Y&R Transcript Friday 6/14/13

Y&R Transcript Friday 6/14/13


Episode # 10180 ~ Leslie and Neil decide to fight fire with fire; Victor gives Adam a warning.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Avery: That's it. It's official. Clark and Michaelson, LLP -- open for business.

Leslie: Wow. Now, um...are you as terrified as I am?

Avery: You mean because we left our high-paying corporate jobs to open our own firm without a single client? [Chuckles] Yeah.

Leslie: [Chuckles] Well, you know, I-I have our first problem solved. I have our first case lined up.

Cane: Thank you. I will -- I'll let you know. Okay. [Sighs] Wow. Over...bearing. [Sighs] Hello. Uh...I'm Cane Ashby. You must be --

Ann: The answer to your prayers. Ann Bellmot.

Cane: Okay. Great. Um, take a seat. Okay. Do you have a résumé? Thank you. Okay, so, let me tell you what I'm looking for. I need someone who is self-motivated, who can organize, and knows how to prioritize, because right now, I'm having a lot of problems doing that.

Lily: Happy Father's day.

Neil: Why the early celebration?

Lily: Uh, the twins and I are taking Cane away for the weekend. We rented a cabin on Cedar Lake.

Neil: Beautiful. Sounds nice.

Lily: Yeah, if Cane can get away from work. [Scoffs]

Neil: Honey... it's identical to the one that was stolen from my apartment. Where did you get it?

Lily: I had to search high and low for that frame. I went to about 20 different stores. And the picture I, thankfully, had on my computer.

Neil: It's perfect. Thank you so much.

Lily: You're welcome. I'm glad you like it.

Neil: I love it.

Lily: Good.

Devon: Hey, you guys. Sorry I'm late. I had a rough morning.

Neil: Problems at the office?

Devon: Yeah. Tyler decided that I needed to go over every proposed concept layout for the fashion campaign again, even after we already decided on one.

Lily: Well, I'm sure he just wants everything to be perfect.

Devon: At some point, you got to trust your gut.

Lily: Well, this is fashion, Devon. It's not music.

Devon: Really? Are you saying I don't know what I'm doing?

Lily: I'm just trying to help you.

Neil: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Time-out, okay? This isn't a business meeting or the WWE.

[Cell phone beeps]

Lily: [Chuckles]

Neil: I'd like to enjoy a nice lunch with my kids. Think that's possible?

Devon: Not after what I just read.

Victor: I don't give a damn why production stopped in Warsaw. Find out why it stopped, okay? And get back to me. You keep Adam informed. All right. Hi, Sweetheart.

Nikki: Hi. I'm sorry. I hope I'm not interrupting.

Victor: Why aren't you home packing for our honeymoon?

Nikki: Well...that's what I want to talk to you about.

Victor: Would you rather maybe go to that private island in the south pacific?

Nikki: I think we should cancel the trip.

Victor: Why?

Anita: Adam, are you listening to me?

Adam: Hmm?

Anita: I have something to tell you.

Adam: Well, stop everything.

Anita: No, you need to hear this.

Adam: What I need is a cathartic punching bag, so if you don't mind, I'm headed to the gym.

Anita: It's about Chelsea and the baby.

Chelsea: There's no rewind button in life, is there?

Dylan: You mean you want to go back 20 seconds, to a time when you didn't say, "I love you?"

Chelsea: [Sighs] Um...it's not that I didn't mean what I said. I just, um -- I didn't mean to blurt it out like that.

Dylan: Yeah. Just -- that kind of caught me off guard, too.

Chelsea: I'm not sorry I said it. I do love you.

Dylan: I don't -- I don't really know what to say. Um...

Chelsea: You could say you feel the same way.

Adam: What is it I need to know about Chelsea and her baby?

Anita: Well, she's starting to show.

Adam: And that's it? That's all you had to tell me? That's fascinating, Anita.

Anita: Oh, Adam. It's obvious you still love her in spite of everything. And I know that you can forgive her for --

Adam: For walking out on me? For falling into the bed of the next pickup truck with the next guy that she could find? Yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't you? Just a free pass and a clean slate?

Anita: It'd make my little girl happy.

Adam: Mm-hmm. It would, wouldn't you? Because that's paramount to you -- Chelsea's happiness, right? Yeah -- no, no. It's not happiness that concerns you the most. It -- it's Chelsea's bank account, right?

Anita: How dare you suggest such a thing.

Adam: How dare I? I know you. I've been around you before. I know what your priorities are, and they're certainly not other people's well-being -- just yours.

Anita: You pompous ass. You have to listen to me.

Adam: No, I don't have to. That's the great about it, is I don't have to listen. Chelsea got you in the divorce, so why don't you go hit her up for some cash?

Anita: No wonder Chelsea doesn't want to have anything to do with you, Adam.

Adam: You know what? I got great news for everyone. I don't want to have anything to do with Chelsea or her offspring.

Anita: [Sighs]

Dylan: You know, everything happened so fast, and not exactly in the order that -- that I'm used to.

Chelsea: What?! You're one of those guys who likes to know a girl's name before he father's her child? Come on. [Chuckles]

Dylan: Guess I'm old fashioned that way. I don't even need a name. I'd settle for the type of music she likes.

Chelsea: Country.

Dylan: Yeah, me, too.

Chelsea: Well, common ground. There's a start.

Dylan: We share a lot more than that.

Chelsea: But you don't love me.

Dylan: It's... I just... you know, everything just -- it happened so fast. I haven't really had a chance to think about it enough.

Chelsea: Yeah. No, yeah, me neither. Me neither. I -- but then you bought the loft and you started building the cradle and coming to the doctor's appointments with me, and I guess I just -- I started to feel like we were...

Dylan: A family.

Chelsea: I just got caught up in a fantasy of it all.

Dylan: You know, this -- I mean, us -- it wasn't exactly what I was expecting when I came to Genoa City, but it's --

Chelsea: Oh, my God. That's it.

Dylan: What?

Chelsea: I'm such an idiot. Of course. I've been so wrapped up in the baby and us and everything I completely forgot the whole reason you came to town in the first place.

Dylan: Now, Chelsea --

Chelsea: Of course you're not in love with me. You're still in love with Avery.

Avery: You are our first client?

Leslie: I'm not in any legal trouble.

Avery: Okay, good. [Chuckles]

Leslie: Right. I just need someone to advocate on my behalf.

Avery: In regards to what?

Leslie: This, actually.

Avery: What's this, a safe-deposit key?

Leslie: Yeah, I found it in my father's things. I'm anxious to know what he had worth locking up.

Avery: Mm-hmm. Did your father have a will?

Leslie: Not that I know of. And I checked with the bank. I'm not authorized to open it. Neither is Tyler.

Avery: Okay, well, I did some estate law early in my career. Uh...basically, we just need to file some letters of administration with a probate judge.

Leslie: That'll give me access to the box?

Avery: Yeah. Then the court will make you and Tyler co-executors of your dad's estate, and I just need to file some paperwork.

Leslie: So, does this mean you're taking my case?

Avery: Consider it my first billable hour. Uh, do you know what's in this box?

Leslie: Not a clue.

Avery: You sure you want to do this?

Leslie: You know, Avery, I know so little about my father. This could be my chance to find out more about him.

Avery: It could. But maybe there's something in that box that Gus never intended for you to see.

Devon: The GC Buzz blogger strikes again.

Neil: [Sighs] Bastard.

Devon: I was thinking the same thing.

Neil: Devon, I-I am so sorry about this.

Lily: What does it say?

Devon: Allow me, since I'm the star of the piece. "Devon's spending more and more time with Tucker. McCall's using their mutual interest in music to get close to him. It's working. Devon's being sucked in by the glitz and glamour that this guy's offering. How can Devon be so blind? I know he's got that blowhard's DNA in him, but --"

Neil: "But I'm Devon's father. And if he thinks that Tucker McCall can offer him half as much as I can, he's a damn fool." Devon, I wrote that when we first found out that Tucker was your biological dad.

Devon: Yeah. It doesn't matter when you wrote it. You wrote it.

Lily: Look, someone is just trying to cause trouble between you two the same way they did with us and the same way with Leslie.

Neil: I mean, whoever's doing this, they warned me that my mistakes would come back to haunt me.

Devon: Well, it looks like they have.

Lily: So, what is this -- payback? For what? What did you do and to who?

Neil: I don't know. It's obviously someone who's angry enough to want to hurt me back.

Cane: Chancellor Industries has offices all over the world -- Europe, Australia, Asia, North America, South America. Am I, uh, interrupting you or something?

Ann: [Chuckles] Oh. Oh, no. It's okay. I'm a mega-multitasker.

Cane: Wow. Mega-multitasker. Okay.

Ann: Yeah. I know a ton about social media. It's very important for business these days.

Cane: Yes, it is. Um...anyway, like I was saying, uh, you need to be available 24/7.

[Cell phone beeps]

Cane: You have to attend all the meetings...I attend, and need a valid passport.

[Cell phone beeps]

Ann: Oh, cool.

Cane: Are you, uh...saying cool 'cause of what I said or is it the text you just got?

Ann: Oh... [Chuckles]

Cane: [Sighs] Okay. According to your résumé, you don't have much business experience.

Ann: Well, yeah, but like I said --

[Cell phone beeps]

Cane: Oh, that was, uh, from me. Um, I'll read it to you. It says, "Your chances of getting this job are LOL." Sorry.

Neil: Okay, listen -- I'm gonna let Detective Chavez know about this latest post.

Lily: Yeah, maybe they saw who's doing this on the security video at the Athletic Club.

Neil: If that's where this last one was sent from.

Lily: [Sighs] Yeah. Well, I have to go, so let me know what the police say, okay?

Neil: Yeah, I will. Bye, Baby. I love you.

Lily: Bye. See you.

Devon: See you. You know what's weird?

Neil: Everything about this.

Devon: Someone has been able to find old entries from your journal that connect to what's going on in our lives now.

Neil: Right, right, right. Like Tucker using a job offer to drive a wedge between us.

Devon: Yeah, and you writing about Lily turning to Daniel and your concerns about Tyler.

Neil: It's definitely strange.

Leslie: Uh, hey. What's strange?

Neil: Hi, Honey. We're just -- we're just talking about the post on GC Buzz.

Leslie: Yeah, I saw the latest one. Devon, welcome to the club.

Devon: Mm, thank you. Dad thinks that it might be an old enemy out for revenge who's doing this.

Leslie: Yeah, I find it really hard to believe that you would have any enemies.

Neil: Funny, but as great as I am, I must have managed to tick a few people off over the years, right?

Leslie: Well, maybe it's time you make a list of people you ticked off enough to want to hurt you.

Dylan: Avery is with Nick.

Chelsea: So, you just flip a switch that turns off your heart?

Dylan: It would be stupid to keep --

Chelsea: Hoping for something that's never going to happen. Yeah. I never should have brought up that word. Please just ignore that I said anything.

Dylan: No, no, no, Chelsea. Chelsea, I wish I could just it.

Chelsea: It's okay. It's okay. It's just -- you can't help what's in your heart...or what isn't.

[Door opens]

Dylan: No.

Anita: Hey, Kids.

Chelsea: Mom.

Anita: Am I interrupting something?

Chelsea: No. What -- what are you doing back here?

Anita: I thought we could go to lunch today. I mean, if you're free.

Chelsea: Sure, yeah. Dylan and I are done.

[Cell phone rings]

Chelsea: Oh, excuse me. Uh, excuse me for one second. This is Chelsea.

Anita: I hope you don't mind me stealing her away from you, but I know how much she loves the filet mignon at the club.

Dylan: Does she?

Anita: Oh, and the lobster. She's always had a taste for the finer things ever since she was a little girl. I mean, I think it's genetic.

Chelsea: Hey. Um, sorry about that. So, I'll see you later?

Dylan: Yeah, enjoy your lunch.

Anita: Oh, she will.

Chelsea: Stop it.

Anita: Honey, I don't know what you mean.

Chelsea: You are trying to stir things up with Adam and me.

Anita: Oh, that. That was nothing. Mr. Sourpuss stormed out before I could tell him he was the one that put the fancy croissant in your oven.

Chelsea: You were gonna tell Adam I'm carrying his baby?

Anita: Yes. And the next chance I get, I will.

Victor: So, you tell me why you want to cancel our honeymoon. I mean, weren't you looking forward to going to Tuscany? Are you not feeling well or what?

Nikki: Oh, no. I'm fine. I just don't think that now is a good time for us to leave town.

Victor: But why not, Sweetheart?

Nikki: Well, Nicholas just got engaged, and after everything that Victoria has been going through --

Victor: What do you mean what Victoria's going through? What's going on with her?

Nikki: You know she's trying to get pregnant, and that has been very stressful for her. She needs her mother right now. So does Nicholas.

Victor: Sweetheart, what goes on in our grown children's lives -- I mean, that's their business. You know, that shouldn't prevent us from having a great time going on honeymoon.

Nikki: I know, but... [Sighs]

Victor: Trust me. Nicholas and Victoria will be just fine, and everyone here in Genoa City will be just fine. We can go on honeymoon.

Nikki: Really?

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: You're not at all concerned, leaving Adam in charge of the company?

Adam: Am I interrupting?

Cane: Wow.

Lily: Was he interviewing for the job?

Cane: Oh, you mean Divine Universe?

Lily: Wait. That's his real name?

Cane: That was his real name. And -- wait, wait, it gets better. He believes he's destined for this job. Whoa, no, no. It gets even better. He can't start for a month because the planets won't be aligned correctly until then.

Lily: Wow.

Cane: Yes, exactly.

Lily: Well, he looked really normal.

Cane: I just want to settle for somebody who's maybe qualified.

Lily: So, you haven't found anyone that you like?

Cane: See for yourself. [Sighs]

Lily: Hmm. Well, maybe you should lower the bar.

Cane: I can't, 'cause I need someone who can actually do the job.

Lily: Well, I am sure there is someone out there for you.

Cane: Thank you. Oh, the next one's here. Uh, why don't you hang out and actually see what I have to deal with?

Lily: Okay. Good luck.

Hilary: Mr. Ashby?

Cane: Yes. Nice to meet you.

Hilary: Hilary Curtis -- your next appointment.

Cane: Thank you. Take a seat. Okay.

Hilary: And this is for you.

Cane: Thank you.

Victor: Nikki and I were discussing the honeymoon trip we're about to take.

Adam: Where are you kids off to?

Victor: To Italy, Son.

Adam: Ah. Home of Michelangelo, Puccini...

Nikki: And Machiavelli.

Victor: [Chuckling] Yes. You want something?

Adam: Actually, I-I came in here to tell you that I scheduled a board meeting for next week. I wanted to talk about the consolidation efforts, um, for our mining assets. But I can always reschedule.

Victor: No, no, no. Don't reschedule a damn thing, okay? You have that board meeting. You run the company while I'm gone.

Adam: The question is, do you trust me?

Victor: Son, I have learned in the last few weeks that I can, indeed, trust you. You are loyal to me and the company. You've proven that.

Adam: Well, I've learned something, too, Dad.

Victor: What's that?

Adam: Well, when it comes to your children and testing them, there's no end in sight. So, is that what this is? This is another test?

Victor: [Chuckles] I do have a tendency to want to test my children, don't I?

Anita: Honey, I can't sit back and watch my little girl make the biggest mistake of her life.

Chelsea: Raising this baby with Dylan is not a mistake.

Anita: One look at that gorgeous face and I can understand why you feel the way you do, but, Honey, looks fade. Bank accounts just get bigger.

Chelsea: And I have told you I don't care about Adam's money.

Anita: Lord, where did I go wrong? Come on. Let's just go to lunch.

Chelsea: Yeah, so we can go see the flowers that Adam bought me?

Anita: What?

Chelsea: That was the florist on the phone. She was checking to see where I wanted my flowers delivered -- to my hotel room or the front desk.

Anita: Someone sent you flowers?

Chelsea: She said they were from Adam.

Anita: See? He does still love you.

Chelsea: A woman placed the order.

Anita: Maybe it was his secretary.

Chelsea: You were hoping I'd see these flowers and go running into Adam's arms? You used to be so much better at this, Mother. You are losing your touch.

Anita: And you have lost your mind. Throwing away a fortune for what?

Chelsea: For happiness.

Anita: And you think you're gonna find that with Dylan?

Chelsea: I will. I'll come a lot closer with Dylan than I would with my ex-husband, that's for sure.

Anita: You know, you have got it bad, Baby. I-I can tell. You're in love with this guy. And I get it. He's a good man. But he is not Adam.

Chelsea: Because he's not filthy rich?

Anita: Meaning he is not the baby's daddy.

Chelsea: Right. Because that always mattered so much to you, never having my father in my life. God.

Anita: Look, I was wrong to keep you away from Jeffrey. And I don't want to see you make the same mistake I did.

Chelsea: This is my life, Mom. Stay out of it.

Anita: I love you too much to -- to do that.

Chelsea: You cannot tell Adam the truth.

Anita: Yes, I can. And you can't stop me.

Dylan: I'm gonna have to start charging you rent.

Avery: What?

Dylan: For using my place of business as your office.

Avery: Wait. That's you?

Dylan: Thought I couldn't surprise you anymore, huh?

Avery: Well, I didn't know you knew anything about coffee.

Dylan: Well, you know, I'm a -- I'm a renaissance man. And Kevin's gonna stay and help me out.

Avery: That's a relief, because I love the coffee here.

Dylan: That's the same thing Chelsea said.

Avery: Something else we have in common. I guess you changed your mind about going back to school and getting your architecture degree.

Dylan: Yeah, I just -- I needed something that would just, you know, bring in some money now. You know, the baby is coming...

Avery: Of course.

Dylan: ...And so, I...

Avery: Of course. Well, congratulations. And good luck.

Dylan: Thanks. I...guess I should congratulate you, too. You're engaged again.

Avery: Oh, yeah. [Chuckles] Yes. Uh...Nick put the ring back on my finger at a family gathering, so... we haven't even had a chance to celebrate.

Dylan: I guess you'll have the rest of your lives to do that.

Avery: Yes.

Dylan: You know, it's, uh -- it's funny. You and Nick are engaged, Chelsea and I are having a baby, and not that long ago, I thought you would... be the only woman I would -- I would ever love.

Avery: I felt the same way about you.

Devon: Well, this damn fool needs to get back to work.

Neil: You know I didn't mean that, right?

Devon: Yeah, it's fine. I know Tucker was causing problems for us back then, so...

Neil: Hey. That's all behind us, right?

Devon: Yeah. Let me know what you find out.

Leslie: We'll see you later.

Neil: [Sighs]

Leslie: You guys are gonna be okay.

Neil: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. I just -- I just hate seeing him hurt like that. I -- okay, you're right. I've been thinking, um, I should make up a list of all the people who might want to hurt me, right?

Leslie: It's never easy digging up parts of your past that are dark, but you know I'll be right here with you.

Neil: That's a big help.

Leslie: And, uh, if you need an attorney, I'm available. You need me to file a lawsuit, restraining order, whatever -- fee's negotiable.

Neil: Have I told you how proud I am of you for striking out on your own?

Leslie: Yeah. You know what? It's easy to be brave when you're inspired. I was. My dad inspired me.

Neil: Speaking of your dad, have you decided whether or not to look in that safe-deposit box?

Leslie: Oh, yeah. Avery's working on it.

Neil: Are you sure -- sure -- that you should do that?

Leslie: I cannot leave the past buried.

Neil: Well, at least yours is being dug up by choice.

Dylan: Well, if this place is gonna make any money, I should get back to work.

Avery: Dylan... I want you to be happy.

Dylan: I want that for you, too. You know, I just thought you and I had that epic love that my parents had.

Avery: We did.

Dylan: But that only happens once.

Avery: Who told you this? Where did you hear this, Dylan? Things change.

Dylan: When? Okay, I mean, how -- how -- how long did you know you liked Nick -- when did you realize that you could move on?

Avery: [Sighs] Okay, Dylan, you do not want to hear about me and Nick.

Dylan: Yeah, I do.

Avery: Well, it didn't happen overnight. You know, when we first got together, I didn't think there was any future for us. It was just...you know...

Dylan: Yeah. Yeah, I know.

Avery: Right, you do. But then our paths crossed again, and we started spending time together and talking.

Dylan: And finding out things you really liked about him?

Avery: Yeah, silly things... sweet things, everyday things.

Dylan: And everything you learned made you want to know more.

Avery: The more I got to know him, the more I wanted to be around him. And, Dylan, it doesn't take away from what we had or what I felt for you. But I had to accept that you are my past and Nick is my future.

Dylan: [Sighs] Maybe I was wrong.

Avery: About what?

Dylan: Epic love.

Avery: [Sighs] You mean you don't believe in it anymore?

Dylan: Maybe it can happen... more than once for both of us.

Anita: Honey, you know I'd never do anything to hurt you.

Chelsea: Don't you dare say that you are doing this because you love me.

Anita: I'm trying to do what's best for you.

Chelsea: You have never done what's best for me. All you ever did was drag me from scam to scam, teaching me how to lie and cheat and steal and use men the way that you did. You tried to make me believe that real love is impossible.

Anita: I tried to be a good mama.

Chelsea: [Sighs] I know you did, Mom. I know you did. But I want something different for my child. I want this baby to feel safe, to feel that they have a real home. I already love this baby and so does Dylan. Maybe you don't understand that because you never felt that way about me.

Anita: How can you say that? I love you with all my heart, Chelsea.

Chelsea: Okay, then prove it, Mom. Prove it. Let me be the mother that I want to be. Let me live the life that I want to live.

Anita: By not telling Adam the truth.

Chelsea: I swear, Mom, if you do not keep your mouth shut, I swear I will never speak to you again. I will shut you out of my life completely.

Victor: This is neither a test nor a trick, Son.

Adam: Good. Because it would be odd if you were trying to trick the C.E.O. of our own company.

Victor: C.E.O. for a while, but the company still bears my name, you know?

Adam: It bears my name, too.

Nikki: Okay, uh, I'm gonna leave you two. It's exhausting, and there's no end in sight.

Victor: My sweetheart, I will see you later.

Nikki: Okay.

Adam: You doing okay, Nikki? You all right?

Nikki: I'm fine. Thank you for asking.

Adam: Well, enjoy your honeymoon, Nikki. She looks good. I'm glad she's doing all right. So, you trust me, huh?

Victor: As much as you trust me, Son. So, everything should be all right. I'm gonna look after my wife. You have a nice day, okay?

[Door opens, closes]

Adam: My father's leaving town -- two weeks. We need to talk.

Cane: You have a very impressive résumé.

Hilary: I have degrees in economics and international studies, but my internship at Worldco taught me more than any professor ever did.

Cane: Is there anything that you would, uh, like to share?

Hilary: Uh, that would be a violation of ethics.

Cane: Of course. So, tell me -- why, uh -- why would you like to work at Chancellor?

Hilary: I've always admired and respected Katherine Chancellor. Her company is diverse and profitable, and according to my research, 30% of your top executives are women, including your last assistant. Not that I consider this job just a stepping stone -- more of an opportunity to learn from someone who's worked his way up.

Cane: You have done your homework. Um, do you have any questions for me?

Hilary: How far are you planning to take the company into biotech?

Cane: Biotech? How did you know about biotech? Uh, we're just beginning our early stages of that. There are some board members who don't know about that.

Hilary: Well, they should consider hiring me as their assistant. I would keep them informed.

Cane: Well, thank you for coming. Um, I will make my decision soon, and I will let you know.

Hilary: I look forward to hearing from you, Mr. Ashby.

Cane: Thank you.

Hilary: Thank you. Mrs. Ashby. Hilary Curtis. Pleasure to meet you.

Lily: Oh, hi. How do you know who I am?

Hilary: Well, you were the face of Jabot. Everyone knows you.

Lily: That one. [Laughs]

Cane: Excuse me.

Leslie: Wow. This is identical to the one that was stolen.

Neil: Right? Yeah, I'm just glad that Lily had that photo on her computer. It's very strange that there wasn't that much taken from my apartment, but the things they did take, they were very personal to me.

Leslie: Yeah, you knew right from the start that this was not some random burglary.

Neil: It feels more like a violation, knowing that they took things that meant -- meant something to me.

Leslie: I am so sorry.

Neil: I'm sorry. You were hurt by this, and that's the worst part. The people I love have been targeted by this individual.

Leslie: I just wish there was more we could do to catch this person.

Neil: Maybe there is.

Avery: I wanted to tell you about this myself.

Adam: Sounds ominous.

Avery: No, it's good news, actually...for me.

Adam: Well, you know that I only like news if it pertains to me, so out with it.

Avery: I'm resigning.

Adam: Something I've said? Perhaps my own personal brand of charisma is driving you away?

Avery: No. I am going into private practice with Leslie Michaelson. It's where my heart is. It's where it's always been.

Adam: Crusader for the innocent. Well, is there a dollar figure I could offer you that would perhaps make you a little less concerned about the huddled masses?

Avery: I'm afraid not. Oh, you're gonna do just fine. I'm sure Victor has some amazing lawyers lined up to fill my position.

Adam: Lawyers are a million dollars a dozen. Friends -- you can't buy.

Chelsea: Hi.

Dylan: Hey. Uh, thank you for coming. Let's just go and sit down over here. Uh, first, how was, uh -- how was lunch with your mom?

Chelsea: We didn't end up going.

Dylan: Why? Is everything okay?

Chelsea: With Mom and me?

Dylan: Yeah, I just -- you know, I don't like seeing you upset.

Chelsea: You said you needed to talk to me.

Dylan: [Sighs] I-I saw Avery earlier --

Chelsea: Okay, you know what? I really don't want to hear about you and Avery.

Dylan: No, no, no, no. Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea. You have to.

Victor: So?

Nikki: I think I will have the salmon.

Victor: Sweetheart, I want to know if you and I are in agreement about our honeymoon.

Nikki: You're right. Our children's lives won't come crashing down if we leave town for a little while.

Victor: But I also think that you and I need some time away.

Nikki: I'm just surprised that you're so cavalier about leaving Newman in Adam's hands.

Victor: Oh, why do you think I should be worried about that?

Nikki: If I didn't know you so well, I would think you actually do trust him.

Victor: You know, the salmon does look damn good, doesn't it?

Nikki: But I do know you. Adam's right. You're testing him.

Victor: If he is as loyal as he claims to be, then he ain't got nothing to worry about, does he?

Adam: Caught you off guard, didn't I?

Avery: Adam, I'm flattered you consider me a friend.

Adam: I understand if you're a little freaked out about it.

Avery: Well, you have to admit, our friendship is a bit unconventional.

Adam: Oh, why? Because your ex knocked up my ex?

Avery: There's that. Actually, I was talking to Dylan today.

Adam: About old times?

Avery: In a way. I told him I thought it was possible for someone to have more than one great love in their life.

Adam: Speaking from experience, I see.

Avery: You know, I used to be like you. I was hurting so much, and I thought I would never find love again. And then I found Nick.

Adam: Good ol' Nick. Always gets the girl.

Avery: Well, if you're open to the possibility, so can you.

Adam: Don't worry about me. I'll move on, meet the perfect wife, 2.5 kids, and a penthouse with a picket fence.

Avery: You know what? I hope you get that.

Adam: But, Avery, you are wrong about one thing. I believe there is only one -- one great love in a person's life.

Dylan: You know, talking about feelings isn't really my -- my thing.

Chelsea: A man of few words. I remember.

Dylan: Even fewer words at a time like this.

Chelsea: Like what?

Dylan: Uh, when I don't know...how to say what I'm... trying to say... I-I-I don't -- I don't even know where to start. I...

Chelsea: How about Avery?

Dylan: Right. Right, Avery. She and I had something special -- something great.

Chelsea: Had?

Dylan: She is the past. And that's just, you know, a place you can't live. And I don't want to live there. I want to -- I want to be here. I want to be right here with you.

Chelsea: Right. Because of the baby.

Dylan: No, that's -- that's not the only reason. I didn't think I could ever have what I had with Avery... with somebody else... until now.

Chelsea: Dylan, you're just saying that because --

Dylan: I love you.

Chelsea: What?

Dylan: Are you really gonna make me say it again?

Chelsea: No. Yes.

Dylan: I... I love you. Uh, aren't you gonna say anything?

Chelsea: [Laughs]

Cane: I am very happy to have you on board.

Hilary: I'm looking forward to working at Chancellor. I will see you at the office. Monday?

Cane: Sure. Yes.

Hilary: Very nice to meet you, Lily.

Lily: You too. Wow. Well, she is good.

Cane: I kind of get the feeling we'll all be working for her one day.

Lily: Yeah, hopefully Hilary will give you more time with your family. Especially now, because Dad is really worried about these blog posts attacking our family.

Cane: Hey. You know I don't believe any of that rubbish about you cheating on me, right?

Lily: I know. But there was another post today about Devon.

Cane: Well, that's everybody, so hopefully that's the end of it.

Leslie: Thank you.

Neil: Thanks.

Leslie: Okay, now, I-I get it -- you're upset. But doing something rash is not gonna help the situation.

Neil: Someone is publicly humiliating the people that I love. I am done waiting for the police to catch them.

Leslie: Neil, what are you gonna do?

Neil: Fight back.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Billy: I've got some errands to run, so, uh --

Victoria: I know what you're up to, Billy.

Lauren: Are you lurking outside of my apartment now?

Phyllis: We have to tell them that Jack is Summer's biological father -- tonight.

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