Y&R Transcript Monday 6/24/13
Episode # 10186 ~ Chloe talks to Billy about his gambling; Dylan and Chelsea work on planning their wedding.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Kyle: How many of you have used Jabot products before? Have you worn a shade of eyeliner other than black or brown? Do you think purple is too radical?"
Phyllis: You know, scratch the last one. We don't want to give them any ideas. The whole purpose of a focus group is to get their opinion. What are you looking for?
Kyle: My color palette. You know, I must have left it in the car. Give me a minute.
[Cell phone vibrates]
Phyllis: Hey, Honey.
Summer: Mom?
Phyllis: The one and only.
Summer: What are you doing answering Kyle's phone?
Phyllis: I'm in his hotel room.
Summer: Why are you in his hotel room so early in the morning?
Nick: Well, this is a nice surprise. It saves me from burning the toast.
Sharon: And the coffee.
Nick: You know me so well.
Sharon: I definitely do. So... is Faith ready for her playdate?
Nick: Uh, no, she's probably still trying to decide which of her billion dollies she would like to take with her.
Sharon: Girls will be girls.
Nick: Yeah.
Sharon: You look tired.
Nick: Um... I haven't been sleeping too well.
Sharon: Is it the same thing that's been keeping you up lately?
Nick: What makes you say that?
Sharon: Maybe I can help you. It might do you some good to talk to someone who isn't connected to the problem, but who is still connected to you. Our history has to count for something, doesn't it? I mean, we've been through everything that life can throw at two people.
Nick: Yet you're still talking to me. And you obviously still care. I guess that says a lot about us.
Dylan: [Whistling]
Billy: Buddy, do you always whistle when you do the books?
Dylan: Uh, no. I whistle when I'm happy.
Billy: Oh, man. You're one of those guys.
Dylan: Yeah, guess I watched too much "Andy Griffith" as a kid.
Billy: [Chuckles] So what's got you in this disgustingly good mood?
Dylan: Chelsea and I are engaged.
Billy: Oh, wow. Way to go with that. I mean, you really jumped on that -- that... that didn't come out the way it was going in my head. Sorry for that, but, I mean, with a baby coming, the clock's ticking, and that's great.
Dylan: Yeah, thanks.
Kevin: Billy.
Billy: Yeah?
Kevin: Are you sleeping with my wife?
Chelsea: It's true. Dylan asked me to marry him.
Chloe: And?
Chelsea: And what?
Chloe: And what did you say?
Chelsea: Well, I didn't say anything, actually.
Chloe: Oh, but -- are you out of your mind?
Chelsea: Well, because I painted it. I painted a big, fat "Yes" right next to his proposal on the wall.
Chloe: [Squeals] Oh, my God!
Chelsea: [Laughs]
Chloe: It's, like, the best news ever!
Chelsea: It's so crazy. It's kind of crazy, right? I can't believe it. I'm gonna be Mrs. Dylan McAvoy.
Chloe: And it's gonna tie you-know-who even closer to Dylan.
Chelsea: It's definitely one less thing to worry about.
Chloe: Well, now it'll put an end to Adam snooping and meddling.
Adam: What will?
Avery: Sharon, hi.
Sharon: Hi, Avery.
Nick: I don't suppose Faith was any closer to picking out a doll, was she?
Avery: Currently it is between grown up Gwen and Baby Wet Yourself. I tried to encourage her to pick Gwen for the obvious reasons, and that just made things worse.
Nick: I better take care of this. Faith! Let's go! Pick a doll, please!
Sharon: It's so hard to pick just one, isn't it? I remember that age. I wanted them all.
Avery: And now what do you want?
Sharon: What do you mean?
Avery: Well, Sharon, you seem to be making yourself very available to Nick, and I'm just wondering why.
Sharon: Are you jealous?
Avery: No, I'm not, but I am curious. It's the attorney in me. It's in my nature.
Sharon: Well, it's in my nature to remain close to the people who I care about, and I care very much about Nick.
Avery: Yes, so it appears.
Sharon: Well, why wouldn't I? Our bond is very deep. It goes way back.
Avery: So you seem to like to remind me.
Sharon: Avery, not that I owe you anything, but you might want to take my advice. If you're serious about having a future with Nick, you better get used to the idea that he does have a past. Excuse me. I'm gonna go and help our daughter.
Billy: You know, I wish I was still publishing Restless Style, because this is the exact type of garbage that sells.
Kevin: Just answer the question.
Billy: Kevin, I'm not sleeping with Chloe, okay?
Kevin: Why is half the town talking about it?
Billy: Because my wife is spreading it faster than you can say, "She kicked me out of my house last night."
Kevin: Why would she say it if it's not true?
Billy: Because she's jacked up on hormones thanks to these fertility treatments, and she is ultra-sensitive, and she's a little bit paranoid, and I think a touch delusional.
Kevin: Okay, but why you and Chloe? Why would her head go there?
Billy: Because she saw me comforting her the other day, and she misinterpreted it.
Kevin: Define "Comforting."
Billy: Listening. Being a friend. Because her husband was too busy being a jerk.
Kevin: Hey, I'm not the one trying to get in the way of someone else's marriage, okay?
Billy: Neither am I. I'm not. I swear. So stop coming up with phony excuses as to why Chloe left and think of the real reason. That's you, Bud.
Kevin: Stop comforting my wife and tell yours to keep her mouth shut.
Kevin: Sorry I'm late.
Billy: [Sighs] [Whistles]
Chloe: You are looking at Genoa City's newest bride-to-be. Isn't that wonderful?! Chelsea is going to say "I do" to Dylan and "I don't" to you. Isn't that great? So why don't you just move along so they can raise their baby in peace?
Adam: Is this what you really want?
Chloe: Yes. It is.
Adam: Let's retire the ventriloquist act and let Chelsea answer for herself.
Chelsea: I'm very happy.
Adam: Then I'm happy for you.
Chloe: [Scoffing] Yeah. That'll be the day.
Adam: You know, the first time I saw you smile, I remember exactly what I was thinking. I could live in this world.
Chloe: And the first time I saw you smile -- oh, wait. Still waiting for that.
Adam: If this guy makes you smile, if he makes you happy, I have no right getting in the middle of that.
Chloe: [Coughs] Crap alert.
Chelsea: Can you excuse us, please, for a minute?
Chloe: And let this guy play you?
Chelsea: Chloe.
Chloe: Fine. Excuse me. Hands off.
Phyllis: Well, I'm doing what anybody does on a business trip with a business associate. We are just discussing business. We just happen to be doing it in Kyle's room.
Summer: Okay, well, can I talk to him?
Phyllis: Oh, um... he's in the shower.
Summer: In the shower. I thought you said that he was having a meeting with you.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, he was about to jump into the shower when I arrived, and, you know, it won't be long, I'm sure, so...
Summer: So, you just wanted to wait to see him walk out in a towel?
Phyllis: Summer! Are you kidding me? Please. Of course not. I wouldn't be thinking that, and you shouldn't be thinking it, either.
Summer: Okay, whatever. Can you just have him call me as soon as he can?
Phyllis: I will, and, Summer...
Summer: What?
Phyllis: I love you.
Summer: I love you, too.
Jack: In a towel?
Summer: Yeah, I don't -- I don't know what made me say that.
Jack: From where I stand, you sound a little jealous.
Summer: No, not like that. I mean, yeah, I'm jealous that my mom gets to spend time with Kyle in Chicago. It's just...she might be trying to convince him not to date me.
Kyle: Got it. It was exactly where I left it. Oh, did I get a phone call?
Phyllis: Yeah, it was Summer.
Kyle: Oh, cool. Thanks for picking it up.
Phyllis: Sure.
Kyle: Let me just, uh...
Phyllis: Oh, no, she, um, she's on her way to the spa with Courtney. She was about to turn off her phone.
Kyle: Oh, well, I guess...
Phyllis: Well, back to work.
Kyle: Back to work. So...
Billy: Oh, man. I don't want to bring you down now that you're about to tie the noose -- knot.
Dylan: You know...
Billy: I meant "The knot."
Dylan: Oh, Billy.
Billy: Come on, Buddy. I'm joking. Really, though, when it's clicking... nothing like it.
Dylan: Yeah. My mom and pop had that kind of marriage -- the clicking kind.
Billy: Well, ask them how they do it, 'cause, man, I'd really like to know.
Dylan: They're both gone now.
Billy: I'm sorry.
Dylan: Yeah, my pop just passed recently. He and I used to talk about him standing up for me at my wedding one day.
Billy: You guys were close?
Dylan: My whole life. Especially since I got back from overseas. You know, my mom had died, and my dad just sort of clung to me. I miss him.
Billy: I know how you're feeling. My dad was the best guy ever, you know? [Clears throat] So, anyway, when's the big day? What's the date?
Dylan: Well, you know, that's, uh, that's the tricky part. [Sighs] We really haven't picked a date yet.
Billy: Why? What's so tricky?
Dylan: Avery. You know, she just announced her engagement to Nick, and, you know, I don't want it to look like I'm trying to steal their thunder.
Nick: Thanks. Hope you don't mine me stopping by. I wanted to catch Summer before she went into the office.
Jack: Lucky timing.
Nick: Oh, hey, Supergirl.
Summer: What did I do this time?
Nick: Come on. Is that any way to greet your father?
Jack: I think Summer's morning got off to a rough start.
Nick: Well, how about if we talk about it at breakfast, if you're up to it?
Summer: Um, no, I can't, actually. I have plans with Courtney, and if I don't go get ready, I'll be late, so... rain check?
Nick: Sure. Sure.
Jack: I think this is about Phyllis taking that business trip. She's worried she's going to undermine her relationship with Kyle, convince him to cut things off.
Nick: I sure hope so.
Kyle: Okay, so, what about after the focus group? We've got a couple hours before our plane takes off.
Phyllis: Oh, not anymore. I got us a pitch meeting with the contemporary shopping channel.
Kyle: Are you kidding me?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Kyle: They've never sold cosmetics before. How'd you manage that?
Phyllis: Oh... I'd be happy to demonstrate the product for your, Mr. Keaton. Watch how smoothly it glides on. You see how it hugs the curves? Look at our product. It's so silky and creamy.
Kyle: Well, I could see why you got a meeting. I'm surprised you didn't get a marriage proposal, too.
Phyllis: I know, right? The day's still young.
Kyle: I can certainly see where Summer gets her courage.
Phyllis: Hey, um, how do you feel about my daughter, really?
Kyle: She's fantastic. The more time that I spend with her, the more -- the more I like her. She's so innocent in some ways, but in other ways, she's really growing up.
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. She's -- she's innocent. She's growing up a little too fast, I think.
Kyle: I think some just get there quicker than others.
Phyllis: Yeah, my daughter seems to want to rush her way to the finish line. She's gonna miss all the things in between. She wants to keep up with you.
Kyle: Well, I'm only -- I'm not that much older than her.
Phyllis: No, no. Not in years. Not in years. Well, you yourself said you like women your own age. You told me that. And, in fact, you told me that you like older women.
Kyle: I did say that, didn't I?
Phyllis: Yes, you did. And you know what that old adage is -- once you've known an older woman, you never go back. [Sighs]
Adam: I'm perfectly serious. You've chosen to get on with your life. Now it's time for me to do the same.
Chelsea: Can you?
Adam: It's a hell of a lot better than waiting around for you to change your mind.
Chelsea: That's very practical of you, Adam.
Adam: I can be quite practical, much like you.
Chelsea: Why do you say that?
Adam: Well, you got yourself into a situation you can't get out of, and you're making the best of that situation.
Chelsea: It's more than that, Adam.
Adam: Mm. That's right. I'm sorry. You two are madly in love.
Chelsea: I do love him.
Adam: Good. Then I don't have to worry about you anymore, and we'll consider that last trip to the hospital my swan song.
Chelsea: I-I really appreciate what you did for me that day. [Sniffles]
Adam: You're welcome. Everything okay? Any scares lately?
Chelsea: Yeah. We're good. We're really good.
Adam: It's 'cause you don't have me around to stir things up. It's gonna be a lot easier from here on out. I should, uh... I'm gonna get going.
Dylan: What's going on? Is Adam bothering you?
Chelsea: No. No. Actually, Adam's being very understanding.
Adam: Accepting is probably a better word to use, but nonetheless, congratulations on your engagement, you two. I hope you have a wonderful life together.
Dylan: I thought you were trying to avoid stress --
Anita: Well, fancy meeting you here.
Chelsea: [Sighs]
Billy: Making a little bit more sense to you now in the light of day and that you let me come home. [Clears throat] I need you, Vick, in every possible way, and I don't think I can beat this thing without you, so... call me back. Okay? At least, let me hear your voice. Everything's better when I can hear your voice. I love you. Bye. [Sighs] [Sniffs]
Adam: Chelsea told me the news. You must be thrilled that Dylan stepped up and proposed.
Anita: Well, he seems like a nice fellow, and he's not hard on the eyes. But he doesn't have what you have, Adam.
Adam: A hedge fund?
Anita: I must admit that big, beautiful dollar sign in front of your name is one of your finest selling points.
Adam: At least you're honest about that.
Anita: A mama wants what's best for her girl, not to mention that little bambino.
Adam: What that little bambino needs most are both of its parents. Parents who put that child before everything and love it unconditionally.
Anita: Are you that kind of parent?
Adam: Guess we'll never know now, will we?
Anita: Don't be too sure.
Chelsea: Mom. Stop wasting Adam's time.
Anita: Oh, well, that's the last thing I'm doing.
Chelsea: Better make a run for it while you can.
Adam: Ladies. Dylan.
Chelsea: How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from him?
Anita: Honey, I was just being polite. I'm starving.
Chelsea: [Sighs]
Dylan: What am I missing?
Chelsea: To be blunt, Mom doesn't approve of our engagement. She would have rather I marry Adam's bank account, and I just [Sighs] I just don't want her screwing things up.
Jack: Look, I'm sorry my son is such a source of constant concern for you, but you better than anyone knows you can't fight two people wanting to be together. Hell, think about you and Phyllis all those years ago.
Nick: Yeah, well, look at all the pain we caused everyone.
Jack: Nick, you had a lot of good years. And you got a beautiful daughter out of it. There is one important distinction. You and Phyllis were involved with other people. Summer and Kyle are commitment-free. So unless you can come up with some other good reason why they shouldn't be involved... I don't want to have this conversation again.
Kyle: Make that over easy, please.
[Cell phone vibrates]
Kyle: And add a side of bacon. Yeah. Extra crispy, please. Thank you.
Summer: Hello? Hello, Kyle?
Phyllis: Maybe you want them to deliver your breakfast to the pool, or will all the bikinis distract you?
Kyle: Let's just say I don't think we'd get a lot of work done down there.
Phyllis: Yeah, we wouldn't get a lot of work done, would we? Or -- or maybe it's, uh, a great idea. You could flirt with all of those girls and get them to try our eyeliner. It would be sort of an informal focus group. It could be a kick.
Summer: [Sighs] [Scoffs]
Sharon: I'll have a tall house blend, please.
Man: Of all the coffee houses in all the world.
Sharon: Oh. Hey. What a coincidence. Um...do you mind if I join you? I'm glad I ran into you, actually. Gives me a chance to apologize for being so rude the other night.
Man: Well, I presume the man who interrupted us is your husband.
Sharon: Ex.
Man: Then why the guilt? If you don't mind my asking.
Sharon: That's a good question. Um, force of habit, I guess. Always feeling like I'm doing something wrong.
Man: I'm due at a meeting, but, uh, how about drinks later? Call me.
Adam: [Sniffs] What are you doing?
Kevin: [Chuckles] Good morning to you, too.
Chloe: I thought you said that you would do anything to work things out between us.
Kevin: Yeah, I will.
Chloe: Then why haven't you signed up at the soup kitchen for a shift?
Kevin: Because I'm not the one who has to do penance anymore. If this marriage is in trouble, it's because of you.
Chloe: Me?
Kevin: Yeah. Does the name "Billy Abbott" remind of you of anything?
Chloe: [Sighs] Yeah. And that this entire town is nuts. I did not sleep with Billy. Let me repeat. I did not sleep with Billy.
Kevin: Well, the idea is not so far out there. You do have a history.
Chloe: And that's what history means. I am a different person now. I don't do reckless. I don't do danger. I do mommy.
Kevin: Do you do daddy, too?
Chloe: Oh, you know what? You would actually latch onto a bogus rumor like that just so you could avoid the real issue, which is you and your sticky little fingers. I don't care what you say. You are not interested in saving this marriage.
Sharon: You're making too much of this. I was just talking to the man.
Adam: Well, he gave you a business card.
Sharon: Maybe we were doing business. Did you ever think of that?
Adam: Without looking at the card, can you tell me what it is he does? Vacuum-cleaner sales? Diamond mining? Is he an astronaut?
Sharon: I don't see how any of this concerns you.
Adam: What concerns me, Sharon, is the type of business transaction that's going on.
Sharon: How dare you say something like that to me? How could you?
Adam: How can I say that? Sharon, one of my talents is spotting trends -- patterns. I apply that talent towards business, and I can spot a company's stock price going up or down before anyone else sees it coming. It's all algorithms, Sharon. Now, with you and two men and in as many weeks... that's a trend that concerns me.
Sharon: What, were you following me?
Adam: I walked into the Athletic Club. I saw you ascending the stairs with another anonymous vacuum-cleaner salesman.
Sharon: You have no right.
Adam: Numbing the pain is one thing. But to do it with no-strings-attached sex, that's not something you should be doing.
Sharon: Yeah, you would know, wouldn't you?
Adam: Yes, I would. That's precisely why I'm talking to you about this. You should trust me when I suggest that you just -- you just end this behavior.
Sharon: You know what? You're doing the same thing that you accused Nicholas of doing. Anytime he sees me with another man, he's got to get in the middle of it and stop it. So, you're no better than he is.
Adam: Nicholas behaves that way because he doesn't want to share you. It's primal for him. He might as well hit you over the head with a club and drag you back to his cave, but I am genuinely concerned about you, Sharon.
Sharon: Concerned? Really? Because you've made it crystal clear that I don't mean anything to you.
Adam: We were in love once.
Sharon: Were we? Is that what you call it? Because I've been in love before, and I remember what it feels like, and I didn't have that with you.
Nick: Making any progress?
Avery: Ah, well, a lot of red tape to slog through when you're starting your own law firm, but I'm getting there.
Nick: Fortunately for the citizens of Genoa City.
Avery: I suppose.
Nick: Oh, come on. You are a killer attorney. I mean, you put Julianna Margulies to shame. Do you know who that is? The character from...
Avery: From "The Good Wife"?
Nick: Yeah. Catchy title. Maybe I should start calling you that.
Avery: [Chuckling] Yeah. Yeah, well, I'm not sure Sharon is gonna like that.
Nick: What does Sharon have to do with...?
Avery: I'm wondering the same thing, actually. She seems to think she's an integral part of your life.
Nick: Did she say that?
Avery: More or less. Mostly more. Now I know what you went through when Dylan came to town.
Nick: Um...you know, Sharon and I will always be bonded because of Noah and Faith, but anything more than that --
Avery: Well, you might want to remind her that.
Nick: Okay. I'm sorry if you are bothered by it.
Avery: I'm sorry, too, and I shouldn't be, and I know that, but... something is not right. Something is off. She's clingy in a desperate kind of way.
Nick: Well, she's dealing with a lot of uncertainty right now, so if she's gravitating towards me, it's only as a friend -- someone she feels safe with.
Avery: Maybe.
Nick: Trust me. You have no more to worry about me and Sharon than I had with you and Dylan.
Avery: Good.
Dylan: All right. Out with it.
Chelsea: Out with what?
Dylan: Whatever you've been dancing around the whole way over here.
Chelsea: It's that obvious, huh?
Dylan: To a guy who's gonna marry you?
Chelsea: When?
Dylan: When what?
Chelsea: When are you gonna marry me? That's what I've been dancing around.
Dylan: How do you like that? That's the question I've been dancing around, too.
Chelsea: Any dates pop into your head?
Dylan: Hmm. Your due date. Well, I was thinking we should, you know, tie things up before then, unless you're okay walking down the aisle with a baby in your hands.
Chelsea: You know, I think I'd rather a bouquet.
Both: Yeah.
Dylan: Yeah. Well, how about the rest of it? I mean, do you want a big wedding? A small wedding? You want something that's classic or quirky? Local, exotic?
Chelsea: Geez, I thought it was complicated planning a fashion roll-out.
Dylan: That's right. We're gonna have to work around that, too.
Chelsea: Mm.
Dylan: And from the looks of it, you're gonna have a huge success on your hands.
Chelsea: Fingers crossed.
Dylan: I can see it now. You being applauded on the world's top runways, people throwing flowers at your feet. You're designing Oscar gowns, and I'm gonna be known as Mr. Dylan Lawson, and we might be able to meet once a year to celebrate our kid's birthday.
Chelsea: [Sniffles] [Crying]
Billy: [Sighs] [Sighs]
Chloe: Hi, Lover.
Billy: Oh. Do not even joke about that. This non-affair of ours has taken on a life of its own.
Chloe: Yeah, tell me about it. Now Kevin is accusing me of having an affair with you.
Billy: Sorry I drug you into my problem.
Chloe: What problems are you talking about, exactly? The one that you're holding in your hand or the one that you're having with Victoria?
Billy: One in the same.
Chloe: You're gambling again?
Billy: No. Yeah. A little. Okay? And I knew Victoria wouldn't approve, so I had the good sense of doing it behind her back.
Chloe: So she thought that you were getting some on the side.
Billy: So, when she saw what looked like an intimate conversation between the two of us, she automatically assumed --
Chloe: Well, you have to set her straight.
Billy: I did set her straight. I told her the truth. And she would rather believe that I'm having an affair instead of just making a few innocent bets.
Chloe: There's nothing innocent about it. Not for an addict like you, Billy. Before you fix anything with Victoria, you need to fix yourself first.
Billy: [Sighs] Mm.
Jack: Summer, I'm on my way to work. I might be home for lunch. If I'm not, I'll see you for dinner.
Summer: Oh, my God, Court, I am so glad that you're there. I -- I swear, my mom is trying to ruin my life again. Look, I really need to talk to you. It's an emergency.
Avery: Good. Neither of us has anything to worry about.
Nick: That's right. So, that'll free us up to do other stuff.
Avery: Mm-hmm.
[Cell phone rings]
Avery: Mnh-mnh. Is that you or me?
Nick: It's...me. And I got to take this. Sorry. Hey. What's going on?
Phyllis: Well, I guess. Um, Kyle is downstairs in the business center, making a copy, so I don't have a lot of time. Have you spoken to Summer?
Nick: [Sighs] Yeah. She's pretty ticked off. She thinks there's more to this business trip than you're letting on.
Phyllis: Yeah, don't worry about that. Once I'm done with Kyle... [Sighs] ...Summer will be the last thing on his mind.
Phyllis: I got to go.
Avery: Everything okay?
Nick: Yeah, it was just some problem at work. Where were we? Like, right about here?
Avery: Please don't do that.
Nick: Do what? Kiss?
Avery: Lie to me.
Adam: So, you've known true love, and it's not me. So highly unlikely it's Jack. Definitely not my father. That leaves one candidate, Sharon. Your high-school sweetheart. You gave your heart to him, and he shredded it and flung it back at you, and went on and started a whole new life with somebody else.
Sharon: You don't know anything about Nick and me and what we shared -- what we still share.
Adam: What you -- what you still share? Are you trying to get back with Nicholas? Is that what this is? Are you trying to re-create the past? Sharon, Nicholas is gone. He's as much a part of your past as Chelsea's a part of mine.
Chelsea: [Sniffles] Oh.
Dylan: Here.
Chelsea: Thanks. [Laughs]
Dylan: Yeah. For what? Making you cry?
Chelsea: No. No, that wasn't you. [Sighs]
Dylan: Uh, then who? Dusty McBearson, Jr.? Is that --?
Chelsea: It's just -- I don't -- I don't recognize my life. You know? Sometimes I look around, and I wonder, "Is this really happening to me?" You know, it's just all so... foreign. [Sighs] It's like it's -- it's like it's someone else's life and not mine. Does that make any sense?
Dylan: You're talking to a guy who was in a war zone not long ago. So, yeah, it makes -- it makes perfect sense.
Chelsea: Yeah. I guess I just -- I guess I just didn't think that this was the way things were gonna work out for me. [Sighs]
Dylan: Are you having second thoughts -- about any of this?
Billy: I appreciate your concern, Chloe, there's really no need to continue this conversation.
Chloe: Why don't you tell that to Delia, when you bet her entire college fund on a roll of the dice?
Billy: Don't do that. Delia's fine. There's plenty set aside for Delia.
Chloe: I'm not worried about money. I'm worried about my daughter being around a gambling junkie.
Billy: Can you take it easy with that term, junkie? It doesn't apply. I've got everything under control.
Chloe: Yeah, and that's what all addicts say.
Billy: [Sighs]
Chloe: How am I supposed to trust you around my daughter? How do I know that you're actually gonna drop her off at school and not take her to the racetracks? I mean, what, are you gonna teach her about parlays and trifectas?
Billy: What's wrong with that? That's practical math.
Chloe: I'm serious, Billy.
Billy: Oh, come on. Relax.
Chloe: No, you come on. Victoria got into some serious trouble because your gambling problems came back to bite you, and what if it happens again? What if Delia gets abducted?
Billy: All right, stop right there. Nobody's touching Delia. Nobody's getting in trouble with anything. Nobody's touching anybody, okay? This stuff that I'm doing, it's penny ante. It's nickle-and-dime stuff. That's it.
Chloe: Yeah, penny, nickle, dime. And then the price just keeps on going up. You got to stop before you're ahead, before its $20,000, $50,000. Before you're in too deep.
Billy: [Scoffs]
Chloe: Come on. Hey. Let me help.
Billy: You want to help me? Fine. Good. You can start by explaining to Victoria that there's nothing going on between us. How about that?
Sharon: How can you even begin to compare your relationship with Chelsea to what Nick and I had? You guys were together for, what, two minutes, and most of it was spent fighting?
Adam: You and Nicholas were hardly a fairy tale. Okay? It ended on account of a lost child. The same thing happened with Chelsea and me.
Sharon: No, no, no. It's very different.
Adam: Two marriages that failed. That's what they were. You need to make peace with it like I have and move on. You can't recapture what's already gone.
Chelsea: Absolutely not. No second thoughts. No cold feet. I am thrilled we're getting married.
Dylan: So those were good tears?
Chelsea: [Sighs] It's so embarrassing. I've become a total softie. [Laughs] I cry at commercials with happy endings. To think that I'm actually getting one, too...
Dylan: Is that what you meant when you said that you never expected your life to turn out like this?
Chelsea: For the longest time, all I could picture was a string of motel rooms, stretched out into the future, as far as I could see. No job, except for the con that I was pulling, and no man, except for the mark that I was rolling. Even when I met Adam, there was something inside me that knew it couldn't last. So now that this is happening to me, you have to understand, it feels like I've been transported to another planet.
Dylan: Well, welcome to Planet McAvoy...
Chelsea: [Laughs]
Dylan: ...Earth woman.
Chelsea: [Laughs]
Dylan: I hope you like your stay.
Chelsea: I think that I'm going to like it very, very much.
Avery: That call just now. It had something to do with what you're struggling with.
Nick: You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tried to pass it off as something else.
Avery: Okay, I wish I could at least understand why you feel you need to keep this to yourself.
Nick: I wish I could make you understand, too, but right now I just can't.
Avery: Nick, I'm really starting to worry.
Nick: You have nothing to worry about, Avery.
Avery: Well, tell that to my imagination, which is in overdrive right now. What could be so awful that you can't tell me?
Nick: It doesn't matter.
Avery: Is it something about me? Did you hear something or read something?
Nick: This is not about you, I promise.
Avery: Okay, is it work? Are you unhappy? I mean, you would not be that unhappy about the underground. Is it your mom? Is it her MS?
Nick: No. Mom's fine.
Avery: Is it you? Is something wrong with you?
Nick: No.
Avery: Okay. Then it can only be your kids. I know you've been anxious about Summer lately. Is that what's bothering you? Does this have to do with Summer?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kevin: You can forgive Billy but not me? How is it that the current husband gets second place in this contest?
Victoria: You knew what any kind of gambling would do to us, and you did it anyway.
Avery: Something is bothering you and you won't tell me what it is. If you don't believe in me, why am I here?
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