Y&R Transcript Wednesday 6/12/13
Episode # 10178 ~ Lauren and Michael try to repair their marriage; Summer and Kyle have their first date.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Jack: Come on in, Nick! Have a seat.
Nick: [Sighs] Thanks. Uh... I just was looking for Phyllis. I really need to talk to her.
Jack: You do know she moved back in here, right?
Nick: Yeah. At Summer's, uh, graduation.
Jack: Well, they just, uh, left a little while ago to pack up the penthouse.
Nick: Then she's -- Summer's with Phyllis?
Jack: Well, uh, right now. Well, maybe not. She was talking about going out and celebrating. You're welcome to stay here, though, and wait for Phyllis. She should be back pretty soon.
Nick: Yeah. I-I'll uh -- I'll -- I can do that. Thank you. Uh, but if you have somewhere to go, then don't let me keep you. Um... could I -- could I just sit down?
Jack: Please. This is really getting to you, isn't it?
Nick: What is?
Jack: Summer. This whole empty-nest thing -- it's bugging Phyllis, too. It's hard to let go, isn't it?
Phyllis: Aww, look at those. Aren't those beautiful? It's very nice of you to bring them for my daughter, Kyle.
Summer: All right. Well, we better take off.
Phyllis: Where you going?
Kyle: Uncle Billy's.
Summer: Yeah, and they only hold reservations for 15 minutes, so, uh, I'll see you after?
Phyllis: All right. Remember our talk. Remember our talk.
Summer: Mom. Thank you.
Phyllis: Have fun!
Summer: Bye!
Phyllis: Kyle! Kyle? Take care of my little girl.
Kyle: I will.
Summer: Please don't do that.
Phyllis: [Sighs]
Jack: I am right about that, aren't I? You're having trouble letting Summer go.
Nick: I'm not sure that I can.
Jack: You know what? Let me give Phyllis a call, tell her you're here. She'll tell me when she's gonna be back, okay? Nick?
Nick: Great. I appreciate that. Thanks.
Jack: Okay. I left the phone in the study. I'll be right back. Help yourself to a drink.
Carmine: Betting on the ponies, huh?
Billy: [Clears throat] No. Uh, it's one of those FacePlace games, you know, where you manage a ranch. I just bought a thoroughbred. I'm very excited about that.
Carmine: Uh-huh. You just bought trouble, is more like it. Horse racing -- you're just relying on an animal, Boss. Come on. Do yourself a favor and stick to poker, but at a real table, where you can face your opponent and see whether or not he's bluffing.
Billy: Gee, thanks. But you still have to play the cards you're dealt, so...
Carmine: Yeah, I agree with you, but... guys like you with the right instincts can walk away with the whole pot.
Billy: It's not all about the money for me. [Clears throat] I don't know. There's something about just holding a dead-end hand. Your adrenaline's pumping. You're wondering if you're gonna get away with it, and you're just hoping that lady luck will reach out and kiss you. Turns out, she's a tease. She only gives you enough to keep you coming back for more. She gets you every time.
Carmine: [Scoffs] Tell me about it. You know she can get you into trouble, but... you just can't stay away.
Lauren: What'd you think?
Michael: Uh, the therapist was competent, fair. But assigning homework -- I thought I was done with that after I passed the bar.
Lauren: One session a week isn't a lot, and...if we just put in some more effort and we make headway -- you know, you gave us 30 days, and we've already lost a few.
Michael: Then I better shut up and put up. All right. Let's do this. Okay. What do you want to play -- uh, shame/blame, blind trust, or... love pong?
Lauren: Love pong? That sounds kind of kinky. Sure there aren't any paddles in here?
Michael: Well, I doubt our straight-laced Dr. McClure would, uh, give out that sort of homework.
Lauren: [Chuckling] Okay. Mm! "Serve and return questions in a match of wits and communication." Who wrote this -- the marriage counselor or Serena Williams?
Michael: Now who's complaining about the assignment?
Lauren: You know, I have a feeling by the time we finish this, we will have either worked through all of our problems, or we will have killed each other. [Laughs]
[Music playing]
Fenmore: Sorry I'm late.
Raven: Just glad you showed up.
Fenmore: Thanks. Um... yeah, you never told me your name.
Raven: It's Raven.
Fenmore: Of course it is. [Chuckles]
Raven: What can I get you -- vodka, tequila, weed?
Fenmore: Would you answer a question first?
Raven: No, I'm not an undercover cop.
Fenmore: No. Why are you being so nice to me?
Raven: Because I'm a nice person?
Fenmore: So you aren't trying to set me up?
Raven: Who does that?
Fenmore: Oh, it's happened before.
Raven: You mean the night of the prom...with that girl, Summer?
Fenmore: Yeah, I've been taking a lot of heat ever since --
Raven: Ever since you bullied Jamie Vernon.
Fenmore: You heard about that?
Raven: As someone who's been an outcast most of my life... what you did to Jamie was totally not cool.
Fenmore: It's worse than that. And I've paid the price. I'm still paying it. Hardly anybody even speaks to me anymore.
Raven: Now you know what it feels like to be one of us.
Carmine: There's a, uh, lot of dangerous temptations out there, Boss. Speaking from personal experience -- well, every now and then, you find one where the reward outweighs the risk.
Billy: I could ask you what you're referring to, but something tells me that I'm better off left in the dark.
Carmine: [Clears throat]
Billy: Oh! Duty calls, my friend. Hey! Hey. Hey. My best table for my nephew and my niece-in-law.
Kyle: How you doing, Uncle B.?
Billy: Pretty good, Buddy. Congratulations on getting out of jail -- I mean high school.
Summer: Very funny.
Billy: [Chuckles] So, anything you guys want tonight's on the house.
Kyle: You don't have to do that.
Billy: Oh, come on. Consider it a gift to the graduate from her Aunt Victoria and myself.
Summer: Thanks, Billy.
Billy: You got it. You kids have fun.
Summer: Well, it's been an incredible evening so far.
Kyle: Well, it's just gonna get better and better.
Jack: I try to put all the family photos out for Father's day.
Nick: Father's day.
Jack: Yeah. It was always a pretty big day in this house. That one there's one of my favorites. Kyle and I had just gotten home from a hockey game. He'd scored the last two goals, and Walnut Grove beat Northwest prep for the first time since -- well, since any of those players were born. It's the first time Kyle smiled since Diane brought him back to Genoa City. Wow. That was a crazy transition. Took him so long to trust me... to think of me as his father.
Nick: Now you and Kyle are closer than ever, right?
Jack: Absolutely. You and Summer will be that close again, too. You have to believe -- that is what you're worried about, isn't it? Nick... kids leave home. They do some crazy things. They probably tell you that they never want to speak to you again, but you know what? They come around. Summer will, too. You and Phyllis were great parents. You have to remember that.
Nick: I tried. You know, I tried so hard.
Jack: Hey, you don't have to convince me. I've been spending a lot of time around Summer. Fun to see how sure she is of who she is, of what she wants. You gave her that. She's a lucky young woman.
Nick: No.
Jack: Nick, nobody's gonna give me any awards for being a great father, but it doesn't mean I can't recognize a good one when I see one.
Nick: Okay. J-Jack, um --
Jack: Nick, what is it?
[Door opens]
Jack: What's bothering you?
Phyllis: Hey! Oh. I got your message. I got here as quickly as I could. What was so urgent?
Michael: Eight. "Forgive your partner for something."
Lauren: We -- we could skip that one.
Michael: Why don't we just ease into it? Um... I forgive you... uh, for buying that disgusting tofutti-rice chocolate-bar thing that had the nerve to describe itself as an ice-cream substitute.
Lauren: [Chuckling] Yeah, but your arteries are thanking me.
Michael: No, no. My arteries have better taste than that, so, just -- your turn. Go.
Lauren: Okay. [Chuckles] Okay. Six. "Say something you admire about your partner."
Michael: It's that tough to come up with?
Lauren: There's just so much that I could say.
Michael: Oh.
Lauren: I admire... your commitment to the truth and for always doing the right thing.
Michael: That means a lot to me.
Lauren: So, roll 'em, Cowboy.
Michael: Uh, before I do, I'd like to take a crack at that last one myself. Uh... [Clears throat] I admire you for being such a great parent to Fenmore. Because of you, I still have a relationship with my son. And I will be forever grateful to you for that. All right. Uh...okay. Bring it home for daddy.
Nick: I don't even know where to begin. I don't know what to say.
Phyllis: Just start. I'll pick it up.
Jack: I think Nick's about a half a day behind you in reaction time.
Phyllis: Oh, to the graduation?
Jack: Yeah -- watching his little girl up there in her cap and gown, getting a diploma. To tell you the truth, it got me choked up. Suddenly, I was flashing back on you and me in that elevator.
Phyllis: Mm.
Jack: You in labor, me... cursing the storm and wishing I'd gone to medical school. I had no business being there. But to this day, it's one of my proudest achievements.
Nick: All right, Jack, please!
Jack: I'm sorry. I-I-I -- I'm sorry.
Nick: And stop apologizing.
Phyllis: Um... what's going on? Hey. Hey. Is it the anniversary of Cassie's death and us talking to Summer about it?
Jack: You know we will stand in no judgment.
Nick: I shouldn't have come.
Phyllis: What -- Nick! Hey! Nick. Nick!
Kyle: So, what do you plan to do now?
Summer: What do you mean?
Kyle: Well, you think you'll keep modeling, or --
Summer: Oh! I mean, yeah. It's been amazing, so... I mean, that's why I'm going to GCU and not going out of state.
Kyle: Well, that's lucky for Jabot -- to have somebody as beautiful as you repping us.
[Cell phone chimes]
Summer: Sorry.
Kyle: Oh, no. It's not a problem. Must be good news -- you're smiling.
Summer: U-um, no. It's just -- it's my friend updating me about a-a graduation party. Uh, so, should we start with the crab cakes or the beef sliders?
Lauren: There we go. You ready?
Michael: I'm all yours. So, what are you gonna do -- you gonna spin me around three times and point me towards a donkey?
Lauren: [Laughs] No. Be serious.
Michael: You know what this reminds me of?
Lauren: I'm afraid to ask!
Michael: Barbados.
Lauren: Oh, yeah. That was a fun night. [Chuckles]
Michael: That certainly was. Mm.
Lauren: Although, I don't think there's anything in these instructions that says "Take off your clothes."
Michael: [Sighs] Whatever. What do the instructions say?
Lauren: Um... follow my voice while I direct you around the room.
Michael: And into the coffee table.
Lauren: "Into the coffee table" -- no! You're supposed to depend on me and have faith that you won't be hurt.
Michael: Yeah -- faith.
Lauren: Let's direct you to the kitchen, okay?
Michael: Okay!
Lauren: Oh, wait! Stop! Stop! Whoa, whoa! Stop, and put your arms down by your waist.
Michael: What? Are you sure you know what you're doing?
Lauren: That's what it says! Yes! Yes. Trust. Trust. Okay. Take one step forward. Okay, and then a little to your left. All right. Perfect.
Michael: Well, I've had years of practice walking to the kitchen.
Lauren: [Laughing] Okay. Two more steps. Please don't -- no! Oh!
Michael: Ohh!
Lauren: Michael!
Michael: Ow!
Lauren: Oh, my goodness!
Michael: Why'd you do that?! I walked right into it!
Lauren: You took very, very large steps. I wasn't expecting --
Michael: Those are my normal steps!
Lauren: They are? Oh, God. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Michael: They were my normal steps!
Lauren: I'll get you an ice pack. I'm sorry.
Michael: Shin? Really? Well, be careful if you're walking to the kitchen because of the huge coffee table that everybody can see!
Lauren: Michael! I'm sorry.
Michael: Maybe we're just not ready for blind trust quite yet.
Summer: [Sighs] I am so full.
Kyle: I know. That was more like a main course than an appetizer.
Summer: [Chuckles] Uh, maybe we can just skip dinner altogether, then?
Kyle: And then what? Oh, do you want to go to that graduation party?
Summer: No. Um, I was thinking -- hoping that, um -- that we could get a hotel room together.
[Pounding on door]
Nick: Okay!
Phyllis: Finally. I'm not very happy with you. Neither are my knuckles. What's going on?
Nick: If I'm not answering the door, it probably means I want to be left alone.
Phyllis: I need to know what's going on with you.
Nick: I need you to just drop it until I can figure this out.
Phyllis: I'm not gonna do that. You left me a voicemail. You had Jack track me down. I'm not just gonna sit back while you formulate your thoughts.
Nick: I'm asking you to leave it alone.
Phyllis: I'm not gonna do that, Nick! Is something going on with Summer, because I just -- is something wrong with Summer that I don't know about?
Nick: Yes. No. You know what? You don't want to know.
Phyllis: Please don't do this to me. You're scaring me!
Nick: I wish I hadn't -- I mean, if Summer hadn't --
Phyllis: If Summer hadn't what? What?! Tell me! Please, tell me.
Nick: I'm not Summer's father. Jack is.
Phyllis: What? Jack is Summer's father? What -- what's happening, Nick? What's going on with you?
Nick: It's true.
Phyllis: [Sighs]
Nick: Read it.
Phyllis: What is this?
Nick: Just read it.
Phyllis: [Sighs] It's a DNA test. You took a DNA test?
Nick: Do you see where it says "Results"?
Phyllis: "Nicholas Newman. Summer Newman. DNA comparison -- not..."
Nick: "Not a match." 99.9% not a match. So, if I'm not the father, that only leaves one person who could be.
Phyllis: But that's impossible.
Nick: It's 99.9%, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Wait. What did -- what did you do? When did you take this?
Nick: Last week.
Phyllis: But the original -- the original said that -- that you were -- you were a match. I don't understand. You took it last week?
Nick: There was no original.
Phyllis: You took it. You did it. You set it up. You gave a blood sample. [Voice breaking] You gave a tissue sample.
Nick: I lied to you. I guess the samples were corrupted. The lab said we needed to take another test.
Phyllis: I never gave a sample.
Nick: Exactly. I made it out like the first test was conclusive. I chose the result that I wanted.
Jack: Hey, little brother!
Billy: Hey! How you doing? You know, I was just about to call you, see if you wanted to go play tennis.
Jack: Actually, I played last week, and my back held up quite well. You're on. Uh, it may have to be doubles, though.
Billy: Oh? Yeah?
Jack: Phyllis moved back in.
Billy: Couldn't resist that Abbott charm, huh? Well, I am happy for you, Sir. That's great news. Um... [Clears throat] However, I do think that these two over here are gonna be very happy about shacking up, also.
Jack: Oh.
Kyle: That was... unexpected. Summer, I know you just graduated from high school, but we don't have to rush --
Summer: Okay, um, look. Wait. Uh...I'm -- I'm not trying to prove anything to you. I'm not trying to prove that I'm an adult. I...just like you, you know? So why wait?
Kyle: [Scoffs] You're fearless.
Summer: That a bad thing?
Kyle: If it was a bad thing, I wouldn't be here.
Summer: Well, then, I guess that makes you fearless, too.
Kyle: When I want something, I definitely go after it.
Phyllis: You -- yeah, this is not happening. Y-you made -- you made up the DNA result.
Nick: Yes.
Phyllis: Y-you -- so, it was just so easy for you to slot your name on a piece of paper?
Nick: Yes.
Phyllis: And -- and you made Summer think that you were her father all these years?
Nick: Yes.
Phyllis: Stop saying "Yes"! This can't be happening.
Nick: Look. I'm sorry. I'm -- I'm so sorry.
Phyllis: Damn you! Don't touch me. Oh, my God. This was so easy for you?
Nick: Phyllis, no.
Phyllis: This was not your decision to make!
Nick: Okay --
Phyllis: Oh, my God! Oh, my God. What have you done? What have you done?! What have you done?
Nick: [Sighs] Phyllis.
Phyllis: Don't -- get away from me.
Nick: Do you need me to call anyone for you -- Michael? Maybe Lauren?
Phyllis: Yeah -- let's call Jack. Let's -- let's send him some cigars... to celebrate his daughter, since you played God, and you denied him that the first time around.
Nick: I did not play God.
Phyllis: Oh, the hell you didn't.
Nick: Listen to me.
Phyllis: You resented me. You resented Jack. You resented any man who was in my life.
Nick: That is ridiculous.
Phyllis: Really? Really? Because you couldn't have me, so nobody else could. Because God forbid you would let go of Sharon!
Nick: Are we back on that again?
Phyllis: Yeah, we're back on that! I get to talk, not you! You couldn't commit to me, so nobody else could have me. So that meant you -- you passing my daughter off as yours!
Nick: No!
Phyllis: No? Really? So then why'd you blow off the second DNA test?
Nick: 'Cause -- I already told you -- I knew what the results were gonna be.
Phyllis: You knew what the results would be. Really? Did you know?
Nick: Yes.
Phyllis: Yeah. You knew.
Nick: Yes.
Phyllis: Because I was sleeping with Jack, too.
Nick: It didn't matter. I knew that baby was mine, and that's all there was to it.
Phyllis: That's crazy. Are you really saying that? How did you know that baby was yours?
Nick: It was because of Cassie.
Phyllis: Cassie?
Nick: [Voice breaking] I knew God couldn't be that cruel. He couldn't take Cassie from me and then -- he just wouldn't do that.
Phyllis: Oh, my God. Nick.
Nick: But it all worked out. Everything worked out the way it was supposed to.
Phyllis: How did it work out how it was supposed to?
Nick: Because we wound up back together. That's the way it was supposed to be. And then we raised Summer together.
Phyllis: And now we're divorced. And Summer's entire life is a lie. Is that how it's supposed to be? Was it worth it to you?
Lauren: I'm not giving up.
Michael: I know. I didn't imagine you would.
Lauren: Are you?
Michael: We've been through a lot worse things than a bruised shin.
Lauren: You know, Michael... I'm trying. We have 20-some days left, and... we're going to therapy. But I am racking my brain. I don't know how to make this up to you.
Michael: This is a start.
Fenmore: [Laughing] No way. Uh, wait, wait. His -- his parents are in a cult?
Raven: "7th Heaven," or it's something like that. I don't --
[Both laughing]
Fenmore: "7th Heaven" was a TV show!
Raven: Then it was "Heaven's Gate."
Fenmore: I think that was a movie.
Raven: Well, never mind!
[Both laughing]
[Cell phone chimes]
Fenmore: [Chuckles]
Raven: Uh-oh. It's your mom.
Fenmore: What?
Raven: It's -- [Laughing]
Fenmore: No, uh... it's -- it's the mad texter. Hey, look at this. He -- he texts me more than anyone else. He seems like a cool guy, but I get the feeling he wants something else.
Raven: You're right. He does. People always want something.
Carmine: So, what will it be, Gentlemen?
Billy: Usual for me, thanks.
Jack: I'll have a club soda with a twist of lemon. Oh, you know what? I'm gonna live it up. I'll have a lime.
[All chuckle]
Billy: So, what do you think about Romeo and Juliet over there?
Jack: Well, you know what? I'm fine with it. Summer's father isn't too happy.
Billy: A Newman having an issue with an Abbott. Go figure. Imagine that.
Jack: Yeah, maybe it's as simple as that.
Billy: [Chuckles]
Jack: Thanks.
Nick: You're asking me if I would do this all over again?
Phyllis: No, you'd -- I already know the answer. You got your substitute for Cassie, so of course you'd do it all over again.
Nick: My substitute?!
Phyllis: Yeah, with my little girl, you know? You -- you needed another -- another daughter, so my daughter fit the slot, you know?
Nick: How can you even say that to me?
Phyllis: You said that to me! You sat there, and you just said that to me.
Nick: I told you... that I knew Summer was my daughter. And you know what? I still believe that.
Phyllis: How do you still believe that? Jack is the father, Nick.
Nick: Jack was not there every night with her, making up stories and telling them to her because she was afraid of the dark! He wasn't in the hospital with her 24/7 when she was sick, teaching her how to walk and talk again!
Phyllis: Because you didn't give him that opportunity! That's why he wasn't there? You know who you're like? Adam. You're exactly like Adam! What a hypocrite. You condemn him for concealing Faith from you, but you did the same thing!
Nick: I am nothing like him! I did not do this to hurt anyone!
Phyllis: You didn't? Yeah, you're so lovely. You wouldn't hurt anyone. This isn't killing me right now. [Voice breaking] This doesn't hurt me at all! This isn't gonna kill Summer when she finds out that she's not your daughter.
Nick: She will always be my daughter.
Phyllis: Your stories, Nick -- I mean, all the fairy tales and the stories and the years -- oh, my God. You know, when you -- you were telling her all these stories and -- that you weren't her father?
Nick: Never. Not once.
Phyllis: [Crying] Why are you doing this now? [Sniffles] Why are you doing this? [Sobbing] 18 years later? 18 years later! Jack could have had the opportunity to raise his child! Jack has a daughter.
Nick: He also has a son.
Phyllis: He also has a son. Oh, my God. Oh, my God! Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Summer's with Kyle right now. Oh, no. Oh! She only has one thing on her mind.
Kyle: So, should we, uh, order dessert, or --
Summer: Um... we can do that after.
Kyle: After...? Are you sure you're still up for it?
Summer: Yeah. Definitely.
Kyle: Summer, there's no law that says that we have to do this tonight. I'm not going anywhere. There's always...tomorrow. And, you know, it might be better if it's not an afterthought with graduation.
Summer: Yeah. Uh... that's true. And I have been thinking about my friends and... how this might be the last time that I get to see them all in one place.
Kyle: Classy way to say goodbye.
Summer: Uh, would you mind dropping me off at my house so I can change into something more party-ish?
Kyle: I'd be glad to.
Summer: Kyle, um... I had an incredible time tonight.
Kyle: To be continued in the very near future.
Summer: Thanks.
Kyle: Oh, hey, it's Dad!
Summer: [Sighs] So, did my mom send you here to chaperone?
Jack: Absolutely not. I had no idea you were here. And had Phyllis sent me, it would only have been because she loves you and cares about you.
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Jack: A lot of people do... myself on that list, too.
Summer: Thanks, Jack.
Jack: Graduate.
Summer: [Chuckles]
Jack: Graduate! [Chuckles]
Lauren: I don't know about this.
Michael: We have to complete the game, and it is your turn.
Lauren: But you're not in a good frame of mind. You're angry.
Michael: I'm fine -- I would never let that happen to you!
Lauren: No, there's anger in your voice.
Michael: No. No. Not at all.
Lauren: Uh --
Michael: This is about trust, not revenge.
Lauren: I-I-I don't -- I don't want to do this.
Michael: Nonsense. I'm gonna lead you to the kitchen, just like you led me.
Lauren: [Sighs] Michael --
Michael: Disorienting, isn't it -- in the dark, flailing around, unable to get your bearings? There you go. Now... take three giant steps cater-corner. Go. All right. Stop. Two steps to your left.
Lauren: Okay.
Michael: No! I said to your left!
Lauren: Okay! Michael, I made a mistake! [Sighs]
Michael: I know. I know. I, uh... I wasn't gonna let you fall.
Lauren: [Sighs]
Billy: [Clicks tongue] Damn it. All right. [Clears throat] Hey.
Jack: Hey. What's going on? You've been on that phone half the night.
Billy: [Sighs] Just taking care of work, man. That's all.
Jack: Okay. Hey! I didn't expect to see you back here!
Billy: [Chuckles] So how are things going in Capulet-and-Montague land?
Kyle: Summer and me? That's very funny. Things are good. I just dropped her off at her graduation party.
Jack: Well, good for her... that she went, and good for you that you didn't pressure her into anything more.
Phyllis: Courtney isn't answering.
Nick: Okay, Bud. Thanks a lot.
Phyllis: Okay. Um...I'm gonna call Summer.
Nick: Noah hasn't heard from her, either, so...
Phyllis: Yeah. I'll call her again.
Summer: Hi, Mom.
Phyllis: Hey, Honey! Uh, hi! I-I-I'm just, you know... checking up on you. I was trying to reach you.
Summer: Oh, yeah, sorry. I turned my ringer off. I've just been getting a thousand texts. Why? What's up?
Phyllis: Oh. Yeah. I-I just -- you know, I wanted to see how you were doing. I heard you left the restaurant.
Summer: Seriously? You checked on me?
Phyllis: No. I mean, it just -- I -- I-I can't...find my extra set of keys, and I'm looking through a bunch of boxes, and I just wanted to know if, uh, you -- you happened to know where they were.
Summer: No, but I can look for you. I'm -- I'm at the penthouse.
Phyllis: Oh, you're already there. Oh, okay. Well, I don't want to put you and Kyle out.
Summer: Well, you'd be pleased to know that he's already gone. There were no firsts tonight.
Phyllis: Um, did something happen that caused him to leave?
Summer: No. I mean, my date was perfect from beginning to end. It's just I decided to take your advice and hit up the parties instead.
Phyllis: [Voice breaking] That's great. That's really great. You're not gonna regret that.
Summer: Yeah, well, I have to go change, or else I'm never gonna get out of here.
Phyllis: All right. Well, um... I'll let you go, and I'm sure my -- my keys will show up. And, just -- you have a great time with your friends, Honey, okay?
Summer: Thanks, Mom.
Phyllis: I love you. Nothing happened. [Sighs]
Nick: How do you know? Look -- how do you know?
Phyllis: What is that supposed to mean?
Nick: She has lied to us before about Kyle. I mean, maybe... they could be in bed right now.
Phyllis: No. No, there -- no. There was too much disappointment in her voice.
Nick: She's a good liar.
Phyllis: She's not that good.
Nick: I need to find out for myself.
Phyllis: Are you going over there?!
Nick: I cannot leave something like this to chance!
Phyllis: You're not gonna just blurt this out! You're not gonna do that. We have to prepare them.
Nick: How do you prepare anyone for --?
Phyllis: I don't know! You should have thought about that 18 years ago! Oh, my head hurts!
[Cell phone ringing]
Phyllis: Oh, my God. It's Jack.
Nick: Well, answer it.
Phyllis: No. What am I gonna say to him?
Nick: You're a good liar. Just --
Phyllis: Not as good as you, apparently.
Nick: Okay. He might know where Kyle is.
Phyllis: Here. Can you talk to him?
Nick: That'll look obvious! He'll figure something's up! You do it!
Phyllis: Hey, Jack!
Jack: Hey, Beautiful! I may not be home when you get there. Uh, Kyle and Billy and I are at the Boulevard shooting the breeze.
Phyllis: Oh! Oh, Kyle's with you.
Jack: And he was a total gentleman with your daughter. He delivered her to the door, and that was that.
Phyllis: Well, that's great. You guys have fun, all right? Take care of yourselves. How did I sound?
Nick: Smooth. I-I don't think he, uh... picked up anything from that.
Phyllis: Not yet. Oh, God. What the hell are we gonna do?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Dylan: You're really okay?
Chelsea: I have never been better. [Chuckles]
Sharon: Deep down, you want something more than meaningless sex.
Adam: Do I?
Kevin: Are you thinking about turning me in to the cops?
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