Y&R Transcript Friday 6/7/13
Episode # 10175 ~ Phyllis makes a decision; Nick makes an announcement.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Dylan: I guess that's it, then.
Chloe: Congratulations. You are officially the owner of Crimson Lights.
Kevin: [Sighs] And I'm officially nothing... except late for community service.
Chloe: Kevin...
Kevin: Um, listen, the, uh -- the roof over there leaks during heavy rains. The espresso machine is possessed. Have a blast.
Dylan: Ah, it's not easy giving up on your dreams.
Chloe: If only this was his dream, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now. I'm, uh -- I'm gonna go on back and see if we left anything behind.
Chelsea: [Sighs] Kevin will land on his feet. He always does.
Dylan: And me? Was I crazy to take this place on?
Chelsea: Well, you said it felt right, didn't you?
Dylan: Um, yeah. A lot of things feel right these days.
Victor: Well, am I the first to arrive?
Adam: First, last, and only, if my prediction holds true.
Victor: Well, now, Son, I think you need to think positively.
Adam: Thinking positively won't make my brother or sisters any happier about our relationship.
Victor: We got the company back, Adam -- a reason to celebrate.
Adam: All the same, I won't be putting any more champagne bottles on ice.
Victor: You know, my boy, you may know a lot about the family business, but there's still a great deal you have to learn about family.
Billy: Yes, Sir. I am.
Victoria: Ah, good. You're home.
Billy: Hey. Wow. [Clears throat] Are you planning on seducing me, Mrs. Robinson?
Victoria: Well, maybe after we get home.
Billy: Uh, from where?
Victoria: You know, you really need to check your voicemails. Dad's expecting us at Adam's.
Billy: Tonight?
Victoria: Yeah. You got something better to do?
Jack: Okay. That's the last bag all packed and ready to go, Sis.
Traci: Here's your hat. What's your hurry?
Abby: [Chuckles]
Jack: I didn't say that.
Traci: [Chuckling] Oh, Jack, I'm just kidding. I'm really -- I'm good to go on. I-I don't want to wear out my welcome, and I'm afraid that I already have.
Jack: What brother and sister out there don't get into it from time to time?
Abby: And the good news is that Aunt Traci will just be minutes away at my place.
Traci: The good news for Jack is that now that I'm out of the way, Phyllis can move back it.
Phyllis: Hey. Are you finished saving the world for the day?
Avery: Uh...no, actually. I just had a boring meeting with a Newman vendor, but, uh, at any rate...
Phyllis: Yeah. I'm sorry your day was so dull. Mine was interesting. I had a really nice discussion with your, um, kind of... boyfriend.
Avery: You spoke to Nick?
Phyllis: Yeah. About you.
Avery: About me?
Phyllis: Yeah. You and, um...your relationship.
Nick: For me?
Nikki: Well, not unless you're graduating from high school tomorrow, too.
Nick: Oh, Summer's having all the fun.
Nikki: Oh, I don't know. I think the proud father's enjoying it as well. And there'll be plenty more of those, too, tomorrow.
Nick: Yeah. You know, it seems like yesterday that I was cutting up her food and checking for monsters under her bed. I can't believe it's almost over.
Nikki: Trust me, parenting is never over. Which is why your father and I are so happy you're coming to the party tonight. He'll enjoy sharing his big news with you.
Nick: He might not be the only one with news.
Chloe: Kevin and I totally missed it the other day.
Dylan: Oh, take as much time as you need to go through it. I'm gonna be busy, uh, patching a leak in the roof and dealing with the psycho espresso machine.
Chloe: [Chuckles] Wait till you see what else needs fi-- not that we sold you a lemon.
Dylan: It's okay. I'm pretty handy.
Chelsea: Here. Don't forget your sketch pad.
Dylan: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: You don't know when you're gonna need to draw some more, um...squares and rectangles, you know?
Dylan: Yeah. My specialty.
Chelsea: Yeah. [Chuckles]
Chloe: Squares and rectangles?
Chelsea: It -- you had to be there.
Chloe: Oh, now you have inside jokes?
Chelsea: [Giggles]
Chloe: How cute. So, have you told him how you felt -- that you think that you're falling in l--
Chelsea: Uh, shush! Shush. Its bad enough I already told the guy he's gonna be a dad. I'm not trying to completely chase him away.
Chloe: Oh, come on. That guy's not going anywhere. He as into you as you are into him.
Chelsea: I mean, is this my life? I'm not used to things going so well for me. Adam is finally moving on. I can now move on with probably one of the best men I've ever met. It's crazy.
Chloe: I remember when I felt that way. Dee Dee just got into remission and this place was finally turning a profit and...I felt safe for the first time ever. [Sighs] Didn't last long, huh? But I-I really think that you, Dylan, and the baby really have a great shot at making it work here.
Chelsea: Thanks for helping to make it happen.
Chloe: It helps me out, too. Kevin and I need a fresh start. We finally have our chance.
Alex: That's the best you could do?! I need the surveillance footage from outside the business center.
Kevin: Well, clearly, there is no camera in that corridor.
Alex: Oh, that's great. That's great. They pinch for a few pennies, and I can't figure out who used the computer to e-mail Neil's private info to the GC trash.
Kevin: Buzz. The name of the blog is the GC Buzz.
Alex: Oh, is it? Is it good? Do you read it? Okay, so, I got to got to the Athletic Club and get a list of all the employees and guests who have access to that.
Kevin: Don't say I never gave you anything. You're welcome.
Alex: What?! How did -- how did -- I don't want to know. I don't want to know.
Alex: That's probably for the best.
Alex: Hmm. Okay. You did good. You came through when I needed you.
Kevin: Aww, thanks, Coach. Do I get a gold star?
Alex: Was it always this hard for you to deal with authority? Huh? This painful?
Kevin: Am I here to do my community service or to have my head shrunk?
Alex: Well, no, no. I just want to make sure that the cat burglar isn't out on the prowl.
Kevin: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I already had my "Scared Straight!" Speech, remember? You're talking to a new man.
Alex: Yeah, I've heard that before from every addict that wants to kick the habit.
Kevin: [Sighs]
Billy: I can't tonight, Honey. I've got to get to the restaurant. I've got to close out last month's books.
Victoria: So much for working days so that we can spend nights together.
Billy: Yeah, when I said that, I didn't envision one of those nights being spent with Snidely and Muttley, who, may I point out, you didn't want anything to do with just the other day.
Victoria: Just the other day, I was still wrapped up in the Newman dysfunction.
Billy: And now you're not?
Victoria: No. I'm not. I'm concentrating on my life, and by going tonight, I'm gonna prove to everyone that I'm letting go.
Billy: Or that you haven't.
Adam: Nice to see you again, Melanie. You remember my father.
Melanie: Good evening, Mr. Newman.
Victor: Miss Daniels. Is there a legal matter that we neglected to discuss earlier?
Adam: No, no, no. She's not here in that capacity.
Victor: Oh, I see.
Adam: Uh, you know, I have a full bar. If you want anything to drink, help yourself.
Melanie: Thanks.
Adam: Sure.
Victor: What's she doing here?
Adam: I don't want you to give me a hard time, Dad, okay?
Victor: I'm not giving you a hard time at all. I think it's...very good to see, you know? You're following my advice and expanding your horizons, Son.
Adam: Yeah, well, don't be expecting me to make you a father-in-law any time soon, okay?
Victor: No, no, no, no. I don't expect a damn thing. But you making a viable life for yourself -- that's important, okay?
[Doorbell rings]
Adam: That couldn't possibly be the doorbell I just heard.
Victor: Now, what did I tell you? Huh?
Adam: Nikki. Nicholas. Come on in. Nice to see you.
Victor: My darling, don't you look absolutely beautiful?
Nikki: Hi, Darling. Thank you.
Victor: [Smooches] Stunning. Look at you. Son, I'm happy you came.
Nick: Thanks.
Adam: Oh, yes. Especially since I thought you were shunning all things Newman.
Nick: I have my own reasons for showing up. And you are actually at the top of that list.
Avery: Uh, if Nick discussed our relationship with you, you must have done something to provoke him.
Phyllis: Um...no. Just a good, old-fashioned heart-to-heart.
Avery: About me.
Phyllis: Well... [Chuckles] About Summer. Y-you know how parents reminisce about their children, and -- oh, yeah. That's actually something you don't know. But that's what we do. We reminisce about our children, and he made me dinner.
Avery: He made you dinner?
Phyllis: Yeah. It was really sweet. He cooked. [Chuckles] I don't know. We just talked about Summer graduating from high school and how did we get here.
Avery: Mm, and remembering all the extraordinary times, I'm sure.
Phyllis: Yeah, we did, actually. We talked about some times we weren't very proud of, as well. It was -- it was just nice. It was nice. It was a nice conversation. Um, we weren't arguing.
Avery: Well, it seems like you and Nick are in a really good place now.
Phyllis: We are. We're in a great place. It's so wonderful. I want him to be happy.
Avery: Even if that's with me.
Phyllis: Well, I'm not gonna be your bridesmaid. [Chuckles]
Avery: Okay.
Phyllis: I mean, if there is a wedding, 'cause I don't...see you wearing your ring.
Avery: That must thrill you to no end.
Phyllis: Actually, it doesn't, Avery. I've been thinking a lot. All that anger and resentment, what did that get me? You know what I mean? A momentary high or payback because you turned your back on me and took Dad's side instead -- what does that get me, holding on to all that? I'm sort of learning from Summer -- you know, her coming of age. I think I'm doing the same thing. But maybe I'll get a jab in here and there.
Avery: [Chuckles] I'm sure you will.
Phyllis: I don't want to live like that anymore.
Avery: Phyllis, are you and I ever gonna have a chance to be sisters?
Phyllis: Aww, you're so sweet. You always see the glass as half full.
Avery: No, I think some people are naturally wired that way, and I think some people make that happen for themselves. I really do want what's best for you.
Phyllis: Oh, I know. I think Jack is what's best for me. I'm just starting to realize that.
Jack: Just because Traci is moving out doesn't mean Phyllis is gonna be moving back in.
Abby: Why, now that Aunt Traci isn't here to give her a hard time?
Jack: I'm not sure it's Traci that chased Phyllis away. She may have had a real good case of cold feet. And they say men are afraid of relationships.
Abby: Oh, I think it's an equal-opportunity disease.
Jack: [Chuckles] Any advice?
Traci: What, from me? Oh, I'm no expert.
Jack: What do you mean? You and Steve are as solid as they get.
Abby: Um, you know what? As, uh, fascinating as your love life is, Uncle Jack, I have a Newman family gathering to get to. Crossing my fingers there won't be gunfire this time. [Chuckles]
Traci: [Chuckles]
Jack: Bye, Kid.
Abby: Good luck with everything. And I will see you later, Roomie.
Traci: Bye, Sweetie.
Abby: Bye.
Jack: Okay. Want to tell me what that was about?
Traci: No. No.
Jack: If you ever do...
Traci: Oh, I know, Jack. You have always been there for me.
Jack: I always will be. Always.
Adam: Nicholas, you sure I can't interest you in a cheese cube? Look, is this the part where you get angry with me and say I took advantage of Dad, read me the riot act, you steel your jaw, make some threats?
Nick: No, Adam. Actually, I came here to give you some props. Looks like you turned out to be the right Newman to run this company.
Victor: I don't think they're exchanging pleasantries or planning a family vacation together, do you?
Nikki: Well, the way Nicholas was talking earlier, who knows? Something's going on with him. I just wish I knew what it was.
Victor: Really?
Nick: I've been thinking a lot about family lately and how we relate to each other.
Adam: I'm your brother. Victoria and Abby are your sisters. I could draw a chart.
Nick: No, don't get it twisted. Every time I'm around you, it takes everything in me not to find something heavy and crack you over the skull with it.
Adam: Now, that is the Nicholas I know and love.
Nick: But you and Dad went from all-out war to being partners. That seems to be working. You seem to get along.
Adam: Well, do you see a day in the future where you and I could set aside our differences?
Nick: Look, Adam, if you were on fire right now, I wouldn't be looking very hard for water. But I respect the relationship that you and Dad are working on. I think it's good for both of you, and I want you to know that I won't do anything to get in the way of that.
Adam: I appreciate that, Nicholas.
Nick: I know what it's like to be in sync with Dad, when everything's working and, despite all the grumbling, you feel like he's got your back. Feels good, doesn't it? As far as I'm concerned, the father/child relationship is damn near sacred. And I won't do anything to disrupt that.
Adam: Working on Father's day card material already, I see.
Nick: And besides, with you and Dad so tight right now, it gives me and Victoria a chance to get out from under Dad's shadow, make a life of our own.
Victoria: Maybe Newman is not completely out of my system.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: But when something has been a part of you for so long, getting away from it would be like me trying to change the color of my eyes.
Billy: Yeah, well, when you put it like that...
Victoria: And, actually, the real reason that we need to be there is because Mom begged us to. And you wouldn't want to disappoint her, would you -- the woman who risked Dad's wrath to support our marriage?
Billy: I'll get my suit.
Victoria: I'll tell Hannah that we're leaving.
Billy: Okay. [Clears throat] Hey, Ken. Count me out tonight. I'll win it all back. You know, there are other games in town, you know? I know yours are the best. You and I will just have to pick up where we left off the other night. All right.
Avery: Hi.
Nick: Hey. [Smooches]
Avery: Sorry I'm late. Why is my junior counsel here?
Victor: Well, it seems Adam invited her this afternoon, and they seem to have hit it off. She came in your place, you know?
Avery: Yes, well, the heavy lifting had been done. I just needed some signatures on the documents.
Victor: Those were very important documents, weren't they? I think they would have warranted your appearance as chief counsel, don't you think?
Avery: Uh, about that. I have been giving Melanie more responsibility these days -- preparing her, I guess you could say.
Victor: Uh-huh. For what?
Nick: You're not the only one interested in taking your business private again.
Avery: Yes. I am thinking of starting my own practice, but don't worry. I will leave you in very good hands.
Victor: Well, I'll be damned. Okay.
Billy: You know what? Can you excuse me? I need a drink.
Victoria: Well, I got to hand it to you, Adam. You managed to pull off your coup.
Adam: Well, I couldn't have done it without you, Victoria.
Chloe: [Sighs] [Chuckles] Junk. Junk. [Sighs] Catsuit. [Vocalizing]
[Chloe remembering]
Kevin: [Chuckles] Nice.
Chloe: You likey?
Kevin: I lovey.
Chloe: No. I'm not hitting on you.
Kevin: What?
Chloe: This is my stakeout outfit. Look. I'm so -- I'm so sexy and so sneaky. It's so me.
Kevin: [Chuckles] Stakeout? But that plan is dead.
[Back to present]
Chloe: [Sighs] This is serious -- serious junk. [Sighs]
Alex: So, what are your plans when you get out of here?
Kevin: I don't know. Pretty sure I can find something else I can fail miserably at.
Alex: That's the spirit. Hey, at least you and Chloe have Crimson Lights.
Kevin: Had. We just sold it.
Alex: You did?! Wait, so...does this mean that I actually get a good cup of coffee now?
Kevin: Okay. Settle down, Detective. You're getting on my nerves now.
Alex: [Chuckles] That's awesome. 'Cause, you know, I was gonna put in a good word, maybe get you a job here.
Kevin: As a cop?
Alex: [Laughs] No. Recruitment may be down, but we're not that desperate. No, I mean like a...computer... specialist geek kind of, you know...
Kevin: So, you mean like a glorified secretary?
Alex: Yeah. You can wear your skirt, and a decent salary. What do you think?
Kevin: I think no. That's not gonna keep my wife in diamonds.
Alex: It's not gonna keep your wife in what?
Kevin: Diamonds. It's a figure of speech.
Alex: Okay. Looky here, Fisher, if, um -- if you're thinking that, uh, "Hey, I'll pull off one last heist. You know, the big one so I never have to steal again," think again. Because the cold, hard truth is that most criminals get caught.
Kevin: Most. But not all. Every now and again, a smart one will get away with it. But, as you've already pointed out, I'm not that smart.
[Keyboard clacking]
Chelsea: Yeah, that's brilliant. Anything that makes people feel more homey will attract more customers, you know?
Dylan: Yeah. I just -- I want people to feel comfortable, you know, somewhere they can come and maybe sit around a fire and talk about what's going on in the world.
Chelsea: Like a meeting house.
Dylan: Or the pubs the sons of liberty used to gather in...with coffee instead of beer.
Chelsea: "Come to Crimson Lights and start a revolution"?
Dylan: Guess that sucked.
Chelsea: Yeah.
[Both chuckle]
Dylan: Crimson Lights really doesn't fit.
Chelsea: Hmm.
Dylan: Um...what if I call it something brewing?
Chelsea: Too much of a mouthful.
Dylan: The daily grind?
Chelsea: Mm, you don't want to remind people how hard life is.
Dylan: Good point. You mind if I just keep bouncing names off you? Maybe, you know, if we keep working together, we can find a name that works.
Chelsea: Yeah. Well, while we're on the subject of names, I was wondering if you've thought of any you would...want to call our baby.
Adam: I'm surprised you made it out for the night. I thought you'd be at home with the kiddos.
Nikki: Excuse me. You don't mind if I borrow my daughter for a minute.
Adam: You just try tearing her away.
Victoria: [Scoffs] He's so slimy. I'm surprised he hasn't grown scales.
Nikki: All right. Don't worry about him. We need to talk about your paintings. I have a fabulous idea.
Victoria: Mom, you're not gonna suggest that I try to sell them, are you?
Nikki: No, no. You've been using these to encourage Johnny to tell stories, right? Well, what if we show them to other children and ask what is on their mind when they view them, and then we can put them all in one book. "Picture This," we could call it, or "A Picture's Worth."
Victoria: Mom... I mean, I guess that sounds amazing.
Nikki: It's a great idea, and I've already talked to Traci about it. She's gonna pitch it to her publisher.
Victoria: I guess it kind of sounds like something I might be able to sink my heart into.
Nikki: Oh, well, of course it is.
Victoria: [Sighs] Okay.
Abby: Well, gee, Uncle Billy, you look really glad to be here.
Both: Not. [Chuckling]
Victor: May I have your attention, please? I'm very happy that all of you came today. It is especially important for me that my children be here on this rather momentous occasion. Let's get to the point. As of today, Newman Enterprises is once again in the sole possession of the Newman family.
Abby: Yay.
Nick: All right.
Victor: So, you all know that one Newman is rather formidable, but a whole group of us, I think, would be unstoppable. So, although Adam and I will be at the helm of the company currently, that doesn't mean that the rest of you aren't invited to join us any time you feel like it. Okay?
Adam: To Newman Enterprises.
Victor: Most importantly, the Newman family. Cheers.
Victoria: Cheers.
Nikki: Cheers.
Victor: It's a happy day indeed.
Nick: It is. I'm gonna make it a lot happier. I hate to shanghai your party, but I also have an announcement.
Victor: You do?
Nick: Yes. And I wanted to make it here in front of my family, because it will affect all of you. But Avery and I...are getting married.
Victor: Well... my goodness. Well, cheers.
Nick: Cheers.
Abby: Cheers.
Victoria: Cheers.
Avery: [Chuckles]
Jack: No. I got it. I got it. My back's not that bad. Hey.
Phyllis: Hey. You going somewhere?
Traci: Yeah. Don't be so excited. I'm leaving here, but not Genoa City. [Chuckles]
Jack: She's moving in with Abby.
Phyllis: Wow. Wow. You didn't say anything to me when you came to apologize.
Jack: You apologized?
Traci: Yeah. It seemed like the right thing to do. And speaking of that, I think I better get going. Jack, I love you.
Jack: I love you, too. [Smooches] Come on. I'll get the door.
Traci: Okay. Bye.
Phyllis: Bye.
Jack: Call me once you're settled?
Traci: Yep.
Jack: Wow. That was some timing.
Phyllis: Yeah. It wouldn't matter if Traci were here or not. Um, it wouldn't change what I came to tell you.
Nick: Let me restate. Avery and I getting married, if she will have me.
Avery: Yes. Yes. I will have you.
[All exclaiming, laughing]
Nikki: How about that?
Victoria: Wow. [Laughter] That's a beautiful ring.
Nikki: Congratulations.
Avery: Thank you.
Nikki: I'm so happy for you.
Avery: Thank you. Thank you.
Billy: Damn it.
Victoria: Isn't it wonderful?
Billy: Yeah, wonderful. What? Hmm?
Victoria: Nick and Avery are getting married. It's wonderful.
Billy: Oh, yeah. You're right. I should go offer them my condolences. I kid. I kid. Ha, ha, ha. Hey, man. Congrats.
Melanie: I've never even come close to getting engaged. I can't imagine what it's like to love someone so much that you want to spend the rest of your life with them.
Chelsea: Have you done any thinking about it?
Dylan: Uh...what to call him or her? Well, you know, I didn't want to be presumptuous.
Chelsea: [Chuckling] So, I-it hasn't even crossed your mind? Not even once?
Dylan: Uh, maybe once. Or twice. Or every 10 minutes of every day.
Chelsea: [Laughs] Same -- same here. I'm always, um -- I'm always thinking about names right before I go to sleep. And then I have a list of several in my head, and I want to call you and ask you, but it's -- it's like 3:00 in the morning, and I don't want to wake you up.
Dylan: You can, any time, you know that.
Chelsea: For some reason, I have a list of 100 names, but they're all girls' names. Yeah. So, when I think I want something really ethereal, I think I like Willow, but then I start to think maybe I want her to have a really strong name, like Scarlet.
Dylan: Scarlett. Yeah, no one's gonna mess with a girl named Scarlett.
Chelsea: Right?
Dylan: Right.
Chelsea: But then I start thinking -- just when I was set on Scarlett, then I start thinking maybe I want something more...simple. Traditional. Emily.
Dylan: Emily. I like Emily. Emily Lawson.
Chelsea: I was thinking... Emily McAvoy.
Abby: And then Dad and Adam announced that they were taking over the world, and Nick got engaged. It's gonna be pretty hard to top that.
Alex: Wait...why do we have to top that?
Abby: We just have to. Don't worry. We'll think of something.
Alex: Well, how about, uh, we go to your house?
Abby: Oh...Aunt Traci. What about your place?
Alex: I told you, it's a dump and the mattress is lumpy. Remember?
Abby: I'm totally fine with a lumpy mattress as long as you're on it.
Alex: That's the right answer.
Abby: Mm.
[Telephone rings]
Alex: Chavez. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I'll be right there.
Abby: No lumpy mattress for us?
Alex: No. We got a 459 in the Heights.
Abby: 459?
Alex: Burglary.
Abby: Oh.
Alex: Yeah.
Kevin: [Sighs]
Chloe: It's weird, isn't it? It's like suddenly being a stranger in your own home.
Kevin: Pretty soon, it's gonna be just another building.
Chloe: What happened between the time you left here and now?
Kevin: Just decided not to fight it. What's done is done.
Chloe: Not exactly. I found some more stuff in the back. Guess what I found.
Kevin: Jimmy Hoffa.
Chloe: My catsuit.
Kevin: Really?
Chloe: Don't even. I threw it away. I'm just telling you to remind you of what it cost us. In fact, in honor of starting over, I am gonna dig it out of the trash and I'm gonna make a ceremony out of burning it.
Dylan: You -- you want the baby to have -- have my name?
Chelsea: Would that be okay?
Dylan: Uh...my -- my pop would have loved it. You know, he always wanted grandkids, and, now, I know that he would have been... uh, he would have been great with them, you know? He was never afraid to get dirty when we were playing baseball, fishing, building a tree house. He was just right in there... along with me. [Chuckles] And I'm sure he would have been camped outside the delivery room...
Chelsea: [Chuckles]
Dylan: ...When the baby was born.
Chelsea: [Chuckles]
Dylan: You know, we never really talked about that -- who you want to go through everything with you. I was -- I was thinking -- what, Chloe or your mom?
Chelsea: Oh, God forbid.
Dylan: It's your call, but I would -- I would like to be there if that's --
Chelsea: Of course. Of course I want you there. Or junior and I will never let you hear the end of it. [Chuckles] Yeah.
Nick: Would you like some champagne? I put some in the fridge just in case.
Avery: Oh, did you think I would turn your proposal down?
Nick: The thought had crossed my mind. In fact, it's still there, because you were so quiet on the car ride home. I was starting to think that maybe this was one of those kiss-cam things. You know, where the girl says, "Yes," just because the guy asked her to marry him in front of 40,000 people.
Avery: Why did you ask me to marry you this way?
Nick: Because I wanted to make a statement. I wanted you and everyone else to know how committed I am to you.
Avery: But when we spoke before...
Nick: I hadn't talked to Phyllis yet.
Avery: I don't understand.
Nick: Yeah. Um...the subject of Jack came up -- about how Phyllis was playing it safe and she didn't want to repeat her past and hurt the people that she loved. And I started to give her my "Well, you're wasting your life" speech. I said to myself, "You idiot! I mean, you're not even following your own advice." So, I came home, and I got the ring.
Avery: You know, it's funny. I ran into Phyllis earlier, and she actually made some overtures of friendship. Well, all I can say is it must have been one heck of a conversation you had.
Phyllis: You know, I-I see people go back and forth, you know, with these relationships, and it's, uh... why don't they work? I-I watch Lauren and Michael, and they're perfect for each other and they're struggling, and it just -- it's difficult, especially when one half of the relationship is kind of crazy like I am.
Jack: Whoa. Whoa. Why don't we table this? We don't have to make any life-altering decisions at this minute.
Phyllis: I just don't -- don't want to keep on putting it off.
Jack: What's the rush? You said you're not ready to move in here yet. That's the way it is. I promised you I wouldn't press.
Phyllis: No! Press. Press.
Jack: Are you saying --
Phyllis: Shh. If I want a relationship where no one gets hurt, I should adopt a dog. But they're lousy conversationalists, and you can only teach them so many tricks.
Jack: Well, then, it's a really good thing that I'm a fast learner.
Phyllis: Okay, so, if you'll still have me --
Jack: Welcome home.
Adam: You sure you can't stay a little while longer?
Melanie: [Chuckles] I've got an early morning. But I hope we can do this again soon. Goodnight, Mr. and Mrs. Newman.
Victor: Goodnight, Melanie.
Nikki: Good night.
Adam: Good night.
Nikki: Well, thank you for a lovely evening.
Victor: It was quite a success, Son.
Adam: Yes, it was. And you ready for this? You got yourselves squared off? You were right.
Victor: You mean you are conceding that I was right?
Adam: That might have just happened.
Victor: I'll be damned.
Nikki: Well, I hope you two have many more evenings like this in the future.
Victor: Yes.
Adam: Well, I'm planning on it.
Victor: Thank you, Son. Well done.
Nikki: Good night.
Victor: We'll show ourselves out.
Adam: Good night, you two.
Nikki: Why does he always come off like he has some secret agenda? Victoria is certain of it.
Victor: Sweetheart, nothing he does stays a secret from me, okay?
Nikki: Good.
Victor: Let us go, my darling. You look beautiful tonight.
Adam: It's me. Everything went according to plan.
Victoria: Did you even hear anything that I said?
Billy: Uh...yeah. You bought a painting and a book for Johnny. Great.
Victoria: You know, honestly, I don't even know why I bother. I-I mean, I'm obviously not as interesting as whatever it is you're thinking about...or whoever.
Billy: Wow. I'm sorry. What are you talking about?
Victoria: You're always away, Billy. Even when you're here, you're not here.
Billy: Honey, I'm running a restaurant. That takes a lot of work. It takes a lot of time.
Victoria: That's always the excuse that you use -- whenever you're late, whenever you say you're gonna be someplace when you're actually someplace else, whenever you're on one of your secretive phone calls.
Billy: Secretive phone calls?
Victoria: Yes. I heard you earlier talking about picking up where you left off like you were gonna be meeting someone at a hotel. [Sighs]
Billy: No, Honey. No, no, no, no, no. That -- that was a bartender. Remember the guy I got a lead on? I'm setting up a second interview.
Victoria: How many interviews does a bartender need?
Billy: You'd be surprised. This mixology thing is like an art form now. Whoo-hoo.
Victoria: Billy, you know, if I didn't know better, I would say that you're having an affair.
Billy: Okay, calm down. You're being paranoid. Knock it off. Stop doing that.
Victoria: Well, then, you stop being so sneaky.
Billy: I love you, but I'm going to bed. This is ridiculous, okay? [Scoffs] Affair. Come on.
Dylan: How about true brew, I think?
Chelsea: For the name of the baby?
Dylan: [Chuckles] Okay. Central -- central perk.
Chelsea: Oh, sure. Yes. That's a great idea, and then we'll just change our names to Chandler and Monica.
Dylan: Okay.
Chelsea: That's a good one.
Dylan: What about, um, just perks or brewed awakening? Or -- wait a minute! I got it! It's, uh...brew haha! Ha. No.
Chelsea: You're -- you're gonna keep this up all night, aren't you?
Dylan: I guess it's getting late, and, uh...I should take you home. Or...not.
Nick: So, you never answered me, you know, about the kiss-cam thing. Did I make it impossible for you to say no?
Avery: Honestly, it was impossible to say no.
Nick: Damn. I'm sorry I put you in that position.
Avery: It was impossible because there's nothing that I want more than to be your wife. So, didn't matter where you asked me or how you asked me. A kiss cam, a flash mob, a ring inside an easy-bake oven -- the answer was always yes. Till the day I die, yes.
Nick: An easy-bake oven. An easy-bake oven! Why didn't I think of that? It would have been perfect.
Avery: Shut up and kiss me, Newman.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Zoe: So, you're Noah's mom.
Sharon: I am.
Phyllis: What are you plotting?
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