Y&R Transcript Tuesday 6/18/13

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 6/18/13


Episode # 10182 ~ Lauren tries to explain everything to Fen; Jack questions the true motivation for Traci's return.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Lauren: What do you think you're doing?!

Carmine: What's it look like?

Lauren: What --

Fenmore: Get your hands off her!

Lauren: [Gasps]

Fenmore: What are you doing kissing my mom?! What the hell is this?!

Lauren: [Exhales sharply]

Jack: Hey. You're running late.

Kyle: Meeting ran long. We still on for dinner with Aunt Traci?

Jack: You bet. So, how'd things go with Mullins?

Kyle: Well...better than expected. Sealed the deal with a handshake.

Jack: Well, a handshake's nice. Is there gonna be a contract?

Kyle: We will be crossing all the final T's, signing, and sealing tomorrow.

Jack: [Claps hands] Yes! I knew I could count on you. I couldn't be any prouder.

Kyle: You know, Dad, you letting me roll with this one on my own, it -- it really means a lot.

Jack: Hey, it's only fair. Working with my family means the world to me.

Kyle: Well, you keep telling us that over and over and over.

Jack: Okay, so, how about I tell you something you haven't heard?

Kyle: That depends. Is it cringe-worthy?

Jack: Probably. Can you bear it?

Kyle: If you make it fast.

Jack: As a parent, watching your son come into his own is pretty terrific. To watch your son become a mature, accomplished young man... it staggers me.

Kyle: You think I turned out this way because of you or in spite of you?

Jack: Oh, as much as I'd like to take credit for who you are, no, that's your doing. Any parental guidance you got along the way you got from your mom. I guess that's why I'm really so impressed with who you are... 'cause I missed out on being your father for an awful long time. Years.

Phyllis: So, you don't want to tell Summer that Jack is her father?

Nick: I thought I was ready to lay it all out --

Phyllis: I don't care. I don't -- I don't care about your level of readiness. I don't care. What about my daughter?

Nick: She's my daughter, too. I raised her.

Phyllis: Yeah, you raised her, and you left the rest of us wallowing in ignorance. You had no right to do that.

Nick: If I'd known for sure back then --

Phyllis: Okay, so, what? What do you want to do? We agreed that we were gonna tell Jack and Summer the truth.

Nick: I couldn't do it. I looked in Summer's eyes, and I just -- I couldn't do it then. I don't know if I'll ever be able to do it.

Phyllis: What are you saying to me? You want me to do it?

Nick: No. No.

Phyllis: Well, what? You -- you want Summer and Jack to continue... um, no, no, no. That's not happening. That's not happening. I'm telling them.

Nick: No, no, no. Phyllis. Just wait.

Phyllis: Wait for what?! What?! So you can convince me to keep my mouth shut?! You want me to wait and just keep lying to Summer and to Jack?!

Summer: Hi.

Michael: How's it going?

Summer: Good, uh...good. How are you?

Michael: Congratulations on your graduation.

Summer: Thank you.

Michael: You sure look a whole hell of a lot better than Fenmore did earlier.

Summer: I do?

Michael: Since you two were out so late last night?

Summer: Yeah. I-I know. So late. Really late.

Michael: Uh, are you gonna meet Fenmore here? He said you were getting together again tonight.

Summer: Yeah, um, he's probably just running late right now. But I'm supposed to meet Courtney here soon, so I'm just gonna...

Lauren: W-what you saw or w-what it looked like --

Fenmore: It looked like you were kissing.

Carmine: We might as well come clean with the kid.

Lauren: Get out of here, Carmine.

Carmine: And leave you alone with this?

Lauren: Go! Now!

Carmine: [Sighs]

Fenmore: Are you having an affair with him?

Lauren: No.

Fenmore: But you did?

Lauren: [Sighs]

Kyle: So, how long until we take off?

Jack: For dinner with Traci? Soon.

Kyle: All right, I'm gonna go say hi to Summer real quick.

Jack: Uh, she's not up there.

Kyle: Thought she was staying in tonight.

Jack: She was -- until she had a little chat with Nick and Phyllis.

Kyle: Again?

Jack: Nick is having a problem with his daughter's growing independence.

Kyle: Dad, what is this guy's deal? She has graduated. She's got a great job.

Jack: I know she's frustrated. I know you're frustrated. Nick is just trying to protect his daughter.

Kyle: Well, that may be true, but he's gone overboard.

Jack: Well, fathers have a way of doing that sometimes.

Kyle: Dad, I appreciate you trying to keep the peace, but Nick is being way overprotective.

Jack: You think so?

Kyle: Summer and I are just getting to know each other. We're just going out to dinner, having coffee --

Jack: Which can all be very threatening for the father of a daughter so young.

Kyle: [Sighs] Well, Nick is gonna have to find a way to deal with it, because Summer is determined to live her own life. And whether he likes it or not, I'm a part of it.

Jack: [Sighs]

Sharon: Well, I placed the order for your cookies for your sleepover this morning, so this shouldn't take long.

Faith: Summer!

Summer: Hi! Hi! How are you?

Faith: I miss you.

Summer: Oh, I-I just saw you a day ago.

Sharon: Uh, she's having a bit of a hard time adjusting to being the only one in the house.

Summer: Ohh. Feels like Noah and I both bailed on you, huh? Well, look how you lucked out. You get daddy all to yourself.

Faith: Avery's there all the time.

Sharon: [Chuckles]

Summer: Oh, that's okay. I like Avery. And you've got to admit that you love her cupcakes, and now you don't have to share them with anybody. All right, Kid. You are forcing me to take this to the next level. Come here. Do you know what this is? Do you know? Okay, well, we are about to go into a binding agreement. Are you ready? I, Summer Newman, solemnly pinky swear to Faith Newman that no matter where I live, I will always be your big sister and that I'll always love you. Kiss it. I love you.

Phyllis: I'm not gonna keep holding off. Summer and Jack need to know the truth, period.

Nick: It wasn't the right time.

Phyllis: You know what? You freaking out is not an acceptable reason to keep this from them.

Nick: That is not what stopped me. I know that Jack and Summer and even Sharon are gonna be very angry with me.

Phyllis: Furious.

Nick: Exactly. You feel like I betrayed you. My whole family's gonna feel like that.

Phyllis: That's unavoidable, Nick.

Nick: Do you think I would let what anyone think or says keep me from doing what is best for Summer?

Phyllis: No.

Nick: Of course not. I'm not gonna run from this. I know what I have to do. I was going to tell her.

Phyllis: What stopped you?

Nick: She did. I looked in her eyes, and everything else went blank except..."Protect your daughter." And that's what I have to do. I have to protect her. We have to protect her.

Phyllis: No, no, no, no. I will protect my daughter. I will protect my daughter.

Nick: You told me that you thought that this would destroy her. And at that moment, I knew that you were absolutely right. This will kill her.

Phyllis: [Sighs] We have to tell them.

Nick: How do we do that?

Phyllis: We -- we have to tell them.

Nick: Let's -- let's talk about it.

Phyllis: I have to tell them.

Nick: Without listening to me?

Phyllis: I hate you! [Sobs] I hate you for doing this to us! [Sighs]

Nick: You can hate me all you want. We're about to tell this girl... that the man who held her hand while she learned how to walk, who tucked her in at night, who taught her how to ride a bike --

Phyllis: I don't want to hear any of that. You don't need to plead your case with me. You stole those moments from Jack.

Nick: You're right. You're right.

Phyllis: Yeah, you did.

Nick: You're right. But how do you think she's gonna react when we tell her that I'm not her father? What do you think she's gonna do? And despite what Summer believes in herself, do you think she is mature enough to handle it?

Phyllis: Everything was going so well. It was just going -- it was going so well. Everything. Her whole future was ahead of her. It was miraculous. I mean, everything was looking so good.

Nick: So, you think she's gonna be okay?

Phyllis: I don't know. I mean, when she found out about the affair... she went out of control. I mean, she completely went off the deep end with the accident and -- and with the bullying.

Nick: Well, the trauma of the affair is gonna mean nothing compared to this. How do you think she's gonna take it?

Phyllis: [Voice breaking] I can't keep on lying to my daughter. I can't lie to her and -- and make her continue to believe that you're her dad.

Nick: Look, I'm not suggesting that we don't tell her. I'm just saying we take a little time to think this through before we do.

Summer: A water park. Plus you know what else?

Faith: What?

Summer: We're gonna have our very own sleepover, and I'll do our hair, and I'll paint our nails and our toes, and I'll get us runway ready, and then we'll have our own fashion show.

Faith: You're the best big sister ever.

Summer: Only 'cause I have the best little sister ever.

Sharon: Come on, Faith. We got to go. We got to pick up your cookies and get you to your friend's house.

Summer: Ooh! Have fun, Cutie.

Sharon: Thanks, Summer.

Summer: No problem. Okay, how adorable is Faith?

Courtney: So cute. But what's the info-rama on you and Kyle?

Summer: [Chuckles]

Phyllis: I wish I was super-mom and I could just magically make it so Summer copes with this easily.

Nick: She's gonna think I've been lying to her her whole life.

Phyllis: You have been. You've been lying to all of us. [Sighs] You should have checked out that test immediately when you knew there was a problem.

Nick: You're right. How do you think Summer's going to react to this?

Phyllis: I don't know. I mean, there's so much going on for her right now -- graduating, moving back into Jack's.

Nick: News like this could make her act out.

Phyllis: Yeah, in ways I don't want to think about.

Nick: So then you understand where I'm coming from?

Phyllis: Yeah. But you have to tell her.

Nick: How?

Phyllis: I don't know. But you have to tell her. I will be with you, but you have to be the one to tell her.

Nick: So, you think you're ready, then, to sit down with Summer and tell her that she is not who she thinks she is?

Phyllis: [Sighs] No. God, no. Maybe we should wait.

Nick: Right, until she's better equipped to handle this.

Phyllis: At least until we can figure things out and get the lay of the land and not do so much damage.

Nick: Then we're agreed -- about Summer?

Phyllis: Yeah. She's been so happy. Me, too. [Sighs] I don't want to mess things up.

Nick: Summer's one thing. Jack's a whole other issue entirely. He deserves to know the truth. And he needs to know now.

Jack: And my brilliant son here just closed another major deal for Jabot.

Kyle: Okay, Dad, you have told at least five "My brilliant son" stories.

Traci: Oh, Honey, I think it was just four.

Kyle: It's four too many.

Traci: [Laughs]

Kyle: You can stop now.

Traci: No, no, don't stop. I'm loving hearing how great you're doing. And besides, with you and Jack and also Phyllis and Summer under the same roof, it's almost like you have a Team Jabot living together, working together.

Jack: And how are you feeling about that, Sis?

Traci: I hope that Phyllis and Summer have settled back in and that everything is going great.

Jack: It is. Thank you.

Kyle: How's it going for you over at Abby's?

Traci: [Laughs] I'm loving it! I'm loving spending that extra time with Abby.

Jack: Okay, sounds like there's a downside here.

Traci: No, no, it's not a downside. It's just that she's -- she's switched into this really weird über-hostess mode. You know, I have an embroidered bathrobe, 10 different kinds of sea salt for the bath, giant goodie baskets. I've had to remind her that I'm her auntie and I'm not a guest at the Abby Carlton Newman B&B.

Jack: [Chuckles]

Kyle: Well, that sounds like Abs. Can't stop her once she gets going.

Jack: It sounds like she's preparing for a long visit from her Aunt Traci.

Kyle: How long are you staying?

Traci: My plans keep extending.

Jack: Well, I hope you're staying because you want time here and not because you're trying to avoid going home.

Traci: Time with my family is time well-spent. And I don't get home often enough.

Kyle: You know, I just realized there's something that I forgot to do in the office because the meeting ran long. Could we do dinner another time, Aunt Traci?

Traci: Kyle.

Kyle: I'm so sorry. Please? It's very important.

Traci: Sure.

Kyle: All right. Love you.

Traci: Mwah.

Kyle: See you.

Traci: That was kind of an obvious excuse to get out of here.

Jack: That's because my brilliant son gleaned that you and I need to talk. So let's talk. What is really going on here?

Fenmore: Did you have an affair with Carmine? Is that why you and Dad were so bent on me staying away from the guy?

Lauren: Look, everything that we said about Carmine is true.

Fenmore: You're not answering me.

Lauren: It will not continue. He kissed me. I did not initiate it. I did not encourage it.

Michael: What was he doing here?

Lauren: I don't know. He just showed up, but he showed up unwelcome and uninvited. Oh, God, please. Please know that I am telling you the truth.

[Keys jingle]

Michael: I believe you.

Fenmore: Mom won't answer my questions, so you tell me. You guys split up because she's been screwing around on you, right?

Michael: All right, I understand you're angry, but I'd advise you to watch your tone towards your mother with respect to her.

Fenmore: With respect? Just like she respected you by sleeping with some bartender?

Michael: I said to watch your tone.

Fenmore: I'm just trying to understand what is going on in my own family.

Lauren: Fen... I made a mistake.

Fenmore: Mistake? Liar!

Michael: Fenmore.

Fenmore: You -- all those times you've been lecturing me about being a better person, riding me to stop lying while you have been lying this entire time! How could you come down on Dad for not putting us first while you were having sex --?

Michael: All right, listen --

Fenmore: This is such a load of crap!

Michael: All right, I understand you're upset! You have every right to your anger! But we're gonna talk about this calmly.

Fenmore: No, I don't want to talk about this. Not calmly, and not with her. How could you even look at her without being completely disgusted?

Michael: All right, listen to me! You do not abuse your mother in this household! You understand me?!

Lauren: [Sighs]

Carmine: [Sighs]

Sharon: Still thinking about the one who got away?

Carmine: I'm only thinking of the woman right here in front of me.

Sharon: You're such a terrible flirt.

Carmine: But a terribly good one, right?

Sharon: I'll give you that.

Carmine: [Chuckles] Okay, so tell me. Why does a beautiful woman like you come here all alone?

Sharon: Sometimes it's nice to just unwind all by yourself.

Carmine: If you say so. Uh, same as last time?

Sharon: Yeah. You remember the one I liked?

Carmine: You enjoyed it. That made it memorable.

Traci: Uh... Steve and I are having some problems.

Jack: Did Steve cheat on you again?

Traci: No, no, no. It's not that. It's nothing like that.

Jack: Okay, good. I'm glad to hear that. But it's obviously serious enough that you're staying on in Genoa City indefinitely.

Traci: It's serious enough.

Jack: Well, if you're willing to talk, I'm happy to listen and eager to help if -- if I can in any way.

Traci: Jack, I'm so embarrassed.

Jack: Wait. Embarrassed? Why?

Traci: I gave you all that grief about Phyllis, and I can't even keep my own marriage together.

Jack: Most people, myself included, are better at giving advice than getting it. All is forgiven there.

Traci: [Chuckles]

Jack: Talk to me. What happened?

Traci: Uh, being with Steve has been...difficult. We have been going through a very rough time since Colleen... since [Voice breaking] My baby passed away. Jack, I can tell you this. There is nothing...nothing worse than losing your child. [Sobbing]

Phyllis: Okay, how is this gonna work? You're just gonna tell Jack but not Summer?

Nick: Yep, just gonna tell him.

Phyllis: So, Summer's not gonna know? And we tell Jack, "Hey, by the way, uh, you've had a daughter. You didn't have a clue. And don't tell Summer because she might go off the deep end, but we're all good, thanks."

Nick: Jack will understand.

Phyllis: Of course he'll understand. But he'll want to reach out to his daughter. Wouldn't you?

Nick: Not if he knows that it will hurt her.

Phyllis: We can't give him this information and expect him not to act on it.

Nick: And if Summer finds out that...that Jack knew, too, she'll resent him for keeping the secret.

Phyllis: No, resentment will be so far down the list of things she's feeling when she hears the truth, Nick. Please. We can't put Jack in this position, all right?

Nick: So we don't.

Phyllis: We don't for now.

Nick: For now. Right.

Phyllis: Right.

Nick: Thank you for just being with me on this instead of --

Phyllis: Telling everybody in town the truth? Really? Don't thank me. I hate you for what you've done to me.

Nick: That's understandable.

Phyllis: Yeah. And by the way, the only thing I care about right now is my daughter. You got that? Everything I do and say is in my daughter's best interest, not in yours.

Nick: That's all I've ever wanted, too.

Phyllis: [Sighs]

Nick: And I'm very sorry that I put you in this situation --

Phyllis: Don't apologize. Don't apologize to me. It makes me sick. Please. If you're looking for forgiveness, you're never gonna get it.

Summer: Really romantic night.

Courtney: Even with no sex?

Summer: Yes, even if it ended with me going to a bunch of parties and not going into a hotel room with Kyle.

Courtney: Well, whatevs. That was graduation. But tonight's tonight. So you gonna sneak into Kyle's room later?

Summer: No, the only bed I'll be climbing into is my own. Alone.

Courtney: But you're staying in the same house as studly mcstud-stud.

Summer: And I'm really tired, and I have a fitting tomorrow.

Courtney: That sounds a lot like an excuse.

Summer: Okay, no, I have work, Court, and now that I'm a model, I can't just show up to work all ragged.

Courtney: Do you want this to happen or not?

Summer: Yeah. I mean, of course I do.

Courtney: Okay, then why aren't you making a move?

Summer: I don't know. Kyle and I have something real. You know, we laugh and we talk and --

Courtney: And don't touch each other.

Summer: Oh, okay, well, when it does happen, I don't want it to be just hot bodies in motion. I-I want it to be something special.

Courtney: Can you just be real with me for a second? Are you scared?

Summer: Maybe. Yeah, a little bit.

Courtney: Summer, of what? You have protection, and the guy's completely into you.

Summer: Okay, but what if I'm not good?

Courtney: You'll be fine. Wait, why? Is it possible to be bad at sex?

Summer: I don't know. And if it is, then I might be, and Kyle has had tons of experience, and I haven't.

Courtney: Okay, but the only way you're ever gonna get experience is if you just do it. And trust me, I'm sure that man will be more than happy to teach you everything you need to know. [Chuckles]

Summer: Yeah, well, we said that -- that it'll happen when the time's right.

Courtney: Just remember that Kyle's a guy, so don't hold off too long, or else he might want to go hook up with somebody who doesn't want to wait.

Summer: He just walked in.

Courtney: It's 'cause he can't stay away. Probably 'cause he wants to do it right now.

Summer: Shh!

Courtney: On the table.

Summer: Don't say that.

Courtney: Just don't be scared. Just say yes.

Summer: Okay, he's coming over. Just be quiet. Don't --

Kyle: Hey.

Summer: Hi.

Courtney: Hey. So, um, table for two? Go ahead. Ciao. Say yes.

Summer: Hi. What are you doing here?

Kyle: Well, my dinner plans kind of fell apart, so I thought I'd come by and grab a sandwich, but I'm glad I ran into you.

Summer: I'm glad, too.

Phyllis: Summer won't ever forgive you for this. Neither will Jack.

Nick: Look, I really appreciate this...knowing how you're dealing with me considering how angry you are.

Phyllis: This isn't about my anger. Or your regret. The only thing that matters --

Nick: Is Summer.

Phyllis: Yeah. So, we have to work together to see her through this.

Fenmore: How can you defend her?

Michael: Because she's my wife and I love her. And like all of us, she deserves a chance to make things right again.

Lauren: Look, Sweetie, what happened is -- is in the past.

Fenmore: Carmine just kissed you.

Lauren: Yeah, that was him. That wasn't me. But my -- my part and my starting with him, I detest myself for what I've -- I've done to your father, and my heart is breaking for what I see I'm doing to you.

Fenmore: Doesn't fix anything.

Lauren: Look, I'm not gonna make any excuses to you. But I am so sorry. More than you could ever imagine.

Fenmore: And that's just supposed to be enough?

Lauren: It's a beginning. Look, nothing is more important to me than our family. Your father and I are doing everything we can to repair our marriage.

Fenmore: Why even bother?

[Door opens, closes]

Michael: Just give him some time.

Lauren: Oh, my God. [Sniffles] I'll never forget the way he looked at me when he saw me with Carmine.

Michael: What was he doing here?

Lauren: I don't know. I have told him again and again to stay away.

Michael: I can make him stay away.

Lauren: Michael --

Michael: No, he thinks he can come to my house, kiss my wife in front of my son?

Lauren: Please don't let him get to you.

Michael: It's too late. I can send the bastard a message that he won't forget.

Lauren: Carmine is just gonna make things worse.

Michael: So, I'm supposed to just let him keep coming at my family?

Lauren: If we go after him, we are just gonna prolong this whole situation. But if we ignore him, he's just gonna realize that his tactics aren't working and that I'm done with him. I'm with you. End of story.

Michael: It's not very gratifying, but... there is some logic to what you're saying.

Lauren: I'm glad you can see it, because if you go running out there after him, I'm gonna be worried about you, and I'm so worried about Fen, and... oh, my God. Is he ever gonna be able to look at me without being disappointed in me?

Michael: Well, you know... might take some time, but once Fenmore's anger begins to subside, you know, he'll remember how much you love him. He'll remember the times we've shared together as a happy family.

Lauren: [Sighs]

Michael: It's a lot to hold onto.

Lauren: [Sighs] [Sniffles]

Fenmore: Proud of yourself?

Carmine: Hey, what happened after I left? Are you -- are you okay?

Fenmore: Shove it with the sympathetic-friend act. Is this how you get off? Messing with people? Ruining their families?

Carmine: Okay, I had no idea it was gonna blow up like that, okay?

Fenmore: Okay, well, then what -- what were you after?

Carmine: Look, sometimes two people, they meet each other, and, you know, things just -- they -- they happen.

Fenmore: That is such bull. You knew my mom was married. You knew who I was when you started this whole "We're buds" thing.

Carmine: I really did want to help you, Fen.

Fenmore: No, no, no, no. What you wanted was to sleep with my mother. I'm a tool for letting you use me like that.

Carmine: No, man. I really am your friend.

Fenmore: Could you stop lying? All right? Everyone I thought I cared about, everyone I thought I could trust has completely betrayed me.

Carmine: Look, I'm sorry you're hurting right now.

Fenmore: Don't even.

[Door opens]

Traci: Jack, thank you very much for dinner, and especially thank you for the talk.

Jack: Remember, you have a big brother who will always be there for you.

Traci: I'll remember. Mwah. Good night.

Jack: Good night.

Sharon: I wouldn't have thought that. I mean, you're just much too handsome.

Man: Can I buy you another drink?

Jack: Sharon?

Sharon: Jack, hi. Um, have a seat.

Jack: Am I interrupting?

Sharon: No, no, it was nothing. Um, where's your other half?

Jack: Phyllis is with Nick, who's having a few issues with Summer.

Sharon: Really? What kind of issues?

Jack: I think the guy's just having a little trouble letting his little girl grow up. Anyway, Phyllis is trying to help him through it.

Sharon: Or maybe there's more to this meeting with Nick and Phyllis than Summer growing up.

Jack: What are you suggesting?

Phyllis: All right, before we go forward, I need to know, is there anything else you're keeping from me?

Nick: Like what?

Phyllis: Does anybody else have this information?

Nick: Who would I have told?

Phyllis: My sister.

Nick: No. I haven't. I knew I needed to talk to you first, and then I would go from there.

Phyllis: Okay. But are you planning on telling her?

Nick: Avery's gonna be my wife.

Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, you're not telling Avery. You're not telling her. Nobody should know this information before Summer and Jack.

Nick: She would not say anything --

Phyllis: I can't even believe you're saying that to me! No, you're not telling my sister! Imagine the position you're putting Avery in. Avery is Summer's go-to girl.

Nick: Point taken. So, until we decide to tell everyone this, how are we gonna deal with the biggest problem we're facing right now, which is how do we keep Summer away from Kyle?

Lauren: You know, if you've been able to give me [Sniffles] Another chance despite what I did to you... maybe our son will, too.

Michael: Yeah, sure. Why not? I think the example that we're trying to set for him, you know, attempting to forgive each other and, um... ...remembering what was best between us... that kind of sends him the right message, doesn't it?

Carmine: [Sighs]

[Cell phone rings]

Lauren: [Sighs] It's from Carmine.

Michael: "Don't worry. I'll make Fen understand."

Kyle: Here we go.

Summer: Thank you.

Kyle: Calorie-free, I promise.

Summer: Oh, yes. Totally calorie-free.

Kyle: It's new on the menu.

Summer: [Laughs]

Kyle: So, um, what time is your fitting tomorrow?

Summer: Early.

Kyle: Think it'll take all day?

Summer: Hmm, no, probably not. Why?

Kyle: Well, uh, once the fashion line rolls out its new campaign, you're gonna be swamped with fittings and photo shoots and, you know, traveling.

Summer: Yes, but I'm not right now, so what?

Kyle: Well, I was wondering if you're not busy, do you want to have dinner with me tomorrow night?

Summer: Yeah. I'd -- I'd love to.

Kyle: It's a date. Ooh, I better be careful. Your dad might jump out and give me a beating for using the "D" word.

Summer: [Laughs] You're not really scared of him, are you?

Kyle: No. I know he's just trying to protect you. And I can't blame him. You're worth protecting.

Jack: There is nothing strange about Nick and Phyllis discussing their daughter. What are you trying to imply?

Sharon: I only meant that there's a bond there because of Summer.

Jack: Of course there is. They share a daughter together.

Sharon: True.

Jack: Are you feeling a little adrift these days?

Sharon: How'd you guess?

Jack: Summer's graduation, you did seem kind of edged out.

Sharon: A little.

Jack: Sorry about that. Chalk it up to the Newman family dynamic. I know too well about that. But as far as Nick goes, just like Phyllis, you and he will always be drawn together by the children you share -- Noah, Faith...and Cassie.

Sharon: I do feel a link to Nick that's different than anyone else in my life. And when I think about it, my relationship with Nick is the one thing I can always count on.

Phyllis: All right, I think we're okay for tonight. Summer has to get up early for an important fitting.

Nick: But with Kyle living in the same house?

Phyllis: Summer and I are supposed to have a mother-daughter girl time later to talk about work, so... I'll sleep with one eye open and one ear open, make sure there's no bed hopping between us two.

Nick: Okay. Well, that takes care of tonight. What about tomorrow? And the next day? This isn't going away. Have you seen the way those two look at each other? We have to work together and find a way to put an end to this.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jill: You are no longer the playboy who nearly gambled his life away.

Devon: When are you gonna stop this?!

Lily: Stop what?

Devon: Your obsession with Tyler!

Nick: I need you in my life, especially now.

Avery: Nick, what's going on?

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