Y&R Transcript Monday 6/17/13

Y&R Transcript Monday 6/17/13


Episode # 10181 ~ Victoria talks to Billy; Phyllis and Nick ready themselves to tell Jack and Summer the truth.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Billy: The track is fast, so if it rains, no action. You got that? Okay, last one. In the seventh at Santa Anita, I want Ghost Orchid to win, 3 grand. Hey, man, what can I say? I feel lucky today. All right. Put it down. Thank you. [Chuckles]

[Door opens]

Billy: Hey!

[Door slams]

Billy: How was your workout?

Victoria: Fine.

[Purse slams]

Billy: Excellent. Good. Well [Clears throat] I've got some errands to run, so, uh, I'll catch you later.

Victoria: I know what you're up to, Billy.

Lauren: Chloe. Why are you sneaking in to your own place?

Chloe: We don't own it anymore. We sold it. And I don't want to run into Kevin. I left an earring here the other day. I just wanted to grab it.

Lauren: Wow, I didn't even know you were thinking about selling it.

Chloe: Yeah, well, all dreams die eventually.

Lauren: I don't really understand what that means, but w-why are you avoiding Kevin?

Chloe: Um... our marriage is over. Kevin went too far. And I moved out.

Lauren: Honey, I'm so sorry. I didn't know.

Chloe: Yeah, you know what I'm sorry about? That I didn't wise up sooner. What, did we marry the disaster brothers or something? I mean, does that make us soul sisters now?

Lauren: Um, I -- I got to go.

Chloe: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so snarky.

Lauren: No, Sweetie. Not you. I just -- I got to go.

Chloe: Wait. Are you running away because of Carmine? Why?

Michael: Hello?! It's me! I'm home! Anyone?

[Keys thud]

Michael: Fenmore? Fenmore! Fenmore! Son! Fenmore! Talk to me, Son. Fenmore?

Nick: We will.

Phyllis: No, now. Tonight.

Nick: I never once questioned if I was her dad. Then when she got mixed up with Kyle... I never would have even looked into paternity.

Phyllis: Well, you weren't 100% certain, were you? So that means all this time, there was doubt.

Nick: If she hadn't gotten closer to Jack's son...

Phyllis: Yeah, I-I get it. I get it. You didn't want to take the risk. I --

Nick: But now that I know, it is so hard.

Phyllis: You have to come clean. It's gonna be painful, and it's gonna be ugly, but you have to come clean. You have no other choice.

Summer: I'm really glad that you and my mom are back together. You make her happy.

Jack: Not half as happy as she makes me.

Summer: I guess she and my dad weren't meant to be, but maybe you two are. Do you think that Kyle and I are destined to be together? You know, that maybe we have a future together?

Jack: You really want to know? I think you shouldn't be worried about a guy right now.

Summer: Jack.

Jack: You just graduated from high school. You're going away to college in the fall. Your life's about to open up. You're gonna be experiencing all kinds of new things, new people. You need to get to know yourself before you worry about a serious relationship with a guy.

[Cell phone rings]

Summer: [Sighs]

Jack: Oh.

Summer: It's my dad. He's probably gonna rag me about last night.

Jack: Oh, and this is your mom. Hold on a second. Hey, Beautiful. What's up?

Michael: There you go. Come on. [Sighs] Oh, thank God. I was about to call an ambulance.

Fenmore: No. I'm okay.

Michael: It's doubtful you're okay. You were passed out cold. What happened?

Fenmore: I just fell asleep.

Michael: On the floor?

Fenmore: Well, I had a pretty late night last night. It was graduation, remember?

Michael: Look at me. Your eyes are bloodshot. Are you high? Are you drunk? Are you both?

Lauren: Why would I run from Carmine? I mean, I barely know the guy. Okay, so, he served me while I lived at the club. But so what? I mean, that doesn't mean anything, right?

Chloe: Oh, my -- is Carmine the reason why you and Michael are having problems? Did he and you... oh, my God! How could you hook up with that piece of filth? And he shoved me in the trunk of a car and you, of all people, know how traumatic that was for me. And, what, it just didn't matter to you?

Lauren: I'm so tired of this. I can't talk about it anymore.

Chloe: Oh, well, there's my answer.

Lauren: [Gasps] And how dare you pass judgment on me after your history.

Chloe: I've made some mistakes in my past, yes, but I have changed, and I'm not cheating on my husband with some dangerous lowlife like Carmine Basco.

Lauren: And yet your marriage is in trouble, just like mine. So listen to me, soul sister. I made a mistake -- one that I will regret every day of my life. Do I wish I could erase it? You bet. But don't you ever wish you could erase the terrible things you did to Cane and Billy?

Victoria: You're having an affair...with Chloe.

Billy: Wait, what?! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Victoria: No, no, no, no!

Billy: No, no! No, no!

Victoria: Don't try to deny it, okay?

Billy: Time out. Are you serious? An affair with Chloe? Where the hell is this coming from?

Victoria: You have been sneaking around the last couple of weeks, mysterious phone calls, late nights, lame excuses for your weird behavior, and earlier today I saw you -- I saw you at the restaurant with Chloe, looking really intimate.

Billy: No, Honey, you've got this all wrong.

Victoria: No, I don't think so. I don't think so.

Billy: Chloe and Kevin are having marital problems. She wanted to talk about Delia. She needed a shoulder to cry on. It's not what you think.

Victoria: You two share quite a history, not to mention a child.

Billy: Honey, I used to drink a lot back then, okay? But I am in love with you. I am committed to you, and you need to understand what's going on right now, okay? We're trying to get pregnant. All the hormones are acting up.

Victoria: No, no, no, no. Stop. Stop using that as an excuse, all right? I know what you're up to, Billy. If not with Chloe, then with some other woman. So kindly stop treating me like an idiot and own up to whatever it is you're doing!

Billy: All right. [Clears throat] [Chuckles] There's nobody else. I swear to you that's the truth. There's nobody else.

Victoria: Is this because of my wanting to have a baby? Or -- or maybe it's because of my so-called obsession with Newman. Is that what it is? Am I just boring you? Is that it? I bored you into the arms of another woman? I mean, really, I-I don't know what else it could be. Chloe? Chloe, of all people?

Billy: Stop, stop, stop, stop! This is ridiculous. I'm not sleeping with Chloe. I'm not sleeping with anybody else. That's the truth. I'm telling you the truth.

Victoria: Then what the hell is going on?! And don't say nothing, because I know something is. You were lying to me about running errands, right? Wherever you go and whatever you do, 9 times out of 10, it's a lie. Isn't it?

Billy: Okay, it's time to stop for a second. I'm in trouble, all right? I'm in trouble again.

Victoria: What are you talking about? What kind of trouble?

Billy: I didn't want it to happen. It just came out of nowhere and it got a hold of me again, and [Inhales deeply] I've been gambling...again. Okay? That's my secret. That's what I've been hiding from you.

Chloe: You know what? You're right. I'm sorry. I did some terrible things in the past, and I guess my inability to keep my marriage together is just the universe getting back at me.

Lauren: And I have no business being on my high horse, believe me.

Chloe: No worries. [Laughing] I had it coming.

Lauren: Are things really that bad between you and Kevin?

Chloe: We're getting divorced. Is that bad enough for you?

Lauren: [Sighs]

Alex: [Speaks indistinctly]

Sheryl: I know, exactly.

Alex: Hey, Buddy!

Kevin: Cagney, Lacey. What the hell? Are you stalking me now? I already put in a full day of community service, but I guess that doesn't count for much. And you pretty much wrecked my marriage.

Alex: I wrecked your marriage?

Kevin: Yeah! You and your snooping-around detective work got in the way of me and my wife. You cop-blocked me, Chavez.

Alex: Look, I can see that I can get under your skin pretty easily, and I do enjoy it, trust me, but, uh, Sheryl and I just came here for some delicious coffee.

Kevin: You hate the coffee here.

Alex: No, I hate your coffee, but I heard the new guy has [Clicks tongue] Top-notch coffee.

Kevin: You're gonna rub that in my face, too? It's the same coffee!

Sheryl: Touchy.

Alex: Yeah.

Lauren: I-I should go.

Chloe: Yeah, you know what? I'll go with you. I'll get my earring another --

Kevin: Chloe, please -- please don't run away. There's something I have to tell you.

Alex: So, what are you having? You know, it better not be some chichi, foo-foo, you know, complicated thing.

Sheryl: I'll take a mocha half-caf caramel soy extravaganza with an extra shot. What's so chichi about that?

Alex: [Laughs] Wait, you are kidding, right?

Sheryl: [Laughs] Yeah, I like my coffee to taste like coffee. I'll take a tall black, no sugar.

Alex: Yeah! All right.

Sheryl: Yeah!

Alex: A lady after my own heart. I approve. Absolutely. Take it strong, you know what I mean?

Neil: Something the blogger said.

Leslie: Okay, okay, yeah. This post about Lily -- "She doesn't want realism, she wants magic." Are those your words?

Neil: No. One of the many distortions that I mentioned. Why?

Leslie: That phrase -- that's from a famous play, A Streetcar Named Desire. Blanche says to the guy that's not Stanley, "I don't want realism, I want magic."

Neil: Okay, so, what are we saying here? That this person is a fan of Tennessee Williams? What? Are they from the south? Where does this get us?

Leslie: That particular phrase -- I know I've seen it recently.

Neil: You have, in that post about Lily the day it first hit.

Leslie: No, definitely from somewhere else. If only I could figure out from where.

Fen: Lack of sleep, and now I'm a pothead? Nice, Dad.

Michael: I just found you on the floor!

Fenmore: Why do you always assume the worst about me? For God's sake, it was a graduation party. Aren't I entitled to go to a party?

Michael: I will tell you what you're not entitled to. I get worried, you know? You've been through a lot the past couple of months.

Fenmore: Yeah, I'm surprised you even noticed.

Michael: Well, you don't exactly make it easy. One minute you're raging against the world, the next you're totally shut down, emotionally gone. And I get scared.

Fenmore: It scares me, too.

Michael: Okay. Tell me. Why? Talk to me.

Fenmore: People keep bringing up my future, and it's just this great big blank to me. I get so angry sometimes. I worry I'm not gonna be able to keep it inside.

Michael: I spent a great deal of my life exactly the same way.

Fenmore: How did you manage it?

Michael: Not very well. Until someone came along and loved me and believed in me.

Fenmore: Like Mom?

Michael: She kind of saved my life.

Fenmore: Then how can you just let her slip away? Isn't Mom worth fighting for?

Michael: Yes, she is, and I'm not gonna let anything slip away. I'm not gonna just let my marriage fall apart. Somehow, someway, your mother and I, we're gonna be okay with each other. We are. Son. I promise you.

Chloe: There is nothing left to say. You broke our trust. Again. Stealing from people.

Kevin: I screwed up, okay? I know that. I just felt like such a failure having to sell this place.

Chloe: And now you feel like a success?

Kevin: When you first came into my life, I felt like I didn't deserve you. And I promised myself I would work really, really hard to make you and your little girl happy. And for awhile, I did that. But then, once again... I gave in to my worst instincts, and you have no idea how much I regret that. But I'm not -- I'm not taking this off. I won't do it, because I believe in it. I believe in us -- the family that we were and the family that we can still be. [Sighs] I want to change, Chloe, for you and for Delia.

Summer: Okay, no, not this again. Okay, how many times are we gonna have the Kyle talk? Okay, didn't Mom talk to you last night and tell you that nothing happened? Okay, we had an incredible dinner together, and then he went his own way, and I went to a bunch of parties.

Nick: Summer.

Summer: Okay, when are you going to let go of me? Okay, what do I have to do? You know, I have tried so hard to make you proud of me -- so hard! -- But nothing ever seems to be good enough for you.

Nick: I am proud of you. [Voice breaking] I'm so unbelievably proud of you. You have no idea.

Phyllis: You're jumping to conclusions, Summer. Um, your -- your dad and I want to tell you --

Nick: Look, your mother's right. We need to talk to you about Kyle.

Summer: [Sighs]

Nick: Look, I didn't know that you would listen to me. That you had gone your separate ways. I -- I was worried, okay? I'm sorry, but I can't let this go. And I'm sorry that I don't trust you when it comes to Kyle.

Summer: Yeah, so, you're proud of me, but you can't trust me. That makes a lot of sense, Dad.

Nick: Summer, please.

Summer: You don't even know, okay? It's like you're embarrassed that I'm your daughter. I'll be in my room.

Phyllis: Are you gonna stop her? Are you gonna stop her? Are you gonna go talk to her? Are you gonna --

Nick: N-no. Um... I-I'm sorry. This was a waste of time. I'm sorry.

Phyllis: Nick. No, no. No. Nick! Nick!

Jack: Phyllis.

[Door slams]

Jack: What is really going on here?

Sheryl: "Get things straight" usually implies you think I have something wrong.

Abby: That's very astute.

Sheryl: [Chuckles] This is about Chavez?

Abby: Astuter.

Sheryl: You and Alex getting serious now? 'Cause I got the impression, seeing you together, that you were just out for a good time. And Alex does not strike me as a man who's trying to get serious any time soon.

Abby: Our relationship is none of your business.

Sheryl: Look, you've got the wrong idea, okay? Alex and I are just partners. End of story. I learned long ago not to cross those lines at work.

Abby: Great, then maybe there's nothing to straighten out after all.

Alex: Okay! So, here we go. Black.

Sheryl: Thanks.

Alex: And, um, your...uh...

Abby: Latte.

Alex: ...Beverage. Yep.

Abby: Thank you. [Laughs]

Alex: Okay. [Sighs]

[Cell phone vibrates]

Sheryl: Uh, oh, hey, Chavez, we got to roll. Your lineup's up.

Alex: Oh, perfect.

Abby: No, wait, wait, wait. You guys just got here.

Alex: I know, but it's important. I'll see you later.

Abby: No, but maybe it's not a bad crime. Maybe it's just, like, some kid jaywalking or loitering or something?

Alex: [Laughs] No, no, no. I'll see you later, okay?

Sheryl: Hey, uh, enjoy your vanilla...whatever.

Abby: [Sighs]

Kevin: Okay. Give the stuff back? I can do that. Is that it?

Chloe: I want you to volunteer at the homeless shelter for the next few weeks. And before you say that you don't have time --

Kevin: I don't.

Chloe: Well, you found the time to break into those people's houses and steal their valuables. Except now you'll be too busy helping out in the poor communities. Unless that whole speech about saving our marriage was just a bunch of bull.

Kevin: No. No. Of course it wasn't. I meant every word.

Chloe: Because I want you to prove to me that you're capable of being selfless, while you see firsthand that people have it much worse than you do, and they don't need to resort to crime to feel validated. That's it. That's the deal. Take it or leave it.

Billy: This addiction almost got you killed. I wouldn't just...lie to you and tell you I got sucked back into it if it wasn't true. [Chuckles] That's how I got On the Boulevard. I didn't just buy it on a whim and didn't tell you. I won it in a high-stakes poker game.

Victoria: So, how long has this supposed slip of yours been going on?

Billy: I don't know. A couple of months. It's been a blur.

Victoria: If this is true [Sighs] Then why didn't you just come to me and tell me so I could help you?

Billy: 'Cause it just came out of nowhere and it took me and after everything it's done to us, I was afraid that if I told you... I was scared that you wouldn't understand and that I would lose you.

Tyler: Hey. If it isn't my personal decorator.

Abby: [Sighing] Hey.

Tyler: Somebody's having a rotten day.

Abby: I've had better.

Tyler: Well, I'm just waiting on some takeout. Can I buy you a drink? Maybe cheer you up a little bit?

Abby: No, I shouldn't. You know what? Why not? That's the best offer I've had all day.

Lauren: So, how was the party last night?

Fenmore: It was a total bore. I left early, got together with some other friends.

Lauren: Mm.

Michael: Well, hold on. I thought you said you stayed late at that party.

Fenmore: No, we made our own party.

Michael: These other friends, do I know any of them?

Fenmore: Uh, Summer, Courtney.

Lauren: Oh. Are you all good with Summer again?

Fenmore: Sort of. We're actually supposed to meet up soon, so is it cool if I take off?

Lauren: Sure. Sure, but you know what? Don't stay out too late, 'cause you look a little tired, okay?

Michael: Yeah, a little too tired. You're not in any shape to drive that new car. Here. Take some money for cab fare.

Fenmore: Dad, I'm --

Michael: I'd be glad to drive you, otherwise, if you really want me to.

Fenmore: Okay, see you.

Michael: Be happy to.

Lauren: [Chuckles] Mm. Fen seems to be pulling himself together.

Michael: Let's hope so.

Lauren: I heard what you said to him. How you're determined to save our marriage.

Michael: Well, I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to fix it.

Lauren: And that's half the battle, isn't it?

Michael: [Sighs] I'm sorry. I have to go out for a bit to meet a client.

Lauren: Now? I was hoping we could have a quiet dinner here, just the two of us.

Michael: It won't be long.

Lauren: I'll be waiting.

[Doorbell rings]

Lauren: [Sighs]

Tyler: He didn't have enough, the little guy, right? He starts wailing on this huge, monstrous bouncer, right? The guy's got to be 6'6", 300 pounds.

Abby: Wait, wait, wait. No. I know this club, and the bouncer's name is, like, Pete, but everyone calls him Herc.

Tyler: That's the dude! That's the dude, right? So, calm as can be, right, he picks up little Napoleon by his collar, right up in the air. It's hilarious. His little feet are just kicking back and forth. He walks him through the club -- not out the back. Takes him out the front, right above his head. Boom! Right down in the dumpster. Everybody in the line's going crazy.

Abby: [Laughing] Oh, my God!

Tyler: I'm telling you.

Abby: That's New York for you. There's free entertainment.

Tyler: I know, but you know what? Every time I go back, it gets weirder and weirder. [Both laugh] You are something, Abby. To New York.

Abby: To New York. [Laughs] [Laughs]

Tyler: [Laughs] Yeah, I'm telling you, if I go there, I'm not doing it.

Neil: Put it in a memo. I'll look at the numbers as soon as I get back to my desk. Okay. That's great. Bye-bye. What's that?

Leslie: A letter to Gus. From the mysterious Rose. Listen. [Muttering] Okay. "I wish we didn't always have to be so practical. Who needs reality when we can have magic?"

Neil: Are you saying that you think Rose is behind the attacks?

Leslie: I'm saying that that is not a phrase you hear often.

Neil: N-no. No, no. It can't be. I mean, I never heard of that women before I knew who Gus was. It can't be. And, plus, the posts -- they're targeting my family.

Leslie: I know. I know, Neil, but I'm telling you, this is -- this is a coincidence we can't ignore.

Jack: All those looks between you and Nicholas -- am I really supposed to think there's nothing more to this impromptu gathering than a lecture to Summer about hanging out with my son?

Phyllis: Um [Sighs] Nick is struggling with his daughter flying the nest. He just wants to hold onto his baby. And...

Jack: That I understand. If she was my daughter, I wouldn't want to let her go.

Phyllis: Yeah, I-I'm -- I'm gonna go, uh, after Nick to give him some moral support.

Jack: Hey. You're a good person. Have I told you that lately?

Phyllis: I hope you always feel that way.

Jack: I guarantee it.

Billy: I'm gonna need your support.

Victoria: I don't know if I can give that to you, because I still don't know if you're telling me the truth.

Billy: Why would I admit to something so terrible if I was lying about it?

Victoria: To cover up a bigger lie!

Billy: I'm not lying to you. There's nothing else going on. There's no other woman. I'm not having an affair.

Victoria: I swear to God, if you are lying to me, Billy, I will never forgive you.

Tyler: But that's how it is. I don't care. I love that city still.

Abby: The best city.

Tyler: Every time, it never fails.

Alex: Hey!

Abby: Hi.

Alex: Hello, Beautiful.

Abby: Oh.

Alex: Sorry I'm late.

Abby: Late? I didn't know we had any plans. I thought you were busy doing police stuff with your partner.

Alex: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, but the perps are in for the night. I'm here. I'm yours.

Abby: Cool.

Alex: Yeah.

Tyler: Yeah, well, uh, food's ready, so... hey, thanks for keeping me entertained.

Abby: [Laughs] Thank you for the drink. You did a great job cheering me up.

Tyler: Any time.

Alex: Mm. Hey. Love the vest. So... was that all to -- to what? To make me jealous?

Abby: Maybe. Or maybe I just enjoyed having a drink with a good-looking guy.

Alex: Yeah.

Abby: You know, Tyler and I have a lot in common.

Alex: Oh?

Abby: Kind of like you and detective what's her name. Yeah.

Alex: Oh.

Abby: [Laughs]

Kevin: Whatever you want me to do, I will do it. Just promise it'll be worth it. Like, don't put me through the ringer and then decide later on that you can't forgive me.

Michael: Hey, Guys.

Kevin: Hey, Michael. What can I get for you?

Michael: I would like a coffee and, um... that key lime cheesecake that Lauren likes so much to go.

Kevin: To go.

Chloe: Sweets for the sweet. I like it.

Kevin: Yeah. I haven't seen you this happy in awhile.

Michael: Maybe for the first time in a long time, I have something to be happy about.

Lauren: Go away!

Carmine: I just want to talk.

Lauren: Michael is in the shower.

Carmine: I saw him leave.

Lauren: Are you lurking outside of my apartment now?

Carmine: Come on. Have a little compassion. I'm going nuts here. I can't stop thinking about you.

Lauren: Well, try.

Carmine: I want to move on. I-I swear. But you've ruined me for anyone else. We're meant to be together, Lauren. Deep down in the heart, I know you know that, too.

Neil: Okay. There goes my letter to the GC buzz. Let's hope that crazy blogger takes the bait.

Leslie: It's fine, but, in the meantime, let's not dismiss my idea.

Neil: What are you planning?

Leslie: I got to track down Rose. I need some answers. I mean, there may be no connection, but until I find out for sure, it's gonna drive me crazy.

Neil: Leslie. Baby. Thank you so much for sticking with me through all this.

Leslie: Are you kidding me? You stuck by me at my worst time. I'm not about to let you deal with this alone.

Summer: Jack? Didn't you hear that school's out for summer? Don't need to be doing homework.

Jack: I gave this book to my dad the Father's day before he died. Hard to believe that was seven years ago.

Summer: You still miss him a lot, don't you?

Jack: Every minute of every day. But when I was your age, I was a bit of a rebel, too.

Summer: Oh, really?

Jack: Yeah. When I graduated from high school, I joined the army and went off to Vietnam. Not exactly the dream my father had for me. But I served my country, came back, worked hard, went to school, and his dreams became my dreams.

Summer: Just took a little bit of time, huh?

Jack: Summer, one of the things I've learned in life is it's not the event. It's the process. I know you're feeling controlled right now. I know you hate pretty much everything your dad says, but I'm here to tell you he says those things because he loves you.

Summer: Yeah, I know. I know that he means well. It's just sometimes he makes me want to scream.

Jack: Part of his job.

Summer: I can tell that you were a good son. And judging by how great Kyle is...you're an amazing father.

Jack: Thanks. Makes me feel good to hear you say that.

[Door slams]

Phyllis: What was that? What the hell happened? I thought we were on the same page, or did I dream that?

Nick: Look, I thought I was ready to tell the truth, but... I looked into Summer's eyes. I just couldn't do it.

Phyllis: Nick, I'm -- I'm really trying to be understanding. I-I'm really trying, but you're not making it easy on me.

Nick: Do you think this easy for me?

Phyllis: [Sighs] I want to help you find a way to do the right thing.

Nick: If you mean telling Summer that I'm not her biological father... [Sighs] I changed my mind.

Phyllis: Oh, no, Nick. Nick.

Nick: It's a mistake. I can't do it. I can't do it tonight. Maybe not ever.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Fenmore: Are you having an affair with him?

Jack: Well, I hope you're staying because you want time here and not because you're trying to avoid going home.

Phyllis: So, you don't want to tell Summer that Jack is her father?

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