Y&R Transcript Monday 6/10/13

Y&R Transcript Monday 6/10/13


Episode # 10176 ~ During Summer's graduation celebration, Nick gets the results of the paternity test.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Nick: Faith, hurry up! Summer's gonna be here soon! I don't want to be late for her graduation!

Phyllis: Okay. See? [Sighs]

Summer: [Exhales] Do I look gorgeous?

Phyllis: You -- you do. You look so beautiful.

Summer: Are you sure? Because I-I need to look perfect, okay? Today is the most important day of my life.

Jack: Where you off to?

Kyle: Uh, Summer's graduation.

Jack: Really?

Kyle: She's kind of hard to say no to.

Jack: Yeah -- like mother, like daughter. Well, that's great! We can drive together, unless you made other plans.

Kyle: Uh, no. I just didn't realize that you'd be going.

Jack: Well, perhaps I haven't told you this before, but I'm one of the first two people to meet Summer the day she was born.

Kyle: Ah, yes -- the night that you and Phyllis were stuck in that elevator and she went into labor. I was listening.

Jack: It's a pretty incredible story -- stuck in an elevator, on my hands and knees, no power, no anything, delivering a baby -- a baby who became a lovely young woman who's always had a very special place in my heart.

Kyle: Well, I can certainly see why.

Jack: And how about you? Did Summer really coerce you into coming today, or is she maybe finding a place in your heart, too?

[Knock on door]

[Knocking continues]

Sharon: Noah!

Noah: [Softly] Hey, Mom. Hi.

Sharon: Um, are you kidding me? Why aren't you ready?

Noah: Ready?

Sharon: It's your sister's graduation. Don't tell me you forgot.

Noah: [Sighs]

Lauren: All right. Honey, can you just stand still so I can actually --

Fenmore: Can we not do this?

Lauren: What are you --?

Fenmore: Do I really have to wear a stupid tie?

Lauren: Fen, yes! I would think you would want to be dressed appropriately for such an important day.

Fenmore: It's a stupid ceremony! So what? It doesn't change anything.

Lauren: Honey... today changes...everything! I so want you to be happy. And I want you to go to college in the fall and find your path --

Fenmore: I don't want to talk about college or the future or any of that crap! It all falls apart in the end, just like this family!

Lauren: Ohh.

Michael: Stop it! Stop it right now! I can't take it anymore. This house is so filled with negativity. We're not a family. We're a war zone. And it's all our faults, all three of us. We have things to work out -- a lot of things. But, damn it, we're gonna put all that aside, and we are gonna have a day to remember, because my son, who I love more than my life, is about to turn a huge corner. And no one can take that away from you, Fenmore -- no one. You don't have to wear a tie if you don't want to. Hell, you can wear a t-shirt and jeans, for all I care. But stop wearing the gloom. Stop wearing the frown. Today is different. It's special, and everything should be the way it's supposed to be. So, maybe we can all forget the way it actually is for a couple of hours so we can enjoy ourselves and we can celebrate this milestone in our family.

Fenmore: I want that, too.

Michael: I love you. [Laughs] I love you, and I am so proud of you.

Fenmore: Can I really wear jeans?

Michael: [Laughs] No. That's not gonna happen. [Laughs]

Lauren: Nice try.

Noah: No, I didn't -- I didn't forget. I just -- I'm -- I just -- I'm running a little bit late, so I'll meet you at Walnut Grove, okay?

Sharon: No! We agreed to go together!

Zoe: Hi! Wow. So, you're Noah's mom?

Sharon: I am.

Noah: Uh, I'm -- I'm gonna -- I need to take a shower, so I tell you what -- why don't you just leave me a ticket and, um, save me a seat?

Sharon: Mm, no, that's okay. I'll wait. I'd like to get to know your friend better anyway. What did you say her name was?

Noah: This is --

Zoe: I'm Zoe, and I'm late for work.

Sharon: Noah, what the hell are you doing?

Noah: [Scoffs]

Kyle: Well, I'm not in love with her or anything, if that's what you're implying.

Jack: I'm not implying anything. You're just less adamant that you and Summer will never be more than friends.

Kyle: Well, to tell you the truth [Sighs] I've gotten to know her better, and, uh... I don't know. [Chuckles] She's definitely growing up a little. Maybe it's the modeling thing, or maybe it's -- its graduation. Whatever the reason is, she's different. I just -- I feel good when I'm with her. I like spending time with her. Does that make sense?

Jack: Yeah, that makes sense. That's how I talk about her mother.

Kyle: It's true. Uh, I have this dopey grin on my face whenever I'm with Summer. I feel lighter. I feel like it's the first day of spring, when everything smells good and you take off your jacket and walk around --

Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow -- slow -- slow down. Don't take off anything more than your jacket. Nick is already opposed to you seeing his daughter. Don't get him any more ticked off than he already is.

Kyle: Oh, don't worry about that. I can handle Nick.

Jack: How about Summer?

Kyle: What do you mean?

Jack: This crush of hers isn't going anywhere. Make sure she isn't expecting anything that you're not ready for.

Kyle: Dad, Dad, Dad, relax. We are just hanging out. It's all good.

Phyllis: Spill.

Summer: What do you mean?

Phyllis: When you say it's the most important day of your life, it's not because you're graduating from high school. I'm not an idiot.

Summer: Mom, please.

Phyllis: What are you plotting?

Faith: Daddy, look!

Nick: Oh! What is that -- orange juice? Hey, don't worry. We got plenty of time to get you cleaned up and looking good for the graduation. Let's go upstairs and work some magic.

Summer: I don't "Plot," okay? That would take way too much work.

[Cell phone rings]

Summer: It's Courtney. Hey. Okay, wait a second. Did you -- did you explain to him? Okay, wait. I'm so con-- hold on. Hold on. You need to talk slower. I'm so confused right now. Hold on. I need to go yell at my mom. Are you kidding? What are you doing in my purse?!

Phyllis: I was looking for lip gloss. I found birth control pills. How long have you been taking those?

Summer: N-no, those -- those are not even mine.

Phyllis: Is this about Kyle, about tonight?

Summer: Okay, Mom, those are not even my pills, okay? They're Courtney's! She and Dale -- I promised that I wouldn't say anything.

Phyllis: Summer, I -- I thought that you would come to me before you did something like this. I thought you would come to me and talk to me and we'd go see a doctor together.

Summer: Can I please just have my purse back?!

Phyllis: No. I want you to look at me, okay, and really listen to this. Regardless of who those pills belong to -- it doesn't matter. Before you take this step, I want you to think long and hard about it, and I want you to choose somebody who really cares about you and who you care about, as well. You are a beautiful, amazing, special person. And when you take this step, I want it to be with somebody who believes that, too.

Zoe: I had fun.

Noah: Mm-hmm.

Zoe: We should do it again soon.

Noah: I did, too. Thank you. Bye, Zoe.

Zoe: Bye.

Noah: I'm a grown man, Mom, and you're here checking up on me? It's not cool!

Sharon: Okay. First of all, we had plans to go to the graduation together, so what was I supposed to do -- pull up to the curb and honk my horn?

Noah: Might not be a bad idea next time.

Sharon: You know, I hope this isn't indicative of how you're gonna be living your life now that you have your own place.

Noah: [Stammers] We threw a party last night, all right? It was a tough week at work. I was just trying to kick back a little bit.

Sharon: A tough week at work? Really? Tapping kegs and pouring shots? You know, a young man with your smarts and your abilities should be -- I don't know!

Noah: Do we really have to get into this right now?

Sharon: Noah, I just worry about you! I'm worried that you're drifting and you don't know what to do or what to make of your life!

Noah: Yeah. So? I'm still trying to figure that stuff out. Look, today is not about me. It's about Summer.

Sharon: Please. Had I not shown up here, you would've slept through her entire graduation.

Noah: Well, I didn't, and I-I'm dressed, I'm ready to go, so let's do that.

Sharon: You're right. Today is about Summer. It's a...very special day for her. I'm sure your dad and Phyllis are very proud.

Noah: Mom, what's really going on? Mom, what is it?

Carmine: Good job.

Woman: Mm.

Carmine: Now... for the big finale. You ready?

Woman: So ready.

Carmine: All right. Boom. Boom. Boom. And -- crap. I don't get it! It worked fine last night.

Woman: Bet you say that to all the girls.

Carmine: Ha. Some people got no sense of humor. [Sighs] Oh, great. This day just keeps getting better and better.

Paul: Oh, don't flatter yourself, Carmine.

Carmine: Hmm.

Paul: I'm not here looking for you. I'm just grabbing a coffee before Fen's graduation. But you better not be planning on showing up there and causing trouble.

Carmine: Save your breath, Chief. I don't give a damn about Fen or his mom. I moved on.

Paul: Good.

[Cell phone buzzes]

Lauren: [Sighs] Hey! Look at you!

Fenmore: Yeah. A tie won't kill me.

Lauren: You look very handsome. And thank you. I know you're just doing that for me.

Fenmore: Who sent you a text?

Lauren: Hmm?

Fenmore: Whatever it was, it freaked you out pretty bad.

Lauren: Oh. No, no, no. It was just business-related.

Fenmore: I wish you wouldn't do that.

Lauren: Do what?

Fenmore: Feel you have to lie, hide things from me. There's something you and Dad aren't telling me, and it's really annoying.

Lauren: You know what, Honey? Everything is fine. And if we're gonna get good seats, we should leave now.

Fenmore: Look... what's the missing piece here? What aren't you guys telling me?

Michael: I want to take some pictures of you outside of the school in your cap and gown.

Fenmore: [Scoffs] Yeah.

Michael: Let's go! Come on, Graduate!

Lauren: Come on!

Michael: That's my boy. [Chuckles]

Nick: See that? No worries. We got you cleaned up. You're gonna be the prettiest girl there.

Faith: I'm gonna sit here and not move.

Nick: That's a good call. Keep that dress clean.

[Knock on door]

Faith: I'll get it!

Avery: Hello, Faith!

Phyllis: Hi, Sweetie! Hi!

Nick: Where's Summer?

Avery: Behold the graduate!

Summer: Ta-da!


Faith: I love your dress!

Summer: Oh, thank you! Let me see your dress! Oh! You are just so cute! [Laughing] So cute. Come here! Let me see.

Nick: You are, without a doubt, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

Summer: Okay. It's just a dress, Dad. I am still plain old Summer, the kid that always drives you crazy.

Nick: That's all I ever wanted you to be.

Summer: [Chuckles]

Sharon: Noah, you're imagining things.

Noah: I don't think I am.

Sharon: Look, the only thing that's disturbing me right now is what I just walked in on a few moments ago -- that you don't seem to know what you want to do with your life, and that worries me.

Noah: Stop turning this around on me. Something's going on. Something's wrong.

Sharon: We should go.

Noah: Mom, come on. Come on. Talk to me.

Sharon: You're right. I'm -- I've been struggling. I just can't seem to figure out who I am and what direction I want to take with my life, and I really shouldn't be laying into you when we're both in the same boat.

Noah: Mom, you're doing the best you can. You've been through a lot lately. Now's your chance to find a new direction. Just stay strong, okay? There is nothing you can't do if you put your mind to it... and stay on your meds.

Sharon: I'll take your advice if you take mine. Don't throw your life away partying every night.

Noah: It was one night, Mom! You're the one I'm worried about.

Sharon: I'm fine. We're both fine!

Nikki: Oh, my!

Victor: What?

Nikki: Victor, aren't you worried that your granddaughter will feel neglected? You didn't get her nearly enough gifts!

Victor: Are you accusing me of going overboard?

Nikki: Maybe a little.

Victor: Well, come on. She's graduating from high school. I mean, that's a big deal.

Nikki: Yes, it is a big deal, and I know you didn't get to do it yourself.

Victor: No, I certainly didn't. Left the orphanage long before that, so forgive me for wanting to indulge her.

Nikki: There's nothing to forgive. I think it's very sweet. Actually, I'm surprised you haven't disowned her.

Victor: What do you mean? What are you talking about?

Nikki: Oh, the fact that she decided to intern at Jabot, and now she's modeling there.

Victor: Oh, Sweetheart, she's far more interested in that Kyle boy than she is in the company. Forget it.

Nikki: Well, I know you're fond of Kyle, even though he is an Abbott.

Victor: Sweetheart, her modeling is a passing phase. Once she goes to college, she'll be up to other things, you know? Meanwhile, she is our son's daughter and our granddaughter, so let's show her a good time. I want to spoil her.

Nikki: I agree.

Victor: You understand that, don't you?

Nikki: [Chuckles]

Phyllis: Okay. One more. I just want to get one for Daniel.

Summer: Okay, Mom, please.

Phyllis: Here. Just smile. Just smile.

Nick: Just smile.

Phyllis: Humor us.

Summer: Okay, enough with just me. Come on, Faith.

Nick: Yeah. Let's get some of both my girls there.

Phyllis: Oh, good.

Nick: Here we go.

Phyllis: Your flash is --

Summer: Okay, okay. Enough. We don't have time. I have to go. I don't want to be late for graduation.

Avery: And we can take some at graduation and at the club.

Summer: Yeah, that's fine.

Phyllis: Okay. Can you, um, put Faith in the car and buckle her up?

Summer: Yeah. Okay. Come on. Let's go.

Avery: I'll be outside.

Phyllis: Something wrong?

Nick: Why would you say that?

Phyllis: 'Cause I know you.

Nick: It's just an emotional day, you know -- seeing our daughter all grown up.

Phyllis: Yeah. The day that changes everything.

Nick: Hopefully not everything.

Jack: Who's driving?

Kyle: I will.

[Cell phone chimes]

Kyle: I'll be right out.

Jack: Don't take too long.

Kyle: "You... are adorable."

Phyllis: Okay.

Nick: You ready?

Summer: Yeah. More ready than you'll know.

Nick: Summer, I could not be prouder of you.

Avery: Summer, let me put those in a vase for you.

Summer: Oh, are you sure? Thank you! Um, would you mind putting them in my room?

Avery: Oh, yeah. No problem.

Nick: Why don't you go upstairs and get that card you made for Summer?

Faith: Oh, yeah!

Jack: Summer, you looked just radiant today.

Kyle: You sure did.

Summer: Well, I am a professional model now, so it's kind of my job.

[Both laugh]

Nick: Hey, as soon as Avery and Faith get down here, we really should get to the club. My mom and dad are waiting.

Summer: Uh, you guys should join us for lunch.

Jack: Rain check. I don't want to give your grandfather indigestion on your big day.

Summer: Oh, come on. You are no fun.

Jack: Congratulations again. I'm so proud of you.

Summer: Thank you.

Jack: I can't imagine how proud your parents are.

Summer: Thank you.

Jack: Have fun.

Summer: Uh, I'll see you later?

Kyle: Yeah.

Nick: Thanks for coming by.

Phyllis: Hey. I want to give you my gift...

Summer: Okay.

Phyllis: ...Before the avalanche of gifts starts, so...

Summer: [Chuckles] Okay.

Phyllis: It's --

Summer: It's in there?

Phyllis: Yeah. I really wrapped it up.

Summer: Yeah, you did.

[Both laugh]

Summer: It's a snowflake.

Phyllis: I realize its June, but, of course, you know you were born --

Summer: Yes, in the snowstorm, with ice and snow. I know. [Chuckles] I've heard it. It has my initials. S.A.N.

Phyllis: Summer Ann Newman. I love you always, forever.

Summer: Thank you.

Michael: That was an amazing show! Fenmore, you were amazing!

Paul: What a great thing. You know, it's too bad Joanna and Scott had to go straight to the airport.

Kevin: Yeah, you can't get pizza like this in Toronto!

Lauren: Did Gloria text you yet?

Michael: Yeah. She said Jeffrey's going into x-ray now. She's pretty sure it's a sprain.

Fenmore: Who falls off a chair while taking a stupid picture?

All: Jeff.

Fenmore: Well, um, you know, I-I'm really fine with it just being us, not making a big deal out of it or anything.

Paul: Well...

Michael: [Chuckles]

Paul: ...What about gifts?

Lauren: Ooh! Oh, yes.

Paul: I just happen to have...one... with your name on it.

Michael: [Chuckles]

Fenmore: I think I can deal.

Lauren: [Laughs]

Fenmore: Thank you. A key ring! Nice.

Paul: [Chuckles]

Lauren: Oh. That's really beautiful, Paul.

Michael: Beautiful.

Paul: Chris helped me pick it out.

Fenmore: Thank you.

Paul: You're welcome.

Kevin: All right. My turn. This one is from, uh, Chloe, Delia, and me.

Fenmore: All right. Free gas.

Lauren: [Laughs]

Fenmore: That's awesome. Thank you.

Kevin: You're welcome.

Fenmore: Thanks.

Michael: [Clearing throat] Um... and we decided to give you, uh...these.

Lauren: [Chuckles]

Michael: [Chuckles]

Fenmore: A-a car? Seriously?

Lauren: Yeah!

Michael: Yes, Sir!

Lauren: Yeah. We thought it was time for you to have some new wheels. Congratulations, Honey.

Fenmore: Wow. Wow!


Lauren: Oh.

Michael: [Grunts] That's my boy.

Fenmore: Thank you, Guys. You guys are the best.

Victor: Oh, look who's here.

Nikki: Hello!

Victor: Look who's here. Hi, Sweetheart! My angel! Yes!

Summer: Okay, these cannot be all my presents.

Victor: Well, they are.

Summer: [Laughs]

Avery: I will add mine to the pile.

Nick: Yes, she needs more.

Victor: Hi, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Hi. Faith, there's some pink lemonade. Do you want some?

Victor: Oh, yes.

Nick: Looks like your grandparents went overboard on the gifts. That is a total shocker.

Nikki: Now, I told him that. [Laughs]

Victor: And I told your mother that this was Summer's only high-school graduation, so it's our prerogative to spoil you now.

Summer: [Chuckles]

Victor: Very proud of you, Sweetheart. Come here.

Summer: Thank you. Thank you, Granddad.

Victor: You were so beautiful, and you looked so sophisticated up on that stage.

Nikki: [Chuckles]

Summer: Thank you.

Nikki: Mm! Love you.

Summer: I love you, Guys. Thank you.

Victor: Very proud of you.

Noah: Whew! Wow. Looks like Grandma and Grandpa went all out.

Sharon: Um... why don't you go and be with your family?

Noah: Mom.

Sharon: Congratulate Summer for me. Tell her how proud I am.

Noah: Why don't you just do it yourself?

Sharon: I wasn't invited.

Noah: I think it's gonna be cool, really, today. It's gonna be fine.

Sharon: Mm, I can't risk it. This is Summer's day. I don't want to do anything that's gonna ruin it for her. Really! Why don't you go? Be with your family! Have fun celebrating! Okay, bye.

Noah: Mm-hmm. Bye. Hello! Congratulations! Hey.

Summer: Hi!

Noah: Hey!

Summer: Thank you!

Noah: You're welcome! Hi! This is for you.

Victor: So?

Nick: Hey.

Sharon: Hey!

Nick: Uh, you are certainly welcome to join us.

Sharon: Thanks, but...no. Um, not today. You know, this is Summer's day, and I don't want to get Victor all riled up. But it was a beautiful ceremony, and you must be proud.

Nick: Yes.

Sharon: I know that Cassie's looking down and smiling on her sister today.

Nick: Yeah. Well, I should get back.

Sharon: Yeah. Of course.

Nick: You okay?

Sharon: Everything's good. Yeah. Go be with your family.

Nick: You look beautiful today.

Paul: So, um, you're going to college in the fall, right? Have you decided on what you might major in?

Fenmore: Uh, not really.

Kevin: Girls, partying...

Lauren: Oh, let's hope not.

Paul: That's what I majored in.


Paul: Sometimes it takes a while to figure out what you're good at.

Michael: Maybe he'll be a lawyer like his old man.

Kevin: There's good money in that. And it's noble, so says him.


Michael: So says I!

Lauren: Or there's always Fenmore's, you know, if you like business. Not bad!

Paul: Think of the wardrobe.

Lauren: Exactly!

Kevin: And there's good money in that, too!

Lauren: Uh, yeah.

Paul: Nice to have a lot of options.

Michael: Hey. Fenmore's always been an exceptional student. Whatever road he chooses to --

Fenmore: Could you guys just stop? Seriously. To be honest, I have... no clue what I'm doing with the rest of my life, and I'm in no big rush to figure it out. I just got invited to this big party at the Mattesons'. It sounds like fun.

Lauren: You mean the ones who live next to Katherine?

Fenmore: Yeah. Can I go?

Lauren: Oh. Uh...

Michael: I don't see why not. A last hurrah with your classmates.

Lauren: Yeah. Why don't you drive your new car?

Fenmore: Cool. Um, thank you guys for the presents and for being there today. The support meant a lot to me.

Kevin: I wouldn't have missed it, Pal.

Fenmore: Thanks.

Paul: Take care.

Fenmore: Thank you.

Lauren: You're gonna drive safely, right?

Fenmore: Yeah! Yeah, I will.

Michael: All right. Hey. Love you.

Fenmore: Love you, too.

Michael: Drive safe!

Fenmore: Yep!

[Door closes]

Paul: I think you're losing him, Guys.

Kevin: I'm with Paul. If your family continues to fall apart, Fen is gone. And who knows where he'll end up?

Carmine: Hey, there. So, what'll it be?

Sharon: Um, white wine, please.

Carmine: White wine. Okay. We got a nice chard. We got a sauv blanc or a pinot grige.

Sharon: I really don't care. Why don't you pick?

Carmine: Okay. Not having the best of days, huh?

Sharon: I've had better.

Carmine: Hmm. Well... then let Carmine the Magnificent cheer you up with a little dazzling sleight of hand.

Sharon: Sure. Why not?

Girl: School's out for good. Why aren't you celebrating?

Fenmore: 'Cause my life still sucks.

Girl: [Chuckles] So, come party tonight with the rest of us losers.

Fenmore: You see me as a loser?

Girl: Dude, it's a compliment. You'll fit right in. We're just gonna get high, listen to some music -- unless you've got better things to do.

Fenmore: I'm in. When and where?

Jack: Hey! This is a good breaking point for me. You hungry? We could catch some early dinner.

Kyle: Uh, I-I would, but I already have plans later.

Jack: With Summer?

Kyle: We are hanging out, yes.

Jack: Well, I thought she'd be going from party to party.

Kyle: I thought so, too, but she said she would rather have a quiet dinner with me than hang out with her high-school buddies.

Jack: Gee, maybe you were right. Maybe she is growing up, or maybe you're a good influence on her.

Kyle: You make me sound like a boring old man, Dad. I can still act crazy and immature when I feel like it.

Jack: Okay, I accept that. So, I'm gonna see if I can chase Phyllis down -- see if she'll have dinner with me.

Kyle: All right. Have fun.

Jack: You, too, Son.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Summer: Okay. Let's see.

Victor: Uh-huh. Look at that. Uh-oh.

Summer: Oh, my gosh.

Nick: Wow.

Summer: I love it! Thank you!

Nikki: Oh, I'm so glad. I love the color.

Summer: No, I do, too! It'll be perfect for work. Thank you so much!

Nikki: Oh, you're welcome.

[Cell phone chimes]

Summer: Hey! Uh, did you see what Grandma got me?

Nick: Yeah. Listen, you need to ease up on whatever's happening with you and Kyle.

Summer: Okay, Dad, please -- not today, please.

Victor: Now, I still think we have a present or two to open, don't you?

Nikki: Yeah. We're down to like a couple of dozen.

Victor: And, meanwhile, grab whatever glass you have, and let us propose a toast to our lovely and beautiful guest of honor. To you, my sweetheart.

Summer: I think I'm -- I think I'm dry.

Victor: That's all right.

Avery: I'll take care of that. Who else needs a refill?

Nikki: I do, too, please.

Avery: I got it.

[Cell phone buzzes]

Nick: Hey, there's something I need to take care of. Can you make sure Faith gets home?

Noah: Sure. Yeah.

Nick: Thanks, Bud.

Noah: Yeah.

Summer: [Scoffs] Dad! Dad, please. Look, okay -- whatever you're about to do, just don't, okay? It was a harmless picture, and Kyle didn't mean anything by it.

Nick: I'm not gonna confront the guy.

Summer: Okay. Then what are you doing?

Nick: There's something I need to take care of. Look, I don't want you seeing Kyle tonight, okay? So, I'm asking you -- please...do this for me. Don't see him tonight.

Michael: Hello, Fenmore. This is Dad. Your mother and I are going out for a bit, so call either one of us as soon as you get home. Bye.

Lauren: We are due at the marriage counselor in an hour.

Michael: You said there was homework?

Lauren: Yeah. We're supposed to make a list of questions that we want answered over the course of therapy.

Michael: [Chuckles dryly] Like how did we get to this point? Why did you turn to another man, especially one like Carmine, who is not worthy of you?

Lauren: I actually only have one -- one question I need answered. Do you still love me?

Michael: I have never been able to stop doing that... as hard as I've tried.

Carmine: Okay. Big finish. Ready? Boom, boom, boom, and... boom.

Sharon: Four aces!

Carmine: What do you know? It, uh, worked.

Sharon: That's amazing! How'd you do that?

Carmine: Practice, practice, practice. That's the only way to get good at things.

Sharon: Are you flirting with me?

Carmine: [Chuckles] Well, I can't help myself. It, uh, comes naturally whenever I'm around beautiful women.

Sharon: Well, this must be the perfect job for you, then.

Carmine: What -- bartending?

Sharon: Well, you know, you're a carefree bachelor playing the field. A lot of new people come in here every night. They want to relax, unwind, and meet new people.

Carmine: Yeah. I used to think of myself that way, you know -- never getting tied down. But then I, uh, fell for someone... hard.

Sharon: And it wasn't reciprocated?

Carmine: Well, I thought it was... well, for a while, anyway. Can't believe how hard it is to let go.

Sharon: Yeah. It hurts, doesn't it?

Carmine: [Chuckles] Um... top off your wine?

Sharon: Um, no, thanks. I'm good.

Carmine: Okay. [Clears throat]

Nikki: What a wonderful party this was.

Victor: Isn't it?

Nikki: Victoria and Abby are gonna be sorry they missed it.

Victor: If you promise not to scold me... I have one more present... to be opened...by you.

Nikki: By me?

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: What's the occasion?

Victor: Well, take a look.

Nikki: Hmm. [Gasps]

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: We're going to Tuscany?!

Victor: Isn't that beautiful? We can finally do our honeymoon together, my sweetheart.

Nikki: Thank you so much! We haven't been to Italy in ages!

Victor: I rented an absolutely beautiful house about an hour outside of Florence. Imagine riding and bicycling through the countryside, walking and [Sniffs] Breathing that air. I mean... we can enjoy it to the fullest.

Nikki: Now, don't take this wrong, because I'm thrilled... that we're going.

Victor: Yeah?

Nikki: But I'm having a little trouble believing that you're ready to walk away from Newman for a while.

Victor: Don't worry about that. Newman is back in family hands, stronger than ever, so... it'll give me an opportunity to now enjoy my honeymoon with you, okay?

Nikki: But leaving Adam in charge -- you're okay with that?

Victor: Adam is very capable. He and I have been working well together, so I'm not worried about that. But let's worry about this now, okay? I'm so looking forward to it.

Nikki: Mm-hmm. Me, too. Thank you so much.

Victor: A honeymoon in Tuscany.

Nikki: Mm-hmm.

Victor: I love that.

Jack: Well! I knew I should've come here.

Phyllis: I owe you about a million more of those.

Jack: Hugs?

Phyllis: Oh, yeah -- hugs. Oh, you were incredible today. Thank you very much, and thank you for giving Summer those beautiful flowers.

Jack: I wouldn't have missed today for anything in the world. Pretty big day in her life -- the end of one journey, the beginning of another.

Phyllis: [Groans]

Jack: Hey, you okay?

Phyllis: Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh. My baby's about to fly away, in more ways than one.

Jack: I know. It can be pretty overwhelming. You and Nick raised a pretty terrific girl into a pretty terrific young woman. You can both be very proud of that.

[Knock on door]

Kyle: Hey.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Tyler: You are...?

Abby: I am the answer to your prayers.

Alex: I'm looking for some information. See, there was another robbery. You know anything about that?

Phyllis: I know what you're planning tonight, and it's a big mistake.

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