times in one year. Cut the cord. [Chuckles] Hi.

Jill: I came to find out what you're doing about this problem of yours to get it under control.

Billy: I've been a little busy, so...

Jill: Really? Doing what?

Billy: Trying to find a place to live. Victoria kicked me out.

Jill: Oh, I am so sorry.

Billy: I got to prove to her that I can quit again.

Jill: Prove to her? No, Sweetie. First you got to prove it to yourself.

Lily: I think I knew how Tyler felt before he opened up to me -- how Tyler felt. I did not return the feelings. But I'll be honest with you. I...I enjoyed the attention. I liked having somebody as creative and talented as Tyler tell me that he loved my thoughts and ideas, but, Cane, do not get me wrong. I love you. I do. I love being a mom. And I love being your wife.

Cane: You know, I've been busy with work. You know, and, uh... I, uh -- it's been a long time since I've shown you how much I appreciate you as a woman.

Lily: No, I'm -- I'm not saying that.

Cane: No, no, no, no. I'm working long hours at Chancellor, and I don't ever want you to think that I take you for granted.

Lily: No. You have been wonderful to me.

Cane: I've been working these long hours and I come home, I just know you're gonna be here. But I love having you as a wife, and I just love to be your husband. And I never wanted to take you for granted, you know? I walk in and I see you tired with paint in your hair after you've done an art project with the kids, and you are just so beautiful. Do you know how smoking-hot you are in the morning when you butter toast? Do you know that?

Lily: [Laughs] Really?

Cane: Really.

Lily: I guess I do need to hear that once in awhile.

Cane: You got it.

[Doorbell rings]

Cane: You expecting someone?

Lily: Uh, no.

Cane: [Sighs] Hilary. What are you doing back?

Devon: So what are you gonna do now?

Tyler: What the hell do you care? Don't worry about me. I'll find a job.

Devon: I wasn't talking about work. I'm wondering what you're gonna do about Lily. 'Cause even after she moved to another division, you tried to draw her back into the campaign, and now you have zero reason to have anything to do with her. And you damn well better not go looking for one.

Alex: Big deal out of nothing.

Abby: Am I?

Alex: Yes. I don't resent you for having money, but I'm not gonna borrow from anyone. That's just now how I am.

Abby: Well, I don't appreciate you standing me up without a phone call. That's just rude.

Alex: Okay, I told you. I'm sorry. I forgot. But it's not like I blew you off for nothing.

Abby: Well, couldn't you have just picked up a shift another time when we didn't already have plans?

Alex: Abby, I'm a cop. What I do is important.

Abby: And what I do isn't?

Alex: That's --

Abby: No.

Alex: That's not what I said.

Abby: It sounds like what you're saying is, is that what you do for a living is more important than what I do.

Alex: Okay, protecting the town is a little more important than making sure the women in it smell good.

Abby: I knew it.

Alex: Okay, listen, Abby. Abby! What is wrong? What's gotten into you? Huh? I feel like you're just trying to pick a fight.

Abby: No, what I wanted to do was have a date with a guy that I really enjoy getting to know. I like the fact that you and I are different, but maybe our differences are just too great for this to work.

Alex: Abby. Abby, just -- can you hold on a second? Abby! [Speaking in Spanish] [Sighs]

Kevin: Well, I am gonna be living at my house.

Delia: By yourself?

Kevin: Mm-hmm. By myself.

Chloe: Kevin and I agreed that it's best.

Delia: [Sighs] Is it 'cause I took Brianna's dolls that time?

Kevin: No. No, Sweetheart. This has nothing to do with anything that you did, okay?

Chloe: No. None of this is your fault, okay? It's what I explained before.

Delia: Don't you love each other anymore?

Kevin: [Sighs]

Chloe: Baby, I will always care about Kevin. It's just that things have changed.

Delia: Will Kevin be sad without us? What about Bobby?

Kevin: Um, well, yeah, of course I'm gonna be sad not to see you every day. Of course I will. But I'm gonna be fine, and Bobby will be fine. I will take really good care of him.

Chloe: Just like I'm gonna take really, really good care of you.

Kevin: And the one thing that is not gonna change at all is how much mommy and I both love you. Okay? Does all this make sense? [Sighs] Okay. Anytime that you need anything, all you have to do is call me, and I will be right there. I promise you.

Delia: [Crying] Kevin!

Kevin: Okay.

Jill: Billy, you have to fight this addiction before you can worry about anything else.

Billy: [Sighs] I'm afraid it's gonna be too late and my marriage is gonna be long gone by then.

Jill: Oh, great. Good. So you're not gonna do anything. Just keep on doing what you're doing, even though it's destructive to you and to the rest of us who love you.

Billy: Mom.

Jill: [Sighs]

Billy: It's not as easy as you might think.

Jill: I know it's not easy. It certainly wasn't easy the last time, but you fought it then, Billy, and you won.

Billy: Apparently I didn't.

Jill: This is one day at a time, okay? This is a setback. At least this time you know you have a problem and you know what to do about it.

Billy: Yeah, well, if I'm strong enough, and right now that's a real big "If."

Jill: [Sighs] Look at me. You are absolutely strong enough. I believe in you.

Billy: Yeah. [Sighs] Everybody believes in me. [Sighs]

Michael: I forgot how funny this movie is.

Lauren: [Laughing] Seriously.

[Both laugh]

Michael: Well, you want the rest of it?

Lauren: No! What fun is that?

Michael: For Pete's sake. What, you'd rather steal it?

Lauren: Mm-hmm.

[Both laugh]

Michael: You are a sad human being. You really are. [Laughs]

Lauren: This is nice.

Michael: [Chuckles] It is. Mm. Ha! [Laughs]

Carmine: Okay, good. You're still here. Look -- I just want to make sure we understand each other.

Fenmore: Why were you drudging up all that stuff about the problems between my dad and me? So you can justify what you did with my mom?

Carmine: No. No. I'm not trying to justify anything here, Fen. I'm just asking you to get off your mom's back and cut her some slack here. I mean, the only reason why she reached out to someone was because she loves you so much. And she couldn't stand what your dad was doing. He was tearing your family apart. And for what it's worth, Fen, I care what happens to you, too. And when I told you that I was your friend and I would do anything I could to help you out, that's no lie. I -- I meant that.

Fenmore: Go to hell. I don't need your friendship. Stop texting me, and just stay out of my life.

Billy: Yes, I am familiar with how Gamblers Anonymous works. I'm looking for a meeting. [Sniffles] Okay. Where's it at?

Abby: Hey, Billy.

Billy: Um, hey.

Abby: Was that Chloe? Were you two making plans to meet?

Billy: [Sighs] For the last time, the two of us are not involved, okay?

Abby: So you're working things out with Victoria?

Billy: Yeah. Yeah. If you call her kicking me out of the house "Working things out," yeah.

Abby: Wait, what?

Tyler: You want to know what? My plans are my business, all right? It's nothing for you to worry about.

Devon: Better not be. Hey, Abby.

Abby: Hey. Gee, that didn't sound tense.

Tyler: Have a seat.

Abby: Gonna buy me a drink?

Tyler: You know what? I actually would, but now that I'm unemployed, I should probably be a little conservative with my cash.

Abby: Unemployed? Since when? What happened to the fashion launch?

Tyler: Oh, you're gonna have to ask Devon. It's on his head now. As for me, I am a free agent.

Abby: Okay, well, in that case, it looks like I will be buying you a drink.

Tyler: That works for me.

Abby: Wow. Imagine that. A man confident enough to let a woman treat him every once in awhile.

Tyler: We do exist. So, how are things going over in cosmetics? Marketing program okay?

Abby: Wow. Confident and interested in what I do. [Laughs] Will the miracles never cease? Um...yes, to answer your question. Work is great. Lily is the best. I love working with her.

Tyler: Yeah.

Hilary: I'm so sorry to bother you at home this late, but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep unless I told you about Mrs. Abbott's proposal, so...

Cane: Even though she didn't want you to tell me?

Hilary: She asked me to think about it, but I don't have to. In the morning, I will tell her what she can do with her offer.

Cane: No, no, no, no, no. It's okay. It's all right. I'll deal with Jill. Um... hey, listen, I really appreciate you coming over and telling me this.

Hilary: Yeah, of course. Anytime.

Cane: Okay.

Lily: Good night.

Cane: All right. Thanks. [Sighs]

[Door opens]

Cane: Thank you. Drive carefully, okay?

Lily: Wow. Jill has some nerve.

Cane: I don't think she can get over the fact that Katherine decided to make me the C.E.O. of Chancellor. It's all right. I'll talk to her about it. Tomorrow. Not tonight.

Lily: [Chuckles]

Cane: 'Cause tonight is -- it's about -- it's about us. So, uh, hey. Where were we? We were about to, uh...

Lily: Oh, where were we? Uh, you were just telling me how hot I look when I'm buttering toast. There's some bread in the kitchen.

Cane: Mm, I don't need bread in the kitchen, 'cause when it's you, it's, uh... it's my imagination that's brilliant.

Lily: [Chuckles]

Cane: Just come here.

[Zipper opens]

Lily: [Sighs]

Abby: How crazy is it that we were at the same clubs? I mean, I bet at some point we were at the same club at the same time.

Tyler: Nah. No way. I would have remembered you, for sure.

[Both laugh]

Alex: Hey!

Abby: Oh, looks like we have company. What are you doing here? Are you working on a case? Are you here to arrest me?

Alex: No, I changed my schedule. So I'm free for the night. We can still go to that new restaurant. The...le café?

Tyler: You mean Le Diner.

Alex: Yeah, whatever. What do you say?

Abby: Um, excuse us. Okay. Look, I was picking a fight with you. I'm just so upset about all the times that you've stood me up for work, and it seems like you've been getting pretty friendly with Sheryl.

Alex: Sheryl? Wait a second. My partner? That Sheryl?

Abby: Yeah, look, I'm sorry. I lost it. But since you've gone to all this trouble to rearrange things just to see me...

Alex: Does that mean -- so, are we still on? Are we doing it?

Abby: [Sighs] Hey, I got to scoot, but it was great to see you.

Tyler: Yeah, um...yeah, you, too.

Abby: Have a good one.

Tyler: [Sighs] [Clicks tongue]


Billy: Hey, you! You know what? You look like you might be able to use some fizzy water, cherry juice, and two umbrellas. That sound good? Yeah? All right. I'm gonna make it. You sit here. I'm gonna talk to mom for just a second, okay, baby? So... I got your message. Sorry to hear about you and Kevin.

Chloe: I'm more concerned about Delia. She took the news pretty hard.

Billy: Yeah, well, I can imagine. [Sighs] You know, I was too young to know what was going on when my parents broke up, which is probably a good thing, because from what I hear, it was ugly. I can only imagine what Delia's going through. It's got to be confusing as hell.

Chloe: Confusing, sad. Frightening. She really loves Kevin.

Billy: Well, we have to make her understand that Kevin will still be in her life. He's not leaving her. He's a good guy who's just made some bad decisions lately. But we need him, Chloe. We need all the help we can get because this "Raising a kid" business -- man, it is rough. She's growing up so fast, and there are so many ways for a good kid to get into trouble. The world's a scary place.

Chloe: It's a total mess. I could really use some backup.

Billy: Well, then. Daddy to the rescue. Look at what I got here. One pink slipper for the little mademoiselle. You know... you're looking mighty grown-up these days. Did you sneak around and turn 17 without me knowing?

Delia: No, Daddy, it's just me.

Billy: Well, just me, just about everybody who knows you is crazy about you, right? Honey, you are so, so loved. And I want you to remember that, Dee Dee, because if you're ever feeling scared, that love is gonna keep you strong. Always. I know things might seem a little scary right now, but it's going to get better. Trust me. Good things are in store for you. Do you want to know why?

[Carmine playing video]

Lauren: No, put that away. [Laughing] Stop shooting me. Stop it.

Billy: Because you have what everyone wants more than anything in the whole, wide world, Dee. You have love. Man, you wouldn't believe what some people would do to be loved. And I love you so, so much, and so do lots and lots of people. And, Honey, as long as you have that... then you have everything. And sometimes, you might feel like you're alone -- a little lost -- especially now, when things are tough at home. But what's so great about being truly loved is that you're never alone. You'll never be lost. Honey, you can always find your way home.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Dylan: And move in with me.

Chelsea: Now?

Jack: One bet, and you're right back in it.

Billy: I know.

Jack: How much have you lost?

Billy: [Chuckles]

Kyle: Perfect.

Phyllis: Okay. That's good. Oh, gosh!

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