Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/13/13

Y&R Transcript Thursday 6/13/13


Episode # 10179 ~ Nikki encourages Victoria to seek answers; Sharon tries a new way to get over Adam.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Adam: Thank you.

Sharon: Meeting someone? Let me guess. Another brunette with big, brown eyes?

Adam: I didn't notice her eyes.

Sharon: Mm. Did you even ask her name, or any of their names?

Adam: I figure it's much simpler just using the generic term "Babe." Don't you think?

Sharon: Yeah. Why bother getting personal? They're just playthings to pass the time.

Adam: Are you insulted that you're not my plaything?

Sharon: Why would I be? Since I know that I'm not gonna mean anything to you, nor will anyone else...except Chelsea.

Adam: Same wrong assumption, different day.

Sharon: And the same defensive bull from you.

Adam: Hold on.

Sharon: What?

Adam: I owe you an apology.

Dylan: Morning.

Chelsea: Morning. This is becoming a habit.

Dylan: What -- waking up late?

Chelsea: Waking up in your arms.

Dylan: Yeah. I hope so.

Chelsea: There's no place I'd rather be.

Gloria: Yes! Europe was fine! Thank you for asking! And I managed to generate a lot of buzz about our new fashion line... in Madrid and Milan and Paris.

Chloe: You know that we can't afford that, Gloria.

Gloria: Hey, Kiddo. It was my dime -- my dime.

Chloe: I thought you were all out of dimes.

Gloria: Eh, I managed to squirrel away some of the insurance money, in spite of Jeffrey buying that lame racehorse.

Chloe: Hooray.

Gloria: And you may be pleased to know that I met with a lot of the buyers from the big-name boutiques, and they are all interested... in Chelsea's designs. Isn't that great?

Chloe: That's great.

Gloria: [Sighs] Listen. I know you only devised this little trip to keep me out of the creative process. But, Chloe, you two have to understand I am as passionate as you are... about making this business work. And I think my European efforts prove that!

Chloe: Gloria... I am sorry. I appreciate all of your hard work.

Gloria: Thank you! Now, how about bestowing upon me some accolades, some "Brava, Gloria"?

Chloe: I'm sorry, but my brain is just too occupied with the "Grow up"s I would like to bestow all over your son.

Gloria: What did Kevin do?

Chloe: You know, why can't he just be more like you, and be all hyped over making an honest living for himself, you know? Hell, I would just settle for just plain, old honesty.

Gloria: What did Kevin lie about?

Chloe: [Sighs] Everything. And it's destroying our marriage.

Billy: 10-1, silver strikes equal. That is how you win a race. It's about time!

Victoria: Hey.

Billy: Hey.

Victoria: What's got you grinning this morning?

Billy: Oh, I don't know. It could have something to do with how I spent my night last night with my beautiful wife.

Victoria: Or it could have something to do with whoever you were texting.

Billy: I wasn't texting.

Victoria: I saw you. I saw you looking at your phone.

Billy: I was looking at yesterday's sales receipts.

Victoria: Really? And that made you laugh?

Billy: We actually made a little money last night instead of hemorrhaging it, so, yeah -- happy day!

Victoria: All right. Sorry. Congratulations.

Billy: Thank you. And I might just be... a little buzzed about how I spent my night last night with my beautiful wife.

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: I enjoyed it, too.

Billy: Yeah?

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Hey. I know I've been busy lately. But, uh --

Victoria: Yeah, a little bit.

Billy: Yeah -- too busy. But I want you to know that you and Johnny and Delia mean everything to me, and I cannot wait to make another cute, crazy, little baby with you.

Victoria: Really? Because with in vitro, we might end up with six...or eight!

Billy: Okay. [Clears throat] The more, the merrier, but, uh... I was hoping that we made just one last night.

Victoria: I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. I am so sorry. Just chalk it up to the shots and the hormones. It just -- they make me -- you know, they make me a little jumpy!

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: Among other things.

Billy: Other things? Uh-huh? You want other things right now?

Victoria: Right now.

Billy: Yeah?

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Okay.

Victoria: What do you say you take the morning off, and you spend it in bed with me... without any interruptions?

Billy: Um, that sounds good. What about Johnny?

Victoria: Well, Johnny's at a play date with Hannah, and they won't be back for hours.

Billy: Well, you put it like that, I could -- [Clears throat]

[Cell phone beeps]

Billy: You know, the -- the sooner I get to work, the sooner I get to come back here, so -- I know! I'm sorry! But I'll take a rain check. I'll cash it in tonight. It's gonna be fun. I promise. Bye. Bye. Tonight.

Kevin: Hi, Mom. Can I have a minute alone with Chloe, please?

Chloe: Not interested. Gloria's staying. You can go.

Kevin: Aren't you even willing to listen to me?

Chloe: To what? To more promises you can't keep, more excuses? That's why I moved out.

Gloria: Moved out?

Kevin: Mom! Room, please!

Gloria: I leave town for a few weeks, and both of my sons' marriages are falling apart? What happened?

Kevin: Clearly, we need you in our lives, guiding us constantly.

Gloria: That's the best you can give me, Kevin?

Kevin: Mom, it's none of your business!

Chloe: I would love to share.

Kevin: Chloe, this is between you and me.

Chloe: Kevin decided to play Robin Hood -- steal from the rich and give to the poor, us being the poor.

Gloria: Huh. Cyber-crime.

Chloe: No, he's stealing from people's houses.

Gloria: You broke into somebody's house?!

Kevin: We had bills to pay.

Gloria: Why didn't you come to me for the money?

Chloe: Because that would be too smart. Apparently, he would rather risk his family and spend years in jail, all because he just wants to feel like he's actually living.

Kevin: That is not true. I did this for us.

Chloe: Well, "Us" is over.

Gloria: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Let's not get too hasty, here. Chloe, I know my son is impulsive. He is idiotic, and he is amoral sometimes.

Kevin: Mom, is this you helping, because I got this.

Gloria: Your wife has left you!

Kevin: Thank you for caring.

Gloria: No, no, no, no.

Kevin: Welcome home!

Gloria: No. Chloe?

Kevin: Hi to Jeffrey. Happy to see you. Lots of love. Goodbye. Babe [Sighs] Will you please come home?

Chloe: What's changed?

Kevin: I miss you so much. I miss Delia. Has she been asking questions about me?

Chloe: Not as many questions as she'd be asking if you were hauled away with handcuffs on.

Kevin: The cops searched the house. They found nothing.

Chloe: Yeah, this time!

Kevin: There is not gonna be a next time. I promise you.

Chloe: Where have I heard that before? Oh! Right -- from you, with the promises and "I swear!"

Kevin: I mean it this time.

Chloe: Yeah, I mean it, too! I am done with this! And I am done covering for you!

Kevin: What are you saying? Are you thinking about turning me in to the cops?

Adam: I tend to get a bit defensive when you come at me like that.

Sharon: I thought that this was supposed to be an apology.

Adam: I'm no good at apologies.

Sharon: Apparently.

Adam: I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what happened between us.

Sharon: You're sorry for the sex or the way you threw me out afterwards?

Adam: All of it.

Sharon: Look, I know you're hurting. Don't say you're not, because it tears you up watching Chelsea.

Adam: Let's not get into that, okay?

Sharon: I understand, Adam. I went through the same thing with Nick and Phyllis when they had Summer. I felt like everything that was good in my life was being ripped from me, and I was angry, like you.

Adam: Okay, then.

Sharon: And now you're lashing out at everyone who cares, like me.

Adam: See, that's just it. I don't want you to care. That's why I wanted things to be casual between us, but you're not capable of that.

Sharon: And that's a fault -- expecting making love to someone to --

Adam: Mean something? No. Not at all. But I don't. And I know that you do. I knew that getting into with you again, and I -- it wasn't fair, and that's why I'm apologizing.

Sharon: I don't have a problem keeping things casual.

Adam: Mm. That's why you care so much about how many brunettes I might be dating, or whether or not I get to know their names?

Sharon: Because deep down, you want something more than meaningless sex.

Adam: Do I?

Sharon: Even though you don't think you deserve it, you want to be in love, Adam, and you want to be loved.

Adam: And you want that person to be you, right? It's not gonna happen, Sharon. It can't happen. Not now. Not ever.

Sharon: You're damn right that's never gonna happen, and let me tell you something, Adam.

Adam: Can I possibly stop you, Sharon?

Sharon: You will never have my love... nor anyone else's, for that matter, because you're not worth loving. Even your own father can see that.

Billy: Ow. That was a bit below the belt. [Clears throat] Not entirely inaccurate, though.

Adam: Billy, that hole in the middle of your face that keeps making noise -- why don't you shut it?

Billy: This is my restaurant. You know those shoes that are over your feet -- why don't you take them and walk out?

Adam: The restaurant that you own because you got lucky -- from one degenerate gambler to another.

Billy: How I acquired this business isn't so different than what you and Victor do every day. However, I don't run it in a constant search for daddy's approval. Yet someone still has to love you. Might as well be him. But I got to warn you. Victor's love is conditional. When he needs something, he gives it freely -- like, say, control of a company. But then he shuts down when he doesn't.

Adam: And you're saying that now that we have Newman back --

Billy: You will no longer be the favorite child.

Adam: Well, let's hope I am.

Billy: Why's that?

Adam: As long as my father and I are getting along, your wife, my sister -- she has something to keep her occupied. And you get to take advantage of that distraction.

Billy: That's not what I'm doing.

Adam: Cut the act, Billy. You are thrilled that my sister is too busy plotting my downfall for her to catch on to the games that you're playing...and losing, I might add.

Nikki: It's awfully quiet around here. What happened? Did Johnny go down for his nap early?

Victoria: Yeah. I, um -- I, um -- I've got the place to myself this morning.

Nikki: Wonderful.

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: You can break out your brushes and start working on the illustrations for our book.

Victoria: You talked to Traci! The publisher's interested!

Nikki: I believe she said they used the word "Intrigued."

Victoria: Is that good?

Nikki: Well, they're interested in the concept enough to want to have another meeting next week.

Victoria: Oh, wait a minute. Hold on. Next week? No, no, no. That's way too early, Mom. There's no way I'm gonna be able to come up with enough drawings by then!

Nikki: Honey, Honey, you can manage it. Unfortunately, I won't be able to be there.

Victoria: Wait a minute. My doing a children's book was your idea. Where are you going?

Nikki: On my honeymoon.

Victoria: Oh! Dad is actually voluntarily taking time off of work?

Nikki: We're flying out tonight.

Victoria: Well, congratulations. I am astonished that you got Victor Newman to leave the helm even for one minute.

Nikki: Well, what can I say? He's a man in love.

Victoria: Uh-huh. Rightfully so.

Nikki: I have complete confidence in your ability as an artist and as a businesswoman to handle this meeting just fine.

Victoria: I'm not so sure about the artist part. But thanks, Mom.

Nikki: I know you're brilliant.

Victoria: [Chuckles]

Nikki: Believe me! You can make this deal happen all on your own.

Victoria: Yeah...maybe.

Nikki: Why are you so insecure all of a sudden?

Victoria: Oh, I don't know. Just...lately, I've been wondering if I can trust my instincts.

Nikki: Well, of course you can. Listen. This is a perfect opportunity for you to follow your vision and be involved in a project that has nothing to do with Newman Enterprises or your father or Adam.

Victoria: Right. Mom, it's not really the project that I'm having doubts about. [Sighs] I think there's something going on with Billy.

Kevin: You would actually sell me out to the cops? Chloe, you cannot tell Chavez I broke into that house! He'll throw the book at me! There'll be no plea bargain, no commuted sentence!

Chloe: You're worried about getting arrested? It's very easy -- don't steal.

Kevin: You're the one who started this whole thing by taking that bag of money from Noah's house.

Chloe: What?

Kevin: That came out wrong.

Chloe: Yeah, it came out like you're blaming me, because you are.

Kevin: I'm not. Chloe --

Chloe: First, you let me spend the night in jail for a crime that you committed, and now you're saying that I'm the one that set you off on some super stealing spree?!

Kevin: No, I'm just reminding you that in the beginning, we were both into this. We both liked the way it made us feel -- the thrill, the sex, the catsuit!

Chloe: "Liked"! Liked, as in past tense!

Kevin: It was one last job.

Chloe: Do you realize that you have risked everything -- everyone that we love, every dream that we've ever had!

Kevin: Only if I got caught!

Chloe: And you're not even listening to yourself! Do you realize how crazy that sounds?! We have a child that we need to think about, or at least I do!

Kevin: We do! Delia became my daughter the day we got married.

Chloe: Well, I guess that's just a title, because you are only thinking about yourself, clearly!

Kevin: Babe, I love you. And I love Delia.

Chloe: Not enough to stop your burglar thing.

Kevin: I have stopped, okay?!

Chloe: What about that house that you hit in the Heights? What about that?

Kevin: It was one last job just to get it out of my system.

Chloe: Yeah. You sure?

Kevin: Yes. Absolutely.

Chloe: And why should I believe you? Why? Because you haven't committed a crime in -- what -- a whole two days?

Kevin: It's over, okay? Please, can we just go back to the way things were?

Chloe: [Voice breaking] And how were things?

Kevin: Things were awesome.

Chloe: Well, things can't just go back to being awesome. And the cops aren't gonna just let this go.

Kevin: There is nothing tying me to that break-in. The only way the cops could arrest me is if you were to turn me in. And you wouldn't do that to me, right? Chloe.

Chloe: No, I wouldn't do that to you. [Crying] But I can't keep on doing this.

Kevin: You don't have to. You don't have to. I have had my last fix of breaking and entering forever, okay? I promise you. No. No. No. Don't do that. Chloe, please. Please, can we just talk about this?

Chloe: There is nothing left to say!

Chelsea: I should get going. Chloe's probably wondering where -- oh!

Dylan: What's wrong? Is it pain?

Chelsea: No. It -- it's moving. I can feel the baby. [Chuckles]

Dylan: Does it hurt?

Chelsea: No, no, no. No. It, like, tickles.

Dylan: Are you -- are you tickling your mom?

Chelsea: [Laughs]

Dylan: You're really okay?

Chelsea: Dylan... I have never been better. [Chuckles]

Dylan: Wow.

Nikki: You've mentioned before that Billy has seemed... off somehow.

Victoria: He just -- he seems...distant.

Nikki: What does that mean? Are you two not --

Victoria: No, Mom. Listen. Physically, it's fine. It's just, emotionally -- emotionally, he won't let me in.

Nikki: What -- he won't talk to you?

Victoria: Yes, he talks to me! It's just that... he's just -- he's smiling too much.

Nikki: [Chuckles] Well, Victoria --

Victoria: No, Mom, seriously. It like he's gone into overdrive pretending to be happy, when... I know that everything is not fine. He's trying to convince me that everything's fine, but I know it's not fine.

Nikki: He wants to have another baby with you, doesn't he?

Victoria: Yes, and there's a lot of tension that goes along with trying to get pregnant. But [Sighs]

Nikki: That's not it?

Victoria: Billy says that it's not.

Nikki: Working in a restaurant must be very demanding. Didn't you tell me when Billy first took it over, that it was ready to go under?

Victoria: Yes, and he's been putting in extra hours to try to turn things around.

Nikki: When will that be letting up?

Victoria: Actually, he told me this morning that the place is actually starting to make some money.

Nikki: Good! That's encouraging.

Victoria: It is. It's very encouraging. And I wanted to celebrate. But Billy would rather be at the restaurant. He's always at the restaurant. I-I'm beginning to think that it's an excuse.

Nikki: To avoid coming home?

Victoria: Or to cover up however else he's spending his time. Mom, I think Billy's having an affair.

Adam: My sister won't like finding out that her husband has been hiding things. Honesty, Billy, is the foundation of a successful relationship.

Billy: What do you know about either of those things? Your ex-wife is already having a baby with a better man. Your mistress can't stand to see your face.

Adam: I never tried pretending to be someone I wasn't.

Billy: [Sighs]

Adam: A loving husband, a caring dad.

Billy: Yeah, I'm both of those things.

Adam: All you care about, Billy, are the cards that you are holding.

Billy: What do you know about what I care about? A few hands of poker does not make me a bad father or a bad husband.

Adam: I doubt your wife would agree. Victoria just hates being cut out of the loop. Believe me. I know. I've tried.

Billy: So, what -- you're gonna threaten me again? Is that what we're gonna do here?

Adam: I don't know. My dad's been coming at me about trying to find common ground with my sister, and this could be the way to make amends.

Billy: We had a deal. You wanted Victoria out of Newman. I backed her off, so now it's your turn. You back off.

Adam: Or what?

Chelsea: Hey! Chlo? Okay, I know I'm late, but I don't think I deserve the silent treatment.

Chloe: What?

Chelsea: Your eyes. What happened?

Chloe: [Scoffs] Allergies.

Chelsea: No. Hey. What's going on? Come here. I have practically flooded out your shoulder complaining about all the Adam drama. It's your turn. Tell me what happened.

Chloe: [Sighs] I-I'm just not ready yet. You -- you go first.

Chelsea: I'm...fine. Never been better.

Chloe: [Sighs] Shut up. I hate you. You're practically glowing.

Chelsea: It -- it's -- it's hot outside.

Chloe: Chelsea --

Chelsea: All pregnant women glow.

Chloe: Not like that. I know I only look like that when I'm -- it's Dylan, isn't it? Did you tell him you love him?

Chelsea: No. No! I don't want to rush things.

Chloe: Having a baby with someone before you've actually had a date with them -- that isn't fast-tracking at all.

Chelsea: Dylan's -- you know, he's -- he's nice.

Chloe: He's hand-making a cradle!

Chelsea: [Laughs]

Chloe: That's more than nice! That is...sainthood.

Chelsea: That is just... who Dylan is.

Chloe: That's why you need to lock it down.

Chelsea: No. I already feel guilty enough dragging him into this mess. I'm not gonna push the guy into marrying me.

Chloe: Sweetie, the guy is hot...and he has good hands. Guys like that do not stay single for long. I mean, it's probably because they're about as rare as unicorns and mermaids. Marry him.

Anita: You know, your friend's right. I think my little girl should settle down.

Chloe: See? Even your mother agrees.

Anita: But I think instead of marrying, you should think about remarrying...the baby's real daddy.

Dylan: Just got a call from the police that this place was being searched as part of some investigation. What's going on?

Kevin: Um, there's this cop, and he has this personal vendetta against me, so... it's nothing for you to worry about.

Dylan: In that case, I won't.

Kevin: [Exhales sharply]

Dylan: Sharon. What's -- uh, what's going on? Are you okay?

Nikki: An affair? Really?

Victoria: All of those late nights at the restaurant --

Nikki: Honey, he's working!

Victoria: He missed a romantic dinner that I planned during my peak ovulation!

Nikki: Listen. If I had a dime for every dinner your father missed --

Victoria: What about all of the mysterious phone calls? Do you know that I overheard him arranging to meet someone at the club?

Nikki: Did you ask him about it?

Victoria: He said that he was trying to schedule an interview with a bartender that he was trying to poach.

Nikki: Well, Honey, maybe he was.

Victoria: There's something wrong. I've felt for a while that Billy's been hiding something. Okay. What's wrong? Can you not come up with another reasonable explanation for my husband's behavior? Go ahead, Mom! Go ahead. Say it. "I told you so." I know you want to say that. And if Dad were here, he would say that --

Nikki: Stop. However your father and I feel about Billy is irrelevant. What matters is how you feel. It's your husband. It's your marriage. Do you really think he's having an affair, 100%?

Victoria: I don't know. I don't know, okay? I haven't caught him in the act.

Nikki: Well, is it possible you're overreacting due to your condition?

Victoria: That's what Billy said when I caught him texting, and I overreacted.

Nikki: And that wasn't it?

Victoria: There has to be some sort of explanation... for why Billy's arranging some mysterious rendezvous that he doesn't want me to know about.

Nikki: For the moment, let's just say that you're right, okay? Are you interested in saving your marriage?

Victoria: You know, of course I am.

Nikki: All right. Then you have to talk to him.

Victoria: I've tried.

Nikki: Try again, Sweetheart. We can stand here and speculate all day long, but we're still gonna have questions. Only Billy has the answers.

Adam: To put this in terms you'll understand, Billy, I'm holding all the cards here. You can tell me to back off, and you can whine about the deal that we made, but I'm still gonna tell Victoria your dirty, little secret.

Billy: Why would you do that?

Adam: I had a vested interest in keeping my mouth shut. But now...you have nothing that I need or want.

Billy: That's not true. I've got a loving wife, two great kids. And you could've had that with Chelsea. But you decided to sell your soul to Victor! That was a great move!

Adam: Well, I think I'm doing better than you, Billy.

Billy: If that were true, you wouldn't be so determined to out me to Victoria. But you want everybody to be just as miserable as you, so whatever. It's pathetic, but whatever.

Adam: Okay. So, you're just trying to -- to guilt me into keeping quiet, right?

Billy: You'd have to have a conscience for that to work.

Adam: [Chuckles] There's always that. All right, Billy. Listen. [Clears throat] I got a big, old stack of chips, and I can cash them in whenever I want.

Billy: No, you don't. Do you recall how this place came into my possession? I called Barry's bluff. And I will be damned, but that might be my only gift -- sniffing out a bluff. And, Adam, you're bluffing. And I'm not gonna let you drag this out any longer, so here. I want you to take my phone. Call my wife. I got her on speed dial. Let's get this done.

Adam: Where's the fun in that, Billy?

Chelsea: Adam is out of my life. Stop pushing for a reconciliation that's never going to happen.

Anita: I know you, Baby. You may have been raised on the grift, but you don't have the stomach for it anymore.

Chelsea: Stop this, Mom.

Anita: Lying to Dylan about the baby is going to eat you up!

Chelsea: I'll deal with it!

Anita: At least come clean before the kid's born.

Chelsea: Oh, like you care about Dylan!

Anita: I'm looking out for you, Chelsea. You deprive Adam Newman of even one day as a father -- he'll never forgive you.

Chloe: Adam does not deserve to be the father. She ended up in the hospital because of him.

Anita: Hospital?!

Chelsea: The baby is fine. I just had a little bit of pain. It was stress-related.

Anita: Stress! See?! You can't deal with this lie! Look. Think about the kid.

Chelsea: Okay. Trust me, Mother. Nothing would cause me more stress than letting Adam back into my life, okay?

Anita: And how are you gonna pay for private schools and a decent house?

Chelsea: Stop! I don't care! I don't need Adam's money, and I don't need him, all right?!

Anita: What about the baby? What about what the baby needs? That money is a birthright!

Chelsea: You are just like him! You think that money fixes everything!

Chloe: Chelsea...

Anita: Honey -- okay, look. Don't get upset.

Chelsea: Mom, stop. You have to drop this. Love is all that matters to me, okay? That is the most important thing, and this baby will get plenty of love...from Dylan.

[Ring clinks]

Gloria: How could you let your wife move out?

Kevin: Let her? Chloe makes -- my wife does what she wants.

Gloria: Yeah, kind of like you -- without considering the consequences. Hmm?

Kevin: Every month, Mom, when the mortgage payment came due, I would consider the consequences of missing another payment. I knew it would just be a matter of time before I lost my house, my business, my car.

Gloria: Kevin, why didn't you come to me?

Kevin: Are you kidding me? I did come to you. You told me you didn't have any liquid assets. You hadn't received your insurance payment from the fire at Gloworm.

Gloria: I didn't have any liquid assets...then.

Kevin: Well, I had to come up with a plan "B."

Gloria: Plan "B -- robbing houses? The Robin Hood effect. Well, that really blew up in your face, didn't it?

Kevin: So supportive, Mother. Thank you.

Gloria: You want my support, Kevin? You make it right with your wife.

Kevin: What is it that you're so concerned about -- my marriage or your place at Chloe and Chelsea's company?

Sharon: I'm sorry I'm such a mess. I --

Dylan: Uh, why? You're allowed to be sad or angry. You know, friends shouldn't judge.

Sharon: Are we still friends?

Dylan: Yeah. Why wouldn't we be?

Sharon: Just -- you know, when you came to town, at first, you didn't know anyone, and... now you're starting a family, and you're so happy!

Dylan: Well, I want you to be happy.

Sharon: No, I-I will be. You know, I'm just -- just leaving Newman right now. I'm -- I had a job interview today.

Dylan: That's great. How'd it go?

Sharon: Um, it went pretty well, I think. I don't know if anything will come of it, but it made me feel good.

Dylan: Good.

Sharon: I mean, that is, until I ran into Adam.

Dylan: What'd he do?

Sharon: He just knows exactly how to bring me down. And I'm so mad at myself for letting him do that.

Gloria: You think I care more about a job than I do my own son?

Kevin: I thought fashion wasn't a job. It's a calling!

Gloria: Don't you dare make fun of me. I'm trying to help.

Kevin: I'm sorry. I know you're trying to help.

Gloria: Then why are you being like this?

Kevin: [Sighs] Look, Mom. Every time I screw up, my family is there to fix it for me. I count on it. And you can't fix this. Michael can't fix this. You can't make Chloe keep loving me any more than I can.

Gloria: You're right. I can't. But you can... because love ain't the problem, Baby.

Kevin: What is?

Gloria: You need to show Chloe that you're capable of making better choices.

Kevin: I've tried, Mom. And then something goes wrong with work, with Chloe, with money.

Gloria: God, you're just like Jeffrey. [Voice breaking] Things go wrong. Go to the quick, easy fix.

Kevin: People kept saying to me I couldn't keep skating by, that, eventually, I'd have to pay up. And I guess losing Chloe is the price that I have to pay. [Sighs]

Chelsea: With a light wool, this will work for winter. Okay, your turn.

Chloe: To do what?

Chelsea: To share. I told you about Dylan.

Chloe: Yeah, but there's no steamy sex story in mine.

Chelsea: Well, knowing you, you'll add one anyway. Come on. Start talking.

Chloe: I called it quits with Kevin. And I gave back the ring.

Chelsea: What are you talking about?

Chloe: [Voice breaking] I'm done. [Sighs]

Chelsea: You're getting a divorce?

Chloe: Well, I don't want to. But Kevin isn't capable of putting our family first.

Chelsea: What about, I mean, when Delia was sick, and other times when you've needed him?

Chloe: Yeah, he's great in crisis. But Delia needs someone that she can count on in the day-to-day, and so do I. And Kevin just isn't that guy. But lucky for you, Dylan is.

Dylan: I've seen firsthand how Adam treats women.

Sharon: And I can do better?

Dylan: Uh, yeah. But not until you stop letting him hurt you.

Sharon: [Sighs] You know, it wasn't that long ago Adam was the one person in town who was willing to help me.

Dylan: Well, now you have other people in your corner. You got your son. You got Nick. You got me.

Sharon: I should forget Adam.

Dylan: Hell yes. Life is too short to let him bring you down. You got to go out and have some fun.

Sharon: You know what? That is exactly what I'm gonna do.

Chloe: Hey.

Billy: Hey!

Chloe: Um, do you have a minute? I wanted to talk to you about Delia.

Billy: Yeah. Is she okay?

Chloe: Yeah! No, she's fine. Um... we moved back to Katherine's, so I just wanted to let you know to pick her up there this weekend.

Billy: Okay. You and Kevin having electrical problems again? Really? [Chuckles]

Chloe: Um... [Chuckles dryly] No. Marriage problems. It's over.

Billy: Look, I'm sorry. I...really thought you guys had a shot.

Chloe: Me too. I haven't talked to Delia about it yet. She really loves Kevin. She's gonna be really sad.

Billy: Okay. Well, I-I'm available whenever. If she needs extra daddy time, I've got it. I'll pick her up whenever you want, okay? I'm there for her. I'm there for you, too.

Chloe: Thanks. Aren't you busy running this place?

Billy: Yeah, well, you know... we can use a busboy -- she'd make a cute one -- or a line cook. Put her in a little hat. Yeah! See? That's a good sign. You're smiling. That's good. I mean... Delia's not the only one that's gonna have a hard time, so...

Chloe: I just haven't had time to process it. But I know I'm making the best decision for us.

Billy: Come here, Buddy. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. That's tough.

Kevin: [Sniffles]

Sharon: Hi, Wayne.

Wayne: Well, hi, Sharon. Glad you finally called.

Sharon: How long you in town?

Wayne: Another week or so.

Sharon: Well, I thought maybe we could have some fun while you're in town.

Anita: Uh, three dozen roses. The note should say... "Chelsea, sorry for causing you stress. Always...Adam." Adam! There's something you need to know.

[Door slams]

Dylan: Hey!

Chelsea: Hi!

Dylan: Um, you want to get some lunch?

Chelsea: We just had breakfast.

Dylan: Okay, then...brunch.

Chelsea: [Laughs]

Dylan: Now that the baby's moving, you need extra calories.

Chelsea: Oh, is that a fact?

Dylan: That is a fact. New dad science, discovered about... 30 seconds ago.

Chelsea: [Laughs]

Dylan: And, you know, I know he or she is in there jumping around, doing karate or Pilates, and you must replace those calories!

Chelsea: You know, if you keep insisting on feeding me every hour, you're gonna have to buy a bigger couch. There's no way the two of us are gonna be able to fit on that thing by the end of this pregnancy. Um, let me get my jacket. Oh!

Dylan: Are you planning on waking up in my arms every morning?

Chelsea: That's the thing about habits -- they're kind of hard to break.

Dylan: Don't try. Because you only been out of my arms for an hour, and I already started missing you.

Chelsea: God, I love you.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Neil: I'd like to enjoy a nice lunch with my kids. Think that's possible?

Devon: Not after what I just read.

Anita: I have something to tell you. It's about Chelsea...and the baby.

Chelsea: Of course you're not in love with me. You're still in love with Avery!

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