Y&R Transcript Wednesday 6/26/13

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 6/26/13


Episode # 10188 ~ Lily and Cane celebrate the twins' birthday; Phyllis decides to take action.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Lily: [Chuckling] Oh, my gosh. You are ridiculous.

Cane: Faster than a speeding kookaburra, more powerful than jaws of a crocodile, better dressed than any man in Genoa City -- it is I, Super Daddy, and I have come here to save the world.

Lily: Wow. To save it or make the kids crack up?

Cane: Or at least, you know, make the kids' birthday special.

Lily: [Chuckling] Oh, my gosh.

Cane: Well, the kids requested a superhero, so, you know, I just thought...

Lily: Didn't they get enough of that at their friend's bounce-house party yesterday? I knew that we should have gone with a cartoon character.

Cane: Wait. Excuse me. If I did that, I'd have to be wearing, like, a big, yellow sponge or something, so...

Lily: Well, whether you're wearing a cape or a sponge or absolutely nothing, you're still my superhero.

Cane: Hmm.

Lily: [Chuckles]

Tyler: You don't know it yet, but you are happy to see me.

Noah: Oh, I know it. I'm all tingly.

Tyler: [Chuckles]

Noah: Why am I happy to see you? You gonna help me set up the bar?

Tyler: No. Just the opposite, my dude. Yeah, thanks to me, you might not have to work here much longer.

Noah: What are you talking about?

Tyler: I showed your photos to an editor friend of mine, and, uh, he thinks you got talent.

Noah: No way.

Tyler: I know, right? I tried to set him straight, but he insisted, and, uh, he wants to meet you.

Noah: That's awesome, man. Hold on. Let me pour some coffee. You can fill me in.

Tyler: All right. What the hell?

Neil: Mm. Well, hello there. Aren't you a beautiful sight this morning?

Leslie: Mm. Well, at least there's something good for you to look at. Have you seen GC Buzz yet?

Neil: Uh-oh. No, I sure haven't. Now what?

Leslie: A response to your latest post.

Neil: [Sighs]

Leslie: And, um, it isn't pretty.

Neil: [Sighs]

Traci: [Chuckles] Thank you, Jack, so much for breakfast.

Jack: Remind you of the old days?

Traci: [Chuckles]

Jack: All of us sitting around the table, eating Maimie's sourdough French toast.

Traci: You stealing Ashley's bacon, and, oh, the whoopee cushion on my seat. Thank you so much.

Jack: That's what was missing today -- the whoopee cushion.

Traci: [Chuckles] That is not what was missing today.

Jack: How you doing, Sis?

Traci: I'm fine.

Jack: Look, if you hadn't told me the other day --

Traci: Oh, Jack. I am so frustrated that I even opened my mouth about this. That's why you invited me for breakfast, isn't it? You are digging for more details.

Jack: I am worried about you.

Traci: [Sighs]

Jack: You told me things had been strained between you and Steve since Colleen died. That was a long time ago.

Traci: And that's exactly why I just don't want to talk about it anymore. I am sick to death of being sad. I just want something happy to think about, you know?

Jack: Like Charlie and Mattie's birthday party?

Traci: Yes. Just like that.

Jack: [Chuckles]

Traci: I am -- I have the feeling that I'm gonna be doing a lot of smiling over there today. Um, and I'd better get to it.

Jack: Okay. Give them all my love.

Traci: I will do that. Are you gonna go into the office today, or are you gonna stay here and wait for Phyllis to get back from her trip?

Jack: I thought Phyllis would be here by now. I don't know what's holding her up.

[Knock on door]

Kyle: I know. I know. I'm running late. Sorry, I slept through my wake-up call. Just give me just a couple of minutes.

Phyllis: Oh, well, you don't need to rush.

Kyle: Well, we already pushed the trip back a couple hours.

Phyllis: Oh, well, you know, a couple won't hurt, and we should eat, and I thought we should celebrate.

Kyle: Celebrate what?

Phyllis: Your incredible performance last night.

Nick: Can I get a coffee to go, please? Thank you.

[Nick remembering]

Jack: Summer and Kyle are commitment-free, so unless you can come up with some other good reason why they shouldn't be involved, I don't want to have this conversation again.

[Back to present]

Nick: Thanks. Whoa!

Avery: Oh. Sorry.

Nick: [Chuckles] I'm sorry...for a lot of things.

Avery: Have you thought about our conversation yesterday?

Nick: All night. You?

Avery: Same here.

Nick: And?

Avery: Well, I haven't changed my mind, if that's what you're asking. I still want to put the wedding on hold...unless you've changed your mind. Are you willing to tell me what you've been keeping from me?

Noah: What's up?

Tyler: I just opened up the new media schedule for the fashion rollout, and Devon changed the whole thing.

Noah: Can he do that?

Tyler: Yeah, well, when his dad is head of the division, yeah, he can. God. You know what? I had this whole idea of pitching to a niche market first, but he decides that his way's better, so, you know what? So be it. His way it is.

Noah: No discussing it? No hashing out a compromise?

Tyler: No, you know what? "Compromise" is not in that guy's vocabulary.

Noah: I don't know, man. Devon always seemed like a good guy to me, but it seems like a bush-league move.

Tyler: Yeah, and you know what? It's been like that ever since we started working together. I've just about had it.

Noah: I'll tell you what. We can talk about my career later. Why don't you go take care of yours?

Tyler: Yeah, I intend to.

Lily: Well, if it isn't our favorite godfather.

Devon: [As Brando] I brought you some presents you couldn't refuse.

Lily: [Chuckles] Jill's already here.

Jill: Hi.

Cane: Hi, Devon!

Jill: Whoa! Hello, Darling.

[All laugh]

Devon: [Normal voice] Geez, look at this haul. Wow.

Jill: I know. Look, two of these are from Murphy and Katherine, who send their apologies, by the way.

Devon: They couldn't make it?

Jill: No, Murphy insisted they go up to Lake Louise for a little R&R.

Cane: Well, you know, I imagine Katherine will be kicking and screaming the whole way, but you know what? A couple of weeks of fresh air and water and rest is gonna do wonders for her.

Jill: Mm-hmm.

Cane: So, that's good.

Jill: Speaking of business, did Hilary tell you about this meeting I've set up?

Lily: Okay, I'm sure she did. Hilary couldn't be more on top of things, all right? But no shoptalk today, especially you. Today's for our little superheroes.

Devon: Yeah, what about the big superhero here?

Cane: Hey, hey, hey. Hey!

Devon: It's a nice cape.

Cane: Do not be jealous 'cause you do not have a cape!

Lily: [Chuckles]

Jill: Aww!

Devon: There they are! Look who just landed from outer space!

Jill: Aww!

Cane: What are you doing?

Jill: Happy birthday, you two.

Cane: Happy birthday.

Mattie: Is it time to open presents yet?

Jill: [Laughs]

Lily: They have been asking that since they woke up this morning.

Devon: Well, hey, guys, how about first you show me how to fly?

Mattie: But you can't fly without a cape.

Cane: Yeah!

Devon: You want to bet?

Jill: [Laughs]

Devon: You want to bet?

Jill: [Laughs]

Lily: Hey, hey, hey! Don't break anything! Devon, stop!

Jill: Ohh.

Cane: Aren't they the cutest things that you've ever seen?

Jill: They are so adorable. But listen, Darling, that business meeting I was talking about -- it's really an important one. I was hoping we could carve out a little time. No, after we cut the cake, maybe.

Cane: You heard what the boss said. The boss said no business talk today. Today's family day. Isn't that right, Mattie, Charlie -- family day?

Mattie: Right!

Cane: Come here! Come here! [Grunting] Oh, my gosh! I love you guys.

Lily: [Chuckles]

Cane: Who do you love?

Neil: "If you think I've got your attention now, just wait. You act like you're so perfect, above it all. What would your children think of you? What would your grandchildren think of you if they knew what you're capable of?"

Leslie: [Sighs]

Neil: [Sighs]

Leslie: I know. It kind of takes the breath out of you, doesn't it?

Neil: Whoever this is keeps ramping up the rhetoric.

Leslie: But it's like they're always talking about not being able to forgive you for something you've done. Any new thoughts on what it could be?

Neil: I don't know, Baby. Not a clue. But, you know, I will tell you this much. Um, your theory about a connection between the blogger and Rose -- mnh-mnh, didn't pan out.

Leslie: Well, I mean, or the blogger just didn't take the bait.

Neil: You are really determined to find this Rose lady, aren't you?

Leslie: And I've got a new clue.

Neil: Oh, you do, huh?

Leslie: Yes. A neighbor at her last-known address -- she's willing to talk to me if I can do it today.

Neil: Well, Leslie, I-I --

Leslie: I know. I already know. You think it's a big mistake. I'm aware.

Neil: Okay, once you open that door --

Leslie: It's already opened, Neil. My father was very specific in his will. He wanted Rose to know he was thinking of her until the end. I owe him that much.

Nick: Look, as much as I wish I could share this with you, I just can't -- not yet. There are other people who deserve to know it first -- people who will be directly affected.

Avery: You don't think that I'm directly affected by this?

Nick: Only because you're letting it, Avery.

Avery: Okay, I'm not entitled to know what my fiancé is hiding from me?

Nick: You're making it sound like I'm lying to you -- like I'm going behind your back.

Avery: Because that's what it feels like. We should be able to tell each other anything. Otherwise, what are we doing?

Nick: Well, if you have your way, we're not gonna be doing anything.

Avery: Okay, it's not my way. I want to marry you, but not at the expense of the truth. Look, if you change your mind, you know where to find me.

Phyllis: Hi. It's Phyllis. Leave me a message, and I'll call you back as soon as possible.

Nick: [Sighs]

Kyle: I was pretty good, wasn't I?

Phyllis: You're the best I ever experienced.

Kyle: You know, for a while there, I was a little worried things weren't clicking, and then all of the sudden, the whole vibe just turned around.

Phyllis: I know. The vibe turned around. Exactly my thoughts. When you really relax, and you let those women get to know you, you really turn on your charm...

Kyle: So, you think I have a bright, promising future in focus groups?

Phyllis: I think you can do anything that you set your mind to.

Kyle: Coming from you, I'm gonna take that as a huge compliment.

Phyllis: Thank you. You know what? We should kick off our celebration with a couple cocktails.

Kyle: Yeah, you're on.

Tyler: Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt.

Neil: Hey, Tyler.

Tyler: Hey. How are you?

Leslie: You must have read my mind. I was just about to call you.

Tyler: Why? What's going on?

Leslie: Um, I'm heading to Chicago to follow up on that Rose lead.

Tyler: [Sighs]

Leslie: Want to come with?

Tyler: That's your thing, not mine. Leave the woman alone, I say.

Leslie: [Sighs] You might find it interesting.

Tyler: You might find it interesting. I'm not finding it at all. In fact, I'm actually here to talk to Neil about work.

Leslie: Oh. Okay. Um, well, you can have my seat, then. And I will call you.

Neil: Mm-hmm.

Leslie: Come here.

Neil: Mm.

Leslie: I'll let you know how everything goes.

Neil: All right, Baby. Be careful out there.

Leslie: I will.

Tyler: Yeah, I hope you find what you're looking for, though. Have you seen the media schedule for the launch?

Neil: Devon showed it to me this morning.

Tyler: And?

Neil: And I signed off on it.

Tyler: Okay, you know, that's 180 degrees from what Lily and I came up with.

Neil: Lily is not your partner anymore.

Tyler: Yeah, well, my current partner -- he has a habit of going behind my back.

Neil: Interesting. The same could be said about you. Otherwise, you'd be working things out with Devon right now, instead of coming here to see me.

Tyler: Okay, you know what? What happened to trusting my instincts -- my talent? Come on, Neil, there is a reason that you handpicked me to head up this launch.

Neil: Yes, that's true, but that doesn't mean you aren't wrong every now and then.

Tyler: Okay, you know what? I can't work like this. Either you believe in my vision, or you don't. So, what are you gonna do about this?

Lily: I'm so glad you could make it.

Charlie: Hi, Aunt Traci!

Traci: Oh, look who's here! The birthday beauties are here. [Gasps] Look what I have for you.

Mattie: More presents!

[All laugh]

Traci: That's right. You have to share it, though.

Lily: Okay, what do you say?

Both: Thank you.

Traci: You're welcome.

Lily: All right, can you put them over there with the rest of the presents, please? Thank you.

Traci: Aren't they so sweet? [Chuckles] It's a game that Colleen and I used to play when she was Mattie and Charlie's age.

Lily: Oh, it's very thoughtful of you.

Traci: Oh, Lily, she would have loved to have been here today.

Lily: Well, she is here. I talk to the kids about her all the time, and I show the pictures of her, and I even overheard Mattie telling one of her friends that Colleen's her fairy godmother.

Traci: Oh, my gosh. That's so sweet.

Lily: I know. And then last Halloween, she kept staring at this pumpkin, waiting for Colleen to turn it into this golden carriage to take her away to the princess ball. [Chuckles]

Traci: Oh, Lily, Cinderella. Oh, my gosh. Colleen loved Cinderella.

Lily: I know. That's Mattie's favorite, too, and then one day, it'll be her daughter's favorite.

Traci: Thank you.

Devon: Hey, Lily!

Lily: Yeah?

Jill: It looks like you're about to have a mutiny on your hands.

Lily: Hey, hey. Wait, wait, wait. Cake first and then presents, okay?

Charlie: Presents before cake.

Lily: No. Oh, Cane, will you get the one from us, please?

Cane: I left them at the office 'cause I didn't want the kids to find them.

Lily: So, it's still there?

Cane: Just keep them occupied. I'll be back in a minute, okay?

Lily: Okay.

Traci: [Chuckles]

Lily: Oh, wait, Cane, your --

Traci: Oh.

Cane: [Sighs]

Phyllis: So, I told him to take a flying leap, and that's exactly what he did. He ended up in the Milwaukee ballet.

Kyle: [Chuckles]

Phyllis: [Laughs]

Kyle: Are business trips always fun?

Phyllis: Yeah, well, when you're with me, and... [Chuckles] ...When it's on the company's dime and alcohol is involved.

Kyle: Right.

Phyllis: Yeah. Don't tell anyone I said that, please. And I hope it's not a philosophy that you apply to my daughter.

Kyle: Uh...

Phyllis: Because she may seem like she's grown-up, but the law says otherwise.

Kyle: O-okay, well, actually, Summer and I -- we don't drink when we're out together, but we still have fun doing other things.

Phyllis: Other things? It just -- the I-- Summer's idea of fun is running up her credit card at the mall and gossiping with Courtney. It just doesn't seem like that's something you're very interested in.

Kyle: Uh... yeah, you're right. I mean, I have other interests.

Phyllis: Which you're putting aside to date an 18-year-old, Kyle. Part of me wonders if you're not resenting that.

Jack: Well, I'm sorry. You're out of luck. Summer isn't here right now.

Avery: Yeah, I've been trying to call her, and she's not picking up.

Jack: I expect she'll be back soon. I did hear her say earlier that she's looking forward to shopping for a wedding dress with you. Congratulations, by the way. Wait. Am I wrong? Are you and Nick not engaged?

Avery: No, we are, but we, uh -- I put things on hold.

Jack: I'm sorry to hear that.

Avery: Gosh, you've known Nick practically his whole life, haven't you?

Jack: I helped raise Nick when I was married to Nikki.

Avery: Jack, do you think he's the kind of person that keeps secrets from the people he loves?

Neil: We can't keep going on like this. It's frustrating for everyone and completely counterproductive.

Tyler: Okay, well, I'm glad that we agree.

Neil: Tyler, you did a wonderful job on the campaign, and I appreciate all your hard work on the creative side.

Tyler: Gee, thanks, Neil.

Neil: But I am letting Devon handle the rollout from here.

Tyler: Wait, what?

Neil: I'm taking you off the project.

Tyler: Why not take Devon off of it?

Neil: Because I like Devon exactly where he is.

Tyler: Why, 'cause he's your son?

Neil: Because he's professional.

Tyler: And I'm not?

Neil: You know what? You only respect your own opinion. You go off and sulk when you don't get your way, and you question my authority.

Tyler: Only when you're wrong.

Neil: Young man, it is that kind of attitude that is putting this launch in jeopardy, and I am not gonna have it.

Tyler: Okay, what you're not gonna have is someone calling you on your nepotism.

Neil: All right. [Chuckles] I'm done.

Tyler: What are you talking about -- you're done? You're done with what?

Neil: I'm done with you. You're fired!

[Pen clatters]

[Door closes]

Noah: That bad? I thought we were making profits.

Nick: We are.

Noah: Really? You sure have a funny way of showing it.

Noah: You mean, it's such a beautiful day outside, and why am I not taking advantage?

Noah: Dad, take advantage of it. Get out of here.

Nick: Uh, I got to get this done.

Noah: You know, you don't have to cover with me. I know what's going on.

Jack: So, what do you mean by that? You have reason to think Nick's holding something back from you?

Avery: Well, I'd rather not go into detail.

Jack: Well, I'm afraid I can't help you, then.

Avery: [Sighs] Okay, well, I-I just -- I was thinking maybe you could give me some insight into Nick -- you know, his past and things that might have happened that have resonance now. I don't know -- things that scare him or worry him or -- or why he's hesitant to open up.

Jack: Have you asked Nick?

Avery: Yeah, I tried.

Jack: Brick wall?

Avery: I got the lumps to prove it. [Chuckles] Why are relationships so complicated?

Jack: [Sighs]

Cane: All right, let me take these from you.

Hilary: Okay.

Cane: Okay. Now, I hope you're gonna stay for a while, okay?

Hilary: I have to get back to the office.

Cane: No, no, no, no, no. Anyone who saves me from looking like a chump on my kids' birthday has to stay and has to have some cake, and that is the boss speaking.

Hilary: Well, who can say no to that, right?

Cane: All right.

Traci: Cane is super lucky. I mean, what an assistant -- above and beyond.

Jill: Yes, Hilary is very ambitious. She's a real find.

Traci: Hmm.

Neil: Hey.

Cane: Hey, hey. Come in. Come in.

Neil: So sorry I'm late, you guys.

Lily: Hey, just in time for cake. Uh, Cane, where is the lighter?

Cane: Uh, it's in the shelf in the kitchen, on the top.

Neil: [Clears throat] Where are the kids? Wh-- there's the kids! I heard a rumor that someone around here's having a birthday! Who's that? Is that you?

Charlie: I am!

Neil: You are? You're having -- okay, this one's for you, all right? And, Charlie, that one's for you. "Thank you very much." "You're welcome."

Traci: [Laughs] Well, it's not my birthday, but I was hoping for one of those hugs. Hello.

Neil: Traci, it's been so long. Good to see you again.

Traci: Good to see you.

Jill: I'll have a hug, too.

Neil: Mm. Give me some sugar.

Jill: Oh, there you go.

Devon: What's going on, Dad?

Neil: Hey. Um... [Clears throat] I got lots to tell you.

Devon: Okay.

Cane: Hey, Neil, I'd like you to meet my new assistant. This is Hilary Curtis.

Hilary: Nice to meet you.

Neil: Hilary Curtis, nice to meet you, too.

Lily: Traci, Jill, will you help me with the cake?

Traci: Oh, sure.

Lily: Can you get the camera ready?

Cane: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Whoosh!

Jill: I'm good with cake.

Devon: So, hey, you got me curious. What's going on?

Neil: All right, check this out. I had an impromptu meeting with Tyler earlier.

Devon: Of course, you did. Let me guess -- he came to complain to you about the new media schedule?

Neil: He wanted me to change it back.

Devon: Well, I didn't mean to cause you any headaches, so if you need to revert back to the original one, just --

Neil: Oh, no, no, no, no. Hold on. No, no, no. It stays your way, all right? You improved the damn thing, and that's all that matters to me.

Devon: Well, thank you, Dad.

Neil: In fact, brother, I am so proud of your accomplishment, I have decided that you should take over the campaign.

Devon: You're giving me control? And what about Tyler?

Neil: I fired Tyler.

Lily: You did what?

Neil: You know, he forced my hand. I had no choice but to fire him.

Lily: So, after all that we did to keep him -- just like that, you let Tyler go?

Neil: It was the right move.

Lily: Well, what did he do?

Devon: Lily...

Lily: What could have possibly justified you firing him right before the launch?

Cane: Guys, guys, guys.

Neil: I will tell you exactly --

Cane: Guys, this is a business-free zone. We're not talking business today.

Lily: [Sighs]

Cane: All right?

Lily: Honey, you're right. I need to follow my own rules.

Cane: All right, good, 'cause if you don't hurry up and light the candles, the kids are gonna jump into that cake, all right? Let's do it. Come on.

Devon: Guys, let's do this.

Cane: Okay.

Neil: All right.

Cane: Cake time! Let's go! Come on! Cake time!

[Both laugh]

Jack: Oh, you're talking to the king of complicated relationships. If you're hoping I'm gonna impart some great wisdom, I...

Avery: It's not happening, huh?

Jack: Well, look at Phyllis and me. All these years, we've been going back and forth. I mean, just recently, she moved in, she moved out, she moved back in. And even now, I don't feel like she's being completely open with me.

Avery: And you're okay with the -- how do I say this?

Jack: Oh, the craziness?

Avery: Uh, that is your words, not mine.

Jack: [Chuckles] I'm in love with your sister, even when she's a drama queen, which happens from time to time, which is happening right now.

Avery: Oh?

Jack: No, I-I don't mean she's gone over the edge or anything like that -- just something -- something's a little off.

Avery: How so?

Jack: I can't really put my finger on it. I know she's concerned about Summer these days.

Avery: It's the same thing with Nick. Is that what this is about -- Summer graduating high school and the two of them not being able to let go? Or is it something more than that?

Phyllis: You know, Kyle, we've grown pretty close lately, right? We live together. We work together. I would think that you would feel comfortable coming to me with any subject, even if it has to do with my daughter.

Kyle: Well, it's not like I have anything bad to say about Summer. Um, yeah, we share different interests, but we -- we make it work. If I want to go to a hockey game or hang out with my friends, she's -- she's cool with it.

Phyllis: Oh. Cool.

Kyle: Yeah.

Phyllis: So -- so, she likes your friends? She likes them?

Kyle: She hasn't exactly met any of them.

Phyllis: Oh. Interesting. Interesting. Um, but you've met her friends, right? You hear what they say, what they have to talk about?

Kyle: Yeah, I have.

Phyllis: Not exactly stimulating conversation, is it? Not really talking about the economic state of Greece or what the Federal Reserve is doing to our interest rate -- I mean, not -- not that kind of thing, right?

Kyle: Okay, look. Again, I'll admit that we have different interests, but we make it work.

Phyllis: For how long, Kyle? I mean, really, for how long? When you gonna run out of things to talk about?

Kyle: I know what you're trying to do, Phyllis. You're trying to protect your daughter, but you don't have any reason to be worried.

Phyllis: [Sighs] You have no idea.

Nick: You know what's going on?

Noah: Got a case of pre-wedding nerves. I'm gonna say -- every time you're with Avery, it's not as easy as it used to be between you two.

Nick: [Sighs] Yeah, you know, you'd think, uh, as many times as I've been married, this would just roll off my back.

Nick: Dad, let me just take some of the pressure off of you, okay? The tuxes, the churches, the ring --

Nick: Yeah, I don't know if, uh --

Noah: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, like, horn in there, but, um, I mean, if you have somebody else in mind for your best man, I-I understand.

Nick: Come on. Of course, I was gonna ask you. I mean there is no one in the world I would rather have standing up there next to me. Son, you are...you're the best son a dad could ask for.

Noah: Well, it's not hard when you got the best dad.

Nick: You don't have to, uh...

Noah: Don't. Dad, come on. Hey, who came to see me five nights in a row when I played a tree in "The Enchanted Forest"? Taught me how to throw the perfect slider.

Nick: Don't kid yourself. You were a compelling tree...

Noah: [Chuckles]

Nick: ...But anyone can teach you --

Noah: No, Dad. [Sighs] Who's always taught me to go after my dreams -- never settle for anything less? You've always been honest and open with me, and you've been the same way with Summer and Faith, too.

Nick: Please, just --

Noah: I mean, look -- some other guy would have disowned Summer for some of the stuff that she's pulled lately, and you just hang in there.

Nick: If you only knew.

Noah: I know all I need to know.

Jill: Hilary. What a coincidence.

Hilary: Hi. [Chuckles] That was a wonderful party, wasn't it?

Jill: Oh, it was.

Hilary: Oh, and that pirate costume you got Charlie -- most adorable thing ever.

Jill: I know. I guess the superhero phase is over. From now on, it's gonna be Blackbeard and Captain Jack Sparrow all the way.

Hilary: [Chuckles] And his "Ho, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum" -- priceless.

Jill: So cute.

Hilary: I'm so happy Cane asked me to stay.

Jill: Well, of course, he would ask you to stay. You saved the day.

Hilary: I'm just glad I could help, you know?

Jill: [Sighs] You're really becoming indispensable, you know.

Hilary: Well, I try to be the best at what I do. I take pride in it.

Jill: There's no doubt that you're doing marvelous work for Cane. I was wondering if you could do something for me.

Lily: Tyler wouldn't accept it?

Neil: Practically gave me an ultimatum -- it was Devon or him.

Lily: So, you took the easy way out, right?

Neil: There's nothing easy about giving up someone with Tyler's creativity.

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Neil: But it's all about management from this point on, and Devon is the right man for the job.

Devon: And I'll give it my all.

Neil: We know you will, Son.

Lily: Hmm.

Devon: Why don't we, uh -- why don't we go back to the office, and we can discuss specifics there?

Lily: Yeah, that's a good idea. Thank you for coming. I'm sure the kids appreciated it.

Neil: Yeah, you don't have to thank me for coming to the kids' birthday party. Please tell them that I said goodbye. Give them a hug for me. I know they're playing with their toys. I love you. You take good care.

Cane: Thanks for coming from me, too, all right? Thanks for the presents.

Neil: Absolutely. Talk to you later.

Cane: See you. Thanks.

Devon: See you.

Lily: I can't believe them. Dad didn't even give Tyler a second chance.

Cane: It sounds to me like he did what he did to make the company run smoother.

Lily: But it never should have come to it. If I hadn't ever left the division --

Cane: Let's not second-guess this.

Lily: No. No, no, no. It was, like, a huge mistake walking away.

Cane: It was a mistake? All right, why was it a mistake? All right, why don't you actually tell me what you're angry about?

[Door opens]

Tyler: Hey. You ready for this? I go to talk to Neil, straighten things out -- he fires me.

Noah: What?

Tyler: Yeah. So, now I'm out on my butt...all 'cause I fell for his daughter.

Noah: You and Lily -- you --

Tyler: Okay, no, no, no, no. Nothing happened. Nothing happened. Nothing was gonna happen. We made sure of that -- Lily and I both did -- but, um -- I don't know -- I guess Neil didn't believe us, so... [Scoffs]

Noah: Huh. [Chuckling] Well, that's too bad, 'cause Lily's about as hot as they come.

Tyler: [Chuckles] Yeah, well, if you get that photography gig -- I don't know -- maybe your dad can hook me up with some freelance work around here.

Noah: As talented as you are, you're gonna end up somewhere better soon.

Tyler: You know what? You're right. That's actually the least of my concern. Heck, I can think of a dozen opportunities right off the top of my head.

Noah: Well, in the meantime, I got a 12-year-old bottle of scotch with your name on it.

Tyler: [Sighs]

Jack: Wait. Why else would Nick and Phyllis be acting strangely, unless it's about Summer spreading her wings? Look, if I had a daughter that age, I'd be worried about her, too.

Avery: You're right. That...must be what's going on.

Jack: You don't sound too reassured.

Avery: I just... [Sighs] ...Uh, make too much out of things, and I'm imagining things when, really, all this is, probably, is a bit of parental angst, right?

Jack: Yeah. Which is probably hard to relate to when you haven't had a kid yourself.

Avery: Yes, it is. Um, well, thank you for letting me talk this out.

Jack: Well, I hope I helped.

Avery: You did.

Jack: Good. And I hope maybe this will, uh, get your wedding plans back on track.

Avery: Yeah. Maybe. I will see myself out. Thank you.

Phyllis: Kyle, I'm not trying to drive a wedge between you and Summer -- really, I'm not.

Kyle: What do you mean?

Phyllis: Well, to someone on the outside, it may look like, you know, I'm pointing out my daughter's flaws, or I'm trying to bash my daughter, and, really, that's -- that's not what I'm doing. I love her so much. I love her so much.

Kyle: Phyllis, I know that.

Phyllis: I'm just trying to protect her. That's all I want to do is protect my daughter.

Kyle: Look, I-I get it, Phyllis. Really, I do. You're just pointing out the differences between Summer and I, and, frankly, there are a lot of them. And truthfully, when I think about it, we don't have that much in common, and what I think that you're trying to do is just you're being a good mom.

Phyllis: Yes.

Kyle: You just want to make sure that Summer isn't with just some guy who -- who doesn't get her -- some guy who just sees how pretty she is and doesn't really understand her. But that's not me. I can see past those differences. Summer and I -- we have a connection.

Phyllis: Yes, you do.

Kyle: So, you don't have to worry. When Summer's with me, she's in good hands, and I appreciate you looking out for her.

Phyllis: Thank you.

[Glass thuds]

Phyllis: What if my motives weren't so pure?

Kyle: You lost me.

Phyllis: At one time, you told me that you, um -- you were attracted to older women.

Kyle: Yeah, I may have, uh... I may have said that, but that doesn't mean that I have a type. I'm not gonna drop Summer the second an older woman turns my head.

Phyllis: You don't know that. I mean, that one woman from yesterday -- the older one -- she was swooning all over you.

Kyle: I think you're exaggerating a little bit.

Phyllis: But I'm not. You have a way with women with experience, and those kind of women -- that's what they want.

Kyle: Well, look, none of them are gonna make me forget about Summer.

Phyllis: Oh, you don't know. But if there was somebody -- if there was somebody -- you know, and older woman...

Kyle: Like who?

Phyllis: Well, there must be, you know, somebody who piqued your interest -- someone, um, maybe that you had a crush on before.

Kyle: I can't think of anyone.

Phyllis: Think harder.

Kyle: What are you driving at here, Phyllis?

[Cell phone rings]

Kyle: That's your phone.

Phyllis: It's your dad.

Kyle: How do you know? You haven't looked at it.

Phyllis: I know.

Kyle: Are you gonna answer it?

Jill: You showed up at the door with the twins' presents just as Cane was about to go out, that was practically telepathic. It saved him having a whole trip across town right in the middle of the party.

Hilary: When I saw the bags in the office, I realized he'd be needing them.

Jill: Yeah. You know, I realize that Cane appreciates how on top of things you are. What I didn't realize is how much Lily practically worships you -- you know, the way you're freeing up her husband's time.

Hilary: It's what I was hired for. [Chuckles]

Jill: Mm. You're doing a wonderful, wonderful job. Keep it up.

Hilary: Thank you, Mrs. Abbott. But all this praise... what's really going on here?

Cane: [Sighs] The kids in bed?

Lily: Yep. [Clears throat]

Cane: Now would you like to answer my question?

Lily: What, you don't think that I have a right to be angry?

Cane: You told me you quit the job because you want to spend more time at home with me and the kids.

Lily: Yeah, and that's true.

Cane: Well, and now you regret that decision?

Lily: Cane, that's not what I said.

Cane: No, what you said to me was that you walking away from the job was a mistake. That's what you said to me. Listen, I know you loved that job, and I know you loved working at the campaign, but I didn't ask you to quit, and I never questioned your motives for doing it.

Lily: Yeah, well, you're questioning them now.

Cane: Just -- just be honest with me, and just be honest with yourself. That's all I'm asking from you.

Lily: All right. Fine. Yeah, the truth is that...I did want to spend more time with my family, but I quit the campaign because of Tyler.

Cane: [Sighs]

Jack: No, I'm not angry. I'm just glad you're all right. I was starting to worry about you.

Phyllis: Well, we had a few things to wrap up, but we should be leaving pretty soon.

Kyle: Uh, I am almost done packing, I swear. Just one more minute.

Phyllis: Did you hear that?

Jack: Yeah, tell him to throw his stuff in his bag and get going. I miss you.

Phyllis: Well, uh, it shouldn't be long.

Jack: Hey, I haven't asked. How did the trip go? Did you accomplish everything you wanted to?

Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, actually, I made a good start.

[Nick remembering]

Avery: That phone call with Phyllis -- you left the room so I wouldn't hear. You would only give a call from Phyllis that much attention if it was about Summer. So, is that it? Is she in trouble? Why are you being so cryptic?

Nick: I'm sorry. I don't mean to be. It's just --

Avery: Yeah, you're just dodging the questions. Something is bothering you, and you won't tell me what it is. What are we doing, Nick? If you don't believe in me, why am I even here? You just told me that I might not want to marry you when I hear this secret.

Nick: I'm really hoping that's not the case.

Avery: Okay, I don't -- you need to work through this. I have tried to help you. I have tried to talk to you. You don't want it. So, I'm gonna give you your space.

Nick: Avery, I need you to help me through this.

Avery: How am I supposed to help you through this when I don't know what I'm helping you through? I want to marry you, but not at the expense of the truth.

Phyllis: Hi. It's Phyllis. Leave me a message, and I'll call you back as soon as possible.

Nick: Hey, it's me. We need to talk. We're not handling this right. We got to come clean.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Tyler: Lily ought to be able to live her own life and make her own decisions.

Devon: And you really think she would have decided to be with you?

Cane: Why didn't you come to me and tell me this when he told you how he felt?

Jill: You have to fight this addiction.

Billy: I'm afraid it's gonna be too late.

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